Introduction to African American Society Exam 2

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3 myths of welfare

1) welfare induces childbirth- people aren't getting pregnant to get money- average person on welfare has 1-2 children, lower than those not on it 2) welfare causes dependency- lots of people depend on the government 3) marriage can end poverty- not true, would only bring 10% above poverty line- if father doesn't have money how will it help? men more likely to be unemployed so another mouth o feed for women- could be a hindrance to poor families

Notes from the back of the room

BIS: high academic standards and exceptions for all students, acceptance, respect, and positive recognition of all students races and cultures, a warm and nurturing sociomotional climate- beneficial because the reason some black students struggle is because a lack of these things- don't feel motivated or support, don't feel culturally respected studied Madison- all black majority low income school in urban setting and a BIS (black independent school)-both schools want their kids to succeed substitute white teacher at BIS came in and the teacher saying the kids were misbehaved- sub didn't think so- black kids have to go above and beyond with behavior to not confirm the stereotypes, very harsh on discipline at both schools so kids don't look undisciplined or inadequate looks at socialization- educated blacks not taught how to socialize with other groups, how to be leaders, don't speak white english- issues of the need for conformity- basically the teacher is saying to succeed black children have to adopt white ways of being high instances of self hate and anti-black sentiments among students in both schools- doing well is for white people- learning that some aspects of their culture are not acceptable outside of their homes- speaking for example somewhat of a trade off between preparing them to succeed in white world and affirming black identity

Race and the Invisible Hand Chap. 1- Royster

Invisible hand: when something is demanded, it pushes the right supply ot it, works it self out, everyone has an equal chance, businesses failing is because that supply wasn't demanded. merit based, equal chance, reaffirms racial inequality, whoever is qualified will get it, but says white people are more qualified Embeddedness approach/ visible hand= social connections effect your success- people of color don't have these social networks as often, generational privilege of whiteness- very unequal black people are used to having their privacy disturbed, not common in white communities so they weren't used to it but black communities are royster (author) can pass as white which helped- white people give more racist answer among white people and black people don't talk about racism with white people acknowledge oppression but don't see the layered effect of privilege- don't see the impact today, black people have the advantage- reverse racism- her students have a sense of entitlement, unqualified blacks getting jobs over qualified white people, embedded already into social networks and relationships, shows hand is very visible other studies wouldn't answer qualitative questions, processes that effect people throughout history, focus on outcomes but she takes a qualitative approach to see how we get to those outcomes royser used a more representational sample size, looked at these systems over time to inform the outcomes, if racism wasn't an issue you shouldn't find differences between equal candidates, uses natural experiments she found the embedded approach was a thing and invisible hand wasn't valid, whites thought they were being disadvantaged but not really the study answered how and why questions, limited sample size (25 white men, 25 black men), can't be generalized, limited by her sample size, strength also that she could pass as white, but also signify to blacks that she's black- could get honest answers from both races chose best white and black people- creaming- if you find differences in the best case scenario then there really are differences

Why are Droves of Unqualified, Unprepared Kids Getting into Our Top Colleges?

LEGACY STATUS rationale for legacy is that children of alumi are smarter, have more connections, will do better in college so should accept them- not true- legacy gpa's are lower than non legacy people talk smack about black kids getting in unqualifed by mad legacy students get in unqualified- non legacy scored better than legacy students in all areas of comparison 20% of harvard's student body gets a legacy preference- for every legacy that win's someone else privileged loses started because of influx of jews- jews started doing better than WASPS so had to use non academic means to keep the population WASPy and justify accepting lower scoring wasps public ignorance of scope and scale of legacy preferences- an ignorance carefully perserved by the elite colleges by promoting that legacy kids are just smarter all legacy apps are guarenteed a read by the dean of UC Berkeley, non legacies don't get this do this because afraid alumi parents of rejected children will stop giving to the colleges unending fundraising campaigns- schools can't survive without alumni support- say that financial aid will go away if alumi stop giving but not true- can be saved if you want it to be saved also alumni don't care that much- people who would withhold their money at the loss of the legacy privilege were far out numbed by other givers ads that say there should be no goals or quotas for any special group or category of applicants but its okay to preference legacies asian americans not worried because they'll get this special treatment in the future university turning from truth seeking enterprise into a money grubbing corporation at the expense of the loyalty of its alums.

