Intro to CJ - FINAL

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Justin and Brandon are discussing an acquaintance who was convicted of a drug charge. He was sentenced to probation with the condition he receive drug treatment. Which statement provides a justification for his community-based correction?

"I hope he takes advantage of the drug treatment and gets off drugs for good."

How many states provide facilities where inmates and their infant children can live together?


Which statement about probation demographics is accurate?

A disproportionate number of African Americans are in the probation population.

Which is an example of a suspended sentence?

An offender is sentenced to one year in prison, but the sentence is waived unless the offender reoffends.

What does the "hands-off" doctrine do?

Assumes that the care of inmates should be left to prison officials.

How do discretionary release and mandatory release differ?

Discretionary release allows a convict to be eligible for parole based on a parole board's decision, while mandatory release requires a convict be released after serving a designated percentage of the sentence.

Roughly, what percentage of inmates in the United States suffers from a chronic medical condition?


Which prisoner is most likely to be given a discretionary release?

Henry, who was in an accident that killed his best friend while driving drunk and has successfully completed a drug treatment program

Which offender is most likely to be eligible for probation?

Imogene, who has a precious conviction for marijuana possession, has been convicted of possession of drug paraphernalia.

Which detail BEST helps explain why prisons are considered total institutions?

Inmates develop their own economy, based not on money but on the trade of valued items such as food, contraband cell phones, illegal drugs, and sexual favors.

What is the main difference between the inmates in federal and state prisons?

Inmates in state prisons are most likely to have been convicted of violent crimes, whereas inmates in federal prisons are most likely to have been convicted of drug crimes.

Why do experts believe that the absence of the three most important aspects of prison governance would result in inmates that are much more difficult to control?

Inmates will come to see their imprisonment as unpleasant and unfair.

Which of the following is true of the task of managing jail inmate populations?

It falls disproportionately on untrained jail staff.

What effect does the presence of correctional officers have on violence in prisons?

It has a lessening effect.

Which of the following is true of the prison inmate population in the United States over the past two decades?

It has nearly tripled

Which of the following is true of the congregate penitentiary system?

It saw prisoners eating and working together during the daytime.

Which of the following is true of prisoners and health care?

Prisoners have a constitutional right to adequate health care.

What is the main difference between prisons and jails?

Prisons incarcerate convicted felons, whereas jails house misdemeanor offenders and pretrial detainees.

Identify a true statement about an important way in which probation is different from parole.

Probation is a sentence (or part of a sentence) handed down by a judge, while the parole decision is usually made by a parole board.

Which statement about probation and parole is FALSE?

Probationers serve their sentences in the community; parolees serve their sentences in prison or jail.

What started the private prison "revolution"?

States couldn't build prison spaces fast enough.

Which of the following is a key difference between the Pennsylvania and New York penitentiary theories of the 1800s?

The Pennsylvania system was based on the idea of separate confinement, whereas the New York system operated on the congregate system.

Which of the following is NOT true of the negative consequences of America's high rates of incarceration?

The high incarceration numbers have made the privatization of prisons impossible.

Why might a judge sentence an offender to intensive supervision probation rather than a day reporting center?

The offender needs more supervision than traditional probation but can be appropriately monitored with a probation officer with a low caseload.

What does the deprivation model contend?

The stressful conditions of prison life lead to aggressive inmate behavior.

What is the significance of the high number of children who have a parent in prison in this country to the trend of prison populations in the future?

These children are much more likely to be incarcerated themselves someday.

Which statement about offenders who are convicted of a violent crime is true?

They are eligible for consideration for probation but are less likely to be granted it.

Which of the following is true of prison riots?

They are relatively rare in both state and federal prisons.

Why are prison cultures unique among other institutions?

They are total institutions.

Why are prisons considered to be total institutions?

They encompass every aspect of an inmate's life.

Why do some critics of private prisons see them as inherently unjust?

They feel that only the government has the authority to punish wrongdoers.

Which of the following is true of most female inmates and their families?

They find the costs of staying in touch too high.

Which of the following is NOT true of jails?

They house, in total, many more inmates than do prisons in the United States.

Which of the following is true of private prisons?

They operate as any business, viewing inmates as commodities and sources of profits.

Which of the following is a benefit of halfway houses?

They provide a less institutionalized living environment than a prison or jail.

Why are some prisoners allowed an expiration release?

They served the maximum amount of time on the sentence, minus good-time credits.

Which of the following is true of men and women who are released after serving long prison sentences?

They suffer a higher rate of physical and mental health problems.

Why do medium-security prisons use less restrictive measures to prevent violence and escapes?

They typically house less dangerous inmates.

What is the concern for jails in the future, given the emphasis on reducing prison populations?

They will be forced to house many more low level offenders than they have in the past.

The general law toward inmates is summed up in which amendment?

Thirteenth Amendment

Which statement BEST describes the "hands-off" doctrine generally followed by American courts when it comes to inmate rights?

Unless the rights violation is particularly unreasonable, in most cases the courts will defer to the expertise of penal administrators and correctional officers and resist makings rulings that favor the inmate.

