INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE for Construction Documents

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ADA Drinking Fountain

30" x 48" clear space required for front approach. If drinking fountain is freestanding or built-in without clear space below, it must have clear floorspace (30" x 48") in front for a parallel approach.

Commercial office spaces wall switches must be placed:

30"-48" AFF

Exit corridors must have a rating of

1 hour

Advertising for Bids

1) Advertise in newspapers and trade journals- states project name and location, gives time and place for receiving bids, conditions for bidding 2) Invitation to bid- to prequalified bidders

Cost Influences

1) Construction cost 2) Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment 3) Contractor's overhead and profit 4) Professional Fees 5) Taxes 6) Moving Costs 7) Telephone and data system installation 8) contingencies

Furnishing Layouts

1) determine the types and numbers of individual pieces required 2) Consider the space between the pieces and their orientation to each other 3) Think about the general access to the grouping and its relationship to existing elements within the room

Contracts include

1) parties to the contract and date 2) scope of work and designer's responsibilities 3) purchasing agreements, if any 4) method of payment 5) reimburseable expenses 6) extra services 7) responsibilities of the client 8) ownership of documents 9) provisions for arbitration 10) termination of the contract 11) signatures

Professional Fees

1) those that are based only on professional services 2) those based on retail method of reselling furniture and fixtures. 5 methods of determining fees based on professional services 1) fixed fee 2) hourly rate 3) % of project cost 4) area fee 5) retail method

Total Overhead

10-20% of the total costs for the contractors labor, materials and equipment

Occupancy & occupant load

2 most important factors in determining number of exits required for a particular room or space: Occupancy & distance from room exit to building exit; Exit widths & common path of egress travel; Occupant & building size; or Occupancy & occupant load.

Areas above the first floor must always have at least _____ exits if the occupant load is _____ or more

2, 10

Min clear width of ramp


Basic Provisions (Owner-Contractor Agreement)

-Description of the work -Date of Commencement -Substantial Completion -Contract Sum

Duties and Responsibilities of the Interior Designer

-acts as the owner's represenative -advises and consults with the owner -may act on behalf of the owner to the extent provided in the contract documents -assists the owner in coordinating schedules for delivery/installation but is NOT responsible for the actions of the contractor -visits the site on a regulary basis to guage progress -reviews shop drawings -prepares change orders -conducts final inspection to determine date of substantial completion -interprets and decides on matters concerning the contract documents -responsible for varfying that the contract documents conform to the building codes and ordenances


Dead-end corridors are generally limited to a maximum of how many feet?


Deals with issues of space between people, territoriality & organization of space.


Defines a problem before a solution is attempted. States the goals and objectives of the client. May contain an analysis of the existing building. aesthetic considerations, space needs, adjacency requirements, organizing concepts, code restrictions, budget demands, scheduling limitations

Asymmetrical Balance

Depends on equalizing the visual, or optical, weights of nonsimilar elements in a composition within a visual field or about a common axis. Generally considered informal and dynamic

Technical Specification

Describe the quality of materials and workmanship, along with general requirements for the execution of the work, standards and other items


Design Project Phase 1

Schematic Design

Design Project Phase 2

Design Development

Design Project Phase 3

Contract Documentation

Design Project Phase 4

Contract Administration

Design Project Phase 5

Bidding (tendering)

Designer must assist owner in preparing bidding documents, necesary procurement forms, conditions of the contracts, and forms of agreement between the owner and contractor. Designer assists the owner in obtaining bids (or negotiated proposals, if project is not bid) and evaluating the bids. Notice- the designer's responsibility is to ASSIST the owner NOT to preform all this work alone

Design Development

Designer refines the approved schematic design work so that the size, scope and character of the project are generally fixed. Drawings, boards, samples, etc are presented to client for approval or modification before work on the contract documents phase is commenced. DD drawings include detailed plans, furniture and fixture layout, lighting design, sketches of special built-in cabinetry and furniture and elevations or 3D drawings and outline of construction specifications. At the end of this phase, the designer submits another statement of probable project cost for approval reflecting the changes and specific decisions made since ED phase.

Point out situation to contractor & write letter to client stating what was observed

During a routine visit, the interior designer notices a lack of barricades around a floor opening while interior construction is taking place. What should the designer do? Point out situation to contractor & write letter to client stating what was observed; Tell the contractor to correct the situation; Write a letter to the contractor stating the concerns, & copy the owner on the letter; or Have the contractor stop the work until the problem is corrected.


During furniture delivery to 5th floor of building, elevator transportation is the responsibility of the: Building manager; FF&E vendor; General contractor; or Owner.

Hinge side approach, door swings into room

During space planning, designer must locate 36" door leading from corridor to another room. In order to provide accessibility & minimize corridor width, which door orientation & approach best meet criteria? Front approach, door swings into room; Latch side approach; door swings into corridor; Hinge side approach, door swings into room; or Front approach, door swings into corridor.


During this phase, the designer consults with the owner to develop the applicable requirements of the project, study the feasibility of meeting the requirements within the constraints of the owner's budget and the building in which the project is to be located. This information and analysis are documented in a written program.

Design development

Exact requirements for grab bars is most likely made during which phase?

Master Spec - Part 3


1 hr

Exit access corridors in non-sprinklered buildings must have a rating of: 30 min; 45 min; 1 hr; or 2 hrs.

Protected by fire-rated construction

Exits are always: Protected by fire-rated construction; Limited in length; Corridors or stairways; or Required in building without sprinklers.

Base plan

Floor plan drawing of existing space.


For a sustainable furnishing, use what type of coating instead of standard paint?

Prequalification of bidders

For client who wants to hire best contractor for project at best price and limit potentially non-qualified companies, interior designer should suggest: An invitation to bid; An advertisement to bid; Prequalification of bidders; or A negotiated contract.

4 Major considerations of Prgramming

Form, Function, Economy and Time


Agreement of parts to each other & to whole.

Isometric drawing

All axes are drawn to same scale.

Owner & interior designer

Along with contractors, who typically attends bid openings? Owner, interior designer, owner & interior designer, or subcontractors, owner & interior designer.


Arrangement of elements to achieve visual equilibrium.

Efficiency of the space

= the ration of the Net to Gross Ratio (ranges from 60 to 80%)

CRI IAQ program

A building can received LEED credit if the carpet used meets the requirements of: CRI IAQ program; Greenguard registry; Green Seal product standard; or South Coast AQMD.

Glass doors will have to be replaced

A client requested a new entry to her business located in unsprinklered building. The current entrance consists of a pair of glass doors mounted on floor closers. The entrance opens onto a 1-hour rated building corridor. What should designer tell the cilent? Smoke seals will have to be located around edges of glass doors; Glass doors will have to be replaced; 1 of doors will have to be removed; or Floor closers will have to be changed to hinges.

Live load

A compact filing system is an example of a which type of load - dead, dynamic, lateral or live load?

Extra space for storage & initial preparation of furniture delivered to site

A contractor would be within her rights if she asked the owner to provide which of the following? Extra insurance for the goods during transit from the warehouse to site; Final inspection & acceptance by the owner the furniture was off the truck; Extra space for storage & initial preparation of furniture delivered to site; or Additional workers to help with final installation.

Occupancy classification & whether building is sprinklered

A designer is developing a space plan for a full floor tenant in a high-rise building. What 2 things does designer need to know when determining maximum travel distance? Construction type & height of building; Occupancy classification & whether design involves an exit or exit access; Occupancy classification & whether building is sprinklered; or Construction type & whether building is sprinklered.


A designer is planning a library in which tall bookshelves will be used. If project is in city that has adopted IBC, where would designer look to find requirements on minimum allowable space between top of shelving & sprinkler heads in ceiling? IBC; International Mechanical Code; NFPA 13; or IPC.

Tempered or laminated glass

A designer selecting glass to meet requirements for safety glazing in a hazardous location should specify: Tempered or laminated glass; Tempered or wired glass; Heat-strengthened glass or wired glass; or Laminated glass or wired glass.

Design concept

A general or overall idea of how a design problem will be approached.

Golden Ratio

A is to B as B is to (A + B). For a rectangle it is known as Golden Section

Welt cording

Avoid using what seaming on surfaces where cigarettes may be dropped.

Determining Needs in Programming

Balances the desires of the client against the available budget or establishes a budget based on the defined goals or needs. "wants" are separated from

Contract Documents

Based on approved DD submissions, the designer is responsible for preparing detailed drawings, specifications and other documents required to have the project constructed. Interior construction is contracted differently than furniture and equipment. Designer should advise client of any adjustments or changes to the previous statements of probable project cost based on changes in the scope of work during document preparation.

Schematic Design

Based on approved written program, the designer prepares diagrams showing the general functional relationships required by the project. Designer develops preliminary space allocation plans showing partitions, furnishings and other pertinent planning ideas. Designer also prepares studies to establish the design concept (materials, furniture, finishes). Prepares preliminary project cost based on design concept and similar projects (scope, quality). The designer is NOT responsible for final project cost.


Based on one space or point about which secondary elements are placed. Very formal- hotel lobby


Before what year is a building likely to have lead-based paint?


Black added to a color.

Designer's fees & reimbursables

A project construction budget prepared by the interior designer should probably NOT include: Contractor's profit; Designer's fees & reimbursables; Estimates for built-in equipment; or Fixtures to be supplied by the owner.


A project is being completed subject to the std AIA General Conditions & contract agreements. If some millwork was installed with the incorrect finish, who is responsible if no sample was submitted to the designer? Millworker; Interior designer; Project manager; or Contractor.

Master Spec - Part 1

General requirements


Gestalt theory states people prefer simplest, most stable organizations of form.


Gestalt theory states tendency to perceive incomplete forms as complete.

ADA Stairs

Handrails must be continuous on both sides of stairs. Top of handrail 34" to 38" above stair nosings exted 12" min. beyond ends of stairs 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" clear space between handrail and the wall. When an exit stairway is part of an accessible route in an unsprinklered building there must be 48" clear width between handrails

Contract Documentation

Hardlining final designs is part of which phase?


Call buttons must indicate when each call is registered and answered. Hall lantern must give visual and audible signal. Inside elevator cab- floor buttons can be no higher than 54" AFF

Oblique drawing

Can be drawn using existing orthographic drawings as starting point.

Cost Information

Can be obtained from commercially produced cost books that are published annually, but this is an average of many past projects from around the country. A better source of current, reliable information would be local contractors and other design professionals who have experience in the type of project you are budgeting


Can glass doors be fire rated?

