Intro to kinesiology

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This style of leadership is used when immediate compliance is necessary: coercive pacesetting servant all of the above


Which of the following is not associated with the potential of role conflict between physical educators and coaches? a. Job expectations b. Job security c. Time constraints d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Luther Gulick and Clark Hetherington emphasized which program focus? a. Education of the physical b. Education through the physical c. Naturalism d. Play e. Recreation

d. play

Children with special needs should be excused from school physical education classes. -true -false


Which of the following is a major problem in many youth sport programs today? a. An overemphasis on winning b. Emphasis on fun c. Intrinsic motivation d. Learning and playing several sport e. Participation for all

An overemphasis on winning

Graduates of curricular in the exercise and sport sciences find careers almost exclusively in private fitness clubs working with young adults. -True -False


Because excess weight can easily be gained, it is equally easy to lose excess weight. -true -false


Calisthenics is a progressive, precise execution of movements on command for 11 body parts. -true -false


Coaches and parents typically reward effort more than outcome in youth sport programs. -true -false


College faculties initially organized men's intercollegiate athletics. -true -false


College women in the United States initially established, funded, coached, and promoted sport competitions between colleges. -true -false


Danish gymnastics were based on the principles of naturalism and individualized programs. -true -false


Dudley Sargent called the initial meeting that led to the establishment of the Association for the Advancement of Physical Education. -true -false


Football was the first men's intercollegiate event. -true -false


Football was the most popular sport sponsored by the Public Schools Athletic League. -true -false


Due to physical limitations, older adults should not engage in highly competitive sports or vigorous physical activities. -true -false


During the Middle Ages, females trained physically so they could bear healthy children. -true -false


Greek athletes took great pride in setting records in sports. -true -false


In Athens, girls trained physically so they could bear healthy children. -true -false


The Olympic Games were ended by the Romans around 400 A.D. because the Romans did not want to lose to the Greeks in these athletic contests. -true -false


According to Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments Act, boys and girls can be separated in physical education classes when contact sports are taught. -true -false


According to federal legislation, equity is required for girls and boys in schools relative to curricular and extracurricular opportunities. -true -false


According to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure, smoking, high blood cholesterol, and physical inactivity are significant contributors to heart disease. -true -false


American youth performed poorly on the first administration of the AAHPER Youth Fitness Test in 1958. -true -false


An illustration of the popularity of athletics for the Greeks was the existence of numerous Pan-Hellenic festivals. -true -false


Anthropometrics were used for various purposes and one to the major topics of shared interest among physical educators in the late 1800s. -true -false


Apathetic students, repetitiveness of teaching, lack of adequate facilities and equipment, violence in schools, and disciplinary issues with students are challenges facing physical educators in schools. -true -false


Basketball was the first women's intercollegiate event. -true -false


Because of economic constraints, the pay-for-play philosophy may become a way of financing interscholastic sport programs. -true -false


Because of the significance of the ancient Olympic Games, competitors and spectators were guaranteed safe passage to and from Olympia if they were carrying a white truce flag. -true -false


The National Collegiate Athletic Association requires at least minimal academic achievement to qualify for intercollegiate competition. -true -false


The National Collegiate Athletic Association was founded as a direct result of injuries and deaths in football. -true -false


The Normal Institute for Physical Education, which was established by Dioclesian Lewis in 1861 in Boston, was the first teacher training school for physical education in the United States. -true -false


The President's Council on Youth Fitness was established as an outgrowth of the results of the Kraus-Weber Minimal Muscular Fitness Test. -true -false


What is a standard? a. A certification process b. A measure of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that leads to the assignment of a value or score c. A uniform criterion or minimum essential element for the measurement of quality d. Political right that states that an individual or institution be held responsible to achieve a specified action e. The expectation that all students will be treated equitably

A uniform criterion or minimum essential element for the measurement of quality

Which of the following is not a factor in promoting adherence to exercise programs? a. Implementing an individualized and progressive program b. Periodically assessing progress c. Setting realistic goals d. Working out with another person for support and encouragement e. All of the above are important for adherence to exercise programs.

All of the above are important for adherence to exercise programs.

Which of the following could be a possible action that could reduce problems or emphasize benefits in intercollegiate athletics? a. Admit only those athletes who meet the academic standards for admission to the institutions they attend. b. Limit sport seasons to one semester and reduce the number of competitions so athletes are allowed to miss no more than one day of class per week and no more than ten days of classes per semester for athletic competition, practice, or travel to competition. c. Require that eligibility for competition requires maintaining a minimum of a cumulative 2.0 grade point average. d. Require one-year residency prior to competition for freshmen and transfer students so academic eligibility is based on a student's academic performance in college rather than on standardized test scores or high school grades. e. All of the above are possible ways to reduce problems or emphasize benefits in intercollegiate athletics.

All of the above are possible ways to reduce problems or emphasize benefits in intercollegiate athletics.

