Injury prevention

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Sexual abuse and preschoolers

-Begins with teaching children than normal healthy boundaries of their bodies and what constitutes inappropriate behavior -Opt in the perpetrators are known and trusted by the child -Abusers frequently intimidates child into silence with threats of personal harm or suggestions that child initiated the behavior -Children need to know no matter how great friend if someone is touching their bodies inappropriate way you should always tell and adult -If that adult cannot help them they should tell as many adults as necessary until the inappropriate behavior is stopped

Preventing Falls

-Can fall from playground equipment tricycles were out of windows - Falls are leading cause more Betty mobility from unintentional injury - Falls from above first floor of a building can result in serious injury particularly head injury -A chair next to a kitchen counter or table and those toddlers easy access to dangerously high places -Climbing and exploration our normal aspects of development process -Safety education for parrot emphasizes constant supervision and anticipatory planning such as moving furniture installing screen guards restricting access to potential climbing hazards

Safe baby furnishings

-Can present lethal hazards to infant -Parents should be aware of safety considerations when planning or decorating infants room -Need to be aware that older furniture that has been handed down may not be current with safety regulations -Older cribs have gaps between the slats were in Infants can lodge their head and get stuck -Older cribs may have paint that contains lead -Hanging toys over cribs should be positioned out of infants reach to prevent strangulation -No large toys in the crib as they can use them as steps to climb over the crib resulting in a series fall -Chris should be positioned away from curtains or blinds to prevent accidental entanglement and dangling cords

Personal safety

-Child's increasing assertion of independence parents are less able to provide the constant protection they once did -Teaching children about personal safety encourages them to develop skills to detect danger and teachers appropriate ways to handle threatening situations -Strangers often portrayed as evil characters when in reality their parents and approach may be non-threatening and friendly -Basic guidelines and Chata needs to know about personal safety includes saying no getting away and telling adult -Parents should help children learn how to dial 911 -Children need to respond to emergency operators with their full name address parents name and remain on the phone until help Arrives

Preventing poisoning

-Children younger than five most common victims majority being 1-3 years old -Turns leading cause of intentional injury among aged 1 to 4 years - Home is a side of exposure in most cases it causes been ingesting medications cleaning Products Cosmetics personal care products plants and gardening products and alcohol -New poisons are merging and they include e-cigarette liquid laundry detergent packets energy drinks synthetic cannabis -Everything finds its way into the child's mouth even if it does not smell or taste good -Children who are thirsty or hungry while and just poisons that look or smell inviting -Poisoning occurs from not using child-resistant medicine cups gates are putting poisons out of reach or putting medications in different containers in there original ones or leaving poisonous substance is out -Calling the AAA PCC help line is the first action a parent takes if the child has ingested poison because they have Experience in managing poisoning situations and Candace is the parent to intervene immediately -Pediatrics recommend this action rather than having them call the emergency department for their health provider - If a child is unconscious having a seizure or not breathing the parent would immediately call 911 - Medicine should not be called candy adults should be discouraged from taking medicine in child presense - Childproof caps slow the child but are not an absolute barrier -Best way to prevent toxic ingestion is carefully storing all poisons in a place that is in accessible to children

Preventing lead exposure

-Comes from lead paint and solder Used in homes and lead gasoline -Lead poisoning at high risk where old housing predominates -P from old homes can enter the soil and can get on children hands when they are playing -Children inhale lead Dust as homes are being renovated -Lead risk assessment begins as infants begins to be mobile six months of age

Fire and burn safety

-Common injuries ages 1 to 4 -Siri see created a plan to address the issue of preventing birds in scouts plan includes statistical surveillance -Toddlers can reach hot water open fires or hot objects placed on counters and stove above their eye level -Child at this age is at increased risk to reach up and pull a hot liquid off the surface or to grab or overturn a container of hot water on to themself -Toddlers pool objects of stove and pour down cords attached to a small appliance can open of indoors and please electrical cords are frayed wires into their mouth -May drink liquids that are dangerously hot -Nurse encourages parents to remain in the kitchen and repairing a meal when using stoves or using pot handles -Dangling cords from irons should not be accessible two toddlers -30 guards fixed to the wall prevent young children from getting too close to these burn hazards -Curious toddlers fascinated with matches and lighters keep out of reach - Anticipatory guidance infant sizes importance of smoke detectors and escape plans

