ISM 3541 - Learning Objectives

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Sequence the steps and subprocesses of the storytelling placemat. NOTE: I extend and clarify the descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive/decision modeling terms.

1) Plan the storyboard -Business ?/Problem Statement -Ask the big 5 questions -How/Modeling -Data visualization of the story 2) Extract and prepare supporting data sources -Gather data -Scrub data -Prepare data 3) Analyze Data - Phase 1 -Classification, Regression, Casual Modeling, Clustering, Co-occurrence grouping, profiling, link prediction, similarity matching, data reduction 4) Incorporate Context - Phase 2 -Descriptive: How did I get here? Predictive: Where am I heading? Prescriptive: What are my options? Step 5: Populate and display output -Decision Boundaries like regression y=mx+b

Define an approach to "decluttering"

1) remove chart border 2) remove gridlines 3) remove data markers 4) clean up axis labels 5) label data directly 6) leverage consistent color

Relate the term analytics to a river and a lifeline that links business components together

Analytics ties multiple data sources together through data visualization and data modeling. For example: Civilizations have used water sources (analytics) to navigate the terrain and live by using resources like food and water. To hunt for fish, a person has to (data mine) to secure the fish.

Be able to decompose an approach to building analytics and be able to discuss the importance of data sources and the data gathering process.

Analytics: 1. Pose a question 2. Gather information 3. Analyze information 4. Generate insights Data sources: Data gathering process:

Distinguish between the point of view of contrasting and comparing the terms "Business Analytics" and "Business Intelligence"

Business Analytics: Process of transforming data into insights to improve business decisions Business Intelligence: a technology-driven process for analyzing data and delivering actionable information that helps executives, managers and workers make informed business decisions.

Be able to discuss how businesses are applying analytics to key HR functions.

Businesses are increasingly leveraging analytics to enhance HR functions such as recruiting, retention, onboarding, and day-to-day management. For instance, companies use data collected from resumes, interviews, and social events to understand candidates better during recruiting processes. In retention, they analyze traits and behaviors of employees to identify factors contributing to long-term commitment. Analytics also aids in mapping employee performance to organizational goals and outcomes.

Define the influence of Object Oriented Thinking with CRISP-DM (i.e., The Data Analytics Placemat, CRISP-DM).

CRISP-DM: Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining. Process: 1) Business understanding 2) Data understanding 3) Data preparation 4) Modeling 5) Evaluation 6) Deployment

Demonstrate the importance of storyboarding analytics dashboards and scorecards by applying storytelling skills (e.g., five W's and How).

Classical Method: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Data visualization: Client employer, Scope/task/goal, Context, Context, Vision/Destination, Context

Be able to articulate the challenge of clutter and ways to reduce or eliminate clutter

Clutter: visual elements that take up space but dont increase understanding -reduce clutter due to visuals seeming more complicated than necessary

Be able to apply strategies for gaining audience acceptance of our visual designs.

Gaining audience acceptance of visual designs requires making the design accessible and relatable, as well as providing clear explanations. Strategies include using titles, labels, and annotations to clarify the story, like highlighting significant events or trends within the data to guide interpretation. The transcript also discusses adding elements like action titles and annotations (e.g., "two employees quit in May") to provide context and make the data's meaning clear. Other strategies involve reducing unnecessary elements and focusing on the visual hierarchy to lead the audience through the data story naturally.

Example 1: Understand the logic of managing our time and linking to a value such as relationship building (i.e., The Eisenhower Matrix).

How we spend our time and whats important to us. -Planning: Setting and confirming expectations -Resources: Your professional networks Planning as a tool and acquiring resources (4 Quadrants): -Urgent, important: Do it now -Not urgent, important: Plan it -Not imp. Urgent: Delegate it -Not imp. Not urgent: Drop it Adopting a compass to guide decision making: --Which quadrant should relationship building occur?

Be able to describe the types of memory.