Which of the following is not a symptom of career burnout? a. Constant tension from too little or too much stimulation b. Eating or drinking excessively c. Frustration with task repetitiveness and excessive work demands d. Lessened enjoyment of work and leisure activities e. All of the above are symptoms.

All of the above are symptoms.

Which of the following is not a justification for the popularity of intercollegiate athletics? a. Intercollegiate athletics reflect societal attitudes, beliefs, and values about sport. b. Beneficial outcomes, such as college spirit and release of tension, exceed the problems. c. They are beneficial for public relations. d. They provide educational opportunities for some who otherwise could not afford to attend college. e. All of the above have been used to justify intercollegiate athletics.

All of the above have been used to justify intercollegiate athletics.

Which of the following would not be a benefit of a school physical education program? a. Develop movement skills b. Improve self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-control c. Improve muscular strength, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory endurance d. Promote positive, lifelong physical activity e. All of the above should be benefits.

All of the above should be benefits.

Which of these is a challenge facing professionals in recreation and leisure services? a. Career ladder b. Increasingly diverse population c. Protection of natural resources and open spaces d. Both B and C E. None of the above

Both B and C

School administrators have been the leading supporters for the expansion of school physical education programs. -True -False


Which of the following should be the optimal curriculum for an elementary school physical education program? a. Fundamental movement and sport skills b. Individual sports c. Physical fitness d. Play during recess e. Skill development in team sports and social skills

Fundamental movement and sport skills

What is required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments relative to financial assistance (grants-in-aid) for athletes? a. Interests and abilities of male and female students are equally effectively accommodated b. Must be available on a substantially proportional basis to the number of male and female athletes c. Must be available on a substantially proportional basis to the number of undergraduate students d. There must be equivalent treatment, benefits, and opportunities e. none of the above

Must be available on a substantially proportional basis to the number of male and female athletes

Which of the following should be the optimal curriculum for a middle school physical education program? a. Fundamental movement and sport skills b. Individual sports c. Physical fitness d. Play during recess e. Skill development in team sports and social skills

Skill development in team sports and social skills

Concerning girls and women in sport, which of the following is true? a. More females than males compete on athletic teams in schools and colleges. b. Recreation programs provide equally for both genders. c. Since Title IX was enacted, a larger percentage of women coach and administer athletic teams and programs for girls and women. d. Societal attitudes still impede full acceptance of female athletes. e. Women's and men's intercollegiate programs have achieved equal status throughout the United States.

Societal attitudes still impede full acceptance of female athletes.

Which of the following is a contributing factor to the role conflict for physical education teachers who also are coaches? a. Coaches are paid more than physical education teachers in schools. b. Public school coaches are permitted to recruit athletes for their teams, but physical education teachers have to teach all students. c. State budgets provide all the needed resources for athletics, but not enough funds to support instructional programs in physical education. d. There are conflicts between the time and energy demands to successfully fulfill teaching and coaching responsibilities. e. All of the above contribute to the role conflict.

There are conflicts between the time and energy demands to successfully fulfill teaching and coaching responsibilities.

Why did physical educators in the 1920s favor and support interscholastic athletics while opposing competition for elementary-aged children? a. Not enough facilities, coaches, and money for both programs b. Elementary school athletics were prohibited by state laws c. They believed that adolescents were developmentally ready for sport competitions,whereas elementary school-aged children were not d. All of the above e. Both A and C

They believed that adolescents were developmentally ready for sport competitions,whereas elementary school-aged children were not

Adhering to high standards as demonstrated through the assessment of student learning is essential for demonstrating the effectiveness of physical education in schools. -True -False


Leaders should have integrity, communicate effectively, build and nurture strong relationships with people, be visionary and creative, establish, maintain, and model high standards of performance, and be intelligent and competent. -True -False


Planning and promoting special events for National Employee Health and Fitness Day in May is an example of public relations. -True -False


Professionals in fitness-related careers are challenged to help those they serve begin and maintain physical activity programs. -True -False


The National Collegiate Athletic Association and the United States Olympic Committee use drug testing to deter the use of banned substances that could provide an unfair advantage to the athletes taking them. -True -False


The use of technological advances and pharmacological products are used by athletes of all ages to enhance their skills and performances. -True -False


Which organization in the United States historically dominated the United States Olympic Committee through its control of international competition in several sports? a. Amateur Athletic Union b. Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women c. National Amateur Athletic Federation and its Women's Division d. National Collegiate Athletic Association e. Shape America

a. Amateur Athletic Union

Which organization largely controlled amateur sports outside the colleges in the United States during the 1900s? a. Amateur Athletic Union b. National Amateur Athletic Federation c. National Collegiate Athletic Association d. National Recreation and Park Association e. United States Olympic Committee

a. Amateur Athletic Union

What is a measurement of knowledge, skills, and abilities that leads to the assignment of a value or score? a. Assessment b. Competency c. Goal d. Problem solving e. Standard

a. Assessment

What was a primary reason why playgrounds were established in cities in the 1800s? a. Assimilation and social control of children b. Give children a place to play after school c. So politicians could win votes d. To provide facilities for youth sport programs e. No playgrounds were established in cities at that time.

