ISA 235 final exam (big questions)

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Business decision making process- understand the importance of decision making for managers at each of the three primary organization levels (strategic, managerial, operational).

strategic level- managers develop overall business strategies, goals and objectives as part of the companies strategic plan Managerial level- employees are continuously evaluating company operations too hone the firm's ability to identify, adapt to and leverage change. operational level- employees develop, control and maintain core business activities required to run the day-day operations.,

decision making by organization level, and relation to MIS: should understand decision-making, how it differs by level, and how each level uses systems to make those decisions

strategic level- unstructured decision-- occurs in situations in which no one procedures or rules exist to guide decision makers towards a correct choice managerial level- semi-structure decisions-- occurs in situations in which a few established processes help to evaluate potential solutions, but not enough to lead to a definite recommended decision operational level- structured decisions-- Involves situations where established processes offer potential solutions

competitive advantage- understand the general way organizations obtain competitive advantage: the Evaluate/Set Strategy/Execution overlay and the role each plays in developing the competitive advantage.

A feature of a product or service on which customers place a greater value than on similar offerings from competitions. Apples, iPod and itunes was a brilliant merger of tech, business and entertainment. acquiring new tech, copying the business operation and hiring key employees

Preparedness - should be able to describe the importance of and methods a firm can use to verify that it is ready to respond to an emergency in an organized, timely, and effective manner

Backup- an exactt copy of systems information Recovery- the abilitty to get a system up and running in the event of a system crash or failure that includes restoring the information back up Fault tolerance- A general concept that a system has the ability to respond to unexpected failures or system crashes as the backup system immediately and automatically takes over with no loss of service disaster recover- process of recovering information or a system in the event of a catastrophic disaster Hot site- a separate and fully equipped facility where the company can move immediately after a disaster cold site- a seperate facility that does not have any computer equipment warm site- a special facility with computer equipment that requires installation and configuration but has computers

business process modeling- know the value of business process modeling, and compare As-Is and To-Be models. Understand the relationship to systems thinking.

Business Process modeling- The activity of creating a detailed flowchart or process map of work process that shows its inputs, tasks, and activities in a structured sequence. As-is process model- represents the current state of the operation that has been mapped, without any specific improvements or changes to existing processes To-be process model- shows the results of applying change improvement opportunities to the current (as-is) process model

strategy- the concept of business strategy, noting that Porter's 5 Forces is 1 way to define - but it's not the only way.

Business strategy is a leadership plan that achieves a specific set of goals or objectives such as increasing sales decreasing costs, entering new markets or developing new products or services Porters five forces model - a model for analyzing the competitive forces within the environment in which a company operates, to assess the potential for profitability SWOT analysis- evaluates project position the three generic strats - chooses business focus value chain analysis- executes business strategy

business intellegence - understand how companies sift through large amounts of data, extract information and turn that information into actionable knowledge.

Business use relational databases such as SQL to extract information and relationships Primary key- a field that uniquely identifies a given record in a table foreign key- A primary key of one table that appears as an attribute in another table and acts to provide a logical relationship between two tables.

function and strategic importance of CRM systems- understand the goals of CRM, both strategic and operational. You don't need to memorize a list (like the list of strategic goals on p. 224), but you should understand them in broad strokes and be able to recognize them in context

CRM- A means of managing all aspects of a customer's relationship with an organization to increase customer loyalty and retention and an organizations profitability Goals: Lead: A person or company that is unknown to your business account: an existing business relationship exists and can include customers, prospects, partners and competitors contact: specific individual representing the account sales opportunity: an opportunity exists for a potential sale of goods or services related to an account or contact

Business as a system- identify how different departments in a company are challenged in working together to achieve success, and be able to explain systems thinking and how management information systems enable business communications.

Companies are usually organized by accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, operations management, sales. its virtually impossible fro a company to work if not every department is working together. system thinking is - a way of monitoring the entire system by viewing multiple inputs being processed or transformed to produce outputs while continuously gathering feedback on each part MIS enables business communication by it moves information about people and products and process across companies to facilitate decision making. to fulfill a product order across all functional areas MIS will move a single customer order across all functional areas.

Data base management systems - should be able to describe how DBMS allows users to create, read, update, and delete structured data in a relational database. Further, you should be able to explain the role that relational database management systems play in data-driven decision making.

