Intro to Math Final Exam

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The number of Hamilton Circuits in K11 is


If F34 = A and F37 = B, then F35 is


The Fibonacci numbers appear (under ideal assumptions) in

- the generations of rabbits - the generations of bees - the rings on a pineapple

The approximate value of 1/Φ is


The approximate value of F1000/F1001 is


The reciprocal of the Golden Ratio is approximately equal to


F2001/F2000 is approximately


The approximate value of Φ is


100!/99! =


If x is the length of a Golden Rectangle which is 1000 feet wide, then x is approximately

1618 feet.

Flatland was written in


F6 + F7 =


The number of Hamilton circuits in the complete graph with 5 vertices is


In the following question(s), Fn represents the Nth Fibonacci number. F9 =


In the following question(s), Fn represents the Nth Fibonacci number. If F500 = a and F501 = b, then F505 = 2a + 3b None of these 3a + 5b a + 2b a + b

3a + 5b

In the following question(s), Fn represents the Nth Fibonacci number. F12/F4 =


50!/49! =


The number of edges in K11 is


6! =

6 x 5!

If X is the width of a Golden Rectangle whose length is 1000 feet, then the approximate value of X is

618 feet

The number of edges in K12 is


F6 =


10!/8! =


A, D, C, B, A

A garbage truck must pick up garbage at 4 different dump sites (A, B, C, and D) as shown in the graph below, starting and ending at A. The numbers on the edges represent distances (in miles) between locations. The truck driver wants to minimize the total length of the trip. An optimal solution to this problem is given by

A, C, D, B, E, A

A mail truck must deliver packages to 5 different store locations (A, B, C, D, and E). The trip must start and end at A. The graph below shows the distances (in miles) between locations. We want to minimize the total distance traveled. The nearest-neighbor algorithm applied to the graph yields the following solution:

Suppose a line of length X is cut into two pieces using a Golden Cut such that the longer piece has length A and the shorter piece has length B. The ratio of X to A is the same as the ratio of

A to B

Memphis, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Kansas City, Denver, Memphis

A traveling saleswoman's territory consists of the 6 cities shown on the following mileage chart. The saleswoman must organize a round trip that starts and ends at Memphis (her hometown) and will pass through each of the other 5 cities exactly once. The nearest-neighbor algorithm applied to this problem yields the following solution:

A, B, D, C, A

A truck must drop off furniture at 4 different homes (A, B, C, and D) as shown in the graph below, starting and ending at A. The numbers on the edges represent distances (in miles) between locations. The truck driver wants to minimize the total length of the trip. The nearest-neighbor algorithm applied to the graph yields the following solution

A, D, C, B, A

A truck must drop off furniture at 4 different homes (A, B, C, and D) as shown in the graph below, starting and ending at A. The numbers on the edges represent distances (in miles) between locations. The truck driver wants to minimize the total length of the trip. The repetitive nearest-neighbor algorithm applied to the graph yields the following solution:

regardless of the value of x

Applying the nearest neighbor algorithm with starting vertex A yields the solution A, D, C, B, A

The name of the author of Flatland is

Edwin A. Abbott


If the rectangle below is a golden rectangle, then the approximate value of x is

The number of Hamilton circuits in K11 is

NOT (11x10)/2

According to Binet's formula, FN =

NOT this answer

The Golden Ratio is called Phi because

Phi is the first letter in the name of the Greek architect who designed the Parthenon

has a Hamilton path that starts at G and ends at E

The following graph

has several circuits, all of which contain the edge AD

The following graph

If a line of length 1 is divided into two pieces by a Golden Cut such that the longer piece has length X, then

X is the reciprocal of the Golden Ratio

If F500 = a and F501 = b then F502 =

a + b

A Hamilton Circuit is

a circuit that travels through each vertex exactly once.

In a complete weighted graph, an optimal circuit is

a circuit with minimum total weight.

A Hamilton path is

a path that visits every vertex exactly once

The most common shape of a house in Flatland is

a pentagon

Flatland was written by

a social reformer

If F500 = a and F501 = b then F503 =


The repetitive nearest-neighbor algorithm for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem is

an approximate and efficient algorithm

It is likely that Golden Rectangles and the Golden Ratio

appear in modern architectural designs such the United Nations General Assembly building

The nearest-neighbor algorithm is

approximate and efficient

The repetitive nearest-neighbor algorithm is

approximate and efficient.