a. Assimilation and social control of children

Which of the following organizations does not govern any aspect of intercollegiate athletics today? a. Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women b. National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics c. National Collegiate Athletic Association: d. National Junior College Athletic Association e. All of the above are intercollegiate governing organizations today

a. Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women

Upper-class boys in this civilization were educated at two schools that stressed the importance of all-around development. a. Athens b. England c. Germany d. Sparta e. Sweden

a. Athens

Which of the following would describe the attitudes of men toward physical activities during the Roman Republic? a. Being a citizen-soldier b. Belief in the chivalric code c. Emulation of the body beautiful d. Playing the game for the game's sake e. Unity of the man of action with the man of wisdom

a. Being a citizen-soldier

What was Catharine Beecher's physical activity program that was described as a course of exercises designed to promote health, beauty, and strength? a. Calisthenics b. Light gymnastics c. German gymnastics d. Sports e. Swedish gymnastics

a. Calisthenics

Which of the following was not a skill learned by squires during the medieval period? a. Charioteering b. Dancing c. Fencing d. Jousting e. Wresting

a. Charioteering

Which of the following is not a basic movement principle of movement education? a. Children should model their teachers' movements b. Children determine their own starting points c. Children proceed from activities they know into previously unknown movement patterns d. Children continue to move within their own limitations e. Children develop confidence through successful movement experiences

a. Children should model their teachers' movements

Which of the following was a cause for the ending of the ancient Olympic Games? a. Corruption, cheating, professionalism, and specialization by the athletes b. People in the Middle Ages did not value the Greek Ideal c. Rome defeated and captured all of Greece d. Spartans defeated and captured the Athenians e. The Olympic Games have been continuous

a. Corruption, cheating, professionalism, and specialization by the athletes

What series of activities engaged in by the knights led to the influence of the Greek culture on Europe (led to the Renaissance)? a. Crusades b. Grand tourneys c. Jousts d. Reformation e. Roman conquests

a. Crusades

What was the initial purpose of the YMCA Training School? a. Develop the all-around man b. Prepare teachers of German gymnastics c. Prepare teachers of light gymnastics d. Prepare teachers of Swedish gymnastics e. Prepare teachers of the Sargent system

a. Develop the all-around man

Which of the following is an instructional challenge facing physical educators in schools? a. Drug and alcohol abuse by students b. Extensive parental and family involvement in school programs c. Properly sized classes grouped homogeneously according to skill level d. Unlimited facilities and equipment e. All of the above are instructional challenges.

a. Drug and alcohol abuse by students

The sporting heritage in the United States came primarily from which country? a. England b. France c. Germany d. Holland e.Sweden

a. England

What was the purpose of the chariot races and gladiatorial contests during the Roman Empire? a. Entertain the people b. Develop warrior skills of Roman soldiers c. Honor the gods d. Kill slaves and captives

a. Entertain the people

What was the place for physical training for Athenians citizens? a. Gymnasium b. Military camps c. Olympia d. Palaestra e. Thermae

a. Gymnasium

What was the purpose of the original Olympic Games? a. Honor Zeus b. Win prizes c. Determine the superior city-state d. Find a best all-around warrior e. Nationalism

a. Honor Zeus

Which of the following is a problem associated with interscholastic sports? a. Inducements to change schools are being provided to highly skilled adolescents b. "No pass, no play" c. Not enough emphasis on winning d. Not enough emphasis on winning e. Both A and C

a. Inducements to change schools are being provided to highly skilled adolescents

Who started the Public Schools Athletic League in New York City? a. Luther Gulick b. Clark Hetherington c. Jay Nash d. Jesse Williams e. Thomas Wood

a. Luther Gulick

What was the founding purpose of the Amateur Athletic Union? a. To check the evils of professionalism and promote amateur sports b. To combine men, women, boys, and girls into one competitive sport organization c. To control all amateur athletic competitions in the United States d. To select athletes for Olympic teams e. To provide an alternative organization to the National Collegiate Athletic Association

a. To check the evils of professionalism and promote amateur sports

Who was the most significant person in the formulation of the rules of American football? a. Walter Camp b. James Naismith c. Knute Rockne d. Theodore Roosevelt e. Amos Alonzo Stagg

a. Walter Camp

Instead of physical education, ____ is the term most often used by nonschool agencies, such as public recreational programs or private sport clubs. fitness physical activity wellness all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following describes leadership characteristics? integrity effective communicators creative all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is a leadership style? servant delegating authoritative all of the above

all of the above

Which leadership style focuses on mobilizing people toward a vision? authoritative delegating servant all of the above


