Interview Prep: WISE

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*"Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?"*

*"Does your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?"* This interview question provides you with an opportunity to explain a bad grade or weak spot in your academic record. Nearly all highly selective colleges have holistic admissions, so the admissions officers want to get to know you as a person, not just as a list of grades and test scores. Your interviewer knows that you are human and that extenuating circumstances can sometimes affect your academic performance. That said, you don't want to sound like a whiner or grade grubber. If you have mostly A's, don't feel that you need to come up with an excuse for that one B+. Also, make sure you're not blaming others for your own academic performance. The admissions folks won't be impressed if you complain about an unreasonable teacher who doesn't give out easy A's. The following responses are all poor ways to answer the question: "I'm very good at math, but my teacher didn't like me. That's why I got a C+." Really? This response suggests that you aren't mature enough to own up to the grade you earned. Was your math teacher really that biased and unprofessional? And if so, why didn't you address the unethical behavior with school officials? Even if your teacher didn't like you, this isn't something you want to highlight in your interview. Are you unlikable? "I worked really hard, so I don't know why my grades weren't higher." This response makes you sound clueless. Students who don't understand the low grades they earned are risky prospects for a college to admit. Successful students know what went wrong, and they work to address the problems. "I would have put more effort into my classes, but I was too busy with my job and sports." While this response may be honest, it will not create a good impression. It's wonderful that you are busy with work and athletics, but successful college students have strong time management skills and they give academics top priority. "I didn't have to work hard to get all those A's." Shhh. Sure, we all had classes that were easy A's, but don't draw attention to this fact during your interview. So, how should you answer a question about the relationship between your record, your effort and your ability? In general, take ownership of your grades and justify low grades only if you have truly extenuating circumstances. The responses below would all be appropriate: "My parents got divorced at the beginning of my sophomore year, and I'm afraid I was too distracted to put in my best effort at school." Fair enough. Big upheavals at home -- divorce, death, abuse, frequent moves -- can certainly make it difficult to devote 100% of your effort to academics. If a large domestic issue did affect your grades, your interviewer will want to know about it. Ideally, however, your academic record shows that the dip in grades was short-lived. If your grades never recovered, the admissions officers will wonder if you have gotten your act together enough to do well in college. "I had gallbladder surgery in 9th grade and was on a lot of pain medications." Serious illness or surgery can certainly disrupt your academic efforts, and it is worth mentioning this type of disruption if it had a negative impact on your grades. Here, as with the response above, your record should show that the dip in grades was temporary. Make sure you are talking about serious health issues. Your interviewer will not be impressed if you try to blame that weak semester on the sniffles. "Yes, my record does reflect my effort. I didn't work as hard as I should have in 9th grade, but by 10th grade I had figured out how to be a successful student." The honesty of this response is refreshing. Some students figure out how to succeed later than others. There is nothing wrong with this. In general, colleges will be pleased to see that your grades have trended upwards throughout high school. A downward trend will raise red flags. Again, don't be tempted to explain every little aberration in your academic record. The interviewer is really looking to see if you had any major extenuating circumstances that affected your grades. If you come across as the type of student who goes on a rant complaining about a single B+, you're going to sound like an annoying whiner.

*"Tell me about a challenge that you overcame."*

*"Tell me about a challenge that you overcame."* The question isn't a difficult one as long as you've put a couple of minutes of thought into it before your interview. The main danger with the question is being unable to think of an appropriate challenge during the interview. Realize that you can draw from many different kinds of "challenges" when you answer this question. You don't need to have lived a life of adversity or oppression to have a meaningful challenge to discuss. So your first step is to figure out what challenge you want to share with your interviewer. You would be wise to shy away from anything that is too personal -- you don't want your interviewer to feel uncomfortable. But an appropriate challenge can come in many forms: An academic challenge -- Perhaps you found chemistry or English particularly difficult? A challenge at work -- Did you have a boss or co-worker who was difficult to work with? An athletic challenge -- Did you have to work hard to improve your skills? Did you have a competition that was especially demanding? A personal tragedy -- Did you lose someone close to you and have a hard time getting over the loss? A personal goal -- Did you set a goal for yourself that was difficult to accomplish? An ethical dilemma -- Were you put in a position where none of your options were attractive? Keep in mind the purpose of this type of question. The interviewer isn't necessarily interested in hearing about some horror story from your past. Rather, the question is designed to help the interviewer discover what type of problem solver you are. Listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Learn your score now. College is all about developing critical thinking and problem solving skills, so the interviewer wants to see that you have promise in these areas. When confronted with a challenge, how do you respond? The best response will highlight your ability to navigate a challenging situation