Iconic Memory: This is the fastest type of memory and is sometimes called "survival memory." It processes visual information extremely quickly, retaining it for only a fraction of a second. This memory helps individuals detect immediate dangers or important cues in their environment, such as spotting a predator. Short-Term Memory: This memory type has limited capacity, typically able to hold around four pieces of visual information at once. When overloaded, short-term memory can struggle to retain additional information without actively transferring it. Long-Term Memory: When memories are transferred from short-term to long-term memory, they can be retained indefinitely. Long-term memory integrates both visual and verbal information, and images or visual experiences can trigger these memories, making them vivid and easier to recall. For example, associating specific experiences (like looking up at a clear sky after a soccer game) with visual or emotional elements can solidify memories in the long term.

Be able to articulate "the 3-minute story" construct and the components of the "Big Idea."

Idea behind each concept: boil the "so what" down to a paragraph and then to a single, concise statement. 3-minute story: clear and articulate, if you know what it is you want to communicate, you can make it fit the time slot you're given. Big Idea Components: 1) Must articulate your unique POV 2) Must convey whats at stake 3) Must be a complete sentence

Be able to apply preattentive attributes in text.

In text, preattentive attributes can be used in various ways to draw attention and organize information: Bold: Using bold text emphasizes important words or phrases. Color: A different color, like blue or gray, can make key terms or ideas stand out or push less important context into the background. Spatial Separation: Organizing paragraphs or sections spatially helps to guide readers logically through the text. Italics: Italics can create subtle emphasis, typically used for specific terms or slight distinctions. Enclosure (Borders or Underlining): Enclosing text within borders or underlining can further draw attention to specific points, helping readers to focus on crucial information at a glance.

Be able to articulate why "iterations" are important in building data stories.

Iterations refine the narrative and visuals, addressing feedback, ensuring accuracy, and enhancing clarity for diverse audiences.

Be able to articulate a new view on Stress Management

Kelly McGonigal conducted a study showing that those who think stress is harmful had an increased risk of dying compared to those who didn't think stress is harmful to their health. Stress response should be social, oxytocin: natural anti-inflammatory, helps your blood vessels stay relaxed during stress

Be able to articulate the strengths of line graphs, line graphs with forecasts, and vertical and horizontal stacked bars

Line Graphs: Line graphs are effective for showing trends and changes over time. They help visualize continuous data and allow easy comparison between data points. Line Graphs with Forecasts: These graphs are useful for showing not only past data but also predicted trends. By adding forecast lines, you can provide context to your audience about potential future outcomes, which helps in decision-making. Vertical Stacked Bars: Vertical stacked bar charts are good for showing the parts that make up a whole, especially when you want to compare multiple categories over time. They highlight the composition of data and allow easy comparison of subcategories. Horizontal Stacked Bars: These charts are great for comparing data across categories, especially when you have long category labels. Horizontal bars can help highlight the relative size of different groups more effectively when the labels are long or numerous.

There should be logic in the order in which information is displayed.

Logical sequencing supports storytelling: data flows should align with the narrative or audience expectations for maximum comprehension.

Be able to apply the design consideration of position on the page.

Position on the page is a key design element that affects how readers process information: Zigzag Layout: Readers typically follow a "zigzag" reading pattern on a page, moving left to right and top to bottom. Placing key information in this path makes it easier to spot. Hierarchy: Placing the most important information in prominent, high-traffic areas of the page helps guide the viewer's attention. For example, main points might be located at the top left, while supporting details are toward the bottom right. Spacing: Effective use of white space or spacing between sections allows the eye to rest and helps to group related content together, making it easier to follow the flow of information.

Be able to list options for learning your tools well.

Practice with sample data. Explore online tutorials and training resources. Join communities or forums for advice and feedback.

Be able to recognize "smart" design.

Recognizing "smart" design involves trusting the human eye and relying on common-sense principles that make a design intuitive and user-friendly. Smart design reduces unnecessary clutter, uses visual hierarchy effectively, and enhances understanding without requiring extensive explanation. An example from the transcript is the redesign of a data visualization that uses color and simplification (e.g., greying out less important categories) to focus the viewer's attention on key information. Smart design also implies choosing the right type of chart or layout that best communicates the data story.