Which of the following provides a report card on the fitness levels of school children? a. AAHPERD Youth Fitness Test b. Activitygram c. Fitnessgram d. Physical Best e. None of the above

b. Activitygram

Repetitiveness of a task, role conflict, or the lack of potential for advancement contribute to a. Activity program adherence b. Career burnout c. Lack of accreditation d. Lack of certification e. Merit pay

b. Career burnout

Who initially stated the physical education objectives of organic, psychomotor, character, and intellectual development? a. Luther Gulick b. Clark Hetherington c. Jay Nash d. Jesse Williams e. Thomas Wood

b. Clark Hetherington

Which European nation influenced amateur sports worldwide? a. Denmark b. England c. France d. Germany e. Sweden

b. England

What is often associated with sports played by Native Americans? a. Cheating b. Gambling c. Lucrative prizes for winners d. Professional coaches e. Sacrifices of animals

b. Gambling

What directly led to the establishment of the President's Council on Youth Fitness? a. Publication of Kenneth Cooper's Aerobics b. Publication of the results of the Kraus-Weber Minimal Muscular Fitness Test c. Publication of The New Physical Education d. The development of the Youth Fitness Test by the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation e. Women's recent losses in the Olympic Games

b. Publication of the results of the Kraus-Weber Minimal Muscular Fitness Test

What was the reason for the establishment of the National Collegiate Athletic Association? a. To offer national championships b. To reduce or eliminate injuries and deaths in football c. To select athletics to represent the United States in the Olympic Games d. o standardize rules for intercollegiate sport competitions e. Both C and D

b. To reduce or eliminate injuries and deaths in football

Which of the following best describes Title IX as it applies to athletics? a. Equal funding for male and female students b. Equal number of teams for male and female students c. Equal opportunity for male and female students d. Equal scholarships for male and female students e. All of the above are required by Title IX.

c. Equal opportunity for male and female students

What is a combat between armed knights who divided into teams and fought under conditions similar to war? a. Funeral games b. Gladiatorial contests c. Grand tourney or melee d. Joust e. Pancratium

c. Grand tourney or melee

Which of the following institutions offered teachers an outstanding advanced curriculum and faculty, making a certificate from it highly prestigious? a. Anderson Normal School b. Boston Normal School of Gymnastics c. Harvard Summer School d. Normal School of the North American Gymnastic Union e. Sargent Normal School

c. Harvard Summer School

What is the unity of the man of action and the man of wisdom? a. British Amateur Sport Ideal b. Greek Ideal c. Idealism d. Nationalism e. Naturalism

c. Idealism

Which of the following should be the optimal curriculum for a secondary school physical education program? a. Fundamental movement and sport skills b. Health education c. Lifetime sports and physical fitness d. Skill development in team sports e. Social activities

c. Lifetime sports and physical fitness

According to federal law, which of the following is not required to be included in an Individualized Education Plan? a. Current performance levels b. Dates and places for services c. Monthly goals d. Participation with non-disabled children e. Participation in state and district-wide tests

c. Monthly goals

What was the theme of Danish gymnastics under Franz Nachtegall at the Military Gymnastics Institute? a. Anthropometrics b. Greek Ideal c. Nationalism d. Naturalism e. Play the game for the game's sake

c. Nationalism

What was the theme of Johann Basedow's program of physical education at the Philanthropinum? a. Medical gymnastics b. Nationalism c. Naturalism d. Play e. Sound mind in a sound body

c. Naturalism

Which of the following was not an advocacy position of the Women's Division of the National Amateur Athletic Federation beginning in 1923? a. Advocated "A sport for every girl, and every girl in a sport" b. Favored play days for girls and women c. Opposed international competition d. Promoted "Play the game for the game's sake" e. All of the above were advocated by this organization.

c. Opposed international competition

Which of the following objectives did Charles McCloy believe to be the most important? a. Emotional control b. Having fun c. Organic fitness d. Rules knowledge and strategies e. Social interaction

c. Organic fitness

In which event in the ancient Olympic Games was the winner the symbol of the all-around athlete? a. Chariot race b. Pancratium c. Pentathlon d. Stade race e. Wrestling

c. Pentathlon

Who was the founder of Swedish gymnastics and the director the Royal Gymnastics Central Institute? a. Johann GutsMuths b. Friedrich Jahn c. Per Henrik Ling d. Franz Nachtegall e. Adolph Spiess

c. Per Henrik Ling

Which of the following described the British Amateur Sport Ideal in the 1800s? a. A sport for every person and every person in a sport b. Physical fitness for all c. Play the game for the game's sake d. Readiness to learn e. There are no limits to my efforts, unless I limit myself

c. Play the game for the game's sake

Which of the following is not one of the three ways to comply with meeting the interests and abilities of male and female students as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments? a. Participation opportunities are substantially proportionate to the undergraduate enrollment. b. There must have been a continuing practice of program expansion in response to developing interests and abilities of the under-represented sex. c. An institution must show that the interest and abilities of the members of the under-represented sex have been fully and effectively accommodated. d. An equal number of athletic teams must be provided for males and females. e. All of the above are required to comply with Title IX.

d. An equal number of athletic teams must be provided for males and females.

