IN Praxis 5007

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Which of the following statements best describes a student who has acquired proficiency in reading automaticity? A. The student effortlessly processes, decodes, and understands the written words in a text. B. The student reads sustained text with natural expression and appropriate phrasing. C. The student recognizes text structure, apprehends meaning, and understands the author's purpose. D. The student adjusts reading rate based on comprehension demands and genre of the text.

Option (A) is correct. Automaticity refers to a student's ability to process, decode, and understand written words without effort.

A fourth-grade teacher plans a lesson to analyze the Pilgrims' voyage to the New World from England in search of religious freedom in the seventeenth century. The teacher then incorporates an extension activity based on an article on current events to help students compare the Pilgrims with European immigrants leaving their countries in the 1800s for better economic opportunities. Which of the following is the teacher most likely attempting to accomplish through the lesson? A. Demonstrating how themes from the past recur in modern times B. Revealing that solving problems from the past prevented them from recurring C. Illustrating how people's attitudes toward immigration changed over time D. Focusing on how countries change their policies based on past events

Option (A) is correct. Both the historical lesson and the modern link demonstrate why people move from their homes in search of other, better lands. This is a theme that recurs over time and in many contexts.

A teacher is planning a sorting activity with the following list of spelling words. trot drop plum frog club glee dress fluff sled flop cross slob plot gruff dream truck Which of the following language concepts will the list of words best be used to reinforce? A. Consonant blends B. Short e vowel sound C. R-controlled vowels D. Double consonants

Option (A) is correct. Consonant blends are groups of two or three consonants in a word that each make a distinct consonant sound. Each word on the list begins with a consonant blend, including the "tr" in the word "trot" and the "gl" in the word "glee."

After completing a unit on citizenship, a fifth-grade teacher asks students to design a community service project. Which of the following student projects most accurately fulfills the end-of-unit assignment? A. Collecting paper trash from neighbors to take to the local recycling plant B. Helping to wash cars as a fund-raiser for the class field trip C. Contacting the state senator from the district about creating a new park D. Volunteering to do more tasks at home to help the family

Option (A) is correct. Helping neighbors with their trash by taking paper trash to a local recycling plant demonstrates responsible citizenship.

A fifth-grade teacher develops a lesson around the communitarian idea that societies must balance the rights and responsibilities of individuals with the common good. Which of the following instructional tools is the best source to support the objective? A. A video featuring the six essential elements of democracy B. A time line showing important events from 1750 to 1800 C. A map of the thirteen original colonies with the dates when they were formed D. A Venn diagram comparing clothing of indigenous peoples and European settlers

Option (A) is correct. In order to understand that societies must balance the rights and responsibilities of individuals with the common good, students must understand the essential elements of democracy. Showing the students a video of the six elements of democracy will help them learn the concepts.

Which of the following strategies best uses geography skills to engage students in inquiry-based learning? A. Plotting a national landmark using its latitude and longitude and answering the five "W" questions about the landmark B. Using a globe to identify latitude and longitude lines for various locations C. Completing a worksheet focused on latitude and longitude lines, then taking a brief knowledge check D. Taking notes during a teacher-directed lecture on latitude and longitude lines

Option (A) is correct. Inquiry-based learning includes the collection, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of information. This activity includes all of these components.

A fifth-grade teacher is beginning a unit on the Industrial Revolution. Which of the following was an effect of the Industrial Revolution on the United States? A. An increase in urbanization and immigration B.A decrease in the construction of railroads C. An increase in the population of rural areas D. A decrease in the number of women in the workforce

Option (A) is correct. New and efficient manufacturing techniques created opportunities for low-skilled workers to come to rapidly urbanizing areas.

Before European exploration in North America, which of the following types of weapon was used by indigenous people to hunt small game? A. Stone spearhead B. Firearm C. Metal sword D. Steel trap

Option (A) is correct. Spears with barbed points were weapons the indigenous people developed with natural resources such as stones.

A third-grade teacher starts a lesson on the first methods used to obtain goods and services to meet individual needs. Which of the following is the most appropriate classroom activity related to the topic? A. Trading goods with classmates without the use of currency B. Reading an informational article about world currencies independently C. Using an online currency converter to learn about exchange rates D. Estimating the cost of household goods during a specific time period

Option (A) is correct. The barter system was used to exchange goods and services prior to the introduction of currencies. Through this method, humans have been able to acquire goods to help meet their needs. The activity is also appropriate for third graders to comprehend.

A kindergarten teacher prepares a literacy activity by writing "_at" on the board, then asks students to come up to the board and place magnetic letters next to "at" to form words. The activity best reinforces students' understanding of which of the following concepts? A. Onset and rime B. Vowels and consonants C. Syllables D. Sight words

Option (A) is correct. The initial letter the students are adding to "at" is called an onset, and the letters "at" are called the rime.

Before reading a new text, a reader identifies the purpose for reading, examines the genre and difficulty of the material, and considers prior knowledge on the topic. These strategies will best help the reader focus on which of the following elements of fluency? A. Rate B. Accuracy C. Prosody D. Automaticity

Option (A) is correct. The rate refers to the speed at which a text is read. Purpose, genre, difficulty, and prior knowledge all affect how quickly a text is read.

The revision stage of the writing process includes which of the following activities? A. Recognizing faulty logic B. Identifying errors in punctuation C. Developing a clear and coherent thesis D. Replacing overused words with more compelling descriptors

Option (A) is correct. The revision process involves making major changes to the writing, which may include revisions to organization, supporting evidence, and other elements of the content.

A teacher writes the following sentence on the board. Although sales can be a lucrative career, if you can't keep your customers, you can lose a lot of money. To best help students determine the meaning of the word "lucrative" in the preceding sentence, the teacher should have the students analyze the A. sentence structure to highlight the contrast B. sentence structure to highlight the analogy C. word structure to identify the root word and prefix D. word structure to identify both parts of the compound word

Option (A) is correct. The syntax of the sentence helps to determine what the word "lucrative" might mean. Using the word "although" and arranging the sentence into two parts makes it clear that whatever "lucrative" means, it must be the opposite of "can lose a lot of money."

