Iran Test

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What did they choose?

Islamic republic

How did Iranians determine what sort of government they would have?

Khomeini organizations groups to get rid of west made fear and no opposition

How did Khomeini describe the laws giving all Americans living in Iran immunity from Iran's laws?

Khomeini said that the laws would turn Iran into an "American Colony

Describe the political goals of Mohammad Reza Shah during his reign. Why do you think they met with so much resistance amongst the Iranian people?

Many Iranians resisted Mohammad Reza Shah because U wanted to make a new British Oil Concession that would favor Britain over Iran, as he felt that he owed Britain that much for giving him power. Iranians went against this because they were sick of foreign influence and because the Iranians needed jobs and a better economy to support the majority of Iranian who lived in poverty.

How did Mohammed Mossadegh's ideas conflict with those from Great Britain and the United States?

Mohammad Mossadegh wanted to reduce Shah and military power along with landowners powers and increasing the peasants power by letting them own land. He also wanted to cut what he believed to be unjust foreign relations which went against the U.S. and Britain's' hope to gain oil and stop potential Soviet-Iran ties.

Who was overthrown in a coup by the US

Mohammad Reza Sha

How did political repression by the Shah lead to the rise of importance Ayatollah Khomeini?

The Shah began to oppress people's right to speak out against the Israeli oil shipment and foreign policy causing Iranians to feel afraid to speak out. Khomeini rose to power from this because he had the courage to speak giving others the courage to do so as well. He gained even more followers by using religion to back him up.

Sharia Law

The code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and examples of Muhammad; "Sharia is only applicable to Muslims", "Under Islamic Law there is no separation of church and state."


The oldest religious community of Iran. It is a monotheistic pre-Islamic religion of ancient Persia.

Main questions in the unit

"What were the events that led to anger against the shah and eventually to revolution? How did Iranians determine what sort of government they would have? Why is it important to understand the Iranian Revolution today? "Why was there so much upheaval and change in Iran? "

Who tried to westernize Iran

Reza Shah

In 1907, Britain and Russia agreed to divide Iran into two spheres of influence, how did they divide Iran?

Russia took northern Iran England took the south-east part of Iran The middle part remained neutral

What groups made up the national front?

Secular groups and members of the ulama

Achaemenian Empire

- The first empire - Cyrus the Great founded it - Cyrus began a series of wars that conquered neighboring tribes - Created a postal system, roads, legal system, taxation system & government system -It was the largest empire -It had an absolute monarch -200 year span -It ended when it was conquered by Alexander the Great Over all:

Safavid Dynasty

-Formed a powerful, highly organized state. -Began when Isma'il convinced many tribes that he was a descendant of Imam Ali. -Him and the tribes conquered Iran and Isma'il declared himself Shah. -He made Shi'ism the mandatory faith, so Shi'ism flourished during this time. -Established the ulama. -Built an organized and effective government. -Trade grew between Iran and other countries. The most famous Safavid ruler was Shah Abbas. Over all:

Pahlavi Dynasty

-He worked to strengthen the role of the central government and to concentrate power in his hands. -Reza Shah ordered the construction of new roads, railroads, factories, hospitals, and ports. He expanded public education at all levels for boys and for girls. -He sent the army into tribal areas, limited the tribes' movements, and forced them to disarm. Tribal rebellions were ruthlessly put down. These policies impoverished and weakened the tribes. Thousands died at the hands of the army and from starvation. -One of the results of Reza Shah's policies was that Iranians moved from rural areas into cities. -He worked to strengthen the role of the central government and to concentrate power in his hands.

Sassanian Dynasty

-One of the goals was to unify the empire and create political stability -Arts, architecture, and other elements of Persian culture flourished. -Rulers emphasized having social control and power. -Strict class structures developed. -Founded by Ardeshir Over all:

Why did Shi'ism become the mandatory fate in Iran?

Shi'ite Islam became the mandatory fate in the Safavid Dynasty because he claimed to be the relative of Mohammad, causing other people to agree and follow. He, also made the Ulama have a lot of political power and influence. By bring the Shiite Ulama into politics successfully caused many to convert to Shiite Islam.