ADA Signage and Alarms

Certain accessible rooms and features are required to be clearly identified with the symbol for accessibility and that identification, directional and informational signs meet certain specifications. International symbol for accessibility is required on parking spaces, passenger loading zones, accessible entrances, and toilet and bathing facilities when not all are accessible.


Certified contractors are required to abate all of the following hazardous materials EXCEPT: Asbestos; Lead; PBCs; or Radon.


Civil Right. Federal law requiring that all commercial and public accomodations be accessible to people with disabilities. Not a building code, but if not complied with civil lawsuits will follow. Does NOT cover single or multi-family housing, which is regulated by Fair Housing Act. Federal buildings are governed by Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.

Perscriptive Specification

Closed. Tells exactly what product or material you want the contractor to use by using brand names. Variations: Base-bid and Proprietary


According to UBC, minimum width of a stair when handrails are required on either side is: 36"; 42"; 44"; or 60".

Complementary colors of high saturation

How does designer create most vivid & easily perceived color-coding system in an elderly housing facility?


How far apart should exit doors typically be?


How many exit doors are required on NCIDQ?

Civil suit

If a building owner does not comply with ADA, he is liable for a -----?


If a material does not burn, it is considered: Fire retardant; Fire rated; Flame resistant; or Noncombustible.


If a material supplier says adding his product to a wall assembly would increase STC rating by slightly more than 3 dB, would this work - Yes, or No - product does not make if worth effort or cost


If all of the following are present, what must be modified to achieve acoustic separation in a perimter office - acoustical tiles, gypsum wallboard, convector or batt insulation?

General contractor

If an interior designer did not find an error on the shop drawings for a custom steel doorframe & doorframe was subsequently fabricated, who is responsible for paying to have the mistake corrected? Doorframe supplier; Wall framing subcontractor; General contractor; or Interior Designer.

Certify only amount that designer believes represents work completed & stored, & attach letter explaining why amount certified differs from amount applied for

If it appears to interior designer that the dollar amount requested on contractor's application for payment exceeds work completed & material stored, the designer should: Certify only amount that designer believes represents work completed & stored, & attach letter explaining why amount certified differs from amount applied for; Return application to contractor & request it be revised to be more in line with actual work & materials stored; Reject application & attach an explanatory letter; or Send application to the client for his review & opinion about what amount should be certified.


If public telephones are provided, at least 1 must comply with ADA requirements. If there are two or more banks of telephones, there must be at least 1 telephone at each bank that complies with ADA. If 4 or more public pay telephones provided, then at least one interior public text telephone is required.

Interior designer

If the interior designer specifies file cabinets that do not fit within a space the contractor built according to the contract documents, who is responsible for paying for the construction?

3rd-party claim

If, during construction, an interior designer repeatedly tells a contractor how to install certain finishes, this could give way to: A breach of duty; A claim of negligence; Liability exposure; or 3rd-party claim.

Contractor should notify designer of discrepancy in writing

If, during construction, the contractor notices a handrail does not meet local building codes, what action could designer reasonably expect contractor to take? Contractor should notify designer of discrepancy in writing; Contractor should correct situation & submit change order for extra work; Contractor should build handrail according to contract documents because conformance to code is designer's responsibility; or Contractor should notify designer of problem & suggest remedy.

Travel distances

In a 90,000 ft single-story office building, what would be of greatest concern in space planning? Dead-end corridors; Corridor widths; Horizontal exits; or Travel distances.


In a fully sprinklered office building; how many sprinklers would be required in a room measuring 20 ft x 25 ft? 2; 3; 4 or 6.


In a nonresidential building, how many stair risers equal a flight?

Use fire-rated dividers

In a plenum, how can a fire be prevented from spreading horizontally - install sprinkler systems; use fire-rated dividers; use fiberglass material; or install fire dampers?

Vaulted ceiling

In a small lecture hall, it would be best to avoid - a sound amplification system, vaulted ceiling, carpet or parallel walls?

Scoping provisions of local building code

In addition to meeting ADA requirements, what other accessibility requirements should interior designer be most concerned with when designing for a commercial project? ANSI A117.1; Scoping provisions of local building code; ADAAG; or Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards.

Use indirect ambient lighting & use individual task lights at each workstation

In designing a room where work will take place at both VDTs & standard work surfaces, what approach to lighting-design is most appropriate - Use indirect ambient lighting & use individual task lights at each workstation; locate downlights over work surfaces & use indirect light fixtures over VDTs; use low-brightness troffers controlled by dimmers & use task lighting on work surfaces; or specify direct-indirect system that is locally controlled at each workstation?

Change order

In order to allow the contractor extra time to complete project because owner asked for minor changes, the interior designer should issue: Addendum; Construction change authorization; Change order; or Minor work order.

Indirect labor costs

In order to reduce fees to be competitive in a local market, an interior designer should first consider reducing: Indirect labor costs; Capital expenses; Profit; or Salary rates.

Steiner tunnel test

In order to specify an acceptable type of wall covering, which test should the designer require the wall covering pass? Methenamine pill test; Smoke density chamber test; Steiner tunnel test; or Vertical integration test.

Construction type, adjacent occupancies & sprinkler condition

In starting a design project in a multi-use building, what 3 pieces of information would an interior designer need to determine? Construction type; adjacent occupancies; sprinkler condition; fire zone classification; or accessibility requirements.

Type V

In which building type are fire-resistive construction requirements likely to be LEAST restrictive?

Type I

In which building type are fire-resistive construction requirements likely to be MOST restrictive?

Supplementary Conditions of the Contract

Information that is unique to each project can be included in 1 of 4 ways. 1)bidding requirements, if related to bidding 2)Owner-contractor agreement, if related to contractual matters 3)Supplementary Conditions, if it modifies the general conditions 4)Division 1 (general requirements) of the specifications in the project manual

Contract Administration

Installation coordination is part of which phase?

Improve acoustic characteristics of wall

Insulation is used in interior walls to: Prevent heat transmission; Improve strength of wall; Improve acoustic characteristics of wall; or Increase fire resistance of wall?


Interviewing is part of which phase?

4 basic distances

Intimate (0-18") Personal (18"- 4'-0") Social (4'-0" - 12'-0") Public (12'-0" +)


Intimate distance

What document briefly describes the project, states where the project documents can be secured, and describes the bidding procedures

Invitation to tender (bid)

Estimating by Parameter

Involves an expanded itemization of construction quantities and furnishings and assignment of unit costs to these quantities. As design progresses, the client and designer have a better idea of the exact scope of the work, the budget can be refined. It is possible to evaluate the cost implications of each building component in order to make decisions concerning quantity and quality that meet the original budget estimate.

Contract Documentation

Issuing specifications is part of which phase?


Placing recessed lights close to wall to enhance appearance or texture of wall.

Type V construction

Least fire-resistant with 2 story height limit


Least slippery COF

Liquidated Damages

Moneys paid by the contractor to the owner for every day the project is late. They represent actual anticipated losses the owner will incur if the project is not complete on time. Usually accompanied by a bonus provision so the contractor receives a payment for early completion. If a penalty clause is included (which is different than liquidated damages) a bonus provision MUST also be included.

Type I construction

Most fire-resistant with unlimited height

Quantity Take offs

Most precise, developed by counting actual quantities of materials/furnishings and multiplying these quantities by firm, quoted costs. Cannot be done until late in the design and construction document phase


Most slippery COF


Name an industry standard-writing organization.


Name joining method heating 2 metals about their melting point (with or without a filler).


Name joining method using 2 metals at intermediate temperature using a nonferrous filler metal.


Name joining method using lead-based or tin-based allow that melts below 500 degrees F.

ISO 14020

Name the set of principles that must be followed by any practitioner of environmental labeling.

Progress Payments

Periodic payments from owner to contractor, based on payment applications. The amount due is based on % of completed work and any materials purchased and stored, and is less any moneys already paid.

ADA Signage

Permanent rooms and spaces must be identified. Lettering must be 5/8" to 2" high, raised 1/32" above sign surface. Must be all UPPERCASE, in sans serif or simple serif type and accompanied with grade 2 braille. Pictograms (if used) must be 6" or more high, must be accompanied by verbal description written below.


Personal distance

Emergency Warning Systems

Required to provide both Visual and Audible alarm.

Contract Administration

Responding to GC requests for information is part of which phase?

Contract Administration

Reviewing shop drawings is part of which phase?

What portion of a contract typically outlines the designer's responsibilities to the client?

Scope of services


Secures fabric to cushion in parallel rows.

responsibilities of the contractor

Select the route to be used from the delivery point to final placement. Tell the owner about any special equipment or services required for the proper delivery and installation of the work. Do all cutting, fitting or patching required to complete the work and not to alter the work of others without first getting written consent of the owner. Provide labor, means and methods of carrying out the work according to prevailing labor conditions at the job site.


Simplest & one of most flexible circulation path patterns.


Station point


Surface quality of material.

Mean radiant temperature

Tapestries in Gothic & Renaissance castles increase what?


The Uniform Commercial Code is applicable in all states except -

15 cfm/person

The absolute minimum fresh air ventilation rate recommended by ASHRAE Standard 62 is: 5 cfm/person; 10 cfm/person; 15 cfm/person; or 20 cfm/person.

Which insurance premium calculation is based on project fees?

Professional liability


Proportioning system developed by Le Corbusier.

Doughnut Configuration

Provides a double-loaded corridor and automatically makes a continuout exitway so two exits are always available. Appropriate for larger groups of spaces

Beyond 12'

Public distance

Contract Administration

Purchasing is part of which phase?

3 parts of means of egress

exit access, exit, exit dishcharge

Examples of info gathering for programming process

field surverys, questionaires, checklist of required information, client interview, observation

Checklist of required information

goals and objectives, user requirements, activity requirements, furnishings and equipment adjacencies, space requirements, time and money requirements

The Interior Designer DOES NOT

have the authority to: -reject nonconforming work -stop the work -terminate the contract on behalf of the owner

method of payment

how much the client will be charged for services and how services will be paid for: fixed fee, multiple of direct personnel expense, % of project cost, cost per unit area. Contract should clearly define when payment is to be made and include payment due dates and any provision for late payments.


hues that are close to each other on the color wheel


hues that are on opposite sides of the color wheel

Consultant Coordination

ie.- the designer is responsible for retaining the services of other consultants, then the designer is usually responsible for directing/coordinating their work. Coordination occurs through regular scheduled meetings, progress prints and notifying affected parties of any changes as they occur.