A teacher is holding a classroom discussion after a lesson on the ways in which cities develop to meet economic needs. The teacher asks students to brainstorm economic factors that contributed to an increase in the population of cities like New York and Boston during the late 1800s. Which of the following student responses indicates that the student may require additional instruction? A. "People started to move to cities because they wanted to own their own land." B. "People started to move to cities to find work in the factories that were being built." C. "People started to move to cities to more easily sell goods in international markets." D. "People started to move to cities because they couldn't find work in rural areas."

Option (A) is correct. The teacher should focus instruction on the idea that most people did not move to cities with the intention of acquiring land.

The following is a sentence from a student's persuasive essay. When young children skip breakfast, they may not always have the energy they need for school. Which of the following words from the sentence is functioning as a conjunction? A. "When" B. "not" C. "always" D. "for"

Option (A) is correct. The word "When" is functioning as a conjunction because it is connecting the thought in the dependent clause to the thought in the independent clause that follows.

Ms. Brandt is a fourth-grade teacher who is about to start a unit on the physical geography of her state. The content standard requires that students be able to explain changes in physical characteristics over time caused by both human and natural processes. Which of the following should Ms. Brandt consider in her lesson planning to ensure students are able to understand the concept? A. The use of essential questions that are related to the topic B. The amount of understanding her students have about ancient history C. The developmental reasoning abilities of her students D. The ability of her students to accurately complete activities that sequence events in time

Option (A) is correct. To best capture students' attention, teachers ask essential questions related to the topic when planning lessons.

In the word "understatement," which of the following is best identified as the prefix of the word? A. "un-" B. "under-" C. "-state" D. "-ment"

Option (B) is correct. "Under-" is the prefix or beginning of the word.

A third-grade student remarked, "I can't go to the movies with friends because I just spent all of my birthday money on a new video game." Which of the following economic concepts does this statement best illustrate? A. Barter B. Opportunity cost C. Capital resources D. Interest

Option (B) is correct. An opportunity cost is something a person gives up in order to gain something else. In this case, the student gave up going to the movies in order to gain a new video game.

Star light, star bright,First star I see tonight,I wish I may, I wish I might,Have this wish I wish tonight. A first-grade teacher reads the poem to the students. Then the students do a choral reading of the poem with the teacher, and the teacher points to each word as the students say it. Which of the following best describes the objective of the choral reading activity? A. Supporting sight word recognition B. Modeling automaticity and prosody C. Introducing segments and blends D. Demonstrating comprehension strategies

Option (B) is correct. Choral reading increases fluency by demonstrating and practicing automaticity and prosody during reading.

Which of the following groups lists words that are best categorized as kindergarten high-frequency sight words? A. Bite, when, I, car B. Am, to, the, on C. Dog, jump, are, toes D. Jail, tram, see, from

Option (B) is correct. Each of the words in this group relies on the most basic of phonics concepts such as blending phonemes to form short, simple, high-frequency words.

Which of the following elements best helps early emergent readers construct meaning from a narrative book? A. Rich vocabulary B. Realistic illustrations C. Boldface chapter titles D. Few words to a page

Option (B) is correct. Early emergent readers, who have either basic sight vocabulary or no sight vocabulary at all, can learn and assign meaning to narrative plot elements through realistic pictures that tell the story. Wordless picture books are also common for this stage of reading.

(1) [Sentence 1] I've heard that hard work is its own reward. (2) [Sentence 2] I'm not so sure that's true. (3) [Sentence 3] I spent all weekend cleaning up my front and back yards. (4) [Sentence 4] The only reward I have is some pretty painful blisters on my hands. (5) [Sentence 5] I don't know who made up that saying. (6) [Sentence 6] I bet that person didn't have to clean a big yard all alone. Orientation for question. Multiple-choice question with one correct answer choice. For this question, additional information is provided in a reference region that directly precedes the question region. A student rewrites sentence 4 to the following. The only reward I have is a million painful blisters on my hands. The student has improved the sentence by adding which of the following? A. Analogy B. Hyperbole C. Simile D. Onomatopoeia

Option (B) is correct. Hyperbole, or exaggeration, is added to the sentence by changing the phrase "some pretty painful blisters" to "a million painful blisters."

A teacher asks students, "What's cowboy without the cow?" The teacher is promoting which of the following phonological awareness skills? A. Segmenting B. Deletion C. Blending D. Substitution

Option (B) is correct. In the scenario, the teacher is asking students to "delete," or remove, the word part "cow" from the word "cowboy." This will allow the students to hear and understand the remaining word part "boy," leading to their eventual understanding of the compound word parts.

First draft: I was walking down the street on a very dark night. Up ahead I saw a large, old house. I decided to go in. I heard a noise as I slowly climbed the stairs to enter the house. I heard many different sounds when I got into the house. I turned and tried to leave, but the wind shut the front door behind me and I was trapped. Second draft: It was an eerie, moonless night as I walked down the deserted street. Out of the corner of my eye, a monstrous, spooky-looking house taunted me. My curiosity overcame my fear, and I approached the house to investigate. As I climbed the creaking staircase to the dilapidated porch, the howling wind, screeching birds, and rustling trees seemed to whisper in my ear "Don't go in! Turn around!" but I kept climbing. I opened the heavy front door and stepped into the dark, dusty house. Suddenly, my fears made me turn to leave, but the wind swirled around me and blew the heavy door shut with a deafening thud. I was trapped. The revisions made between the first and second drafts best demonstrate the writer's understanding of the relationship between word choice and A. plot development B. mood C. character development D. theme

Option (B) is correct. Mood is the feeling or emotion that a text evokes in the reader. The writer's changes most impact the mood of the paragraph, as they contribute to the audience's feelings of fright.

