Intro to Psych Midterm

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Identify which of the following terms best corresponds to each of the descriptions.

Asking people who they will vote for in an election matches survey Observing that people who are more productive sleep less matches correlation Comparing the test scores of people who took a practice test to others who only reread the textbook matches experiment Job shadowing to better understand the stress of a workplace matches participant observation

Selena has just been assigned to play point guard on her college basketball team. If she is able to run the ball down the court while paying attention to the position of the other players and initiate offensive plays, we can consider her dribbling ________.


Which of the following would not be considered part of consciousness?

The signals from your brain telling your heart to beat

One of Freud's signature influences on the history of clinical psychology was his emphasis on _________.

The unconscious mind

The typical resting potential of a neuron is ______________ mV.


How would you predict the cones in the eye would respond to the color red?

There would be little activation from the S & M cones and a lot of activation from the L-cone

The period of the zygote ends at which point in prenatal development?

Approximately two weeks after fertilization or when the blastocyst implants into the uterine wall

What does the Greek root-word "psyche" mean, in terms of psychology?


Who developed the Strange Situation paradig

Mary Ainsworth

Match the part of the neuron with its function.

Dendrites matches House receptors Axon matches Propagate action potential K+ channels matches Hyperpolarization Myelin matches Speeds up action potential

As Serena Williams got better and better at tennis growing up, which of the following things likely happened in her brain?

Dendrites branched out in her cerebellum.

Which part of the brain is not fully mature in adolescence and, as a result, may be somewhat responsible for the difficulty adolescents experience assessing risk and controlling impulses?

Prefrontal cortex

Match the structure with the correct letter.

A matches Portion of the retina populated with rods B matches Lens C matches Pupil D matches Cornea E matches The fovea: the portion of the retina populated with cones

Which factors impact adjustment to retirement?

A - Maintaining an active lifestyle after retirementB - Having sufficient resources to support onself in retirementD - The number of years spent at one's occupation

The term circadian rhythm refers to which of the following?

A 24-hour cycle of arousal and relaxation

Someone suffering from sleep apnea would probably be prescribed _________.

A CPAP device

Xander participated in a study where he heard two messages, one in each ear. His task was to listen to one message while ignoring the second. Xander participated in _________.

A dichotic listening experiment

Which pairing of famous psychologist and historical theory of psychology is incorrect ?

Abraham Maslow - Psychoanalysis

In a research survey, you have no particular opinion on the topic of discussion. Uncertain of how to respond, you tend to agree with most of the questions that the survey is asking. This is an example of:

Acquiescent response bias

When you are looking for your keys on a cluttered desk, you are using _________. (Select all that apply.)

Active attention and selective attention

Someone experiencing difficulty with symptoms associated with ADHD might be prescribed _________.


B. F. Skinner was a _______.


Experimental research is the only type of research that enables researchers to make conclusions about:

Cause and effect

All the cells and supporting structures inside the skull and vertebral column form the ________.

Central Nervous System

Review the two figures below showing two children's cognitive performance. The x-axis shows what the children can achieve by themselves as well as what they can achieve with assistance. Which of the following conclusions are true about the presented data?

Child B demonstrates more competency on the task without assistance but achieves the same with assistance as Child A.

Individuals who have had strokes or injuries to the Wernicke's area are likely to have trouble with:

Comprehending speech

Match the condition to the appropriate scenario.

Conditioned insomnia matches For the last several nights‚ Sabine has had trouble sleeping. She tosses and turns throughout the night and can't seem to get her brain to quiet down. Now she notices that even the thought of another restless night makes her anxious. Idiopathic insomnia matches Ever since Jerome was a young child‚ he has had difficulty sleeping. He has tried several different types of therapies‚ but none seem to permanently alleviate his symptoms. Cataplexy matches Abner went to see "The Monster that Ate Chicago" with his friends. During a particularly frightening part of the movie‚ he discovered that he could not lift his arm to pick up his soda‚ and in fact could not move much at all. Hypnopompic hallucinations matches Everly woke up from a sound sleep; although her body was paralyzed‚ she had the sensation of levitating above her bed. She also saw three sinister beings crouched at the foot of her bed. REM sleep disorder matches At night when Diana sleeps‚ she thrashes about while she dreams. Her roommate says it is almost as if she is acting out her dreams.

What is the primary difference between clinical psychologists and counseling psychologists?

Counseling psychologists tend to deal with ongoing problems, while clinical psychologists deal with more severe issues.

Natural selection requires that which of the following is true?

Different traits lead to different outcomes in terms of survival and reproductive success

Basic research is primarily concerned with what types of issues?

Discovering basic principles of behavior and mind

Engaging in two tasks at once, such as talking on a cell phone while driving, can be considered _________.

Divided attention

Consider the analogy of a nightclub. The ion channels are like the ____________ of the club.


The message moving through a neuron is ________ while the message between neurons is ________.

Electrical; chemical

Aristotle's idea regarding the mind as tabula rasa is most similar to _______.


Your teenage daughter has recently expressed that she is focused on discovering her "inner self." This exploration and search for identity most closely aligns with which theory of development?

