Internet Marketing Exam 1

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§ F-shape pattern

(viewers view the top and to the right and as they go down, they don't view as far to the right)


- 5 factors for an effective logo o Memorable o Simple o Versatile o Timeless o Appropriate


- A digital asset that exists completely in the digital universe - Any type of digital file - Poptart cat - NFT = Non Fungible Token o A $100 bill can = 5 $20 bills and holds the same value o $100 bill = fungible token

Website's purpose

- Acquisition - Conversion - Retention - Value growth`\

Landing pages

- Any page on the web on which one might land that: o Has a form and clear CTA (call to action) o Exists solely to capture a visitor's information through that form - * clear that you are giving your information and for what purpose

Copyright Exceptions: Fair Use

- Fair use = allows use of copyrighted materials without obtaining permission as long as the use can be considered fair - 4 factor analysis (if OP stole one thing from me we'd have to go through the 4 factors to see if it was fair)

High-fidelity wireframes

are better for documentation because of their increased level of detail. These wireframes include information about each particular item on the page, including dimensions, behavior, and actions related to any interactive element


i just love talking and expressing myself - face to face or over online - instant messaging and emailing people - expresss self online world that you cannot int he real world - smart phone user to connect

•Content Marketing

Content marketing refers to the publishing and distribution of text, video or audio materials to customers online. Blogs, videos and podcasts are common ways for businesses to engage in content marketing.

ADA (American with Disabilities Act)

- Prohibits discrimination against those with disabilities, ensuring they have the same rights and opportunities as those without o Covers all sectors (jobs, schools, transportation, public/private places open to public) - American with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design mandated all electronic and information technology be accessible to those with disabilities, like vision impairment and hearing loss - Web content should be accessible to blind & deaf users, and those who must navigate by voice, screen, or other assistive tech - Just because you don't have to be ADA compliant doesn't mean you shouldn't be (for your customers) - What businesses need to comply: o Title 1 Businesses: Those that operate 20+ weeks per year with at least 15 full-time employees o Title 3 Businesses: Those that fall under the category of "public accommodation" § Hotels, banks, public transportation

DMCA - Digital Millennium Copyright Act

- Looking into copyright infringement in the digital world - Example from class = Napster = illegal sharing music site - Important elements o You don't HAVE to register your work to send a DMCA notice. Because once you create something online it's yours and you hold the copyright. o If I copy Olivia's website she can send me a notice, I can counter saying there was no copyright infringement. However, when I counter her, she can file a lawsuit within 14 days. o If you want MONETARY DAMAGES and a lawsuit you MUST register - Say China doesn't follow DMCA, if your conflict is with them it makes the situation harder

creative commons

- Nonprofit organization that enables sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools - Allows you to decide HOW people use your work


- Stick with 2-3 typefaces o Use one serif typeface for text & captions o Use one sans serif for headers & subheaders

Usability test with a paper prototype

- Understand basic process of prototype testing - Start with talking about the process and digging for background - Compensate your participants (test doesn't feel like a chore now) - Put them at ease offer breaks, give them control - Ask questions that qualify the participant - What is their frame of reference? - What are triggers and conditions for the activity? - Start with open questions - Give an open-ended task - Ask user what they expect to happen - In the video: guy did not foresee little girl wanting a background color. This is why paper prototypes are useful because now he can incorporate that into his website - Always end with: "Anything else I should know about it?"

ADA Compliance YouTube Video

- What is an ADA compliant website and why does it matter? o Purpose is to provide reasonable access for people with disabilities o Businesses are getting sued if their websites aren't accessible o Domino's pizza website, a blind man wasn't able to order a pizza - 98% of web pages fail to meet accessibility standards - Color contrast o Use highly contrasting colors within text - Font size and readability o Fonts need to be large enough to read and simple vs complex - Form field labels o Contact form § Don't put labels that disappear - Descriptive labels on images and buttons o Images and buttons can't be seen with a screen reader unless coded correctly - Heading tags, navigation issues


- Where all the design elements come together

Writing style of guide

- Writing style & tone: details like whether to use "&" or "and" o Use a consistent style - Baseline guide: use AP style - Formatting: keep bullet lists consistent - Tone and voice: how do you want to sound? Playful, active, passive, etc.

