Intro psych Ch 14

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Which statement most accurately reflects a basic description of someone with an antisocial personality disorder?

The person violates social and legal norms without remorse or concern for those hurt by these actions.

During a terrible flood, Nathan watched several members of his family drown. Afterwards he was unable to recall anything about the event. Nathan's loss of memory may be a(n) ____.

dissociative amnesia

Adam Jones arrives in a new city seeking work as a day laborer. About a week later, he suddenly realizes that he is Benjamin Smith and has a responsible job and a family in a far-off city. Such shifts in identity are seen in ____.

dissociative fugue

Which of the following refers to memory loss characteristic of dissociative amnesia as well as the loss of one's identity and fleeing from one's prior life?

dissociative fugue

Which of the following would be a quantitatively abnormal behavior?

Bob checks to see that his car is locked each time he parks it, while Stan returns to check his about five times each time he parks his car.

Today, most psychologists and psychiatrists diagnose and classify psychological disorders according to the criteria set out in the ____.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Who among these is most likely to suffer from major depressive disorder?

Keisha, a poor African-American woman

Which of the following statements about major depressive disorder is accurate?

Major depressive disorder is more common among women than men.

Why is it that even though more women attempt suicide, more men actually die from suicide attempts?

Men tend to choose more lethal and quicker methods, such as shooting themselves.

If Norma feels very anxious whenever she takes an examination, talks to her boss, or goes to the dentist, does she have an anxiety disorder?

No, such responses are normal and adaptive.

____ abnormal behavior deviates from culturally accepted standards, perhaps even seeming bizarre.


____ abnormal behavior deviates from the statistical average.


Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the humanistic perspective on schizophrenia?

Schizophrenics' disturbed behavior is an attempt to experience their actual selves.

Which of the following characteristics relates to dissociative amnesia?

The inability to recall personally significant memories

What term describes a dissociative disorder, more commonly known as multiple personality disorder, in which the person has two or more distinct personalities that alternate with one another?

dissociative identity disorder

Sylvia worries about almost anything and everything, even if things are going well. Her body exhibits all the signs of constant physiological arousal. Sylvia may be suffering from a(n) ____.

generalized anxiety disorder

A history of ____ is a good predictor of antisocial personality disorder.

getting into trouble as a child

People with schizophrenia typically experience _____, which are sensory experiences in the absence of sensory stimulation.


Which of the following is not a defining characteristic of autism spectrum disorder?


PET and fMRI scans have revealed that for schizophrenics, ____.

hallucinations relate to increased activity in specific regions of the cerebral cortex

Rhonda always imagined herself proudly graduating from college and becoming a high school mathematics instructor. However, she felt she had to support her husband's military career by frequently moving from base to base. His frequent long absences left her to be totally responsible for their three children. Over the years, Rhonda has felt more and more depressed about her life and about herself. A humanistic psychologist would attribute Rhonda's major depressive disorder to ____.

her failure to self-actualize

The connection of stress hormones to dissociative amnesia is complex because some research shows that people under severe stress or trauma show a strong recall of the event, a phenomenon called ____.


People with dissociative amnesia experience ______, which is memory loss.


The cognitive rule and the volitional rule are used to determine ____.

if the concept of insanity applies

___ is a feeling of apprehension accompanied by sympathetic nervous system arousal.


What is meant by agoraphobia?

A fear of being in public, usually because the person fears the embarrassment of a panic attack

What is meant by seasonal affective disorder (SAD)?

A mood disorder in which depressive symptoms occur during a particular season, usually the winter but sometimes the summer

Which of the following characteristics relates to bipolar disorder?

A mood disorder marked by periods of mania alternating with longer periods of major depressive disorder

Which of the following characteristics relates to antisocial personality disorder?

A personality disorder marked by impulsive, manipulative, often criminal behavior, without any feelings of guilt in the perpetrator

What is a borderline personality disorder (BPD)?

A personality disorder marked by impulsivity, unstable moods, an inconsistent sense of identity, and difficulty maintaining intimate relationships

What is a dissociative disorder?

A psychological disorder in which thoughts, feelings, and memories become separated from conscious awareness

Which of the following characteristics relates to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

An anxiety disorder in which the person has recurrent, intrusive thoughts and recurrent urges to perform ritualistic actions

What is meant by generalized anxiety disorder?

