ISS335 Test 2

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LGBT in Numbers

LGBT increased 4.1% (2016) from 3.5% (2012) There is an estimated 10.5 million adults now identify as LgBT in the U.S. today (4.1%) *homosexuality persists among the more religious and conservative

Fluidity applied to Sexual Orientation

It isn't at all uncommon fore desires and attractions to shift throughout life.

Percent of White Ancestry

*Most just say they're American* German- 15.2% Irish- 10.9% English- 8.7% Italian- 5.6% French- 3.9% Polish- 3.2% Scottish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian - Less than 2%

Comparing Gay Male & Lesbian Sexual Behaviors

- Lesbians relationships are "least sexualized" , have sex less frequently than gay men, report greater sexual satisfaction than heterosexual women. -Significant percentages of men, both straight and gay, in monogamous relationships had cheated -Patterns of sexual frequency and satisfaction in gay and lesbian relationships resembles those of heterosexual marriage and cohabitation.

Three Definable Periods for Native Americans: Agreement between Equals: 1787-1828

In this period, US recognized Indian Tribes as the same as other foreign nations. Indians had the protection of Congress


Is a significant feature in production of institutional racism... Leads to racist practice due to inaction thus leading to indirect institutional racism (Institutional Racism)

What is Sexual Orientation?

Is about who you're attracted to and who you feel drawn to romantically, emotionally, and sexually. This includes: Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Bisexual, and Asexual THIS IS ABOUT WHO YOU WANT TO BE WITH! This does NOT PREDICT SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, nor aspects of personality such as masculinity or femininity.

Indirect Institutionalized Racism (Theories of Institutional Racism)

Is carried out without no intent to harm (Well-meaning white people)

What is Gender Identity?

Is not about who you're attracted to BUT who you ARE: Male, Female, Genderqueer, etc. This is not the same thing as sexual orientation. THIS IS ABOUT WHO YOU ARE!

Percent of Hispanic Population

Mexican- 63% Puerto Rican- 9.2% Cuban American- 3.5% Central American- 7.9% South American- 5.5%

Silent Racism (Theories of Institutional Racism)

Role of silent racism produces institutional racism in 2 ways: 1.) Racist Practice= Not intended 2.) Everyday Racism= Intended These will produce racist actions *A practice is an action carried out without thought.

Percent of Native American Population (2000)

Alaskan Natives- 3.2% Cherokee- 15.7%

Contact situation leading to minority status for Native Indians and Mexicans? Trazfer and Natives in California?

Begins with the introduction. Shows their relationship. But starting on pg. 86 and the gold rush: people went out there for the gold rush. The impact had tremendous affect on the Indians, some being killed. Basic argument is that with the gold rush, people saw the Indians as a problem and killed them

Production of Institutional Racism

Begins with well meaning white people who are not overtly racist or even those who are color-blind racist. The ACTION not intended to do harm to POC.

U.S. Leaders

Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson--- All wanted to exterminate Indians


refers to gender expressions and identities that do not conform to societal expectations

Coming Out

refers to the act of a non-heterosexual person publicly disclosing his or her sexual identity.

Cultural heterosexism

refers to the ideologies that uphold heterosexuality as normative

Internalized homophobia

refers to the repulsion some people feel in response to their own feelings of attraction to other members of their sex.

Sexual Identity

refers to the way people think about themselves sexually.

Structural heterosexism

refers to the ways heterosexual relationships are allocated more resources, opportunities, and privileges

What Trepagnier means by color blindness factoring into white people who mean well?

Well-meaning white people differ from people who are color-blind racists in the production of institutionalized racism. Production refers to an action not intended to do harm to people of color.

Black History: Slavery

-African-American history begins with the study of African slavery and slavery in the world. -African slavery existed (as did slavery in most of the world) and was well established institution -Generally they were captives from wars- the losers became slaves -Slaves in Africa had many rights. Among them: Marry, own property, rest times, even own slaves -Because of tradition of slavery, the Africans did not resist when Europeans wanted to buy slaves from them. They themselves bought and sold slaves. -Portuguese were first Europeans to engage in slavery trade; they trade slaves along with gold, ivory and pepper; West Africans wanted European goods and North African salt -Birth of new (America) world led to slavery as we know it. -Slaves (labor) were very valuable -The Americas first enslaved native Americans, but they died so they imported blacks -Birth of black slavery- first blacks brought to U.S. were probably indentured servants -Many whites were indentured servants, promised to work a certain # of years for passage to America -In latter 17th century, two interrelated development started -The degradation of blacks of inferiors in society -Emergence of system of slavery -Developed into systems of black slavery -In 1660, a code of slavery was enacted in VA. In 1650's blacks began to be sold as servants for life in VA, but not much before ---Did rich whites simply seize on the physical difference of race as a way of obtaining cheap labor? ------YES YES YES

The Census

-Asks about 5 races and 2 ethnicities ---Races: White, Black, Asian-American, Native American/American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ---Ethnicities: Latino/Hispanic OR not Latino/Hispanic

Black History (From the readings)