What is a wireframe

- basic visual representation of elements on a website o A sketch of website before the website even goes up - Why is a wireframe important? o Establishes hierarchy of info § Let's you map out where most important info will go § F-shape pattern (viewers view the top and to the right and as they go down, they don't view as far to the right) o Simplifies communication § Communication between you & your client o Blueprint § Acts as a blueprint for when you go to create your website - Will save you a lot of time and money when you start with a wireframe


- the collective name of a family of related fonts (Calibri) o Fonts: refers to the weights, widths, and styles (Calibri Body, Calibri Italic) o In most instance when people refer to fonts, they really mean typefaces

RGB and Hex

- used for digital - red green blue

Pantone and CYMK

- used for print

- WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)

o A reference point for organizations looking to improve their digital accessibility o Three versions of WCAG: § Version 1.0 Version 2.0 (Replaced 1.0) Version 2.1 (Exists as an extension of 2.0) o Three levels of conformance: § A = bare minimum level of accessibility § AA = target level of accessibility meeting legal requirements § AAA =

Development tools?

o Website builders, content management systems (CMS) and hand-coded

Copyright penalties

pay money can go to jail

delight tools

smart content email marketing conversation inbox attribution reporting marketing automation - social media is an ecample of a tool that can be useful in all stages

Knowledge seekers

use to gain knowledge information and to educate yourself - not interested in social networking but want to follow like minded people to gain their opinions on stuff that you are interested in

o Website builders

§ Cheap/free, user-friendly, lack of customization, limited site speed, and restricted SEO options § Website up and running in a day

attracting strategies

§ Content creation & development § To reach audience create & publish content (blog articles, content offers, social media) · Examples: guides on how to use your products, information about how your solution can solve their challenges, customer testimonials, details about promotions or discounts § Optimize all content with an SEO strategy will require you to target specific keywords and phrases related to your products or services, the challenges you solve for customers, and the ways you help target audience members

o Content management systems (CMS)

§ Create professional website with no technical background § Cheap solution, user-friendly, high performance, high degree of customization, good SEO

o Hand-coded

§ Developed code-by-code § Expensive, expert knowledge needed, however is the best performance, and 100% customization, the best SEO

Engaging strategies

§ Ensure you're communicating and dealing with leads and customers in a way that makes them want to build a long-term relationship w/ you. · Inject information about the value your business will provide them with · How you handle & manage inbound sales calls · Solution selling vs product selling o Ensures all deals end in mutually beneficial agreements for customers & your business

Delighting strategies

§ These strategies ensure customers are happy, satisfied, and supported long after they make a purchase § Chatbots, surveys · Survey may be sent out 6-months after customers have purchased your product or service to get their feedback and review ideas for improvement § Social media listening important strategy when it comes to delighting customers · Social media followers may use one of your profiles to provide feedback, ask questions, or share experience with your products/services · Responding to these interactions with information helps, supports, and encourages followers § A delighted customer becomes a brand advocate and promoter, so handle all interactions (big and small) with care

6. Measure/evaluate/improve

a. Technical task measuring and improving site performance is a technical task b. Marketing task measuring and improving the business effectiveness of site

•Email Marketing

Email marketing enables businesses to send branded, promotional content directly to prospective customers via email. The use of automated newsletters is common in this context.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

The most basic category of cloud computing services. With IaaS, you rent IT infrastructure—servers and virtual machines (VMs), storage, networks, operating systems—from a cloud provider on a pay-as-you-go basis. To learn more,

1. unique typography

a. Most companies have a particular font/typography that helps customers immediately identify them vs their competitors b. Example: The New Yorker font = Adobe Caslon Pro c. Choice of typography can indicate subtle hints about what you represent

