intro to phil hales bloomu final review

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One objection to mind/body dualism is

A key premise of an argument for dualism is that if you can conceive something, that thing is possible. However, you can be conceive impossible things, conceivability is not a good guid for probability.

Ethical Egoism

Everyone should always act in his or her own self-interest. -own code or behavior

Faith again (lol sorry i repeated it)

Evidence without reason


Explaination for believe, or confidence

St Anselm of Canterbury in his book Proslogion

Who devised the ontological argument?

Objection 3: Alternative scientific explanations

there is legit science supporting the big bang theroy (on a side note, personally i do not support the big bang theory, but thats just my opinion

principals of equal treatment

two people should be treated in the same way unless there is a relevant difference between them.

According to Simpson's Paradox,

utilitarians may be morally obligated to make everyone alive less happy

In Paley's presentation of the Argument from Design, he argued that the universe is analogous to a


According to behaviorism, the mind is

Observable public property.

Agent Causation is an attempt to

Show that we have free will because our choices are free

Divine foreknowledge argument

The argument that there is no free will because God's infallible knowledge of the future precludes free choice.

Categorical imperative (version 1)

You should act only according to those principles of action that you could will to be a universal law of natur

objection 2 to divine foreknowledge Aristotle answer

- Aristotle insisted that there are no facts about the future -makes divine knowledge false -God does know everything knowable, but there are no truths to the future

A defender of the problem of evil argument can concede that moral evils are the result of people freely choosing to act immorally but still ask

why didn't God intervene to prevent the Holocaust anyway?

The main problem with the view that morality is just acting on your principles is

you could have wicked principles

According to Kant, the principle of action "act selfishly" violates the Categorical Imperative because

you couldn't consistently will it to be a universal law of nature -- you would want help in time of need

If Sue Barry is right

Experiencing mental states are the only way to know what they are.

Explaination for believe, or confidence


Ontological argument

One of the traditional arguments for God's existence. It relies on the idea that since God is the most perfect being imaginable, and it is more perfect to exist than not exist, to imagine God at all is to concede his existence.

The Magic Objection to the agent causation theory of free will claims that

Our actions are caused by outside forces

According to the Principle of Alternate Possibilities

You're morally responsible if you choose to do something wrong when there was another option

In Euthyphro, Plato asked

are things good because God loves them, or does he love them because they are good?

The distinction between moral and natural evils is designed to show that

even if human free will is to blame for moral evils, God is still to blame for natural evils

The normative universe is populated by

every sort of duty, right, obligation and permissibility, moral and otherwise

Utilitarianism is an agent-neutral moral theory, which means that

everyone has the same duties and aims, no matter what their personal interests or interpersonal relationships

Another objection to utilitarianism is

for utilitarians, we have no stronger duties to friends and family than we do to strangers

According to hedonism

happiness is the highest good

Mill argued that in addition to maximizing the quantity of pleasures, utilitarians should also be concerned with

promoting higher quality pleasures

Bentham thought that

push-pin is as good as poetry, provided the quantity of pleasure is the same

Edwin Hubble

research proved universe still expanding; proved galaxies exist outside of the milky way; classification system for galaxies; hubble telescope named after him

According to Kant

there is a moral law universally binding on everyone

According to the criticism objection, if moral relativism is right, then

we can't coherently criticize the morality of other cultures we can't coherently criticize the morality of our own culture

Objection 3: Existence is not a property

if you have a girlfriend but she doesnt accually existence you dont really have a girlfriend, do you?

Cosmological argument for the existence of God

There must be a god bc of what we observe and the existence around us

If compatibilist freedom requires the ability to act on yourdesires, then anobjection

There's too little freedom because you can't have most of the things you desire

object one to divine foreknowledge -atheism and agnosticism

god is not omisent bc he punished people for doing wrong If he knew before why would he punish them?