An anxiety disorder marked by a persistent state of worry that exists independently of any particular stressful situation and often interferes with daily functioning

Which of the following characteristics best relates to panic disorder?

An anxiety disorder marked by sudden, unexpected attacks of overwhelming anxiety, often associated with the fear of dying or "losing one's mind"

Helen and her husband have agreed they will sit down and work on their will on Saturday afternoon. That morning, Helen decides she must clean out the garage, while her husband feels the irresistible urge to begin painting the outside of their house. How would a strict behaviorist explain their compulsive activity?

Their compulsive activity is serving to avoid the anxiety of working on the will.

Thomas Szasz believes that behaviors labeled as psychological disorders are ____.

Thomas Szasz believes that behaviors labeled as psychological disorders are ____.

A humanistic psychologist is likely to believe anxiety results from ____.

a discrepancy between the actual self and the ought self

Over the last two decades, there has been mounting skepticism about the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder. This growing doubt is due to ____.

a dramatic increase in the number of cases involving dissociated identities

The biopsychological explanation for panic disorder that has achieved the most support is ____.

a hypersensitivity to carbon dioxide levels in the blood

Often at the cost of great inconvenience, Warren avoids elevators, flying in airplanes, or dining in windowless restaurants. Warren's behavior is typical of those who suffer from ____.

a specific phobia, namely, claustrophobia

What name is given to a psychological disorder marked by persistent and unrealistic worry that disrupts everyday functioning?

anxiety disorder

A problem in using abnormality alone to determine the presence of a psychological disorder is that ____.

any unusual quality or frequency of a behavior would be considered disturbed

"Smart but stuck" is how one leading clinical psychologist describes _____.

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

What name is given to a developmental disorder that begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood that is characterized by persistent lack of attention, distractibility when engaged in important tasks, impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, and failure to follow through with future plans?

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

A finding that has been replicated many times is that individuals with _____ have surprisingly large heads and brains.

autism spectrum disorder

_____ is approximately four times more common in boys than in girls, but girls appear to experience more disability from the disorder.

autism spectrum disorder

Someone convicted of being "guilty but mentally ill" would ____.

be placed in a mental hospital until no longer mentally ill and then serve the rest of the term in prison

Dr. Ramirez is studying how genetic factors may be involved in the occurrence of bipolar disorder. This approach to psychopathology is in keeping with the ____.

biopsychological viewpoint

A core concept of the ______ model is that psychological disorders are the result of an interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors


The assumption that psychological disorders are the result of an interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors is called the ____.

biopsychosocial model

What term describes the model that considers that psychological disorders are the result of an interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors?

biopsychosocial model

A young man is admitted to a psychiatric emergency center after a suicide attempt. The person describes a several-year history of bouts of euphoria in which he initiates many projects and relationships, then a period of normal feelings followed by weeks of despair and despondency. The examining psychiatrist or psychologist is likely to suspect ____.

bipolar disorder

The most common compulsions are ____.

cleaning and checking

Research indicates that people with major depressive disorder are more likely to "ruminate" about negative events than people who are not depressed. This phenomenon supports which viewpoint of psychological disorders?


According to the ____, a person was insane at the time of the crime if the person did not know what he or she had done or did not know that it was wrong.

cognitive rule

Researchers who study the degree of cross-cultural universality in symptoms of psychological disorders are operating from the ____.

comparison psychology perspective

The ____ is the likelihood that a person will develop a psychological disorder given a relative has the disorder.

concordance rate

For the humanistic psychologist, psychological disorders are the result of ____.

conditional positive regard and an inability to fulfill one's potential

The first known explanation for ____ was a "wandering uterus."

conversion disorder

What name is given to a somatic symptom and related disorder in which the person exhibits motor or sensory loss or the alteration of a physiological function without any apparent physical cause?

conversion disorder

One of the distinctive symptoms of schizophrenia involves unshakable beliefs that persist in spite of reality and evidence to the contrary. Such beliefs are called ____.