Preschooler safety

-Have greater self-control but their understanding of danger not fully developed -Safety is more challenging as preschoolers no longer focus on their own backyards and learn from cartoons on TV as the characters engage in dangerous activities walking away unharmed -Because of their magical thinking preschoolers may believe that these feats Are possible it may attempt them -Safety directed toward the child and the parent -Children of this age have a strong sense of rhythm and songs and rhymes about safety can enhance learning process -Instruction should be simple with one concept introduced at a time -Short stories puppet shows songs coloring activities role-playing are suitable learning activities that help preschoolers are in safety-conscious behaviors

Water safety

-Most drownings occur when a child is left alone in a bathtub or falls into a pool - Drowning leading cause of death due to unintentional injury during early childhood - A child may survive a submersion injury but is at risk for permanent brain and lung damage -Parents should not leave a child alone near the bathtub, a pail of water, Waiting or swimming pool or any other body of water - Competent swimmer should be within arms reach when a child is near any swimming area -All swimming pools weather in ground or above ground require climb resistant bands minimum of 4 feet high that's around the pool and remains locked -Pool drains should be protected by covers and prevent children from being trapped we're having long hair caught in the drain - Early swim instruction is one of the major drowning prevention measures - Toddler can drown in 1-inch water -Toilet Lids need to remain closed -Toddlers inadvertently fall headfirst into a toilet or bucket and they like the upper body strength and coordination to remove themselves from submersion -Drowning prevention requires constant parental supervision -

Preventing asphyxiation

-Or suffocation on Eric not get into or out of the lungs and oxygen supplies are depleted -Carbon dioxide increases because it's life-threatening disruptions to the cardiac and cerebral functioning -Choking occurs when objects or aspirated into the airway or into the branches in the lower airways causing Partial or complete obstruction of the lungs -Strangulation typically thought of as a construction of the neck but also include blockage of the nose and mouth by material such as plastic in this blockage prevents Air exchange - Store all plastic bags or covers out of the infants reach -Choking major concern in first few months of infants life when aspiration of feedings or vomit can easily occur because of immature swallowing mechanism -Position in fins on their sides after feedings and avoid placing small infants in bed with a bottle propped in their mouth's -Begin to explore the world around them and place anything and everything in their mouth -Size shape and consistency major determinant of whether a food or object is likely to be aspirated by infant -Food that's rounded or similar to the size of the airway is especially dangerous -Dangerous foods include sliced hotdogs hard candy peanuts grapes raisins chewing gum -Should be cut into small pieces and child should be supervised while eating -Discourage infants and young children from playing singing while eating to avoid choking -Infants are equally endangered by rattles pieces of toys ribbons from stuffed animals in common household objects such as coins buttons pins or beads found on the floor or within the reach -Balloons should not be given to infants or young children are used where an infant or young child plays -Anticipatory guidance your parents include performing thorough inspection of infant surroundings to remove potential items that infants congrats place in their mouth and choke on -Parents encouraged to crawl through the home to get a better perspective of infants environment -Ornaments or toys with detachable parts not recommended for infants because of aspiration risk -Toy standard to prevent choking hazards and non-food products targeted for children younger than three -Parents take extra care to know the presence of small detachable parts on toys before allowing the infant to play with them -As infants explore an older siblings or playmates territory adult supervision is important -To prevent strangulation parents should not place a pacifier on a string or cord around the infants neck and not put in fit to sleep with a babe in place and not position a crib near blinds or curtains chords -Crib slats comply with 2.5 inch with requirement to prevent head entrapment

Fire arm safety

-Parents who choose to keep a gun in the house should receive anticipatory guidance about injury prevention -Guns kept in the home should always be unloaded stored with trigger guards in place, Clearly locked in metal walls in accessible to children -Ammunition stored in an accessible location separate from the gun

Adolescent body art

-Piercing and tattoos -They believe they express their unique individuality or group identification -Body are correlates with an increase in other risk-taking behaviors especially as a number of piercings or tattoos increases -Body piercings are harmless but caution teens about performing these procedures under sterile conditions and should educate them about complications such as bleeding infection keloid formation and allergies to metal -There is a risk for contracting blood-borne diseases or infection from improperly sterilized needle's and most states carefully regulate places where piercings and tattoos can be obtained -Qualified personnel using sterile needles and equipment should perform piercing and tattoo procedures -Single-use and disposable equipment and does are probably used to sterile environment -Healing can take six weeks up to a year -Caring for the piercing include includes not touching the site or removing the jewelry until fully healed and hygiene cleaning at least once a day more often for a tongue piercing with a sailing or antibacterial soap protecting the site from friction stress and teaching adolescent to monitor for signs of infection -Tattoo skin Mary choir application of water base solution and avoidance of Tanning bed exposure -Tattoos are considered a health risk situation -Little regulatory compliance exist in the tattoo industry and should educate the risk of blood borne infection's skin infections and allergic reactions to dyed -Nurses caution adolescence with tattoos to notify professionals of tattoo if magnetic renaissance imaging is perform because many tattoo ink's contain metal such as iron -Must wait 12 months after receiving a tattoo before donating blood -Adolescents are not generally future-oriented and adequately consider the consequences associated with body art acquisition