Discuss a simplistic project management model called "schedule, scope, and resources"

Schedule: Time and prioritization Scope: Features, functionality Resources: Cost, budget, and human capital All related to quality (triangle graphic, quality is in the middle) Analytics helps manage expectations, identify and manage risks

Be able to articulate the SIX Gestalt principles of visual perception

Six principles that define how people interact with and create order out of visual stimuli 1) proximity: objects close together belonging to part of a group 2) similarity: similar in color, shape, size, or orientation are perceived as belonging to part of a group 3) enclosure: objects that are physically enclosed together as belonging to part of a group 4) closure: people like things to be simple and to fit in the constructs that are already in our heads. eyes fill in missing gaps in recognizable elements 5) continuity: our eyes seek the smoothest path and naturally create continuity in what we see ever where it may not explicitly exist 6) connection: elements that are physically connected by lines or other visual features are perceived as being more related than elements that arent connected

For pre-read or takeaway visuals, the visual needs to stand on its own without the presenter.

Standalone visuals should include clear labels, logical order, and concise annotations to communicate insights independently.

Be able to explain Knaflic's "Storyboarding" technique.

Storyboarding establishes a structure for your communication. -do not start with presentation software, start with low tech (paper, whiteboard, post-it notes)

Be able to discuss the concept behind "form follows function" from a design thinking perspective.

The concept of "form follows function" emphasizes that the design (form) of a visual should be guided by its intended purpose (function). In the context of data storytelling, this means identifying what we want the audience to do with the data — whether it's making a decision, taking action, or gaining knowledge — and creating visuals that serve that purpose effectively. For example, if the goal is to prompt action, the design might focus on highlighting critical data points clearly, making it easier for the audience to reach a conclusion quickly.

Be able to explain the term Cognitive Load to your friends

The mental effort thats required to learn new information.

Be able to articulate how "time" is an asset in the data science / storytelling approach and methodology.

Time allows for thoughtful analysis, design adjustments, and testing of visuals to craft more compelling and precise stories.

Be able to articulate which employee features correlate to the desired outcomes.

Who gets hired: Key features include personality traits, cognitive ability, commute distance, and retail experience. How employees are managed: Insights pointed to the importance of fostering empowerment, recognition, and team-building for managers to drive positive outcomes. Personality traits, for example, played a significant role in determining an employee's success within the organization.

Be able to list the seven consulting questions to consider.

1) What background info is relevant or essential? 2) Who is the audience or decision maker? What do we know about them? 3) What biases does our audience have that might make them supportive of or resistant to our message? 4) What data is available that would strengthen our case? Is our audience familiar with this data, or is it new? 5) Where are the risks: what factors could weaken our case and do we need to proactively address them? 6) What would a successful outcome look like? 7) If you only had a limited amount of time or a single sentence to tell your audience what they need to know, what would you say?

Using a dark background is the exception as a white background focuses on the data and dark backgrounds have tendency to be "heavy" and distracting.

A dark background should only be used when necessary because it draws too much attention and can make the content feel heavier, reducing focus on the data.

Be able to define the following terms: affordances, accessibility, and aesthetics.

Affordances: These are design features that imply their own use, meaning the design makes it obvious how to interact with it. For instance, certain kitchen gadgets are created in a way that naturally indicates how they should be held or used, without needing instructions. In visual design, affordances help guide users intuitively, making interactions seamless and reducing the need for extra explanations. Accessibility: Accessibility is about making designs easy to read and understand. This involves keeping visuals clear, using straightforward language, minimizing complexity, and ensuring legibility. Accessible designs aim to communicate information effectively, removing potential barriers to understanding, such as clutter or overly complicated layouts. Aesthetics: Aesthetics refers to the visual appeal of a design. In data storytelling, aesthetics means using elements like color, spacing, and balance in a way that makes the visual pleasing to the eye, which can help engage the audience and make the data story more memorable.

Be able to list the simple storytelling method presented in Chapter 7

Clear Beginning, Middle, and End: Structure your data story in a way that introduces the context (beginning), builds on the analysis (middle), and concludes with insights and recommendations (end). Repetition for Emphasis: Use repetition to reinforce key messages or findings throughout your narrative. Narrative Flow: Ensure the story flows logically, keeping the audience engaged and guiding them through the data points. Spoken and Written Narratives: Be mindful of how your story will be presented both in writing and orally, adjusting the format for clarity in each medium. Effective Tactics for Clarity: Use visual aids, simplified language, and clear messaging to ensure your audience grasps the core message.

There are occasions where color has overall positive impact of tone of a visualization. For example, with a black background, grey stands out less and white stands out very much.