Erikson's theory of psychosocial development

Tim has had an operation to treat his severe epilepsy. As a result of this operation, the two halves of his brain are unable to communicate with one another. If I were to show him an image of a rose on the left and an image of a cat on the right, you should expect that which of the following is true?

He will be able to report seeing a cat but would draw a rose with his left hand.

Ultimate explanations require an appeal to what?

Evolutionary theory

Harry Harlow conducted research with monkeys to examine attachment behaviors. What conclusions could be derived from his results?

Infant monkeys spend the majority of their time on the cloth mother and will run to that mother when stressed.

A person with visual neglect has damage to the ____________.

Inferior parietal lobe

Put the following action potential events below in the correct order.

Influx of positive ions Depolarization Repolarization Hyperpolarization

Match the description of mother behavior to the attachment styles most likely experienced by the infants subject to that behavior.

Insecure-resistant matches The mother of this infant is intermittently responsive‚ so that infants want to maintain contact with her when she is emotionally and physically available. Insecure-avoidant matches This mother is emotionally and physically distant‚ so her infant learns that she must rely on herself in stressful situations. Secure matches This mother is sensitive to the needs of her infant‚ providing comfort when needed but also serving as a secure base from which the infant can explore the world.

A researcher randomly assigned factory workers to work in either a brightly-lit, moderately-lit, or dimly-lit factory floor and measured their productivity (in units produced per day). What is the independent variable in this statement?

Lighting level at the factory floor (bright, moderate, or dim lighting)

Your two-year-old, Holly, loves eating gumdrops and you often use them to convince her to behave when you're running errands. However, today she is definitely not behaving at the grocery store! You hide the gumdrops in your purse, but Holly continues to beg you for them and reaches into your purse to try and grab them. Holly is displaying which of the following aspects of cognitive development?

Object permanence

What monocular depth cue is used when one image partially blocks the view of a second object, leaving the partially hidden object being seen as further away than the whole object?


Match the theory with its description.

Opponent-Process Theory matches Perception of color vision depends on the ganglion cells firing in an on-off fashion. For instance‚ when the cell receives the signal that red is present‚ it will also send the signal that green is present. Frequency Theory matches Perception of pitch is determined by the rate of the hair cells firing. Trichromatic Theory matches Color vision is the result of comparing activation between three different kinds of cones. Place Theory matches Perception of pitch is determined by the location on the basilar membrane where the cell fires. Gate-Control Theory matches Perception of pain can be controlled by the brain‚ which can block a signal of a painful stimulus.

Sara stared momentarily at the blue light that shined from her computer. When she looked away, she saw yellow dots. What theory would best explain what Sara experienced?

Opponent-process theory

Your best friend, Sarah, is visiting you for the weekend because she has some big news to tell you - she and her partner are actively trying to conceive! When you go out for dinner that night, Sarah considers ordering wine with dinner. What is your best recommendation for her, given the news she's just given you?

Order and drink a non-alcoholic beverage instead - it is unclear exactly how much alcohol is associated with birth defects, so it's best to avoid alcohol when pregnant or attempting to become pregnant.

A researcher randomly assigned factory workers to work in either a brightly-lit, moderately-lit, or dimly-lit factory floor and measured their productivity (in units produced per day). What is the dependent variable in this statement?

Productivity (units produced per day)

According to Piaget, children display specific behaviors during the concrete operational period. Match the following behaviors with the appropriate label.

Symbolic thought matches Your child pretends the television is a spaceship. Animism matches Your child asks you to turn off the television because he thinks it's tired. Egocentrism matches Your child accused her friend of not paying enough attention to her.

Match each explanation of development to the appropriate prenatal stage.

Period of the embryo matches Sarah is in her fifth week of pregnancy. Period of the fetus matches Sarah's unborn child can survive outside of the uterus. Period of the zygote matches Sarah's fertilized egg divides in two‚ resulting in twins.

Illana is watching the trailer for the new movie "IT." She feels her heart start to pound and the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she watches the evil clown emerge from the depths of the sewer to terrorize young children. It is most probable that this response is the result of which division of the nervous system?

Sympathetic Nervous System

Match the cell with the correct sensory system.

Photoreceptor matches Vision Hair cells matches Auditory system Chemoreceptors matches The chemical senses Mechanoreceptors matches Touch

Which of the following was associated with reoffending in adolescent juvenile offenders?

Poor impulse control along with negative perceptions of their social context

Match the reasoning a child might provide at the various stages of morality described by Kohlberg when explaining why she did not steal candy from a store.

Pre-conventional morality matches The child indicates that she didn't steal the candy because she didn't want to get punished. Post-conventional morality matches The child indicates that she didn't steal the candy because of principles associated with justice - it is unjust to steal things that do not belong to you. Conventional morality matches The child indicates that she didn't steal the candy because she wants her parents to respect her.

Dreaming occurs during which stage of sleep?

REM Sleep

The story of Henry Molaison is a good example of a case study because:

Researchers studied him and gained valuable information about memory that could be used to formulate hypotheses and generate future research.

Edward Titchener was a __________.


