Introduction to Psychology Chapter 9 and 10 Study guide (intelligence and consciousness)

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The operational definition of consciousness is...

"if a cooperative person reports being aware of one stimulus but not another they were conscious of the first and not the second"

Sleep is important for

- Conservation of energy - Strengthening learning and memory

Possible explanations for G

- Many psychologists believe the g factor corresponds to an ability that underlies all kinds of intelligence, such as mental speed or working memory. - Another possibility is that different abilities correlate with one another because the same growth factors that promote any one of them also support the others.

Causes of insomnia include

- Noise - worries - indegestion - uncomfortable temperatures - alcohol or caffeine - medical or psychological disorders

Hypothesis for Flynn effect

- improved education - decreases in mental retardation - improved health and nutrition - increased cognitive stimulation - increase in marrying outside of neighborhood

The circadian Rhythm controls:

-Hunger and thirst -Urine production -Blood pressure -Alertness -Body temperature -Mood

What occurs when someone is conscious of a stimulus? Step 1?

1. The stimulus activates neurons more strongly

to determine validity, researchers look at what 5 types of evidence?

1. content 2. response process 3. internal structure 4. relation to other variables 5. consequences of testing (Can you RESPOND IN Time? REALly need bail money (consequense)

The mean IQ at each age is...


What occurs when someone is conscious of a stimulus? Step 2?

2. Their activity reverberates through other brain areas

What occurs when someone is conscious of a stimulus? Step 3?

3. That activity rebounds to magnify the original response

What occurs when someone is conscious of a stimulus? Step 4?

4. The process inhibits responses to competing stimuli.


A condition of focused attention and increased suggestibility that occurs in the context of a special hypnotist-subject relationship

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

A noninvasive imaging technique that uses magnetic fields to map brain activity by measuring changes in the brain's blood flow and oxygen levels. (Accurate location of brain activity)

Latent content

According the Feud, hidden ideas that the dream experience represents symbolically

Who devised the first IQ tests?

Alfred Binet and Theophile Simon

Brain scans indicate that brain activity responsible for movement occurs.....

Before the reported time of the conscious decision


Caused by traumatic brain damage, the brain shows a steady but low level of activity and no response to any stimulus, including pain.

monarchic theory of intelligence

Charles spearman; intelligence consists of g or general intelligence, and s or specific abilities

Measuring validity of a test is _____


neurocognitive theory

Dreaming is simply a kind of thinking, similar to daydreaming or mind wandering, that occurs under these conditions: - reduced sensory stimulation - reduces activity in prefrontal cortex - loss of voluntary control of thinking - enough activity in other brain areas

rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

During this stage of sleep, the sleeper's eyes move rapidly back and forth under the closed eyelids.

Most young adults are ________people, while those over 65 are ______ people

Evening or intermediate; morning

People suffer serious jet lag when traveling....

From west to east

Hypnosis can not

Give people special strength of powers, or improve working memory


IQ score of 130 or more approx

What part of the brain inhibits movement during sleep?

Medulla to the spinal cord

stage 2 sleep

NREM pulse and breathing slower, longer slower brain waves

Stage 1 sleep

NREM, just fallen asleep, neural activity is unsynchronized

vivid dreams are most common during

REM sleep

How does the suprachiasmatic nucleus control the rhythm?

Regulating the pineal gland's secretions of melatonin

what is "S"

Specific factors of intelligence includes mechanical, spatial, logical, and arithmetical

REM sleep resembles _______ except for rapid eye movement

Stage 1 sleep

Which are the most widely used IQ tests?

The Stanford-Binet and Wechsler tests


The ability to learn, or fluid intelligence

Brain death

The brain shows no activity, often recovery does not occur


The repeatability of a test's scores, determined by calculating correlation coefficient

consciousness is...

The subjective experience of perceiving oneself and one's surroundings.

Which area of the brain generates an approximate 24 hour rhythm?

The suprachiasmatic nucleus


The tendency for test scores to overstate or understate the true performance of one or more groups

activation-synthesis theory

Theory that dreams occur because the cortex takes the haphazard activity that occurs during REM sleep plus whatever stimuli strike the sense organs and does its best to make sense of this activity.

