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What is the theme for Petroglyph 2016?

"Inspiring Collaboration, providing energy solutions"

Because it is used in manufacturing numerous products such as gasoline, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and such, what phrase is used to describe crude oil?

"Mother of All Commodities"

How much did BP eventually pay in fines to settle the Deepwater Horizon fiasco?

$18.7 billion

What unwelcome byproduct of the kerosene refining process became a desirable fuel in about 1915?


law of superposition

. This law states that the oldest rocks are on bottom and the youngest rocks are on top.

What is the estimated gas reserve present in the world's largest gas field?

1,800 TCF (trillion cubic feet)

What is the pore volume of a sample that has a grain volume of 3, and a porosity of 0.3?


In 2018, how old will SPE be upon being independent from its mother organization?

33 years

Worth 20 points. Offshore collection of seismic data is done by a vessel that travels at what velocity in knots?

5 knots

Q7: Abnormally high pressure exerted by some subsurface formations.

A7: Geopressure (page88)



Standard unit of measurement for measuring crude oil quality

API gravity

It is a type of lava flow that has a jagged, blocky surface.

Aa flow

For 20 points, name the theory of petroleum generation in which petroleum is thought to have formed from hydrocarbons trapped inside the earth's crust while the earth was forming.

Abiogenic theory

It is a general term for the loss of ice and snow from a glacier.


It is called the folding of layers by layer-parallel shortening controlled by contrasts in viscosity between layers (buckling).

Active Folding

This is a type of rifting that occurs when a thermal plume or sheet impinges on the base of the litosphere.

Active Rifting

It is a margin that is usually narrow and consists of highly deformed sediments. Such margins occur where oceanic lithosphere is being subducted beneath the margin of a continent.

Active continental margin

It is the zone above the permafrost that thaws in summer and refreezes in winter.

Active layer

It is a surface of low relief on which environmental conditions, resulting from repeated inundation by hypersaline waters, are ideal for the growth of algae.

Algal flats

miscible gas eor

An eor method that involves injection of gases that are capable of mixing themselves with the residual oil in the reservoir

microbial eor / meor

An eor method that involves the injection of genetically engineered microorganisms into the reservoir

in situ combustion

An example of thermal eor method that involves injection of combustible gas that will be ignited within the reservoir

What is the fine grained equivalent of diorite?


He was the one who discovered the boundary between the crust and the mantle using seismic waves.

Andrija Mohorovicic (1909)

After finding commercial quantities of oil in 1908, this company took over the concession in 1909.

Anglo-Persian Oil Company

What type of unconformity is formed where the beds beneath the erosional surface are tilted and eroded?

Angular Unconformity

41. Name the geologic periods in order from oldest to most recent.

Answer. Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary

At what geologic age do most oil and gas fields fall under?

Answer: Cretaceous

It is the first eon of Precambrian time. It extends between 4.5 and 2.5 billion years ago.

Archean eon

What group of equations relate the resistivity of a formation to the resistivity of the fluids saturating a formation, the porosity of the formation and the fractional degree of saturation of each fluid present?

Archie's Equations

It is a feldspar-rich sandstone.


Sandstones that are feldspar mineral-dominated are called ___________.

Arkosic Sandstones

It is the flow generated when the potentiometric surface lays above the point where a well penetrates a reservoir and exits at the surface. These wells flow without artificial aid.

Artisan flow

Which continent is currently the largest consumer of petroleum?


These are complex hydrocarbon compounds that are relatively rich in Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Oxygen characterized by their high molecular weight and large size.

Asphaltenes or resins

It is a subdivision of the mantle situated below the lithosphere. This zone of weak material exists below a depth of about 100 kilometers (60 miles) and in some regions extends as deep as 700 kilometers (430 miles). The rock within this zone is easily deformed. What is this part of the mantle called?


It is the gaseous portion of a planet, the planet's envelope of air. One of the traditional subdivisions of Earth's physical environment.


It is a coral island that consists of a nearly continuous ring of coral reef surrounding a central lagoon.