*"What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?"*

*"What do you see yourself doing 10 years from now?"* This interview question can come in many flavors: What do you want to do with your life? What are your goals? What is your dream job? What do you want to do with your college degree? However your interviewer phrases the question, the goal is similar. The college admissions folks want to see if you have thought about your future. A lot of students don't succeed in college for the simple reason that they don't have a clear sense of why college is important to them and their goals. This interview question is subtly asking you to show how college fits into your long-term planning. Realize that you definitely do not need to know what you want to be doing ten years from now. College is a time of exploration and discovery. Many prospective college students have not yet been introduced to the fields that will define their future careers. The majority of students will change majors before they graduate. Many students will have careers that aren't directly connected to their undergraduate majors. That said, you don't want to evade the question. Answers such as these may be accurate, but they won't impress anybody: "I don't know." True enough, but keep on reading to see a better way to present your uncertainty. "I'm not sure what I'll be doing, but I want to be making lots of money." This answer suggests that you have no academic interests, but you have strong materialistic desires. Such attitudes aren't very attractive to a college that is trying to enroll an interesting and engaged group of students. "I want to be working for a big company." Try to focus more. What type of company? Why? A vague answer isn't going to create a strong impression. "I hope I'll be married with kids." That's fine, but the interviewer isn't really asking about your personal life (in fact, it wouldn't be appropriate for an interviewer to ask about your future plans for family and marriage). Keep focused on career goals that are connected to your college education. So, if asked about your future goals, be honest but also answer in a way that shows you have actually thought about the relationship between college and your future. Here are a couple ways to approach the question: "I want to major in aeronautical engineering and work for NASA." If you know what you want to do, an interview question about your future is easy to answer. However, be sure to elaborate and explain why you want to pursue a certain career path. What got you interested in the field? What do you hope to accomplish in this career? "I don't know what I will be doing, but I know I want to work with people. In college I'm interested in taking classes in sociology and psychology to learn what some of the options are." An answer such as this shows your uncertainty, but it shows that you know yourself, you've thought about the future, and you are eager to explore new fields of study. Again, the interviewer is not expecting you to know what you will be doing in ten years. If you can see yourself in five different careers, say so. You will have successfully answered this question if you do more than shrug your shoulders or evade the question. Show that you are excited about the future and that college plays a role in that future.

