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Please list the responsibilities of the parent/guardian when traveling with a Child Restraint Seat (CRS)?

- Fits the child/infant properly - Functions and is free of defects - Is properly restrained to the seat - Restrains the child/infant properly

List 3 requirements the flight attendant jumpseat must meet during preflight?

- If a flight attendant station is inoperative or unusable, notify the PIC immediately. -Maintenance will place a sign stating FLIGHT ATTENDANT USE ONLY" on the seat. Maintenance will label the jump-seat "INOP" -Seat 1A is designed for FLIGHT ATTENDANT USE ONLY.

In the event that a crew member has not received the required Revisions and/or Alert Bulletins needed __ to the __ they are to contact __ so that the issue may be investigated,

10 days prior to the compliance date, contact inflight services.

How many hours may a flight attendant be scheduled for duty?

14 hours or less

How old must you be to sit in an emergency exit seat?

15 years old

How many chapters are there in the flight attendant manual?


A flight attendant must have at least __ consecutive hours off during any __consecutive calendar days.

24 hrs / 7 days

Once a child has reached his/her __ they are required to have an approved seat and approved safety belt.

2nd birthday

There must be __ infant life vest on board.


When the beverage cart is in use, the flight attendant should not be more than ____ rows away from it at any time.

3 rows

What is the maximum number of cabin pets allowed in the cabin?


Flight Attendant Manual

A primary user manual for the Inflight Department. Company personnel will use this manual in the course of their duties

What is the definition of sterile flight deck?

A procedure that is in effect during the Critical Phases of Flight, during which no communication with the flightdeck is attempted except in the event of an emergency or unusual circumstances.

What is the list if Effective Pages (LEP)?

An LEP, beginning at "Master List of Effective Pages" is issued for the original and all revisions to this (FAM) manual.

What is CIL?

Are issued periodically to simplify company business and to transmit information not required to be in the FAM.

Name the passengers we CANNOT serve alcoholic beverages to..

Armed Law enforcement, Under the age of 21, Federal Marshals, Cabin/flight desk jump seat riders, in or out of uniform and crew members on duty

No person may __________, _____________, ________________, or _____________ with a crew-member in the performance of the crew-member's duties aboard an aircraft being operated under this part (14 CFR 121)

Assault, Threaten, Intimidate or Interfere

What does a black vertical change bar in the outside margin indicate and when they are deleted?

Black vertical bars in the outside margin are used to highlight the location of revised or deleted information on a newly published page. With the next revision of a page previous change bars are deleted.

A __ is an instruction about a hazard, if ignored, could result in damage to an aircraft component or system. It addresses specific methods and procedures that must be followed to avoid damage to equipment.


What are the current Alert Bulletins?

Check comply 365 or website for correct answer.

What is the current revisions of the flight attendant manual?

Check comply 365 or website for correct answer.


Code of Federal Regulations

How can a flight attendant check for the correct revision number?

Comply 365 app on FA tablet by checking the FA daily messages


Department of Transportation

The success of the company manual system?

Depends on employees and contractors bringing professional insights to bear on its procedures and polices. The company welcomes and encourages such communication to ensure the company operates at peak performance.

If the user identifies and policy or procedure that might not be consistent with a CFR that information must immediately communicated to the __ using the __ through the __

Director of inflight service using the company website through the inflight service page, locating "contact inflight services" at

The information in your flight attendant manual cannot cover every situation or answer every question about the flight attendant position. should you gave questions about the correctness intent or need clarification you can contact?

Director of inflight services

Hearing aids

During all phases of flight

Personal Digital Cameras

During all phases of flight


During all phases of flight

heart pacemaker

During all phases of flight

Definition of exit seat ?

Each seat has direct access to an exit and each seat is in a row of seats through which passengers would have to pass to gain access to an exit. Seats separated from exits by galley units, lavatories, closets, aisleways.

How will flight attendants be notified of Manual Revision?

Electronic Mail, Notification on the company website, Electronic Fam, Revisions and Alert Bulletins are distributed to the FA tablet via Comply 365

The __ is available and accessible to all departments when performing their assigned duties. In addition to access to the company web site, when on duty, Inflight Services personnel must carry an manual. __ __ __

Fam. Immediately accessible, current manual.


Federal Aviation Administration


Federal Aviation Regulation

If the captain becomes incapacitated during flight or is absent during flight, authority is delegated in which order?

First officer and then the flight attendant

What must be closed and locked at all times during flight?

Flight-deck door

What form must an FAA inspector show the flight attendant in order to receive free and uninterrupted access to the flight deck?

Form AAA 110A

List one reason you would file a Cabin Safety Report regarding PEDs.

If the device is not one of the exceptions listed, and the passenger refuses to stop using it.

Car seat with approved labels

May be used at all times on the aircraft

Child Aviation Restraint system (CARES)

May be used at all times on the aircraft.


May not be stowed within the cabin on any piedmont aircraft

Internal Evaluation Program (IEP)

Monitors and analyzes the performance and effectiveness of company programs

CB/HAM Radios

Never onboard the airplane

electronic cigarettes

Never onboard the airplane

A _ provides amplified information, instruction or emphasis. It calls attention to methods that enable a user to perform a job more easily or wisely. If applied to consecutive procedural steps, is places under the topic heading for the steps.


What color are Alert Bulletins?


personal items

Overhead bin or beneath the seat in front of them.

If the flight attendant jump-seat becomes inoperative, who should you inform?


The __ is responsible for the safe conduct of the flight.