-Blacks have been struggling against racial oppression for a long time. They arrived in the US in large numbers as involuntary slave trades and were mostly in southern states. After the civil war, the blacks started to get rights. They could vote and some were elected to government positions, but after the 1870s, white supremacists used violence and intimidation in the south to deny blacks the power to vote. Segregation in all public facilities became a thing. -During the 20th century, blacks migrated north for a better life. In 1900, about three quarters of all blacks lived in rural southern areas but a century later, that number has declined to 12%. By 1950, more than 2.5 million southern born blacks were living outside the region, and 4 million by 1980. While life was better in the North, they still were discriminated in the labor and housing market, thus pushing them to be segregated in the northern ghettos. -During the 1950s and that time, blacks were fighting back. They won the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that make racial discrimination in employment practices, public accommodations, and housing market transactions illegal. -Public opinion was also getting more positive. In the 1940s and 50s, a little less than half of whites surveyed believed that there should be segregation but by the 1990s, over 90 percent of whites said they believed that schools and employers should treat whites and blacks equally. -In the 1960s and 80s, basically half of all jobs in the cities fell apart. This led to even more blacks in poverty and concentrated in inner cities. -William Wilson says that race is not as important as class. Throughout the years, blacks have been doing better. Discrimination is less common due to political, social, and economic changes due to the Civil Rights era. While discrimination is less, economic conditions have come to play an increasingly important role in shaping opportunities to blacks. -The penalty of being black has declined since the 60s things are getting better. Economists have estimated that ¼ of black - white wage gap is due to prejudice. This tells us that racism continues to contribute to blacks economic disadvantage. -Cumulative disadvantages suggest that ending inequality has no single solution and helps explain why progress has been slow. -Progress has been much better for the black middle class but the poor still have many problems.

Images of the Chinese

-Chinese thought of as "Heathen Chinee" -Poems, songs told of Chinese barbarism, uncleanliness, opium smoking etc. -Violence against Chinese was widespread in California in latter 1800's 1854 - excluded from testifying against whites 1927 - US Supreme Court held that Chinese had to attend colored (segregated) schools; Rice vs. Gon Lum in MS

Asian History (From the readings)

-Chinese were the first to immigrate around the time of the California gold rush in 1848. They were viewed as economic competitors who would drive down the wages of native born Americans. The Naturalization Act of 1870 limited naturalization in the US to "white persons and persons of African descent"; this meant that Chinese were aliens ineligible for citizenship and remained so until 1943. The 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act went further, barring the immigration of All Chinese laborers. -Japanese arrived in California around 1869. White California workingmen and others eventually lobbied for their exclusion. The Gentleman's Agreement of 1907 was negotiated between the United States and Japan, ending most kinds of immigration from Japan to the United States, except for family-reunification purposes. In 1913 and 1920 California enacted anti-alien land laws aimed at Japanese farmers, barring "aliens ineligible for citizenship" from purchasing and leasing agricultural land. Immigration was later completely halted in 1924. -Filipinos: As Asians, Filipinos were aliens ineligible for citizenship until the 1940s. Filipinos faced a significant amount of prejudice and discrimination. Filipinos, like other Asians and other minorities, were excluded from a broad array of economic opportunities and were viewed as unwelcome aliens by the native white majority population. -The second wave of immigration after the elimination of discriminatory national-origin quotas in 1965 included Asians from a variety of other countries, including India, Vietnam, and Korea. In 2010, the largest Asian subgroup was Chinese (24 percent of the Asian population), followed by Asian Indians (19 percent) and Filipinos (17 percent). -In some respects Latinos and Asian Americans share certain experiences, because both groups have been historically discriminated against, both have experienced substantial increases in their population resulting from immigration since the 1960s -about 80 percent of immigrants from India have a bachelor's degree or more, compared with 6 percent from Mexico. 53 One factor explaining these differences is that while many immigrants from Asia become eligible to migrate to the United States because of their work-related skills, a larger proportion of immigrants from Latin America immigrate because they have relatives who are U.S. citizens.

Bisexual Men & Sexual Health

-Data have shown that some groups of bisexual men report less risky sexual behavior with males, but are more likely than heterosexual men to have sex with female prostitutes and to have anal sex with women -Studies have generally found that bisexual and gay men are more likely to report having a sexually transmitted infections than are people of other sexual orientations.

Conclusion from B. Iceland

-Despite the decline in racial inequality and overt prejudice in the United States in recent decades, we still see significant differences in socioeconomic outcomes across racial and ethnic groups, such as in educational attainment, income, poverty, and wealth. -the importance of race alone in determining life chances has declined substantially in recent decades, and the importance of socioeconomic background has increased. Unfortunately, the increasing importance of socioeconomic background serves to slow progress in reducing racial disparities, as initial disadvantages among groups often persist across generations because of these economic inequities.

Chinese-American History

-First Chinese came to California in 1847 initially welcomed, but by 1882 anti-Chinese agitation had become so fierce congress was thinking of excluding them. Why? ----They were cheap labor and were taking $$$ out of poor white man's pockets -Chinese came to escape turmoil in China, and we're no strangers to hard work -Anti-Chinese movement gained strength among working classes of California, and spread throughout country. Why? THEY CAN VOTE 1876 - Popular sentiment against Chinese forced both Democrats and Republicans to include anti-Chinese planks in party platform 1879 - Californians voted 154,638 to 883 in favor of exclusion measure (to keep Chinese and out of U.S.) 1882 - Chinese excluded from America (followed by laws in 1888, 1902, & 1904) until 1924 when 105 persons per year could enter U.S.

