Information Systems final exam

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spiders, web crawlers, software robots

"crawl" the web and find as much information as possible that is then indexed for retrieval when you make a search


a type of peer production where initially undefined groups of users band together to solve problems, create code, and develop services

where does data come from?

different internal systems, surveys, external sources, RFID


hypertext transfer protocol, defines how a web browser and server communicate


transmission speeds

business intelligence systems (BI)

a variety of software applications used to analyze an organizations raw data

benefits of RFID system

accurate info, hands-free scanning, instant access to data through asset tracking, maintenance, security, quality control

example of insertion anomaly

adding a new customer/book before it is ordered

RFID can eliminate

administrative errors, poor forecasting, inventory visibility, order accuracy, receiving errors, internal theft, slow order fulfillment


advertising program through which content providers allow google to sell advertising space on their webpages, ads are related to what visitors are reading/doing


attempting to fraudulently acquire sensitive information by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business in an electronic communication

issues in B2C

long-tail of products, channel conflict, order fulfillment (holidays, large orders)

technology threats

malware, poorly designed software, DNS cache poisoning

social media

media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques

facebooks key resources for competitive advantage

network effects, switching costs


new category of e-commerce where transactions are conducted using a mobile device

data in a warehouse is...

nonvolatile (data not updated), consistent

deletion anomaly

the loss of a piece of information about one object when a piece of information about a different object is deleted

internal systems

transaction processing systems (TPS) aka OLTP, ERP SCM, CRM

social graph

collect, express, and leverage connections, provide competitive advantage, newsfeed. express connections between individuals and organizations

social media categories include:

communications, collaborating, multimedia, entertainment

challenges with running a platform

copyright, security, appropriateness, free speech, privacy

relational database approach

create a series of logically related two-dimensional tables to store the information

link fraud

creating a series of bogus websites that link back to the pages their trying to promote on organic searches

examples of data sources

credit card swipes, RFID tags, digital video surveillance, emails, blogs, click-stream, radiology exams

large scale data analytics projects need to address.....

data relevance, sourcing, quantity/quality, hosting and governance to maintain its system

solution for data rich companies that are information poor?

data warehouse and data marts


data within a context

hierarchy of data for a computer-based file

database file (or table) record field byte bit

benefits of e-commerce: organizations

decreases costs, reduced inventories, reach customers outside immediate area

example of deletion anomaly

deleting an order --> deleting a customer/book

online advertising

delivery of digital advertisements to internet users

relationship databases (DBMS)

designed to centrally store the data generated by the daily transactions

Data warehouse (storage for BI, specialized for OLAP)

designed to collect historical data and organize in multidimensional structure to handle queries required to discover trends and aid data analysis (help make decisions)

problems/anomalies that arise if data is not organized/structured properly (i.e. un-normalized)

insertion anomaly, deletion anomaly, update/modification anomaly

trade secret

intellectual work such as a business plan, that is a company secret and is not based on public information


internet corporation for assigning names and numbers


internet protocol, routes packets to their final destinations


internet service provider examples: verizon, comcast, AT&T

in contrast to OLAP, OLTP...

involves a database, where data form business transactions are processed online as soon as they occur

trojan horse

is a computer program that hides in another program and reveals its designated behaviour only when activated

logic bomb

is a segment of computer code that is embedded inside an organization's existing computer programs and is designed to activate and perform a destructive action at a certain time or date


is a segment of computer code that performs malicious actions and will spread by itself without requiring another computer program

data mining software/tools

use statistical techniques (regression, clustering) and artificial intelligence techniques (algorithms)

data cube

used by data warehouses, has 3 dimensions: 1. customer 2. product 3. time

user attention problem

users aren't on social media to "hunt" for a product/service like they are on google, they are there for a "hike" to chill out

enriching impression fraud

when site operators generate false page views in order to boost their sites CPM earnngs

peer production (web 2.0's most powerful feature)

when users collaboratively work to create content, products, and services. creates open source software


where data is stored, a collection of related tables consisting or rows, columns and keys

factors affecting information security

wirelessly-reworked business, lack of government legislation, availability of hacking software and code

walled garden

www create tim bernes-lee warned, if increasingly large parts of the web reside inside a singular service "walled garden", innovation, competition, and exchange may suffer

a new legal regime facilitates interaction

you are free to, share & remix, given that you attribute the work in a manner specified and don't use it for commercial purposes


a segment of computer code that performs malicious actions by attaching to another computer program