*"What do you want to major in?"*

*"What do you want to major in?"* The question can come in many forms: What academic subject most interests you? What do you plan to study? What are your academic goals? Why do you want to major in business? Don't be misled by the question. A significant percentage of college applicants have no idea what major they will choose, and the majority of high school students who have chosen a major will actually change their mind before they graduate. Your interviewer knows this, and there is nothing wrong with being honest about your uncertainty. That said, you don't want to sound like you have never considered the question. Colleges aren't eager to admit students who entirely lack direction or academic interests. So, if you are undecided about your major, think about the difference between these two responses: I don't know what I want to major in. While this response may be honest, it's not helping your interviewer get to know what does interest you. You've shut down the question, and you haven't made a good case for being admitted to the college. I haven't chosen a major yet, but I love working with people. I'm looking forward to taking courses in sociology, psychology, and political science to learn more. Sure, you haven't chosen a major yet, but your answer shows that you've thought about the options and, more importantly, that you're intellectually curious and looking forward to exploring the possibilities. If you do have a strong sense of what you want to study, you'll still want to make sure your answer creates a positive impression. Think about the following responses: I want to major in business because I want to make lots of money. You're telling the interviewer that material gain is your top priority. Are you actually interested in business? Students who choose a major based on its earning potential are less likely to succeed in college than those who have an actual interest in the subject matter that they are studying. I've seen a lot of business majors and engineers either change majors or drop out of college because they were, in truth, not interested in business or engineering. My parents want me to become a doctor. Okay, but what do you want to do? Do you have thoughts of your own, or are you going to let your parents define your academic path? I want to major in political science because I want to go to law school. Do you have sincere interest in political science? And why do you want to go to law school? You're going to spend four years of your life studying as an undergraduate, so you don't want to breeze over your response with a comment about graduate school. The interviewer isn't admitting you to graduate school. Make sure you are ready to explain why you are interested in a particular field. What experiences or high school courses piqued your interest? At some large universities it is possible that you will need to pick a field of study when you apply. For example, some of the California public universities are trying to balance enrollments within different programs. And if you are applying to a business or engineering school within a larger university, you will often need a specialized application for that school. At most colleges, however, being undecided is fine. Here at Alfred University, for example, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recently changed the official designation for undecided students from "Undecided" to "Academic Exploration." Exploring is a good thing, and it's what the first year of college is for.

*"Tell me about yourself."*

*"Tell me about yourself."* It seems like such an easy question. In some ways, it is. After all, if there's one subject you truly know something about, it's yourself. The challenge, however, is that knowing yourself and articulating your identity in a few sentences are very different things. Before setting foot in the interview room, make sure you put some thought into what it is that makes you unique. Certain characteristics are desirable, but they are not unique. The majority of students applying to selective colleges can make claims such as these: "I'm hard working." "I'm responsible." "I'm friendly." "I'm a good student." "I'm loyal." Granted, all of these answers point to important and positive character traits. Of course colleges want students who are hard working, responsible, and friendly. That's a no-brainer. And ideally your application and interview answers will convey the fact that you are a friendly and hard-working student. These answers, however, are all predictable. Nearly every applicant could give the same answers. If we go back to the initial question -- "Tell me about yourself" -- we need to recognize that the answers any applicant can give do not successfully define what characteristics make you special. The interview is your best opportunity to convey your unique personality and passions, so you want to answer questions in ways that show that you are you, not a clone of a thousand other applicants. So, when asked to tell about yourself, don't spend too much time on the predictable answers.

*"What do you do in your free time?"*

*"What do you do in your free time?"* The interviewer might ask this question in one of many ways: What do you do for fun? What do you do when you're not in school? What do you do on your weekends? This is not a trick question, and many kinds of answers will do well. The interviewer is simply trying to get to know you better. College is about much more than academic classes, and the admissions folks want to know how you keep yourself busy when you're not doing schoolwork. The most attractive students are those who do interesting things in their spare time. So, when you answer the question, make sure you actually sound like you do interesting things in your spare time. Answers like these will not impress: I like hangin' with my friends. (Do you actually do anything with those friends, or do you just take up space on our little planet?) I do Facebook in all my free time. (This is true for many students, but too much online time is a major source of poor academic performance in college) I like partying. (Another activity that, if a abused, has caused many students to fail out of college) I watch lots of TV. (Many of us watch too much TV; don't highlight that fact during your interview) I don't have any free time. (This answer is true for some highly involved students, but it is an evasive answer; what would you do if you did have free time?) I've been reading all of the Greek classics. (Good for you, but really? Colleges like good scholars, but they also want students who occasionally take their heads out of their books) The best answer to this question will show that you have passions outside of the classroom. The question allows you to show that you are well rounded. Within reason, it doesn't much matter what you do in your free time as long as you do something. Do you love working on cars? Playing a pick-up game of soccer? Hiking in the neighboring mountains? Experimenting in the kitchen? Building rockets? Playing word games with your younger brother? Painting sunsets? Surfing? Your transcript will show that you are a good student. Your answer to this question will show that you are also someone who has diverse interests that will enrich the campus community.