Goal for inbound marketing

goal is to attract new prospects to your company, engage with them at scale, and delight them individually

Copyright infringement

- Copyright can result in the infringer paying money damages (civil liability) or prison (criminal liability) - The act of violating any of a copyright owner's exclusive rights granted by the Copyright Act - 3 elements must be in place for infringement to occur: o Copyright holder must have a valid copyright o The person who is infringing must have access to the copyrighted work (work is easily accessible Olivia's website) o The duplication of the copyrighted work must be outside the exceptions § If it was "inside" the exceptions, it would obviously be allowed to use

Story telling through video, branded content, infographics, and webinars Quick facts:

- Digital video advertising in the US has been increasing from 2017 to 2021 - The most common motivations for watching online videos in the US in 2015 was to be entertained/inspired. Following shortly behind was to relax/escape, to learn something new, and to pursue a hobby/interest

what to include in the style guide

- Formats: keep all formats similar - Colors: use a color palette and don't change it (hex codes) - Logo: don't change logo versions - Fonts: don't use other fonts other than what is given - Presentation format: use pre-made theme given

Semantic search

describes a search engine's attempt to generate the most accurate results possible by understanding: -Searcher intent. -Query context. -The relationships between words. In layman's terms, semantic search seeks to understand natural language the way a human would.

Website development process

1. Establish site objectives (SMART objectives) 2. Identify your target market a. Buyer personas b. Identify and describe your target market 3. Design 4. Conduct usability tests 5. Deployment and tuning 6. Measure/evaluate/improve 7. Improve/relaunch when needed

Exceptions to fair use

1. Face-to-face instruction a. In a classroom setting all displays of work are fair as long as they are legally acquired 2. Virtual instruction a. Zoom class b. TEACH act 3. Parody a. A parody ridicules another works in a comedic way b. SNL

Four factor analysis

1. First factor = what is the purpose and character of the use? a. Favors fair use = Nonprofit, educational, personal, teaching... b. Favors permission = commercial, for-profit entertainment 2. Second factor = what is the nature of the work to be used? a. Favors fair use = fact, published b. Favors permission = creative, unpublished 3. Third factor = how much of the work will be used? a. Favors fair use = small amount b. Favors permission = large amount, heart of the work c. Example: "I only used 20%", "Well you should've only used 10%" 4. Fourth factor = what is the effect of the use on the market for the work? a. Favors fair use = no effect, licensing/permission, unavailable b. Favors permission = major effect, work is made available to the world - If the balance weighs in favor of fair use, then the work can be used without permission

ADA Compliant Article: 10 ways to make your website accessible

1. Make sure your site is keyboard-friendly a. Must work without the use of a mouse 2. Make sure all content is easily accessible 3. Add alt text to all images 4. Choose your colors carefully a. Make sure text stands out against the background b. Set a dark color against a light one 5. Use headers to structure your content correctly 6. Design your forms for accessibility a. Ensure each field is clearly labeled 7. Don't use tables for anything except tabular data a. Keep tables for data simple 8. Enable resizable text that doesn't break your site 9. Avoid automatic media and navigation a. Automatically playing media files = no no 10. Create content with accessibility in mind a. Always fully write out acronyms -- Need to put alt tag on images and they help with SEO Video clips should have a caption and description Create a link to a video clip instead of embedding it on your website

11 Elements of Modern Web Design (know each term)

1. Unique typography 2. Engaging and responsive hero images 3. Background videos 4. Semi-flat design 5. Hamburger menus 6. High-quality product images 7. Card design 8. Feature videos (short product) 9. Mobile-friendly layout 10. White space 11. Speed optimization


= Pantone


= four-color process printing o A combination of four transparent ink colors = cyan, magenta, yellow, and black o You can see a combination of overlapping dots


= hexadecimal o Basically, for RGB color o Six-digit combination or letters and numbers o First two numbers = red o Middle two = green o Last two = blue

2. Engaging and responsive hero images

a. Often placed in the background with text and other content overlaid on top b. Large images can help visually tell your story without having to rely on just text c. Set the tone for your website without the need for text or video i. The right image can instantly give visitors a sense of what your brand is about, what you do, and what makes you unique

•Affiliate Marketing —

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based exercise that enables revenue sharing and pay-per-sale (PPS) compensation within a common network.