Irish-American History

-First Irish came prior to 1700, but major period was 1840-1860 and 1880-1900 -1600's Ireland conquered by Britain, and Scots/English drove Irish off their land -Irish also came for economic opportunity -This accounts for most of immigration prior to 1800's-- English/Scottish oppression 1840-1860 The potato famine- widespread starvation -Moved primarily into Northern urban areas. Formed first ghettos, also moved to Western frontier -Irish were generally despised when they came to America -Widely thought of as apelike, unclean ----Andrew Greeley notes: "Practically every stereotype used against blacks was first used against the Irish" --------1800s Irish referred to as a physically different race. -Several acts of violence against Irish -Several riots where Irish were attacked by other white Americans; 1806- NY; 1820- Boston; 1844- Philadelphia, churches burned and sacked -Latter half of 1800's saw increased economic conflict as more Irish came to U.S. -Why were the Irish hated by non-Irish whites? They were Catholic

Native American History: 20th Century

-From 1880 to 1934, Federal government put pressure on Indians to assimilate. The General Allotment Act of 1887- Dawes Act, permitted the breaking up of reservation land into individual allotments if the President believed the land could be advantageously employed ---Each head of family was eligible for 80 acres of agricultural land or 160 acres of grazing land -By 1933, 91 million acres, ⅔ of Indians land base, had passed into non-Indian hands -BIA recognizes over 500 tribes in U.S.; 197 are Alaska native villages in Alaska. There are over 300 federal Indian reservations in the U.s. over 300 federal Indian reservations in U.S. the largest is the Navajo. About 50% of Indians live on reservations -Poverty rates are high on reservations: Many lack indoor plumbing, adequate shelter, etc. There are almost no jobs. Reservation land is still under siege from developers, mining companies, Nuclear waste, etc.

Sexual orientation and how it is different from gender and gender identity:

-Gender Identity: not about who you're attracted to, but about who you are -Sexual Orientation: who you're attracted to -Cannot be "turned" to one sexuality or another on purpose, but a person can have sexual "fluidity" in which their sexual interests change as they progress in life and things become more clear -Not a choice -Behavior is not the same as identity or label

Hispanics History (From the readings)

-Hispanics were in the US as far back as the annexation of territory in Florida in the early 1800s. As more US settlers came, the US annexed Texas (Mexican territory) in 1848. They then annexed California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado as well. The Mexicans living in these areas were treated as second class citizens. As time went on, they were used for cheap labor for the railroads, mining, and agriculture. During labor shortages they were used but other times they were encouraged to return to Mexico, often with force. Between 1830 and 60, 4 million Mexicans were deported. -In more recent times, in the 1950 and 60s, Puerto Ricans migrated to the US. Puerto Ricans had even more trouble since they vary in the darkness of their skin. The darker the worse it was. The Ricans settled in Miami and found success as business owners. -As of 2010 there were 21.8 million Mexican origin people in the US (63% of the hispanic population). The next two largest groups were Puerto Ricans and Cubans. They have been falling as a % over the years.

Pacific Islander History

-In 1893, American and European on Hawaii conspired with members of the U.S. military to overthrow the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom and prepared to provide for annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the U.S. under a treaty of annexation submitted to the U.S. Senate, on Feb. 15, 1893 -----Why??- To obtain favorable trades conditions for sugar and fruit. -The Philippines were annexed after freedom from Spain. The idea "Expansion into the Philippines would grant more power to the U.S. as a world leader. War in 1899. -The Filipinos were considered to be a "barbarous" people incapable of self governance. -It was argued that after rescue from Spanish rule, we could not simply leave the Philippines to ultimately fail without assistance from a superior civilization. -Some Imperialists argued that it was our duty to share our blessings and better way of life with those lesser than us. Proponents included Alfred Beveridge, an Indiana Senator, as well as other Progressives.

Income & Inequality on LGB Minority

-Information is less available for the LGB minority than for other groups, but patterns of inequality in income and poverty can be documented. -As in the case with some other minorities, LGB people seem to enjoy lower returns (income) on their investments in human capital (education). -Also, same-sex couples must often spend a higher percentage of their incomes on health care and taxes.

Harassment against LGBTQ+

-It is unlawful to harass a person because of that person's sex. Harassment can include "sexual harassment" or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Harassment does not have to be of a sexual nature, however, and can include offensive remarks about a person's sex. -An employment policy or practice that applies to everyone, regardless of sex, can be illegal if it has a negative impact and is not job-related or necessary to the operation of the business.

Japanese-American History

-Japanese faced similar discrimination as the Chinese -Between 1865-1924, 275,000 Japanese entered Western part of U.S. (opposed to 30 million European immigrants) -By 1940, 135,000 Japanese Americans counted on census -Anti-Japanese feeling had different roots- Japanese were too successful at things - this frightened whites -Jack London, columnist for New York American in June 1905 expressed dismay at seeing whites held prisoner in a Japanese POW camp (Carlson & Colburn p. 216) 1913 - California passed alien land act to restrict Japanese from owning land. -As Carlson & Colburn state, -----"It was [Japanese] success at producing bumper crops from land often thought worthless that proved frightening to their white competitors" ------Similar land restrictions passed in AZ, DL, ID, LA, NE, MN, MO, NV, TX, and WA. -In 1942, after Pearl Harbor attack, Japanese sent to internment camps -February 19, 1942 Exec Order #9066 issued by FDR. This allowed military to prescribe certain critical areas from which any or all persons might be excluded. -Gen. John DeWitt gave order to evacuate Japanese from West Coast. 70,000 American citizens 40,000 aliens were interned -58,000 Italian, 23,000 German aliens not evacuated 1944 Korematsu vs US evaluation decision upheld (Dec. 18, 1944) by Supreme Court. (A bad decision according to later legal scholars!!)