DBMS (database management system) - creates, read, updates and deletes data in a database while controlling access and security Query-by-example tool- helps users graphically deisgn the answer to a question against a database structured query language- users write lines of code to answer questions against the database answers questions like how many users purchased a certain product

data warehousing- should be able to explain how data warehouses extend the transformation of data into information while providing the ability to support decision making without disrupting the day-to-day operations.

Data warehouse- a logical collection of information, gathered from many different operational databases that supports business analysis activities and decision-making tasks. THE KEY TO THIS IS THAT WITHIN DATA WAREHOUSING IS TO COLLECT INFORMATION FROM MULTIPLE SYSTEMS IN A COMMON LOCATION THAT USES A UNIVERSAL QUERYING TOOL

integration tools- understand that enterprise systems replace multiple siloed systems with a single application, thus integrating the systems. You should recognize EAI as an alternative that uses middleware to connect legacy applications

Enterprise sysetms- provides enterprise wide support and data access for a firms operation and business process. replace multiple siloed systems with a single application, thus integrating the systems EAI- takes a new approach to middleware by packaging commonly used applications together, reducing the time needed to integrate applications from multiple vendors/ connect legacy applications

acting ethically v legally (blurred lines) - understand that legal and ethical lines are blurry and everyone's ethical lines are different.

Ethically- the principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people legally- What is not considered breaking the law

The IS organization- The key concept is the notion of the IT organization and its role in an organization

IT plays a significant role in organizations, as well as a lot of people with IT and IS backgrounds are now getting promoted to CEOs and CIOs

current information ethics

Information ethics- information ethics govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies, as well as the creation, collection, duplication, distribution, and processing of information itself

network catergories- provide an overview of the main types of typical computer networks including the hardware and software needed to for these networks to operate successfully. You should be able to compare and contrast how the categories have blended into the connectivity infrastructure that business is built upon today, how they relate to the Internet.

LAN - connects a group of computers in proximity, such as in an office building or school WAN- spans a large geographical area such as a state or province, or country MAN- a large computer network usually spanning a city These services offer users accessible and relaible network infrastructure, they differ in cost and performance WAN for example cost more or is less effective because it spans across a larger area than lan. ethernet is very useful here.

Evolution of the MIS Infrastructure - describe how firms which have traditionally relied on onsite hardware, are now incorporating cloud services, and how the increase in the use of cloud services can help establish a sustainable infrastructure now and in the future.

MIS infrastructure- includes the plans for how a firm will build, deploy, use, and share its data, processes and MIS assets cloud services- stores and manages and process data and applications over the internet rather than on a personal computer or server

The benefits and challenges of outsourcing - understand what outsourcing is, and be able to recognize the benefits and challenges.

Outsourcing- an arrangement by which one organization provides a service or services for another organization that chooses not to perform them in-house benefits- increased quality and efficiency of business processes - reduced operating expenses for head count and exposure to risk for large capital investments -access to outsourcing service providers expertise, economies of scale, best practices, and advanced technologies -increased flexibility for faster response to market changes and less time to market for new products or services challenges: length of contract -it can be difficult to break the contract -forecasting business need for the next several years is challenging and the contract might not meet future business needs -recreating an internal MIS department if the outsource provider fails is costly and challenging

Ebusiness Revenue Models - understand how businesses generate revenue from ebusiness.

Pay-per-click- generates revenue each time a user clicks on a link to a retailer's website pay-per-call- generates revenue each time users click on a link that takes them directly to an online agent waiting for a call pay-per-conversation- generates revenue each time a website visitor is converted to a customer. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added service fees.

the need for project management - should understand the need for project management and its relationship to software development processes and methodologies. You should be able to describe the triple constraint and its implications.

Project management provides a controlled way to respond to changing market conditions, to foster global communications, and to provide key metrics to enable managerial decisions making triple constraint- time cost and scope, all projects are limited to these constraints in some way

Protocols - be able to explain the usefulness of an accepted or established code of procedure or behavior in any group, organization, or situation and how protocols have contributed to the success of the Internet in creating a connected world.

Protocol- A standard that specifies the format of data as well as rules to be followed during transmission. File transfer protocol- A simple network protocol that allows the transfer of files between two computers on the internet Transmission control protocol/ internet protocol - provides the technical foundation for the public internet as well as for large numbers of private networks

responsive MIS - be able to explain why a company's infrastructure must be able to grow and change as the company grows/changes.