Key elements in the Golden Triangle

Company logo, main navigation, search box, and headline feature article Above the fold = the area of the webpage a visitor sees as soon as the page loads without having to scroll down (should be ideally within the golden triangle)

4. Conduct usability tests

a. Prototype testing = tests of sites with limited functionality, usually done in a laboratory setting b. Full usability testing c. Pareto curve

What is web 1.0 technology?

dial up/static information, slow loading brochure style pages, poor business bust

3. Background videos

a. Videos that automatically play in the background can add a lot of intrigue to a page. They can be used to tell a story b. Entices visitors they moment they land on your page c. Video is processed faster in our brains than text is

Semantic search characteristics

Open- predicitions that info will be opento all research is easier the pew foundation offers data sets free to other researchers Mobile Mobile and Geography - GPS and locatoin based marketing is constantly growing especially with mobile devices owners earching for info are being asked to use location how many apps run location int he background?

7. Improve/relaunch when needed

a. We will cover more on this topic later b. Continuous improvement c. Monitoring d. Customer feedback


add black color to make it seam darker tone is adding grey


adding white to a oclor

Attract tools

ads, video, blogging, social media, content strategy

Inbound marketing strategy

attracting engaging and delighting

The Customer Journey

The customer journey is comprised of awareness, consideration, and conversion (some models use purchase, while HubSpot uses decision). A potential customer 1) becomes aware of a problem or need, 2) looks for products or brands to consider as a solution for this problem or need, and 3) makes a purchase, which, in some models, may be called conversion or decision. Brands can use social media to provide information that both help customers solve a recognized problem and bring attention to a problem that a customer has not yet identified. Inbound marketing is a methodology that is customer-centric and seeks to help customers on this journey rather than using a hard-sell outbound marketing approach

Web 2.0

DSL Lte the 4 I's - interative information driven immediate involving - services not packaged software(Saas IaaS PaSS) - Scalability - unique behavioral data - users as co developers -leverage the long trail by selling to niche markets -responsive design for business and SEO - changability


The internet is an integral part of my life - young and a big mobile users - access anywhere at any time - blogger and passionate social netowrker with many social networks friends - big online shoppers

What are the four I's

Interactive - 2 way communication marketers can send offers track responses initiate direct communication through chat - purchasing goods and services or games on the internet may help student understand the power to interactivity. - the ability to offer info and products for sale and to document each stage of the prospective cusomters reaction then follow up with them increases customer value over time. Information Driven - every action take by a customer provides potential piece of data. Immediate - Marketers can reply immediately to consumers problems using human agents of automated systems. - meet many customers at one time in real time. get quicker reading on success of programs so they can be expanded revised or dropped to enhance profitability Involving - streaming games videos and other forms of rich media - not TV active media

Who invented email?

It is actually debated there are pending lawsuits Shiva Ayyadurai holds the copyright for email granted by the U.S government but he invented it while only 14 and working at the university of medicine and dentistry of NJ .1982

•Native Advertising

Native advertising involves blending marketing materials into a medium, making the underlying message and marketing purposes equally important. Sponsored content, in which one business posts its own content on a different website, is a common method of native advertising.