Purchasing agreements (if any)

if designer is buying furniture and fixtures and reselling them to the client, specifically state the desingner's responsibilities as well as the client's payment, acceptance, rejection of damaged goods, payment of delivery and installation costs, deposits and methods of purchasing

ADA seating

if fixed or built-in seating or tables are provided in accessib;e public areas, then at least 5%, but not less than 1 table, of the seating areas must be accessible. In assembly with fixed seating, at least 1% of all fixed seats must be aisle seats with no armrests on the aisle side or must have removeable or folding armrests on the aisle side. Wheelchair areas must be an integral part of the overall seating plan and must be provided so people have a choise of asmission prices and sight lines comparable to the general public. Wheelchair areas must adjoin an accessible route that also serves as a means of emergency egress.


if provided, they must be adjusted to slow the closing time

ADA ramps

in no case, can ramps have a slope greater than 1:12 (1" rise for 12' run). Max. rise for any ramp is limited to 30". Changes in elevation greater than 30" requires a level landing before next run of ram in encountered. Min. clear width 36". Landing lengths= 60" min. (or equal to widest ramp that intersects the landing). If landings change direction at landing, then landing must be 60" square min. Ramps with rises greater than 6" or lengths greater than 72" must have handrails on both sides. Top of handrail must be 34"-38" above ramp and the handrails must extend 12" min, beyond ends of ramp. Diameter of handrail- 1 1/4" to 1 1/2"

Title and index sheet

indes, list of standard abbreviations, project data, sq. ft, occupancy category, building type, etc.

Establishing goals in Programming

indicate what the client wants to achieve and why. Establish the direction of programmatic concepts that ultimately suggest the physical means of achieving the goals.

A design concept

is a statement of a specific physical responce indicating how a programmatic concept can be satisfied

Radial Balance

is a type of symmetrical balance in which elements are arranged uniformly about a central point


is how the theory of personal space is applied to the use of space

Mean Radiant Temperature (MRT)

is the value used to determine the aspect of comfort between the body body losing heat or gaining heat due to the temperature of surrounding surfaces.


is the way we perceive the difference between things, create importance and add interest to our environment

Extra services

it is common for the client to request extra work once project begins: studying more design options, expanding the area of the job, specifying additional furniture, requiring a longer time commitment due to delays.

Date of Commencement

it is from this date that construction completion time is measured

important provision

language concerning project cost is that the designer DOES NOT warrant that bids or negotiated costs will not vary from the owner's budget or form any estimate prepared by the designer

In a legal dispute between a client and a designer, a letter of agreement is considered:

legally binding

Installation (owner's responsibilities)

make adequate facilities available for the delivery, unloading, staging and storage of furniture and equipment. Make sure all delivery and staging areas and delivery routes for items are free of obstacles or other trades that may impede the contractor. Provide contractor with firm schedule for the use of unloading facilities and elevators. Inspect the work upon delivery for the sole purpose of identifying materials, furniture and equipment and to verify quantities. This inspection is not final or implies acceptance of or control over items delivered. To abide by the agreed critical dates in the progress schedule submitted by the contractor. Provide security against loss or damage of furniture and equipment stored at the site between delivery and final acceptance by the owner.

Protruding Objects

can be a hazard for visually impaired people. Protruding objects with their lower edge less than 27" AFF can be detecte with a cane, so these objects may project any amount. Protruding objects cannot reduce the clear width required for an accessible route or manuevering space. If vertical clearance of an area adjacent to an accessible route is reduced to less than 80" a guardrail or other barrier must be provided.

Initial Budgets

can be set in several ways: 1) the client has already estimated the amout of money available and simply gives this figure to the designer 2) Budgets can be set thru public funding or legislation 3) The client will describe the scope of work and intent and ask the designer to develop an anticipated budget

What is typically shown in a interior designer's reflected ceiling plan?

ceiling grid, full height partitions, luminaries, and columns

Floor Plans

demo plans, construction plans, finish plans, telephone and power plans, furniture plans. Views seen as though the building were cut horizontally 4'-0" above the floor. Shows the building configuration including walls, dims, existing construction to remain, references to elevations and details, room names and #'s, floor material indications, millwork, plumbing fixtures, built-in fistures, stairs

Construction Drawings

describe in detail the extent of the work and the location, deminsions and relationships of the various construction elements. The contractor and subs use them, along with the specifications to build the project


describes the ideas of past, present and future as they affect the other 3 considerations

What should you provide as a part of a successful schematic presentation

design options

Building commissioning

What is the process of inspecting, testing, starting up & adjusting building systems, then verifying they operate as intended & meet design criteria?


What is the range of COF?


What is the space above the ceiling called?


What is the term describing the measurement of spacing in tufted carpet?


What is the term describing the number of ends of surface yarn in a 27" width?


What is the term for a gap or space designed to allow for the construction or installation of a material, construction element or piece of equipment?

Drop match

What is the term for placing next wallpaper lower to continue a pattern?


What is the term for the allowable variance from a given line, dimension or size?


What is the term for the given condition within which a detail must perform & over which designer has little/no control?


What is the term for the number of lengthwise tufts in 1 inch?


What is the term for the organization and connection of an assembly of several parts?

Electrochromic glazing

What is type of glazing that changes from opaque to clear with electric current?

36" x 36"

What is typical dimension of accessible shower stall with seat?


What is used for decorative trim?

Resilient channel

What is used to improve acoustical properties of a wall?


What life safety item can designer most influence by coordinating with consultants?


What line item is included in budget to account for unknown conditions?

Stainless steel

What metal would undergo LEAST amount of change in appearance over time?

Quarter slicing

What method of veneer cut results in straightest grain possible?

Expansion joints

What must be used around glass block walls to deflect floor structure?

Liquid sizing

What must be used on walls before wallpapering?

Tuck joint

What must be used when fabric wallcovering abuts other finishes?

FOB factory

What phrase means "buyer pays for loading goods onto truck/train & title is transferred from manufacturer to buyer at factory"?

or approved equal

What phrase should be used in a specification to allow contractor to propose a substitution, but require it to be approved by the interior designer?


What plan arrangement would be appropriate for entry, nave, altar & choir of church moving into an existing rectangle?


What plan is a view of the ceiling as though it were reflected onto a mirror on the floor?


What plan shows which existing construction is to remain and to be removed?


What ratings are the most important in evaluating the acoustic quality of a floor & ceiling assembly - STC (sound transmission coefficient), NRC (noise reduction coefficient), IIC (impact insulation class) or NC (noise class)?

1/4 or 1/8

What scale are construction plans usually drawn at?


What scale should be used for drawings reproduced in magazine?


What should a designer use when owner wants to include amount of money in bid for yet-know materials?

Scribe piece

What should be called out on cabinet drawings to ensure a good fit next to existing construction?

Stacking diagram

What shows best the department relationships in a company occupying a multi-story building?

Design concept

What specifies particular way to achieve programmatic concept?

Occupant load

What term describes the number of people that a building code assumes will occupy a given building or portion of a building?

Embodied energy

What term means "the energy required to extract, process, manufacture & transport an item"?

Crocking resistance

What test determines resistance of colored textile to transfer its color to other surfaces by rubbing?


What test determines textile colorfastness under light exposure?


What testing standard should be specified for durability of office chair construction (ANSI/BIFMA X5.1, ASTM D4157, CAL 133, NFPA 701)/


What thickness are most commercial-grade cabinets?

Perspective grid

What tool should be used to quickly draw perspective?

A series of purchase orders with terms printed on back

What type of agreement would a designer be advised NOT to work under when doing a residential project? A letter of agreement; A series of purchase orders with terms printed on back; A standard form of AIA or ASID agreement; or A contract prepared by the designer's attorney.

High-density foam

What type of cushioning would be best for hospital waiting room?

Solid-core door

What type of door must be used in fire-rated area?


What type of flooring is an excellent absorber of sound?


What type of glass is considered safety glass?


What type of glass is produced by subjecting annealed (float) glass to special heat treatment?

Tempered glass

What type of glass must be used in full glass door?

Employee health

What type of insurance is LEAST necessary for a practicing interior designer? Employee health; Worker's compensation; General liability; or Automobile.

Errors & omissions

What type of insurance is an owner NOT required to carry?


What type of lamp is best for jewelry case display?

Mortise lock

What type of locking devise is most appropriate for an office building?


What type of material expands upon exposure to heat & forms light fire-resistant seal?


What type of note is used instead of a lengthy note next to an item it annotates?

Drop ship

What type of order allows for shipment to a different address than the PO?

Sheet vinyl

What type of resilient flooring would be best choice for a commercial kitchen?

Post tensioned

What type of slab CANNOT be penetrated for a stair opening?


What type of sprinkler head should be used for a decorative, open-grid, wood slat ceiling suspended from structural floor above - upright, pendent, sidewall or recessed?


What type of system would be best for an open office plan so heating & cooling for each workstation could be individually controlled - all-air, all-water, radiant panel or air-water?

Vertical ignition test

What type of test is required for window cover?


What type of tile dust-pressed tile over 6" (in US)?


What type of tile has a water absorption rate of less than 0.5?


What type of tile has a water absorption rate of more than 7%?


What type of tile is made by extrusion process from natural clay or shale?


What type of tile is made from clay & fired above red hot heat to produce specific physical qualities & characteristics?


What type of ventilation originates its air supply at floor level and rises to return-air grilles in the ceiling?

Type II

What type of vinyl wallcovering is typically used for commerical spaces where there is moderate traffic?


What type of woven carpet has most of pile yarn on the surface?


What type of woven carpet is heavier & more expensive than most woven carpet?


What veneer grade is made of heartwood or sapwood intended for a natural finish?


What will an interior designer receive after a manufacturer receives a PO?


What window covering is made from fabric and generally not intended to be opened?


What would NOT be allowed in an access floor with removable panels - computer cable, plumbing, HVAC or electrical outlet?


What would a structure above a small opening cut in a masonry loadbearing wall be supported by: beam, header, lintel or trimmer?

7 in riser, 10 in tread

What would be best combination for a stair serving a sleeping loft where space is a premium - 7 in riser, 10 in tread; 7 in riser, 11 in tread; 8 in riser, 10 in tread; or 8 in riser, 11 in tread?

Corporate identity package & capabilities brochure

What would be most appropriate type of marketing for a design firm just beginning business? Well-designed business stationary & quarterly newsletter; Direct-mail campaign to target client types; Advertising in local magazines where business is wanted; or Corporate identity package & capabilities brochure.

