Intro to Education Chapter 6 Quiz

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Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools in the United States during fiscal year 2011 was approximately ___________.

$527 billion

An influential and extensive federal education program signed into the law by President Roosevelt in 1944 is the ______.

G.I. Bill of Rights

A federal program designed to provide preschool experiences to poor children is ______.

Head Start

Which of the following statements is true about the organizational structure of schools?

The smaller the district, the more centralized are the administrative decisions.

One characteristic of successful schools is ______.

a close working relationship with parents

According to the 2013 Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll, public attitudes toward school choice programs that would allow parents to choose a private school to attend at public expense revealed ______.

a significant majority in opposition

Critics of school boards point out that school boards are best described as agencies that ______.

are reluctant to communicate a vision of educational excellence

During President Clinton's term of office (1992-2000), the federal government _____.

assumed a more active role in ensuring equal educational opportunity

Advantages of for-profit schools that proponents advocate include each of the following except _______.

better public relations

State-approved funds to cover the costs of educating students with special needs are known as ______.

categorical aid

In most states, the head of the state board of education is the ________.

chief of state school officer

Since the 1939-1940, the number of school districts in the United States has _______.

decreased steadily

The governor has the power to do all of the following except ______.

determine the cap on teacher salaries

The arena of educational politics refers to how people use all of the following except _______.


Supplemental programs to help meet the needs of special school populations are call ______.


Most school-based management (SMB) programs have all of the following components except ______.

final decisions of major issues rest with the local school board

Which of the following is considered to be one of the most controversial educational issues of the twenty- first century in the United States?

for-profit schools

A national survey of the characteristics of school boards are best described as agencies that ______.

most members were poorer than the general population

The federal government initiative known as the Lanham Act provided funding for all the following except ______.

post-secondary schooling for workers

At the local level, most funding for schools come from _______.

property taxes

At the state level, most funding for schools comes from ___________.

sales taxes and income taxes

Shared governance, administrative decentralization, teacher empowerment, professionalization, bottom-up policy-making, school based planning, and school-based management are all examples of ______.

school restructuring

An approach to school improvement in which teachers, principals, students, parents, and community members manage individual schools and share in the decision-making process is known as ________.

school-based management

Over the past decade, corporate contributions to education have ________.

significantly increased

Ensuring that schools operate in accordance with federal and state guidelines is the responsibility of the ____________.

state board of education

The highest educational agency in the state is the ______.

state board of education

Should a dispute arise within a state regarding a law related to education, the body charged with the power to decide on the reasonableness of the law is the ________.

state court

Within a state, the body usually charged with the day-to-day implementation of educational policies is the ______.

state department of education

The body that determines how taxes will be used to support schools, what will or will not be taught, and the length of the school day and year is the ________.

state legislature

The majority of funding for schools is provided by the ______.


The responsibility for maintaining schools is primarily function of the ______.


All of the following are responsibilities of the chief state school officer except ______.

supervising superintendents throughout the state

In one of the nation's most dramatic education reform efforts, the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) required each of the state's schools to form a school-based management council to set policy in each pf the following except ______.

teachers' salaries

All of the following are powers of the states to maintain and support schools except ______.

the right to fire teachers withing local bargaining units

Concerning political interest groups, professional teachers recognize that __________.

they have much to gain from becoming politically involved

Allocating funds according to legitimate educational needs such as low-income students or students with limited English proficiency is called ____.

vertical equity

An approach whereby parents are given money by the state to enroll their children in the school of their choice is called a(n) ________.

voucher system

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