Which of the following online sources is the most reliable tool for academic research? A. A public, collaborative encyclopedia B. A peer-reviewed journal article containing a complete bibliography C. A well-known scientist's personal blog site D. An informational article that is hosted on the Web site of a reputable business

Option (B) is correct. Peer-reviewed publications, especially those that feature bibliographies, are traditionally considered reliable sources of information.

Which of the following activities will best help students develop articulation skills within oral presentations? A. Reading aloud passages that include persuasive rhetoric B. Reading aloud short rhyming poems, focusing on individual sounds within words C. Reading aloud a script created from an excerpt of a narrative's dialogue D. Reading aloud incomplete sentences, filling in the missing words in an impromptu manner

Option (B) is correct. Rhymes and riddles that build sound awareness will help a student who is struggling with articulation by reinforcing word patterns.

A sixth-grade teacher asks students to complete the following assignment. Design a political cartoon to show the system of checks and balances outlined in the United States Constitution. Write a paragraph explaining the methods and techniques used to convey the political message. To successfully complete the assignment, which of the following is important for the students to know in addition to knowing how to create a political cartoon? A. Specific examples of when presidential pardons were granted or denied B. How each branch of government limits the powers of other branches C. How other countries restrict the powers of government D. Names of current leaders of the three branches of government

Option (B) is correct. Students cannot visualize the checks-and-balances system without knowing ways that each branch of government can limit the powers of other branches of government.

A fourth-grade teacher introduces a civics unit on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship with the following activity. The teacher posts signs with the words RIGHTS and DUTIES at the opposite walls of the room. The teacher flashes photos on the classroom screen of citizens enjoying rights and completing civic duties. As each photo is projected, students walk to the sign that best describes the action being shown. Which of the following is the main purpose of the activity? A. Encouraging students to ask questions about the topic B. Determining students' prior knowledge before instruction C. Helping students participate in collaborative learning D. Involving students in critical thinking skills on the topic

Option (B) is correct. The activity informs the teacher of what students already know about the rights and duties of citizenship.

A history teacher assigns a short writing prompt assessing student knowledge of the impact of women such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony on the abolition movement. Many students submitted responses that misinterpreted the question, often stating that "Americans learned that women should be able to vote in elections." Previous knowledge of which of the following historical developments most likely led students to misinterpret the writing prompt? A. Women were not granted the right to vote until 1920. B. Many abolitionist leaders were also leaders in the woman suffrage movement. C. Women were often responsible for the education of their children. D. Many abolitionist leaders supported the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment.

Option (B) is correct. The most likely historical development to contribute to the students' misinterpretation is the relationship between the abolition and suffrage movements. Many reformers involved in the woman suffrage movement, such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, also sought to abolish slavery in the United States.

Mr. Sen is creating a lesson for his fourth-grade class around the geographic theme of human-environment interaction, which deals with the ways in which geographic locations influence the lives and choices of the people who live in them. Which of the following learning objectives best demonstrates Mr. Sen's understanding of the social studies concept of human-environment interaction? A. Students will be able to write an essay about the limitations geography placed on early explorers in the Americas. B. Students will be able to construct a table describing how different physical features of regions influence architecture and economic activities of residents. C. Students will be able to create a cause-and-effect diagram describing the formation of different landforms. D. Students will be able to describe patterns of immigration, emigration, and distribution of people in a particular region.

Option (B) is correct. The objective is most closely related to the theme of human-environment interaction because it links physical features of regions and how those features influence human activities.

Which of the following pairs of words contains identical onsets? A. Scrape/skirt B. Slip/slime C. Sand/stand D. Sting/sing

Option (B) is correct. The onset of a word is the initial phonological unit, and in the words "slip" and "slime," the onset of "sl" is the same.

The ocean is full of organisms—both plant and animal life—some of which you know, and others you probably haven't ever imagined! These organisms live and work together in the ocean ecosystem; they are important to each other and to the health of the ocean itself. Many of these organisms are at risk because of pollution that finds its way to the ocean. You can help prevent this by joining a local beach cleanup effort, disposing of your own trash when you're at the beach, and reusing and recycling as much as possible, anywhere and anytime. Which of the following organizational structures best describes the passage? A. Description B. Problem/solution C. Spatial D. Compare/contrast

Option (B) is correct. The passage details the importance of the animals and the problem with pollution, and it ends with a solution.

In an introductory lesson on the United States federal government, a second-grade teacher asks the students to compare the jobs of the school's principal and vice principal to the jobs of the president and vice president of the United States. The lesson best introduces which of the following concepts about the United States government? A. The three branches of the federal government B. The role of the executive branch of government C. The process by which elected representatives create laws D. The system of checks and balances

Option (B) is correct. The teacher is asking students to relate the jobs of the school principals to the jobs of the president and vice president of the United States in order to help them develop a basic understanding of the roles and responsibilities of executive offices.

(1) [Sentence 1] I've heard that hard work is its own reward. (2) [Sentence 2] I'm not so sure that's true. (3) [Sentence 3] I spent all weekend cleaning up my front and back yards. (4) [Sentence 4] The only reward I have is some pretty painful blisters on my hands. (5) [Sentence 5] I don't know who made up that saying. (6) [Sentence 6] I bet that person didn't have to clean a big yard all alone. Which of the following revisions most improves the flow of the narrative by blending two sentences? A. Sentences 1 and 2, which would read: I've heard that hard work is its own reward, and I'm not so sure that's true. B. Sentences 5 and 6, which would read: I don't know who made up that saying, but I bet that person didn't have to clean a big yard all alone. C. Sentences 4 and 5, which would read: The only reward I have is some pretty painful blisters on my hands, and I don't know who made up that saying. D. Sentences 3 and 4, which would read: I spent all weekend cleaning up my front and back yards, because the only reward I have is some pretty painful blisters on my hands.

Option (B) is correct. The two sentences contain related ideas and are combined using an appropriate conjunction.

