ITE 115 Chapter 2

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An ISP (Internet service provider) is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet and other related services such as Web site building and virtual hosting.

Human Computers

Before there were machines, humans would perform mathematical calculations to generate mathematical tables. Humans make many mistakes in calculations so these tables were filled with errors. Humans needed tools to make the process of quantifying easier.

Z1 Machine

First programmable general purpose digital computer 1939 - Konrad Zue - German engineer "too lazy to calculate" was the driving force behind the invention


2000- Injunction prohibiting Napster from allowing copyrighted music to be traded on its network. This was the beginning of battle over music piracy


Processing is the work that the computer is doing to complete its task. This is the manipulation of input data inform information


Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet. Allows you to communicate with anyone in the world who has an Internet address or e-email account with a system connected to the Internet.

The most popular micro blogging site:



A huge computer network available to everyone with a personal computer that can connect to it

Type of e-mail account that does not require an e-mail program to be installed on a user's computer is:

Web based email

web log

A type of personal website where articles are regularly posted


A1951 John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert Built a mainframe computer based on their design from 1942 of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and computer (ENIAC) Calculate trajectory tables for new guns. 30 tons with 180,000 vacuum tubes; broke down once every 7 minutes. Best known for predicting the winner of the next Presidential election.

Software Separate from Hardware

1969- IBM offers software bundled separately from the hardware for the first time


1969- Introduction to Arpanet the predecessor of the Internet

Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

1939- Never patented, never turned into a full operational product created by Professor John Atanasoff at Iowa State Univ. and John Berry a graduate student. - IBM told him that they would never be interested in an electronic computing machine.

First Electronic Digital computer - Colossus

1943 Built by Alan Turing which broke the secret codes used by the Nazis

General purpose Calculator Mark I

1944 Harvard professor Howard Aiken, built with grant money from IBM

A6 Compiler

1952 - Development Team led by Dr. Grace Hopper. Software that converts high-level language symbols into instructions that the computer can execute. Converts symbols into binary.

Fortran Language

1957. First level high level programming language. FORTRAN - fORmula TRANslator Used by Engineers.


1959- Electronic Recording Machine Accounting, created by GE. It was the first machine that could read special characters and allowed for digitized information and was the first scanner


1960- Common Business Oriented Language was the first programming language for business applications, many concerns over COBOL programs during Y2K


1963- American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It was a table that defines a binary sequence for every character of the keyboard that allowed computers to communicate using a standard representation for information

Integrated Circuit (IC)

1964- First computers built with IC. IBM System/360 line of computers using the same programs and peripherals

Third Generation - The Integrated Circuit Age

1964-1969 - They were built with integrated circuits. An integrated circuit (IC) is a complete electronic circuit on a small chip made of silicon. An integrated circuit is one small computer chip that could hold many transistors which makes computers smaller, faster, and more reliable, in addition they made computers cheaper to produce.


1965 - Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. A programming language with just a few instruction words. No data structures and no real loops just JUMP statements


1965- Created by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)

Fourth Generation: The Microprocessors Age

1970 - 1990 A microprocessor is a specialized chip developed for computer memory and logic. Use of a single chip in personal computers (watches, calculators, etc.) revolutionized the computer industry. As the price decreased it was allowed for commercial applications.


1971- Dr. Ted Hoff of the Intel Corp. Intel 4004 Microprocessor


1975 - First Local area network, developed at Xerox at the Palo Alto Research Center

Apple Computer

1977 - founded by Steve Jobs


1980 - Operating system created by Bill Gates built a MS-DOS Operating System for Microsoft


1981- IBM PC contains Intel microprocessor and Microsoft's MS-DOS operating system


1984- Apple introduces the MaC the first graphical user interface (GUI)

Windows Graphical User Interface

1985- Microsoft introduces its first GUI

Intel 486 processor

1989- Intel 486 process includes 1 million transistors

Fifth Generation: The Age of Connectivity

1991 - 2015 and beyond. The focus is on connectivity via the internet. The Internet allows world wide communication. Wireless networks allow us to be mobile in our communications.


1991- Linus Torvalds create Linux which is a version of the UNIX operation system that can be run on a PC

World Wide Web

1991- World Wide Web standards describe the framework of linking documents on different computers

Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

1992- Created by Apple the first device that includes a stylus pen and wireless communication

Intel Pentium Processor

1993- Computer systems are building using the Pentium processor


1993- Graphical Web Browser that eventually become Netscape


1994- Yahoo is launched as a popular web directory

Windows 95

1995- Microsoft releases major upgrade to operating system Windows 95

Google Search Engine

1997- Google Search Engine is launched

Office 1997

1997- Includes Internet Integration

Melissa Virus

1999- Infects more than 1 million computers released by David Smith

Communities of individuals who share a common interest typically create Facebook:

Facebook groups


Communication to/from the computer allows different computers to communicate with each other. Also allows remote access to the input and output from the computer.

History of Computers

Computers grew out of the need to quantify and solve problems. Computers continue to evolve as long as the hardware/material technology changes. As the computer hardware changed, the computer software had to change with it. With these changes computers became smaller, faster, more reliable, more efficient, and cheaper. The Age of Computers does not begin until the computer was made available to the public in 1951.

Using file transfer utility software, you can copy files to your computer from specially configured servers on the Internet is called:


Analytical Engine

Early Nineteenth Century Charles Babbage and Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace. Designed a mechanical computer that would reliably calculate mathematical tables. They did not build, they only designed. Between 1842 - 1843 Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace translated an article by Italian military engineer Luigi Menabrea on the engine ,which she supplemented with an elaborated set of her own notes, called Notes. These notes contained what is considered the first computer program, that is an algorithm encoded for processing by a machine. She is thought of as the first female computer programmer.


Electronic commerce involving individuals selling to individuals. C2C, or customer-to-customer, or consumer-to-consumer, is a business model that facilitates the transaction of products or services between customers. It is one of four categories of e-commerce, along with B2B (business to business), C2B (customer to business) and B2C (business to customer


Information is stored on the computer in two different ways, temporary and permanent storage. The temporary storage (RAM) loses its memory when the computer is turned off. The permanent storage keeps its information even when the computer is powered off.

The network that connects computers all over the world


The continuing Internet development that allows objects to send and receive data over the Internet.

Internet of Things (IoT)

search services

Maintain huge databases relating to information provided on the web and the Internet. Organizations that maintain data bases relating to information provided on the Internet and also provide search engines to locate information


Output from the computer is the results that are generated from the computer on completion of the task. This is the results of the processing


Publishes short sentences that only take a few seconds to write, rather than long stories or posts like a traditional blog

Second Generation - The Transistor Age

Second generation computers were built with transistors. Transistors are small devices that transfer electronic signals across a resistor. Transistors are smaller, use less power, and crate less heat than vacuum tubes. This means that the computers are smaller, faster, and more reliable. Heat quite often causes computer parts to fail.) Second Generation dates from 1958- 1963

Three basic components to cloud computing are clients, Internet and

Service providers

First Generation

The Vacuum Tube Age - The first computer were built with vacuum tubes. Vacuum tubes are electronic tubes that were made of glass and were about the size of light bulbs. Think of very bit TV or computer monitors with the rounded fronts, these had vacuum tube technology. First Generation dates - 1951 - 1957


The premier business-oriented social networking site

This is the internet's equivalent to traditional cash

digital cash

Using a keyword, a search engine returns a list of related sites known as:


The rules for exchanging data between computers



the input to a computer is any information that is put into the computer in order for the computer to complete its job. This would include anything tht the user types a the keyboard, or clicks with the mouse or speaks into a microphone

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