Which of the following were popular activities for the Romans during the Empire? a. Attending the funeral games b. Attending the Olympic Games c. Chariot races d. Chariot races, gladiatorial contests, and going to the thermae e. None of the above

d. Chariot races, gladiatorial contests, and going to the thermae

What was the purpose of the educational program for boys in Early Athens? a. Develop athletes b. Develop philosophers c. Develop soldiers d. Develop the all-around man e. None of the above

d. Develop the all-around man

Who developed the apparatus or machines used at Harvard in individualized programs for the physical development of students? a. William Anderson b. Luther Gulick c. Edward Hitchcock d. Dudley Sargent e. Jesse Williams

d. Dudley Sargent

In which European nation did school gymnastics begin with these characteristics: exercise hall required; trained instructors; one class period per day; grades given; adapted to age levels; and for boys and girls? a. Denmark b. England c. France d. Germany e. Sweden

d. Germany

What system emphasized movements using hand-held apparatus, such as dumb bells and Indian clubs? a. Association gymnastics b. Calisthenics c. German gymnastics d. Light gymnastics e. Swedish gymnastics

d. Light gymnastics

Which of the following is not a characteristic of athletic competitions for Greeks during the Homeric era? a. Competitors were warriors b. Held in conjunction with funerals c. Individual competitions d. Men and women competed e. Victories were sought more fiercely than records

d. Men and women competed

Which of the following was the most important program emphasis for Per Henrik Ling's Swedish gymnastics? a. Aesthetic b. Educational c. Medical d. Military e. All the above were emphasized equally.

d. Military

Which of the following was a characteristic of the funeral games of the Homeric era? a. Scheduled every four years b. Held in honor of the gods c. Competed in between only warriors from the city-states Athens and Sparta d. Only warriors competed e. Prizes were olive wreaths

d. Only warriors competed

Which of the following was not a sport competed in by Homeric Greeks? a. Boxing b. Chariot racing c. Foot racing d. Pancratium e. Wrestling

d. Pancratium

What role did the government in Sparta play in the physical development of boys? a. Emphasized all-around development b. Required attendance at the music school c. Required attendance at the wrestling school d. Required that boys train to become soldiers beginning at age 7 in the public barracks e. All of the above

d. Required that boys train to become soldiers beginning at age 7 in the public barracks

Which type(s) of sports opportunities did college women participate in during the 1920s through the 1960s? a. Club sports, intramurals, and city recreation leagues b. Intercollegiate athletics c. Olympic competitions d. Sports days, play days, and field days e. All competitions were banned.

d. Sports days, play days, and field days

Who was trained in archery, climbing, fencing, jousting, riding, swimming, wrestling, and courtly manners? a. Greek warriors b. Pages c. Public school students in England d. Squires e. University students in England

d. Squires

What was the purpose of the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women? a. Conduct national tournaments b. Keep the men from taking over existing sports programs for females c. Select female athletes for the Olympic Games d. Standardize playing rules in sports played by females e. All of the above were important purposes for its establishment.

d. Standardize playing rules in sports played by females

Which of the following was a characteristic of public school sports in Great Britain in the 1800s? a. Competitions between schools were emphasized. b. The boys practiced long hours to develop their sports skills. c. The boys trained to become physically fit. d. The boys were sport generalists rather than specialists in certain sports. e. All of the above were characteristics.

d. The boys were sport generalists rather than specialists in certain sports.

What was one reason why German gymnastics did not become the basis for the system of physical education in the United States? a. Too much emphasis on cardiorespiratory endurance b. Too much emphasis on exercise on command c. Too much emphasis on posture correction d. Too much emphasis on strength development e. All of the above were contributing factors.

d. Too much emphasis on strength development

Which of the following is not descriptive of the Greek Ideal? a. Appreciation of the aesthetics of beauty of movement b. Beautiful body matched with beautiful deeds c. Emphasized honor, modesty, and fair play d. Winning the pancratium e. All of the above were ideals depicted in the Greek Ideal.

d. Winning the pancratium

Which of the following provides an educational approach to fitness that can help motivate students to be more physically active? a. Kraus-Weber Minimal Muscular Fitness Test b. AAHPERD Youth Fitness Test c. AAHPERD Health-Related Lifetime Physical Fitness Test d. Physical Best e. none of the above

d. physical best

Which of the following provides competitive opportunities specifically individuals who are developmental delayed mentally? a. International Games for the Disabled b. National Collegiate Athletic Association c. National Federation of State High School Associations d. special olympics

d. special olympics

Which of the following was not a characteristic of the physical education program at Amherst College? a. Anthropometric measurements were taken b.Classes met four days a week c. Exercises were executed to the accompaniment of music d.Intramural competitions were sponsored e.Squad captains led class exercises

d.Intramural competitions were sponsored

Which leadership style involves utilizing colleagues that are highly motivated and competent in their abilities within established parameters? delegating pacesetting coercive servant


Which of the following is not a threat to the integrity of intercollegiate athletics? a. Arms race b. Breaking the rules (cheating) to gain competitive advantages c. Drug abuse d. Violence e. All of the above are potential threats to the integrity of sports.

e. All of the above are potential threats to the integrity of sports.