Colors play a key role in storytelling; on a black background, the use of white effectively emphasizes key data points, while grey provides subtlety.

Articulate the importance of time (i.e., Context in Time), the context of the message and data used to support the message/story; and, the importance of being independent (i.e., Soldier vs. Scout mindset).

Context in time: if you set up communication properly you can explain to whoever is on what view with context. Ground level view: can see things that people in the airplane cant see Birds Eye view: people who are in the airplane and see things from afar Tree level view: people in the buildings that are looking up at the sky and looking down at those on the ground Soldier vs scout: biased vs unbiased. theres a soldier and scout at each level, try to reduce uncertainty

Be able to articulate the important components of context and discuss some strategies to help set you up for success when it comes to communicating visually with data.

Context: the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. -proper attention and time should be focused on understanding the context for the need to communicate (business savvynous) Strategies: -exploit data for competitive advantage -extract useful knowledge from data (strategic assets) -reduce future uncertainty with context

Be able to articulate the results of the People Analytics pilot after four months.

Customer satisfaction: Scores increased by more than 100%. Service performance: Improved by reducing transaction completion time by 30 seconds. Employee retention: Significant reduction in the attrition of new hires. Sales growth: Achieved a 5% increase in group sales.These results showcase the effectiveness of people analytics in driving measurable improvements in both employee and business performance.

Be able to summarize David McCandless's "Data is Beautiful" Ted Talk.

David McCandless's TED Talk, "Data is Beautiful," explores the concept of visualizing data to make it more understandable and engaging. McCandless highlights how data visualizations can help overcome information overload by using color, shape, and organization to reveal patterns and insights that might otherwise go unnoticed. He presents several examples, including global events like pandemics and 9/11, showing how specific design choices allow complex data to tell a clear story. By drawing attention to particular trends or gaps in the data, McCandless illustrates the power of visual storytelling, allowing audiences to grasp information more intuitively.

Be able to discuss the challenges of collecting data to map the talent value chain.

Defining what matters by agreeing in advance on desired outcomes. Filling data gaps, such as collecting new variables like commute distance or supplementing existing data sets. Gathering relevant data on employee behaviors, interactions, and traits during recruitment, onboarding, and daily management.The process often requires iterations to refine the data and derive actionable insights.

Be able to explain three models (e.g., descriptive, predictive, prescriptive/decision) presented at a high-level to someone that does not know analytics

Descriptive analytics: what has happened in a business. Historical data is collected, organised, and presented in a way thats easily understood, a starting point used to inform/prepare data for further analysis. Uses data aggregation and data mining to discover historical data. Ex: summarizing past events such as sales and operations data or marketing campaigns Predictive analytics: what could happen in a business. Based on probabilities using: data mining, statistical modeling, and machine learning algorithms. Ex: Predicting the likelihood that customers will purchase another product or leave the store. Prescriptive/decision analysis: what should happen in a business. Recommends the best possible course of action for a business based on data available to them. Anticipates what, when, and why something might happen. Ex: Manufacturing: improving equipment management, maintenance, price modelling, production and storage

Be able to articulate the main improvements of leveraging analytics into the HR functions.

Enhanced customer satisfaction scores (over 100% increase in the pilot). Better service performance (reduced time between order and transaction by 30 seconds). Reduced attrition of new hires. Increased sales (5% growth).These outcomes demonstrate how analytics enables organizations to align HR practices with business objectives, leading to tangible financial and operational gains.

Illustrate a simple vision framework used to connect a future destination point back to a decision

Every decision that we make will set us in a direction. Decisions -> Directions -> Destination Is the direction intentional? You can be intentional by determining a specific destination and then making your decisions that drag you towards that.

Identify examples and resources that are reusable in the data science / storytelling approach and methodology.

Examples: Templates for graphs, case studies, and reusable design elements. Resources: Pre-existing datasets, visualization libraries, and data analytics platforms.

Be able to describe the differences of exploratory and explanatory analysis.

Exploratory analysis: what you do to understand the data and determine the headlines Ex: hunting for pearls in oysters. might have to open 100 oysters to find 2 pearls, like testing 100 different hypotheses. Bad form: showing all 100 oysters Good form: apply explanatory methods to describe the meaning of a specific thing you want to explain, like the two pearls. Explanatory analysis: a data analysis method that helps to understand and explain the patterns, relationships, and trends in a dataset.

