Islamic Civilizations Chapter 1

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Islamic term for the inhabitants of Medina who took the took Muslims into their homes after they had escaped Mecca.

Truce of Hudaybiya

It decreased the tension between Medina and Mecca. Muhammad's followers were allowed to make the pilgrimage to the Ka'aba in Mecca. In return Muhammad could not try to take control of Mecca.


It is a tax per capita on non-Muslims (dhimmis) living in Muslim lands.

Battle of the Trench

Jewish tribes joined forces with the Meccans and lay siege to Medina. Medina dug a trench around the city for protection. Meccans were unable to cross the trench. The Jewish tribe that betrayed Muhammad had its men executed and women sold into slavery.


is the Arab founder of Islam. He is considered a prophet and messenger. It is believed the Quran was dictated to him by Gabriel.


is the most sacred site in Islam. It is a cube shaped building in Mecca. It predates Islam and was originally a shrine for the polytheistic religions of Arabia. Muslims face the --- a during prayers. The destination of the Hajj is the ---.


is the prophet Muhammad's migration from Mecca to Medina to escape persecution.


is the third wife of Muhammad. Her father Abu Bakr became the first caliph. She was considered Muhammad's favorite wife and died in his arms.


mother of the prophet Muhammad


non-Arab Muslims


non-Muslims living in Muslim lands.


obligatory payment made annually under Islamic law for property.

Khalid ibn al-Walid

He was a companion of Muhammad and known for his military tactics. He commanded the forces of Medina under Muhammad and Abu Bakr. He united all of Arabia under the caliph during the Ridda Wars. He conquered and expanded the Arab-Muslim Empire. He conquered Syria, Persia, and Mesopotamia.

Amr ibn al-As

He was a military commander noted for leading Muslims to conquer Egypt. He founded the Egyptian capital of Fustat.


--- means "breaker of bread". The title was given to Muhammad's grandfather when he provided bread to poor travelers going to Mecca. He belonged to the Banu --- tribe.

Abu Sufyan

He was the leader of the Quraysh of Mecca. He opposed Muhammad and when Muhammad left Mecca he had confiscated their property. To retaliate, the Muslims engaged in caravan raids. He fought against Muhammad in the Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhud, and Battle of the Trench. The two parties signed the Truce of Hudaybiya. Later the truce was broken and Muhammad took Mecca.

Umar ibn al-Khattab

He was the second caliph. Under his rule, the caliphate expanded. He conquered Persia and parts of the Byzantine Empire.


Muslim law based on the words and actions of Muhammad. Muhammad's deeds and sayings were verbally transmitted by his close followers.


Monotheistic religion of the Muslims who worship Allah.

Battle of Uhud

The Meccans returned to fight the Muslims after being defeated. The Muslims were winning until soldiers left their posts to raid goods. The Muslims were able to force Meccans away but did not definitively win. Muhammad was injured. It represented punishment for those who let greed overcome them.

Battle of Badr

The Muslim army triumphed over the Meccans in the Battle of ---. Muslims considered it a miraculous victory because they were outnumbered. It validated the truth of Muhammad's mission to his followers. It signified that God was on the Muslim's side.


The Muslim profession of faith "there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."


The followers of Islam.

Garrison cities

a city used as a base for a body of troops stationed in a location to guard it.

Wars of Ridda

a series of military campaigns launched by Caliph Abu Bakr after Arabian tribes rebelled after Muhammad died.


an Islamic tax imposed on new converts to Islam based on land.


annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca


is seen as the father of the Arab people. Ishmael, his son, moved to Mecca and became the ancestor of Muhammad. He is recognized as a prophet and messenger of God. His is credited with establishing the Kaaba and beginning the tradition of making a pilgrimage to the site.


the --- clan took power from Muhammad's clan. It was part of the Quraysh tribe. The clan opposed Islam originally but eventually embraced it. Later, the --- Caliphate was established.


the Islamic sacred book containing the words of God dictated to Muhammad by Gabriel.


the collective community of Muslims who believe in submission to the one true God.


the first person to put the stories (sira) of Muhammad's life as told by his companions in chronological order.


the ninth month of the Muslim year when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.


the ritual prayer of Muslims preformed five times a day.


was a mercantile tribe. It historically controlled Mecca. Muhammad was born into the Banu Hashim clan of the tribe. The tribe opposed Muhammad and Islam until it later accepted the religion.

Abu Bakr

was an advisor to Muhammad. He was also his father-in-law. When Muhammad died he was given the title caliph and became the first caliph.


was the caliph from 656-661 CE. He married Muhammad's daughter Fatimah. Ali's followers believed he should have been the first Caliph.


was the first wife of Muhammad. She became the first follower of Islam.


were the first converts to Islam and Muhammad's relatives. They migrated to Medina with him.

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