Intro to Business Final

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A brand that has been given exclusive legal protection, such as McDonald's golden arches, is a


A common way of compensating teams is a _________ system in which bonuses are based on improvement over a previous performance baseline

Reference Group

A consumer's decision making process is influenced by his/her__________, consisting of those people who help shape the consumer's beliefs, attitudes, values, or behavior.


A firm that wants to distribute its products as widely in a market as possible would us an ___________distribution strategy

the large amount of assets tied up in accounts receivable

A major concern for firms selling on credit is....


A personal financing plan that allows you to take control of future spending

Commercial Bank

A profit-seeking organization that receives deposits from individuals and corporations and uses some of these deposits to make loans

Motivators relate to greater job satisfaction, while hygiene factors make the work play a satisfying place to thrive

According to Herzberg, the difference between motivators and hygiene factors is

Balance Sheet

Accounting statement that reports the financial condition of a firm at a specific point in time

Debt Financing

Acquiring funds through borrowing

Finding ways to handle the return of goods and recycled materials

Activity performed by someone responsible for supply chain management

Institutional Advertising

Advertising strategy to create a positive image for a firm

everyone with whom the business has dealings

After developing a code of ethics, it should be communicated to

This action supports a key criterion to the control function: the measurement of customer satisfaction

Amazon customers often find it helpful to read reviews for products they're considering purchasing, and leaves reviews after purchasing themselves. Which of the following statements attest to the value of its service


An employee now has more flexibility in hours worked and more say in the procedures used on the job. This suggests the employer is trying to make the job have more


An endorsement from a customer praising a firm's product

Market Order

An investor places a __________order with a broker to sell a stock at the best price available at that time.

The organization faces an emergency situation

Autocratic leadership is likely to be effective when

Bank customer's money is insured by an independent agency of the federal government

Bank membership in the FDIC means...


Bonds offering a higher interest rate than other bonds of similar risk will likely sell at a...

Smart Card

Card that is imbedded with personal information while also acting as a code to unlock a hotel room, pass card, etc.

Interactive Promotion

Changes the promotion process from a monologue where sellers try to persuade buyers to purchase, to a dialogue where buyers and sellers can work together to create a mutually beneficial exchange.

Job Enlargement

Combining specialized tasks into one job, asking employes to broaden their scope of responsibilities

Measuring costs and working on budgets

Common Tasks involved in Managerial Accounting

a Bond Issue

Common long-term financing option for corporations where investors will lend their money to the company.

during the Great Depression of the 1930s

Designed to create more confidence in banking institutions, the FDIC was established

Selective Distribution Strategy

Distributing a product through select outlets in specific locations (fewer outlets than convenience distribution, but more than exclusive distribution)-- often used by manufacturers of shopping goods such as name brand suits

$414 Billion

Drug problems among workers is costing the US economy upwards of_______in lost work, health care costs, and even crime and accidents

Employees, dealers, and customers

Effective sales promotion activities target

Forecast future HR requirements for his company

Eric is an HR manager at communication connections. Which of the following tasks would he perform as a part of the HR planning process?

observing the actions of others

Ethical behavior at work is learned by...

Motion Economy

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed the principle of ______, which said that every job could be broken down into a series of elementary motions

$750 because the interest on a home mortgage is tax deductible

Given a 25% tax bracket, the after-tax cost of a house mortgage interest payment of $1,000 would be:

job content

Herzberg found that factors that provided the highest level of motivation were mostly associated with

Add value to their product offering

How can a small firm succeed against larger competitors?

A contribution to a Roth IRA does not reduce taxes in the year of the contribution. However, Roth IRA withdrawals are not taxed, as long as occurring after age 59.5

How does contribution into a Roth IRA affect income tax for the contributing year?

4 - local bank to purchase, local federal reserve bank to purchase, local federal reserve bank to purchaser's home state, local bank to purchaser's home state

How many different banks are involved in a check payment transaction across state lines?

Brand Awareness

How quickly or easily a given brand name comes to mind when a product category is mentioned


If a broker issues a margin call, requiring the investor to come up with more money to cover the losses the stock has suffered, this means the stock value has...