Be able to apply preattentive attributes in graphs.

In graphs, preattentive attributes enhance the viewer's ability to interpret and prioritize information: Color: Use bold or contrasting colors to highlight specific data points or trends (e.g., issues marked in red in a graph on car noise issues). Size and Line Thickness: Increasing the size of critical data points or thickening lines can signify their importance. Data Labels and Clarity: Selectively adding data labels where they're most needed helps avoid clutter while maintaining context. Use of Gray for Background Elements: Employing gray tones for less important background data can push it to the background, letting the highlighted data stand out. Hierarchy and Organization: Organizing related information in grouped sections with color codes or distinct markers creates a clear flow of information.

When presenting content in a live setting, you want the flexibility to walk your audience through the story, focusing on the relevant part of the visual.

In live presentations, dynamic visuals are critical. Highlighting specific sections guides the audience to focus on what matters at each moment.

Be able to explain the progression of data and how the progression categorizes Management Information Systems and Knowledge Management Systems

MIS: report on business operations to support decision-making and ensure the organization is managed more efficiently. KMS: any kind of IT system that stores and retrieves knowledge to improve understanding, collaboration, and process alignment. D-I-K-W: Data is stored, data extends to information, information extends to knowledge, knowledge extends to wisdom

With a white background, the further a color is from white, the more it will stand out (so grey stands out less, whereas black stands out very much).

On white backgrounds, color contrast enhances readability: lighter shades like grey integrate seamlessly, while darker tones like black grab attention effectively.

There are four strategies to avoiding the evil pie chart.

Option 1: Show numbers directly for clarity. Option 2: Use a simple bar graph to compare proportions easily. Option 3: Employ a stacked horizontal bar graph for grouped comparisons. Option 4: Use a slope graph to illustrate changes over time.

Be able to outline and discuss Knaflic's Storytelling Lessons in Chapter 7.

Outline: -the magic of story a. plays (3 acts) b. cinema (Robert McKee) c. written word (style) -constructing the story a. beginning, middle, end -narrative structure a. flow: order of your story b. spoken and written narrative -power of repetition a. helps w/ memory recall (talking points, repeatable sound bites) b. bing, bang, bongo Tactics: 1) horizontal logic 2) vertical logic 3) reverse storyboarding 4) a fresh perspective

List several Project Management analytical terms and concepts based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)

PMBOK: Project Management Body of Knowledge Schedule Performance Index: a metric used in project management to measure how well a project is on schedule. SPI= Earned Value (EV)/Planned Value (PV) Cost Performance Index: CPI= Earned Value (EV)/Actual Cost (AC) Earned Value: Actual progress Planned Value: Planned progress Progressive Elaboration: Continuously improving and detailing a plan as more detailed and specific information and more accurate estimates become available.

Be able to describe the various preattentive attributes that help the brain to see content.

Preattentive attributes are visual features that the brain processes quickly to help direct focus. These include: Size: Larger elements stand out more and are perceived as more important. Color: Bold or unique colors can make certain elements stand out. Position on the Page: Information is naturally processed in a "Z" or zigzag pattern on a page, from left to right and top to bottom, following the reading conventions in English. Boldness and Italics: Bold or italic text can emphasize specific words or phrases. Enclosure and Underlining: Using borders or underlines can highlight specific sections, allowing the brain to quickly focus on them.

Be able to articulate the most common used graphs that you should keep in your toolbox (e.g., 12 out of 150)

Simple text, Tables, Heatmap, Scatterplot, Line graph, Slope graph, Vertical bar, Stacked vertical bar, Waterfall, Horizontal Bar, Stacked horizontal bar, Square area Infographic: a graphical representation of information or data. Unpacking and analyzing data: determine which tools to apply, look at the data types, spot early trends, think about how to resolve any potential issues, apply some of the tools and see what you learn.

Be able to explain the many types of graphs available in Chapter 2 (e.g., Simple Text, Tables, Graphs, etc.)

