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Core competancies KSA Kjarnafærni

"KSA" tengd ákveðinni starfseiningu t.d. Skipulagsheild (fyrirtæki/stofnun) (undirstaða samkeppnisforskots (competitive advantage), Deild (t.d. markaðs- og söludeild) (starf)Hópi (Jafnvel einstaklingi ) sem tryggir samkeppnisyfirburði (that allows outperforming ...)

Henry Fayol Administrative theory

1. divide into small tasks 2. authority given equa responsibillity, if you ordered it you are as responsible as the person who did it 3. dicipline creating clear rules and procedures and using punishment to get it done unity of command only one boss for each person 4. unity of command everyone work towards the same goal 5. everyone work towards the same goal 6. group goals not personal interests matter 7. fair pay according to cost of living and situation 8. centralization few have decision making rights but some have the right according to their status so small 9. hirerarchy org chart 10. order a place for everything and everything in its place 11. equitable treatment for workers 12. stabillity of tenure, future employment and manditory release period 13 encouraging initiative 14. the spirit of cooperation teamwork and communication

Webber beuracratic classical management

1. division of labor small tasks 2, hierarchy, a chain of command 3, formal selection of the best people 4, career orientated people not political 5 formal rules writtend down 5 impersonal rules

Henry Mitzberg

3 types of management skils, conceptual human technical and the 10 management roles within the interpersonal, informational and decisional roles.

What do departmental skills that create core competancy give an orginization?

A competitive advantage.

Turnaround Management

A new vision for a struggling companies based on a new approch to planning and orginizing making better use of a companies resources and allow it to survive and prosper.

What are Conceptual skills *definition

Analyze, diagnose, and distinguish between cause and effect.

What is leading an organization? Hvernig leiðum við fyrirtæki

Articulating a clear vision of how to achieve company goals Með skýrisýn á markmiðum og hvernig á að ná þeim.

Human or People Skills Félagsleg færni/Samskiptafærni

Bring the best out of people) færni í að virkja fólk , styðja og hvetja t.d. með virkri hlustun, upplýsingagjöf/endurgjöf (samskiptafærni) og að geta skipulagt og stýrt teymisvinnu árangursríkt

What are the 4 main challenges facing managers today?

Building a competitive advantage Maintaining ethical standards Managing a diverse workforce Utilizing new information systems and technologies.

What are the levels of management?

CEO, Top Managers, Middle Managers,First Line Managers (supervisors)

Name 3 managerial skills

Conceptul, human and technical


Directing and motivating employees to acheive organizational goals.

Middle Managers Millistjórnendur

District, regional, plant serve as intermediaries, develop goals and strategies for their department heads that align with the vision of the company, allocate resources, manage line managers, monitor preformance and make adjustments

How do we achieve control in a company

Evaluating how well the company is achieving its goals.

The 5 personality traits OCEAN

Extraversion, negitive affectivity, agreeableness, concientiouness, openess to experience

Action plane

Gets projects going and deligating resources

Empowerment managerial technique

Giving employees more athority and responsibillity over how to preform their work activities in order to create a feeling of autonomy, increacing efficiency and effectiveness.

Organizational efficiency

How productive resources are used to achieve organizational goals.

Describe the planning process

Identify goal, develop strategy, deciede how best to allocate resources

Total Quality Management TQM

Improving the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback.

Why is management important?

In order for companies to achieve a competitive advantage they need to have managers that alocate valuable resources. The teach other managers to manage and lead staff.

What are the 3 planes according to Minztberg

Informational plane people plane action plane

Mary Parker Follet

Involve staff in the assessment process for their position, cross comunication, knowledge not hirarchy should make decisions. Employee centered.

Maintaining ethical and socially responsible standards

It is important to keep in mind that pressure from upper management could cause middle management to comprimize their ethics.

What are technical skills? Hvað er tæknileg tækni?

Job specific skills. Til dæmis skurðlæknir.

Hawthorn effect

Managers approch will affect the productivity of staff. You must understand and respect group norms


Measuring preformance and comparing to set goals then taking steps to ensure they are acheived

What is insourcing and why is it done?

Moving manufacturing back to your homeland in order to avoid problems with labor, delivery, unexpected delays due to unpredictible weather.

FW Taylor Scientific Management

OLD fair days work - no incentive to improve pressure from peers - not to work hard so the standard would not be raised NEW managers take more responsibillity and learn what the best way to do things is observe workers and set a clear set of rules train and develope workers place workers wheerever they excel make sure work is concistant with goals have an equal division of labor paid according to productivity per item

What do managers do?

Planning, organizing, controling and leading

Managing a diverse workforce

Procedures and systems must be put in place in order to ensure fair treatment and use diversity to enhance your workforce and efficiency and effectiveness.