16 in OC

When advising a residential client on where to attach fasteners to support wall-hung bookshelves, the interior designer should recommend they be placed: 12 in OC, 16 in OC, 24 in OC or across double top plate?

Door swing & approach dimension

When considering initial space planning of an accessible toilet room, which design elements should be of most concern? Door swing & toilet position; Grab bar location & approach dimension; Stall depth & grab bar location; or Door swing & approach dimension

Specify power-assisted door opener

When doing design work for remodeling toilet rooms to make them accessible, designer finds that it is impossible to provide adequate clearance on one side of door. What is best course of action: Propose to client that wall be demolished & replanned to provide clearances; Apply to building department for variance; Specify power-assisted door opener; or Suggest that unisex toilet be built nearby that complies.


When more than one linear organization extends from a centralized point. Radial plans have a central focus but also extend outward to connect with other spaces or rooms

Occupancy group & location in building where finishes will be used

When selecting interior partition finishes to meet flame-spread standards, the most important considerations are: Occupancy group & location in building where finishes will be used; Whether or not building has an automatic sprinkler system and construction type; Whether or not partition is a fire barrier, and ratings of assemblies in partition; or hourly rating of partition on which finish will be installed & construction type.

Exit enclosures

Where are flame-spread ratings in buildings MOST restrictive?

Material Safety Data Sheet

Where can designer obtain unbiased information on hazards of a cleaning agent?

Schedule or specifications

Where is detailed information about furniture commonly found (furniture plan, furniture schedule, schedule or specifications, specs only)?

Power plan

Where is information about electrical outlets for portable lamps most likely to be found?


Which agricultural product is NOT used in production of panel products? Bagasse; Poplar; Rice straw; or Wheat straw.


Which business organization allows the most control by its founders? Sole proprietorship; Partnership; Professional corporation; or Subchapter S corporation.


Which finish type should be specified for most durable wood finish?

An addendum is sent only to contractor requesting clarification

Which is FALSE statement about addenda? An addendum is sent only to contractor requesting clarification; Addenda are only issued before construction contract signed; Addenda are used to modify or interpret contract documents; or An addendum must be issued 4 or 5 days before bid opening.

Bid form

Which is NOT a part of the contract documents? Addenda; Bid form; Specifications; or Owner-Contractor Agreement?

Designing & detailing custom built-in furniture

Which is NOT an extra service? Designing & detailing custom built-in furniture; Arranging & paying for electrical engineering consultant; Designing signage for a project; or Making a detailed survey of existing space prior to design.


Which is NOT one of the 3 conditions required to grow mold? Moisture; Nutrient; Air; or Temperature range from 40 to 100 degrees F.

Finished goods disposal

Which is NOT one of the 3 considerations for carpet sustainability? Raw-material use; Raw-material disposal; Finished goods disposal; or Indoor air quality.


Which is NOT one of the 4 main stages of a product's lifecycle? Raw-material acquisition; Manufacturing; Purchasing; Use & maintenance; or Disposal.

Corridor construction must be fire-rated

Which is an INCORRECT statement about corridors? Corridor construction must be fire-rated; Corridors are part of the exit access; Corridors must be used exclusively for egress; or Corridors are included in calculating travel distance.

Under some circumstances a closer is not needed

Which is an INCORRECT statement about fire-rated door assemblies? Either hinges or rated pivots may be used; Under some circumstances a closer is not needed; Labeling is required for both door & frame; Glass are is limited based on rating.

7 dB reduction of noise within room would be clearly noticeable

Which is the most accurate statement about sound - sound of 50dB is twice as loud as a sound of 25dB, desirable goal of acoustic design is to eliminate all background noise, 7 dB reduction of noise within room would be clearly noticeable or good acoustic material absorbs all frequencies equally?


Which is the most legally binding (drawings, specifications, schedules or all)?

Reject work that does not meet requirements of drawings

Which of following is interior designer prohibited from doing under terms of the General Conditions of the Contract for FF&E? Prepare change orders & authorize minor changes in work; Determine date of substantial completion; Reject work that does not meet requirements of drawings; or Demand that a special inspection be made to determine if work conforms to specifications.

Conducting a post-occupancy evaluation

Which of the following is LEAST effective for maximizing indoor air quality? Conducting a post-occupancy evaluation; Developing maintenance manual; Planning separate rooms for large copiers; or Specifying materials with low VOCs.

Suggestions on how the client's next project can be improved

Which of the following is NOT a typical part of the post-occupancy evaluation? Review of the HVAC system; Interviews with representative users of the project; A check on maintenance problems; or Suggestions on how the client's next project can be improved.

General contractor

Which of the following is NOT generally considered a trade source? Artisan; General contractor; Manufacturer's representative; or Furniture showroom.

To improve noise reduction, designer should place absorptive materials on both sides of wall

Which of the following is NOT true about noise reduction between 2 rooms - Noise reduction increases with an increase in transmission loss of wall separating the 2 rooms; The stiffness of the wall can effect noise reduction; To improve noise reduction, designer should place absorptive materials on both sides of wall; An increase in wall area separating 2 rooms is detrimental.

Telephone calls

Which of the following items, made in connection with the project, is a reimbursable expense? Health insurance; In-house copying costs; Telephone calls; or Charges for having a model built for office design work.


Which of the following sources would be most appropriate for the warehouse portion of a large furniture dealership - high-pressure sodium, cool-white deluxe fluorescent, metal-halide or mercury-vapor?

General Conditions of the contract

Which standard form includes contract information about owner's right to perform work separate from the main construction contract? Instructions to bidders: Owner-Contractor Agreement; General Conditions of the contract; or Supplementary Conditions of the contract.


Which test gives most accurate evaluation of the safety of a partition system? ASTM E84; Steiner tunnel test; Room corner test or ASTM E119

Methenamine pill test

Which test is most frequently used to evaluate carpet in the US? Flooring radiant panel test; Steiner tunnel test; Methenamine pill test; or Methods of fire tests of building construction & materials.

Fixed fee

Which type of fee is most often disadvantageous to the interior designer? Hourly rate; Multiple of direct personnel expense; Fixed fee; or Retail method

Wall hung

Which type of sink is best for barrier-free design? Vanity; Pedestal; Wall hung; or Free standing.

Flat plate concrete

Which type of structural system could small ductwork most easily be placed within - beam&girder steel, flat plate concrete, open-web steel joists or twin T concrete?


Which type of wood flooring could be installed easily & least expensively in a residential living room?


White added to a color.

Mechanical engineer

Who determines thermostat locations?

Mechanical engineer

Who is LEAST involved in the selection of an underfloor raceway system?


Who is responsible for all accounting, insurance and legal advice for a project?

Electrical engineer

Who is responsible for final design of lighting & switching in a commercial design project?


Who is responsible for submitting documents to the local building department?

Interior designer

Who is responsible for verifying that recessed downlights do not interfere with ductwork shown on the mechanical plans?


Who is responsible if a construction worker falls & is injured at a partially completed low partition constructed according to interior designer's drawings? Interior designer; Contractor; Sub-contractor; or Worker.

General Contractor

Who must check dimensions on shop drawings?


Who should designer coordinate with to verify requirement for particular lighting fixtures before preparing construction documents?

Structural engineer

Who should interior designer consult with to determine where to put stacks in libraries?

Interior designer & mechanical engineer

Who shows locations of return air grilles on their drawings?


Whose insurance will cover a loss if a shipment of furniture is vandalized in a storage area at the job site? Interior designer's; Owner's; Contractor's; or Furniture dealer's.

Not enough space above ceiling

Why are most surface-mounted luminaires used - some side & uplighting desired, not enough space above ceiling, they are easier & less expensive to install, or they are used as a design feature?

Post-industrial materials

Wood chips & sawdust made into panel products are examples of: Post-consumer materials; Post-industrial materials; Recycled materials; or Renewable products.

Finish Carpentry

Woodwork that is done on the job site. Wood base, door trim, wall moldings, etc.

3-36" doors remotely located

Working under the IBC, a designer has calculated that a total exit width of 8 ft is required from a store. What combination of door widths would meet most exiting requirements? 1-36" door remotely located from a pair of 34" doors; A pair of 32" doors remotely located from 1-38" door; 3-36" doors remotely located; or 3-34" doors remotely located.

Detectable warnings

detectable warning surfaces are required on walking surfaces in front of stairs, hazardous vehicle areas and other places where a hazard may exist without a guardrail or other method of warning someone. Such textures must contrast with the surrounding surface. Door handles must be textured if the door leads to an area that might prove dangerous to a blind person (ie. doors to loading platforms, boiler rooms, stages)

Independent commissioning team

The building commissioning of an interior design project seeking LEED credit is the responsibility of: Architect; Independent commissioning team; Interior designer; or Mechanical engineer.

What is the MOST important criterion to consider in selecting a specialized consultant to work as part of an effective design team?

The consultant's professional qualifications

Field Surveys

determines the following: size and configuration of building or space to be used, existing built-ins, nonbearing walls, locations and sizes of doors and windows and outlets, diffusers, plumbing fixtures, lighting. Types and hights of ceilings, conditions of MEP systems and construction elements, location of true north, potential noise problems, potential environmental problems (asbestos, lead)

During the schematic design phase, the design firm will:

develop preliminary furntiure plans


The final responsibility of awarding a contract rests with the: Interior designer; Construction manager; Owner; or Owner's legal counsel.

Building expansion

The interior designer can design details to accommodate building movement caused by all of the following EXCEPT - building expansion, floor deflection, seismic events or wind sway?

General contractor

The last person to see the mechanical shop drawings before they are returned to the mechanical subcontractor should be: Mechanical engineer; Architect; Interior designer; or General contractor?

Local governments

The majority of building codes in the US are established by: Federal laws; Model code writing agencies; State governments; or Local governments.

Occupancy group

The minimum number of toilet fixtures required for an interior designer remodeling is determined by occupant load and: Accessibility requirements; Building type; Occupancy group; or Square footage.

Tell owner that a working agreement could be discussed only if architect were no longer working on the job

The owner of a restaurant calls an interior designer & says she would like to hire the designer to complete a project because she is unhappy with the work the architect is doing. What should be the designer's first response? Decline the offer & tell the owner the architect must complete the project; Tell owner that a working agreement could be discussed only if architect were no longer working on the job; Suggest that the designer & architect work together to complete the project to the owner's satisfaction; or Tell the owner that design work could begin while waiting for a letter from the owner stating that all contractual relationships with the architect have been severed.