Stephanie insists that she is the real "mother of God," and that only she knows how to save the world from destruction. In diagnosing psychological disorders, such ideas are known as ____.

delusions of grandeur

One explanation for antisocial personality with some scientific support is that such individuals ____.

demonstrate very low physiological reactivity to stress or physical punishment

Which of the following refers to psychological disorders originating in childhood that can be characterized by physical, learning, language, or behavioral impairments?

developmental disorders

Jeanette feels discomfort in her chest. She is certain that her intestines have gotten wrapped around her heart and she goes from physician to physician seeking a correct diagnosis. Jeanette is most likely suffering from ____.

illness anxiety disorder

What term describes a somatic symptom and related disorder in which the person interprets the slightest physical changes as evidence of a serious illness?

illness anxiety disorder

Research has shown that the largest difference between the brains of schizophrenic patients and healthy controls was ____.

in the lateral ventricles

According to the DSM-5, which of the following is a defining characteristic for diagnosing a person with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

inattention this is not age appropriate

Which of the following refers to a legal term attesting that a person is not responsible for his or her own actions, including criminal behavior?


Insanity is a ____, not a ____ term attesting that a person is not responsible for his or her own actions.

legal; psychological

A study done in New York found that the insanity defense was invoked in ____ of felony cases.

less than 1 percent

Abnormally low levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain have been linked to ____.

major depressive disorder

For the last several months, Max has felt hopeless and despondent about his life ever getting better. He sleeps a lot, but in the morning he can barely get out of bed to get to class. He has cut off from his friends and is now failing all his classes. His behavior seems to meet many of the criteria for ____.

major depressive disorder

Which psychological disorder is most strongly associated with suicide?

major depressive disorder

What name is given to a disorder marked by depression so intense and prolonged that the person may be unable to function in everyday life?

major depressive disorder (MDD)

According to one cognitive-behavioral theory, when negative events happen in the lives of individuals with major depressive disorder, they tend to ____.

make stable, global, and internal attributions for these events

Kevin is extremely distrustful of others. He often argues with store clerks for cheating him. He occasionally accuses his neighbors of spying on him and is worried that his wife is trying to injure him. Kevin is sure his perceptions are accurate, but he is becoming more isolated and is in danger of losing his job. Kevin's behavior is disturbed because it is ____.


Which of the following refers to a mood disorder marked by euphoria, hyperactivity, grandiose ideas, annoying talkativeness, unrealistic optimism, and inflated self-esteem?


Rene is a schizophrenic. She will not speak, shows flat emotionality, is apathetic, and is withdrawn. Her intellectual abilities have decreased and she seems to enjoy nothing. She does not respond to drug therapy. Rene's symptoms would be described as ____.


As you began this examination, that apprehensive feeling, increased heart and respiration rates, and sweatiness you experienced constitute ____.

normal anxiety

In terms of the causes of psychopathology, the behavioral viewpoint emphasizes ____.

observation of, or ongoing reinforcement of, maladaptive behaviors

While waiting for the subway train to arrive, Mark suddenly felt a wave of anxiety come over him. He felt dizzy, broke out into a cold sweat, and thought he was going crazy. The other people around him did not seem real. Most likely, Mark experienced a ____.

panic attack

The psychoanalytic viewpoint associates the development of major depressive disorder with ____.

parental loss or rejection during childhood

A conversion disorder is suspected when ____.

patients show a lack of concern for anatomically impossible symptoms

Current research into seasonal affective disorder indicates that ____.

people with the condition have low levels of serotonin

What name is given to a psychological disorder characterized by enduring, inflexible, maladaptive patterns of behavior?

personality disorder

Which item is out of place here?

personality disorder

Which of the following refers to an anxiety disorder marked by excessive or inappropriate fear?


In attempting to explain the causes of psychopathology, the biopsychological viewpoint emphasizes ____.

physiological factors

Based on his study of eight pseudopatients who were admitted to mental hospitals after claiming to hear voices, Rosenhan concluded that ____.

psychiatric diagnoses are influenced more by preconceptions and situation than by objective symptoms

Dr. Patel believes that Jack's fear of public speaking is actually anxiety displaced from some other feared object or situation, perhaps from some traumatic event in his childhood that he has repressed. This conceptualization regarding the cause of such a phobia is associated with the ____.

psychoanalytic viewpoint

A survey revealed that adult disorders are often associated with adverse experiences during childhood. This finding is most consistent with which if the following viewpoints?