It is important to plan for emergencies and slack periods when operating a business. Many small businesses fail because of a lack of capital, or a certain amount of working money, being available. Which of the following explains how the author uses context clues to provide the meaning of the word "capital" in the preceding sentence? A. By using examples B. By providing a definition C. By using descriptive words D. By using opposites

Option (B) is correct. The use of the word "or" indicates the introduction of a definition, and the phrase "a certain amount of working money" completes the definition.

While introducing descriptive writing, a teacher writes the following sentence on the board. The sun was shining on the playground as Jack and Rachel ran to the basketball court. Which of the following revisions best makes the sentence more descriptive? A. The yellow sun was shining on the playground as Jack and Rachel ran to the basketball court. B. The bright sun was shining on the colorful playground as Jack and Rachel ran to the basketball court. C. The sun was out on the playground as Jack and Rachel ran to the basketball court. D. The sun shone on the playground as Jack and Rachel ran to the basketball court.

Option (B) is correct. The word "bright" is added to the word "sun" and the word "colorful" is added to the word "playground," which helps the reader form a picture through the descriptive quality of the words.

Which of the following words is best classified as a high-frequency word for a kindergarten student? A. Across B. You C. Myself D. Since

Option (B) is correct. The word "you" is a commonly used high-frequency sight word in texts at this grade level.

Which of the following lists contains words that can all be broken into distinct morphemes? A. People, water, gentle, pencils B. Unable, kids, playing, biggest C. Children, hope, happy, assertion D. Phone, believe, strengthen, ocean

Option (B) is correct. The words in the list can all be broken down into the following morphemes: un/able, kid/s, play/ing, big/est.

Long ago, the mice had a general council to consider what measures they could take to outwit their common enemy, the Cat. Some said this, and some said that; but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, which he thought would meet the case. "You will all agree," said he, "that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us. Now, if we could receive some signal of her approach, we could easily escape from her. I venture, therefore, to propose that a small bell be procured, and attached by a ribbon round the neck of the Cat. By this means we should always know when she was about, and could easily retire while she was in the neighborhood." This proposal met with general applause, until an old mouse got up and said: "That is all very well, but who is to bell the Cat?" The mice looked at one another and nobody spoke. Then the old mouse said: "It is easy to propose impossible remedies." Based on the passage, the reader can infer that the A. old mouse is angry at the young mouse for proposing the plan B. young mouse did not think the plan through before making the proposal C. old mouse has proposed many possible solutions to the cat problem D. young mouse will become the leader of the group as a result of his innovative plan

Option (B) is correct. This question tests your ability to infer. The young mouse proposed his plan very confidently, but when the old mouse questioned him, the whole group fell silent, showing that they were forced to rethink the young mouse's plan.

Which of the following is a true statement about phonological awareness in literacy development? A. The recognition of sight words depends on the ability to recognize sound blends. B. The decoding of unfamiliar words depends on the ability to associate sounds with written letters. C. The development of reading fluency depends on the ability to connect letter names to sounds. D. The development of reading comprehension depends on the ability to identify written letters by name.

Option (B) is correct. This question tests your knowledge of the foundational element of decoding. The ability to match sounds to individual letters provides the foundation for more complex decoding tasks. Understanding the relationship between the letters in a word and the sound of a word is required for decoding unfamiliar words.

Which of the following parts of a citation is unique to online sources rather than to print-based sources? A. Author's name B. Date the site was accessed C. Number of hits the site has received D. Publisher and original publication date

Option (B) is correct. Web sites change, and the date accessed is crucial in citing Internet sources.

Which of the following learning activities best helps students understand the Founding Fathers' motivation for writing the Declaration of Independence? A. Portraying Thomas Jefferson discussing the issue of slavery with James Madison in a role-play scenario B. Writing a letter to the principal expressing why they believe the new school uniform policy is unfair C. Working with a group of peers to create a poster showing the British what life is like in the New World D. Engaging in a class discussion of England's policy on the western land and the Iroquois neutrality pacts

Option (B) is correct. Writing an opinion letter to the principal reflects the same motivation the Founding Fathers had in writing the Declaration of Independence.

Which of the following is best described as a primary source? A. An article in a magazine B. A nonfiction how-to book C. A diary entry by a historical figure D. An encyclopedia entry

Option (C) is correct. A diary is a primary source because it comes from the historical person and the historical era.

As an introduction to an economics lesson, a teacher uses the example of a small business that prepares to launch a new cereal in the market. The teacher emphasizes that the cereal can only be sold in stores after its ingredients are tested and the nutritional information has been verified by the local and county health agencies. The teacher's example best illustrates which of the following concepts? A. Supply and demand B. Investment C. Regulation D. Corporate taxation

Option (C) is correct. All local and county health agencies have to follow the federal regulations set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This organization ensures the safety of foods before they are marketed to consumers.

In the word "Internet," the segment "inter-" is best defined as which of the following? A. Root word B. Syllable C. Affix D. Phoneme

Option (C) is correct. An affix is a word part that is placed at the beginning or end of a word to alter its meaning. In the example, the segment "inter-," which means "between" or "among," modifies the root word "net." Although the segment "inter" is also a Latin root, it is not the root word here.

A fourth-grade teacher wants students to understand that conducting a comparison of costs and benefits is the best method to use when selecting an item to purchase. Which of the following strategies provides the most effective way of accomplishing this goal? A. Placing four similar items on the teaching station with the same price tags and asking the students to choose one, then explain their choices B. Asking students to provide a graphical representation of marginal cost and benefit of a product as a cost-benefit analysis study C. Distributing two store fliers and having students select one item to compare each store's prices, then determine which store to purchase the item from and an explanation of why they made that choice D. Conducting an interactive lesson showing how commercials dictate people's purchasing decisions, regardless of the costs

Option (C) is correct. Comparing similar items at different stores allows students to weigh the costs and benefits of one item, as opposed to the costs and benefits of different items.