White Preferences

SAT favors whites, so its okay to admit blacks with lower SAT scores higher percentage of white than black students answered correctly every question prescreened and chosen to appear on that SAT those that favor blacks are not included

affirmative action

black picket fences argues that moving from race based to class based will disenfranchise black- lifestyles of blacks way different than whites but class only would help them equally, but blacks don't have same wealth, look at income not wealth, should look at wealth instead of income, race and class (wealth) employment affirmative action helps white women

Investment in Whitness

contemporary ways laws and social politicies still perpeutate racial inequality. things aren't progressing lineraly- very back and forth with progress -1970's huge black progress, homeownership rocketed 1980's huge backlash- war on drugs, affirmative action taken away urban renewal: constructs new white identity: white flight to the suburbs- ethnic struggles within white population taken care of by having them all live together- whites stopped identifying as ethnic groups and more as white increased racial inequality- destroyed houses for poor people, lots of eviction, homelessness, moving from far for their jobs communities constantly in motion, hard to get community feel, black and brown people constantly moving so less political power to organize against urban renewal from happening whiteness could be a matter of life and death- your race is lined to your ability to live, more than class- toxic waste dumps and garbage incinerators located in poor communities of black and latino people- not about class, all about race- environmental racism even when you control for income, companies in government are more likely to let them be in black/latino and fines are less- our toxic waste dump is in roxbury nationally toxic waste dumps put on NA land- clear that blackness can be a matter of life and death- more black people in poverty and incarcerated than in 1970's, but you don't see those people, you see the oprah's and the obamas hold both truths together that large number of blacks are doing better but also large number doing worse

Black Cultural Capital, Status Positioning and Schooling Conflicts for Low-Income AA Youth

cultural capital: schools reproduce a stratified class system by bolstering the dominate groups cultural capital oppositional culture: role of culture explaining racial difference in academic achievement= minorities have culturally different approaches to opportunity structures- achievement= acting white social/econ/politic conditions make it so AA students develop alternative cultural responses to oppurtunies that prevent them from gathering requesite cultural capital for academic and socioeconomic success expand what is acceptable for college acting white is dominant cultural capital non dominant culture capital: acting cool aa students hold fast to meritocracy grounded theory- participants give their own experiences

Some Challenges Facing Queer Youth Programs in Urban Schools

doing difference: face to face interactions and or social practices that constitute identity racial project: simultaneously an interpretation, representation or explanation of racial dynamics and an effort to recognize and redistribute resources along particular racial lines racial formation process theory- how social structures are racially organized jamal- being gay is white so hides gayness to fit in with blacks- blacks who went to gay clubs in school could be ridiculed, also black community thought gay things weren't for them, wouldn't listen to gay announcements, wanted to see who actually went to the meetings, but at the same time jamal was out, had a boyfriend that everyone knew, but it just wasn't central to his identity, but also admired this other black girl who had her sexuality at the forefront of her being- identifying as gay made it easier to identify with white females David: queer groups made him conscious of his racial identity- hard time fitting in- saw project 10 as a support group for white lesbians, thinks black folks are less tolerant of homosexuality than whites (he's mixed) but with his own parents his black dad is more accepting than his white mom talks about how strong church tradition in black culture creates homophobic tendencies look into research about how racial separation in school clubs occurs, open discussions with students in clubs about racial identity and how it affects their choices, educate staff on how to combat racial separation in clubs

embeddedness approach (race and invisible hand)

employment difficulties of monitories are result of poor connections, all networks- institutional, group, or personal are historically and contemporarily shaped by racial segregation weak ties better because have different resources than you

Racialization of State Policy

how state policy has impaired blacks to accumulate wealth, state barriers to black economic self sufficiency homestead laws: give you free land and animals and resources to settle in the west- only white males could get this, white families still reaping the benefits of this new deal legislation: not a good thing for everyone, offered jobs to whites first and then by law could pay blacks less for same job, no competition between blacks and whites federal housing admisintioan: free loans with no down payments but couldn't give mortgage to AAs. homes hold a lot of wealth social security act of 1935: provided safety net for millions of workers but excluded agricultural and domestic workers- black people. majority of blacks excluded, not a mistake, children had to take care of elderly but already less possible to save bc/ had to take of elderly, had to pay into social security even tho they couldn't take it GI Bill: gave jobs to WWII vets, 80% of skilled jobs went to whites, 92% unskilled to blacks, 7% mortgages to blacks

