JB Ch. 10 & 12 Study Guide

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A Christian rite

The Crusades were fought by knights who were motivated by the promise of _________ and ________ zeal.

Adventure; Religious


A wealthy, powereful landowner

Medieval popes controlled the ________ in Italy, and bishops were often _________ to nobles.

Papal States; Vassals

What were the first three European universities, and what subjects did they teach?

Bologna, Paris, and Oxford; They taught grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy

What is significant about the Song of Roland?

Earliest and best example of the heroic epic, poetry of battles

In the year ________, the ____________ recognized the rights and obligations of the king and vassals.

1215; Magna Carta

What change in crop rotation increased farm yeilds?

Changing from 2 field rotations, to 3 field rotations


2 knights from every county, two people from every town, and all the nobles and bishops throughout England

How did Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologica attempt to reconcile Aristotle with Christian doctrine?

Proved that science and reason agrees with religion


A heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plowshare


A man who serves a lord in a military capacity


A medieval philosophical and theoligical system that tried to reconcile faith and reason


A member of the heavily armored calvary


A social or political class

What were problems of the late Middle ages, and how did Europe recover from them?

-Black Death caused population to decrease by 1/3 -Great Schism caused a political split and decline of Church power -Hundred Years' War

By what means did European kingdoms develop in during the late Middle Ages?

-Developed through war and statecrafft -William of Normandy conquered England, and caused the intermarriying of Saxon and English -Expansion of territory

What was the purpose and focus of study in Europe's first universities?

Harmonize Christian teachings with Greek philosophers teachings


The language of everyday speech in a particular region

What were the rights and responsibilities of lords?

The lords had political authority over the land, they also had to protect the serfs

The _____________ order of monks was one of the first to take their religion to people outside the monastery.


King _______________ fought English dominance and gained control of several French territories, King _________ was known for trying to bring justice to the people, and King ________ created a French parliament.

Philip II Augustus; Louis IX; Philip IV


To advance


To eliminate

What was the status of medieval women?

Women could hold property, but remained under the control of their husbands. Women also ran the households when the men were away


A binding agreement between two or more people


A code of ethics that knights were suposed to uphold


A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law

The monastic leader _________ inspired leaders such as _______ of France to enter into a failed Second Crusade.

Bernard of Clairvaux; Louis VII


Bones or other objects connected with saints; considered to be worthy of worship by the faithful

At the end of the "_____________," two ships sank in a storm. The children on the other five ships were sold into ____________ in North Africa.

Childrens Crusade; Slavery

In the Fourth Crusade, Western forces sacked __________ and destroyed the power of the ____________ Empire.

Constantinople; Byzantine

When the Carolingian Empire was divided in 843 into ______ sections, the western Frankish lands formed the kingdom of __________.


The __________ Controversy, which was initiated by a decree from Pope Gregory VII in 1075, ended in an 1122 compromise called the __________________.

Investiture; Concordat of Worms

How did the use of iron affect medieval farming?

Iron tools, such as the carruca, made farming more efficient. Since the carruca was expensive a whole village bought one and shared it, along with their animals

__________, the first Russian state, ended in 1169.

Keivan Rus

William of ____________ conqured England in the year ___________.

Normandy; 1066

In Europe, pilgrims often traveled to Rome or Santiago de Compostela, which housed the _________ of several of the __________.

Relics; Apostles

In the late 1000s and early 1100s, a wave of _________ enthusiasm led to a rise in monasteries and monastic _________.

Religious; Orders


The denial of basic Church doctrines


The science or study of the pratical or industrial arts


The study of religion and God

Who initiated the Hundred Years' War, and how was it won?

The war began after King Philip VI of France seized the duchy of Gascony from King Edward III of England. Military victories by Joan of Arc and the use of the cannon contributed to France's victory


An unbeliever

In the 1200s, Pope ______________, used tools such as the __________ to bring the Chruch to the height of its political power.

Inocent III; Intridict

The Crusades provided a backdrop for the persecution of ________, who suffered periodic ________, or deflamatory statements, attacks, and expulsions.

Jews; Libels

How did Ferdinand and Isabella unify Spain?