Responsive MIS can be described by: Information MIS infrastructure - identifies where and how important information such as customer records, is maintained and secured Agiles MIS infrastructure- includes the hardware and telecommunications equipment that, when combined, provides the underlying foundation to support the organizations goals. sustainable MIS infrastructure- identifies ways that a company can grow in terms of computing resources while simultaneously becoming less defendant on hardware and energy consumption

Why project management, the SDLC and other development methodologies are needed - understand the challenges and risks inherent in system development projects. You should be able to discuss the causes of these failures (refer to pp. 267-267). You need not know all the details of each phase of the SDLC, but should know, in broad strokes, what goes in in each phase

SDLC system development life cycle- the overall process for developing information systems, from planning and analysis through implementation skipped sdlc phases unclear or missing business requirments changing technology the cost of finding errors balance of the triple constraint planning(goals)- analysis(refines goals)-design(desired features)-developement( transform into sysetms) -testing(special testing enviorment) - implementation(places into production)- maintenance(corrections/changes) skipped phases- if the project is behind schedule the project manager might decide to cut testing from six weeks to tgree weeks change in technology- when technology chnages that creates problems- moores law the cost of finding erros in SDLC- an error found in the design faze or analysis is inexpensive to fix, but an error found in the testing or implementing phase could cost an enormess amount balance of the triple con-straight- need a balance of time, cost and scope

The nature and goals of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) - should understand the concept of a service and how it can embody a business process. You should recognize the advantages of the loose coupling of encapsulated services in a service oriented architecture.

SOA- a business- driven enterprise architecture that supports integrating a business as linked, repeatable activities, tasks or services service- simply a business task, such as checking a potential customer's credit rating when opening an account. but when describing SOA do not think about software or MIS. think about what a company does on a day-to-day basis and break up those business processes into repeatablke business tasks or components loose coupling: the capability of services to be joined on demand to create composite services or disassembled just as easily into their functional components -loose coupling: pattern for developing a more flexible kind of software application that can promote loose couplings among software components while reusing existing investments in technology: interoperability, business agility, and innovation to generate more business value for those who use these principles

Supply Chain Management 2 - understand what a supply chain is, and recognize how efficient and effective supply chain management can reduce the power of market forces and affect strategy (p. 215), and understand the importance of IS in supporting supply chain management.

Supply chain management- the management of information flows between and among activities in a supply chain to maximize total supply chain effectiveness and corporate profitability Plan - prepare to manage all resources required to meet demand source- build relationships with supplies to procure raw materials make- manufacture products and create production schedules deliver- plan for transportation of goods to customers return- support customers and product returns

supply chain- understand the relationship between supply chain and strategy, value chain, and business processes.

Supply chain- all parties involved directly or indirectly, in obtaining raw materials or products. Business process- standardized set of activities that accomplish a specific task Supply chain management (SCM) should enable companies to develop and execute strategies that efficiently integrate the management of all the players in a supply chain — suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers — so that production and distribution are accomplished at the lowest possible total cost while

Drivers of the information- describe the information age and the differences between data, information, business intelligence, and knowledge.

The information age is present time during which infinite quantities of facts are widely available to anyone who can use a computer. Data- raw facts that describe `the characteristics of an event or object (order date, amount sold) information- data converted into a meaningful and useful context ( best-selling product) business intelligence- information collected from multiple sources than analyzes patterns, trends and relationships. (lowest sales per week compared with economic interest) Knowledge- the skills experience and expertise, coupled with information and intelligence, that create a person's intellectual resources. (choosing not to fire someone who is suffering from family problems

Business Process- link between value chain and supply chain

The value chain is a process in which a company adds value to its raw materials to produce products eventually sold to consumers. The supply chain represents all the steps required to get the product to the customer Supply chain- all parties involved directly or indirectly, in obtaining raw materials or products. Value chain- executes business strategy, views a firm as a series of business processes that each add value to a product or service

Using MIS to make business decisions- classify the different operational support systems, managerial support systems, and strategic support systems, and explain how managers can use these systems to make decisions and gain competitive advantages. This is not an exercise where you need to know the lists of systems. Rather, understand the concept of how MIS enables decision-making in orgs.

