Intro to Sociology Chapter 6 quiz

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Most of the attitudes, practices and conditions that are considered deviant by society... - are not criminal - only include criminal acts - do not necessarily violate cultural norms - all of the above

are not criminal

White collar crime is (choose all that apply) - committed by people in organizations for their own benefit - committed by people in organizations for the benefit of the company - committed by criminal groups to provide illegal goods and services - committed by people of high and low social status

- Committed by People in organizations for their own benefit - committed by people in organizations for the benefit of the company

According to Durkheim, a society that is in a state of anomie : - lacks shared consensus about right and wrong - has low levels of solidarity (social bonds) that unite members of society - creates an environment that promotes deviant behavior - All of the above

All of the above

Behavior that is determined to be deviant, and ultimately punished, is determined in the interest of the dominant class A. Structural Contradiction Theory B. Subcultural Theories C. Feminist Theory D. Class-Dominant Theory

Class - Dominant Theory

Which theory of deviance argues that because profits are realized through buying and selling things in the capitalist marketplace, unregulated market activities (like selling drugs on the street, making alcohol without a license, or even operating a catering business out of one's home without a proper license) will be defined as criminal. - Structural Contradictions Theory - Class-Dominant Theory - Opportunity Theory - All of the above

Class Dominant Theory

Subcultural theories, Class-Dominant Theory, Structural Contradiction Theory, Feminist Theory A. Functionalist Perspective B. Conflict Perspective C. Symbolic Interaction Perspective

Conflict Perspective

Presumes that groups with power will use that power to maintain advantage and keep other groups at a disadvantage A. Conflict Perspective B. Symbolic interaction perspective C. Functionalist Perspective

Conflict perspective

Forming strong bonds (solidarity) with people and institutions that disapprove of deviance will prevent people from engaging in deviant behavior A. Control Theory B. Opportunity Theory C. Strain theory

Control Theory

A theory holding that a corporate executive who embezzles funds from his company may have learned the norms and values appropriate to this kind of criminal activity by associating with others already engaged in it A. Labeling theory B. Differential Association C. Structural Contradictions Theory

Differenctial Association

______ draws attention to the importance of socialization. It asserts that it is through interaction with others that one acquires norms, values, and attitudes favorable to deviant activities. Frequent interactions with and strong emotional ties to those engaged in deviance will increase the likelihood that one will engage in deviance. a.Structural contradiction theory b.Opportunity theory c.Differential association theory d.Labeling theory

Differential association theory

argues that studies of deviance have been subject to gender bias and that both gender specific ways cultural norms and ways in which women are victimized by virtue of their gender help to account for deviance among women A. Structural Contradiction Theory B. Subcultural Theories C. Feminist Theory D. Class-Dominant Theory

Feminist Theory

Assumes that deviance serves a function in society by drawing moral boundaries, creating solidarity (social bonds) and reinforcing what is acceptable behavior in a community A. Conflict Perspective B. Symbolic interaction perspective C. Functionalist Perspective

Functionalist Perspective

Deviance and Solidarity, Strain Theory, Opportunity Theory, Control Theory A. Functionalist Perspective B. Conflict Perspective C. Symbolic Interaction Perspective

Functionalist Perspective

A teacher has observed that students who are involved in organized sports, clubs, and lessons, and those who regularly attend religious services or participate in volunteer activities, are much less likely to get in trouble at school and with the law than those who do not regularly engage in these. She concludes that being connected to people and groups that discourage rule breaking reduces the likelihood one will engage in deviant activities. Her ideas are supported by ______. a.Merton's relativist theory b.Gottfredson and Hirschi's control theory c.Patterson and Strong's theory of normativity d.Garfinkel's ethnomethodological approach to reduction

Gottfredson and Hirschi's control theory

An approach holding that deviance is the product of the labels people attach to certain types of behavior. If a person enters into secondary deviance, they begin to accept the label and see themself as deviant A. Labeling theory B. Differential Association C. Structural Contradictions Theory

Labeling Theory

Legal requirements that persons found guilty of particular crimes must sentenced to a set minimum number of years in prison is known as - Zero Tolerance Policies - The War on Drugs - Mandatory Minimum Sentencing - Three Strikes Rule

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing

Alabama state Senator Cam Ward identifies property crimes and drug possession crimes as two kinds of offenses that would be reclassified as Class D felonies if the state's reform plan is adopted. Watch the video for more details and identify what these two crimes share in common? - Neither are state crimes. - Both are state crimes. - Neither are violent crimes. - Both are violent crimes.

Neither are violent crimes.