Made it a unified Catholic state

In return for fighting in the Crusade, the pope promised forgiveness of _________.


What conditions and factors led to the growth of independent medieval cities?

-Changes in climate and technology resulted in the development of farming villages -Increased farm production then freed some of the population to engage in crafts and in trade -The growth of trade led to the development of trading centers -Trading centers grew into walled cities, which developed their own customs and rules -Over time, cities developed their own governments and became completely independent of lords

In what ways was the medieval Church involved in political as well as spiritual struggles?

-The Church was involed with feudalism and international politics -The status of many bishops and abbots as vassals to nobles -The complexities of lay investure, which gave secular authorities power over clergy and sparked the Investiture Controversy -The influence of religious orders upon devout believers throughout Europe

How did the Crusades affect the political development of Europe?

-The Crusades inadvertently helped to break down feudalism -Kings levied taxes and raised armies to fight the Crusades, and nobles met their obligations by selling thier lands and freeing serfs -Nobles lost power, and kings created stronger cental governments -Kings gained new wealth as a result of trade with the East -Developments paved the way for the emergence of nation-states -By the mid 1400s, Spain, England, and France became strong European nations


A grant of land made to a vassal


A pesant legally bound to the land, who has to provide labor services, pay rents, and be subject to the lord's control

The Church's _________ sometimes used ____________ to extract confessions of heresy and used executions to punish it.

Inquisition; Torture

Who owned the land that serfs farmed?

Lords owned most of the land, but serfs were granted some land where they could plant their own crops


Military expeditions carried out by European Christians in the Middle Ages to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims


Of or pertaining to a techinque

What features characterized the basilicas of the late Roman Empire?

Rectangular buildings with flat wooden roofs

How does Chaucer's Canterbury Tales provide both historical and literary insight into medieval England?

Shows the points of view from 29 pilgrims on their way to Canterbury

Magna Carta

The "Great Charter" of rights, which King John was forced to sign by the English nobles at Runnymeade in 1215

What was the feudal contract?

The feudal contract was a set of unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal


To follow up or proceed with

Pope ________ framed the Crusades as a quest to free Jerusalem and the ________ from ________, or unbelievers.

Urban II; Holy Land; Infidels

Where were Europe's main medieval trading centers?

Venice, Genoa, Piza, and Flanders

How feudalism develop?

Vikings attacked European lands, so people fled to seek safety on the lands of local lords, where they became serfs

Chanson de geste

A type of vernacular literature that described battles and politcal contests

How did the concept of chivalry influence medieval life?

Chivalry was a code of ethics by which knights pledged to defend the Church and defenseless people, treat captives as guests, and treat aristocratic women with respect


An agricultural estate that a lord ran and peasants worked


An annual direct tax, usually on land or property, that provied a regualr source of income for the French monarchy


An interval of time


An orginal or official paper that gives proof of or support to

What was Anslem of Canterbury's most significant contribution to scholaticism?

Anslem made one of the first attempts to demonstrate how the truths of faith are compatible with reason. He used reason to argue the existence of God

In the First Crusade, Europeans capture _______ in 1098. In June 1099, they reached _________ and killed many of its inhabitants.

Antioch; Jerusalem

What features characterized Romanesque churches?

Arched vaulted roofs in the shape of a cross, massive pillars, thick walls, intersecting barrel vaults, and little windows

How did increased trade give rise to commercial capitalism?

As an economy based on money developed, a no usary rule was put in place for Christians, so Jews loaned money to crusaders and merchants

The last two Crusades ended in France's defeat by ____________. King Louis IX later died of the __________.

Baybars; Plague

What benefits did guilds offer craftspeople?

Craft guilds set standards for quality, and fixed the prices of finished goods. They also set the number of people who could enter a trade

Who were the nobility during the Middle Ages?

Kings, dukes, counts, barons, and bishops who had large estates and political power

In what ways were knights central to feudalism?

Knights were members of the heavily armed calvary that dominated warefare in medieval Europe. Lords supplied them with expensive horses, armor, and weapons. Thorugh their service theu could win land that would support their families

King __________ and his successors attempted to rule both Germany and ________ as the ______________ Empire.