•Platform as a service (PaaS)

Platform as a service refers to cloud computing services that supply an on-demand environment for developing, testing, delivering, and managing software applications. PaaS is designed to make it easier for developers to quickly create web or mobile apps, without worrying about setting up or managing the underlying infrastructure of servers, storage, network, and databases needed for development

Color Psychology in Marketing

Primary - red yellow blue secondary - violet, green, orange tertiary - if you mix a primary and secondary colors


The internet is imporant for me to establish and maintain relationships - i have a busy life and wnat to stay intouch wit people that i am unable to keep in touch wit offline

Search Engine Optimization (SEO

SEO is the practice of improving ranking within major search engines to increase online traffic.

•Social Media Marketing (SMM)

SMM is the practice of using social media channels to promote business products or services. The use of social media influencers, often referred to as influencer marketing, is prevalent in SMM.


dont want to epxress self online likes to look but ot participate worried about data privacy - usually older generation

10. White space

a. Balancing content (links, text, videos) with similar amounts of white space, users are naturally drawn to key aspects of your site b. Create at least some white space between every content element c. Useful bc website navigation plays a critical role in user satisfaction

2. Identify your target market

a. Buyer personas b. Identify and describe your target market

11. Speed optimization

a. Critical to optimize all elements of your site for speed to reduce the amount of time between click and content b. Optimize all images to balance image quality and file size c. As page load times increase from 1 second to 10 seconds, visitor bounce rate rises by 123%

3. Design

a. Decide if you you'll use a website builder (Weebly, wix) i. A content management system (WordPress) ii. Or create your own from scratch which requires coding b. The main focus of attention on a webpage is called the golden triangle c. User Experience (UX) Design i. The process of designing (digital or physical) products that are useful, easy to use, and delightful to interact with 1. Enhance the experience that people have while interacting with your product and making sure they find value in what you're providing d. User Interface (UI) Design i. The color, layout, emotion, and story of the site come together ii. The brand comes alive e. Responsive web design i. An approach whereby a designer creates a webpage that "responds to" or resizes itself depending on the type of device it's being seen through Search engines punish websites that are not responsive a. What to include in the wireframe (UX/UI) i. Logo, search field, breadcrumbs, headers, navigation menu, body content, share buttons, contact information, footer 1. Breadcrumbs = target page (baby)

9. Mobile-friendly layout

a. First-generation websites were designed for desktops b. Your website must deliver the same experience regardless of user device type c. Create mobile-friendly website layouts that leverage the principle of responsive web design, which allows website elements such as images, text, and user interfaces (UIs) to automatically rescale and resize d. Mobile device traffic = 54% of web traffic worldwide

4. Semi-flat design

a. Flat design is any element that does not include or give the perception of three dimensions, such as shadows b. Easier for users to understand, loads quickly

5. Deployment and tuning

a. Getting the site onto a server of your own or at a hosting service

8. Feature videos (short product)

a. Highlight a specific use case, great at bringing your solution to life (not overwhelming)

7. Card design

a. Individuals can consume bite-sized pieces of content without being overwhelmed b. Users can pick & choose which content they want to expand c. Keeps home-page clean and organized d. More popular among B2B and B2C websites e. Can help highlight multiple products or solutions side-by-side f. Cards should be responsive

6. High-quality product images

a. Large product images b. Helps designers highlight different features of a product in a more efficient & effective way c. Reinforces the benefits of a feature

5. Hamburger menus

a. Long menus of options to choose from b. The menu can take a visitor directly to where they want to go c. Called hamburger menu bc the three lines look like two burger buns and a patty

Low-fidelity wireframes

help facilitate project team communication and are relatively quick to develop


im looking to creat a personal space online - very new to the interent and are accessign via mobile and internet buy mostly from home not doing a lot in th emoment online and desperate to do more


internet that understands user intent and makes finding info easier ex: google instant preview tool.