Jewish-American History

-Jewish immigration can be divided into 3 period ----Sephardic (1500s) Jews fled Spain & Portugal - persecution ----German (1840-1880) Jews came for prosperity ----Eastern European (1881-1920) Fleeing persecution -For centuries, Jews victims of stereotypes and violence- anti-semitism -Jews argued to be Christ-Killers; crafty, devious, too intelligent, usurers money-grubbers -Violence against Jews rampant in Europe for centuries -Relatively peaceful in U.S. until 1880s -Before this, most Jews thought of as German -After the E. European wave, violence began -Jews were openly attacked after this period. Often referred to as white n*** -U.S. was heavily anti-semitic for most of this century -This contributed to lack of help of Jews during WWII -Immediately after WWII, 40 attacks on Jews or synagogues in 1945-1946

How Does Media Marketing Enter into this Issue?

-Make women anxious, lower their self-esteem. Intensify their "body angst". -Man get targeted as well but not as much. Make men go to the gym and get a six-pack.

Black History: After Slavery

-Slavery ends in... 1865 at the end of Civil War -Once free, the issues of Civil Rights began to be raised -Why? One reason is that in order to appease powerful Southerners, Northerners went along with Southern proposal for "controlling" the black population -In 1873, Supreme Court (Slaughter-House cases - "Is a person both a citizen of the U.S.while simultaneously being a citizen of a state?") affirmed the right of states to settle racial affairs as they saw fit (state's rights). -Soon after, the Court nullified civil rights act of 1875, which had been passed by Congress to prohibit discrimination on the basis of race. -1890's saw emergence of Jim Crow laws- separation of the race, holding that blacks were inherently inferior and that with contact, the white race would be polluted. -Jim Crow laws ended in 1964 -20th century saw rise of increased black agitation to obtain basic rights.

Native American History: 20th Century ETHNOCIDE

-The federal government wanted the remaining Natives to assimilate into white ways, so they created Boarding Schools to 'Kill the Indian, and save the man' -"Sun Elk, a Taos Pueblo Indian, summarized his ordeal at the Carlisle Indian School, and save the man' ---A white man took us to Carlisle Indian School, and I stayed there seven years... They told us that Indian ways were bad. They said we must get civilized... It means "Be like the white man." -The Boarding Schools were terrible places for many reasons. Among them was the quality of the instructors... ---"The caliber of whites working in educational institutions for American Indians was rather low. An inspector in the Indian Service, General Henry Heth, stated in 1889 that the Indian Bureau was "the dumping ground for the sweepings of the political party in power." as examples of this deplorable party in power" As examples of this deplorable political spoils system, Heth cited... a discharged lunatic in charge of one Native American School.

Multiracial America: Are we post-racial?

-The number of mixed-race marriages and multiracial individuals has grown considerably in recent years. The multiracial population grew by 50 percent between 2000 and 2010, from 1.8 million to 4.2 million, making it the fastest growing group of children in the country. Despite this growth, the overall proportion of Americans who report two or more races is still small, at 2.9 percent. -The number of Americans identifying as multiracial will likely grow rapidly in the coming years because of recent increases in intermarriage. According to one study, about 15 percent of all new marriages in the 2008-10 period involved spouses of different races or ethnicities—more than double the percentage (6.7 percent) in 1980. -Americans have become more accepting of intermarriage. In 2011, nearly two-thirds of Americans (63 percent) said they "would be fine" if a family member married someone of a different race. -So are we post-racial? The short answer is no. Changes in American society since the 1950s and 1960s have been momentous. The fall of legal barriers and changes in attitudes have opened up many opportunities that were previously closed, if not unimaginable.

Hispanics & Race

-There is an "in-between" feature of Hispanics in terms of their racial status. All three major Latino groups include a range of physical types. Mexico is racially amalgamated to a greater degree than perhaps any modern society -Physical type combining European, African and Indian traits. ----"Intermarriage and Sexual liaisons over the generations produced people of mixed blood. By the nineteenth century the North American Southwest constituted a hybrid "third space" of ambiguous ethnicities." - Hixson, American Settler Colonialism -This is why Latinos can be of any race, and the U.S. Census Bureau has in the past classified them both as a separate "race" and as part of the White population -Beginning with the snd and 3rd voyages of Columbus, the Spanish began to wed and to rape Native women -This created the Latino population as we know it today -However, in various places in the Americas, black slaves were also intermarried with the mix of Spanish, English, Indigenous and the racially mixed population that existed. ----Thus most Latinos are a racial mixture of black, White European and indigenous people. -This is true all over Mexico, the Caribbean, and Southern America -In the Caribbean, the massive importation of slaves led to a population of darker hue than is true for many other hybrid-Central and Southern Americans. -Therefore, Latinos are mostly mestizo- a racial mixture. -Today, although they cover the entire color spectrum, many Latinos are racially "intermediate" -Cuban (Americans) are the least racially heterogeneous, most falling into the American category of "White". This is because the whiter looking people dominated Cuba and disproportionately were members of the Cuban upper class. When Castro took power, they were the ones who fled to the U.S. thus the first wave of Cubans in the U.S. are considerably lighter than the overall Cuban population.