Otto I; Italy; Holy Roman

In the Middle Ages, the Church played a large role in everyday life; the ___________ guided people from birth to death, and included baptism, the Eucharist, and marriage.


Medieval Christians dedicated churches to _______ and venerated ________ objects connected with saints.

Saints; relics

The ______ peoples of _________ Europe divided into three major groups, each of which formed new kingdoms.

Slavic; Central

Lay investure

The practice by which secular rules both chose nominees to Church offices and gave them symbols of their office


To make possible

What was the most popular vernaculat literature of the 1100s?

Troubadour poetry, stories from nobles and knights about love for a lady who inspired both courage and poetry

What did King Louis XI do to strenghten the French Monarchy?

Used taille, curbed the power of French nobles, added new territory, and promoted industry and commerce

What was the status of medieval vassals?

Vassals ranged all the way from being lords to simple knights with little land.

The eastern Slavs who lived in present day Ukrain and Russia were conquered by __________, who were in turn conquered by ___________.

Vikings; Mongols

Who were the Norsemen, and what effect did they have on western Europe?

Vikings; They invaded Western Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries, destroyed towns and churches, defeated local armies, and eventually they built their own settlements


A summons that is often stimulating, inciting, or threating

The abbess ____________ was an important contributor to a type of music known as __________ chant.

Hildegard of Bingen; Gregorian

Anti Semitism

Hostility toward or discrimination agianst Jews

What was feudalism, and how did it influence medieval Europe?

The socio-economic-political system that influenced trade, money development, loyalty to ones lord, and protection by ones lord


A written or oral defamatory statement


The middle class, including merchants, industrialists, and professional people

How did the bubonic plague spread throughout Europe?

Carried by flea-infested black rats along the trafe routes from Kaffa, on the Black Sea, to the rest of Europe

How did King Henry VII strengthen the English monarchy?

He abolished private armies and refrained from overburdening the nobles and middle class with taxes



What were the consequences of the Black Death?

1/3 population killed, and Jews were blamed and killed

When did townspeople gain new rights, and why?

1100s, becasue the merchants wanted freedom to go sell their goods, which benefits the lords economically


A decree by the pope that forbade priests from giving the sacraments of the Chruch to the people

Common Law

A uniform system of law that developed in England based on court decisions and on customs and usage rather than on written law codes

How was the Carolingian Empire divided after Charlemagne's death in 814?

After Charlemagne's death, the Carolginian Empire divided into the western Frankish lands, the eastern Frankish lands, and the Middle Kingdom, each ruled by a grandson

What caused the Great Schism?

After the death of Gregory XI, Italian cardinals and French cardinals each elected their own pope. An effort to resolve the problem resulted in the election of a third pope

__________ monks preached simplicity, took vows of poverty, and aided the poor, while _________ also lived in poverty and battled ____________.

Franciscan; Dominicans; heresy

New monarchy

Government in which power had been centralized under a king or queen

King Henry II expanded the power of the English _________; he strengthened the power of the royal __________ and struggled for power over the _________.

Monarcy; Court; Catholic Church

Christians also made _____________ to shrines, the greatest of which, they believed, was the Holy City of _____________.

Pilgrimages; Jerusalem


Political and social order that developed during the Middle Ages when royal governments were no longer able to defend their subjects

Some eastern Slavic peoples were converted to _____________ by the missionary brothers, ____________ and ____________.

Orthodox Christianisty; Cyril; Methodius

The establishment of the ________ brought representative government to England.


Caught up in disputes with ________ in Italy, and the ___________ in German lands, the emperor had no real power in either part of his empire.

Pope; lords

The Crusades benefited some Italian __________ cities, and helped cause the end of __________ and the emergence of nation-states.

Port; feudalism

What features chracterized Gothic churches?

Tall towers, round ribbed vaults, pointed arches, flying buttresses, and stained glass windows

What events in European Christianity set the stage for Martin Luther's reformation?

The Great Schism lead to calls for reform


The effet or result of an action

Feudal contract

The unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a vassal and his lord

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