Introduction To ICT (Lesson 1 )

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Involves utilizing computers to control otherwise human actions and activities

Expert Systems

A branch of AI automates tasks that are carried out by human experts, tasks that can be well defined and are typically tedious, monotonous, or hazardous to the human expert

Natural Language Processing

A branch of AI that empowers computers with the ability to understand spoken words and provides more convenient ways for people to interact with computers.


A computer that performs calculations and logical operations with quantities represented as digits, usually in the binary number system of "0" and "1"

Super Computers

A computer that plays an important role in the field of computation, and are used for intensive computation tasks in various fields, including quantum mechanics, weather forecasting, climate research, oil and gas exploration, molecular modeling, and physical simulations


A computer that processes both analog and digital data, a digital computer that accepts analog signals, converts them to digital and processes them in digital form

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

A flat-panel display that consists of a layer of color or monochrome pixels arranged schematically between a couple of transparent electrodes and to polarizing filters

Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

A flat-panel display that uses light-emitting diodes for backlighting


A form of computer that uses the continuously-changeable aspects of physical fact such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved.

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

A large vacuum tube similar to the one in a television

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

A popular technology that allows phone conversation to travel over the internet or other data networks.

Magnetic Tape

A sequential access storage medium. This means that the computer must retrieve information in the order that is was recorded, a much slower process.

Micro Computers

A small, relatively inexpensive computer with a microprocessor as its CPU


A specialized output device that produces high-quality drawings, maps, charts, and other forms of graphics


A touch-sensitive pad that lets the user move the pointer by touching and dragging his or her finger on the pad

Impact Printers

A type of printer that forms characters by striking a mechanism such a print hammer or wheel against an inked ribbon and paper

Nonimpact printers

A type of printer that forms characters without physical contact between the printing mechanism an paper

Pen-based systems

Allow people to input data by writing


Allows a user to speak into the computer to input data and instructions

Digital Camera

Allows one to take pictures then transfer the photographed images to the computer or printer instead of storing the images on a traditional film

Touch screen

Allows to use a finger as a pointing device

Display Screens

Also called a monitor, it displays data both as it is being input and after it has been processed


An act of transmitting messages


An electronic device that combines hardware and software to accept the input of data, process and store the data, and produce some useful output.


An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can accept data, manipulate the data according to specified rules, produce results, and store the results for future use


Are a key component to managing information, and information system are the primary defense against information overload


Are nothing but dedicated computers which are set-up to offer some services to the clients. They are named depending on the type of service they offered.

Solid-state Storage Medium

Both inexpensive and durable. Solid state devices include USB pen drives, SD cards, micro SD cards, newer types of hard drive, the SIM card that goes in your mobile phone and smart cards such as chip and pin credit and debit cards.


Branch of AI that empowers computers to control mechanical devices to perform tasks that require a high degree of precision or are otherwise tedious, monotonous, or hazardous for humans.

Optical Disks

Can provide tremendous storage capacities at a relatively inexpensive price

Analog Digital Hybrid

Classification of computers on the basis of data handling

Servers Workstation Information Appliances Embedded Computers

Classification of computers on the basis of functionality

Super Computers Mainframe Computers Mini Computers Micro Computers

Classification of computers on the basis of size


Collection of data stored on a computer, organized to meet user's needs

Digitizing Tablets

Combine elements of pointing device, pen, and touch screen technology.

Display Screens Printers and Plotters Audio Output Devices

Common output devices

Mini Computers

Designed for control, instrumentation, human interaction, and communication switching as distinct from calculation and record keeping, later they became very popular for personal uses with evolution. Example: Personal Laptop, PC etc.

J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly (1946)

ENIAC was a general purpose digital computer built by _______ and _______

Printers and Plotters

Enable materials displayed on a computer screen to be transferred to and displayed on paper

Storage Devices

Enables a computer system to permanently store programs and data

PC Video Camera

Enables users to create a movie or take still photographs electronically


Example of optical disks

Laser Printer and Ink-jet Printers

Examples of nonimpact printers

Micro Computers

Formed the foundation for present day microcomputers and smart gadgets. Example: Tablets, Smartwatches

1971; 1980

From ____ to ____ , very large scale integrated (VSLI) circuits were used to build computers.

