Introduction to Word Processing
A book of synonyms
Document Page
A graphic within the word processor that shows you what your hardcopy (printed version) will look like.
A heading stating the name, address, logo, etc
Lonely heading
A heading that is placed by itself just above a page break
A key that moves the text insertion point to a different place in the current line. Pressing it once creates a single indent (usually 1/2 inch)
Line of text
A new line of text created by pressing the enter key
Word processor
A software application (or hardware device) used for creating and manipulating text-based documents. Examples: Microsoft Office Word & Google Docs
A temporary storage area for items that are cut or copied
A word processor's ability to automatically correct typing, spelling, capitalization, or grammar errors as you type
Word Wrapping (Text Wrapping)
Allows you to type words in a paragraph continually without pressing the ENTER key at the end of each line like when using a typewriter machine
Font style
Also called typeface, this defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters
Arrangement of text and images on a page, often by following a standardized template
Ctrl + C
Copy selected content to the clipboard
Ctrl + X
Copy selected content to the clipboard and delete
Copying an item from the Office Clipboard in a document
Create a new line
Distance between text and the edges within the page space
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard combinations that are shortcuts to formatting, commands, etc.
Ctrl + V
Paste from the clipboard to the selected area
Placing items on the Clipboard while leaving the item in the document
Removing an item or graphic from a document
Ctrl + A
Select all
Spacing the first line of text from the left margin. Accessed by pressing the tab key
Text and/or graphics that print at the bottom of every page
Text and/or graphics that print at the top of every page
Word processing
The act of using a word processor to write, format, edit and print text, such as: letters, reports, or memos
The area above the document page that provides easily clicked icons that provide various formatting and style options
White space
The blank space between text and graphics on a page
Font size
The size of a font
Character spacing
The spacing between characters (it can be changed by the setting, or manually by spacebar presses.
Line spacing
The spacing between lines of text (it can be changed by the setting, or manually by enter presses.
To use someone else's work and claim it to be your own; it's unethical and is against school policy
Page break
Typing on a new page--can be automatic or manual
Ctrl + Z
Undo the last action. This selection can be repeated several times.
When YOU check for grammatical errors, formatting errors, spelling errors, and correct source information. Don't rely on AutoCorrect
Bold (Ctrl + B)
When text appears thicker and darker than normal text
Italic (Ctrl + I)
When text has a slanted appearance
Underlined (Ctrl + U)
When text has and underscore (_) below each character
Block formatting
Where all lines of text are aligned at the left margin (no indents)
Spelling & Grammar Check
the common word processing option that checks a document for spelling & grammar errors