During a history unit on the American Revolution, a fifth-grade teacher teaches a lesson on the complex relationships between historical actors leading to the outbreak of the Revolution. Which of the following homework assignments would best assess the learning objective? A. Students create a time line of major battles during the Revolution. B. Students answer multiple-choice questions identifying revolutionaries. C. Students create a concept web visualizing the interactions of revolutionaries. D. Students write a biographical essay on an assigned revolutionary.

Option (C) is correct. Creating a concept web of the interactions between revolutionaries would assess students' understanding of complex relationships between historical actors.

Which of the following assignments would best allow a fifth-grade teacher to determine whether students fully understand push and pull factors? A. Drawing a Venn diagram of the features of a fictional character's country of immigration and country of emigration B. Creating a time line of different immigration patterns to the United States C. Creating a storyboard for a documentary about the top reasons people migrate D. Listing the ways people can improve their lives after migration

Option (C) is correct. Creating a storyboard will allow students to visualize and help them remember both push and pull factors for migration.

To increase comprehension, a reading teacher suggests that a student read a selection from a text repeatedly while focusing on proper intonation. The intervention is appropriate for helping the student A. self-monitor for meaning B. decode unknown words C. avoid reading through punctuation D. avoid substituting an incorrect word

Option (C) is correct. Reading through punctuation is a fluency issue that can be corrected through the strategy outlined in the question.

A first-grade teacher presents a lesson on landforms and water features. When doing a follow-up activity, several students confuse an isthmus with a strait, a peninsula with a gulf, and a cape with a bay. Which of the following strategies most effectively addresses the students' misunderstanding? A. Planning a hands-on project about landforms for the students to complete at home with parental guidance B. Asking a student volunteer to explain to the class in his or her own words the differences between landforms and water features C. Presenting a world map with the landforms and water features so that students can review the newly learned information D. Allowing the students to conduct their own research on the various landforms and water features

Option (C) is correct. Reviewing the various landforms and water features using the visual aid of a world map will help clarify the confusion the students are having.

As a part of a lesson, a fourth-grade class identifies community issues and the process by which local government addresses those needs. Which of the following student activities is most likely to help students develop an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of local government? A. Brainstorming interview questions to ask a community leader B. Discussing possible solutions to current political issues in the country C. Participating in a simulation of a city council meeting to address local issues D. Conducting a mock election for various local government positions

Option (C) is correct. Simulating a city council meeting requires students to discuss issues, assume roles and responsibilities of local leaders, and brainstorm solutions in a class setting. The activity is hands-on and is the most effective way to learn in social studies.

Students in a language arts class have completed short informational essays and are now working on turning them into oral presentations. The following excerpt is from one student's essay. A volcano is a mountain with an opening that leads down below Earth's surface to the molten rock below. The mountain is usually made of layers of ash and cooled lava. When magma builds up in the chamber at the bottom, the pressure pushes it up the main vent, and then gas, rocks, and lava shoot out through the crater. This is known as an eruption. Which of the following visual aids will best support the excerpt? A. A photograph showing an erupting volcano B. A time line showing volcanic eruptions that occurred in recent history C. A diagram showing the parts of a volcano D. A pie chart showing the percentages of different types of volcanoes

Option (C) is correct. Since the student is describing what happens inside the volcano that causes the eruption, a diagram showing the parts of a volcano will best support the information.

A history teacher wants to use a documentary video to engage students in a classroom discussion of the ways that pre-Columbian civilizations in Central and South America were influenced by their natural environments. Which of the following documentary videos would best facilitate the discussion? A. A documentary about the similarities among pre-Columbian languages B. A documentary about Spanish Conquest of the Aztec civilization C. A documentary about the development of agriculture in different pre-Columbian civilizations D. A documentary video about species of wildlife that live in Central America

Option (C) is correct. The documentary video about pre-Columbian farming techniques would best facilitate a discussion of how pre-Columbian civilizations were influenced by their natural environment because students will learn what kinds of crops were available in each region and what methods were best suited to the environments they lived in.

Which of the following are signal words used in a compare and contrast nonfiction text structure? A. For example, such as, near B. Then, next, first C. But, both, however D. As a result, because, therefore

Option (C) is correct. The example words signal that a text is structured as compare and contrast.

Which of the following is a major challenge of teaching the decoding of /s/ to students in kindergarten? A. Students cannot write to reinforce their learning. B. The /s/ sound is difficult to pronounce until age 7. C. It is not possible to assign just one sound to the grapheme of "s." D. Students with varied dialects pronounce the grapheme of "s" differently.

Option (C) is correct. The grapheme "s" can sound like /z/, /s/, or /x/, or it may also be part of the digraph "sh."

Star LIGHT, star BRIGHT ,First star I see TONIGHT, I wish I may, I wish I MIGHT, Have this wish I wish TONIGHT. The highlighted words could be best used in a phonics lesson on A. open syllables B. r-controlled vowels C. irregular vowel families D. vowel-consonant-consonant-e words

Option (C) is correct. The highlighted words exemplify a common word family containing the long "igh" sound.

The following excerpt is from The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. "I was led past the sphinx of white marble, which had seemed to watch me all the while with a smile at my astonishment, toward a vast grey edifice of fretted stone." Which of the following best describes the type of figurative language used in the excerpt? A. Idiom B. Onomatopoeia C. Personification D. Metaphor

Option (C) is correct. The human characteristics of being able to "watch" and "smile at" the narrator are attributed to an inanimate object, the statue.

The following is an excerpt from a student's original short story. Mark thinks that it's really unfair that they cannot use a calculator on the final exam, especially since they use them in class all the time. The student will benefit from further instruction in which of the following elements of grammar? A. Using the proper contraction for "it is" B. Applying comma rules appropriately C. Making sure nouns and pronouns agree D. Making sure subjects and verbs agree

Option (C) is correct. The noun "a calculator" does not agree with the pronoun "them."