Instructions to bidders

The requirements for how bidders should propose a substitution is found in the: Advertisement to bid; Bidding Procedures; Instructions to bidders; or General conditions.

Uniform Commercial Code

The risk for furniture being damaged during shipment is assigned by: FF&E General Conditions; Owner-Designer Agreement; Owner-Vendor Agreement; or Uniform Commercial Code.

Gross Area

The sum of the new area and the ancillary areas


Thresholds at doorways cannot exceed what height & be beveled so no slope is greater than 1:2.

Labor & material payment bond

To avoid liens against project, interior designer should suggest that owner require the contractor to submit a: Bid bond; Bid security; Performance bond; or Labor & material payment bond.


To be legally valid, the contract needs to be signed only by the client, the person accepting the offer of the contract. However, it is better if both designer and client sign the agreement and date it.


To decrease feeling of heat, designer could most easily improve situation by suggestion accessory that affects what?

Heavy-duty, silent door closer

To detail a doorframe for a conference room where privacy is critical, which of the following is LEAST likely to be used - Automatic door bottom; Heavy-duty, silent door closer; neoprene gasketing; or solid-core door?

What is the most important reason for obtaining formal client approval during the schematic phase of a project

To identify and invoice for extra services required by client-driven scope changes

Why is observation of a clients existing building systems necessary when you are developing a program for the clients new facility?

To identify infrastructure requirements

Personal Space

a concept closely related to territoriality, proposed by anthropologist Edward Hall.

Accessible Routes

a continuous, unobstructed path connecting all accessible elements and spaces in a building or facility. Designed primarily to accommodate a person using a wheelchair. Minimum clear with= 36" continuously and 32" at doorway (passage). Passage (doorway) can not be more than 24". Minimum passage width for two wheelchairs= 60" if accessible route is less than 60" wide, then passing spaces (60" x 60") must be provided at intervals not to exceed 200ft. Minimum clear floor space for stationary wheelchair= 30" x 48". Accessible route may have a slope up to 1:20, any greater= ramp

Basic elements of a contract

a contract is a bargain between 2 or more parties who agree to exchange something each desires to obtain. In a legal sense, there are 2 parts of a contract: 1) an offer by a party 2) an acceptance by the other party. Every contact (written or oral) must have both of these to be valid.


a drawing showing what a part of the construction would look like if you were to cut straight through it. Very useful for showing the relationships between materials. A section cut is perpendicular to the plane of construction that will be exposed.

Fixed Fee

a fixed sum of money that the client will pay to designer for specific set of services (usually monthly). Designer must accurately estimate all costs and allow for a profit. Fee must include salary costs of employees, customary benefits of employees, taxes and office overhead. Reimbursable expenses are in addition to fees for basic services. to be profitable, the scope of services must be carefully itemized in contract along with services that are not included


a flat, smooth surfaced paneling with the edges butted together or jointed with a reveal or batten strip


a fundamental aspect of human behavior and refers to the need to lay claim to the spaces we occupy and the things we own. In humans it relates to the need for self-identity and freedom of choice

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

a law one must be familiar with if you are selling furniture and accessories to clients rather than just specifying them. The law governs the sale of goods, defined as tangible and movable items. Covers sales contracts, product liability, warranties, ownership and risk.

Prebid Conference

a meeting with the designer, owner, architect, consultants and bidders during which the bidders ask questions and the designer and owner can emphasize particularly important conditions of the project

Behavior setting

a particular place with definable boundaries and objects in which a standing pattern of behavior occurs at a particular time (ex. weekly board mtg. in a conference room)


a proportioning system developed by Le Corbusier. Uses the human body as the starting point.


a request included in the bidding documents asking the contractor to supply a price for some type of variation from the base bid. Allow the owner some flexibility in modifying the cost of a project when the bids are submitted by varying the quantity or quality of protions of the job. add- add to the base bid deduct- reduce the base amount

Bid forms

a standard for on which all the bidders enter the required information to ensure that all bids will be identical in format, making it easier to compare and evaluate them. Bid forms must be signed by someone legally empowered to bind the contractor to the owner in a contract

Performance Bond

a statement by a surety company that obligates the surety company to complete construction of the project should the contractor default on his or her obligations. The surety company may complete construction by hiring another contractor, or it may simply supply additionsl money to the defaulting contractor to allow construction to proceed. Usually mandatory on public work. Ultimately paid by the owner because it is included in the total amount of the contract price.

Program Format

a statement of goals and objectives, a list of client requirements (# of people, activities, needs), a list of spaces and their square footages

amt of ventilation required depends on

activity in the room, size of the room, whether people smoke in the room

ADA Bathtubs/Showers

an in-tub seat or a seat at the head of the tub must be provided. Bathtub (if an enclosure is provided) it cannot obstruct the controls or transfer from wheelchair to seat or into tub. Enclosure tracks cannot be mounted on the rim of the tub. Shower and bathtub grab bars must be provided and mounted between 33-36" AFF

Running Trim

an item of continuing length. Baseboards, chair-rail, cornice. Fabricated in millshop

Standing Trim

an item of fixed length that can be installed with a single length of wood. A door or window casing. Fabricated in millshop

FF&E Contracts

are goverened by statutory law that regulates the sale of goods

Construction Contracts

are governed by common law that regulates services

Schemaic design phase, material selections:

are presented to clients on formal sample boards

Human Comfort

based on the quality of the following primary environmental factors: temperature, humidity, air movement, temperature radiation to/from surrounding surfaces, air quality, sound, vibration, light.

Pure Performance Specification

Type of performance spec. A statement setting criteria and results required of the item being specified. The results can be varified by measurement, tests, or other types of evaluation. The means of achieving the required results are not specified. Difficult to write because the specifier must know all the criteria, state the methods for testing compliance and write an unambiguous document. Rarely used.

Descriptive Specification

Type of performance spec. Gives detailed written requirements for the material or product and the workmanship required for its fabrication and installation. Does not mention trade names. Can be very difficult to write.


Type of rhythm where size, color or value are gradually modified.


Under AIA A275/ID, who has responsibility to the inspect & accept furniture upon delivery to job site?

Change Order

based on written agreement among the owner, contractor, and designer concerning the extent of the change and its costs and schedule implications. Is always required whenever there is a modification of contract cost or time, and it must be signed by all parties owner, contractor and designer.

Schematic design should not:

be apart of the programming and planning phase

Provisions for arbitration

because disputes othen arise, arbitration is often more desirable than taking disagreements to court because it is generally faster and less costly.

Design development, specification production, shop drawing review & final punch list

Under the Standard Form of Agreement, which activities are included in an interior designer's services? Post-occupancy evaluation; Financial feasibility study; Furniture acceptance; or Design development, specification production, shop drawing review & final punch list

Whenever contractor asks for such evidence

Under what circumstances does owner have to provide contractor with evidence of owner

Master Format System

developed by the Construction Specifications Institute to standardize numbering and format. Based on 16 broad divisions that represent major categories of work. Hierarchical system. Part 1- (general) general requirements for the section, scope of section, submittals required, warranties, project conditions, specs for delivery, storage and handling of materials. Part 2- (products) details the specs for the materials and products themselves, including acceptable manufacturers, what standards and test methods the materials must conform to, how items are to be fabricated. Part 3- (execution) tells how the products and materials are to be installed applied, or otherwise put into place. This part also describes the examination and preparation required before installation, how quality control should be maintained in the field and the requirements for the adjusting, cleaning and protection of the finished work.

Matte/Rough textures

diffuse and absorb light

Tell contractor to request approval in writing

What action should interior designer take if contractor asks if he can price a type of ceiling tile that was not listed in specifications? Advise contractor to submit backup proof that tile is equal to specified; Refer contractor to owner; Tell contractor to request approval in writing; or Issue addendum stating that since one contractor asked permission to price alternate, all contractor may do this.

Visual alarms & audible alarms

What are most important design elements to incorporate into a hotel, to provide safe egress for physically disabled people? Visual alarms; Audible alarms; Flashing smoke detectors; Large emergency lettering; or Tactile signs.


What area would need to have the carpet tested using the flooring radiant panel test?

Flow chart

What best illustrates adjacency requirements for physical movement of goods?


What can be controlled by modifying the amount of absorptive or reflective finishes in a space?

Card reader

What can interior designer suggest to a client requesting special security protection for files at a reasonable cost - card reader, photoelectric beams, magnetic contacts or electronic shielding?

Number of exits & distance to exits

What code information does designer need first to begin space planning?


What color scheme employs one hue with variations only in intensity and value?


What color scheme places hues on opposite side of color wheel?


What color scheme uses 3 colors equally spaced on color wheel?


What color scheme uses hues that are close to each other on color wheel?

8 surface yarns per inch

What dimension is a 216 pitch carpet?


What document best shows the full extent of a slab-to-slab partition on a project?

Sales agreement

What document does client sign before purchase orders are initiated?

Building permit

What document is issued once all requirements are met and before construction begins?

Purchase order

What document is used to approve the release of funds for furnishing a project? Application for payment; Certificate of payment; Purchase order; or Bill of lading.

Line chart

What document lists the manufacturers and/or products that a rep handles?


What document provides designer with verification that an item was ordered correctly?

Carpet & Rug Institute Indoor Air Quality

What does CRI IAQ stand for?

Life-cycle assessment

What does LCA stand for?

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

What does LEED stand for?


What does Pill test flammability of?


What does a slip joint at the top of a partition account for?


What does the symbol that looks like an "H" indicate on a floor plan?

1/8 gauge

What equals 8 surface yarns per inch?

Wool/nylon blend

What fabric would have best appearance for longest time in theater seating?

Net area

What gives the initial determination of area required for client's program?

Dimensions of building

What has most influence over planning dining room in restaurant in old building.

42-45" AFF

What height should outlets above a counter be placed?

1-1/2 hr

What hourly rated door should be used in 2-hr rated stairway enclosure?

Dedicated outlets

What information would interior designer most likely put on ID power plan - switch locations, dedicated outlets, conduit sizing or speaker locations?

Pill Test

What is ASTM D2859 also known as?


What is Brewster Color Wheel as knowns as?


What is LEAST desirable fabric for sunroom sofa?

Medium-density fiberboard

What is MDF?

Wood blocking

What is NOT allowed in a return-air plenum - fire dampers, electrical cable, water supply pipes or wood blocking?


What is NOT an effective tool for controlling moisture when detailing the area around a pool?

Safety glazing

What is NOT required in sidelites where sill is greater than 18" AFF?


What is a freestanding light that directs most output to the ceiling?