Italian-American History

-Very few Italians came to U.S. before 1860, with the bulk coming between 1880-1920. Poverty caused migration -Settled in Northern cities -Life was rough- only few got menial jobs -Italians were despised; they were said to be "Servile, have filthy habits, little ambition and to be intellectually inferior." -Several acts of violence against Italians; Several were lynched or killed by mobs -Buena Vista, Penn 1874; Walsenburg, CO 1895; Multiple lynching in Louisiana, Miss; NC. Florida between 1896-1910 -Many of these attacks occurred due to labor competition or because Italians would sometimes work beside blacks in (South). -Why? They couldn't speak english

Black History: 20th Century

-WWII pulled the country out of depression and blacks changed. They began to move North in record numbers to escape... -Overt Southern racism -Lack of jobs, particularly in manufacturing -After WWII, things began to change a little, for blacks. ----They were an Urban people, and the press for civil rights was growing. But in the South, things hadn't changed -Early 50's saw growth of (most recent) civil rights movement

Most Legal Immigration by Country

1. Mexico 2. China 3. India 4. Philippines

Racist Ideology (New)

1.) Accent on physically & biologically distinctive categories "races" 2.) Historically of superior & inferior racial groups 3.) Emphasis on "race" as determinant of group's personality and cultural traits.

Noel Model

1.) Ethnocentrism: tendency to judge other groups, societies or lifestyles by the standards of one's own culture. - result: group boundaries (who to dominate) 2.) Competition: struggle over scarce commodity, often leads to prejudice and hostile actions.--result: motivation to establish superiority (why dominate) 3.)Differential in power: ability of a group to achieve its goals even in the face of opposition. Result: dominant group imposes its will on minority group (how to dominate) Three of them can create the ethnic or racial stratification------>inequality and institutionalized discrimination-------->prejudice and racism.

Interrupting Stereotyping

1.) Must be aware of them 2.) Must be aware how it impacts our thinking 3.) Must be vigilant when it is triggered 4.) Must have the goal to interrupt it right when stereotyping comes to mind

Hispanic History: Timeline

1810 - Mexico's struggle for independence against Spain begins 1821 - Mexico wins its independence from Spain; William Becknell opened the Santa Fe Trails, tying the Southwest to the United States 1825 - Mexico gives land to American land agents who bring settlers to Texas 1834 - The California Indian population falls to just 100,000; the Mexican government begins to confiscate California mission properties and exiles Franciscan friars 1835 - The Texas Revolution begins 1842 - Mexico twice attempts to invade Texas 1843 -1845 - US offers money for Texas & California 1846 - The Mexican War begins 1847 - Disaffected Mexicans and Pueblo Indians in Taos, New Mexico, stage an unsuccessful revolt 1848 - The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican War; gold is discovered in California 1853 - Through 30,000 acres in Southern Arizona and New Mexico from Mexico 1861 - Congress creates Colorado territory out of New Mexico 1862 - Congress creates Arizona territory out of New Mexico 1920 - Over two years, nearly 100,000 Mexicans are shipped across the border or forced to leave voluntarily 1929 - U.S. government requires Mexicans to obtain visas to enter the country 1930 - Repatriation of 400,000 Mexicans and Mexican Americans begins 1942 - Bracero program begins, providing for Mexican laborers to enter the U.S. as short term workers; the program ends in 1964 1943 - Zoot Suit Riots take place in Los Angeles 1947 - Mendez decision prohibits school segregation on the basis of Mexican descent 1950 - "Operation Wetback" begins to deport undocumented workers

LGBT Historical Events

1957- Kinzie Report- 10% men are gay -Stonewall rebellion in 1969 - marked the beginning of a more activist, confrontational, inclusive approach. It was a direct and violent reaction to the police harassment of gay and lesbians bar patrons. 1979- 75,000 people march on Washington for Gay Rights 2008- Cali Votes YES on Prop. 8 for Gay Marriage 2014- 18 States + D.C. allow Gay Marriage

Scientific Racism

4 Categories: Black, white, red, yellow Notion of natural hierarchy came as it was found traits were heritable


=Intent Remedy is to focus on individuate instead of stereotyping

Race is...

A Biological fact? It was used to justify racial discrimination A Social Construct? YES. There is no 'race' gene

Direct Institutional Racism (Theories of Institutional Racism)

Actions within an organization that intentionally harm a member of a minority group

Changing Cultural Scripts about Sex: The 1960s Sexual Revolution: Sex for Pleasure

Allowing the availability of birth control and the changes in law allowed intercourse to become separate from pregnancy. The rate of non marital sex and the number of partners rose, while age at first intercourse dropped-- 7.6% of young people were having sex before the age of 13.

Three Definable Periods for Native Americans: Relocation & Removal: 1828-1900

Andrew Jackson- Remove, relocate, and 'civilize' --Land thievery in the latter part of this century

Bourdieu's Theory of Practice

Another word for ACTION Helps explain mechanism for how well meaning white people produce institutional racism (silent racism) Practice is structured without the actor being entirely aware Acting from "habit"

Bisexual Women & Sexual Health

Bisexual Women- Research shows that: -Bisexual women are more likely engaging in sex with a man who is known to have sex with men, engaging in sex with an HIV-positive man, having multiple sexual partners, engaging in sex with injecting drug users (IDU), and having a sex partner who has had sex with a prostitute. -Lesbian women, as well as bisexual women with larger numbers of females partner, are more likely to experience vaginal infections including bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis, and herpes. -When compared with heterosexual women and lesbians, bisexual women exhibit the highest rates of combining substance and/or alcohol use with sex.