______ are unlawful or destructive acts committed by government officials. a.Organized crimes b.State crimes c.Capital crimes d.Corporate crimes

State crimes

Which of the following statements about types of deviance is FALSE? Both violent and property crimes are considered forms of deviance Only criminal behavior is considered deviant - Sexual deviance within the context of intimate relationships can be redefined over time - Only criminal behavior is considered deviant - Those who commit powerful deviance are more likely to receive - - - acute attention but less likely to be punishment

Only criminal behavior is considered deviant

Lack of shared values create an environment that promotes deviant behavior, but people will only be able to engage in deviant behavior based on their opportunities to do so A. Control Theory B. Opportunity Theory C. Strain theory

Opportunity theory

The Texas Crew, a network of more than 100 people, is involved in smuggling drugs and guns across the border between the U.S. and Mexico. It's a complex operation. Some people transport the goods, others allow their homes to be used as storage facilities, and some are charged with the task of maintaining seemingly "legitimate" businesses that are, in fact, nothing more than "fronts" for the operation. Which term best describes the Texas Crew's activities? a.human trafficking b.white-collar crime crime d.organized crime

Organized crime

crimes committed by criminal groups that provide illegal goods and services? A. Power crimes B. State crimes C. violent crime D. white-collar crime E. organized crime F. Police Brutality and Corruption G. property crime

Organized crime

Discrepancies between a society's cultural goals for success and the means to achieve them decreases solidarity creating an environment where rates of deviance in society will be high A. Control Theory B. Opportunity Theory C. Strain theory

Strain Theory

Police accepting bribes or over-using force? A. Power crimes B. State crimes C. violent crime D. white-collar crime E. organized crime F. Police Brutality and Corruption G. property crime

Police Brutality and Corruption

crimes that involve individual ownership rights? A. Power crimes B. State crimes C. violent crime D. white-collar crime E. organized crime F. Police Brutality and Corruption G. property crime

Property Crime

A fundamental contradiction in the arrangements of capitalist economies is the need for the wealthy to keep wages low (to keep profits high), and the need to maximize consumption (which requires high wage A. Structural Contradiction Theory B. Subcultural Theories C. Feminist Theory D. Class-Dominant Theory

Structural Contradiction Theory

This video profiles Alabama's prison system. Running at double capacity, the state faces federal intervention if nothing is done to reduce the overcrowding. Lawmakers, including state Senator Cam Ward, have implemented a reform task force to develop a plan. The plan calls for nonviolent and drug offenses to be reclassified as Class D felonies, which gives judges more leniency in sentencing. If enacted by the state, this plan would allow for offenders to receive reduced sentences. Which of the following critiques of Alabama's prison reform plan might be made by taking a conflict perspective? - A conflict perspective has little to offer. - Reducing mass incarceration is an important goal, and the new reform plans stands to benefit all offenders equally. - Reducing mass incarceration is an important goal, and the new reform plan stands to benefit people of color, who are more likely to receive lighter sentences. -While reducing mass incarceration is an important goal, the new reform plan stands to benefit whites, since people of color are more likely to receive harsher sentences.

Reducing mass incarceration is an important goal, and the new reform plan stands to benefit people of color, who are more likely to receive lighter sentences.

Which of the following is an example of organized crime? - Citibank illegally used deceptive marketing practices to sell credit card add-on products - Chase Morgan violated the Bank Secrecy Act by failing to report suspicious activity of Bernie Madoff who was involved in stealing $50 million from corporate and individual investors - Bernie Madoff was a financial executive, who managed investments for his clients. He used his position to steal $50 million from corporate and individual investors - The Medellin drug cartel was a very prominent drug smuggling organization in the 1980's that made Pablo Escobar one of the wealthiest men in the world.

The Medellin drug cartel was a very prominent drug smuggling organization in the 1980's that made Pablo Escobar one of the wealthiest men in the world.

Criminal or other harmful acts committed by state officials in the pursuit of their jobs as representatives of the government? A. Power crimes B. State crimes C. violent crime D. white-collar crime E. organized crime F. Police Brutality and Corruption G. property crime

State Crimes

______ proposes a relationship between cultural messages about consumption and deviance. It asserts that deviance will be higher in societies where there is a mismatch between what people are expected to be able to purchase and what they are actually able to afford; these societies will have higher rates of deviance than societies without large gaps between cultural expectations and economic ability. a.Opportunity theory b.Structural contradiction theory c.Structuation theory d.Capital theory

Structural contradiction theory

Conflicts between different segments of the population over which cultural behaviors are considered right or wrong A. Structural Contradiction Theory B. Subcultural Theories C. Feminist Theory D. Class-Dominant Theory