According to experimental psychology,

situations are more predictive of behavior than character "character" is just a story we tell about people after they act in certain ways appeal to character does not adequately explain people's actions


present everywhere at the same time

There is no way to prove the religious part is true just because the historical part is true

problem with da above argument

the case of private ross mcginnis demonstrates that

psychological egoism is false genuine altruism is possible people can act so that the benefits they receive are less than the value of their action for others jumping on grenades is unhealthy

The stock market prediction scam

s and example of an unintelligent process that gives rise to order

Divine command theory

says that morality is essentially connected to religion

ccording to Kant, the principle of action "act selfishly" violates the Categorical Imperative because

you couldn't consistently will it to be a universal law of nature -- you would want help in time of need


What percent of Americans believe in the existence of God

According to Plato,

morality is logically separate from religion

There are two notions of free will discussed in the text. They are

Libertarian free will vs compatibilist free will

What percent of Americans believe in the existence of God


Another objection to virtue ethics is

the virtues can conflict with each other

Another objection to the Cosmological Argument is that

there is a competing scientific explanation of the origin of the universe that does not require a creator God

Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

according to ethical egoism,

your only moral duties are to advance your own interests

In the Cosmological Argument

-Everything is caused by something prior in the casual chain-There is a first cause

Argument Supporting the Exsitence of God

1 . Most of the claims in the bible can be proven true by historical study. 2. If historical claims are true, religious claims must be true 3. Therefore religious claims are probably true

Searle's Chinese Room argument is designed to show that

A computer might run a program so that, from outside, it looks as if it understands questions and it can give correct and cogent answer, but it does not show that it has any awareness of what it is doing.

Kant's other formulation of the Categorical Imperative is

Act only according to those principles that you can will to be a universal law

According to contemporary neuroscientists and psychologists like Libet and Wegner,

All our actions are subconscious

Divine Command Theory

An act is morally required just because it is commanded by God, and immoral just because God forbids it. two options, -God made things good and bad or -God loves and hates things because they were already bad or good and acts as a perfect ethical thermometer(plato supported this) correct one


Being morally perfect or perfectly good

Teleological Arugment

Design or Intelligent Design. A creation must have a creator.

Determinism is the thesis that

Given the laws of nature and physics there's only one possible physical future

Aristotle's way out of the divine foreknowledge problem is

God doesn't know the future because it hasn't happened

One reason to suppose that even moral evils are really GOd's fault is

God irresponsibly created and set loose violent people, knowing the damage they would probably cause

The contention that either we have no free will or determinism is false is


One objection to the Turing Test is that no matter what their conversational abilities, computers cannot have emotions or feelings, and therefore do not have minds. A reply to this objection is

Lack of emotions doesn't mean a lack of mind. Besides that, some people suffer from certain mental conditions which make them emotionally blind.

Lady Lovelace objected to the possibility of machine intelligence on the grounds that

Machine cannot learn, or do anything truly original.

If determinism is true, then

No one ha free will

Objection 1: the fools responce

ONLY A FOOL WOULD DOUBT GOD'S EXSITANCE, idk there is something about an island too but i dnt feel like typing it out srry

The digger wasp

Psychologically behaves the same way so no free will

An objection to behaviorism is that it is unable to distinguish between

Saying and asserting.

The Turing Test is

Tests computer's abuiluty to chat like a human being.

Plato argued that

The gods love all good things because those things are good

Natural Theology

The knowledge we can have about God and his attributes simply through using reason, apart from revelation.

Behaviorists think that we often use sentences that seem to be about mental states but really aren't. This is analogous to the fact that

The sun seems to be rising in the sky, but we all know that the sun isn't really moving relative to a stable Earth, we are the ones moving. Sun rising is an illusion.

One formulation of Kant's Categorical Imperative is

Treat others as ends in themselves and never merely as means to your own ends

The other minds objection to substance dualism is

We don't know anything about the minds of other people. We know about common mental states by observing other's behaviors. However, since you don't know how minds of other people work, the behavior can not serve as a proof for mental states.