SaaS (Software as a Service)

is a method for delivering software applications over the Internet, on demand and typically on a subscription basis. With SaaS, cloud providers host and manage the software application and underlying infrastructure, and handle any maintenance, like software upgrades and security patching. Users connect to the application over the Internet, usually with a web browser on their phone, tablet, or PC. To learn more

Heat maps & eye tracking

know these programs and how the information can be used to help with your web design · YouTube video: Heat map tracking for website analytics o Crazy egg o Based on where people are clicking first o Cool means less scrollage · YouTube video: eye tracking demo o Session map to show sum total of visual activity o Larger the circle, larger the fixation o Once users have been through the process, they turn it into a heat map

engage tools

lead flows, email marketing, lead management, conversational bots, marketing automation

What is computing in the cloud?

•Computing and Data Storage on 'Public Clouds' or 'Private Clouds' • Suppliers like Amazon, or •Private, Custom Sites for Corporations, Government Agencies •Hybrids are also used • Fee for Services Instead of Investment • Do not Have to Maintain Hardware and Software One problem is security Everything must be encrypted and is subject to hackers 15% of private clouds were hacked last year.

Digital Marketing

•Different digital companies offer slightly different wordings but it is essentially the same •According to the American Marketing Association (AMA): any marketing methods conducted through electronic devices. This includes online marketing efforts conducted on the internet. In the process of conducting digital marketing, a business might leverage websites, search engines, blogs, social media, video, email and similar channels to reach customers

Know this story

•In 2005, Brian Halligan, the CEO of HubSpot, coined the term "inbound marketing."13 Over the next few years, the marketing and advertising industry embraced this term, with the definition and methodology slowly evolving with some variation of terms used by different agencies and marketers. According to the HubSpot website, "Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don't always want, inbound marketing forms connections they are looking for and solves problems they already have." The inbound marketing methodology suggests that firms develop relationships with customers by implementing a set of three strategies: 1) attract strangers to the brand, 2) engage them as prospects to turn them into customers, and 3) delight them as customers so they then become promoters of the brand. The inbound marketing methodology uses a flywheel rather than a funnel. Instead of trying to move customers through the funnel to a sale, the inbound marketing methodology utilizes the delight strategy to retain customers and move them back through the process Using the inbound marketing methodology and integrating SMM to engage prospective customers in meaningful conversations can improve brand reputation and create networking and collaboration opportunities. Additionally, using the inbound marketing methodology can reduce digital advertising expenses by using paid social advertising to target buyer personas in the various stages of the customer journey. This targeted advertising reduces waste in spending.

API- Application Programming Interface

•Its part of the technical side that most of you won't work on •You need to be able to have an intelligent conversation with the CIS people so we will cover it at the most basic level •API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone, you're using an API.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

•PPC is an online method for advertising where a business only pays for its ads when a person clicks on them.

Digital Marketing Best Practices

•Personalization • Effective-and Cost-Effective-Promotions • Email, Search Advertising, Social Networks • Can be Tracked, Effectiveness Measured • Use of Rich Media • Strategic Partnerships • Consumer Involvement, Co-Creation • Integration with Offline • These and More Discussed Throughout the semester

Search Engine Marketing (SEM

•SEM leverages paid online advertising to increase website visibility within search engines. SEM is often used in conjunction with SEO.

Cloud computing

•Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, intelligence and more—over the Internet ("the cloud") to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. •You typically pay only for cloud services you use, helping lower your operating costs, run your infrastructure more efficiently, and scale as your business needs change.

inbound marketing

•The inbound methodology is the method of growing your organization by building meaningful, lasting relationships with consumers, prospects, and customers. It's about valuing and empowering these people to reach their goals at any stage in their journey with you. •Why? Because when your customers succeed, you succeed. •The inbound methodology can be applied in three ways: 1.Attract: drawing in the right people with valuable content and conversations that establish you as a trusted advisor with whom they want to engage. 2.Engage: presenting insights and solutions that align with their pain points and goals so they are more likely to buy from you. 3.Delight: providing help and support to empower your customers to find success with their purchase.

Internet of Things (IoT)

•the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. •Simply put, this is the concept of basically connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (and/or to each other). --•"if one thing can prevent the Internet of things from transforming the way we live and work, it will be a breakdown in security"

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