Qajar Dynasty

-Various tribal and regional confederations tried to gain power over Iran. -Agha Mohammad Khan got the power in the end and established this dynasty. Did not have religious or political prestige, which enhanced the economy of the clergy. Hierarchical and corrupt. Taxes went to the Shah and was not helpful to society. Economy lacked the infrastructure to grow.

What shaped the relationship between Iran & the U.S.?

1. 1951 Iran nationalizes oil under Mohamad Mosedec 2. 1953 Coup Us and Brittany over through Mohamad Mosedec 3. s1953 US and Brittany bring shah back into power which lasts for 25 years Iranian revolution to overthrow the shah for 1978-79 Shah is overthrown 1979 US lets shah stay in US Iran fears US will stage another coup Iran hostage crisis- take the U.S. Embassy hold them for over a year- US still haven't recovered 1980-1988 Iran Iraq war US takes Iraqs war 2003 US invades Iraq

What did the scarcity of water lead to?

1. A religion that emphasized justice and fairness 2. Effective Government

5 Dynasties

1. Achaemenian Empire 2. Sassanian Dynasty 3. Safavid Dynasty 4. Qajar Dynasty 5. Pahlavi Dynasty

Cold War effects

1. British Empire decline 2. Presence of soviet military in Northern Iran 3. The U.S sponsored the overthrow of Mossadegh and the Shah was supported by the U.S. for 25 years..

Which two groups organized the Tobacco Protest?

1. Intellectuals 2. Ulama

How did Reza Shah try to westernize Iran?

1. Made both boys and girls go to school 2. Made wearing Hijabs illegal 3. Made men wear western clothes

What happened during the 20th century?

1. Shah was in power 2. He was overthrown during the Islamic Revolution 3. Turned into an Islamic Republic 4. Iran-Iraq war 5. Iranian hostage crisis

Which forms of government did the Iranians consider?

1. Socialist 2. Parliamentary 3. Islamic republic

What groups made up the National Front?

1. Soviet Tudeh Party 2. Members of the Ulama

What measures did the Shah take to reduce the growing religious influence in Iran?

1. Tortured & killed religious leaders, by using the the SAVAK 2. Prevented large religious gatherings 3. Replace the influence of Islam with Iranian Nationalism Emphasizing monarchy as the lynchpin of the Iran nation The SAVAK was used to suppress and weaken religious leadership The reduction of Islamic influence by replacing it with Iranian nationalism

How did many Iranians regard the policies of Nasar as-Din Shah? Explain.

The Iranians saw the Shah as greedy because the Shah had a lot of money there was still a lot of poverty in Iran creating a lot of tension and causing people to believe that the Shah was corrupt. Also, many Iranians were also concerned because there wasn't any industrialization like Europe causing citizens to feel they are falling behind. He also began to oppress the ideas of a western government angering the Iranians more.

What were the land reforms, were they successful?

The Land reform tried to give land that belonged to the rich to the poor.however, this land reform was unsuccessful as landowners became angry because they felt alienated by the Majils, as they usually were able to overrule them.


A Sunni extreme Jihadist group group. They are trying to kill as many Shiite as possible since they had suppressed the Sunnis so much

The Prophet Muhammad

A man who had a revelation from the angel Gabriel. He preached a message with values of generosity, solidarity, and courage. Said that poor had the right to share with the rich. He had established a religion with clear guidelines for personal conduct and social order. Controversy rose about his successor which created two branches of Islam: Shi'i and Sunni.


A member of one of the two great religious divisions of Islam that regards Ali, the son-in-law of Muhammad, as the legitimate successor of Muhammad, and disregards the three caliphs who succeeded him.


A socialist is someone who supports the political philosophy of socialism, which is a governmental system that advocates community ownership and control of all lands and businesses rather than individual ownership.

Parliamentary System

A system of democratic governance of a state in which the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from, and is held accountable to, the legislature (parliament); the executive and legislative branches are thus interconnected.


A system of government that believes in community ownership and having societal equality. It is similar to communism.