Kurt Godel

Who did math problems beyond the power of logic to establish as either true or false idk

Libertarian free will is defined as

You are free to choose one action over another

The free will defense against the problem of evil maintains that

all suffering in the world is our fault because we freely choose to sin

According to consequentialism,

all that morally matters is the consequences of action



Paley's Watch

analogy between the world and a watch the watch would be out of place in a forest

An objection to the Design Argument is

at we have no reason to believe that the designer is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent-there might be more that one designer-God is supposed to be the source of all order, but then nothing explains the orderliness and complexity of God-There are competing scientific theories, like evolution through natural selection, that explains how order can arise without appealing to a designer

Descriptive relativism is the view that

beliefs about morality and the values people possess vary across cultures

descriptive relatiivism

beliefs about morality and the values people possess vary across cultures divided by times and places

Very little in the universe is

conscious. Even among living thing, consciousness and mentality are quit rare.

According to Kant, the principle of action "promise to achieve your own advantage even when you know you cannot keep the promise" violates the Categorical Imperative because

if the principle were a universal law of nature, promising would become impossible

Objection 2: Problem of the Attributes

if there is a random cause it dont mean its god.

An example of a hypothetical imperative is

if you are planning to pass the test, then you should study if you're going to drink, then don't drive if you can't make our meeting, be sure to call if you're planning to read Kant, then drink lots of coffee first

An objection to virtue ethics is

if you have to look at the consequences of action to see which treats are virtuous, then virtue ethics is just a disguised form of utilitarianism

If you assume that a religious scripture is divinely inspired, then

it cannot serve as evidence of God's existence, since you have already presupposed that God exists

One objection to the Cosmological Argument is that

it is arbitrary to insist infinite chain of causes in an eternally existing universe is ridiculous, but an eternally existing God is not

One objection to utilitarianism is that

it isn't practical, since we can't predict all the outcomes of our actions it is too invasive, since it means that every minor action has moral weight the rare no supererogatory actions, since there is no good action that is greater that what duty requires

Another objection to ethical egoism is that

it makes cannibalism no more than a personal matter of taste

One objection to ethical egoism is that

it means that vicious psychopaths are performing their moral duty by only caring about themselves

A problem with the Golden Rule is that

it mistakenly presupposes that everyone has the same preferences

One objection to Kantian ethics is

lying is always immoral according to Kant, even when there are horrible consequences to telling the truth

Aristotle thought that

many virtues are the golden mean between related vices of deficiency or excess

According to the multiple realizability argument,

mental states are multiply realizable by different kinds of physical things.

The subjectivity of experience objection to the mind-brain identity theory

tells us that experience are subjective. This theory fails to capture the most essential fact about our mental lives, namely that they have a feeling to them, a quality that brain events do not.

In the Felicific Calculus, the fecundity of a pleasure or pain is

the chance it has to be followed by the same type of sensation

According to the problem of evil,

the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent God is incompatible with all the suffering in the world


the greatest possible handicap ( playing tennis with that dude)

Paley argues that if you found a watch in the woods

According to Paley

Compatibilism is the thesis that

Determinism and free will are compatible

St. Anselm of Canterbury argued that

-a read God is more perfect than an imaginary God-the concept of God is that of the most perfect being imaginable

Ontological Argument version

1. God either exists in the mind alone or in both reality and the mind 2. God is the greatest possible being 3. It's greater to exist in reality than in the mind 4. So God exists in reality and not just the mind

According to Descartes, the mind is

A mental substance. It doesn't occupy a portion of space and it's also unphysical. Since you are your mind, according to Descartes, you aren't a physical thing either.

Objection 1: Inconsistency

A random begining does not demand there is a God

According to the functionalism, your mind is like

A software.

Cosmological Argument

An argument for the existence of a First Cause (or instead, an Uncaused cause) to the universe.

The Problem of the Attributes for the Cosmological Argument is

Aquinas gives no reasons to believe that the first cause i.e. omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent

I'm a piece of garbage and i really have to do laundry and I have to go to choir and i really dont want to go but i need to study for this quiz tomarrow

Bonus: Why do i have so many grammer and spelling errors in this quizlet>

Objection 5: explaining the complexity of God


The idea that suffering is part of God's greater plan is often taken to refute the logical problem of evil, by showing that

God might have some good reason as to why suffering is necessary and instrumental to our greater happiness

Ontological Argument

God's existence can be demonstrated by pure abstract reason alone

If behaviorism is right, then it is impossible for

Having an anobservable behavior, since behaviorism claims that behavior are indentical to mental states.

