ISM3003 Exam 2 FSU

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find corollary and often causal relationships between data sets

Foreign Key

primary key of one file that appears in another file

Customer Number

the primary key for customer and appears in order as a foreign key

Strategic Management Support

*CIO - every aspect of an organization's information resource *CTO - the underlying IT infrastructure and user-facing technologies *CSO - technical aspects for security of information *CPO

Sharing Information

*Everyone can share - while not consuming - information *But someone must "own" it by accepting responsibility for its quality and accuracy

Fuzzy Logic

*a mathematical method of handling imprecise or subjective information *Used to make ambiguous information such as "short" usable in computer systems Applications -Google's search engine -Washing machines -Antilock breaks

Data definition subsystem

- helps you create and maintain the data dictionary and structure of the files in a database The data dictionary helps you define... -Field names -Data types (numeric, etc) -Form (do you need an area code) -Default value -Is an entry required, etc

Database Characteristics

-Collections of information -Created with logical structures -Include logical ties within the information -Include built-in integrity constraints

Geographic information system (GIS)

-DSS designed specifically to analyze spatial information -Spatial information is any information in map form -Businesses use GIS software to analyze information, generate business intelligence, and make decisions

Genetic Algorithms Can...

-Take thousands or even millions of possible solutions and combine and recombine them until it finds the optimal solution -Work in environments where no model of how to find the right solution exists

Neutral Networks Can...

-Learn and adjust to new circumstances on their own -Take part in massive parallel processing -Function without complete information -Cope with huge volumes of information -Analyze nonlinear relationships

Data Warehouse Characteristics

-Multidimensional *Rows, columns, and layers -Support decision making, not transaction processing *Contain summaries of information *Not every detail

Information Cleanliness

-Related to ownership and responsibility for quality and accuracy -No duplicate information -No redundant records with slightly different data, such as the spelling of a customer name -GIGO - if you have garbage information you get garbage information for decision making

Path-to-Profitability (P2P)

-a formal business plan that outlines key business issues such as... *Customer targets *Marketing strategies *Operations strategies *Projected income statement and balance sheet targets

Decision Support System (DSS)

-a highly flexible and interactive system that is designed to support decision making when the problem is not structured -Decision support systems help you analyze, but you must know how to solve the problem, and how to use the results of the analysis

Expert (knowledge-based) system

-an artificial intelligence system that applies reasoning capabilities to reach a conclusion (Used for) *Diagnostic problems (what's wrong?) *Prescriptive problems (what to do?)

Genetic Algorithm

-an artificial intelligence system that mimics the evolutionary, survival-of-the-fittest process to generate increasingly better solutions to a problem Genetic Algorithm Examples *Staples - determine optimal package design characteristics *Boeing - design aircraft parts such as fan blades *Many retailers - better manage inventory and optimize display areas


-basic, but powerful *Sums, averages *Standard deviations *Histograms, frequency distributions

Electronic commerce (e-commerce)

-commerce, but it is commerce accelerated and enhanced by IT *Build powerful relationships with customers *Build powerful relationships with suppliers *Build powerful relationships with partners

Monitoring-and-surveillance agents

-constantly observe and report on some entity of interest, a network, or manufacturing equipment

Application Generation Subsystem

-contains facilities to help you develop transaction-intensive applications -Mainly used by IT professionals

Consumer to Government (C2G) e-commerce

-when an individual sells products and services to a government entity *You selling something to the government *This market is quite small and unremarkable

Backup and Recovery

-for backing up information and restarting (recovering) from a failure *Backup - copy of information on a computer *Recovery - process of reinstalling the backup information in the event the information was lost

Data manipulation subsystem

-helps you add, change, and delete information in a database and query it to find valuable information -Most often your primary interface -Includes views, report generators, query-by-example tools, and structured query language

Data Administration Subsystem

-helps you manage the overall database environment by providing facilities for... *Backup and recovery *Security management *Query optimization *Reorganization *Concurrency control *Change management

Predictive Analytics

-highly computational data-mining technology that uses information and business intelligence to build a predictive model for a given business application *Insurance, retail, healthcare, travel, financial services, CRM, SCM, credit scoring, etc


-meaning of a named entity recognition -"Ford" can refer to how many different things?

Data-Mining Agents

-operate in a data warehouse discovering information *Important analytics tool for data warehouse data *Can find hidden patterns in the data *Can also classify and categorize

Consumer to Business (C2B) e-commerce

-when an individual sells products and services to a business *True economic inversion of the B2C model *Fotolia is a good example ( *You can also advertise businesses on your personal Web site (called an affiliate program) and receive monies for visitors who jump from your site to the business' Web sites

Structured Query Language (SQL)

-standardized fourth-generation query language found in most DBMSs -Sentence-structure equivalent to QBE -Mostly used by IT professionals

Swarm (collective) Intelligence

-the collective behavior of groups of simple agents that are capable of devising solutions to problems as they arise, eventually learning to coherent global patterns *A subfield of biomimicry

Artificial Intelligence

-tools to help you "discover" information and trends -the science of making machines imitate human thinking and behavior, can replace human decision making in some instances *Expert systems *Neural networks (and fuzzy logic) *Genetic algorithms *Agent-based technologies

Text Analytics

-uses statistical, AI, and linguistic technologies to convert textual information into structured information -Gaylord Hotels uses text analytics to make sense of customer satisfaction surveys

Business to Government (B2G) e-commerce

-when a business sells products and services to a government entity. *Lockheed providing products and services to DoD *Fairly large e-commerce model in terms of revenue

Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce

-when a business sells products and services to customers who are primarily individuals *B2C is the glitzy e-commerce like iTunes, eBay, etc *B2C is a primary focus of the later sections in this chapter

Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce

-when a business sells products and services to customers who are primarily other businesses *Where all the e-commerce money is *Basically, it's about businesses doing business with other businesses *Supply chain management (from Chapter 2) is a big part of B2B e-commerce

Government to Business (G2B) e-commerce

-when a government entity sells products and services to businesses *SBA providing surety guarantees, disaster assistance, ombudsmen, etc to small businesses *TSA holding auctions and selling off confiscated items (most times, you must be a "business" to participate in these auctions)

Consumer to Consumer (C2C) e-commerce

-when an individual sells products and services to another individual. *You selling to another person (or the reverse) *Usually occurs through an intermediary such as eBay

5 components of a DBMS

1)DBMS engine 2)Data definition subsystem 3)Data manipulation subsystem 4)Application generation subsystem 5)Data administration subsystem

Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)

1)Extract needed information from its source 2)Transform the data into a standardized format 3)Load the transformed data into a data warehouse

Biomimicry is used to...

1)Learn how people-based systems behave 2)Predict how they will behave under certain circumstances 3)Improve human systems to make them more efficient and effective

What Expert Systems Can and Can't Do

An expert system can -Reduce errors -Improve customer service -Reduce cost An expert system can't -Use common sense -Automate all processes

Characteristics of Swarm Intelligence

Flexibility - adaptable to change Robustness - tasks are completed even if some individuals are removed Decentralization - each individual has a simple job to do

Recurring Decision

Happens repeatedly

Information Ownership

Information is a resource you must manage and organize to help the organization meet its goals and objectives

DBMS engine

accepts logical requests and converts them into the physical equivalents, and access the database and data dictionary on a storage device

User Interface Management Component

allows you to communicate with the DSS


allows you to see the contents of a database file, make changes, and query it to find information

Neural network (artificial neural network or ANN)

an artificial intelligence system that is capable of finding and differentiating patterns

Data Warehouse

collection of information (from many places) that supports business analysis activities and decision making


collection of information that you organize and access according to the logical structure of the information

Business Intelligence

collective information that gives you the ability to make effective, important, and strategic business decisions

Model Management Component

consists of both the DSS models and the model management system

Data Dictionary

contains the logical structure for the information in a database

Association/dependency modeling

cross-selling opportunities, recommendation engine effectiveness

Sentiment Analysis

discerning subjective business intelligence such as mood, opinion, and emotion

Digital Dashboard

displays key information on a computer screen tailored to the needs and wants of an individual

Government to Consumer (G2C) e-commerce

e-commerce activities performed between a government and its citizens *Does not fit well at all within the traditional supply-and-demand e-commerce notion *Paying taxes, registering vehicles, etc

Government to Government (G2G) e-commerce

e-commerce activities within a nation's government (can also refer to e-commerce activities between 2 or more nations' governments)

Report Generator

helps you quickly define formats of reports and what information you want to see in a report

Primary Key

field (or groups of fields) that uniquely describes each record

Security Management

for CRUD access - Create, Read, Update, and Delete

Statistical Tools

for applying mathematical models to data warehouse information


for physically rearranging the structure of the information according to how you most often access it

Database Administration

function responsible for the more technical and operational aspects of managing organizational information - information is used in an ethical way

Data Administration

function that plans for, oversees the development of, and monitors the information resource

Database Management System (DBMS)

helps you specify the logical requirements for a database and access and use the information in a database

Online transaction processing (OLTP)

gathering and processing information and updating existing information to reflect the processed information -Supports operational processing -Sales orders, accounts receivable, etc -Supported by operational databases & DBMSs

Multi-Agent System

group of intelligent agents that can work independently and also together to perform a task


groups of entities that are similar (without using known structures)


handling of differing noun phrases that refer to the same object

Query-by-Example Tool (QBE tool)

helps you graphically design the answer to a question

Physical View

how information is physically arranged, stored, and accessed on a storage device

Change Management

how will structural changes impact the overall database

Logical View

how you need to arrange and access information to meet your needs

Named Entity Recognition

identifying peoples, places, and things

Intelligent Agent

incorporates artificial intelligence capabilities such as reasoning and learning


learning from ecosystems and adapting their characteristics to human and organizational situations

Online analytical processing (OLAP)

manipulation of information to support decision making -Helps build business intelligence -Supported by data warehouses and data-mining tools

Non-structured Decision

may be several "right" answers, without a sure way to get the right answer

Key performance indicator (KPI)

most essential information used in any analytics initiative

Nonrecurring (ad hoc) decision

one you make infrequently

Agent-Based Technology (software agent)

piece of software that acts on your behalf (or on behalf of another piece of software) performing tasks assigned to it

Structured Decision

processing a certain information in a specified way so you always get the right answer

Integrity Constraints

rules that help ensure the quality of information

Information Agents (buyer agents)

search for information and bring it back

Relational Database

series of logically related two-dimensional tables or files for storing information Relation = table = file -Most popular database model

Query-and-reporting tools

similar to QBE tools, SQL, and report generators

Multidimensional Analysis (MDA tools)

slice-and-dice techniques for viewing multidimensional information

Data Mining Tools

software tools you use in a data warehouse environment *Query-and-reporting tools *Artificial intelligence *Multidimensional analysis tools *Digital dashboards *Statistical tools

Prediction Indicator

specific measurable value based on an attribute of the entity under consideration

Data Management Component

stores and maintains the information that you want your DSS to use

Data Mart

subset of a data warehouse in which only a focused portion of the data warehouse information is kept

User Agents

take action on your behalf (e.g., sorting your email)

Prediction Goal

the question you want addressed by the predictive analytics model


the science of fact-based decision making

Query Optimization

to minimize response times for large, complex queries


use historical data to derive future inferences

Concurrency Control

what happens if two people attempt to make changes to the same record

Lexical Analysis

word frequency distributions

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