Industrialism and Imperialism

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At the end of the 19th Century, what country won control of South Africa in the Boer Wars?

Britain is correct. In the 2nd Boer War (1899), the British control of this region was settled.

Which of these BEST describes the importance of Eli Whitney's development of the practice of using interchangeable parts in manufacturing?

Following the advent of interchangeable parts, more complex goods would be more available because they could be made more quickly.

Colonial Africa, c. 1914 According to this map of Colonial Africa in 1914, the European nations that would lose the largest territorial area in Africa if African nations were given their independence would be

Great Britain and France stood poised to lose the most territory to African independence. The purple represents Great Britain, while light blue represents France.

Industrialization in the 19th century is MOST associated with

Industrialization in the 19th century is most associated with urbanization. Factories tended to be built in urban areas where there was already a labor source. These factories became a reason for people to move to the cities in search of work.

By the end of the nineteenth century, technology in the industrial setting (factories)

Industrialization led to machines that could do the work of humans faster and more quickly. This led not only to higher output, but also created a rapidly increasing demand for unskilled or semiskilled labor.

The Open Door Policy was challenged by what country with its invasion of Manchuria in the 1930s?

Japan attempted expansion into China several times in the years between 1900 and 1940.

As the European powers grew more industrialized, their colonies became very important as sources of

Raw materials is correct. Factories, both at home and abroad, could only produce when the raw materials were at hand.

What effect of the Industrial Revolution MIGHT this picture represent?

The Industrial Revolution's emphasis on manufacturing attracted people from rural areas looking for work. The increase in urban population caused problems with sanitation that led to the spread of infectious diseases.

The United States declaration of war on Spain in 1898 is an example of

The Spanish-American War was partially due to the influence of the press on popular opinion.. Wildly exaggerated stories in the press enraged the American people against Spain. This is known as "yellow journalism."

Why did Japan expand into Korea and Manchuria during the early 1900s?

The primary reason for Japan's imperial expansion into Korea and Manchuria during the early 1900s was to secure much needed raw materials for their factories and military. Because of the limitations created by the island geography of Japan, their industrial economy depended on the import of vast amounts of raw materials.

Unlike those in commercial industry, people in "cottage" industries

Unlike those in commercial industry, people in "cottage" industries usually produced goods out of their own homes. Note the "unlike" qualifier here: commercial industry (which came after the era of cottage industry) also produced textile clothing.

Who did the United States defeat in a late-nineteenth century war that was fought in the area shaded in green here?

While the area shade is indeed Cuba, the island was a territory of Spain. After their victory, the U.S. gained rights to Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines (both in the Pacific Ocean).

As a result of the Spanish American War, the US gained control of

As a result of the Spanish American War, the US gained control of Puerto Rico. The rights to the Panama Canal were secured in the following decade.

Which economic system is driven by competition and became popular during the Industrial Revolution?

Capitalism is a system in which the factors of production are privately owned and used for profit. Workers from rural areas flocked to these new capitalist cities in hopes of a better life.

Which of these BEST describes England's situation on the eve of the Industrial Revolution?

England's many coal deposits and navigable rivers helped to spur the Industrial Age. These were both tools that could be used for steam power, and rivers could also be used to transport raw and finished goods. Their political stability, combined with a Parliament that favored land owners and the wealthy over unskilled labor, helped industrialization, as well.

The Bessemer Process was an innovation in the production of cheaper, stronger

English engineer Henry Bessemer is responsible for created by process that made steel stronger and cheaper to manufacture. This, in turn, led to an industrial boom and the creation of even taller buildings. It is possible that he is the real "Man of Steel."

Which of these is an example of European imperialism in Africa?

European leaders staked out their claims in Africa during the Berlin Conference. By claiming ownership of another country, and using military force to bring about such control, European nations were practicing imperialism.

How did 18th- and 19th-Century European imperialism help to cause nationalism in Asian and African countries?

In order to fuel the growing industrial movement, European countries took "colonies" in Africa and Asia. They essentially plundered the areas of resources needed for industry, and in doing so It inadvertently united people there to oppose foreign domination. The opposition took a while to bring about significant change.