Car safety

-Rely on adults for protection while traveling in a car -Should be rear facing any approved car safety seat placed in the middle of the rear seat until two years or until the child has achieved the weight and height recommendations -Harness safety straps should be adjusted to provide a snug fit -After two years toddlers are secured in the upright forward-facing safety seat with a three or five-point harness -Children imitate their parents so parents are encouraged to model safe behavior by consistently wearing seatbelts -Toddlers cognitive and fine motor skills develop and some children wiggle free of the restraint system despite releases that are designed to be difficult for a child to operate -Adults have visually inspected the area surrounding the car before placing it in gear -A toddler in the car may not be visible in consistent serious crashing injuries in front over by the car -Toddlers me right now on foot into oncoming traffic so parents need to closely supervise play activities and remain physically close to the toddler to prevent these types of injuries -Toddlers and infants should never be left unattended in a car even for a moment -Expose her to except extreme heat or cold is dangerous in this age group -Injuries have occurred when parents have left a car running for various reasons in a curious toddler has disengaged the gears causing the car to roll and collide with other objects

Fire and burn safety

-Routine fire drills practice in the home -Repetition of family drills help ensure child will respond correctly and automatically to smoke alarms -Children of this age can better comprehend cause-and-effect relationships so they can understand why they should not play with potentially flammable substances -Eager to help parents with daily chores such as cooking or ironing -Need to invest the time to teach their children how to use tools and appliances correctly -Fireworks create burn hazard for children -To prevent burn injuries prohibits us out with more dangerous fireworks to the general public -A degree of risk is always associated with any fact fireworks - No absolutely see fireworks for children or adults - Fireworks best left to the experts and viewed from a safe distance -

Water safety preschooler

-School-age children learn to swim well enough to keep their heads above water for a short time at eight years old -Length of time keep their heads above water in there swimming ability increase with age and experience -Incidence of drowning decreases in this age group however drowning is the second leading cause of death after a motor vehicle injury in 5 to 9 and 10 to 14-year-old age group -Adult supervision still needed to prevent water-related injury and children of this age groups -Often overestimate their swimming capabilities and endurance -As their swimming abilities improve anticipatory guidance can include general swimming safety - Children should be taught to stay away from pools canals and fast moving waters of creeks and rivers -Advise parents to Teach children to wade into a shallow water or to jump feetfirst into water Of unknown depth to prevent neck injuries -Safety near the water includes never running pushing we're jumping on others who are in the water

School age safety

-Unintentional injury leading cause of death in children in every age group beyond one year of age -Death rate for my unintentional injury lower in children ages 5 to 9 -then early childhood -Aside from injury from falls leading cause of non-fatal unintentional injury and children of this age group include being struck by or striking an object that result in injury over exertion lacerations bites steams bicycle injury motor vehicle passenger injuries -School age child has less fear when playing in frequently imitates adults by using tools and household items -Children in this age group enjoy helping adult routines and chores around the home -Anticipatory guidance related to safety is very important as Children develop and try new projects that require use of more dangerous or sophisticated equipment -Role-playing activities and error detection picture games are excellent ways to reinforce safety lessons -Children in this age group are inquisitive and will frequently ask questions -Answers to their questions should contain concrete rationales -Group projects with safety topics help foster independent thinking while promoting interactions with the child peer group

Adolescent car safety

Adolescent car safety -Drivers license signifies a passage into adulthood and provides them with the means to explore and experience the world more freely -Adolescence lack of judgment, opposition to authority and need to express independence often Result in a disregard for sound defensive driving practices -Risk-taking behaviors appear to play a major role in high incidence of car related injuries and deaths among teenagers -Young inexperienced driver tends to dry faster and take more chances -Despite legal drinking age loss alcohol is easily accessible to adolescents they are greater social activity combined with availability of alcohol increases their incidence of impaired driving -Texting and driving are a standard of adolescence they include texting or emailing while driving which is a big factor in distracted driving -There's a support car safety by driver education programs for teenagers in the use of seatbelts in by discouraging teens from using a cell phone or texting while driving -Nurses encourage teens and their parents to set up a ride home agreement to discourage any driver after drinking alcohol -Adolescence need to know that they have an option available to them if they find themselves in a situation in which the driver has been drinking -Do you mean with the inconveniences of finding another ride home is much better than dealing with the injuries and damages of a motor vehicle crash