Why did early psychologists abandon the study of consciousness?

They thought that consciousness was an internal private experience that cannot be measured. They lacked methods to measure brain activity. They moved on to studying behavior.

Why was the stanford-binet iq test originally created?

To place children with intellectual deficiencies in special classes

IQ tests are reasonable stable over time for most individuals t/f


The brain processes stimuli even without consciousness. t/f


The activity in the brain after a unconscious stimulus is...

Weak and localized primarily to the visual cortex

What are ways to combat stereotype threat?

Writing interventions informing testers of stereotype threat and urge them to relax

standard deviation

a computed measure of how much scores vary around the mean score (for IQ tests it is around 15-16)

deja vu experience

a feeling that an event is uncannily familiar

adaptive testing

a method where the range of items used is adapted to the performance of the individual

a correlation coefficient of +1 indicates

a perfectly reliable test (exact same result of everyone)

Jet lag

a period of discomfort and inefficiency while your internal clock is out of phase with your new surroundings.

circadian rhythm

a rhythm of activity and inactivity lasting about a day

correlation coefficient

a statistical measure of the extent to which two factors vary together, and thus of how well either factor predicts the other (-1 to +1)

Backward masking

a stimulus appears on a screen followed by a interfering stimulus


a stimulus appears on a screen for a fraction of a second, preceeded by an interfering stimulus.

posthypnotic suggestion

a suggestion to do or experience something after coming out of hypnosis (help break unwanted habits)


a systematic procedure for inducing a calm, relaxed state through the use of special techniques, decreases anxiety, increases attention and relaxation

Manifest content

according to Freud, content that appears on the surface of a dream

crystalized intelligence

acquired skills and knowledge and the ability to apply that knowledge in specific situations (older people have this)

Lowest correlation of IQ scores

adoptive parent and adopted child

Consciousness of a stimulus appears to be an ___________ process

all or none

Attentional Blink

an inability to report a target stimulus if it appears soon after another target stimulus

Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)

an individual test developed especially for school-aged children; it yields verbal, performance, and full scale IQ scores Used for children up to 16 years old

psychometric approach

based on the measurements of individual differences in performance

Even during sleep-deprivation the body_________ because of your circadian rhythm

becomes more alert at certain times

WISC and WIAS subscores

call attention to strengths and weaknesses, used to identify potential learning disabilities


caused by losing brain cells that produce orexin, experience sudden attacks of sleepiness during the day

Night terror

causes someone to awaken screaming and sweating with a racing heart rate, sometimes flailing with the arms and pounding the walls

sleep apnea

characterized by failing to breathe for a minute or more and then wake up gasping for breath.

Unconscious processes are an important part of_______



combine EEG measurements with eye movement measurements, used by sleep researchers


consistently not getting enough sleep to feel rested the next day. inability to fall or stay asleep.

What is "g"

describes the overlap of general abilities or intelligence


descriptions of how frequently various scores occur

Moving forward is ______ that going backward in shift time


S-B IQ test scores are computed from tables in order to..

ensure that a given score means the same at different ages.

Intellectual development depends on

environment, physical health in early childhood

Most dreams are similar to ____

everyday life

Lucid dreaming

experience of becoming aware that one is dreaming, Increased activity in frontal and temporal cortex, deceased everywhere else

Evening types tend to be more______


children's intellectual development can not be helped by extensive intervention in early childhood if continued for years t/f


Voluntary decisions are....

gradual and not sudden

The lower the reliability, the ______ the fluctuation of scores



in testing, the process of evaluating the questions, establishing rules for administering a test, and interpreting the scores

Hypnosis can

inhibit pain, posthypnotic suggestion

REM sleep is paradoxical because

it is light, meaning brain, heart rate is active; but also deep as the large muscles of the body are fully relaxed and immobile.

IQ tests for infants have _____ reliability


Sleep-deprived people have difficulty...

maintaining attention

minimally conscious state

marked by brief periods of purposeful actions and speech comprehension, next step up from VS.

Vegetative state

marked by limited responsiveness, such as increased heartrate in response to pain, alternate between sleeping and wakefulness.