This that relate to MIS that help with decison making are- Problem identification: define the problem as clearly and precisely as possible data collection: gather problem-related data, including who, what, where, when, why and how. gather facts not rumors or opinions about the problem. solution generation- detail every solution possible, including ideas that seemed far fetched solution test: evaluate solutions in terms of feasibility solution selection: select the solution that best solves the problem and meets the needs of the business solution implementation- if the solution solves the problem, then the decisions made were correct. if not, then the decisions were incorrect and process begins again

The Evolution of the Web - should be able to describe the differences between Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. Specifically, you should understand the benefits that came with each evolutionary stage. For example, you should know that Web 1.0 extended to reach of many businesses to global markets, and Web 3.0 is more about relationships between intelligent "things."

Web 1.0 - refers to the world wide web during its first few years of operation between 1991 and 2003. extended reach of business web 2.0 - the next generation of internet use- a more mature, distinctive communications platform characterized by new qualities such as collaboration, sharing, and free, connected and made communication easier web 3.0 - Based on intelligent web applications using natural language, processing, machine-based learning and reasoning and intellegent applications. made us more intellegent

Benefits and Challenges of a connected world - be able to explain the ability to innovate and compete enabled by inexpensive, reliable, and cheap connectivity, and understand how the playing field has been leveled for small companies to have access to resources not possible in the recent past which enables them to innovate and compete in very different ways. You should be able to discuss the added complexities that come from a connected world such as continuous 24/7/365 operations and added security vulnerabilities/the difficulty protecting key digital assets.

With different networks like LAN (local area network), WAN (wide area network) and MAN (metropolitan area network) its easier for smaller business to have access to the same information as big corporations. The added complexities is that everyone is connected so theres more oppurtunities for hacking. IP address and Domain names are put in place to ensure uniquness, also traceroute, proxy, protocol, and file transfer protocol which is a simple network protocl that allows transfer of files between two computers on the internet, these help keep digital assets safe.

Management Information Systems (MIS) - Demonstrate understanding that MIS is not technology it's a business function Most organizations have a department that is responsible for performing the MIS function

a business function, like accounting or human resources, which moves information about people, products and processes across the company to facilitate decision making and problem solving

Agile vs. Waterfall and the historical context - understand why the SDLC was originally implemented as a waterfall method and how Agile seeks to improve on waterfall. You should understand the concept of iterative development, and how advances in technology have made it more practical (e.g., effective prototyping).

agile methodolgy- aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of useful software components developed by an iterative process using the bare minimum requirement, fast and effective (prototypes) Iterative development- consists of a series of tiny projects waterfall methodology- a sequence of phases in which outputs of each phase becomes the input for next -nin SDLC a sequence of steps are performed one at a time, in order of planning through implementation, it no longer is in use its inflexible and expensive

Next generation MIS decision systems: AI - describe artificial intelligence and how this evolved technology has allowed for greater, more effective unstructured strategic decision making.

artificial intelligence- simulates human thinking and behavior such as the ability to reason and learn. can mimic human decision making

MIS and Business Process Improvement: Automation, Streamlining, and Reegineering - understand how work flows through an organization you can identify bottlenecks, redundancies and process issues. You should understand that types of change an organization can achieve, along with the magnitudes of change and the potential business benefit.

automation- involves computerizing manual tasks making them more efficient and effective and drastically lowering operational costs. streamlining- improves business process efficiencies simplifying or eliminating uneccessary steps bottlenecks- occurs when resources reach full capcity and cannot handle any additional demands; they limit throughput and impede operations redundancy- occurs when a task of activity is unnecessarily repeated Business process reengineering (BPR) the analysis and redesign of workflow within and between enterprises

the cloud - describe how the Cloud enables individuals or businesses to pay only for the services they need, when they need them and where. Further, how the move to the Cloud has reduced barriers to entry and leveled the playing field in the ability to leverage strategic innovation.

cloud- offers new ways to store access, process and analyze information and connect people and resources. the cloud is availble for everyone with internet access Advantages- acceibility, cost saving, flexibility, relaibility, porttability, capacitty on demand, backup/recovery, scalability, availability, It leverages strategic innovation because, every company can have the same resources the cloud makes it easier for smaller business to compete with bigger data farms. Cloud fabric- makes benefit of cloud computing possible, such as multi-tenancy

managing business processes- explain the value of business processes for a company, and differentiate between customer-facing and business-facing process.

customer facing process- results in a product or service that is received by an organizations external customer business facing process- invisible to external customer but essential to the effective management of the business; they include goal setting, day-to-day planning, giving performance feedback and rewards, and allocating resources.