According to the regress of reasons for acting argument,

There is no free will because your desires and beliefs are formed out of your control

The problem of divine foreknowledge is

If god is omniscient there's no free will

Wittgenstein's beetle is

Is an example and an anology to mental states to shows how a something can seems to be a common sense, but actually have a completely different meaning to you when for other people.

Roger Penrose

Math dude would calculated that if the features in our universe were created by chance, it would be a very high probablilty

If meaning is use, the

Mental states are publicly observable facts. We not only learn meanings through the verbal behavior of others, but there is nothing more to meaning than that behavior.

In the classical tradition of natural theology, God is a being who is

Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Ombivenevolent

Teleological argument (a.k.a. the argument from design)

One of the traditional arguments for God's existence. According to this argument, God exists because his existence best explains the complexity and order of the universe.

Cosmological argument

One of the traditional arguments for God's existence. According to this argument, God exists because there had to be a first cause, or prime mover, that started the causal chain of physical events.

If determinism is false, then

There is still no free will

Descartes argued that reality had two kinds of substances in it. They are

Physical Substances: they are regular physical, material, the domain of scientific investigation. Your body is an example. Mental substances are ideas, thoughts and sensation. Your mind is a mental substance.

A reason to reject global determinism is

Quantum physics is random

Problem of evil

The argument that there is no God because worldly suffering is incompatible with the attributes of God.


The moral theory proposed by Immanuel Kant, according to which there is an absolute moral law expressed by the categorical imperative. Deontology is the basis for the theory of rights.

Virtue ethics

The moral theory that the good life consists in cultivating and having a virtuous character

Natural theology

The philosophical tradition of using reason to evaluate claims of the divine.

Moral Relativism

The truth of moral claims and which values people should adopt vary across cultures divided by times and places. What is morally permissible in one culture may be morally wrong in another culture.

To answer the too much freedom objection,compatibilists need to explain

What is not freedom since technically everything you do is free in jail or being robbed

The point of the multiple realizability argument is to show that

You don't need anything particular physical in order to have thought and sensations.

Categorical imperative (version 2)

You should treat other people as ends in themselves and never merely as means to your own ends.

According to the mind-brain identity theory

Your mental states are coming from the complicated process in your brain.

According to Kant, the problem with the Ontological Argument is that it treats existence as a property. This is a mistake because

an object cannot have a bunch of properties except existence; a thing must exist to have any properties at all

The mind/body problem is

an objection to Descartes dualism. Since physical events cause other physical events to occure. Neurons in your brain send out signals which allows you to control your body, but it's a completely physical process.

hold them to the same standard as other holy books, old books, and old documents

another way to treat scripture

Classical utilitarianism is

consequentialism + hedonism

The Principle of Equal Treatment implies that

ethical egoism is just a form of prejudicial discrimination

Phycological Egoism

everyone ALWAYS acts in his or her own self-interests

Psychological egoism is the view that

everyone always acts in his or her own self-interest

If faith is no more than belief without evidence or reasons, then

it is not really within the domain of philosophy, which promotes having good reasons for belief

According to virtue ethics,

moral virtues are those character traits that it is valuable for everyone to have

An objection to utilitarianism is that

no action, no matter how intuitively heinous, is absolutely forbidden

Assume they are divinely inspired

one way to treat scripture

Examples of computers that are capable of unpredictable, apparently creative behavior are

our brains

Objection 2: A Reverse Parody

the ontological argument can be flipped around. i dnt feel like typing it out but there is an example on pg 73 in the yah

One objection to the Ontological Argument, that Gaunilo raised "on behalf of the fool" is that

the reasoning of the Ontological Argument apparently proves the existence of a perfect Lost Island just as well as it proves the existence of God

If the historical claims in an ancient text are verified by modern archeology and historiography, then

we still have no reason to believe any religious or supernatural claims made in the text

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