LGBT & Suicide

Bisexual- Studies have suggested that bisexuals are much more likely to report higher levels of self-harm, thoughts of suicide, and suicidal attempts than heterosexuals, gay men, and lesbians. One study also found that a significantly higher percentage of bisexual adults (13.3%) reported being dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their lives as compared to straight adults (5.2%) Transgender- Studies have shown that suicidal ideation is widely reported among transgender people and can range from 38%-65% Studies have also found that suicide attempts among this population can range from 16%-32%

Most prevalent plastic surgery procedures:

Breasts, liposuction, nose, eyelid, facelift. 90% are performed on women.

White Fear of Demographic Change as a Powerful Psychological Force

By 2050, minorities would make up more than 50% of the population and become the majority. Jennifer Richeson (Yale) thought, oh hey this is probably freaking white people out... It was. When you are the majority, the sense of race is dormant. The idea of losing this status makes them uneasy. Even "open minded" and "Liberal" whites demonstrated these effects of the threats. Think TRUMP "a sense of a zero-sum competition between group is activated"... When people hear about the rise of one group, they automatically fear it will mean a decline in their own.

Social Darwinism

Charles Darwin wrote that blacks were between whites and gorillas. He was against programs for the 'weak' The idea of eugenics was spreading

Percent of Asian American Population

Chinese American- 22.8% Asian Indian- 19.4% Filipino American- 17.4% Vietnamese American- 10.6% Korean American- 9.7% Japanese American- 5.2%

The Image of the Natives

Colonists wanted America so they came up with the dual image of Indians: On one hand, they were welcoming, peaceful and gentle. The other was as hostile, beast-like savages. This image allowed them to morally believe that they could take their land


Color-blind ideology is a set of ideas that draws on abstract, liberal notions of equality ("Equal opportunity for all") The myth of "sameness" Understanding color-blind racism explains how the racial attitudes of whites can change on the surface in favor of racial equality, without any shift in behavior that will result in actual progress toward racial equity Colorblind racists deny to others, and perhaps most importantly, to themselves, that they hold any racist beliefs or intentions. And this might be true; because of institutionalized racism, racist attitudes are not needed to maintain the system that continues to benefit whites at the expense of other Americans Whites believe that discrimination was or currently a problem for blacks. BUT a good chunk say it is never a problem or unsure.

Bisexuals & Alcohol Abuse

Data have shown that bisexual adults exhibit significantly higher rates of binge drinking (22.6%) than their heterosexual counterparts (14.3%) -This significant difference in rates was evident only among bisexual women (23.7%) When compared by gender, bisexual women were significantly more likely to binge drink than straight women (8.3%)

Agency-Structure Debate

Debate in U.S. over micro (independent racism) over macro (institutionalized racism)

Court cases that Feagin cites:

Dred Scott v. John F. A. Sandford (1857)-- "court ruled Scott as not a citizen and had no rights" Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)-- "court ruled separate but equal" Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)-- "court struck down segregation in public schools" City of Richmond Virginia v. J. A. Croson Co.-- "court knocked down program to remedy past discrimination"


Feeling like your assigned sex is very DIFFERENT from the gender you IDENTIFY with. This is not the same thing as being gay, lesbian, or bisexual. **It's also important to note that some people don't think any of these labels describe them accurately.**

Changing Cultural Scripts about Sex: Early America: Patriarchal Sex

From Colonial times until the 19th century, the purpose of sex in America was defined as REPRODUCTIVE. -Patriarchal sexuality is characterized by beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviors developed to protect the MALE line of descent. -Men are to control women's sexuality -Puritans... "PURITANICAL VIEWS of SEX"

What HOB says about the 'contact situation'. What is it and why is it important?

HOB talks about the equal status contact hypothesis. This theory specifies the conditions under which intergroup contact can reduce prejudice. To do this, the groups must have four conditions filled: equal status, common goals, interact intensively in non competitive, cooperative tasks, and have the active endorsement of authority figures. Each of these conditions is crucial to the reduction of prejudice. The conditions under which groups first come into contact determine the immediate fate of the minority group and shape the intergroup relations for years to come. Establishes inequality among groups after contact; this is basically how minority groups begin to establish

Socioeconomic Status of Race-Ethnic Groups, 2010-2014

HS Grads- Similar except Latinos College Grads- Biggest for Asian-Am, 2nd is White Median Household Income- Asian-Am... Higher educated + more breadwinners within their household Poverty- Black poverty: 2-3x higher than white; N. American: 3-4x higher than white; Asian-Am least likely to be in poverty Unemployment: Latino, Black, N. American 3x higher than white Children in Poverty: Latino & Black children are in poverty 3x higher than white. Black: 1980- 42.1% > 2010- 33% Latino:1980- 33% > 2010- 26.6%

Critique of Bourdieu

He blurs the line between structure and culture BUT it may be needed. Structure without Culture is static. Criticisms on what about overt racists & not unintentional well-meaning white people. Racism is inevitable or unavoidable Purposeful racism contributes as well

Changing Cultural Scripts about Sex: The 1980s & 1990s: Challenges to Heterosexism

Heterosexism: taken-for-granted system of beliefs, values, and customs that places superior values of heterosexual behavior and that denies or stigmatizes non-heterosexual relations. Gays & Lesbians become increasingly visible and have challenged the notion of heterosexuality

Racialization (Theories of Institutional Racism)

Idea that racism is a process that binds people & the institutions of society

Transgender People & HIV/AIDS

In one study, HIV prevalence rates among transgender women (MTF) were found to vary from (5%-68%). HIV prevalence in transgender men (FTM) is estimated to be lower (2%-3%) Research continues to suggest that HIC infection is highest among transgender women of color Studies also suggest that MTF transgender youth are a population at high risk for HIV infection

Effects of Institutional Racism

Jim Crow laws not eliminate right away. Effects produced by well meaning white people are produced unintentionally due to lack of race awareness. These whites avoid relationships with blacks for fear of apprehension. Criminal Justice system hard on young black males White kids taught that equality has been achieved.