why integrations are important (the silo problem) - should be able to describe the silo problem, how silos come about, and why data duplication is undesirable. Refer to the data redundancy discussion in Chapter 6 as a similar idea

data integration- the integration of data from multiple sources, which provides a unified view of all data. silo problem- information silos, which exist when information isn't shared between departments or divisions, can hamper growth and efficiency in your business. Silos can result in a variety of problems, such as duplication of effort, lack of synergy and missed opportunities. data duplication- Poor quality data filled with inaccurate and duplicate records can be costly in terms of missed sales opportunities. Think of the lost time that could have been spent touching the right prospect rather than trying to reach contacts that are no longer in that position or at their respective companies.

data mining-

data mining- the process of analyzing data to extract information not offered by the raw data alone data profiling (collection of statistics) , data replication ( shairng info to ensure consistency between sources)

characteristics of quality data/ information - be able to explain the characteristics of quality data and the issues that arise from poor quality data. Also, you should be able to explain how these issues are addressed by organizations (e.g., information cleansing).

data stewardship- the management and oversight of an organizations data assets to help provide business users with high-quality data data stewardship- responsible for ensuring the policies and procedures are implemented across the organization and acts as a liasion between the MIS departments Data governance- security of data data validation- tests and evaluations used to determine correctness of data

data-driven websites - you should be able to explain the benefits of an interactive website kept constantly updated and relevant to the needs of its customers using a database

data- driven website- an interactive website kept constantly updated and relevant to the needs of its customers using a database. useful when: a firm needs to offer large amounts of information, products, or services. It can help limit the amount of information displayed to a customer based on unique search requirements. They even use this to make information in their internal databases available to customers and business partners

Disruptive vs. Sustaining Technologies- provide examples of disruptive technologies and discuss how new technologies can be disruptive. The focus should be on the business implications, especially regarding strategy. You should understand why the Internet was a big disruption, and how it enabled changes to many longstanding business processes.

disruptive technologies- a new way of doing things that initially does not meet the needs of existing customer( ride-sharing apps/ uber) sustaining technologies - produces and improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a faster car or larger hard drive Internet was a big disruption because everyone had to learn how to use it and how it is beneficial when everyone has been doing something for a certain number of years. it made the yellow pages not needed.

ecommerce vs. ebusiness- be able to define ebusiness and understand that it's not just ecommerce. You should be able to recognize the importance of how ebusiness tools revolutionized back-office processes (e.g., collaboration) and B2B ecommerce in addition to the B2C ecommerce. You should get the idea of Fig. 3.24, although you need not memorize all nine business models

ecommerce- the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet ebusiness- includes ecommerce along with all activities related to internal and external business operations such as servicing customer accounts, collaborating with partners, and exchanging real-time information, business- to-business (B2B) - applies to business buying from and selling to each other over the internet Business-to-consumer (B2C) - applies to any business that sells its product or services directly to consumers online

Value Chain Analysis- how an organization can implement strategy using Porter's value chain analysis and demonstrate IT's role in strategy.

executes business strategy. A value chain is a set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product for the market.

sustainable infrastructure - be able to identify and describe ways that a company can grow in terms of computing resources while simultaneously becoming less dependent on hardware such as through the use of grid computing, cloud computing and virtualization.

grid computing- a collection of computers, often geographically dispersed, that are coordinated to solve a common problem cloud computing- stores, manages, and processes data and applications over the internet rather than on a personal computer or server virtualization- creates multiple virtual machines on a single computing device

Ebusiness collaboration tools - describe how the evolution of the web progressively enhanced business collaboration tools. While you need not know the details of all the technologies described in the chapter, you should be able to recognize appropriate uses of the most common tools and be able to compare them. These common tools are email and texting, which you should already be familiar with, plus blogs, wikis, and social media,

instant messaging- A service that enable "insant" or real-time communication between people Social media- refers to websites that rely on user participation and user- contributed content Wiki- A type of collaborative web page that allows users to add, remove, and change content, which can be easily organized and reorganized as required

security threats casued by hackers and viruses- You should understand the concepts of hackers and viruses. You should be able to describe common types of viruses (refer to the Key Terms), but you won't be required to describe how each one works. For example, you should know that a worm is a kind of virus, but should be required to know how the worm works.