Fibonacci Rectangles are

are approximately Golden Rectangles

Examples of Fibonacci numbers in nature

are the subject of many websites

Fibonacci first obtained the Fibonacci sequence of numbers

as the solution of a rabbit-breeding puzzle

If F100 = a and F102 = b then F101 =


If F500 = a and F501 = b then F499 =


In the following question(s), Fn represents the Nth Fibonacci number. If F500 = a and F501 = b, then F499 is 2a-b a+b None of these b-a a+2a


The Brute-Force Algorithm finds the cheapest route by

checking every possible Hamilton circuit

The nearest-neighbor algorithm

constructs a single Hamilton circuit which may or may not be optimal.

Some people suggest that the human body

contains examples of Fibonacci numbers

The Golden Ratio and its reciprocal

differ by 1

In a complete graph

each pair of vertices is connected by exactly one edge

One reason it is difficult to find a "four-leaf clover" may be that

four is not a Fibonacci number

The number of petals on many common species of flower is

frequently a Fibonacci number

Binet's formula

gives each Fibonacci number independently as the result of a direct calculation.

A complete graph

has a Hamilton circuit.

In a traveling-salesman problem we are seeking a Hamilton circuit which

has the minimum cost

In a complete weighted graph, a Hamilton circuit and its mirror-image

have the same total weight

Irregular figures in Flatland are considered to be

immoral and perpetrators of mischief

A weighted graph

is a graph whose edges have costs associated with using them to travel between vertices.

The appearance of Fibonacci numbers in patterns in nature

is an example of order and design in creation

The number of spirals on the head of a cauliflower

is often a Fibonacci number


is the study of how plants grow

Soldiers and the lowest class of workers in Flatland are

isosceles triangles

If a graph has a Hamilton circuit then

it may or may not have an Euler circuit

The number of Hamilton circuits in the complete graph with 100 vertices is

more than a billion

Whether or not a particular graph has a Hamilton circuit

must be decided on a case by case basis by examining the graph

Traveling-salesman problems

occur in a variety of real-life contexts.

It is quite possible that the Golden Ratio occurs in many paintings and architectural designs

only approximately, because the designer seeks a pleasing proportion without specifically intending the exact Golden Ratio.

The Brute-Force Algorithm is

optimal and inefficient.

In Flatland, the author uses the unusual device of

placing the main story in a world of only two dimensions


probably did NOT realize that the Fibonacci numbers occurred in many different examples in nature

Examination of the lengths involved in constructing the Parthenon suggest that the designer

purposely used the Golden Ratio in his design

An examination of some of the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci suggest that he

purposely used the Golden Ratio in the design of the painting

Flatland belongs to a literary genre known as


According to the lecture material, we must be careful not to

see the Golden Ratio everywhere, since in every complex shape, some lengths will appear to have the Golden Ratio proportion by chance

Claims that the Golden Ratio appears in human art and architecture

should be carefully examined before being accepted


sometimes exhibit Fibonacci numbers in the pattern of the branches

An efficient strategy for solving a traveling-salesman problem is a method

such that the time to implement the strategy increases slowly as the graph gets larger.

Every Fibonacci number is the sum of the two previous Fibonacci numbers in the sequence, except

the first two Fibonacci numbers

Fibonacci's most important contribution to Western civilization was

the introduction of the Hindu-Arabic place-value system of numbers

(1+√5)/2 is the exact value of

the number Phi

The mirror-image of a Hamilton circuit is

the same sequence of vertices traveled in reverse order

The Golden Ratio is the only positive number such that

the square of the Golden Ratio is equal to the Golden Ratio plus 1

In a complete graph having 3 vertices

there are two Hamilton circuits.

Flatland, the novel, is broken up into

two parts of approximately equal length

The repetitive nearest-neighbor algorithm

uses each vertex in the graph as the starting point for the nearest-neighbor algorithm.

Every graph has


If we change the beginning/ending point of a Hamilton circuit then`

we get the same circuit

The appearance of the Fibonacci numbers in nature

well-documented with many examples

The solution set of the quadratic equation x2 + 8x + 7 = 0 is

x = -7 or x = -1

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