Adolescent safety

Adolescent safety -Injuries can't claim wives more than Other causes of death In adolescence -Physical growth, psycho motor function, insufficient physical coordination for the task, energy, impulsivity, peer pressure and inexperience are some causes -Impulsivity inexperience peer pressure may place them in unsafe situations -Feelings of invulnerability such as it can't happen to me persist and little thought maybe give into negative consequences of certain behaviors -Alcohol and drugs impaired judgment and contribute a fatal injuries among adolescents -Nurses focus on preventing fire arm and traumatic head injury's and should express a genuine interest in adolescence as individuals in the listening in a non-judge mental way -Helping adolescents recognize choices when faced with difficulty or potentially dangerous situations is an important component of safety promotion with this age group -Adolescent Faze frightening for parents as they are aware of risk proposing them to injury or death

Adolescent suicide

Adolescent suicide -Intentional suicide third leading cause of death for children 5 to 14 years -Identification of adolescent at risk for suicide a priority -Depression common and suicidal youth's and other risk factors include declining mental health poor impulse control poor school performance family and disorganization conduct disorders substance abuse homosexuality and recent stress -Adolescence at risk should be targeted for support of guidance and counseling -Nurses counsel parents that all adolescent suicidal gestures should be taken very seriously -Illegal and prescription drugs available to adolescents -They do not know which types of drugs will harm them and overdoses lead to an intentional poisoning death -Poisoning is second leading cause of unintentional death in adolescence aged 15 to 24

Adolescent water safety

Adolescent water safety -Drowning is a cause of death and teenagers but is the second leading cause of death from an intentional injury in 10 to 14-year-olds -Third leading cause of unintentional injury death in 15 to 24-year-olds -Drowning deaths occur in lakes rivers ponds with the rest occurring in public or private swimming pools -Adolescence able to travel to areas free of adult supervision frequently alcohol and drugs are contributing factors -Combination of freedom and alcohol a place in Celis at risk for injury by exceeding the limits for safe swimming and diving -Encourage swimming lessons water safety classes in the completion of a course in cardio pulmonary resuscitation -Adolescence need to know how alcohol and drugs impair ability to perform activities which day are usually competent

Anticipatory guidance

Anticipatory -To be most effective in providing anticipatory safety narcissist gear educational strategies to the child's level of growth and development -Knowledge of growth and development help nurse understand the risk associated with each age group and chooses the educational strategy appropriate to the child's developmental level -Early in parenting experience parents need to know how to provide a safe environment for their children and what behaviors they can expect at various developmental levels -Bills on the safety principles of the previous stage -Awareness of a child's changing capabilities allows a parent to be more alert and reactive to safety hazards that the child is likely to encounter -Awareness is especially important for first-time parents -Simply telling parents to watch your children or to childproof the home or telling a child to be careful has a little educational impact -Developmentally children are vulnerable to injury for the following reasons -Children are naturally curious and enjoy exploring their surroundings, or driven to test in master new skills, frequently attempt activities before they have developed the cognitive and physical skills required to accomplish the task safely, Assert themselves and challenge rules, Develop a strong desire for peer approval as they grow older

Bicycle skating scooter skateboard safety preschooler

Bicycle skating scooter skateboard safety preschooler -The bicycle is considered a toy but is actually a vehicle capable of speedy transportation - Bicycle injuries leading cause of non-fatal injury and children 5 to 15 years -School-age children and adolescents account for more than half of my school related injuries -Do use of a helmet can reduce incidence of head injury fractures and traumatic brain injury's - Parents should choose a helmet appropriate size for child -Bicycles practices begin when child is in the passenger and buy a bicycle on the back of the parents bicycle -Children progress to a tricycle and then build more skilled in rides a bicycle -Parents set limits on where when and how far the child may ride until he or she can Competently maneuver the bicycle -When parents on bicycles and company children they should wear helmets and follow the rules of the road to role model appropriate safety -In line skating and skate boarding a recreational activities that are popular with school age children -Balancing, stopping and turning our challenging and require motor skills similar to those required for bicycling -As child begins to learn the skills balls are frequent and protective gear is essential -Helmets and protective pads cover the knees and elbows help protect the most vulnerable areas of the child's body from serious injury -Unpowered scooters are commonly used and injuries have increased with them these injuries may cause upper extremities and face -Recommendations for safe operation of scooters are similar to those for in-line skating With exception of wrist pad use