The core fear in social anxiety disorder is a fear of ____.

public scrutiny

Contemporary psychologists disagree ____.

regarding the origins or causes of psychopathology

Obsession is to compulsion as ____.

repetitive thoughts are to repetitive actions

A cognitive view of major depressive disorder, put forth by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, implicates continual _____ as contributing to the disorder.

rumination about one's plight

A patient comes into the emergency room of a hospital. She complains that voices are telling her to cut herself and that her mind is racing all the time, preventing her from concentrating on anything. Her rapid-fire conversation is full of strange words. Most likely, she will be diagnosed as suffering from ____.


The DSM-5 considers ______ to be a cluster of symptoms that can be demarcated by a series of stages of increasing psychosis


What term describes a class of psychological disorders characterized by grossly impaired social, emotional, cognitive, and perceptual functioning?


A form of depression that appears related to an inability of the body to adjust to changes in the number of daylight hours is called ____.

seasonal affective disorder

Every winter, Oscar loses his energy and his appetite. He craves sleeping for many hours, yet always feels tired. He tends to withdraw from his friends and family when he feels this way. A psychologist has begun treating him by having Oscar sit beneath a bright artificial light early in the morning and after sunset. Most likely, Oscar is suffering from ____.

seasonal affective disorder

A consistent finding among those diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder is ____.

severe childhood sexual and/or physical abuse

Jason has not talked with his friends for weeks. When his friends drop in on him, they find him apathetic and dirty. He has several of his cherished belongings on a prominent table, each labeled with the name of a friend. Jason says his life is completely ruined and he is a terrible person. Based on this information, Jason may be ____.

severely depressed and possibly contemplating suicide

What name is given to a phobia of situations that involve social evaluation?

social anxiety disorder

Ethiopian immigrants who exhibit Zar are considered normal in Ethiopia but abnormal in the United States or Europe, demonstrating the importance of the ____ viewpoint.


A ____ disorder is characterized by complaints about physical symptoms that do not have physical causes.


Which of the following refers to a psychological disorder characterized by physical symptoms in the absence of disease or injury?

somatic symptom and related disorders

What term describes a phobia of a specific object or situation?

specific phobia

Perhaps of greatest pain to people with borderline personality disorder and those close to them is their tendency to switch unpredictably between idealizing others and tearing them down, which professionals call ______.


The defining concept involved in dissociative disorders is ____.

splitting off of some part of consciousness

Low doses of ______ are effective in the treatment of ADHD because these medications enhance attention and cognitive skills.


Evidence for a biopsychological basis for obsessive-compulsive disorder includes findings of ____

strong hereditary influences and high activity in the frontal lobes

Evidence for a biopsychological basis for obsessive-compulsive disorder includes findings of ____.

strong hereditary influences and high activity in the frontal lobes

Agoraphobics avoid appearing in public because they fear ____.

that others will witness their having a panic attack

What do the psychoanalytic and biopsychological viewpoints have in common?

the belief that psychopathology is a symptom of some underlying process

The most significant feature of dissociative identity disorder is ____.

the existence of two or more distinct personalities in one person

Biological bases for borderline personality disorder implicate ____.

the hippocampus, amygdala and frontal lobes

Whatever criteria are used to evaluate the presence of psychopathology, it is important to realize that ____.

there is no sharp line distinguishing psychological health from psychological disorder

Randall is schizophrenic. He is certain that his thoughts are being beamed to other beings, on and off planet, through his dental work. This phenomenon is called ____.

thought broadcasting

The psychoanalytic perspective on psychopathology emphasizes the importance of ____.

unconscious conflicts about sex and aggression

Dr. Davis makes her first diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder. However, she finds out that her patient is actually pretending. The ____ of the diagnosis is low.


The ____ says that a person was insane at the time of a crime if the person was not in control of his or her behavior.

volitional rule

A disproportionate number of schizophrenics are born in the _______, although schizophrenia might be associated with certain _____, rather than seasons.

winter or early spring; months

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