Amdahl's law

a system's speed is determined by its slowest component

open graph

allow other websites to use Facebook for identification,sharing, personalization, acting as a bank

web-based EDI

allows processing of electronic documents using just a web browser instead of implementing a complex EDI infrastructure

digital certificate

an electronic document attached to a file certifying that it is from the organization that it claims to be from and has not been modified from original format

online community

an identifiable social system that relies primarily on electronic communication in order to form webs of relationships, exchange information, and coordinate actions

communication controls

authentication, authorization, border security

B2C e-commerce

based on level of transactions related features available on sellers website can be classified as: e-brochure, e-promotion, e-sales

key tools/applications of web 2.0

blogs, wikis, social networks

firms can be classified as

bricks and motar ex. grocery store clicks and mortar ex. pure-play ex. iTunes

examples of shifts from web 1.0--> web 2.0

britannica online--> wikipedia kodak express--> fliker IM--> twitter personal websites--> blogging


built into any device that is used to access internet, helps get perfect copies of internet transmissions from one location to another

historial data in data warehouse....

can be used for identifying trends, forecasting, and making comparisons over time

benefits of e-commerce: society

can work at home, merchandise sold at lower prices, improved quality, farther reach

BI query and reporting tools

canned reports, ad hoc reporting tools, dashboards, data mining software/tools

features of wiki

centralized repository, versioning, rollback, tagging, control/flexibility, LOW COST


collaborative website, users can add/edit, common knowledge base

data aggregators

collect and resell data


raw facts and figures


knowingly requesting a domain name to profit from someone else's firm or trademark

firms face 2 key challenges with advertising on social networking sites

1. content adjacency 2. user attention

5 steps to managing social media within an organization

1. create a social media use policy 2. track the web 3. create assertive not aggressive policies 4. trust 5. mission statement/vision

4 threats to privacy

1. data aggregators 2. electronic surveillance 3. personal information databases 4. social networking sites

a RFID system consists of 3 main parts

1. data carrier 2. antenna 3. reader unit

how to connect tables together using keys

1. each table should have a primary key 2. tables are connected using foreign keys

3 factors driving online ad growth trends

1. increased user time online 2. improved measurement and accountability 3. targeting

knowledge exchanged on an electronic network has 2 unique public good characteristics

1. non-excludability (goods can't be withheld from others) 2. good costs the same to provide no matter the number of beneficiaries

two approaches to privacy codes and policies

1. opt-out (automatically included, you must then change your privacy settings) 2. opt-in (automatically not added, you can choose to join)

4 categories of ethical issues

1. privacy 2. accuracy 3. property 4. accessibility

DNS cache poisoning

DNS software maps an URL address to an IP address, remap to direct users to fake sites

normalized data

Normalized data is when attributes in the table depend only on the primary key

what happens if a DNS gets hacked?

V BAD, could redirect you to imposter sites that steal passwords and bank info


copying a software program without making payment to owner

sample data mining applications

direct marketing, market segmentation, customer churn, market basket analysis, insurance claims analysis

channel conflict in B2C

disintermediation- conflict with channel partners, managers ignore them by selling products online cannibalization- conflict with own distribution channels, logistics, pricing

some online ad types

display (banners) email (spamming) search (sponsored search) referral ads videos


display a critical indicators that allow managers to get a graphical glance at key performance metrics

prediction markets

diverse crowd is polled and opinions aggregated to form a forecast of an eventual outcome

success factors of prediction markets

diverse, decentralized, independent, summarize


do it yourself publishing tool, easy to post, fosters interaction

B2B e-commerce

e-commerce between companies

private e-markeplaces

formed by a single company buy-side: reverse auctions, group purchasing sell-side: electronic catalogs and forward auctions


forms of bulk revenue, precise targeting, social engagement

taking action to protect: organizational policy

frameworks, standards, compliance, education, audit, enforcement

types of business intelligence

online analytical processing (OLAP), data mining, querying, reporting

e-payment methods

online credit card payments, electronic cash system

internet business models include

online sales model, brokerage, advertising


open source software, example: linux operating system

information we want to track

order related, customer related, books related

corporate use of social networks

organizational productivity tools, replaced traditional employee directory, mining networks for customer ideas, innovation, feedback