The following passage is a student writing sample. The day started like any other sunny Friday morning. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. But as the day continued, it got worse. Oh boy, what a mess I got myself into! The passage is best described as which of the following types of writing? A. Descriptive B. Expository C. Narrative D. Persuasive

Option (C) is correct. The passage contains the elements of a narrative passage, because it tells a story by including a series of events that establish a plot.

Which of the following best identifies the rime in the word "shirt"? A. /sh/ B. /s/ C. /irt/ D. /i/

Option (C) is correct. The rime is the vowel and consonants /irt/ that follow the initial onset (or consonant cluster) /sh/ in the word "shirt."

An elementary teacher groups students with differing reading abilities into core groups of three. Each member also belongs to another group that is assigned to read specific content to become experts on a chosen topic. After the specific-content groups take time to read and discuss their information, members return to their core groups, where they share and exchange the knowledge gained in their specific-content groups. Which of the following collaborative strategies is the teacher implementing in the scenario? A. Round table B. Directed-reading thinking activity C. Jigsaw D. Reciprocal teaching

Option (C) is correct. The strategy outlined is known as a jigsaw. In the jigsaw strategy, each student's contribution is essential and fits with other student contributions like a puzzle to complete overall learning.

Which of the following pairs of words contains a consonant sound that cannot be represented by any single letter? A. "cradle" and "ceiling" B. "crying" and "kindle" C. "garage" and "vision" D. "thumb" and "chick"

Option (C) is correct. The words "garage" and "vision" are unique in that no single letter represents the consonant sound that can be heard in these words.

The clouds rolled in very slowly that afternoon. In the sentence, the word "very" functions as A. a verb B. an adjective C. an adverb D. a noun

Option (C) is correct. This question tests your ability to identify the functions of different parts of speech. In the sentence, the word "very" is modifying the word "slowly." The word "slowly" is an adverb. Since adverbs modify other adverbs, the word "very" is functioning as an adverb.

"Reckon I have," said Walter. "Almost died first year I come to school and et them pecans—folks say he pizened 'em and put 'em over on the school side of the fence." Which of the following best describes how the language in the excerpt is used to characterize Walter? A. The imagery in the passage allows the reader to visualize Walter's appearance. B. The allusion in the passage informs the reader of an event that influenced Walter's life. C. The dialect in the passage presents the reader with insight into where Walter is from. D. The dialogue in the passage makes the reader aware of Walter's feelings about his community.

Option (C) is correct. This question tests your knowledge of dialect in literature. Dialect refers to the language used by the people in a specific area, class, or other group of people. Dialect involves the distinct spelling, sounds, grammar, and pronunciation used by a particular group of people. Harper Lee uses dialect to support the reader's understanding of Walter Cunningham, who is a poor southern farmer.

The following table was created by a second-grade student and contains some incorrect information. Want. Need A puppy Food Video games A house A new computer New toys Television New sneakers A bicycle Heat Which of the following questions could the teacher ask to guide the student to correct the error? A. "Are new toys a daily need or a survival need?" B. "What kind of a new toy did you have in mind?" C. "Can you explain why you listed new toys as a need?" D. "Where would you rank this item on your list of needs?"

Option (C) is correct. This teacher is scaffolding student learning by asking the student to explain and defend the answer choice of why new toys are a need. The teacher uses this opportunity to correct any errors in understanding the concept of wants and needs to guide the student to the correct answer.

A first-grade teacher is beginning a unit on the predictable pattern of the Sun as it relates to seasonal changes. The goal of the unit is to teach students that as the days get longer, Earth heats up, and as the days get shorter, Earth cools down. Which of the following activities best supports the instructional goal of the unit? A. Looking at photos of the Sun's position at different times of the day and predicting Earth's movement B. Completing a Venn diagram to compare and contrast temperatures of substances at sunrise and sunset C. Studying a graph that tracks sunrise, sunset, and corresponding temperatures for each month to determine a trend D. Sharing personal experiences of observing sunrise and sunset in different seasons

Option (C) is correct. Tracking sunrise, sunset, and daily temperatures on a graph over a period of time should help students link temperature changes with seasons. This activity also provides students with data to refer to during classroom activities throughout the unit.

Which of the following enduring understandings best helps students understand the issues that led to the creation of the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights? A. The United States emerged as a world power with influence that spanned the globe. B. Symbols unite communities and demonstrate citizenship. C. A democracy depends on citizens understanding and respecting their individual rights and responsibilities. D. Resources can be used to determine directions, distances, and locations.

Option (C) is correct. Understanding the circumstances that led to the creation of the Constitution will lead a student to understand that democracy is reliant on its citizens understanding their own rights and responsibilities.

A student, Sandy, seems to love reading and reads very quickly. When reading individually, she is usually the first one finished. During read-alouds, she volunteers often and enthusiastically, though the other students struggle to understand her because she reads so fast. Her teacher has noticed, however, that Sandy has difficulty answering questions about what she has read. Which of the following best describes the problem Sandy is most likely having? A. She is struggling with her reading rate, which is hindering her fluency. B. She is struggling with fluency, which is hindering her comprehension. C. She is struggling with monitoring her comprehension while reading. D. She is struggling with prosody and accuracy while reading.

Option (C) is correct. While Sandy can read fluently and quickly, she "has difficulty answering questions about what she has read," indicating a likelihood that she is neglecting to periodically stop to assess or monitor her own comprehension.

Which of the following best paraphrases the moral of the fable? A. Older usually means wiser. B. Outsmarting an enemy is a task best left to older generations. C. It is best to go with group consensus. D. It is important to be realistic when proposing a solution to a problem.

Option (D) is correct. A moral is the lesson derived from a story. The moral of the fable is "it is easy to propose impossible remedies." This means that it is easy to find unrealistic solutions to problems; therefore, it is important to be realistic when proposing solutions to problems.