Which of the following was not an indicator of the decline of the Greek Ideal in the late Athenian era? a. Economic expansion b. Individualism c. Intellectual curiosity d. Professionalism in athletics e. All of the above were signs of the decline.

e. All of the above were signs of the decline.

Which of the following will not impact recreational and leisure services programs in the future? a. Altered family and work patterns including latch-key kids b. Demographic changes c. Economic factors d. Environmental concerns e. All of the above will impact recreational and leisure services programs.

e. All of the above will impact recreational and leisure services programs.

Where were upper-class Athenian boys educated during the early era of time? a. Didascaleum (music school) b. Gymnasium c. Olympia d. Palaestra (wrestling school) e. Both A and D

e. Both A and D

Which of the following was a requirement for participation in the ancient Olympic Games? a. Ownership of land b. Pledge an oath of fair play c. Training for 10 months before the competition d. Upper-class status e. Both B and C

e. Both B and C

Which of the following is an accurate rationale for why daily physical education should not be required for all school children? a. All children and youth need are community sport programs to develop physically. b. American children are physically fit. c. Programs should be provided only for those with skills, so interscholastic sports programs are all that are needed. d. Recess provides enough time for children to play. e. None of the above is an accurate statement.

e. None of the above is an accurate statement.

Which of the following is a valued outcome of youth sport programs? a. Coaches following college and professional models in designing practices b. Competitions among the best athletes, such as providing funding for only travel or elite teams c. Specialization in one sport to gain a competitive advantage over other children d. Starting youth in competitive leagues early e. None of the above should be emphasized.

e. None of the above should be emphasized.

These people practiced yoga, a system of meditation and regulated breathing. a. Athenians b. Chinese c. Egyptians d. Spartans e. None of these

e. None of these

What term or phrase describes the influence of European religions on attitudes toward play in the United States beginning in the colonial time and continuing until today? a. Amateurism b. Everything according to nature c. Play the game for the game's sake d. Professionalism e. Protestant work ethic

e. Protestant work ethic

During this period there was a rebirth of and an eagerness for learning. a. Dark Ages b. Homeric era c. Middle Ages d. Reformation e. Renaissance

e. Renaissance

In which system of gymnastics did school children engage in the progressive, precise execution of movements on command? a. British b. Danish c. German d. Light e. Swedish

e. Swedish

Which type of program was taught at the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics? a. Calisthenics b. German gymnastics c. Sargent's system d. Sports and games e. Swedish gymnastics

e. Swedish gymnastics

Who wrote The New Physical Education, which provided the philosophical foundation for school programs in the twentieth century? a. Luther Gulick and Thomas Wood b. Clark Hetherington and Jay Nash c. Jay Nash and Jesse Williams d. Jesse Williams and Delphine Hanna e. Thomas Wood and Rosalind Cassidy

e. Thomas Wood and Rosalind Cassidy

Johann GutsMuths at Schnepfenthal Institute taught all except which of these activities? a. Greek athletics b. Knightly activities c. Military exercises d. Natural activities e. Turner gymnastics

e. Turner gymnastics

What Friedrich Jahn's gymnastics program? a. Develop the all-around man b. Manual labor c. Naturalism d. Teaching values through gymnastics e. Turner gymnastics

e. Turner gymnastics

Which of the following would help eliminate problems associated with youth sports? a. Coaches teaching and modeling values like cooperation, discipline, fair play, respect, responsibility, sportsmanship, and teamwork b. Emphasizing playing several sports, not specializing in one sport c. Emphasizing winning d. Playing every child in each game and in different positions e. all except c

e. all except c

Which of the following was not an example of historical discrimination against ethnic minorities in sports in this country? a. Academic exploitation, such as through academic course tracking b. exclusion c. quotas d. stacking e. all of the above are examples of discrimination against ethnic minorities in sports

e. all of the above are examples of discrimination against ethnic minorities in sports

Which of the following has been a contributing factor to the lack of proper preparation of some interscholastic coaches? a. Increase in the number of high school physical education teachers b. Increase in the number of interscholastic sports coaches needed c. Decrease in the number of interscholastic sports coaches d. Decrease in the number of school physical education positions e. Both B and D

e. both b and d

Who designed exercise machines for individualized physical development? a.William Anderson b.Edward Hartwell c.Edward Hitchcock d.Nils Posse e.Dudley Sargent

e.Dudley Sargent

A major difference between interscholastic sports and intercollegiate athletics is that college athletes must meet minimal academic standards, while high school athletes do not have to meet minimal academic standards. -true -false


Americans' love for sports began with the development of intercollegiate athletics. -true -false