Setting goals and the strategies to acheive them. A bot with everyone rowwing in the same direction.


Setting up a structure for the organization and the individual jobs within. WHO, HOW, Orgchart ( setting up a chefs kitchen)

What is restructuring and why is it done.

Simplifying, shrinking or downsizing an orginizations operation to lower operating costs.

What is core competancy

Specific departmental skillset knowledge and experience that allows companies to outpreform its competitors.

What are human skills

Th abillity to control ,alter lead and understand the behavior of others. The abillity to commmunicate, coordinate, motivate, and mold individuals or groups. Strengths weaknesses, feedback and evaluation.

What is building a competitive advantage

The abillity for an orginization to outperform other orginizations using the four buildingblocks efficiency, innovation, quality, responsiveness to customers

Cognetive or conceptual skills Vitræn færni

The abillity to evaluate situations, understanding and problemsolving þ.e. færni í að greina og meta umhverfið og aðstæður (oft aflað með formlegu námi/menntun)

Why do managers use their resources efficiently and effectivly to achieve organizational goals?

The minimize inputs and maximize output and ensure that company goals are smart.

Top Managers Æðstu stjórnenendur/framkvæmdastjórar-sviðsstjórar

They are responsible for the proformance of all departments. They establish organizational goals and monitor their effectiveness.

What is the importance of organizing relationship

To create an environment where people interact and cooperate to achieve the companies goals

Utilizing new information systems and technologies.

Using technology to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in an orginization in order for it to reach its goals.

What is outsourcing

When you hire another firm at a low cost to preform work activities you previously did before.

Douglas McGreggor XY

X Workers are lazy and must be made to work y the work setting determines the productivit, you need tp believe in and empower employees

Mintsberg: managers experience

a fast paced environment with a lot of interruptionsand communication, both formal and informal

Effective Árangursríkt

acheive goals ná markmiðum


being careful, scrupulous, perservering, self diciplined and a good predictor of preformance.

Openess to experience

beining original, have broad experiences, and interests, be daring and a risk taker. Entrepreneurial.

Information plane

delegating and making plans with information

Self managed team

deligating to employees, more time for you.

Effective managment Árangursrík stjórnun

effective goal setting and measurement sem felur í sér að settum markmiðum er náð

What are the 4 indicators to a competitive advantage

efficiency, quality, innovation, esponsiveness

Efficient management Skilvirk stjórnun

efficient management of finances and resources sem felur í sér að fjármagn og auðlindir eru vel nýtt

Decisional roles Mintsberg Ákvarðana-taka

entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator Frumkvöðull breytinga (intrapreneur) doer, shitkicker, giver and peacekeeper leysir ágreining, úthlutar fjármagni , samningamaður

Interpersonal roles Samskipta-hlutverk

figurhead (social schmooze) , leader (rally the troups) , liason ( representitive) formlegur yfirmaður, leiðtogi, tengiliður


highest level of hierarchy, develop a mission or vision, obtain committment from employees, establish an organizational culture, be an example, manage middle managers, scan external environment for opportunities or threats

Detailed managerial roles

information, influence and motivate and problem solver móttekur upplýsingar er miðlunin á milli stjórnandunum og starfsmönnum Deifðar upplýsingar disseminator. virkja áhuga starfsmanna Talsmaður - vra fyrirmyndin, --------------------------------- frumkvöðull breytinga (intrapreneur) leysir ágreining disturbance handler

People plane

inspire, motivaqte and communicate with staff

Mintzberg managerial roles

interpersonal informational decisional

Managerial competences

knowledge, skills, abilities Þekking , menntun verkkunnátta geta notað þekkingu viðhorf, persónulegir eiginleikar eða hegðun

Team managers

manage staff, teams, ensure they preform

Efficient Skilvirkt

money and resource management are utilized well að fjármagn og auðlindir eru vel nýtt

informational roles Upplýsinga-miðlun

monitor (hear) , disseminator (tell), spoksperson (announce) móttekur upplýsingar, dreifir upplýsingum, talsmaður

Negative affectivity

negitive attitude, critical and pesamistic. Expecting others to preform at a higher level

What is the main goal within a company

providing the goods and services that customers value and desire

Risks for managers with ethical standards

sometimes managers are pressured to comprimise their ethics by managers

First Line Manager ( supervisor) Framlínustjórnendur

supervising team managers who oversee workers, department managers, office managers, store managers, oversee preformance, train, schedule and staffing

Building a competitive advantage

the ability to outpreform other companies because it produces products and services more effectivly and efficiently

What is Management?

the process of planning, organizing, leading and controling of resources within a company in order to acheive organizational goals such as people, equipment financial resources, know how and customers within a company


the tendancy to experience moods, feel good about yourself and the world. OPOSTI anti social intraversion, inward focused

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