Digitizing Tablets

It allows the user to write, draw, and trace design on a pressure sensitive tablet with a puck or electronic stylus

Mini Computers

These computers came into the market in mid 1960s and were sold at a much cheaper price than the main frames

Input Devices

Hardware devices which take information from the user of the computer system, convert it into electrical signals and transmit it to the processor


Has a ball that can rotate using a finger or the palm of a hand to move the pointer

Flat-Panel Displays (FPD)

Have a thin profile, are lighter and consume less power than a CRT, and are typically used for portable laptop and notebook computers

Second Generation of Computer (1959-1965)

In this generation of computer, the transistor was used as the interior sections of computer

Third Generation of Computer (1965-1971)

In this generation of computer, transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers

Fourth Generation of Computer (1971-980)

In this generation, computers also saw the development of graphical user interface (GUI), the mouse and handled devices

Fifth Generation of Computer (1980-onwards)

In this generation, the VSLI technology evolved into what is called ultra large-scale integration (ULSI) technology, with the manufacture of microprocessor chips having 10 million electronic components.

Audio Output Devices

Includes voice, music, and other sounds so that the users can hear audio output

Scanners, Readers and Data Collection Devices

Input devices that automate the input process by capturing data at its source, in machine-readable form, without much human intervention

Micro Computers

It includes a microprocessor, memory, and minimal I/O circuitry mounted on a single printed circuit board

Output Devices

Let computers communicate to users they display processed data in a form that we can understand and use

Keyboard Pointing Devices Microphone Pen-based Systems Digitizing Tablet Voice Recognition Systems

Most common and important input devices of a computer

Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) and Flat-Panel Displays (FPD)

Most common types of display screens

Super Computers

Most high performing system

Keyboard Pointing Devices Microphone Pen-based Systems Digitizing Tablet Voice Recognition Systems Scanners, Readers and Data Collection Devices Digital Camera PC Video Camera

Pointing Devices

Digital Media

Refers to music, video, photographs, graphic art, animation, and 3D graphics stored and processed in a digital format


Refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study or research


Refers to tools, materials, and processes that help solve human problems


Regarded as a processed data


Replaced vacuum tubes allowing computers to become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable

100 feet; 10 feet

The ENIAC was ____ long and _____ tall

Mainframe Computers

These are commonly called as big iron, they are usually used by big organisations for bulk data processing such as statics, census data processing, transaction processing and are widely used as the severs as these systems has a higher processing capability as compared to the other classes of computers


The ______ became more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks, which eventually led to the development of the internet.

Information Overload

The common term used to describe a state in which the amount of information available overpowers one's ability to manage and use it

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)

The first all-electronic computer

Parallel Processing and Superconductors

These are used to help make artificial intelligence a reality.

Dot-matrix Printer

The most common impact printer


The most common input device, which translates typed data into a form than can be used by the computer

Magnetic Disk

The most common secondary storage media and is a direct access.


The type of machine that is considered a necessity

Very Large Scale Integrated (VSLI)

These circuits have about 5,000 transistors and other circuit elements with their connected circuits on a single chip known as the microprocessor.

Information Appliances

They are generally referred as the mobile devices. They have very limited memory and flexibility and generally run on "as-is" basis

Embedded Computers

They are the computing devices which are used in other machines to serve limited set of requirements. They follow instructions from the non-volatile memory and they are not required to execute reboot or reset.

Information Appliances

They are the portable devices which are designed to perform a limited set of tasks like basic calculations, playing multimedia, browsing internet etc.

Fifth Generation of Computer (1980-onwards)

This generation involves computer intelligence based on artificial intelligence (AI)


Those are the computers designed to primarily to be used by single user at a time. They run multi-user operating systems.

Optical Scanners

Translates printed and handwritten characters, codes, marks, and even images such as graphics and photographs, into digital form

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Light-Emitting Diode (LED)

Types of Flat-panel displays (FPD)

Floppy Disks and Hard Disks

Types of magnetic disks

Magnetic Disk Optical Disk Magnetic Tape Solid-state Storage Medium

Types of secondary storage devices

Magnetic disk Optical disks Magnetic tape Solid-state storage medium

Types of storage devices


Used by moving it on a flat surface, pressing its two buttons (left and right), and scrolling the wheel that is located between the buttons

Voice Recognition Systems

Uses words spoken into the microphone which are analyzed by a signal processor and converted into a set of digital numbers, with each number representing a short segment of the sound

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)

Was built the time of World War II had as its first job to calculate the feasibility of a design for the hydrogen bomb

Development of the integrated circuit (IC)

Was the hallmark of third generation of computers


Were invented to compute


refers to the tangible components of a computer system or digital device

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