Burn prevention in infant

Burn prevention in infant -Vulnerable to burns -They're limited mobility makes it impossible for them to escape from immersion in hot water -Parents should be instructed to decrease the setting on water heaters to 120 Fahrenheit -Their skin is thin causing burns to occur faster at lower temperatures than adults -Water temperature settings of 140 takes only three seconds for the child to suffer serious burns -Lowering temperature by 20°F causes same degree of burn injury in 8 to 10 minutes of submersion -Adult should test the water temperature before the infant is submerged to decrease risk of unintentional Scald injuries -Avoid smoking drinking hot liquids cooking while holding an infant -Infants begin to crawl around the floor open electrical sockets should be covered with appropriate socket protectors -Open stove or fireplace is our intriguing to infants to explore -Avoid use of steam vaporizer to prevent Scald injuries to curious infant -Exposure to sunlight can cause serious sunburn -Young infants should not be exposed to sunlight even for a brief period and on cloudy days sunscreen should not be used on infants younger than six months old -Best way to minimize adverse affects of sun is avoidance. -Children should wear clothing to cover exposed areas of skin such as hat and sunglasses if they're going outside under the sunlight -Apply UVA and UVB sunblock and Sunscreens to older infants and children -Should be applied 15 to 30 minutes in advance to exposure and reapplied every two hours

Car safety preschooler

Car safety preschooler -When a child's height is 4'9" and between ages eight and 12 they could move to a large enough to use the vehicles three point restraining system -Trail needs to be tall enough that the shoulder belt crosses the middle of the chest and the lapbelt ride low onto the thighs -Smaller and younger children remain in the approved booster seat which will position the belts properly in relation to the child -Parents should be aware of state laws regarding child out of mobile safety seats for school-age children where they reside in when they travel as most states have specific ages at which a child may use the vehicle restraint system - Children should sit in a rear seat away from car passenger safety airbags

Car safety preschooler

Car safety preschooler- —Need to remain in car seat until four years old or tall enough to meet manufacturers recommendations -One child outgrows car safety seat and improved booster seat is recommended -Standard seatbelts contribute to injury because they fit poorly over small frame of the child -Standard shoulder harness crosses the child's face or neck in that belt is positioned across mid abdomen rather than across bony structure of pelvis -Booster seats design to raise child high enough so that restraining straps or correctly positioned over child smaller body frame -Parents ensure a child safety restraint before vehicle and started -A high back booster seat design to properly hold a car lap and shoulder belt strongly recommended for children who have outgrown a child safety seat -Riding in the open bed of a pick up truck or cargo area of a van or station wagon is deadly in the event of a car crash

Toddler safety

Children are more injury-prone and this stage of development than any other time -Constant supervision is challenging for parents but is the most important factor in preventing injuries in this age group

Cognitive development infancy

Cognitive development infancy -Besides you need intellectual aptitude and motivation infants sensory capabilities neuromuscular control and perceptual skills or affect other cognitive processes and falls during infancy and throughout life -Variables such as the quality and quantity of parental interaction and environmental stimulation contribute to cognitive development -Cognitive development during the first two years of life begins with a profound state of egocentrism -Egocentrism is the child's complete self-absorption and inability to view the world from anyone else's vantage point (Piaget) -Infants cognitive capacity is expanded they become increasingly aware of the outside world in their separateness from it -Maturation and experience they become capable of differentiating themselves from others in their surroundings -According to the Padgett's theory, cognitive development occurs in stages or periods -Infancy included in sensorimotor stage from birth to two years during which infants experience the world through their senses and attempt to control the environment -Learning activities progress from simple reflects behavior to trial and error experiments -Infants are in first substage which is reflex activity of the sensory motor phase -In this stage behavior such as grasping sucking or looking in dominated by reflexes -Paget believe that infants organize their activity survive and adapt to the world by using these reflexes Primary circular reactions to dominate the second substage occurring from ages 1 to 4 months -During substage reflexes become more organized and new schmetata Are required usually centering on the infant body - Sensual activities such as sucking and kicking become less and more controlled and I repeated because of stimulation they provide -The Baby begins to recognize objects especially those that bring pleasure such as the breast or bottle -During third substage or stage of secondary circular reactions inference perform actions that are more oriented toward the world outside their own bodies -The 48 month old infant in this sub stage begins to play with objects in the external environment such as a rattle or stuffed toy -Infants actions are labeled secondary because they are intentional (Repeated because of the response that is elicited) -Sample a baby in the substage intentionally shakes a rattle to hear the sound -By age 8 to 12 months infants in fourth substage which is coordination of secondary schemata begin to relate to objects as if they realize that the objects exist even when they are out of sight -Awareness is referred to as object permanence and illustrated by a nine month old infant seeking a toy after it is hidden in under a pillow -In contrast six month olds can follow the path of a toy that has dropped in front of them however they will not look for the dropped a toy or protest it's disappearance until they are older and have developed the concept of object permanence -Infants and forth substage solve problems differently from how do you solve problems in earlier substages -Rather than randomly selecting approaches to problems they choose actions that work successful in the past -This tendency suggest that they remember perform some mental processing -They seem to be able to identify simple casual relationships and show definite intentionality -For example the 11th month old child sees a toy that is beyond reach the child uses a blanket that is resting on to pull it closer (Piaget) -Cognitive development in the infant parallels motor development -Motor activity necessary for cognitive development and cognitive development based on interaction with the environment not simply maturation -Infants cognitive development please foundation for later cognitive functioning -Nurses promote infants cognitive development by encouraging parents to interact with their infants and supervise them with novel interesting stimuli -Parents should maintain familiar routine experiences through which theorist infants can develop a sense of security about the world