If management and union officials cannot resolve a grievance a __________is asked to listen to the arguments on each side and to make a decision that both sides will have to comply with

Knockoff Brands

Illegal copies of national brand-name goods

Pull Strategy

In this strategy, Heavy advertising and sales promotion are directly toward the consumer so that they will request the products from retailers


Large national electronic stock trading market

Rack Jobbers

Limited function wholesalers who furnish shelves full of merchandise to retailers who sell these items on consignment

Supply Chain Management

Manages the movement of raw materials, parts, work in progress, finished goods, and related information throughout the supply chain, as well as managing the return of goods when necessary and the recycling of goods when appropriate

Monopolistic Competition

Market structure that is characterized by a large number of firms selling products that are very similar buy are perceived by buyers as different

No-Load Fund

Mutual fund that charges no commission to buy or sell its shares

Category killer store

Offers a huge selection of one type of product (books, toys, sporting goods, etc.) to dominate that category of goods

U.S. Government Bonds (think WW2)

Offers low risk, guaranteed income, backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government

commercial finance companies

Offers short-term secured loans to high-risk borrowers. These loans usually require collateral

Online Advertising

Offers the greatest potential for meaningful interaction between buyers and sellers

Clean up the corrupt practices of unions

One goal of the Landrum-Griffin Act was to...

problem-solving technique used to evaluate possible solutions to a problem

PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting)

A Cash Flow Forecast

Predicts the future cash inflows and outflows in future periods

Health Insurance

Provides protection from the cost of medical care for illness and injuries

Time Utility

Providing products at times that are convenient to the customer (EX. 24 hour convenience stores), provide what utility to their customers?


Real estate professional agree that the key to getting the optimum return on the purchase of a home is

Tax deductible for homeowners

Real estate taxes and mortgage interest payments are

Disability Insurance

Relatively low cost way of protecting yourself from lost income due to an accident or prolonged illness


Specialized accounting book where transactions are categorized according to type.

Agency Shop Agreement In an agency shop, workers do not have to join a union, but nonmembers are required to pay either a special union fee or regular union dues

Still having to pay union fees, even if the employee chooses not to be represented by the union

The Discount Rate

The Fed uses ________to regulate the money supply

allowed individual states to pass right-to-work laws prohibiting compulsory union membership

The Taft Hartley Act...

The Hay Method

The _____Method is a pay system that is based on job tiers, with each tier having a strict pay range

U.S. Monetary Policy

The board of governors of the Federal Reserve System determines

Product Mix

The combination of product lines offered by a manufacturer is called the firm's

a dollar received today is worth more than a dollar received a year from today

The concept of the "time value" of money indicates

packaging carries more of the promotional burden of the product

The evaluation of packaging as a marketing function indicates

Knights of Labor

The first national labor organization in the United States was the

select a guardian for the child

The first step in estate planning for a family that has young children is to...

Define the situation

The first step in the rational decision making model is to

less important

The further up the managerial ladder a person moves, the________his or her original job skills become

work closely with existing customers to better satisfy their wants and needs

The goal of a relationship marketing strategy is to

The selling era

The marketing era immediately after the development of mass-production assemby lines

Provide sales reps with a strong incentive to generate more sales for the company

The most likely reason a firm would pay its sales representatives a commission rather than a salary is that it wants to....

the level of illumination that was associated with optimum productivity

The original goal of the hawthorne studies was to determine

providing financial information that is useful to decision makers

The overall purpose of accounting can be summarized as

push the product down the distribution channel to retail stores. Producers use promotional tools to convince wholesalers and retailers to stock and sell their merchandise

The primary purpose of a push strategy is to...


The problem of insufficient startup funds


The problem solving technique that attempts to come up with as many solutions as possible in a short time without censoring the ideas


The process by which a group of workers legally take away a union's right to represent them

4 stages 1. Introduction 2. Growth 3. Maturity 4. Decline

The product life cycle consists of _________stages:

a company evaluation that measure's the firm's social contributions inside and outside the firm

The social audit is

skill-based pay and gain sharing

The two most common compensation methods for teams are

Nonprice competition Strategy

The use of product benefits in promotion rather than easily-matchable prices

projects to improve the standard of living in less developed nations

The world bank provides funding for

National Labor Relations Board

The___________was established by the Wagner Act to oversee labor-management relations


Theory _____assumes that the average person likes work, and has a relatively high degree of imagination and Creativity


These investors to tend to go against the grain and buy when most others are selling. The logic of this approach is that the best time to buy stock is when prices are low (when the market is in decline).

The need to feel loved and accepted

This need would be classified as a social need

accept bank credit cards

To reduce the time and expense of collecting their accounts receivable, some firms...

Cyclical Unemployment

Unemployment Classification that is caused by declining demand

Seasonal Unemployment

Unemployment classification that is caused by different industries or parts of the labor market being available during different seasons (agricultural jobs, etc.)