If a probationer or parolee fails to follow the conditions of her probation or parole, the supervising corrections officer has discretion to revoke, which means ______________.

a formal procedure is started that could result in the probationer or parolee's incarceration

What does an aging prison population mean for state and federal prison budgets?

a greater strain, because older inmates can be up to three times more expensive to incarcerate than younger ones

What is violence in prison primarily used to establish?

a hierarchy among prisoners

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons for the increase of the inmate population over the past two decades?

a reduction in federal prisons

A probationer is serving three years on probation after being convicted of credit card fraud. As one of the conditions of her probation, she must obtain permission from her probation officer before changing her permanent address. Without telling her probation officer, she moves in to her boyfriend's apartment. What is the proper term for her transgression?

a technical violation

What is a furlough?

a temporary release from prison

What is one of the unintended consequences of high rates of incarceration in America?

acute social and financial problems for children of the incarcerated

Which of the following best defines the process of prisonization?

adaptation to the prison culture

Victims of crimes can attend parole hearings __________.

and give testimony about how the crime has affected them, but these statements have little influence on the parole board's decision

Which of the following policies or programs is NOT designed to help offender with desistance?

background checks

The steps that corrections administrators take to determine the security risk posed by each incoming inmate, and by extension the type of prison to which the inmate will be sent , is the called the ______________.

classification process

Which of the following is NOT one of the three justifications for community correction?


Which grouping shows the three levels of home monitoring from least restrictive to most restrictive?

curfew > home detention > home incarceration

An offender who was sentenced to home confinement is required to wear a continuously signaling device. What level of home monitoring is being used to monitor his home confinement?

curfew, home detention, or home incarceration

Which of the following is a recent phenomenon focused on reversing the inmate population trends of the past two decades?


Which of the following is NOT one of the concerns relating to female inmates identified by researchers at the University of Cincinnati?

defiant attitudes

The goal of reentry is to act as a flashlight for convicts by promoting __________.


Which of the following describes a community-based form of early release that places inmates in residential centers and allows them to reintegrate with society?

halfway house

A victim of domestic abuse makes a plea to the judge to sentence her husband to probation so he can continue to support his family. The judge is amenable to probation but believes the offender needs strict supervision. What sentence would meet the judge's and victim's goals?

home confinement with home detention

In most states, judges impose the terms of probation based on __________.

individual discretion

Which of the following is NOT one of the common problems of jail inmates that make them notoriously challenging?


On average, which of the following best describes the relationship between prison staff and inmates?

marked by mutual distrust

In the 1970s, planners at the Bureau of Federal Prisons decided to upgrade the traditional jail design with the goal of improving conditions for both the staff and the inmates. The result was the __________.

new-generation jail

Most female offenders are incarcerated for __________.

nonviolent drug crimes

All of the following are justifications for community corrections EXCEPT __________.

only the most dangerous criminals need to be imprisoned

Jails are chronically __________.


The vast majority of all inmates leaving prison do so through one of the __________.

parole mechanisms

What, exactly, are "private" prisons?

prisons that are run by businesses or firms to make a profit

All of the following are important for good prison governance EXCEPT

providing a sense of contentment or purpose

Community corrections are based on which function of the court?


Which of the following is NOT one of the three most important aspects of prison governance?


In which type of sentencing arrangement is the offender allowed to petition the court to be released on probation?

shock incarceration

The Pennsylvania penitentiary operated on the assumption that what provided the best hope of rehabilitating the criminal spirit?

silence and labor

An offender is sentenced to 60 days in jail followed by two years of probation. What type of sentencing arrangement is this?

split sentence

Ralph is on probation for possession of a narcotic. He is subject to random drug testing and is required to attend drug counseling. What types of conditions were placed on his probation?

standard, punitive, and treatment conditions

Which of the following types of prisons is reserved for the "worst of the worst"?

supermax prisons

What is the largest obstacle to successful prisoner reentry?

the fact that life behind bars is very different from life on the outside

Which of the following is NOT relevant when a court is deciding whether a correctional institute has violated an inmate's Eighth Amendment rights?

the reasonable expectation of privacy

Which model of inmate behavior explains prison riots by focusing on the frustration inmates feel when their already difficult living conditions are made more difficult through hardships such as bad plumbing, poor food, and decreased contact with their loved ones?

the relative deprivation model

All of the following have contributed to the growth of prison populations in the last several decades EXCEPT

the tendency for prosecutors to seek downward departures

All of the following are true of private prisons EXCEPT

they are safer than state-run prisons

Which of the following is generally true of jails (as opposed to prisons)?

they house those who are awaiting trial or have recently been arrested, in addition to convicts

Which characteristic distinguishes a parolee from a probationer?

time-serving prisoner

Which of the following is NOT one of the three general goals of inmate discipline policies?

to create a hardened barrier between inmate and officer

Why did the Supreme Court establish the "deliberate indifference" standard in 1976?

to ensure a certain level of health care is afforded to prisoners

What is the purpose of an impact incarceration program?

to instill self-discipline and self-respect through a military-style training program

What is the primary purpose of day reporting centers?

to reduce jail and prison overcrowding

What are the dual purposes of probation?

to rehabilitate the offender and to protect society

An offender is convicted of a domestic crime and receives a more lenient sentence than he expected. Pleased with his sentence, he tells a friend, "The judge was really fair so I expect I'll be out of here on parole before you know it." How likely is his prediction?

uncertain because parole is determined by the parole board, not the judge

Which of the following is NOT one of the four major types of prisons?


Which is an example of a punitive condition placed on a probationer?

wearing an electronic monitor

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