ISS Test (We gettin 100%)

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What does Humor relieve?

Humor relieves tension and boredom

Trustworthiness and Mortality

Integrity is a consistency of words and deeds and being true to oneself.

Self Confidence and Leadership Efficacy

Leadership self efficacy is linked to confidence in the knowledge, skills, and abilities valuable for leading others.


Mentoring programs in which the mentor and protege communicate online

what do leaders use to express intense liking in business, customers, and employees


effort-to-performance expectancy

The individual's perception of the probability that effort will lead to high performance

performance-to-outcome expectancy

The individual's perception that performance will lead to a specific outcome / reward

Who is more receptive (willing to accept) to pay and praise


impression management is what type of behavior ?

behavior directed at enhancing ones image by drawing attention to oneself

sensitivity to surroundings means...?

being politically aware and sensitive to cultures and surroundings

Positive Core Self-Evaluation

bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence, and worth as a person

Locus of control

deal with peoples way they look at causation in their lives.

developing your leadership potential

develop natural characteristics through experience and practice such as motivating entry level workers. 1) acquire broad experience 2) model effective leaders 3) self develop leadership traits / behaviors. 4) become an integrated human being 5) practice a little leadership (day by day) 6) help your leader lead

what Is The importance of needs in business

employees are motivated by needs which lead to their behavior

social intelligence helps you to?

helps you understand how work relationships effect brain and body.

Pigmalion Effect

high expectations become self fulfilling prophecies

How to use recognition for employees

identify a good meritorious (deserving reward) behavior, then give oral, written, or material reward.

what does positive reinforcement increase

increases probability that behavior will be repeated by giving reward for desired response

Self sacrificing personality

more concerned about welfare and interest of others than oneself.

what is a political blunder?

politically insensitive acts that can prevent one from attaining power

Cognitive skills

problem solving and intellectual skills

using recognition motivate others (why is recognition a strong motivator?)

recognition is a strong motivator because of normal recognition craving

organizational politics

refers to gaining power through means other than merit (rank) or luck.

Self awareness and Self Objectivity

self objectivity refers to being detached about iwi strengths and limitations. helps be authentic / genuine

toxic person

suck all the positive energy out of you

characteristics of mentoring

supports team based organization as fewer managers are available to be mentors


the ability to control anything of value and influence decisions.


the attractiveness or desirability of a reward or outcome

Expectancy Theory

the theory that people will be motivated to the extent to which they believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, that good performance will be rewarded, and that they will be offered attractive rewards

Emotional intelligence

works effectively with emotions of others to resolve problems.

can humor be learned ?


tactics of impression management

- display organizational citizenship behavior -perform well -build trust and confidence -admit mistakes -minimize being a "yes" person -create a healthy image

what to avoid to prevent a political blunder

-criticizing manager in public -bypassing (ignoring) manager -display disloyalty -being a pest -being a chronic complainer -being a poor team player -burning bridges -indiscreet behaviors -making rude comments online

When working with co-workers and associates, which of the following is a good practice?

-maintain honest and open relationship -make others feel important -be diplomatic -exchange favors -ask for advice -share constructive gossip -minimize micro-inequities (singling out or ignoring others) -follow group norms

relationship with managers

-network with influential people -help manager succeed -understand unwritten boundaries -volunteer for assignments -flatter influential people -use your information power -appear cool under pressure -laugh managers humor -express constructive disagreement -present a clear picture of accomplishments

how to be nurturing

-recognize that most people have growth needs -team up with a coworker to form a buddy system - be a role model for others

needs people are motivated by:

1) Achievement 2) Power 3) Affiliation 4) Autonomy (freedom) 5) Esteem 6) Safety and Job Security 7) Equity (fair treatment)

Key leadership traits (9)

1) Self confidence and leadership efficacy 2) Positive core evaluations 3) Assertiveness 4) Trustworthiness and Mortality 5) Sense of Humor 6) Self Awareness and Self Objectivity 7) Cognitive skills 8) Emotional intelligence 9) Passion and Enthusiasm 10) Self sacrificing personality

what are two Desired outcome of motivation techniques in the work place

1) Work engagement - high levels of investment in work tasks for a job 2) Commitment - invested in job

A person will be motivated when these 3 terms are high

1) effort to performance expectancy 2) performance to outcome expectancy 3) valence

Rules for positive reinforcement

1) state clearly what behavior will lead to reward 2) choose appropriate reward 3) supply ample feedback 4) schedule rewards intermittently 5) make reward follow the observed behavior 6) make rewards fit behavior 7) make reward visible to others 8) change reward periodically 9) reward group / team as well as an individual

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

A method of leadership in which leaders treat each follower differently, and as a result, develop unique relationships with each member. Used to prevent In and Out groups.

Applying the What's In It For Me (WIIFM) Principle

A principle of motivation, people want to know how they will benefit from a task. Must know what needs person is attempting to satisfy.

A distinguishing characteristic of charismatic leader is: A) Guiding others towards great heights of achievement B) Smile rather than shale C) Hand leadership responsibilities to group D) Open to criticism

A) Guiding others towards great heights of achievement

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