Interdisciplinary research will characterize the work of physical education teachers because the problems and issues investigated can be more effectively solved and funding is more readily available through collaborations that require shared expertise. -True -False


James Naismith designed the symbol of spirit, mind, and body for the Young Men's Christian Association. -true -false


Jesse Williams and Charles McCloy advocated for the attainment of educational objectives as physical education's primary objective. -true -false


Jesse Williams developed the health education and physical education programs at Stanford University and Teachers College of Columbia University. -true -false


Lacrosse, footraces, bowling, and baseball were among the popular sporting pastimes of early residents of the colony that became Virginia. -true -false


Men in the elite athletic clubs established in the United States in the mid to late 1800s competed most often in the sport of football. -true -false


Native Americans borrowed their ball games from European immigrants. -true -false


Naturalism was the initial theme of educational gymnastics programs in Germany as developed by Adolph Spiess. -true -false


Naturalism was the program theme shared by Friedrich Jahn, Per Henrik Ling, and Franz Nachtegall. -true -false


Numerous females claim that the National Collegiate Athletic Association's academic eligibility requirements discriminate against them. -True -False


Physical education continues to enjoy wide acceptance as the appropriate identifying term for the various programs and careers that involve movement, play, sport, recreation, athletics, and other forms of physical activity. -True -False


Physical educators have always taken a leading role in promoting participation in sports and activities in the United States. -True -False


Puritan attitudes favored participation in sports. -true -false


Research has proven that ethnic minority athletes are bigger, stronger, and generally more highly skilled than are white athletes. -True -False


School physical education programs for all grades should emphasize team sports. -True -False


Senior citizens and individuals with special needs have equal sporting opportunities in comparison with other groups. -true -false


Since most individuals continue their participation once they begin to exercise, adherence to physical activity is not an issue. -True -False


The Amateur Athletics Union helped spread the sports of basketball and volleyball nationally and internationally -true -false


The Kraus-Weber Minimal Muscular Fitness Test showed American children superior to European children on six fitness items. -True -False


The National Collegiate Athletic Association was established to check the evils of professionalism and promote amateur sports. -true -false


The Women's Division of the National Amateur Athletic Federation beginning in 1923 supported women's participation in international sport competitions including the Olympic Games. -true -false


The agoge, the Spartan educational system, advocated the singular goal of intellectual development. -true -false


The contribution of England to physical education programs in the United States was formal gymnastics. -true -false


The favorite leisure activity for the Romans during the Roman Empire was attending the Olympic Games. -true -false


The first national tournaments for women's intercollegiate athletics were established by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. -true -false


The outcome of the "Battle of the Systems" was that Sargent's system became the most popular system in this country in the 1900s. -true -false


The primary purpose of assessments in schools should be used to provide the data upon which to base grades. -true -false


The two schools attended by Spartan boys were the wrestling school and the music school. -true -false


Values such as teamwork, cooperation, self-discipline, and sportsmanship are inherent values associated with sport. -True -False


Women physical educators in the early 1900s favored sport competitions for college women. -true -false


Over the past 20 years, data show there has been a dramatic ____ in obesity in the United States. increase decrease turn-around none of the above


Science and athletics are ________ today. inextricably intertwined extremely disconnected variably similar completely separated

inextricably intertwined

What is defined as a behavioral process of influencing the behaviors of others in the accomplishment of shared goals? leadership attitude talent sociology


A good communicator not only includes being effective verbally or in writing, but also by being a good ____________. listener public speaker competitor none of the above


This leadership styles can be effective when leaders expect excellence and high standards of performance as long as these expectations are not excessive and unending: servant authoritative coercive pacesetting


Leaders place a strong emphasis on: schedule ability to persuade sports skills personal relationships

personal relationships

Which type of leadership style is built on the belief that leaders are devoted to the needs of the organizational members by listening and building a sense of community? pacesetting delegating servant authoritative


A dramatic change in physical activity programs has been the burgeoning interest in the exercise and sport sciences and the proliferation of programs preparing students for careers in non-educational settings. -True -False


A normal school was a teacher training institution. -true -false


Campus recreation programs often include intramurals, sport clubs, free play, faculty-staff programs, and non-athletic activities, such as games, crafts, dances, and movies. -true -false


Catharine Beecher's calisthenics program consisted of exercises designed to promote health, beauty, and strength, especially for females. -true -false


Catherine Beecher developed calisthenics for females to promote their health, beauty, and strength. -true -false


Delphine Hanna emphasized anthropometrics for females at Oberlin College. -true -false


Dudley Sargent was a leader in anthropometrics, teacher training, and individualized physical education programs. -true -false


During the Renaissance, the human body as a work of art was again revered. -true -false


Gambling was often associated with the sports of Native Americans. -true -false


German gymnastics were first introduced in the United States at Round Hill School. -true -false


Gymnasiums during the Late Athenian era of time became pleasure resorts and places for philosophical discussions instead of activity-filled centers; the only ones who trained there physically were professional athletes. -true -false