Structural Unemployment

Unemployment classification that is caused by mismatch in the demographics of workers and the types of jobs available

Frictional Unemployment

Unemployment classification that refers to jobseekers entering the labor market for the first time, after a long absence, or temporarily between jobs.

Intermodal Shipping

Using multiple modes of transportation to complete a single long-distance movement of freight

Place Utility

Utility that adds values to goods by having them available where people want them

Convenience Goods

Vending machines are most often used to sell...

corporate philanthropy

We describe charitable donations by corporations to a nonprofit organization as

Pay interest payments throughout the life of the bond semi-annually to bond owners

What is an obligation of an organization who sells bonds to raise long-term capital?

Peak sales

What is expected during the maturity stage of a product life cycle?

Current Ratio= current assets/current liabilities

What is the formula to determine current ratio?


What is the most liquid asset?

Your computer

What would be included as an asset in the preparation of a personal balance sheet?

Corporate Distribution System

When a company owns all the organizations in the channel of distribution (manufacturing sites, retail stores, etc.), they participate in a....

The specific responsibilities of the job

When creating a job description, the HR manager may include...

The maturity date

When does an investor receive the face value of a bond?

money supply increases

When the fed buys U.S. Government securities the....

Income Statement

Which financial statement will reveal a firm's bottom line (profit after expenses and taxes)?

It teaches customers to wait for sales, reducing profits

Which is a potential problem with a high-low pricing strategy

Supply a vision, establish corporate values, and promote corporate ethics

Which of the following best summarizes the type of leader future organizations are likely to need? In the future, organizations will need leaders who

New laws making accounting records transparent may help restore trust

Which of the following can be done to restore trust in the free-market system and leaders in general?

Online banks have lower overhead costs

Which of the following is a major difference between internet banks and traditional banks

Multinationals must subjectively determine the local living wage, which is usually more than the local legal wage in developing countries. Customers surveyed say they are willing to pay a few dollars more to improve working conditions in sweatshops.

Which of the following statements summarizes the challenges of companies doing business in developing countries and the concerns of their customers?

Employees are unwilling to work toward achieving an important goal because they believe the reward offered is not sufficient to justify the effort Expectancy theory is based on the idea that the amount of effort employees will exert to complete a task depends on their expectations about the outcome. Employees only commit max effort if they believe the reward they will receive is worth the effort they must exert

Which problem would indicate that a manger failed to apply the basic concepts of expectancy theory


Which tactic would management be most likely to use during a labor management dispute

Marketing Mix

While the 4 Ps help us remember the basic components of the _______, they don't have significant relevance in the marketing process

Online banks have lower overhead costs

Why do online banks often offer their customers better interest rates than traditional banks?

With limited resources, firms can better satisfy the wants and needs of a smaller target market

Why would companies us a market segmentation strategy

Is it balanced? In these situations, the question is one of fairness rather than legality. Balancing self interests with the interests of others creates a win-win environment

Your friend, Marco, offers to share with you a paper he wrote for his Introduction to Business class last semester. When you tell him that it wouldn't be fair, he reminds you of your habit of reading an entire book at Barnes & Noble without paying for the book. Which ethics-based question would be most helpful in evaluating these situations?


_________ is the management function that involves determining whether and organization is progressing toward its goals, rewarding employees for doing a good job, and taking corrective action when they are not


_____________Marketing involved developing a unique mix of goods and services for each individual customer


_________is the characteristic of work concerned with the degree of freedom, independence, and discretion an employee has


_________is the management function that involves allocating resources, assigning tasks, and establishing procedures for accomplishing the organizational objectives

Insider Trading

buying or selling stock on the basis of company information that is not available to the general public

Cognitive Dissonance

doubts a consumer may experience after making a purchase

Acid-Test Ratio ATR=Cash+Accounts Receivable=Marketable Securities/Current Liabilities Removes inventory account from the current ratio

helps determine the ability of a firm to repay its short term debts, even if it has difficulty selling its inventory

Drop Shippers

marketing intermediaries who solicit orders from retailers and other wholesalers and have the goods delivered directly from the producer to the buy. Assumes ownership of the goods, it does not handle, stock, or deliver the merchandise

Venture Capital, or Venture Capitalists

money invested in new or emerging companies that have great profit potential. These investors usually demand a share of ownership in return for equity funding

setting clear performance standards

the first step in controlling consists of...

Return on Equity

what measures how much was earned for each dollar invested by owners?

Private Accountant

works for a single business, government agency, or non-profit organization

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