Intro to Hum Chap. 7&8

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"light dark"drawing & painting the technique of modelling form in graduations of light and shade to produce the illusion of 3D

ars nova

"new art"music of 14 century europe to distinguish it from old art.

Who were the Ottomans? Who was "the Lawgiver"? For what else is he known?

-Central asian clan of muslim TURKS -suliman; mastery legal reforms; initiated a gold age of art and lit

Who was John Calvin? For what are Anabaptists known? What led to the creation of the Anglican church?

-French theologist who believed in god ls omnipotence.hard work puritan work ethic. -opposed baptism & all 7 of sacrements -henry the eighth wanting to remarry

Identify four artists associated with "High Renaissance Art".

-Leonardo de Vinci -Raphael -Michealangelo -Titian

What was the Black Death? What was its cause? What was its impact?

-bubonic plague,fleas barring black rats infesting the commercial vessels that brought goods to the mediterranean parts. -economic impact wipes out 1/3 to half the population but still have ag. neg impact of lord.

What does "Renaissance" mean? What attitudes marked the Age of the Renaissance?

-rebirth of classical values -value of individual -rise of mid.class,European nations-states,classically based education.

How did linear or one-point perspective impact Renaissance painting?

3D pin on a 2D plane


4 line stanza

genre painting

Art depicting scenes from every day life

With what writing style is Michel de Montaigne associated?

Associated with essay

What was Martin Luther's favorite musical form? Why? What form of music was popular in Elizabethan England?


What did Protestant reformers object to? What was the impact of the Protestant Reformation?

Christian conscience opposed to episcopal authority(forms of dominion). Political and social unrest.(wars)

What types of literature did Shakespeare create?

Commedies, tragedies, romances, histories, sonnets, poems


Congregational hymn first sung in the lutheran church

Define Christian humanism. Who is considered to be "the Prince of Humanists"?

Critical reappraisal of religious text. Desiderius erasmus

camera lucida

Device using prism to project onto paper an image that the artist can copy or trace

Who was Donato Bardi?

Early renaissance sculpture humanism in 3D

What did Martin Luther consider to be the key to salvation? What were the Ninety-Five Theses?

Earned through performance of good works and grace mediated by the church.propositions for theological dispute.

Who wrote The Praise of Folly? In what style was it written? What did it attack?

Erasmus the dutch of humanist.satire.attacking a wide variety of human foibles, including greed, intellectual pomposity and pride

What was the focus of Miguel de Cervantes' work?

Human failings in satirical manner.

What nation - and which cities - played important roles in the Renaissance?

Italy;Venice, Genoa, Florence

Who is responsible for "Arnolfini Marriage"? Why is his work significant?

Jan van Eyck;intro of oil painting ; first full length secular double portrait

Why is the Magna Carta significant?

King John signed.forbade king to levy additional taxes without consent of his royal council.

Who was responsible for The Prince? What did he believe a good ruler must be?

Machiavelli;justify means


Most popular form of drama in japan

What was the source of inspiration for Grünewald's Isenheim Altarpiece?

Outbreak of the plague.


Picture or altarpiece with a central panal & 2 flanking panals

What were the dominant themes in Northern Art?

Portraits, traditional religious themes

What literary genres and art forms were "hallmarks of a new self-consciousness and growing civic pride"?

Portraiture and self portraiture auto biography & biography


Relief printing process by which all parts of a design are cut away except those that will be inked and printed

What marked the Renaissance in the North? What was a hallmark of the Northern Renaissance?What is devotio moderna?

Religious change , observation of the human being, anticlericalism & lay piety

How were Elizabethan and Japanese theater similar? Different?

S-addressed an audience whose worldly interests were tied to commercial advantage and urban life. Took place in the pleasure quarters of the city . Subject to governmental restrictions. Acted by male casts. D-japanese didnt care about the individual, also is very rigid.


Short piece of expository prose that examines a single subject

Who was Hieronymus Bosch and for what work is he known?

Triptych; the garden of earthly delights

blank verse

Unrhymed verse especially that using iambic pentameters lines consisting of 10 syllables each with accents on every second syllable

What was Sir Thomas More's main work? What did it claim was the key to an ideal society?

Utopia- good place or no place. Goods and property are shared, war and personal vanity are held in contempt, learning is available to all citizens except slaves , freedom of religion is absolute.

What form of printmaking became popular? What artist is associated with this style?

Woodcutting&engraving ,albrecht durer

With what artistic discipline are Brunelleschi and Alberti associated?


Define "classical humanism." What were the contributions of Petrarch, Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, and Castiglione?

art made about humans, role of an individual. -P=father of humanism;popularized sonnets,recovered/copied edited latin manuscripts -F=works of Plato -M="unity of truth", translated texts from various cultures -C=the courtier-defines"reneissance man & women"

What events and misdeeds led to the decline of the Roman Catholic Church?

avignon popacy-moved from italy to france & the great schism

Identify the key works of Boccaccio, Christine de Pisan, and Geoffrey Chaucer.

b-decameron c-book of the city of ladies G-canterbury tales


buy or sell of church office or perferment


church pardon;temporal penalties of sins

What was the cause of the Hundred Years' War? Who helped lead the French to victory?

english claimed land in france,Joan of arc


equal rights for women

word painitng

manipulation of music to convey a specific object

Why is Giotto considered a pioneer of Renaissance painting?

natural and lifelike style that anticipated italian renaissance picture making realism (3D)

aerial perspective

representing distance that relies on the imitation of the ways atmosphere affects the eyes.


secualar song that tells a story in simple verse.

What were the characteristics of music during the Renaissance?

secular vs religious music;secular was committed on paper;professional & ammeature,print books and part books.


vernacular song;3-6 unaccompanied voices

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