Down syndrome

Down syndrome

E cigarettes or vaping

E cigarettes or vaping -To reducecigarette smoking -E-cigarette's containing flavored nicotine in liquid form create a vapor that hasn't held by the user this referred to as vaping -The receiver gets a dose of nicotine which can be harmful to the developing brain -There has been a reported increased in the number of toddlers and preschoolers who have been poisoned through access to nicotine like well it's imperative that nurses encourage users to keep these products out of reach as with any other poison

Factors contributing to adolescent violence

Factors contributing to adolescent violence

Factors to consider in selecting adolescent contraception

Factors to consider in selecting adolescent contraception -

Fire and burn safety preschooler

Fire and burn safety preschooler -Mimic adults and attempt household activities before they are able to manage appliance safely increasing the risk of burn injuries -Matches and lighters continue to fascinate preschoolers -With their increased fine motor skills preschoolers may be able to ignite the flame -Should be taught that lighters and matches or adult tools into town and I'll immediately if they find one -Children younger than five greatest risk for burned deaths in a house fire - Panic and hide in the closet or under beds rather than escape safely -Parents need to practice fire drill's with their children did he change them what to do in the event of a house fire -Should become familiar with sound submitted by smoke alarms and should be taught to crawl under smoke into check doors for heat -Ideal age to learn what to do with their clothing ignites in flames -Tell them to stop immediately if clothes catch on fire in to cover their face and mouth with the hands then drop on the ground and roll

Infant safety

Infant safety -Infill becomes mobile overnight -The potential for intentional injury May occur -Infants musculature strengthens in coordination improves infan has a insatiable desire to explore -Without the cognitive skills needed to differentiate danger from safety the rolling crawling in toddler infant is at great risk for injury -Dependent on others for safety and protection -Vulnerable to serious injury because of the relatively large head size -Motor development progresses to the point were infants quickly master new skills to learn more about their environment -And possibly reach out and move toward interesting objects around them -Because of infants dependence parents and caregivers her primary sapiens of anticipatory safety guidance -Since first day of life safety is incorporated into the world -Potential safety hazard multiply as Baby learns to creep crawl climb and explore

Injury prevention

Injury prevention -Accident with is implied meaning of random chance or lack of responsibility has been replaced with injury with that implication that injuries have causes that can be modified to prevent or less in their frequency and severity -Safety education is critical of injury prevention -It increases awareness and it attempts to modify human behavior in reinforces changes implemented it through legal mandates suggest seatbelt laws or product modification crib design and airbags -Nurses need to be proactive in childhood injury prevention by increasing children and adults awareness of safety issues -Nurses who care for children are oculi aware of the devastating effects and complex problems injuries caused -From their experiences they become well informed advocates for childhood safety *What nurses can do to prevent childhood injuries -Model safety practices in the home workplace and community -Educate parents and children through anticipatory safety guidance to help Re do needless injuries -Support legislative efforts that advocate prevention measures -Collaborate with other healthcare providers to promote safety and injury prevention