Veleyat-e Faqih

Also known as Islamic Government is a book by the Iranian Shi'a Muslim cleric and revolutionary Ayatollah Khomeini, and probably the most influential document written in modern times in support of theocratic rule.

Ayatollah Khomeini

Ayatollah Khomeini became the supreme religious leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, following many years of resistance to Shah Pahlavi. Following his appointment as Ayatollah, Khomeini worked to remove the Shah from power for his associations with the West. Upon the success of the revolution Ayatollah Khomeini was named religious and political leader of Iran for life.

Why was Britain determined to remain the dominant foreign power in Iran after World War I

Britain wanted to remain the dominant foreign power in Iran after WWI because they wanted to control Iranian oil which greatly benefitted them in war and any future wars.


Gave foreigners the right to develop the economy

Why did Reza Shah make boys and girls go to school?

He made both boys and girls go to school so that they could both have the chance of getting "male" professions like the West.

Why did Reza Shah make men where western clothing?

In hopes of westernizing the country he tried to get rid of Islamic traditions.

Why did Reza Shah make wearing Hijabs illegal

In hopes of westernizing the country he tried to get rid of Islamic traditions.

Explain how the rule of the Ulama increased in the Qajar Dynasty.

In the Safavid Dynasty Shiite Islam became increasingly popular because of new Shiite schools form the government and the special social power was given to The Ulama. The Ulama are Islamic theologians. Because of this in 1722 majority of Iranians believe in Shiite over Sunni

Why did Iran become more politically open during the first years of Muhammad Reza Shah?

Iran became more politically open because the Shah had less power, causing the Iranians to fear the Shah less.

What was the goal of oil nationalization?

Iran wanted more of a profit from oil to put into their economy

What were the events that led to anger against the shah and eventually to revolution?

Thesis: He was selfish in his views rulings Ex: 1. The Iranians saw the Shah as greedy because the Shah had a lot of money there was still a lot of poverty in Iran creating a lot of tension and causing people to believe that the Shah was corrupt. Also, many Iranians were also concerned because there wasn't any industrialization like Europe causing citizens to feel they are falling behind. He also began to oppress the ideas of a western government angering the Iranians more. 2. 3.


a body of Muslim scholars recognized as having specialist knowledge of Islamic sacred law and theology.


a head covering worn in public by some Muslim women.

D'Arcy Oil Concession

a large concession granted to the British. It did not benefit Iran.

Shi'i, Shi'a, Shi'ism:

a member of one of the two great religious divisions of Islam that regards Ali, the son-in-law of Muhammad, as the legitimate successor of Muhammad, and disregards the three caliphs who succeeded him.


a type of government that seeks to increase its size, either by forcing (through war) or influencing (through politics) other countries to submit to their rule.

Velayet-e Faqih

also known as Islamic Government is a book by the Iranian Shia Muslim cleric and revolutionary Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, first published in 1970, and probably the most influential document written in modern times in support of theocratic rule

Tobacco Protest

the first mass nationwide popular movement in Iran and was directed both against a tobacco concession given to a British subject in 1890 and, implicitly, against the shah, Nasir al-DTn, who granted it, and several other concessions, especially to the British and Russians.


the parliament of various North African and Middle Eastern countries, especially Iran.


The religion arrived when Arabs conquered Iran. Portrayed a message of justice and fairness, which many Iranians liked. Monotheism and good and evil. Most Iranians adopted Islam.

Describe the role of the SAVAK under the Shah.

The role of the SAVAK under the Shah was to hunt down the Tudeh members so he could consolidate power. SAVAK stood for intelligence and security organization of the country, they basically were a secret police organization.

White Revolution

The shah reversed Mosaddeq's nationalization. With U.S. assistance he then proceeded to carry out a national development program, called the White Revolution, that included construction of an expanded road, rail, and air network, a number of dam and irrigation projects, the eradication of diseases such as malaria, the encouragement and support of industrial growth, and land reform.

What was the significance of the idea the Ayatollah Khomeini devolved in Exile?

The significance of Velayet-e Faqih was that it blames injustices in Iran in the influence of Western Countries.

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