intro to philosophy final

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According to Aristotle, Pythagoras constructed natural bodies out of numbers.


Each different kind of substance has its own corresponding kind of particle and that each substance contains a particle of every other kind was a doctrine of Anaxagoras.


Fideism asserts that beliefs do not need a logical rationale, but can be justified by faith alone.


Pluralism believes that there are many different elements that comprise the universe.


The French philosopher Rene Descartes is called the "Father of Modern Philosophy".


The Milesians all proposed material view of reality - air, fire, and water - fundamental kind of stuff.


Two famous thinkers of the atomist school were Leucippus and Democritus.


Universal refers to a general concept of a thing rather than a particular example of a thing.


Appeal to Emotion:

Trying to establish a position by playing on someone's emotions

who is a philosopher, in the original sense of the world?

a lover and pursuer of wisdom, regardless of subject matter

What fallacy is it when an argument is against the person rather than the person's beliefs?

argumentum ad Hominem

Which metaphysical theory sets the stage for modern science?


What fallacy is it when an argument offers only two choices when in fact more options exits?

false dilemma

A priori judgments are those that depends entirely on experience.


Epistemology is an area of study most concerned with the creation of new forms of plant life.


Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with questions about reality.


Free will is the opposite of logical positivism.


Monists all believe that the world is comprised of water.


Oncology is a complimentary discipline to epistemology.


Pantheism and Panentheism are synonymous


Hedonism is an ethical philosophy that espouses pleasure as the greatest good.


In classical logic, a syllogism consists of two premises and a conclusion.


There are two types of monism: material monism and idealism.


According to Theano, what did Pythagoras claim?

An intimacy between things and numbers

What does the branch of philosophy called metaphysics study?


What is reality according to a follower of Parmenides?

Being does not change

Tabula rasa means "Rose-colored tabulator".


The belief that there are no absolutes is called theism.


The term "metaphysics" comes from Pythagoras.


Zeno tried to refute Parmenides' theory that reality is One.


What did Anaxagoras do?

He introduced the matter/mind distinction to philosophy

What did Socrates hope to achieve by practicing the Socratic Method?

He wanted to discover adequate definitions that would give knowledge of the essential nature of things, especially, traits of good character

Which philosopher re-defined dualism for the modern age?

Rene Descartes

What is the term for the belief that one should doubt or suspend judgment on philosophical questions?


What did the Atomists do?

They held that all things are composed of physical atoms

Which is a common characteristic of philosophical questions?

They involve real-life ethical dilemmas

"Essence" refers to the basic intrinsic nature of the thing, making it what it is.


In philosophy, what is an argument?

giving a reason for accepting it.

Which philosophical position holds that mankind is the measure of ultimate value in the universe?


What is the term related to a theoretical belief that matter is made up of both substance and form?


Where do the Forms exist, according to Plato?

in a immaterial realm, ageless, that is, eternal

What is the cause of change for Empedocies?

love and strife

What does the word philosophy literally mean?

love of wisdom

"What we sdai was X, but our opponent acts as if we had said Y!' What fallacy does this most clearly illustrate?

straw man

Which is not a sub-discipline of philosophy?


Giving and rebutting arguments are the most basic philosophical activity.


One of the side benefits of philosophy is better logical and critical thinking skills.


Philosophy is difficult to be precisely defined, but "thinking about thinking" comes closest.


Philosophy once included modern disciples like physics and biology.


The atomists believe strictly in accordance with physical laws and did not believe in chance or free will.


The most famous "reductio ad absurdum" in history of philosophy is St. Anselm's ontological proof that God exists.


The study of language, symbols, signs, and their meanings is called semiotics.


Traditionally, philosophy has been divided into four main areas?


The Theroy of Forms by Plato are...

unchanging, unmoving, and indivisible

When the Delphi Oracle pronounced Socrates to be the wisest of people, Socrates thought the pronouncement referred to the fact that he...

was aware of his own ignorance

Solipsism is the belief that:

"I alone exist."

What was the essence of reality for Heraclitus?


After his trail and conviction of "corrupting" the minds of young men and for ot believing in the city's gods, Socrates died by..

Drinking hemlock

Which of the following metaphysical theories was credited to Plotinus?


What does the branch of philosophy called epistemology study?


Nihilistic existentialism holds that:

Life is ultimately without meaning

Which of the following is NOT an ethical theory?


False Dilemma:

Offering only two options when in fact more than two options exist

Who is considered the father of classical dualism?


What are Thales, Anaximenes, and Anaximander collectively known as?

The Milesians

Plato had three famous theories...

The Theory of Knowledge, the Theory of Love and Becoming, and the Theory of Forms

Begging the Question:

The fallacy of assuming as a premise the very conclusion of the argument is intended to prove and entail the conclusion

Straw Man:

The fallacy of trying to refute someone's view by misrepresenting it

Social Philosophy:

The philosophical study of society and its institutions; concerned especially with determining the features of the ideal or best society

Political Philosophy:

The philosophical study of the state, its justification, and its ethically proper organization

Which is the branch of philosophy that studies issues concerning art and value judgment about art?


Moral Philosophy:

branch of philosophy that considers the nature, criteria, sources, logic, and validity of moral value arguments

How are the forms apprehended, according to Plato?

by reason, intellectually

Ethics is best described as the branch of philosophy that _____________.

deals with moral issues, like right and wrong

Foundationalism most closely relates to which of the following philosophical sub-disciplines?


Art and beauty are primarily topics within social philosophy.


Metaphysics is the sub-discipline of philosophy that concerns itself with matters of ethics and moral behavior.


Philosophical questions are concrete and factual.


Political philosophy is totally separate from the values subject matter of moral philosophy.


Which of the following branches of philosophy does not involve questions related to values?


According to most dualist philosophers, the two substances that comprise the universe are

mind and matter

Which branch of philosophy deals with issues related to the human mind?

philosophy of the mind

Which ancient Greek philosopher is most famous for his promotion of "forms"?


Another word for a logical premise is:


All of the following are sub-disciplines of philosophy, EXCEPT.


Red Herring:

the fallacy of addressing a point other than the actual one at issue

Argumentum ad Hominem:

the mistaken idea that you can challenge any view by criticizing the person whose view it is


the philosophical study of art and of value, judgements about art, and of beauty in general

What does materialism teach?

the universe is compromised only of matter

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