Insects Final

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The stage of animal decay where there are very high numbers of fly larvae that have spread to the inside of the decomposing body, which has a strong odor and is no longer bloated with gases, is Dry Decay Active Decay Deterioration Stage Fresh Decay

Active Decay

Insects that invade our homes are interested in what? Select all that apply. Feeding on us Feeding on our pets Eating our home Snacking on our crumbs Getting out of the cold Getting our WiFi password off of the fridge

All but last one

Augmentation is one type of biological control. Which of the following statements are true about augmentation? Usually conducted by growers Large numbers of natural enemies are released to immediately reduce a pest population (Inundation) Small numbers of natural enemies are released at intervals starting when pest population is low (Inoculative release) all of the above

All of the above

Examples of biological control agents used against insects are: Flies Wasps Beetles All of the above.

All of the above

The greatest threats to pollinating insects is/are honey bee parasites pesticides destruction of habitat all of the above

All of the above

Insect Growth Regulators (IGR): Are NOT toxic to crustaceans like shrimp and lobsters Mimic hormones that control insect growth & development Disrupt development of immature insects A, B, and C B and C

B and C

Which of the following is (are) NOT a practical solution(s) to protect biodiversity? Reclamation Clear cutting of forests Ecotourism Habitat fragmentation B and D A and C


In an ecosystem, which role(s) do insects play? Producers Primary consumers Secondary consumers Decomposers B,C,D

B, C, and D

The variety of life forms, the ecological roles they perform, and the genetic diversity they contain is called Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biodiversity Biometry


Normally, the first insects to show up, within minutes, to a decaying animal body are Fleas Body lice Blow Flies Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, and Ants)

Blow Flies

The job of insect decomposers in ecosystems is to: Break down green, living leaves into small fragments Break down dead complex organic matter into simple substances that plants can use again Break down other living insects into small pieces Go inside of other living insects and break down their internal organs into small pieces

Break down dead complex organic matter into simple substances that plants can use again

The term that is used for looking for medicines in insects that can be used to fight human diseases is:

Chemical prospecting

Which of the following insects do NOT pollinate plants? Bees and wasps Beetles Flies Butterflies and moths Cockroaches


Insects are useful in solving crimes, particularly the time of death, because of their natural role in Photosynthesis Pollination Decomposition Biocontrol


Termites differ from ants by having which characteristics? A. bead-like antennae B. equal sized wings C. "thread-waisted" bodies D. all of the above E. a and b only

E Termites have beaded antennae while ants have elbow Ants larger forewing than hindwing

Which of the following is a reason why alternative food crops that grow around the world are not used today? They grow slower than the food crops commonly used today They require more fertilizer than the food crops commonly used today Early civilizations that used these plants were conquered and told to plant other crops that their conquerors brought with them They are subject to more diseases and insect pests than the crops commonly used toda

Early civilizations that used these plants were conquered and told to plant other crops that their conquerors brought with them

When considering natural ecosystems all over the world, overall, it is a good thing when normal population levels of insects feed on living plants (herbivory) for all of the reasons below except Insect feeding on leaves stimulates plant growth Insect feces put nutrients into the soil Dead insects that fall from the leaves put nutrients into the soil Eating all of the flowers keeps the trees from producing too many seeds

Eating all of the flowers keeps the trees from producing too many seeds

A field of corn is not an ecosystem because humans created it by clearing the land, plowing the soil, and planting the corn seeds. T/F


All Introduced Species are Invasive Species. T/F


All insecticides need to be eaten in order to be effective against pests T/F


An Invasive Species is a native species that adversely affects the region and has reached the status of pest. T/F


An insecticide labeled with the signal word 'Danger' means that insecticide is LESS toxic than another insecticide labeled with the signal word 'Warning T/F


Bed bugs transmit disease to humans. T/F


Biological control is a relatively quick strategy to control a pest and will work for all pest species. T/F


Cross-pollination occurs between different flowers on the same plant. True False


Introduction of new species is easy to prevent. T/F


LD50 is the measure of toxicity and is defined as the number of test animals that die under experimental conditions from 50% of the normal usage dose of the chemical. T/F


Newly introduced species can be easily eradicated using insecticides. T/F


Nicotine, which has natural poisonous chemicals, is in the Botanical class of insecticides. T/F


Pesticide resistance is no longer an important issue regarding the use of pesticides. T/F


When cockroaches lay their eggs, they spread them around as individual eggs to increase their chance of hatching. T/F

False - Each female can produce up to 7 oothecae in their lifetime. Cockroaches have high reproductive potential

Bed bugs only infest unclean places like poorly maintained hotels. T/F

False - easily transferred

Most of the crops consumed by humans are pollinated by insects. True False

False - most pollinated by wind or are asexual

The ovary in plants is part of the female structure of a flower and is the source of pollen. T/F

False -Anthers=male structure is the source of pollen. Ovaries produce seed

An ecosystem includes all of the following, except Fixed boundaries Biological communities Cycling of nutrients Physical and chemical environment

Fixed boundaries

The Winged Bean of New Guinea is a good example of an alternative food crop that is presently underused, but it could help feed the world's population. All of the following are reasons why this would be a good crop, except: It contains a natural insecticide that keeps it from being eaten by insects The leaves are eaten like spinach The seed pods are eaten like green beans. The roots are eaten like potatoes.