Arguments regarding Institutionalized racism (Feagin & Trepagnier)

Just under 90% of mass media is controlled by whites. When equality opportunity began to grow this did not mean whites desired the government to implement large integration of institutions.

LGBT & Obesity

Lesbian- Some groups are more likely to be overweight. Of these groups, African American women who live in rural or urban areas, lower education and low socioeconomic status. Bisexual- Research has shown mixed results as to whether bisexual women are more likely to be overweight that heterosexual women.

LGBT & Mental Health

Lesbians- A study that examined the risk of psychiatric disorders among individuals with same-sex partners found that, during the previous 12 months, women with same-sex partners experienced more mental health disorders- such as major depression, phobia, and post-traumatic stress disorder- than did women with opposite-sex partners. Gays- Multiple studies have shown that depression and anxiety affect gay men at a higher rate than the general population, and are often more severe for men who remains "in the closet." Transgender- Data about the prevalence of mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety, and other clinical conditions among transgender people are extremely limited. -In addition, few studies compare the mental health of transgender to non-transgender people.

LGBT & Heart Disease

Lesbians- Factors of developing heart disease like physical inactivity, obesity, and smoking is more prevalent in Lesbians than other women. Gays- Factors of developing heart disease like tobacco & alcohol use. Bisexuals- Have higher rates of heart disease than straight women but lower than lesbians.

LGBT & Fitness

Lesbians- Some research indicates that adult lesbians are not sufficiently physically active due to being too tired, not having a partner, lack of lesbian focused physical activity groups, lack of same-sex family membership to fitness facilities. Gays- Problems with body images are more common among gay men than straight. More likely to experience an eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia.

LGBT & Cancer

Lesbians- significantly higher risk for developing breast cancer; risk factors: fewer full-term pregnancies, fewer mammograms and clinical breast exams, overweight. Gays- In some cases, gay men are at an increased risk for prostate, testicular, and colon cancers. Also higher risk for anal cancer due to HPV (human papillomavirus) Bisexual Women- A U.S. study of women ages 50-79 years has indicated that bisexual women are more likely to self-report higher rates of cancers- specifically, breast cancer. Bisexual Men-Bisexual men who are sexually active with men, as well as anyone who has receptive anal sex, are at higher risk for anal cancer due to an increased risk of becoming infected with HPV, the virus that causes genital & anal warts

LGBT, Injury & Violence

Lesbians-Studies have shown that lesbian women and gay men report experiencing harassment or physical violence from family members due to their sexual orientation. When compared to straight adults (17.5%), a significantly higher percentage of lesbian or gay adults (47.4%) report experiencing intimate partner violence. Gays- Data shows that gay men generally experience two types of violent victimization: Criminal violence based on their sexual minority status, Violence from an intimate male partner Transgender- Numerous studies have suggested that: -Between 16%-60% of transgender people are victims of physical assault or abuse -Between 13%-66% are victims of sexual assault

Disease & Death on Native Americans

Many N.A. were killed by diseases brought by the Europeans Probable Epidemics: Smallpox, measles, typhus, bubonic plague, anthrax, malaria, chickenpox, and influenza Smallpox was rampant in the Americas among Indians. Smallpox can survive in a dried state. Thus, in the West, army would send contaminated blankets to Indians to infect them **First use of biological warfare

What Causes Sexual Orientation?

Not completely known why we have sexual orientation, but some research shows that it may be caused by biological factors before birth. This is not a choice that you can change. No therapy, treatment, or persuasion can change sexual orientation. This is usually set early in life.

Arguments regarding systemic racism (Feagin & Trepagnier)

Perpetuation of systemic racism requires an inter-temporal reproducing not only of racial institutions but also of the ideological apparatus that buttresses them. Ideologies created by oppressors to cover what they do is a critical aspect of systemic racism. 3 large-scale systems of social oppression: racism, sexism, classism. Scientific racism tried to show how whites have a natural hierarchy due to traits being hereditary.

Systematic Racism (Theories of Institutional Racism)

Portrays racism as permeating all of society including its institutions. (Bird Cage Ex.)

LGBT Health

Research suggests that LGBT patients face more financial barriers and have lower percentage of having a regular healthcare provider than that of heterosexual patients or lack of those that publicly identify as LGBT for fear of being discriminated against.

Same-Sex Relationships Throughout History

Same-sex relations are ancient but have been expressed and perceived differently in different eras and types of societies. -In ancient Greece, same-sex relations between men were normative and accepted. -In agrarian societies, the need for large families placed a huge premium on heterosexual relations, but same-sex relations existed even in the most straight-laced and prudish societies. -As societies began to industrialize and urbanize, more social spaces were created where same-sex relations could exist, and gay subcultures emerged in larger cities. -In post-industrial society, LGB people are more visible than ever


Set of principles and views that embodies the basic interest of a particular social group They are usually created by oppressors to corner what they do and the oppressed develop counter ideologies in struggle against domination. (Critical aspect of systematic racism) The perpetuation of systematic racism requires an inter-temporal reproducing not only requires an inter-temporal reproducing not only of the ideological apparatus that buttresses them.