Black Wealth/White Wealth

income= flow of money over time, rate per hour, week, year, etc. wealth= what people own command over financial resources that have been inherited over time- creates opportunities, taps contemporary resources and material assents that have historical roots- used to pay for college, new home, etc. wealth is passed on, income isn't economists: racial differences in wealth are b/c of education, better attitudes towards working, etc. sociologists: situate the social context in which generational wealth occurs main difference is focusing on history but you get different rats of racial inequality when you look at wealth vs. income- wealth gets passed down, savings, investments

Modified market approach (race and invisible hand)

past racial discrimination created the ghetto poor while macro economic changes- not racial discrimination- explains their economic circumstances racism is not currently a problem, dealing with past discrimination

The University Influence

power analysis frame: recognizes the absence of taking about the roots of racial inequality in most secondary schools in the united states and it often emphasizes the need to promote racial justice in society- more about activism- usually just poc diversity frame: emphasizes racial diversity but not about how it impacts society, both whites and blacks, students feel more included harvard: diversity frame- randomizes housing to stop segregation, cultural shows- promote diversity without issues of oppression, have Community Conversations but its mandatory and people resent it or don't take it seriously brown: power analysis frame- third world center- goals of program are social change and prioritizes needs to students of color, dorms for students of color (white students see them as being anti white and creating segregation, but black students see them as safe heavens from super whiteness)- looks at colonialism, racism, sexism, other systems of oppression, gives you a vocabulary to discuss oppression that you might not've had before college- some people think the program creates divisions because these students bond over summer and stick together, everyone is allowed to come but whites don't feel welcome. poc: life changing and vital, whites: polarizing and restrictive brown: emphasizes deep understanding of the historical roots of racial oppression and other oppressions, institutional structures, putting poc first harvard: more culturally inclusive, showing different cultural, commonalities between groups fewer spaces to critically engage but lets whites feel more comfortable author says should have both

Black Picket Fences- Mary Patillo-McCoy

racial segregation- black middle class also segregated, "blackish", "cosby show", "fresh prince"- no black middle class neighborhoods exist, not all integrated, segregation doesn't just impact the black poor, shapes the way blacks experience middle class life black vs. white middle class: black-near poor neighborhoods, white: separated from poor whites close proximity of black middle class to poor middle class can be effected by crime and violence from poor neighborhoods large political differences between white middle and poor classes- class makes a big differences in politics for whites, but blacks tend to have the same political views regardless of class lot more downward mobility in black middle class, white middle class likely to go up over generations. black middle class unable to replicate parents- challenge linear idea of progress graceland- black middle class youth exposed to more than white middle class says we should improve the middle class community through policy stop trying to change behaviors, very diverse community within poor and middle class, not one lifestyle but many represented in the community poor and middle class blacks exposed to same culture but middle class has privilege of higher income

Economic Detour

restrictions from participation in business on the free market, civil war to mid 1900s helps us understand low levels of black entrepreneurship- "black" markets- blacks only racial groups restricted to black markets- everyone else could open business wherever they wanted, black could only open in black communities, couldn't make as much money b/c blacks already poorer, less customers, less money coming in , less room for expansion, cant go outside of black community. white businesses wiping out businesses in black community- had more money so had more resources, could sell for cheaper successes: Johnson Publishing: based in black neighborhood, but could mail out all over the country, only black national publishing company Madame CJ Walker: hair products, first self made woman millionaire, advertised with ebony magazine, mailed products out

Sedimentation of racial inequality

the commulative effects of the past on current day economics between racial groups- blacks had cumulative disadvantage net worth: assets minus debts net financial assets: excludes equity accrued in property over 75% of wealth differences between whites and blacks are related to race, even when controlling for income