A fifth-grade teacher asks students to create group presentations about the contributions of a classical civilization. One group wants to do their project on ancient Rome. They plan to include the Coliseum, the Pantheon, aqueducts, and the Forum. They also want to wear Roman clothing while presenting to the class. Which of the following questions should the teacher ask the group to best help the students prevent factual errors? A. How do you plan to divide the work among the members of the group? B. Are you going to create the costumes or buy them? C. How do you plan to present the information to the class? D. What sources are you planning to consider for your research?

Option (D) is correct. If the students are either not researching their topic or not using valid sources, the teacher will need to guide the students to adequate information on their topics.

Although she gave hundreds of zucchini away, the enormous amount that was left over frightened her. In the sentence, the word "although" serves as which of the following parts of speech? A. An adjective B. An interjection C. A preposition D. A conjunction

Option (D) is correct. In a complex sentence such as this one, a subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause and indicates the nature of the relationship with the independent clause.

A second-grade teacher creates a classroom store stocked with toys that can be purchased with certain amounts of tokens. A standard amount of tokens is awarded to students each week. At the end of each week, students may choose to spend their tokens on small toys from the store or save their tokens to purchase larger toys later. Understanding of which of the following economic concepts is best reinforced by the classroom store? A. Increasing productivity B. Predicting demands C. Avoiding debt D. Saving money

Option (D) is correct. Students who choose to save their money to buy larger toys from the classroom store will learn the value of saving money.

Which of the following words is most appropriate to include on a list of spelling words that contain a silent consonant? A. Under B. Flower C. Switches D. Whistle

Option (D) is correct. The "t" is silent in the word "whistle."

A second-grade teacher asks students to explain how patriotic symbols and practices reinforce national identity for Americans. Which of the following student responses demonstrates a misconception that the teacher needs to address? A. The Statue of Liberty represents America's independence and welcomes individuals coming to the United States. B. The American bald eagle often symbolizes the courage of the soldiers and individuals that created the United States of America. C. The stars on the American flag represent the 50 states that make up the United States of America. D. The Fourth of July celebration commemorates the surrender of the British army during the American Revolution.

Option (D) is correct. The Fourth of July celebration commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The British army surrendered in 1781, and the Treaty of Paris, which recognized American independence, was not signed until 1783.

Which of the following sentences demonstrates a comma being used after an introductory phrase? A. Buster is a strong, healthy dog. B. No, you should not buy that shirt. C. Anna wrote the winning paper, so she received the prize. D. During the recital, many children were restless.

Option (D) is correct. The introductory phrase, "During the recital," is offset by a comma.

Which of the following is a classical Chinese contribution that replaced bamboo, wood, and silk as a method for circulating literature and information? A. Map B. Compass C. Money D. Paper

Option (D) is correct. The invention of paper helped in making books that led to the spread of literacy in a more convenient and cheaper way.

I recently came to your shop to have my car repaired, it was making a funny noise. Which of the following is the most effective and grammatically correct revision of the sentence? A. I recently came to your shop to have my car repaired, since it was making a funny noise. B. I recently came to your shop to have my car repaired it was making a funny noise. C. I recently came to your shop to have my car repaired, my car was making a funny noise. D. I recently came to your shop to have my car repaired because it was making a funny noise.

Option (D) is correct. The original sentence contains a comma splice and is a run-on sentence. Inserting the word "because" and eliminating the comma corrects both of these problems.

To help a student research the history of the Oregon Trail, the teacher provides the student with two sources: a personal account of life in a covered wagon and a detailed map of the historic stops on the trail. Which of the following best identifies the primary benefit of the student using both sources? A. Utilizing two different sources will help the student practice synthesis of information. B. Studying both sources will build a stronger geographical understanding for the student. C. Providing two sources will offer the student a detailed firsthand perspective of the topic. D. Comparing a primary and a secondary source will give the student multiple perspectives for a deeper understanding.

Option (D) is correct. The student is using information from two sources with unique points of view on a topic to generate one master list.

Star light, star bright,First star I see tonight,I wish I may, I wish I might,Have this wish I wish tonight. Which of the following words in the poem is a sight word that cannot be decoded using conventional rules? A. Star B. See C. May D. Have

Option (D) is correct. The word "have" is a sight word. Sight words are words that do not follow conventional phonics rules but appear often and are therefore necessary for memorization to increase fluency and accuracy.

Which of the following words contains a root that means "different"? A. Ambivalent B. Dysfunction C. Morphological D. Heterogeneous

Option (D) is correct. This question tests the knowledge of the definitions of common roots. The root "hetero" means different, giving "heterogeneous" the meaning of something being composed of different or diverse parts.

The ability to identify four distinct sounds in the word "clap" demonstrates competence in which of the following phonemic awareness skills? A. Phoneme identity B. Phoneme categorization C. Phoneme blending D. Phoneme segmentation

Option (D) is correct. This question tests your ability to recognize the application of the skill of phonemic segmentation. Phonemic segmentation refers to the ability to break a word into its separate sounds, saying each sound as it is counted. The ability to identify four sounds in the word "clap" demonstrates an understanding of phonemic segmentation.

A first-grade teacher is introducing a unit on patriotism. The teacher makes ten stations around the room. Each station has a picture or artifact reflecting a patriotic symbol, custom, or celebration. Students are asked to visit each station and individually answer questions about each picture or artifact and turn in their answers to the teacher. Which of the following best identifies the goal of the station activity? A. Encouraging students to brainstorm project ideas on the new unit B. Guiding students' thought process to get them actively involved in the lesson C. Developing independent thinking and good work habits D. Identifying misconceptions to develop appropriate future lessons

Option (D) is correct. Through analyzing the student answers, the teacher will be able to focus on correcting misconceptions and not waste time on information that students already know.