Subcultural Theories

Immigrants bring norms and values with them from their original cultures, to the extent that they conflict with the norms and values of the adopted country, they may be perceived, and sometimes punished, as deviant by the dominant culture. This exemplifies which of the following theories? - Structural Contradicition Theory - Subcultural Theories of Deviance - Feminist Theory - Strain Theory

Subcultural Theories of Deviance

Labeling Theory, Differential Association A. Functionalist Perspective B. Conflict Perspective C. Symbolic Interaction Perspective

Symbolic Interaction Perspective

We see ourselves through the eyes of others and our resulting sense of self conditions how we behave A. Conflict Perspective B. Symbolic interaction perspective C. Functionalist Perspective

Symbolic interaction perspective

crimes that involve force or threat of force? A. Power crimes B. State crimes C. violent crime D. white-collar crime E. organized crime F. Police Brutality and Corruption G. property crime

Violent crimes

Crime committed by people of high status during the course of their work? A. Power crimes B. State crimes C. violent crime D. white collar crime E. organized crime F. Police Brutality and Corruption G. property crime

White collar crime

A pluralist society is a.a society with relatively little cultural diversity b.a society comprising multiple groups with different norms and values c.a society with a high level of cultural capital d.a society that maintains the right to use capital punishment for those who have been found guilty of serious crimes

a society comprising multiple groups with different norms and values

When looking at school and discipline, which of the following factors helps us to understand the school to prison pipeline? - zero tolerance policies - increased police presence in the schools - an emphasis on standardized testing - all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is not considered a violent crime? - aggravated assault - manslaughter - robbery - burglary


Crimes severe enough to merit the death penalty are known as mandatory sentencing - mandatory sentencing - zero tolerance policies - death cases - capital crimes

capital crimes

Which theoretical tradition maintains that not everyone in a given society agrees on what social rules, including laws, should be and that the rules in place often benefit powerful groups and individuals and penalize those with relatively less power? a.postassimilation b.functionalist c.symbolic interactionist d.conflict


The official attempts to discourage certain behaviors and visibly punish others most often exercised by the state defines - informal social control - formal social control - social control - differential enforcement

formal social control

Empirical research indicates that identifying children as "troubled" or "troublemakers" increases the likelihood that they will engage in rule-breaking activity. Which framework best explains this finding? a.opportunity theory theory c.labeling theory d.structural contradiction theory

labeling theory

amoral society? - pluralistic society - lawless society - post industrial

pluralistic society

According to Lemert, ______ deviance occurs when an individual is labeled as deviant, and ______ deviance occurs when one internalizes the label and changes her conduct to correspond to the label. a.recidivism; tertiary b.primary; secondary c.secondary; primary d.tertiary; recidivism

primary; secondary

The school to prison pipeline is defined as - the attempts by certain people or groups in society to control the behaviors of other individuals and groups in order to increase the likelihood that they will conform to established laws and norms - official attempts by the state to discourage certain behaviors and visibly punish others - the policies and practices that push students particularly at-risk youth out of schools and into the criminal justice system - The ability to exercise power and control

the policies and practices that push students particularly at-risk youth out of schools and into the criminal justice system

Through no fault of their own, many poor children have trouble getting to school on time and so are counted as absent. Under zero-tolerance policies, when a student accumulates a set number of absences, she may be expelled from school, labeled as "delinquent," and referred to court. This series of events may set the stage for turning a "good kid" into a "bad kid." Within a few years—or months—the child may come to think of herself as a delinquent. Unable to attend classes because she has been barred from public school and unable to find legitimate work because she lacks the credentials and skills employers demand, she may turn to stealing, drug dealing, or other criminal activities in order to prove her worth and earn money. Her illegal activities may result in incarceration. Which concept best captures this trajectory? a.atrophic association b.the school-to-prison pipeline c.feminism d.structural functionalism

the school-to-prison pipeline

Troy Davis was convicted of murder and sentenced to death in 1991. Despite a number of supporters claiming Davis was a victim of mistaken identity, Georgia's pardons board upheld his conviction. After hours of testimony at a hearing considered the last chance Davis had for avoiding the death penalty, the state of Georgia was given approval to proceed with his execution. Davis was executed by lethal injection the next day. Which of the following is NOT a formal social control used to punish Troy Davis for the murder of off-duty police officer Mark McPhail? - Davis's arrest - Davis's conviction in the court system - Davis's execution - the stigma Davis receives as a result of being convicted of the crime

the stigma Davis receives as a result of being convicted of the crime

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