canada's privacy legislation (PIPEDA)

organizations must establish a privacy policy and procedures to adhere to

the technology that launched google

pagerank-wepbage ranking algorithm

access controls


technology options for security

patch, lockdown hardware, authentication, firewall's, intrusion detection system, blacklist, anti-malware systems, encryption

physical control mechanisms

physical protection of computer facilities, fences/security guards

canned reports

provide regular summaries of information in a predetermined format


provides a set of application programming interfaces (API's), apps, sustainable value, each app ads value

e-commerce classification

pure vs. partial EC, based on degree of digitization involved

online analytical processing (OLAP) systems

purpose: support decision and provide answer to business and management queries, for extensive data analysis

online transaction processing (OLTP) aka TPS

purpose: to register the transactions occurring in real time

ad hoc reporting tools

put users in control so that they can create custom reports on an as-needed basis by selecting fields, ranges, summary conditions, and other paramaters

social media properties include:

reach, accessibility, usability, recency, and permanence

methods of protection information resources

risk management, control mechanisms (physical, access), auditing

targeting is based on

search intent, context, geography, online behaviour

what does S.M.A.R.T do?

set a social media policy, monitor, engage, establish first-responders network

infrastructure needed to provide search results

sever farms, competitive advantage

micro blogging

short message blogging, asymmetric communication, spread ideas, run contests/promotions, tract commentary

enriching click fraud

site operates generate bogus ad clicks to earn PPC income

dark web

sites that can't be indexed by google and other search engines

when to use a spreadsheet to store data

small amounts of data, uncomplicated relationship, modelling/calculating/graphing


virus, worms, trojans

Web 2.0

web sites and internet services that foster collaboration, informations haring, social media

risk mitigation

when an organization takes concrete actions against risk. 2 functions: implement controls to prevent threats, 2. develop means of recovery if threat happens

disadvantages of EDI

inflexible, cost, many standards, long-startup period

types of brokers

infomediary auction payment

why are companies data rich but information poor?

1.incompatible legacy systems inhibit data sharing 2. operational data stored in relational database are not efficient for extensive data analysis and summaries

E-marketplace: nature of ownership

1.public (many firms connect to many other firms) 2. private (one firm connecting to many other firms)


a combination of two or more technologies or data feeds into a single integrated tool

open innovation

a community perspective on innovating, vibrant ecosystem/marketplace, leverage other actor's talent/idea/assets/energy

foreign keys

a field that is a primary key in one table and appears in a different table

primary key

a field/attribute that uniquely identifies each record/entity in a table

structured query language (SQL)

a language used to create and manipulate databases


a method for analyzing and reducing a relational database to its most streamlined form for: minimum redundancy, maximum data integrity, best processing performance

update/modification anomaly

a need to change the same piece of information about an object multiple times

benefits of data warehousing

end users can access data quickly and easily, have consolidated view, conduct extensive analysis, allow OLAP analysis, set stage for data mining

types of online advertising fraud

enriching fraud, enriching impression fraud, deleting click fraud, disbarring fraud, rank-based impression fraud

deliberate acts

espionage or trespass, sabatoge, vandalism, piracy, identity theft, dumpster diving, cyber terrorism, virus

problems with creating data warehouses

expensive to build and maintain, difficult to incorporate data from legacy systems

limitations of RFID systems

expensive, lack of standards, concerns about privacy, implementation time

difficulties managing data

exponential increase in data, scattered data, diverse sources, importance of data security, quality, integrity, unstructured data, data decay