Punch list

What is a list of items made by an interior designer as a result of the first inspection called?

Taxed at individual rates

What is a potential disadvantage of the partnership form?

Integrated ceiling

What is a suspended ceiling system specifically designed to accommodate acoustical ceiling tile, light fixtures, fire sprinklers, etc.?


What is an alloy of copper & zinc?


What is an alloy of copper containing 2% or more tin?

Stainless steel

What is an alloy of steel containing 12% or more chromium?


What is best way to avoid fabric slippage over cushion?

Site plan

What is drawing that shows top view of building & surroundings?


What is exterior type of plaster made with portland cement?


What is flammability test for doors & windows?


What is general term that includes brick, concrete block, glass block structural clay tile, terra-cotta and gypsum block?

Distance from finish floor slab to finish floor slab

What is included in the rise of a stair? Vertical distance from one nosing to the next; Average height of a step; Distance from finish floor slab to finish floor slab; or Number of steps between landings.

Certificate of Occupancy

What is issued after a final inspection has been successfully completed?

Screen glare

What is least important factor in designing computer workstation?


What is made from natural, renewable products including linseed oil, rosin, cork powder & pigments?


What is minimum corridor exit access width?

Quantity takeoff

What is most accurate method of estimating project costs?


What is most affected by changing ceiling from gypsum wallboard to acoustical tile?

Opening can be framed, but structural engineer needed

What is most appropriate advice an interior designer can give to a residential client who wants to remove 8 ft section of a loadbearing wall in a one-story house - Opening can be framed, but structural engineer needed; An architect will need to be retained; Opening can be framed with a header; or Opening cannot be made as it is a load-bearing wall?

Specify high-reflectance paint

What is most effective design strategy a designer can use to maximize lighting?

Double-loaded corridor

What is most efficient type of circulation system?


What is most naturally fire-resistant untreated fabric?

Book match

What is most pleasing result when specifying method 2 veneer pieces should be applied?

Steiner tunnel test

What is name of the test used for wall covering?

24" OC

What is normal commercial construction metal stud spacing?

16" OC

What is normal residential construction metal stud spacing?


What is not considered FF&E?

Veiling reflection

What is one of the most frequent lighting problems in traditional drafting rooms - veiling reflection, direct glare, visual comfort or excessive brightness ration?

Smoke control

What is one of the most important aspects of fire protection?


What is one of the most important considerations when selecting fabric for drapery?

Lack of communication

What is one of the primary sources of ethical & business problems during design & construction?

Nylon 6

What is one type of nylon fiber that can be easily recycled?

Sound transmission

What is primarily reduced by the mass of the partition?

Panic hardware

What is required by building code for safe egress by large number of people?


What is required by the National Electrical Code in outdoor outlets, bathrooms, basements and kitchens?


What is required on fire-rated doors?


What is safest type of glazing to use in sidelight adjacent to door?

Commercial laundry workroom

What is situation where number of people occupying a space is NOT critical to programming?


What is smooth & paintable veneer grade?


What is standard test for fire doors & windows?

Poor ventilation

What is the 4th basic cause of poor indoor air quality? 1-Chemical contaminants from indoor sources; 2-Chemical contaminants fro outdoor sources; 3-Biological contaminants; & 4- .

Organizing the layout of the construction drawings

What is the LEAST important part of a project manager's job? Planning job tasks for the project staff on a weekly basis; Organizing the layout of the construction drawings; Keeping notes on daily decisions & meetings; Staying current with the client's opinion of the progress of the project.

Design intent

What is the approach an owner and designer decide to take to satisfy program requirements?

Oil canning

What is the condition called when large, flat, highly polished surface tends to show variations in flatness?


What is the device that controls the volume of air & its distribution in an HVAC system - convector, grille, register or duct?

Galvanic action

What is the electrochemical process that occurs when dissimilar metals are in contact in the presence of an electrolyte, such as water?


What is the lowest veneer grade?

15 ft

What is the maximum water spread for each sprinkler head?

Coefficient of friction

What is the measurement of degree of slip resistance of floor surface?


What is the minimum COF recommended for ADA ramps?


What is the minimum COF recommended for level ADA flooring?


What is the minimum level of COF using the James Machine in ASTM D2047?


What is the minimum required dimension for raised Braille lettering from surface?

Color rendering index

What is the most important criterion for lighting a fabric showroom - visual comfort probability, color rendering index, coefficient of utilization, or apparent color temperature rating?

Green Seal

What is the name of the independent nonprofit organization that develops environmental standards for products?

Greenguard Environmental Institute

What is the name of the nonprofit industry-independent organization that oversees the Greenguard Certification Program?


What is the name of window that consists of individual horizontal pieces of glass?

Net Area

does not include general circulation space, closets, etc.

Shop Drawings

drawings, diagrams, schedules and other data prepared to show how a subcontractor or supplier proposes to supply and install work to conform to requirements of contract documents

Diagonal lines

dynamic, represent movement


the arrangement of elements in a composition to achieve visual equilibrium. Depends on the idea of visual weight. Depends on both object (weight) and placement


the basic color


the basic shape and configuration of an object or space. Generated with lines, planes, volumes and points

Hourly rate

the client is charged for the actual amount of time that the designer spends on the project.

General Overhead

the cost of running a contracting business and includes such things as office rent, secretarial help, utilities, etc.


the degree of lightness or darkness in relation to black and white

Intensity (chroma)

the degree of purity when compared with a neutral gray of the same value

Retail Method

the designer produces their compensation by acting as a reseller of goods: buying furniture, fixtures and other items at a trade discount and then reselling to client at retail price. The difference in price covers the designer's cost of doing business, delivery and installation charges, overhead and profit. Generally this method is discouraged as a method of charging professional services.

Ownership of documents

the designer retains the rights of ownership to the documents and that they are only used to complete the specific project for which they were developed. Client may not reuse the documents to build other job without permission of and adequate compensation to the designer. Copyright notice often placed on drawings.

Multiple of direct personnel expense

the direct hourly salary of employees is determined and multiplied by a factor to account for normal personnel expenses (taxes, sick leave, health care, etc) This hourly amount is then increased by a multiplier (2.75-3.00) that includes provisions for overhead and profit

Bid Contract

the drawings and specifications are completed by the designer and then sent to several general contractors who bid on the work defined by the contract documents. The owner then selects a contractor based on cost, experience, schedule and other criteria. Competitive bidding usually resutls in lowest cost.

Parties to the contract and date

the full legal name of both parties must be clearly stated along with their addresses and the date of the contract. You must be sure that the person signing the contract had the legal authority to do so.


the manner in which an assembly of several parts is organized and connected. Shows complex information, they are usually large scale drawings of sections cut through a portion of construction.


the measurement of the size and proportions of the human body. Based on this, there is a large body of knowledge about the min. or optimum dims. required for the average human to perform common activities.

Project Overhead

the money it takes to complete a specific job, not including labor, materials or equipment. ex- temparory offices, project telephones, trash removal, insurance, permits.

Construction costs

the moneys required to build or remodel the interior including such things as demolition, partitions, ceilings, millwork funishes and plumbing, electrical and mechanical work. Generally anything that is attached to and becomes part of the structure

Unit prices

set costs for certain protions of the work based on individual quantities such as linear feet or square yards of installed material. listed on bid form


should always be added to the budget to account for unforeseen change requests by the client and other conditions that will add to the total cost of the job. Normally 5 to 10% of the total budget

Reflected Ceiling Plans

show a view of the ceiling as though it were reflected in a mirror on the floor

Demolition Plans

show existing construction that is to remain and that which is to be removed

Multiple of direct salary expense

similar method as above except the multiplier is larger in order to provide for employee benefits as well as overhead and profit based on direct hourly wage. Hourly method is favored by designer because for every actual hour spent on a project they are assured of covering expenses and making a profit. Also protects designer when client keeps changing their mind or otherwise delays the completion of the job. Some clients do not like the open-ended nature of hourly system, so an hourly rate with maximu, amount set is an option. "Hourly, not to exceed"

Guide Specification

similar to master spec. except they are not as complete. They simply assist the spec writer in organizing the information and showing what decisions need to be made and where things should be placed in the correct location in the document.

Linear Dumbbell

simplest and one of the most flexible. Spaces are laid out along a straight path that connects 2 major elements at the ends

AIA/ASID agreement

specifically states that no fixed limit of project cost be estabilished as a condition of the agreement unless agreed to in writting by both parties. In this case ONLY, if the lowest bid exceeds that limit, is the designer obligated to modity the drawings and specs at no additional charge to reduce the project cost

Contract Sum

states the compensation the contractor will receive for doing the work

Stating the Problem in Programming

statments agreed upon by client and programmer are the basis for design and as the criteria by which the solution can be evaluated. There should be a min, of 4 problem statements that address Form, Function, Economy and Time.

Vertical lines

strength, equilibrium, permanence, upward movement

3 types of balance

symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial

Air Movement

tends to increase evaporation and heat loss through convection. Wind speeds of 50 to 200 ft per min. are acceptable for cooling without causing annoying drafts.

Harmony in a composition

the agreement of the parts to each other and to the whole. It includes the opposing concepts of unity/variety and rhythm/emphasis

F.O.B. Factory- Freight Prepaid

means the FF&E contractor owns the furniture but the manufacturer pays the shipping charges

F.O.B. Destination

means the manufacturer is responsible for shipping and for recovering any damage or loss during shipment

F.O.B. (Free on Board)

means the manufacturer pays for loading the goods onto the truck or train.

Responsiblities of the client

most projects require the client perform certain actions or provide necessary information for job to be completed: buying and arranging for moving of client-supplied equipment, arranging for space to receive furniture delivered to the job site, providing as-built drawings, timely completion of any action by the client that is required to maintain the schedule

ADA Lavatories

must allow someone in a wheel chair to move under the sink and easily use basin and water controls (must be operable with one hand). Pipes must be insulated or otherwise protected. Mirrors must be mounted with bottom edge of reflecting surface at 40" max. AFF

Visual Alarm

must be flashing lights that have a flashing frequency of about one cycle per second

ADA Urinals

must be of the stall type or wall hung with an elongated rim at a max. ht. of 17" AFF. Clear floor space in front= 30" x 48"

ADA Floor surfaces

must be stable, firm and slip-resistant. Carpet- max. pile height of 1/2". For changes in levels of 1/4" or less (transition can be vertical and no edge treatment required). 1/4" to 1/2" (transition must be beveled with slope no greater than 1:2). 1/2" + (transition required ramp).