It contains a natural insecticide that keeps it from being eaten by insects.

The reason that the invasive species, the Formosan Subterranean Termite is such a problem is It is an aggressive feeder and can colonize above ground Its native range in the Eastern United States has changed, causing it to disperse farther, outside of its normal habitat It eats soft metal products as well as wood It is an intermediate host for a new human disease

It is an aggressive feeder and can colonize above ground

When pest populations reach the Economic Threshold

It is time to think about managing or treating to prevent economic loss

-Which of the following statements about the organochlorine insecticide DDT is NOT true?: Kills only the target pest is long lasting in the environment Bioaccumulates in the food chain, including humans. In the 1950's and 60' s DDT greatly lessened the dangers of insect borne diseases to humans (malaria, typhus).

Kills only the target pest

Integrated pest management (IPM) involves all of the following except: Knowing how many of the pest will be harvested as a source of protein for humans Using a combination of control techniques Having decision making tools, which are usually computer models Knowing when the pest goes from the immature stages to the adult stage

Knowing how many of the pest will be harvested as a source of protein for humans

Forensic Entomology is The use of insects to determine environmental conditions The study of insects and how they relate of global food shortages The practice of raising insects for ecotourism None of the above

None of the above

Integrated pest management (IPM) involves all of the following except: Consideration of effects on the environment Use of economic information Accurate sampling of pest population Not using any chemical insecticides

Not using any chemical insecticides

Which of the following is NOT an example of a natural ecosystem? desert river orchard tropical rain forest


Useful information about medicines in insects is often discovered by studying local cultures around the world. An recent example of a useful insect medicine that was discovered this way is: People of Mali mixing cow pea weevils in their coffee to relieve arthritis People in the jungles of Brazil making soup with giant beetle grubs to relieve stomach ailments People in the Arctic (Eskimos or Inuits) making a paste from Caribou bot flies to cure skin infections People in China brewing a drink similar to tea from ants to relieve arthritis

People in China brewing a drink similar to tea from ants to relieve arthritis

If you are implementing an integrated pest management program (IPM) program against an insect pest, the final component that you would put into effect is Post-treatment sampling to check the pest population levels DNA analysis of the pest to see if insecticide resistance is building up Current market prices of the crop you are trying to protect Combination of control tactics that are the most cost-effective and environmentally sound

Post-treatment sampling to check the pest population levels

The knowledge of an insect's life cycle is important. In the video featuring Dr. William Bass from the University of Tennessee, which life stage provided the final evidence in convicting a murder suspect? Egg Larva Pupa Adult


Insects are important in ecosystems as prey for many predators. Sometimes they are eaten directly; other times they are linked to large predators by one or more steps in the food chain. All of the following vertebrate animals either eat insects or they eat other animals that eat insects, except: Rabbits Alligators Grizzly bears Toads


In agricultural settings, the best way of controlling spider mites is:

Relying on predatory arthropods

What is not true about Asian Tiger Mosquitoes: They are vectors of Zika virus They can not breed in trash Feed during the day

They cannot breed in trash

From the list below, what is the most important reason that humans should care about insect biodiversity They play essential roles in ecosystems, like the jobs of workers in factories Many of them are pretty and artists have always painted them Some of them have bad stings that can kill children and elderly people The social structure of some insects, like ants and bees, give us a good model for human societies.

They play essential roles in ecosystems, like the jobs of workers in factories

From a global perspective, the greatest threats to biodiversity and the greatest potential for bad effects to human society are from the loss of tropical rain forests. All of the following statements are true about this situation, except: The original area of tropical rain forests has been reduced by almost 50% Tropical rain forests are home to the greatest number of undiscovered species Tropical rain forests have deep soils that produce high yields of agricultural crops for many years after the trees are removed Ecotourism can produce significant income for undeveloped countries if they choose to protect their remaining tropical rain forests

Tropical rain forests have deep soils that produce high yields of agricultural crops for many years after the trees are removed

According to the 2014 USDA Pesticide Data Survey, almost all domestic food crops have either no detectable residue or residues less than the legal tolerance T/F


All of the following are examples of ecosystem services: regulating the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, creating soil, providing wood for houses, and growing cotton for clothes. T/F


Biological control does not include the use of chemical pesticides. T/F


Dust mite allergies are caused by dust mite exoskeletons and feces, not living mites. T/F


Follicle mites (shown below) live on humans and can cause skin reactions like acne. True/False Pink background - long lower portion body that forms into tip


Geographic distribution of insects can be used to check alibi of a suspect. T/F


In order for an IPM program to be successful, it is necessary to know the life cycle of the pest, the food preference of the pest, and the susceptibility of the pest to various chemical insecticides. T/F


In the United States, where there is a higher consumption of fruits and vegetables, pollination by insects is more important than on a worldwide basis where most grains consumed are wind or self-pollinated. T/F