Transgender People & STDs

Some researchers has found varying prevalence rates of: -Syphilis (3%-79%) -Gonorrhea (4%-14%) -Chlamydia (2%-8%) -Herpes (2%-6%) -Human Papillomavirus or HPV (3%-7%) Within the transgender population.

Transgender People & Substance Abuse

Some studies have shown that marijuana, crack cocaine, and alcohol are the most commonly used drugs by transgender people. Other studies have also found alarming rates of methamphetamine use (4%-46%) and injection drug use (2%-40%) Some studies suggest that tobacco use rates among transgender people can range from 45%-74% Studies have also suggested that barriers to substance abuse treatment services for this population often include discrimination, provider hostility and insensitivity, strict binary gender (male/female) segregation within programs, and lack of acceptance in gender-appropriate recovery groups

Bisexual & Smoking

States that have collected data on bisexuals via surveys found smoking rates within the population to be between 30% and 40% Further studies have shown that differences in smoking rates are most significant between bisexual women (39.1%) and heterosexual women (19.4%)

Native American History (From the readings

The population declined substantially over the course of the seventeenth through the nineteenth century, reaching an estimated low of 250,000 in 1890.The most important factor contributing to the decline in population was the diseases brought by American colonists to which Native Americans had little immunity or resistance. As of 2010, 2.9 million Americans identified as solely Native American (0.9 percent of the total U.S. population), and another 2.3 million (0.7 percent) said they were at least part Native American. Despite this demographic growth, Native Americans tend to have low levels of educational attainment and income and high levels of poverty. In 2010, among the Native American population age 25 years and older, 13 percent had a college degree or more (compared with 30 percent among the population as a whole). Median household income was $35,000 (the national average was $50,000), and their poverty rate was 28 percent (the national average was 15 percent), placing their level of disadvantage near that of African Americans.

Creation of a Culture of Violence

They wanted to exterminate Native Americans, and they did. They were never punished for there crimes creating this...

Slavery & Sexual Slavery on Native Americans

They killed native men and enslaved native women as sex slaves Judicial Enslavement- Committed a crime and must work for them for free ---Applied to "savages" that fought with the English- Rev. War They fought back **Applies to Spanish and French**

Bisexual (LGBTQ+)

Those attracted to BOTH genders **It's also important to note that some people don't think any of these labels describe them accurately.**

Straight or Heterosexual (LGBTQ+)

Those attracted to a different or opposite gender **It's also important to note that some people don't think any of these labels describe them accurately.**

Pansexual or Queer (LGBTQ+)

Those attracted to many different gender identities (male, female, transgender, genderqueer, intersex, etc) **It's also important to note that some people don't think any of these labels describe them accurately.**

Gay or Homosexual (LGBTQ+)

Those attracted to the same gender **It's also important to note that some people don't think any of these labels describe them accurately.**

Questioning or Curious (LGBTQ+)

Those who are unsure of their sexual orientation **It's also important to note that some people don't think any of these labels describe them accurately.**

Asexual (LGBTQ+)

Those who don't experience any sexual attraction for anyone -They do not feel sexual attraction to anyone ALTHOUGH the may think people are physically attractive or they may want to be in a romantic relationship. -They are not interested in having sex or doing sexual things -Nothing to do with romantic attraction. **It's also important to note that some people don't think any of these labels describe them accurately.**

Discrimination against LGBTQ+

Title VII- forbids discrimination when it come to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.

Role of medical intervention and plastic surgery:

To make them look like the 'normate'

Three Definable Periods for Native Americans: Tribal Independence: 1492-1787

Treaty system: English wanted to make treaties to displace the French ---Because French married Natives

Cultivation Theory

Viewing visual media cultivates reality (known as cultivation effect)...what you see is all there is. For example, the media makes Chicago seem a lot more dangerous than it really is. You can't sell a crime TV show on a .0001% death rate. Also affects body image. Most actors are attractive, not relatable to the average person.

Results of the "Beyond Stereotypes"

Viewing visual media cultivates reality. Cultivation effects also related to body images. TV, internet, and movie shows include many attractive actors and actresses whose physical appearance departs from population averages.

Percent of Population & Where they Live

White, non Hispanic: 62%---- Equally distibuted *Minorities tend to live in warmer climates* Latino: 18% ---- West Black: 13%---- South Asian-American: 6% ---- West Native-American: 1.2% ---- West Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.2%

Institutional Racism

a form of oppression structured into the fabric of society Recognized since mid 1960's when activists Stokely Carmichael (aka Kwame Ture) and Charles Hamilton introduced the term Expanded term to include role of cultural beliefs as integral to process Sociology has been slow to explain role of actors involved in production and maintenance of institutional racism IR demonstrates important idea that racism is systemic, therefore it is more than just the prejudice of individuals, yet disconnects individuals from institutions resulting in racism being under-theorized The concept disconnecting individuals from institutions (in saying racism is systematic) results in institutional racism being under theorized. They favor the dominant group. Perpetuates racist policies with the support of individual racism. Kids are taught how to behave within these institutions.

Ethnicity is...

a similarity of cultural traits and behavior

Racist Ideology (Old)

has overreaching principles & beliefs that provide an umbrella for more specific racist attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes.


is prejudice directed at LGBTQ persons

Collective Identity

is the shared understanding of one's place in society

What is meant by the 'normate' and what is and should be considered as 'normal' beauty for women?

normate is what some women and men THINK is the normal beauty standard. Some people believe they should look like the normate which is "White, western" not ethnic or "minority looking". Beauty should be seen as everyone as beautiful.

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