Which of the following is an example of the Hawthorne effect?

Students came to more classes when they knew attendance would be taken.

You are at a party and hear gunshots. Your heart rate quickens, and you start breathing more quickly. You immediately feel yourself on high alert. What system have you likely activated?

Sympathetic nervous system

Which method did Edward Titchener use to understand the mind?

Systematic introspection

An employer completes a survey on how they agree or disagree with social equality in the workplace. Not wanting his employer to think that he is sexist, the employee decides to answer "agree" to all questions. This is an example of:

Socially desirable bias

Which of these is evidence for a nativist stance regarding knowledge?

Some perceptual illusions are not the result of experience

What type of random sampling first divides members of a population into different groups before selection?

Stratified random sampling

The USA network logo is easy to read because your brain fills in the negative space in between the "U" and the "A" and interprets it as the letter "S". So, even with one letter missing, we perceive the whole initialism (an acronym pronounced as the individual letters). What Gestalt Principle is being demonstrated here?

The Principle of Closure

What Getsalt Principle is being demonstrated with this Pillow Cake logo where you tend to see the larger image of a dog, rather than the individual shapes?

The Principle of Closure

When you are walking through the Quad on a windy fall day, you start to notice the leaves on the ground. As you walk, you see a group of leaves swirl in front of you. What is the Getalt principle that explains why you tend to see the leaves moving as a coordinated group, rather than noticing the independent motion of each leaf?

The Principle of Common Fate

With this Kolner Zoo logo, you tend to see the image in the center (the white space) as the primary figure, and it may take a while for you to notice the figures that make up the rest of the image (the green space). What Gestalt principle is being demonstrated here?

The Principle of Figure-Ground

When you look at the PlayStation logo, you will easily read the letters "P" and "S" even though the letter "S" is interrupted by the letter "P." This is due to which Gestalt Principle?

The Principle of Good Continuation

When you look at the Federal Express logo, you tend to read it as "Fed Ex" (two separate words) rather than "Fedex." This is because the letters are grouped in two different colors so you tend to see them as two different groups, even though there is no space between the D and the E. What Gestalt Principle is this demonstrating?

The Principle of Similarity

The computer and other technologies helped lead to which of the following?

The cognitive revolution

What is the defining feature of the period of the embryo?

The emergence and development of major bodily systems

What is biological determinism?

The idea that biology entirely determines how behavior manifests

Why are control groups important in experiments?

To allow for a comparison with the experimental group

Extraneous variables are:

Unwanted variables that can affect the measurements we are interested in

During a car accident, Noah struck the right side of his head. Since the accident, he has stopped shaving the left side of his face. It is possible that Noah suffers from ________.

Visual neglect

Match the system with the means of organization in the cortex.

Visual system matches Retinotopic organization Somatosensory system matches Somatotopic organization Auditory system matches Tonotopic organization

In which part of the scientific method does a scientist propose a problem to solve?

When asking a question

When would you use an interaural time difference?

When determining the location of a sound

In the first Spider-Man movie, there is a scene where Spider-Man throws two villains through a window. In the next moment, the window appears intact. It is likely that if you were to watch this scene which of the following would be true?

You wouldn't notice the window had repaired itself because you would be focused on the action.

The _________ perspective occurs when more distant objects appear hazy and often have a slight blue tint.


There are two dimensions to sound. The <blank1> of sound is determined by the rate of vibrations and is perceived as pitch.

blank1: frequency

The image below is a graphic depiction of stages of sleep as a function of time. On the X axis is time, on the Y are the different stages of sleep. Throughout the night, we progress through a predictable pattern of sleep. This image shows that early on in the night we progress through all three stages of sleep and then REM. After REM the cycle repeats. As the night progresses, we spend more time in REM and less time in slow wave sleep. The image below is called a ______________.


Match the pictures below to the teratogen that is responsible for the effects shown below. ​[1]

i)matches Zika virus ii)matches Fetal alcohol syndrome iii)matches Thalidomide

There are two dimensions to sound. The <blank1> of sound is determined by the amplitude and is perceived as volume.


Your good friend is having difficulty sleeping. Which one of the following WOULD NOT be a good suggestion?

nap regularly

Teratogens exert their most negative effects during the

period of the embryo

Which of the following factors does not protect against cognitive decline?

primarily watching television, with little social contact

Which senses are classified as chemical senses?

smell, taste

In movies, when there is a crowded scene with lots of extras, the director will often ask for the primary actors to be dressed in bright, eye-catching colors, and the extras to wear more muted colors. This is due to <blank1>the idea that some stimuli in the environment capture attention by virtue of their physical properties.

stimulus salience

In the classic movie, The Exorcist, the director inserted a few frames of an image of a scary, devilish face. The director's intent was to scare the audience, even though the image was not noticeably visible when the movie was played at normal speed. The director was hoping this <blank1> message would affect a person even though the audience could not consciously detect it.


An experimental psychology course asks all student to administer a questionnaire about classroom technology use. The approach being used here is best described as a(n) ______________ .


What is another word for occasion setter, or a cue that sets the biological clock?


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