It only takes 2-3 months for a pesticide manufacturer to discover and register a new insecticide. T/F


Plants are pollinated several different ways. Wind and insects are the most important to successful pollination of most plants. T/F


The life cycles of certain kinds of colonizing insects is important in determining the precise Post Mortem Interval (PMI), which provides reliable evidence on the time of a person's death. T/F


The roles of insects and related arthropods in ecosystems are so important that at least one expert predicts that if all of them were to disappear, humanity would not last more than a few months. T/F


Gypsy moth was introduced to the US in order to increase silk production. T/F

True - Leopold Trouvelot brought them to cross-breed

Important medicines are found in plants, some of which need insects for pollination. Alkaloids, which cure some types of cancer, are an example of an important class of chemicals that come from plants. What percentage of plants have been analyzed thus far for alkaloids? a. 3% b.25% c.45% d.67%

a. 3%

Which of the following is a threat to biodiversity? Habitat alteration Climate Change Invasive species Pollution All of the above

all of the above

Parasitoids are a commonly used biological control. Insect parasitoids are parasitic to the host as adults never kill the host are commonly from the Hymenoptera (wasps and bees) or Diptera (flies) engulf the host

are commonly from the Hymenoptera (wasps and bees) or Diptera (flies)

Based on the LD50, which of the following four compounds is most toxic? Aspirin: LD50 = 750 mg/kg, herbicide Roundup (herbicide): LD50 = 825 mg/kg Terro Ant Killer (borax): LD50 = 5250 mg/kg Super Blaster Aphid Killer: LD50 = 6500 mg/kg.

aspirin - smaller LD50 = smaller amount to kill

The biological control strategy commonly used against invasive, introduced pests is called conservation biocontrol, where alternate hosts and food sources for the adults are provided host biocontrol, where the host is eliminated so the introduced pest will decline classical biocontrol, where natural enemies from the pest's natural habitat are investigated and released none of the above

classical biocontrol, where natural enemies from the pest's natural habitat are investigated and released

The Economic Injury Level of a pest population is considered the break-even point. When pest populations rise above this level

economic losses will occur

One visible sign that might alert you to termite damage is... - galleries on the wood surface -chewed-up wood surfaces -sawdust piles at the bottom of the structure -mud tubes up the side of the structure

mud tubes up the side of the structure

Certain plants, like European orchids, have special structures that trick insects into helping the plant with pollination. Which of the following is a way a plant deceives insects into visiting the pollen structures? plant lures females to the pollen with structures that resemble a male of the insect species plant lures males to copulate with pollen structures that look like a female of the insect species plant has special pollen structures that look like prey for the insect all of the above

plant lures males to copulate with pollen structures that look like a female of the insect species

A major difference between insect predators and parasitoids is: predators lay eggs in their hosts and parasitoids lay eggs on their hosts. predators are always bigger than their prey. parasitoids kill their host before laying eggs on or in them predators are generalists and parasitoids usually are species specific

predators are generalists and parasitoids usually are species specific

Define LD50

the amount of a toxic agent (as a poison, virus, or radiation) that is sufficient to kill 50 percent of a population of animals usually within a certain time. — called also median lethal dose.

The greatest benefit from honey bee colonies is the honey produced and sold the beeswax produced and sold the insight on social insects obtained from research the pollination of valuable food crops

the pollination of valuable food crops

What is pollination? nectar production in plants the transfer of pollen from the female part to the male part of the flower germination of indiscriminate pollen grains the transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower to the female part of another flower the process of collecting pollen in the insect's pollen basket

the transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower to the female part of another flower

The consumption of insects in the U.S. is simply a novelty. But, in some undeveloped countries insects are important as food because insects are more abundant in other countries and easier to catch in other countries, insects are larger and provide more of a meal they are an important source of protein in those countries, religious doctrine allows for the consumption of insects as food

they are an important source of protein

What are the dark purple markings on the flowers below and what purpose do they serve? they are nectar guides to steer pollinating insects away from the nectaries they are nectaries, which help attract insects to mate on the flower they are nectar guides to attract pollinating insects that only see red they are nectar guides to steer pollinating insects towards the nectaries

they are nectar guides to steer pollinating insects towards the nectaries

The use of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops is a relatively new concept. The advantage of GM Cops is the public is not at all suspicious of adverse human effects they have "built in" insecticides all food crops are now GM, so genetic modification must work contain a gene from a virus that only kills biting flies

they have "built in" insecticides

There is a prosperous industry in the U.S. centered on the ability of insects, like honey bees, to pollinate crops. This industry includes selling insects to farmers so they can be released into fields during the growing season releasing insect eggs into fields before the crops need pollination transporting vast numbers of pollinating insects to the crops and allowing them to pollinate before moving on to the next crop clearing large areas around fields, which allows pollinating insects to move more freely and find the crop

transporting vast numbers of pollinating insects to the crops and allowing them to pollinate before moving on to the next crop

Which one of the following persons is recognized as a world's authority on biodiversity? Eisner Gould Odum Wilson


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