A fourth-grade geography teacher asks students to match different types of vegetation with one of the three regions in which they occur naturally: North Africa, South Asia, and the Arctic. Which TWO of the following geographic features of each region will students need to most closely consider to successfully complete the activity? A. The latitude of each region B. The human population of each region C. The average amount of rainfall in each region D. The tectonic plate on which each region exists E. The number of cities in each region

Options (A) and (C) are correct. If students can identify where regions are located in relation to the equator, they will be more likely to understand the climate of the region. Also, if students can identify the average amount of rainfall in a region, they will be more likely to understand the types of vegetation that the region can support.

In a book, setting is incredibly important. It tells you where the characters are and it's usually an important detail. In my opinion setting is a very important part of a story. Throughout the book Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper, I felt like the setting was a huge part of the book. The main character is Melody, and her moods changed wherever she went. She could go from mad to happy, then happy to sad all in the change of the setting. It's all about the setting that changes the character's mood. In my opinion, when settings change people change too. When revising the excerpt of the draft, it is most important for the student to apply which TWO of the following strategies? A. Eliminating repetitious language B. Incorporating a topic sentence C. Rewriting to use only first-person perspective D. Maintaining a consistent focus on the topic E. Using textual evidence to support ideas

Options (A) and (E) are correct. First, the writer repeats the idea that setting is important in each of the first four sentences. Second, the writer mentions how the setting affects the character's mood but does not refer specifically to the text to support this idea (that is, which setting made her mad or happy or sad and why this was the case).

Which TWO of the following words contain a closed syllable? A. bat B. be C. go D. she E. top

Options (A) and (E) are correct. The single-syllable words "bat" and "top" both end in a consonant.

Which THREE of the following statements from a reading assessment checklist provide information about a student's fluency abilities? A. The student adheres to punctuation and reads a selection with good phrasing. B. The student recalls and properly identifies characters, setting, and plot. C. The student maintains a conversational pace while reading a selection. D. The student uses sound and letter correspondences to decode unknown words. E. The student responds to text structure by reading with appropriate expression.

Options (A), (C), and (E) are correct. Using punctuation to assist with correct phrasing, reading at a conversational pace, and using text structure to assist with intonation are all elements of prosody, which is a defining feature of reading fluency.

Which THREE of the following words are phonetically regular? A. Beach B. Said C. Come D. Pine E. Stand

Options (A), (D), and (E) are correct. The words "Beach," "Pine," and "Stand" are phonetically regular because they have common phoneme-grapheme relationships and can be sounded out or decoded.

Mr. Russell is reading aloud a big book that has two lines of text per page. He is using a pointer to point to each word. Mr. Russell is reinforcing which of the following concepts of print as he reads aloud? Select ALL that apply. A. Concept of letter B. Directionality C. One-to-one matching

Options (B) and (C) are correct. Directionality option (B), meaning how to read from left to right, is reinforced with Mr. Russell pointing to the text as he reads. One-to-one matching option (C), showing the relationship between the word and the utterances that are spoken with the word, is also reinforced as Mr. Russell points to each individual word as it is read.

A kindergarten teacher provides students with a family tree diagram containing large leaves to represent various family members. The teacher asks students to draw a picture of a family member in each leaf. The students then present their trees in class. Which TWO of the following best identify the purpose of the activity? A. Learning to play and share cooperatively B. Understanding family structures C. Understanding the roles of individuals in the community D. Learning to identify their family's ethnic backgrounds E. Understanding that everyone is part of a family

Options (B) and (E) are correct. Drawing pictures of family members on a family tree helps to give students an idea of where each member fits into the overall family structure. By presenting the family trees to the class, the students will see that all of their classmates are part of a family, even though the family structures may be different.

Which TWO of the following teacher statements best guide students to use roots and affixes to understand the meaning of the word "geography"? A. The base of the word is related to mathematics. B. The root of the word is related to creating images. C. The prefix of the word is related to a round shape. D. The suffix of the word is related to the love of something. E. The prefix of the word is related to the earth.

Options (B) and (E) are correct. The root word "graph" addresses drawing or writing. The prefix "geo-" means earth. Geography is essentially writing about the physical characteristics of the Earth.

During a small-group discussion of a class novel, the teacher asks students about a particular interaction between the two main characters. Which THREE of the following students are exhibiting active listening skills? A. Student A reads ahead in the book during the discussion. B. Student B asks the teacher to clarify the question before responding. C. Student C nods occasionally in agreement with the speaker. D. Student D conducts a side conversation with a student seated nearby. E. Student E looks at each speaker during the discussion.

Options (B), (C), and (E) are correct. Student B demonstrates that he/she has listened to the teacher's question and is actively trying to make meaning out of it. Student C indicates that he/she has listened to another student's contribution and agrees. By looking at each speaker, Student E shows that he/she is paying attention to each individual's contribution.

Which THREE of the following words contain a digraph? A. True B. Ship C. Bath D. Bread E. Fish

Options (B), (C), and (E) are correct. They each contain digraphs, in which two or more consonants are combined to make one sound. In options (B) and (E) the digraph is the "sh" in the words "ship" and "fish." In option (C) the digraph is the "th" in the word "bath."

Which THREE of the following first-grade words are best to use for a beginning reader's decoding practice? A. Two B. Cat C. You D. Tap E. Log

Options (B), (D), and (E) are correct. All three words, "cat," "tap," and "log," follow a consonant-vowel-consonant pattern and can be decoded.

Which THREE of the following words contain an open syllable? A. Different B. Vehicle C. Jungle D. Fantastic E. Remembering F. Apron

Options (B), (E), and (F) are correct. This question tests your knowledge of syllable types. An open syllable ends in a vowel and the sound is long. In the word "vehicle," the first syllable, "ve," is open. In the word "remembering," the first syllable, "re," is open. In the word "apron," the first syllable, "a," is open.

Which TWO of the following words can best be decoded by identifying a root word within the larger word? A. Snitch B. Colossal C. Endanger D. Fashion E. Lovely

Options (C) and (E) are correct. The larger word "endanger" can be decoded by finding the root word "danger," and the larger word "lovely" can be decoded by identifying the root word "love."

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