Industrial Revolution

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How did laissez faire capitalism lead to problems during industrialization?

Because they are saying the government can not control the business and profits so the government wont get money but the business and factory owners will.

In most cities, no one did anything to change the conditions, why was that?

because any money spent on improving the workers living space would have been seen as lost profit to the wealthy.

Why was cholera feared

because it spread very quickly and anyone could get it not just the poor or wealthy.

Why would people not necessarily want to use the river water to drink?

because waste from people and a bunch of nasty stuff in the rivers and they can get cholera.

What were tenements like

cheap run down apartments, very cheap looking and dirty houses.

(James) Watt

design for modern steam engine (most efficient, 4x more efficient that before)

Name 2 things they did not have before the Industrial Revolution.

electric lights and cars.

How does industrialization lead to urbanization? Explain your answer.

.By factories being built then more people will come to different places. Because there are more factories that means that more people would like to be places because there will be more stuff there.

Who invented the steam engine What year was the steam engine invented/patented How did it changed the way of life

1) James Watt 2) 1698 3)it helped people to travel faster.

who invented the steam boat

1) Robert Fulton 2)1787 3)They helped people and things get to places faster.

Work out how much is fined for the different offences


What was life like before the Industrial revolution

Before the Industrial Revolution life in Britain was very quiet because their was no cars or trains or any loud things really. Many people didn't travel because everything was local. Most people either had a little education of had none at all because it wasn't a very good education.

(Abraham) Darby

Coal could be burned into Coke which was then used to smelt Iron (produce iron for iron ore)

List the foods that were common.

Common foods were : Oatcakes, Porridge, Bread and soup , Mutton, Bacon, Potatoes, Gruel , Apples, pears and berries depending on the season, Beer, Tea

(Eli) Whitney

Cotton Gin

(Charles) Townshend

Crop Rotation

How effective was the 1833 Factory Act? Explain your answer. (Hint: is the number of convictions a good or bad sign?)

Employing four young people after 2 p.m. on Saturday. It was not very effective because many company's still made young people work after they were supposed to.

What is the most common offence recorded?

Employing young people after 6 p.m.


Fencing around farm land

(John) Kay

Flying Shuttle

How did Eli Whitney come up with the idea of interchangeable parts?

He came up with the idea of interchangeable parts because many things that broke didn't have all the same things they needed to fix it, so he thought that if they had any changeable parts it would be easier and quicker to fix things.

What were the benefits to interchangeable parts?

It became quicker and easier to fix things.

Out of the 800 people employed in Arkwright's factory, were many of the workers skilled

Most of the employs where not skilled but about 5 or 6 were probably skilled.

Even though the new middle class often had more money than the old upper class, were they able to gain political power?

No because they were not the ruling class.

What were the benefits of steam engines?

People could get to places and they helped back things faster.

Why did people Migrate

People migrated because of jobs and a better way of life. They also got transported as a punishment. Many people moved into Britain instead of moving out.

(Edward) Cartwright

Power Loom

How did urban planning help to change some of the congestion of city life

Provision for parks within and around cities provide the relief of the Congestion of the city.

(Guglielmo) Marconi


Who was Richard Arkwright? Why was he important?

Richard Arkwright was behind the brains of the growth of factories he created the first true factory at Cromford.

Who gave the evidence to the factory inspector?

The boys gave the inspectors the evidence.


The effect of something happening.

What replaced the horse as the main form of transportation? What impact did this have on city life

The electrical trolley car replaced horse transportation because it helped get people to places faster and easier.

(James) Hargreaves

Spinning Jenny

(Samuel) Crompton

Spinning Mule

(George) Stephenson

Steam Locomotive

(Robert) Fulton


(Henry) Bessemer

Steel refinement (Stronger Steel with a blast of air. This stimulated the growth of other industries.)

(Samuel) Morse


Moses Brown

Textile Mill

What about these 2 lists surprise you?

That dairy and water was not available like you think it would be.

How many people died in 1832? Why

the militias.

What does the tone of the letter tell us about what the factory inspectors thought about the firm Taylor, Ibbotson & Co?

The tone tells us that they are disappointed in the company for breaking the rules.

What were some of the luxuries that Arkwright provided for his employees?

The workers and children got a little bit of an education.

What were the reasons that factories employed children?

There was a lot of children in orphanages and could be replaced easily if they died. Also they didn't have to get paid as much as adults.

Which parts of the new Factory Act have been broken?

They broke the rule that children couldn't work through the night.

What were bathrooms like in these houses? Did they even have bathrooms? What was it instead?

They didn't have bathrooms. To bathe you either had to bathe in a big tin tub or not at all. Toilets were called cesspits.

What were created to help contain the spread of cholera?

They tried to contain the disease by immediate quarantine and Health Boards were set up to establish better standards of sanitation and cleaning up the towns and houses.

Describe back-to-back terrace housing

They used cheap slate to build houses and the houses were back to back so you really didn't have any space or privacy unless you lived on the corner house

How were steam engines used?

They were used to make things faster and later for transportation.

Work out how many hours (not including breaks), the boys are reported to have worked without stopping

They worked 32 and a half hours.

What were the 2 flaws that the 'lower orders' were going to notice about their lives once they had access to education?

Two flaws that the lower orders were going to notice about there lives once they had access to education are there being outrageously exploited and second, that, whilst they were creating the wealth of the country, they were gaining little benefit for themselves and they had no political power

List the foods that were uncommon.

Water, Tropical fruits, Milk and dairy products

Having studied this source, would you be right to conclude that the 1833 Factory Act did nothing to solve the problems of child workers? Explain your answer.

Yes because they still "secretly" tried to break the rules so that the company could make more money.

Why did builders start building back-to-back terrace housing

it was a cheap home.

How was the correlation between cholera and polluted water finally proved?

it was contracted from polluted water.

How are lack of sanitation and disease related

lack of sanitation will give people diseases because they will get germs inside their body.

What was the pace of life like? Why?

slow because people had to walk and ride horses to get to places.

Was there a middle class?

yes it was very small because not many people were in between rich and poor

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