The Zulu War of 1879 was an unsuccessful attempt by the Zulu nation to avoid being conquered and controlled by the

In the Zulu War, the Zulu nation suffered over 10,000 casualties in their fight against the soldiers of the British Empire. In comparison, the British lost 1,700 men and were successful in taking over the lands of the Zulu.

Resistance by colonies to European domination during the Industrial Revolution included armed conflicts such as the Chinese

In the late 19th century, a group of athletic young men banded together for the purpose of ridding China of Western influence. Under the name "Chinese Society of Right and Harmonious Fists", they began a dedicated effort to oppose Western interests. Their 1900 Boxer Rebellion sought to expel all foreigners from China.

Who did Japan defeat in 1905 after having its territory threatened the previous year?

Japan and Russia fought from 1904 to 1905 in the Russo-Japanese War. Russia had threatened to seize Port Arthur from Japan, who had won it earlier in a war with China.

Japan FIRST rose to be a modern world power during the

The Meiji period lasted from 1869 to 1912. During this time the country broke from its isolationist ways to become a major industrial world power. Meiji means "enlightened rule."

The United States acquired the territory shaded in green during the Spanish American War. The name of that territory is

The Philippines was part of an acquisition that also netted the U.S. Guam, Puerto Rico, and some control over Cuba, too.

The Russo-Japanese War marked a significant shift in regard to imperial power trends in the early 1900s because

The Russo-Japanese War marked a significant shift in regard to imperial trends in the early 1900s because it was the first time that an Asian nation defeated a western power in war. The Japanese Empire shocked the world by defeating the Russian military forces and asserted its dominance over Manchuria and Korea.

Which of these factors was a primary cause of the 1857 Sepoy Rebellion in India?

The Sepoys were native Indian soldiers who served in the British Army. British officers sought to "Westernize" the Sepoys, which they saw as a threat to their religious beliefs, both Hindu and Muslim. Thus, the most important factor leading to the rebellion was religious and cultural conflicts between Indian soldiers and their British commanders.

"It is impossible that should extend their political system to any portion of without endangering our peace and happiness; nor can anyone believe that our southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord. It is equally impossible, therefore, that we should behold such interposition in any form with indifference." -President James Monroe December 2, 1823 President Monroe's words would help to propel the United States to War over 70 years later in

The Spanish-American War was fought over Spain's Cuban and Pacific territories. Mainly, though, the United States was interested in acquiring foreign territories for raw goods, not to secure the country's "peace and happiness."

During the Industrial Revolution the factory system

The factory system caused many workers to have their lives controlled by factory owners. Since labor was easily replaceable and workers often had to live very close to their factory, nosey owners could dictate things like where workers shopped, lived, worshipped, and the like. It usually meant that families rarely saw each other, and children rarely spent quality time with their parents: usually everyone worked.

The MOST important result of the Spanish American War was that it

The most important result of the Spanish-American War was that it set up a colonial empire for the U.S. and set the U.S. on the road to empire. The U.S. won influence &/or control in Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam, and then increased its influence over sovereign states in the region.

· Europe experienced it in the 18th and 19th Centuries. · Asia experienced it in the late 19th Century. · African regions began to experience it in the 20th Century. What process is being described?

The prompt is describing industrialization, or using technology to change life. While the industrial age began in Europe it did spread rather quickly to Europe, most notably Japan. African countries have been slow to industrialize for a number of reasons, but some areas- parts of northern Egypt and the Republic of South Africa- are as industrial as any city in Europe.

Which invention resulted in an increase in the demand for coal?

The steam engine was responsible for an increase in the demand for coal. Coal would be used to heat the water that would produce the steam, and as the popularity and safety of the steam engine increased, coal became an even more valuable commodity.

Why did European countries establish colonies in Africa during the 19th century?

This period of colonization was undertaken by European countries because they wished to expand their economies. This period, known as "Imperialism", was made possible because of Europe's rapid industrialization and the need for raw goods to fuel new industry.

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