Health was a primary goal of Edward Hitchcock's program at Amherst College. -true -false


Historically in the United States, many opposed competitive sports for females because they believed that competitive sports would be physically and emotionally harmful to females. -true -false


In the early years, the Olympic Games were dominated by the Spartans. -true -false


Intercollegiate athletic conferences were formed to save money, reduce the number of classes missed due to travel distances, match colleges with equal philosophies and sizes, and encourage the development of natural rivalries. -true -false


Intercollegiate football helped popularize newspapers, while newspapers helped promote intercollegiate football. -true -false


Maidens in ancient Greece during ancient times competed in the Heraean Games. -true -false


Movement education focuses on the developmental readiness of a child to learn through problem solving and guided discovery. -true -false


National championships exist in some youth sports. -true -false


Naturalism, according to Rousseau, stressed that each child possesses a unique readiness to learn. -true -false


Participation in regular physical activity boosts a person's energy level. -true -false


Physical activity can serve as a preventive measure for both disease and degeneration for senior citizens. -True -False


Play days were alternative types of physical activities advocated for females in colleges as an alternative to intercollegiate athletics in the 1920s-1950s. -true -false


Playgrounds in the late 1800s were often established for assimilation and social control of youth, and especially immigrant children. -true -false


Professionals in careers in the exercise and sport sciences need to provide quality programs in specialized settings to prove that a higher degree of competence is needed to fulfill the responsibilities of these careers than may currently be the case. -True -False


Professionals in physical education, exercise science, and sport careers are accountable for the quality of their programs as well as responsible for promoting the importance of what they do. -True -False


School physical education programs have unique and important contributions to make to the learning of students. -true -false


Setting realistic goals is an important factor in adherence to a physical activity program. -true -false


Settlement houses provided play opportunities for children, and especially immigrant children, in cities. -true -false


Since work-related stress probably occurs, professionals need to understand stress and learn how to prevent or reduce its effects. -True -False


Skills developed by Greek warriors were used in athletic contests during the funeral games. -true -false


Societal attitudes toward women in the 1800s restricted their sport opportunities. -true -false


Some of the immigration of Germans to the United States was a result of the banning of Turner gymnastics in Germany. -true -false


Sport opportunities are limited for individuals from lower socio-economic levels, who are disproportionately from ethnic minority groups, due to the cost of equipment, lack of access to specialized facilities, and expense of lessons or coaching. -true -false


Sports clubs on college campuses in the United States are modeled after the European approach to sports for young adults inside and outside of college. -true -false


State Games provide a variety of sports opportunities for individuals of all ages. -true -false


Swedish gymnastics emphasized posture correction through rigidly-held positions and movements on command. -true -false


Swedish gymnastics were popular with females in the late 1800s and early 1900s. -true -false


The Amateur Athletic Union dominated the selection of athletes who represented the United States in the Olympic Games until the passage of the 1978 Amateur Sports Act. -true -false


The Greek gods were worshipped as the personifications of the Greek Ideal. -true -false


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires the development of an Individualized Education Program for every child with special needs, including specifically for physical education. -true -false


The Sanity Code, which was enacted by the National Collegiate Athletic Association in 1948, sought to restrict the recruitment of intercollegiate athletes as well as to eliminate athletic scholarships. -true -false


The Turner gymnastics movement promoted physical development for nationalistic goals. -true -false


The loser had to raise his hand to admit defeat in wrestling in the ancient Olympic Games. -true -false


The most common requirement for becoming an interscholastic coach is a teaching license. -true -false


The new physical education focused on play, sports, games, and natural, outdoor activities. -true -false


The purpose of the 1889 Boston Conference on Physical Training was to promote Swedish gymnastics, but more importantly it provided exposure to the alternative physical education programs or gymnastics systems popular at the time. -true -false


The singular focus for Romans during the Republic was serving the state in battle. -true -false


The win-at-all-costs attitude so pervasive in youth sports can be attributed mostly to adults. -true -false


There is a significant amount of rule-breaking behavior in recruiting in intercollegiate athletics. -True -False


Those most likely to participate in fitness activities are upper-income individuals, young adults, males, Caucasians, suburban residents, and the more highly educated. -true -false


Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments influenced an increase in the number of girls and women in sport competitions in high schools and colleges in the 1980s. -True -False


Traditionally both physiological and societal factors have contributed to the inequality that many women experienced when seeking to compete in sports. -True -False


Vaulting bucks, parallel bars, climbing ladders and ropes, balance beams, running track, and a wrestling ring were located at the turnplatz set up by Friedrich Jahn. -true -false


Winners in the ancient Olympic Games often received statutes, odes in their honor, cash, and special privileges from their city-states, but only an olive wreath at Olympia. -true -false


Year-round conditioning programs, specializing in one sport, and coaches' jobs depending on winning are problems associated with some interscholastic sport programs. -True -False


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