Simple text: use when you have just a number to share Tables: use when communicating to a mixed audience whose members will each look for their particular row of interest. Heatmap: Mixing the detail you can include in a table while also making use of visual cues. Graphs: when you want to communicate with your audiences visual system. Falls into four categories: points, lines, bars, and area. Scatterplot: effective for showing the relationship between two things by encoding data simultaneously on a horizontal x-axis and vertical y-axis to see whether and what relationship exists. Line graph: commonly used to plot continuous data, be consistent in the time points you plot. Slopegraph: useful when you have two time periods or points of comparisons and want to quickly show relative increases/decreases or differences across various categories between two data points. Bar charts: should be leveraged, less learning curve for your audience. Must have a zero baseline. Vertical bar: what you want your audience to be able to compare, and structure your categorization hierarchy to make that as easy as possible. Stacked vertical bar: allows you to compare totals across categories and also see the subcomponent pieces with a given category. Waterfall: used to pull apart the pieces of a stacked bar chart to focus on one at a time, show a starting point, increases and decreases, and the resulting ending point. Horizontal Bar: go-to graph for categorical data. easy to read. Stacked horizontal bar Square area: never used unless you need to visualize numbers of vastly different magnitudes.

There are three strategies for avoiding the spaghetti graph.

Strategy 1: Emphasize one line at a time to focus on the most relevant data. Strategy 2: Separate lines spatially for better clarity. Strategy 3: Combine emphasis and spatial separation to simplify complex visuals.

Be able to identify and cultivate the individual's style of creating stories in the overall approach and methodology.

Style is developed through experimentation, feedback, and aligning data stories with personal strengths, such as a preference for visuals or narratives.

Be able to walk through a summary of all the lessons we learned in the Storytelling with Data textbook

The Power of Data Visualization: Data visuals are tools to highlight insights and drive understanding. Well-designed charts and graphs can effectively communicate complex information. Audience Understanding: It's crucial to consider your audience when designing data visuals. Tailoring visuals to the audience's level of expertise and interest ensures the message is clear and impactful. Clarity Over Complexity: Avoid clutter and over-complication in visuals. Simple, clean designs help the audience focus on the key points. Data Integrity: Ensure that the data is accurate and the visualizations truthfully represent the data without misleading the audience. Design Principles: Use design techniques such as color, size, and positioning to guide the viewer's eye and emphasize important data points. Storytelling Framework: A strong data story includes a beginning (context and setup), a middle (analysis and exploration), and an end (insights and recommendations). Structure your data story around these elements to maintain focus and engagement. Practice and Feedback: Continuously refine your data story and visuals by testing them with real audiences, getting feedback, and adjusting based on the response.

Be able to apply preattentive attributes in size and color.

Using size and color effectively can greatly influence how an audience perceives information: Size: Larger elements are perceived as more important. For example, increasing the font size of a headline or key data point draws attention to it. Color: Bold colors, when used sparingly, highlight specific points of interest. For example, choosing a blue or red to represent critical data helps make these elements stand out against a gray or neutral background. Selective Use: Overuse of bright colors or large sizes can overwhelm the viewer. Instead, emphasizing only a few critical points in a single color or size variation directs the viewer's focus without creating visual noise.

Be able to decompose the Who, What, and How of explanatory analysis.

Who: to whom are you communicating? What: do you want your audience to know or do? How: can you use data to help make your point? -The Who considerations are specific audience, and you: your relationship and connection to the audience. -the What is the call to action for your audience and determining the mechanism to communicate to your audience. What tone do you want your communication to display? -how do we tell our story?

Example 2: Be able to speak to a real-world example of a strategic road map leveraging storytelling and data.

X-axis: level of effort -low level, low # -highest level, high # -Low priority = high # -High priority = low # Y-Axis: Priority factor Quadrants: Split into if we should do the objective now or dont do it -I, II, III, IV -Quadrant I, II are most important

Be able to list the five final tips for building your platform.

a) Keep it simple. b) Make it visually appealing. c) Ensure the story aligns with the data. d) Test the visuals with a sample audience. e) Iterate for clarity and improvement.

Be able to summarize the three highlights of Building your Platform

a) Understand your audience's needs and preferences. b) Leverage tools and design principles to enhance data comprehension. c) Continuously refine and iterate to improve clarity and impact.

Define the impact of "lack of visual order"

when the design is thoughtful then it fades into the background so the audience doesnt notice it, if it doesnt fade, the audience feels the burden

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