Metasterotypes and the Black-White Divide

the way black people think white people see them UPENN Dubois house asked blacks how they think whites see them- less educated, poor, dangerous, ones in dubois hate whites and don't want to integrate, entertainment, not capable of cerebral work, whites are uncomfortable around them a lot about crime and drugs and being dangerous, also thoughts about affirmative action, that they aren't as smart, hinders engagement in the classroom, also that they're all homogenous when really theyre so diverse black self segregation- dubois house- whites don't like this, blame this for lack of racial integration whites do think that way effects blacks because they have to try extra hard but this pressure makes them do worse which feeds into the stereotype blacks start to internalize these things themselves and say they are different from other black people a lot of the black people come from wealthy educated backgrounds but whites have never seen or heard of that before also blacks come from PWI before college and so do whites but that means blacks have had contact with whites but blacks haven't- blacks ready to integrate but the overly white spaces and anti-black attitudes make them not want to. white students don't see black students as intellectual or social equals for whites- limited interaction with blacks makes them rely on these stereotypes

Sub-prime Catastrophe

this generation is the first to have legal rights and opportunities to accumulate finaical assets similar to that of whites (1968) AAs own 7 cents for every dollar of net worth of whites segregation tax- homes appreciate in rate more slowly in minority and integrated neighborhoods black home ownership dropped between 2005-2007 sub prime loans have targeted at AA- housing market crash was because of onerous terms of the loans- hidden costs, exploding adjustable costs studies show that poor communities don't default more on loans so they shouldn't be more risky loans way to rectify this is reparations- social policy to decrease gap- effects of redlining etc still effect AAs and whites. redlining keeps going unofficially, black bodies make property worth less, gave huge advantage to whites

racial deficits model (race and invisible hand)

two explanations for racial disparities: 1) blacks have fewer positive cultural practices and values that make them bad workers 2) blacks simply don't have the same sills, not racism but invisible hand that sorts ppl accordingly, can't afford education to get same skills as whites

3 categories of affirmative action

voluntary: employers choose to use AA guidelines for white women, POC and disabled, white women benefit most federal contract compliance: either federal gov. agency practice classical AA, must have a written plan of how they're gonna do this, not punished as long as they're trying. must be representative of community demographics court ordered due to egregious discrimination: least practiced form, only for that has quotas reverse discrimination: only effects 2.1 percent of population, not enough to matter true discrimination is between less and more qualified whites, less qualified whites hired over more qualified whites because of connections

The Welfare Debate

welfare historically excluded blacks then became very stigmatized- free loaders- blacks- ppl on welfare wont be good moms so shouldnt have children family cap laws features of eugenics thinking

Race and Invisible Hand ch. 2

white men got more jobs because of connections (embeddedness approach). young black men only had connections to blue collar jobs, not about qualifications, about connections over time. even in the high jobs black shave to become white so they don't like it got jobs at equal rate but difference in quality of jobs, even with same quality of education they feel like they have to accept whatever job they can get, don't have the connections that whites do, can get a job without even an interview blacks take first job they can get, whites got good jobs they wanted in their field psychological effect of thinking high jobs won't have you, see people like you working low jobs, internalization of anti-black racism also problem of recommendations after graduation, blacks got labor jobs Royster's work disconfirms declining significance of race model and modified market approach and cultural deficit model (bad cultural values=unemployment)- both groups fairly equal in terms of qualifications and skills all whites and blacks had bad jobs, disproves notion that blacks don't want to put in the work to start from the bottom, more blacks pay for additional training but still get paid less and get jobs they don't want academics basically the same, blacks had higher trouble with teachers but whites had more police records white men thought they were being discriminated against, thought blackness gave the black men a leg up in filling quotas, black men thought there was a lot of nepotism and network based hiring- saw hindrance rather than a help to be black whites thought blacks here doing better than whites so we have to help white people because they aren't doing as well as blacks, not true but its their perception white people are more likely to have the types of connections that bring about jobs, white students professors could call employment places, extra step, some employers would tell white people they didn't get it because of affirmative action even if not true to spare feelings survive blue collar jobs by accommodating the racism if you leave for a higher job- one guy chose isolation rather than dealing with white coworkers- takes networks to get good jobs so those isolated are only hurting themselves more, also paid less not just who you know but also how you know them and what they will do for you, know you in a way that will assist you on labor market whites thought jobs belonged to them and that blacks were taking the jobs instead of thinking how white networks advantaged them, more likely to help whites because they think they're doing worse Royster is in favor of affirmative action harris: historical racism and property value of whiteness mcoy: race based AA- class based not the same- black middle class very different from white middle class royster: contemporary racial inequality in job market employment- illegal to hire someone who is unqualified, unqualified minorities aren't getting hired

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