mail bomb, spam, phishing, phamring, zombie worm- spreads itself not only from file to file but also from computer to computer adware- allows internet advisors to display advertisements without the consent of the user spyware- collects data about the user and transmits it over the internet without the users knowledge or permission ransomware- software that infects your computer and asks for money

Metrics: How CSFs, KPIs, Efficiency, and Effectiveness Metrics are used in business: to define business-related metrics, and explain how managers use them to measure business success, understanding that the three primary organization levels have different metrics needs

metrics- measurements that evaluate results to determine whether a project is meeting its goals efficiency MIS metric- measure the performance of MIS itself such as throughout transaction speed and system availability (Throughput, transaction speed, system availability, information accuracy, response time) effectiveness MIS metrics- measure the impact MIS has on business process and activities including customer satisfaction and customer conversion rate (usability, customer satisfaction, conversion rates, financial) critical success factors (CFS)- crucial steps companies preform to achieve their goals and objectives and implement their strategies. - create high quality products, retain competitive edge, reduce product cost, increase consumer satisfactions, hire business professionals. Key performance indicator (KPIs) - quantifiable metrics companies use to evaluate progress towards critical success factors. - turnover rate of employees, percentage of help desk calls answered in the first minute, number of product returns, number of new customers, average customer spending

data visualization - should be able to describe the importance and methods to represent data in a visual format

moves beyond excel graphs and charts into sophisticated analysis techniques such as pie charts, controls, instruments, maps, time-series graphs can help uncover correlations and trends in data that would otherwise be unrecognizable

Developing Information Management Policies and Plans - should know that organizations develop a variety of policies to protect information assets.

organizations develop a variety of policies to protect information assets. Copyright and patent.

the first line of defense

people - Organizations must enable employees, customers, and partners to access information electronically You should know that the biggest issue surrounding information security is not a technical issue, but a people issue.The first line of defense an organization should follow to help combat insider issues is to develop information security policies and an information security plan.

the second line of defense: technology - You should understand the meaning of Figure 4.13 as it relates to information security. Remember, this isn't really about itemizing lists.Instead, the concepts around each of these areas and what makes them unique from one another.

people - authentication (a method for confirming identities) and authorization (the process of providing a user with permission including access levels and abilities such as file access, hours of access, and amount of allocated storage data- prevention and resistance attacks- detections and response

cost of down time- understand the consequences of downtime for an organization.

refers to a period of time when a sysetm is unavailable, lost revenue, finacial performance, damaged reputation, travel and legal expense

The importance of understanding requirements - should know that requirements determination and management is critical to any system development project. You should be able to describe how requirements are handled in the SDLC and in agile methods, and understand that changing and unclear requirements are unavoidable and must be dealt with

requirements- determining budgets, gathering system requirements, writing detailed documentation Planning Analysis Design Development Testing Implementation Maintenance. agile methodolgy- aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of useful software components developed by an iterative process using the bare minimum requirement s

How ERPs facilitate integration - You should know that...

the primary purpose of an ERP system (as a whole) is integration. You should understand that ERP can be costly and often risky, especially when the ERP is customized. Reflect back on Chapter 2's discussion of reengineering as it relates to business processes.

Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)

this means by which portable devices can connect wirelessly to a local area network, using access points that send and receive data via radio waves.

Transactional vs. Analytical Data & Information

transactional information encompasses all of the information contained within a single business process or unit of work, and its primary purpose is to support the performing of daily operational tasks Analytical information encompasses all organizational information, and its primary purpose is to support the performing of managerial analysis tasks.

the internet vs the web

understand that the Internet is a "network of networks" and the web is just one applications that uses it. The worldwide web is a dominant application, and it underlies many modern technologies, but the term "web" has become much broader in common use and is casually used to describe many things that don't use web technology. For example, the IoT and Web 3.0 are not about web pages.

business value of a wireless world

untethered connectivity, anytime, anywhere, has fueled a major market and technology disruption, which has permeated almost every consumer market worldwide. The student will further expound that the "domino effect" of the success of wireless technology has resulted in a unique opportunity for innovation and creativity in technology, marketing, and business strat

Using MIS to improve BP- understand the usefulness of workflow control systems, BPMN, and analytics to business process improvement.

workflow- includes the tasks, activities, and responsibilities required to execute each step in a business process BPMN (business process model and notation) - a graphical notation that depicts the steps in a business process Business process improvement - attempts to understand and measure the current process and make performance improvements accordingly.

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