Formula to calculate IQ

mental age/chronological age x 100

People pretending to be hypnotized....

mimic known behaviors of truly hypnotized people

The highest correlation among IQ scores is for

monozygotic twins reared together


neurotransmitter that allows for prolonged wakefulness

slow-wave sleep

non-REM sleep, characterized by synchronized EEG activity during its deeper stages (3 and 4)

Sleep talking

occurs in all stages but mostly stage 2,

Sleep apnea is most common in _____

over-weight males who's breathing passages have narrowed

Stereotype threat

people's perceived risk of performing poorly and thereby supporting an unfavorable stereotype about their group

Stanford-Binet Test

procedure designed by Binet and Simon and later modified for English speakers by Stanford psychologists, tests items are designated by age (adaptive testing)

flash suppression

procedure of blocking consciousness of a stationary visual stimulus by surrounding it with rapidly flashing items

intelligence quotient (IQ) tests

procedures that try to predict someone's performance in school and similar settings

periodic limbic movement disorder

prolonged "creepy-crawly" sensations in their legs, accompanied by repetitive leg movements strong enough to awaken the person, especially during the first half of the night.

Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

proposes seven areas of intelligence including: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal

a correlation coefficient of 0 indicates

random results (individuals guessed the whole test)

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

record of the electrical activity of the brain, (accurate timing of brain activity)

mentally challenged/disabiled

refers to people more than 2 standard deviations below average (IQ less than 68 or 70)

Sunlight ______ the rhythm in the Suprachiasmatic nucleus


Down syndrome

results in many impairments as a result of an extra copy of chromosome 21, manifests as impaired speech development, motor skills, and cognition

ganglion cells in the retina respond to ______

short wavelengths of light over a period of time and send output to the SCN.

Whales and dolphins sleep despite having to swim to the surface to breath by....

sleeping on one side of the brain at a time

Consciousness of a stimulus occurs _________ the stimulus itself

slightly after

sleep spindles

stage 2; brief bursts of fast activity that appear something like the shape of an "eye" as they rapidly increase in amplitude and then rapidly decay

Stanford-Binet scores provide...

subscores for visual reasoning, short term memory, etc, also provides an overall score and a nonverbal score

The rising and setting of the ____ helps set our CR but we generate the rhythm ourselves.


Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

technique that measures brain activity by detecting tiny magnetic fields generated by the brain (accurate timing of brain activity)

Flynn effect

tendency for performance on IQ tests to improve from one generation to the next. about 3 points every 10 years

binocular rivalry

the alternation between seeing the pattern in the left retina and the pattern in the right retina

Mental age

the average age of children who perform as well as the child

If the SCN is damaged...

the body's activity cycles become erratic

test-retest reliability

the correlation between scores on a first test and a retest


the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores for the intended purposes

Readiness potential

the increased motor cortex activity prior to the start of the movement


the most frequently occurring score(s) in a distribution

Progressive matrices

the most widely used culture -reduced test, where the matrices progress gradually from easy to difficult items, and attempt to measure abstract reasoning (only provides a single score)

Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

the most widely used intelligence test; contains verbal and performance (nonverbal) subtests, working mem, processing speed, verbal comprehension etc

fluid intelligence

the power of reasoning, using information, and solving new problems (younger people have this)

normal distribution

the scores for a population approximate the normal distributions indicated by bell shaped curve

Regression to mean

the tendency for those who score very low on a test to improve upon retest and those who score very high to score lower upon retest.

more dreams are _______ than pleasant


Chronological age

time since birth

A possible function of conscious thought is

to prepare for future action when a similar situation arises

No common genetic variant has been found for intelligence t/f


Psychologists must remove items of tests that are easy for one group and hard for other groups t/f


intelligence depends on many genes making small contributions, and epigenetic factors t/f


In some few cases, patients have been reported as being conscious despite being in a ________

vegetative state

Hypnosis is not greatly different from


Sleep walking

walking or carrying out behaviors while asleep (not while dreaming) motor cortex is active, rest is not.

(backward) Masking, Flash suppression, and attentional blink are all....

ways of controlling consciousness of a stimulus


what someone has already learned, or crystalized intelligence

Whether or not blind people have dreams depends on_____

when they lost their eyesight

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