Owner's Responsibilities

must furnish full info reguarding requirements of the project, including a budget with contingencies, must furnish all legal, accounting and insurance counseling services and any required lab tests, inspections and reports required by contract documents, must provide suitable space for receipt, inspection and storage of materials and equipment used on the job. responsible for removal or relocation of existing facilities, furniture and equipment, u.n.o. Must designate, when necessary, a representative who has the authority to act in the owner's behalf, must render decisions in a timely manner to avoid delaying the job, if designer is purchasing furniture and equipment for the job, owner must maintain working funds to use for such purchases.

Operating devices

must have easy to grasp shape (no standard doorknobs)

Permanent identification signs

must have eggshell matte or other non-glare finish with characters and symbols contrasting with their background. Must be mounted on wall adjacent to LATCH side of door and must be approchable to within 3" without encountering protruding objects or standing within door swing. Mounting height to certerline of sign= 60". When there is no wall space on latch side of door, the sign must be placed on the nearest adjacent wall.

Directional Signs

must have lettering at least 3" high with a width-to-height ration between 3:5 and 1:1. Contrast and finish requirements are the same as permanent rm. identification signs.


must have min, clear opening with of 32" max. depth of 24" (when open width is 32")

Opening force

must not exceed 5lbs per ft.

Audible Alarm

must produce a sound that exceeds the prevailing sound level in the room by at least 15 decibels

Designer is NOT responsible for

neglect or malfeasance of any of any of the contractor of suppliers to meet their schedules or perform their contractual requirements. Required to make exhaustive or continual inspections, the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction. Fabrication, procurement, shipment, deliver or installation of construction or furnishings. Job site safety or for acts or omissions of the contractors, subcontractors or suppliers. Accuracy and completeness of dimensions, details, quantities and other aspects of the shop drawings. Receipt, inspection, and acceptance on behalf of owner of FF&E at time of delivery and installation. Designer is NOT authorized to stop the work, reject nonconforming work or terminate the work on behalf of the owner. Designer can recommend to the owner that nonconforming work be rejected.


occurs when moisture changes to vapor as a person perspires or breathes


one of the most highly variable parts of a budget. Typically ranges from 5 to 15% of the total cost of the job. Depends on the type, size of job, amount of risk involved, general market conditions, whether the job is being bid on or negotiated and how much money the contractor wants to make


one of the most reliable ways to gather info but don't assume anything. It is best used to verify info from interviews or questionaires.

Circulation patterns

one of the primary ways of organizing a room, an open space, or an entire project. They are vital to the efficient organization of space and provide people with their strongest orientation with in an environment.


only one hue with variations in intensity and value

Radial Layout

oriented on one major space with paths extending from this central area. Generally used when there is a major space that serves as the focal point for secondary spaces

Instructions to bidders

outline the procedures and requirements that the bidders must follow in submitting bids, how the bids will be considered, and submittals required of the successful bidder. -bidder's representaion (they understand the scope) -bidding documents -substitutions -bidding procedures -consideration of bids -bonds

Demising wall

partitions separating adjacent tenant spaces

Adjacency Needs

people, products and information


physical examples of a portion of work intended to show exactly how a material, finish or piece of equipment will look in completed job

Exit Discharge

portion of egress system between the termination of an exit and a public way

what exhibits should you have ready to discuss with your client when preparing for a design development presentation?

preliminary floor plan, reflected ceiling plan, proposed construction materials, andy typical furniture locations

Master Specification

prewritten specifications that cover nearly all types of products, methods of installation and other variables that relate to a specific product or construction activity.

Percentage of project cost

professional fee is determined based on total cost of project. most appropriate for projects where designer can accurately anticipate the amount of work required and had good idea of the expected cost of the project. NOT appropriate for economical or low-cost project that may require as much or more work than expensive project. From client's standpoint, designer may be encouraged to increase cost of project to increase the fee; or may lose incentive to reduce construction and furnishings costs

Contract Carriers

provide service only to certain companies they choose to do business with

Additional Services

providing site evaluations or comparative studies of prospective sites, providing services for future facilities not intended to be completed during CA phase, investigation of existing conditions or development of meausred drawings, services for tenant or rental spaces, making revisions to drawings and specs after approval and preparation of construction drawings, making inventories, surveys or detailed appraisals of existing facilities or furniture, providing services made necessary by default or contractor, supplier or owner, providing services relating to work or contractor after issuance to owner of final certificate for payment, preparing to or serving as an expert witness, providing services of consultants for structural, or MEP, purchasing furniture, furnishings or equipment with funds provided by owner (this is sometimes provided as basic service), providing services for design/selection of graphics and signage, providing services for procurement of art.

Labor and Material payment bonds

quarantees payment for labor and materials by a defaulting contractor (A performance bond does NOT). Usually required along with a performance bond to protect the owner against both types of problems

Primary colors of light

red, green, blue

Primary colors of pigments

red, yellow, blue

Smooth/Glossy textures

reflect light, create glare and show imperfections

Curved lines

relate more to the material world and human body


relates to money, budgets


relates to the existing conditions, the physical and psychological environment of the interior and quality of construction


relates to the people and activities to be performed in the spaces and their relationships

Existing Conditions

relationship to surrounding areas, size of existing space, views, special features (atriums, architectural features), structural considerations, plumbing


required to provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, odors and to carry away contaminants

Scoping Provisions

requirements that dictate how many accessible elements must be provided

Horizontal lines

restful, stable, related to the plane of earth

Scope of work and designer's responsibilities

scope of work describes th exact amount of work the designer promises to do (including actual area of work and detailed description of services). Scope of work may be divided into common phases such as schematic design, design development and construction and each phase subdivided in more detail. it is also acceptable to itemize those services that are specifically NOT going to be provided.

Evaluation and awarding of the bid

the owner had the right to reject any or all bids, to reject bids not accompanied by the required bid bond or other documentation, and to reject a bid that is in any way incomplete or irregular. If all the bids exceed the project budget and the owner-designer agreement fixes a limit on construction costs, the owner has 4 options. 1) to rebid 2) to authorize an increase in the construction cost and proceed with the project 3) to work with the designer in revising the scope ot the project to reduce costs 4) to abandon the project

If lowest bid exceeds project budget

the owner has 4 options: 1) the owner can give written approval of an increase in the budget 2) the owner can authorize rebidding or renegotiating or project 3) the owner can abandon the project 4) if a fixed limit of project cost, the owner can have designer modify drawings and specs without charge to reduce project cost 4b) owner may also work with designer to reduce scope of project (for a charge)

Negotiated contract

the owner selects a contractor to do the work and then has the contractor look at drawings and work up a price quote

Relative Humidity

the percentage of moisture in the air compared with the maximum amount of moisture the air can hold at a given temperature without condensing. Comfortable ranges are between 30% and 65%


the period from the starting date established in the agreement to the time of substantial completion. It may be extended by change order if delays occur beyond the contractor's control.

Actual texture

the physical quality that can be sensed by touch

Air temperature

the primary determinant of comfort. General comfortable range is between 69 degrees F and 80 degrees F

Space Planning

the process used to translate progammatic needs into a physical plan of the space by organizing major rooms and area, determining circulation systems, and laying out furniture

Prequalification of bidders

the purpose is to select only those contractors who meet certain standards of reliability, experience, financial stability and performance


the relationship between one part of an object or composition and another part and to the whole, or between one element and another. Similar to scale, but it is NOT dependent on the relationship of one element to another of known size.


the relationship between parts of a composition to each other and to the whole


the relative size of something in relation to another element of known size (ie. human)

Entire floor is rented

the rentable area includes all the space taken by the public corridors, elevator lobby and restrooms on that floor

Portion of a floor rentable

the rentable area is measured from the inside glass surface of exterior walls to the finished surface of the tenant side if the public corridor and from the centerlines of partitions separating tenatnt spaces.


the repetition of elements in a regular pattern

Rentable Area

the sq. ft. that is used as the basis for leasing office and retail space

Substantial Completion

the stage in the progress of the work when the work, or a designated portion, is sufficiently complete according to the contract documents so the owner can occupy or utilize the site through a few minor items may remain to be completed or corrected


the study of the relation between human physiology and the physical environment. Uses the information from anthropometrics, but it goes further by studying exactly how humans interact with the physical world. One of the most important factors- adjust ability


the surface quality of a material (actual or visual)

F.O.B. Factory

the tile is transferred at the factory, the buyer pays the transportation costs and the manufacturer is not responsible for loss or damage during shipping

project cost

the total cost or estimated cost to owner of all components of the project, including: items designed or specified by designer, labor and materials, furniture and equipment, resonable allowance for contractor's overhead and profit, costs of managing or supervising construction and installation. DO NOT include: professional fees of designer or consultants, financing costs, other costs that are responsibility of owner.


the transfer of heat energy thru electromagnetic waves from one surface to a colder surface. If the surrounding are colder than the surface temperature of the skin, the body loses heat. If the surfaces are warmer, the body gains heat.


the transfer of heat thru the movement of a fluid, either a gas or liquid

Common Carriers

those who offer services to the public

Door hardware

thresholds cannot exceed 1/2" in height and must be beveled so no slope of threshold is greater than 1:2

Visual texture

what we imagine a surface to be simply by looking at it

Purchase Order

when the designer buys goods or services for the owner, either as a reseller or agent, a purchase order is issued. Info given: Buyer's name and address, vendor's name and address, purchase order number, quantity, description and price of items, shipping and billing address. It is used as accounting devices to track the status of ordered goods and services and serve as basis for billing the client.


white is added to a hue


written forms that people fill in with requested information

What must you determine first before space planning a commercial buildings interior?

Occupancy classification for the building

what has a great impact on the effectiveness of HVAC system?

Occupancy load

Performance Specification

Open. Tells what result you want the final construction assembly to achieve, but they give the contractor some choice in how they will be achieved. Encourages competitive bidding. Variations: Descriptivw, reference standard, pure performance

Ways the body loses heat

convection, evaporation, radiation

reimbursable expenses

costs that are not part of professional services but are necessary to complete the project: travel, long-distance telephone calls, reproduction costs, postage. Fees for consultants (ex. MEP) may be included here or with methods of compensation.

terms to discribe forms

cylindrical, flat, square, linear

Organization concepts

used to satisfy the clients needs and then test them against criteria to find the best one to develop in more detail


uses 3 hues that are equally spaced around the color wheel


uses 4 hues that are equally spaced around the color wheel


usually 10% of each payment is withheld until final completion of the work as a protection of the owner against incomplete or defective work by the contractor.