Director of Inflight Services

Person responsible for the quality and content of the FAM

A crew member may leave the flight deck during flight for what 2 reasons?

Physiological reasons The safe operation of the aircraft

flight attendant are responsible to perform __ of emergency equipment to ensure the condition for continued serviceability and immediate readiness.


The manual is considered the __ and must be __ in the event of the users __

Property of the company, relinquished to the company, retirement, termination or transfer.


Text that provides pertinent background or further carries the policy or specific procedural step.

What does the Flight Attendant Manual provide on a routine basis?

The Fam provides policies and procedures for evaluation of the inflight service department and personnel on a routine basis.

What dose the hand point symbol identify?

The point within the policies and procedures designed as, "control" by MGMT are identified by the symbol.

What item must each person on board the aircraft that has reached their second birthday have before the aircraft can begin movement?

Their own seat


Transportation Security Administration


Transportation Security Regulation

Consuming alcoholic beverages after an aircraft accident is prohibited until released by an authorized company rep or designee


If a passenger requires oxygen or other life support systems, we must refuse transport.


Passengers are not permitted to consume their own alcoholic beverages onboard Piedmont Airlines/American aircraft.


Piedmont Airlines cannot refuse transportation to any customer with a disability, except for those who conduct or condition that threatens the safety of other passengers.


The cabin/cockpit inter phone system must be operative for operation?


When transporting large and unusual items, the seat is counted as part of the passenger count.


The company will consider locally printer pages as an __. These papers __ __ may be authorized for limited time use until an electronic FAM can be accessed.

Uncontrolled copy/uncontrolled copies

If there are more PAX on board than floatation devices the FA is to advise CA and CSA resolution can the plane fly with 4 lap children and 28 adults?

Yes (plane has 50 seats)

Where can large and unusual articles be placed?

a non-exit row, window seat, and the passenger must be seated adjacent to the article

Where are the permitted locations of a child restraint seat (CRS)?

are approved for use for all phases of the flight

How do we deplane passengers during a fuel spill?

follow directions of the PIC

Inflight services personnel must carry ____ manual.

immediately accessible, current manual

Belly extensions attached to the parent

may NOT be used during taxi, take-off, landing.

Booster Seat

may NOT be used during taxi, take-off, landing.

How many flight attendants are required for every seats on board the aircraft?


Prisoners must be seated away from?

over-wing exits & doors

List all conditions, FA will ensure that all __ are __ in approved areas prior to closure of aircraft door.

personal items are properly stowed

What kind of manual is the FAM?


List the people that may be admitted to the flight deck of the aircraft.

-Company crew member -Secret Service Agent with proper credentials assigned duties on that aircraft. -FAA Inspector with (Form 110A). -Department of Defense (DOD) commercial air carrier evaluator with (Form 110B) or an authorized rep of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) performing official duties. -US Gov employee, an aeronautical employee or certificate holder employee who has the permission of the caption and whose duties relate to flight operations. -A person with the captins permission as well as compant and FAA authorization. Passengers requesting to visit the flightdeck prior to depature or upon deplaning are permitted only with the captains permision. -Department of Transportation (DOT) officials with proper credentials and paperwork requesting FAA access to the flightdeck. -Must ride : Jumpseaters (e.g maintenance personel) with the proper credentials are to have unresctricted access with the flightdeck, regardless of the presence of the flight crew.

According to FARs, flight attendants can only be in the aisle during taxi only to perform safety related duties. Please list:

-Departure announcement -Individual Safety Briefings -Checking seat belts; -Proper stowage of personal items; -Checking stowed position of personal items; -Collection of cups, and other galley supplies; -Responding to a cabin emergency; - All other FAA requirements

What are the FAR required items that a flight attendant must have in their possession when reporting for duty?

-Electronic FAM -Airline Employee Photo Identification Cards

For the purpose of calculating duty time limitation and rest requirements the following shall be considered duty time.

-Entire duration of any flight -dead head time -training periods -admin office time

The FAM is revised and maintained in current status by the __ in accordance with the policies and procedures specified in this chapter. 1.6

Inflight Service

What is the definition of Critical Phases of flight?

Involves all operation below 10,000 feet with the exception of level cruise including taxi, takeoff, and landing.

Crutches and canes

It May be stored in an approved stowage compartment or lengthwise against the fuselage at a non-emergency exit window seat.

Orthotic Positioning Device (OPD)

It May be used at all times on the aircraft

TV set

Never onboard the airplane

Report to the aircraft with sufficient time to conduct __ and security inspection (if required). Report any discrepancies to the captain immediately.

Required preflight

means the period free from all restraint or duty from the company

Rest Period

Each __ contains a summary reflecting important information concerning the revision.


The flight attendant's jump seat is inoperative or unusable, the flight attendant will sit in?

Seat 1A

federal law prohibits __, __, or __ any smoke detector in any aircraft lavatory,

Tampering, disabling, destroying.


Text providing guidance regarding the goals or standards of the organization.


Text that provides a listing of the possible considerations when accomplishing a task


Text that provides a specific order of accomplishment of series.

Flexible Travel Canes

Under a series of connected seats. Non-emergency exit window seat, in an overhead bin.

A __ is an instruction about a hazard, if ignored, could result in injury, loss of the aircraft control or loss of life.


What is the purpose of Alert Bulletins?

When circumstances require a special revision on a time-critical basis, an Alert bulletin may be issued to the Flight Attendant Manual. Alert Bulletins will be posted to the manual and will follow the standards pursuant to Paragraph 1.7.1

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