Datawarehouses ETL

extract required data from database, transform it based on some predetermined business rules, loads it into data warehouse

depleting click/impression fraud

generating clicks/bogus impressions to exhaust a rival's CPM budget

google's pagerank

google's algorithm for determining organic search results, sort of a popularity contest. google doesn't accept money for placement of links on organic search (on page 1 at the top vs. page 72)


grants holder excluding rights on an invention or process for 20 years

public e-marketplaces

greater ease,speed, and volume of transactions. reduces marketplace friction

business continuity

hot site, warm site, cold site

data as a strategic asset

how data is created, stored, accessed and leveraged

unintentional acts

human errors (shoulder surfing, tailgating, opening questionable emails), social and reverse social engineering

market segmentation

identify common characteristics of customers who buy same products

direct marketing

identify which prospects should be included in a mailing list

insertion anomaly

inability to insert a piece of information about an object that can exist independently of another object without having to artificially insert some information about the other object

social engineering

is an attack where the attacker uses social skills to trick a legitimate employee into providing confidential company information such as passwords (unintentional human error on part of employee, deliberate on part of attacker)

technical limitations of e-commerce

lack of universally accepted security standards, expensive accessibility, insufficient telecommunications bandwidth


likelihood that the threat will occur


likelihood that threat will harm the system


line of identifying text assigned and retrieved by a given web server and stored on your computer by your browsers. cookies build profiles of you as a user.

issues with organic search

link fraud (fake websites), keyword stuffing (putting unrelated buzzwords on sites), existence of dark web

domain name service (DNS)

looks up host and domain names and returns an IP address (internet protocol)

when to use a database to store data

lots of data, complex relationships, reporting/extracting/gathering

data marts

lower cost, scaled down version of data warehouse; emphasizes access and usability for a specific purpose

auction broker

matching advertisors with content providers/add slots

payment broker

matching buyers and sellers


matching searchers with content providers/advertisors

google's "trick"

matchmaking, pairing internet surfers with advertisers and making a cut along the way

business model

method by which a company generates revenue to sustain itself

benefits of e-commerce: consumers

more choices, shop 24/7, receive information faster

does data mining need a data warehouse in order to work?

no, but data warehouse greatly improves chances of success

significant advantages of RFID systems

non-contact, non-line-of-sight, great at remarkable speeds, maintenance tracking, automated data collection, identification applications


transmission control protocol, slices up web pages into smaller chunks called packets


potential harm if threat breaks the controls and comprises resources

tagging (folksonomies)

practice and method of collaborative categorization using freely chosen keywords. folk+taxonomy= peoples classification

customer churn

predict which customers are likely to leave your company for a competitor

net neutrality

principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally

data mining

process of analyzing data for hidden or known intelligence, used for making predictions

advantages of e-markeplaces

real time transactions, immediate/frequent/accurate communication


really simple syndication, automatic notifications of content updates

advantage of EDI

reduces handling costs of manually processing paper documents, reduces errors, reduces cycle times

differences between OLAP and OLTP

refer to page 5 of notes

content adjacency problem

refers to concern over where a firm's advertisements will run. ex. ads beside race, offensive, illegal conversations


uniform resource locator, tells a web browser what your looking for

categories of threats to information systems

unintentional acts, deliberate acts, natural disasters, technical failures, management failures

non-technical imitates of e-commerce

unsecure, unresolved legal issues, expensive, psychological issues (social interaction)

data storage for enterprise software

use relational databases (DBMS) and online transaction processing (OLTP)

facebook- a business based on social graph

social graph, platform, advertising, open graph

get S.M.A.R.T

social media awareness and response team

database management system (DBMS)

software for creating (add), maintaining (delete, modify) and manipulating (access and analyze) data

O3b satellite network

stands for other 3 billion, O3b plans to have multiple satellites circling the globe, blanketing underserved regions with high speed internet access


statutory that provides creators of intellectual property with ownership of the property for life and of the creator plus 70 years

motivations for criminals to hack information systems

steal data, extortion, hide trace of their criminal act, corporate espionage, terrorism, pranks, protest, revenge

electronic cash system

stored value money cards, smart cards, digital wallet

sematic web

the Web as a whole can be made more intelligent and perhaps even intuitive about how to serve a user's needs.

online analytical processing (OLAP) involves...

the analysis of accumulated data by end users (usually in data warehouse


the marketing, buying, selling, and support of products and services via computer networks including the internet

electronic data interchange (EDI)

the transfer of structured data from one computer to another

what if you don't want your info caught by the spiders?

there is a way to remain off limits to indexing which commercial search engines respect. A lot of this involves the "dark web" such as Facebook profiles

why do companies use BI?

to improve decision making, cut costs and identify business opportunities

B2B e-marketplaces

trading platform for conducting business among many buyers, sellers and trading partners

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