Motor vehicle safety in infant

Motor vehicle safety an infant -Greatest threat to an infants life and health restraining seats are the only practical means of reducing the risk -Parents must be informed that they cannot protect their child from injury in a crash by cradling of holding the infant on their laps -Adults aren't either strong enough on our quick enough to prevent the sudden for notions to overcome the inertial forces (External forces of motion caused by impact) Exerted in a crash -In unrestrained adult pro pill for trapping and crushing the infant between the adult body in the hard surfaces inside the car on impact -Only way to prevent injuries and deaths to an infant and a car is to use car safety seat for each trip no matter how short -Getting a child accustomed to using safety seat at a young age establishes a safety have it and may reduce resistance later -Car safety seats should be placed in the rear seat of the vehicle preferably in the center away from the possibility of injury from the side crash advise parents to consult the auto Mobile operating manual for optimal seating positioning -Newborns and infants should be in a rear facing seat with a three or five point harness until they are two years of age and have reached the upper parameters of manufactures recommendation of specific safety seat -Front facing seats should be tethered to the tether anchor -Both the car those made after 2002 and see Miss have the latch system for it to work without the seatbelt -Children should remain in an approved car seat or booster seat until they are approximately 49 inches tall between eight and 12 years -Advise parents to check borrowed car seats to be sure they have not been in a previous crash or not cracked or broken and are not too old or without manufacture directions -Infants and children younger than 13 should not be in the front seat of cars equipped with airbags because when deployed I can jolt the car safety seat and harm the infant or child

Nursing quality alert assessment of poison ingestion

Nursing quality alert assessment of poison ingestion

Pedestrian safety

Pedestrian safety -Ages five through nine greatest risk for auto Mobile pedestrian injuries -Tremendous forces of impact in like of protection can lead to severe injury -Children commonly struck when they dart into traffic especially were parked cars of scared of the drivers view of the child -Children in this age group have a misconception that they can see the car the driver must be able to see them and will be able to stop instantly -Focused on play activities they often impulsively Darr into the street oblivious to boundaries and potential traffic dangers -Children learn traffic safety by watching and doing -Exposure to traffic increases as a child begins to walk to and from school and friends houses -Parents have the responsibility of practicing pedestrian safety hundreds of times for the child is allowed to vent your cross streets alone

Preventing Falls

Preventing Fall -Infants begin to roll over as early as two months and start to scoot or crawl into fall injuries from changing tables counters or furniture are common -If parents or nervousness move away from the infant the adults should either take the infant or supplies are close please hand on the infant while reaching -Some parents choose to place their child on the floor for changing diapers -To prevent falls from seeds high chairs or strollers you safety restraining straps -Please gates at the top and bottom of stairs to prevent falls -Infant walkers are dangerous and not recommended -Because they cannot protect themselves from Falls

Providing a safe home environment for the infant

Providing a safe home environment for the infant -When children are typically limited to the home environment safety in and around the home is a top priority -Most child injuries occur in the home -Injuries include contact with sharp objects bites and stings cuts and burns but the leading causes of injury are falls younger than nine years -Besides motor vehicle crashes unintentional suffocation choking or strangulation drowning and fire and burn injury are the leading causes of death related to unintentional injury

Sexual activity adolescent

Sexual activity adolescent -Adolescent sexuality means the thoughts feelings and behaviors related to their sexual identity -Middle adolescence marks initial period of dating and experimentation with heterosexual and homosexual behaviors -Intimate relationships in middle adolescents are usually short-lived as a experiment with their sexual identity -Of greatest concern two parents are unwanted pregnancies STDs and the teens feelings of despair over failed relationships -Adolescence often in pervious to the possibility of negative consequences of their sexual experimentation and believe that it can't happen to me -Homosexual behavior face many challenges growing up in a society that is often an excepting and discriminatory -These people are at increased risk for suicide victimization risky sexual behaviors homelessness and multiple substance abuse -Often victims of bullying -At risk for health problems such as obesity HIV cancer and depression Sexual behaviors> -Prevailing's of sexual activity among adolescents is not recommending risk assessment for STDs during every adolescent visit -STD screening with appropriate and HIV testing riding lessons age 16 to 18 -This piece fees is a risk taking in many choose to be sexually active and do so unprotected -Early initiation of sexual activity correlates with increased risk for STDs and early pregnancy -Sexual activity often increased with alcohol and substance use -Those who demonstrate high levels self-esteem have goals for academic or six hours who are religious and his parents communicate about sexual expectations likely to delay sexual activity -Exposure to sexual music videos movies television programs contribute to early initiation of sexual activity in adolescents Sexual behavior and the media> -Obtain information about sex and relationships through social networking sites and the Internet -They are being exposed to an environment where inappropriate sexuality and sexual behavior may be the norm -Obtain inaccurate information on which the best decisions about whether to engage in active sexual behavior -Social media promotes Sexting -Various reasons engage in sexual behavior or 16 such as peer pressure low self-esteem or being in a romantic relationship -Adolescence do not recognize the possible consequences of such behavior -Sexting associated with substance and alcohol use -Relationship violence > -It can be sexual or physical -The effects of dating violence can be severe and have lifelong physical and emotional effects including unwanted pregnancy contracting and STD alcohol use and depression Pregnancy risk> -Limited cognitive abilities or lack of abstract thinking influence contraceptive practices -Adolescence will fill in vulnerable to pregnancy often cannot a simulate and apply to them selves information about sexual behavior conception and birth control -Lack of self-esteem and peer pressure play a role in determining adolescent sexual behavior -Teams use sex to feel loved or desired in fear abandonment by a partner if sex is refused -Nurses strongly encourage adolescents to discuss sexuality sexual behavior in contraception with their parents whenever possible -Sex education best when it occurs within a positive parent child relationship we are factual information dovetails with family values -School sucks programs have varying success -sulemain Describes urologic and hormonal influences that occurred during early adolescent development triggering romantic and sexual interest -Research highlights goals for sex education program that positively directs romantic and sexual interest while providing knowledge about sexual health -Nurses ensure adolescence have knowledge skills opportunities that enable them to make responsible decisions about sexual behavior -Education regarding sexual in contraception should be oriented to development level of individual or group -Nurses use primary preventive intervention by assisting adolescents to develop coping strategies to meet their needs in ways other than through sexual behavior Contraception> -8/3 of adolescence 15 to 19 are sexually active -Nurses provide screening in management for STDs contraceptive services and psychosocial counseling -AAP recommends assessing for sexual activity at every well visit during adolescence. When providing contraception and advise providers need to return the assess for changes in sexual relationships as well as determine adherence to contraceptive recommendations -