Changes in the work

usually due to unforeseen conditions or requests by the owner.

Bidding Documents

usually prepared by the designer using standard forms or forms provided by the owner. Not a legal part of the contract documents -advertisement of invitation to bid -instruction to bidders -bid forms -bid security information -requirements for a preformance bon, if required -requirements for a labor and material payment bond, if required

Scope of Basic Interior Design Services

A. Programming B Schematic Design C. Design Development D. Contract Documents E. Bidding F. Contract Administration and Designer's Responsibilities G. Purchase Orders


An interior design project that carries a gold rating has been designed & certified under which system? Greenguard; Green Seal; ISO 14000; or LEED.

Aged accounts receivable

An interior designer could determine which clients have not paid by looking at: Aged accounts receivable; Balance sheet, Cash flow statement; or Income statement.

Life-cycle assessment

An interior designer is evaluating various alternatives for a building product for sustainability. The designer would most likely use: Environmental impact study; Life-cycle assessment; Impact assessment; or Matrix comparison chart.

Post-tensioned concrete

Core drilling would be most difficult in which type of structural system - concrete over steel deck, flat slab concrete, 1-way pan joist concrete or post-tensioned concrete?

Design room to have largest ceiling surface area possible

During DD phase, what method would NOT be used to reduce potential noise problems in room whose exact size & shape had not been determined - Design room to have largest ceiling surface area possible, Plan for sound-absorbent material on walls of room, Study ways to increase transmission loss of room's partitions, or Minimize length of wall separating room from noisier areas?


Final acceptance of FF&E is responsibility of the: Architect; Interior Designer; Owner; or Vendor.

What activity normally occurs at the beginning of the design development stage?

Finalizing the overall design


Owner is protected from incomplete work by contractor by use of: Indemnification; Liquidated damages; Retainage; or Standard contract forms.

Owner's Duties, Rights and Responsibilities

-furnish evidence, at the request of the contractor, that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the owner's obligations under the contact -furnish all drawings free of charge -provide access to the area of work at reasonable times -provide suitable space for the receipt and storage of materials, furniture and equipment -provide temproary utilities on the job site and vertical transprotation necessary for the execution of the work - has the right to order the contractor to stop work and has the right to carry out the work if the contractor fails in their duties to correctly do so -has the right to perform work related to the project with the owners own forces to award separate contracts for certain work. However, the owner is required to coordinate his own forces and act with the same obligations and rights as the contractor would have -has the right to accept nonconforming work, but since this entails a change in the contract, it might be done by written change order.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Contractor

-solely responsible for all fabrication, delivery and installation means, methods, techniques and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the work -responsible to the owner for acts and omissions of all subcontractors and other people performing work under a contract with the contractor -obligated to provide a schedule for the owner's and designer's info -NOT responsible to ascertain that the contract documents conform to the building codes, ordinances and other regulations however, if the contractor notices some variance, they must notify the designer in writing. -Exclusively responsible for onsite safety and precautions against damage to persons and property

Exit access, exit & exit discharge

3 parts of a means of egress include: Public way; Exit access; Exit; Exit discharge; Exit enclosure; & Corridor.

All accessible spaces & parts of a building

An accessible route must serve: All accessible spaces & parts of a building; Corridors, stairs, elevators & toilet rooms; Entrances, parking, toilet rooms, corridors & drinking fountains; or Entrances, corridors, toilet rooms & elevators except those used for maintenance.

Contract Documents

Consist of: -Owner-contractor agreement -General Conditions of the contract -Supplementary conditions of the contract (if any) -Drawings -Specifications -Addenda issued before execution -Modifications issued after execution. NOT included: Bidding documents are not part of the contract.

Contract Administration and Designer Responsiblities

Designer- a representative of owner and advises/consults with the owner during the CA phase and has the authority to act on behalf of owner, but only to the extent provided in contract documents. The Designer assists in coordinating schedules for delivery and installation, keeps the owner informed and guards against defects and deficiencies in the work to determine progress and quality of work. Determines amounts owed to contractors and suppliers based on site visits and evaluation of the contractors applications for payment. The Designer issues certificates for payment (usually monthly) and is considered the interpreter of the requirements of the contract documents and be an impartial judge of performance by the owner and contractors. Designer decisions concerning aesthetic judgements are final if they are consistent with the intent of contrast documents. Designer reviews contractor submittals (shop drawings and samples), prepares change orders, may order minor changes in work not invloving change in contract sum or extension of schedule. Review of shop drawings is only for conformance with design concept when job is complete. Designer reviews final state of construction and final placement of all items, inspects for damage, and determines if all work has been supplied, delivered, installed according to the contact documents.

Master Spec - Part 2

Detail specs

Uncovering Concepts in Programming

Develop abstract ideas that are functional solutions to the clients performance problems without defining the physical means that could be used to solve them


Discussing preliminary budget is part of which phase?

Project Manual

Divided into 4 parts: 1) Bidding requirements (if needed) 2) Parts of the contract itself (agreement between owner/contractor, bond forms, etc.) 3) General and supplementary conditions of the contract 4) Technical specifications

Design Development

Drafting plans, elevations, RCPs is part of which phase?

Collecting Facts in Programming

Facts describe existing conditions and # of people, space adjacencies, user characteristics, equipment to be housed, expected growth rate, budget and building code requirements


Gray or the hue's complement is added


Grey added to a color.

Cost estimate

Not found in project manual

Orthographic drawing

Point of view is directly in front of every location on object.

Delivery of Goods

Regulated by the UCC. Furniture and accessories may be shipped by common carriers, contract carriers, private carriers.


Repetition of decorative motif.


Repetition of elements in a regular pattern.


Social distance

Design Development

Soliciting FF&E quotes is part of which phase?

Schematic Design

Space planning is part of which phase?

Specification Writing Guidelines

Specs are legal documents- they must be complete, accurate, and unambiguous. Know what the standards and test methods reffered to include and what parts of them are applicable to your project. Do NOT specify together the results and the methods proposed to achieve those results, as the two may conflict. Do NOT include standards that cannot be measured. ex. work should be done in a "first class manner". Avoid exculpatory clauses- putting all of the responsibility on the contractor. Avoid words or phrases that are ambiguous, like "and/or" or "etc." Keep specification as short as possible. Describe only one major idea in each paragraph.

Reference Standard Specification

Variation of a descriptive spec (performance spec). Describes a material, product or process based on requirements (reference standards) set by an accepted authority or test method. ex. ASTM, ANSI, UL, AWI. Fairly easy to write.

Proprietary Specification

Variation of a perscriptive spec. Are the most restrictive specs because they call out a specific manufacturer's product. Gives the interior designer complete control over what is installed. Does not allow for competitive bidding.

Base-bid Specification (Equal Spec)

Vatiation of a prescriptive spec. Calls out a proprietary material or product but allows the substitution of other products that the contractor thinks are equal to the one stated. (risky) Variations: 1) lists several approved manufacturers of a product, but this puts the burden on the designer to verify that every one of the products is equal. 2) States that one product or an "approved equal" must be used. The contractor may submit a substitution, but it is subject to review and approval by the designer. Puts burden on contractor to find equals.

Termination of contract

a termination clause gives both designer and client the right to quit the contract upon giving adequate written notice, usually at least seven days. If the contract is terminated by the client through no fault of the designer, the designer must be compensated for work performed up to the time of termination. A contract can be terminated without such a clause if both parties agree to it in writing.

Effective Temperature (ET)

a value developed that combines the effects of air temperature, humidity and air movement

Site Plan

a view of the building as seen from directly above. Shows roof of building, surrounding yards, walks driveways and other features within the property line. Usually shows the streets and property immediately adjacent to the site.


a written or graphic document issued by the designer before the execution of the contract that modifies or interprets the bidding documents by additions, deletions, clarifications or corrections. Issued during the bidding process before bids are submitted.


black is added to a hue

Estimating by Sq. Ft.

budgets based on size are usually the first and most preliminary type of estimate done before much design work has started. Anticipated sq. ft. of prject is multiplied by a cost per sq. ft. to arrive at a number

ADA Toilet

clearance depth varies depending on wall-hung vs. floor mounted water closet. In most cases, door must provide min, clear opening of 32" and must swing out (away from stall enclosure). Grab bars must be mounted 33-36" AFF. Centerline of toilet must be 18" from a wall with grab bars at both back and side of water closet.

Client Interview

combines observations, a structured list of questions, the ability to clarify ambiguous questions or responses and the opportunity for exploration of needs and ideas of the users not previously considered

Wood Molding

comes in standard profiles and sizes, is ordered by # and installed as a finish carpentry item rather than millwork

Private Carriers

companies who own and operate their own trucks to move their merchandise

What should be included in a preliminary presentation (the initial presentation)

conceptual floor plans, finish materials, furniture and upholstery selections and project budget.


conditions under which substitutions will be considered and the procedures for reviewing submissions is defined in the instructions to bidders. Requests must include name of material for which the substitution is submitted, along with complete back-up information about the proposed substitution. The burden of proof rests with the bidders. If approved, the designer issues an addendum to all of the bidders.


consists of 2 or more major linear segments about which spaces or rooms are placed. Usually have a featured termination at one or more ends of the axis


consists of 2 sets of spaced element, can be perpendicular to each other or at angles and irregularly spaced. Can be very monotonous and confusing. Usually defined by circulation paths, it is more appropriate for very large spaces.


consists of a series of spaces or rooms that are placed in a single line (usually a path of circulation) very adaptable

Symmetrical Balance

consists of identical elements arranged equally about a common axis. (bisymmetrical, bilateral, axial symmetry) This type of balance is very stable and creates formality


construction components that are primarily built of wood and are manufactured in a mill shop. Cabinets, bookshelves, paneling, etc.

Why are addenda issued?

to provide additional information not included in the bid package


to secure against loss or damage. the clasue is intended to protect the owner and designer against situations where a person is injured due to the negligence of the contractor or the contractor's agent.

ADA Toilets

toilet rooms must have minimum clear turning space of 5'-0" (60") circle. However, the clear floor space at fixtures and controls and turning space may overlap

Stile and Rail

traditional type of paneling composed of vertical pieces (stiles) and horizontal pieces (rails) enclosing a paneled area

Bid Security

used to ensure that the successful bidder will enter into a contract with the owner. the form may be a certified check, cashiers check or bid bond. if successful bidder backs out, the bid security may be retained and compensates for the difference between the low bid and next lowest bidders. Amount of the bid security is a fixed price or a % of the bid

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