*"What will you contribute to our college?"*

*"What will you contribute to our college?"* This question is asking for some vital information. The admissions folks will admit you if they think you can handle the work and if they think you will enrich the campus community. This question is asking you to explain how you will make the college a better place. It may be tempting to answer this question by commenting on your character: "I'm hard working"; "I like to be challenged"; "I'm a perfectionist"; "I'm good at managing my time." While these answers suggest you have positive personal qualities, they don't actually answer the question. They don't explain how your presence will enrich the campus community. The question asks about the community, so your answer should be community oriented. Think in terms of your hobbies and passions. What are you likely to be doing outside the classroom when you are in college? Are you likely to be serenading your classmates as a member of the acappella group? Are you hoping to start a D-League intramural hockey team for students who have never skated before? Are you the student who will be baking brownies in the dorm kitchen at 2 a.m.? Do you have ideas for a new recycling program that you think would benefit the college? Are you bringing your camping gear to college and looking forward to organizing outings with classmates? In short, think about how you see yourself interacting with your classmates and other community members. The admissions officers have your grades and test scores, so they know that you are a good student. This question is your opportunity to show that you can think outside of yourself. A good answer illustrates ways in which you will enhance the college experience of those around you.

*"Who has most influenced you?"*

*"Who has most influenced you?"* The question comes in many variations: Who is your hero? Who deserves the most credit for your success? Who is your role model? In short, the question is asking you to discuss someone you admire. This question, like many, is not difficult, but you do want to think about it for a few minutes before your interview. A few answers can fall flat, so think twice before giving responses such as these: Myself -- In truth, you probably are the person who is most responsible for your success. You may, in fact, be self-reliant with no real heroes. However, if you answer this question with yourself you will sound self-absorbed and selfish. Colleges want to admit students who help each other out and work as a community. They don't want solitary egotists. Gandhi or Abe Lincoln -- If you have great respect for an admirable historical figure, that's wonderful. Such answers, however, can come across sounding like you're trying to make a good impression, not like you're answering the question sincerely. In your day-to-day life of classes, extracurricular activities, tests, and relationships, is Abe Lincoln really influencing your behavior? Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama -- Here, as with the example above, is the president (or Senator, Governor, etc.) really influencing and guiding you in your day-to-day life? This question has an added danger. Your interviewer will do his or her best to be unbiased, but interviewers are human. If you name a Democrat and your interviewer is a staunch Republican, your response could create a subconscious strike against you in the interviewer's mind. God -- At a college with a religious affiliation, God could be a fine answer. At many colleges, however, the answer is a crap shoot. The admissions officer may admire your faith. Some interviewers, however, will be skeptical of students who attribute their successes to prayer and divine guidance. My Dog -- Fido may be a great pet who has taught you responsibility and unconditional love, but keep your answer in the world of humans. Colleges are made up of humans. So who should you name as a hero or influential person? Speak from the heart here. There is no right answer other than a sincere answer. Also, realize that an influential person isn't always a positive example. You may have grown and changed as a result of someone whose mistakes or inappropriate behavior taught you what not to do with your life. Answers to the question can draw from lots of different options: A Family Member -- For most of us, parents and siblings have a huge impact on our lives. Answering with a family member is fairly predictable but also perfectly appropriate. Just make sure you can articulate the specific ways in which the family member influenced you. A Teacher -- Is there a particular teacher who got you excited about learning, a subject area, or continuing your education? A Friend -- For good or bad, your close friends have a huge influence on your decisions and behavior. A Coach -- Coaches often teach us leadership, responsibility and teamwork. A Community Member -- Do you have a mentor in the church or some other community organization? Community members often teach us to think outside of the narrow sphere of our families. Whatever your answer, bring the influential person to life for your interviewer. Avoid vague generalities. Provide colorful, entertaining, and specific examples of how the person has influenced you.