Airplane safety

Strongly suggest that infants and children younger than four should be restrained during takeoff and landing during turbulence and as much as possible during the flight -Children should be placed in properly secured age appropriate safety seats which have been government approved for both auto Mobile and aircraft -Harness restraint system can be used for children wing between 22 and 44 pounds

Tanning adolescent

Tanning adolescent -Harmful to the skin and a risk factor for skin cancer later in life -The media promotes image of beach glamour young well-built and tanned -Most exposure to UV radiation occurs during childhood and adolescence and skin cancers can be prevented with appropriate and consistent use of sunscreens and sun. Blocks -A concern is that adolescents who use tanning salons do not use sun protection and they're not aware of dangers of exposure to UV light -Affects from tanning beds include I am injury premature aging of skin increase the risk of skin cancer -One under 18 can use a tanning salon -Nurses who are doing anticipatory guidance with teens must address these issues along with teaching about risk of tanning in natural sunlight —Teenagers may be cognizant of body exposure at a beach but may forget about exposure of body parts during a long tennis match for baseball game especially on a cloudy day -Nurses caution teens receiving any type of medication about the side effects related to sun exposure so medications may cause the sun's UV rays to be stronger and result in quicker burning -Side effects of sunscreen products include itching burning redness or some may be allergic or sensitive to sunscreen agent -Discontinue sunscreen use if allergic dermatitis is noted -Over the counter or professional salons have look of a tan one I applied nurses encourage teens to use these products rather than expose them selves to ultraviolet light



Violence toward others

Violence toward others -Homicide fifth leading cause of death in children 5 to 14 and third leading cause in teens and young adults age 15 to 24 and children 1 to 4 years -Exposure to violence at a young age can call later violent behavior -Violence can be exposed from TV movies video games family community and increases the likelihood that a child will use violet means to sell problem Mattick relationships -Nurses working with children adolescents and their families have opportunity to include violence prevention as a component of anticipatory guidance -And should begin when the child is young -Violence is a learned behavior -Often reinforced by actions of those closest to the child invite ever increasing exposure to violence in the media -Assessing how I family deals with anger and resolve conflict provides insight into the way the child will likely react in similar situations -Family with violent tendencies should we be referred to a counselor -Learning to react to anger stress with non-violent actions is the goal for the youth -Intervention is not a one-time session it must be reinforced in the adolescence life -Parents can't isolate their children for Mom media violence but they can be encouraged to monitor in limit their children's television viewing co-view and discuss with her children the implications of violence shown -Carrying a weapon can establish feeling of control or power or maybe a response to fear of those with power -Fire arms in the hands of adolescence can be used impulsively -A popular sport is airsoft guns which resemble real real weapons but use ammunition that is some type of plastic pallet -I am injuries have been reported from this type of weapon use and it is imperative that adequate protection be used and the activity be appropriately supervised -Peer mediation groups in schools have been successful in preventing violent behavior among teens

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