*"Why are you interested in our college?"*

*"Why are you interested in our college?"* Like many of the most common interview questions, this one seems like a no-brainer. After all, if you are interviewing at a school, you have presumably done some research and know why you are interested in the place. Nevertheless, some answers to this question are better than others. Your answer should show that you have specific and admirable reasons for attending the college. The following answers are not likely to impress your interviewer: "Your college is prestigious." "I'll make lots of money with a degree from your college." "All my friends are going to your college." "Your college is convenient and close to home." "My counselor told me to apply." "You're my safetly school." The interviewer is hoping that you are interested in the college for reasons other than peer pressure or convenience. Similarly, if you say you applied entirely because of a parent or counselor's recommendation, you'll be suggesting that you lack initiative and have few thoughts of your own. When it comes to prestige and earning potential, the issue is a bit more fuzzy. After all, name recognition and your future salary are both important. The interviewer most likely is hoping that you find the college prestigious. That said, you don't want to come across as someone who is more concerned with material gain and prestige than with pursuing your passions and getting a high quality education. Many students choose a college based on sports. If you love nothing more than playing soccer, you're likely to look at colleges that have strong soccer teams. During the interview, however, keep in mind that students who are interested in nothing except sports often fail to graduate. Any answer you give about athletics should be balanced with academics. What you most need to do when answering this question is show the interviewer that you know the college's distinctive features well. Don't simply say that you want to go to the college to get a good education. Be specific. Let the interviewer know that you were drawn to the college's innovative first-year program, its emphasis on experiential learning, its Honors Program, or its international focus. Also feel free to mention the school's wonderful hiking trails, its quirky traditions, or its amazing lilacs. Whatever you say, be specific. Before you set foot in the interview room, make sure you have done your research and identified several features of the college that you find particularly appealing, and make sure at least one of those features is academic in nature

*Should You Explain a Bad Grade When Applying to College?*

*Should You Explain a Bad Grade When Applying to College?* It's tempting to explain a bad grade on your high school transcript when you are applying to college. After all, there's usually a story behind every bad grade. This article explains when you should and shouldn't explain a bad grade, and it addresses how you should explain any sub par grades. Answer: Bad grades matter when applying to college. Since your academic record is the most important part of your college application, you have good reason to be concerned if you have the occasional 'C' (or worse) on your transcript, or if you had a semester that was notably below your norm. That said, in most cases college admissions officers don't want to hear the sob stories behind a bad grade or bad semester. The excuses don't change the fact that your GPA is lower than they'd like to see, and you might come off sounding like a whiner. Here are some cases in which you should not attempt to explain your grades: The grade actually isn't that bad. You'll sound like a grade grubber if you try to explain the 'B+' on your otherwise straight 'A' transcript. You did poorly because of relationship problems. Sure it happens. It will probably happen again in college. The admissions officers don't need to know about your love life. You did poorly because you didn't like the teacher. If you go down this road, you'll sound like someone who blames the teacher for your own shortcomings. Your teacher was unfair. Even if it's true, you'll sound like you like to point the finger at anyone but yourself. There are cases, of course, for which an explanation of a bad grade is a good idea. Some circumstances are entirely outside of your control, and revealing these circumstances can help give the admissions officers important information. A brief explanation is worthwhile in cases such as these: You had a serious injury or illness. We're talking a hospital stay here, not the flu or a broken arm. You had a death in your immediate family. "Immediate family" here doesn't mean your great aunt or second cousin, but the death of a parent, sibling or guardian. You were caught in the middle of an ugly divorce. A volatile domestic situation can clearly and understandably disrupt your studies. You moved in the middle of the academic year. This, too, is understandably disruptive of your studies. If you do have a situation for which explaining a bad grade is a good idea, make sure you go about explaining the grade in the right way. Do not use your essay to explain academic shortcomings (see the article on bad essay topics). In fact, the best way to tell the admissions folks about your extenuating circumstances is to have your guidance counselor do it for you. The explanation will have more credibility, and there's no danger of you sounding neurotic, whiny, or uptight. If your guidance counselor isn't an option, a simple and brief note in the supplemental section of your application will suffice. Don't dwell on the issue--you want your application to be highlighting your strengths and passions, not your problems.

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