This is a clay commonly used in salt water applications that is a fiber-like clay that builds viscosity with agitation


It is a zone or halo of contact metamorphism found in the country rock surrounding an igneous intrusion.


This implies the formation of a mineral during or after deposition.


Commonly created by reaction or precipitation of connate fluid, what kind of clay forms within the pore spaces of the rock


In 1927 the Turkish Petroleum Company drilled a discovery well which brought in the Kirkuk field. Meaning Father of Flames in Kurdish, what was the name of this discovery well?

Baba Gurgur No 1

It is a type of basin that forms on the side of a volcanic arc away from the trench.

Backarc basin

It is the inner portion of the shore, lying landward of the high-tide shoreline. It is usually dry, being affected by waves only during storms.


It is described as an isostatic basin restoration where focus is on the subsidence history of a basin by successively removing sedimentary sequences and balancing isostasy.


It is a poorly drained area on a floodplain resulting when natural levees are present.


Name the shale play that extends from the north United States into Saskatchewan Canada.


What is the name of the formation that occupies approximately 200,000 square miles of the subsurface of the Williston Basin and is beneath parts of Montana, North Dakota, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba?

Bakken Formation

It is a solitary sand dune shaped like a crescent, with its tips pointing downwind.

Barchan Dune

It is a type of dune that forms scalloped rows of sand oriented at right angles to the wind. This form is intermediate between isolated barchans and extensive waves of transverse dunes.

Barchanoid dune

What drilling additive is very efficient at attenuating gamma rays and will give an anomalously low gamma ray reading?


It is a seismic wave that travels through Earth's interior.

Body wave

It is a stream that consists of numerous intertwining channels.

Braided stream

It is a structure that protects a near-shore area from breaking waves.


What mineral is the main component of limestone?


On the Udden-Wentworth classification of grain size, what lies between pebble and boulder?"


It is a type of lithification in which the weight of overlying material compresses more deeply buried sediment. It is most important in the fine grained sedimentary rocks such as shale.


What is the term for the physical process by which, sediments are consolidated, thereby reducing porsepace and grains are packed closer together?



Comparisons on the basis of fossil content of the formations is called?

It is the ratio of the connected pore volume to the total volume.

Connected Porosity

These are large continuous areas of land that include the adjacent continental shelf and islands that are structurally connected to the mainland.


Worth five points each. Name four evidences for continental drift.

Continental Jigsaw puzzle, Fossil matching, rock types and geologic feautures, paleomagnetism

It is the portion of the seafloor that is adjacent to the continents. It may include the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise.

Continental margin

It is the portion of the seafloor adjacent to major landmasses.

Continental margins

It its the gently sloping surface at the base of the continental slope.

Continental rise

The gently sloping submerged portion of the continental margin, extending from the shoreline to the continental slope.

Continental shelf

It is the steep gradient that leads to the deep-ocean floor and marks the seaward edge of the continental shelf.

Continental slope


Correalation sample that is continuously obtained

It is the determination of equivalence in time-stratigraphic or rock-stratigraphic units of the succession of strata found in two or more different places.


It is the process of establishing the equivalence of rocks of similar age in different areas.


this is defined as a mutual identification of layers


side wall

Correlation sample that is small in size but free of conatmination

Based on wentworth scale, what is the name of particel that has size range between 64 - 256 mm?

Couble (Berakal in Indonesia)

The depression at the summit of a volcano or a depression that is produced by a meteorite impact.


what is the area of the rock adjacent to the perforation tunnel where permeability may be 50% less than initial, undamaged permeability?

Crush Zone

It is a process that occurs during the crystalliation of magma, in which the earlier-formed minerals are denser than the liquid portion and settle to the bottom of the magma chamber.

Crystal settling

It is the type of grain packing with the highest porosity percentage.


It is the area of active erosion on the outside of a meander.

Cut bank

The lifting and removal of loose material by wind.



Department that carries out the search for accumulations of oil and gas.

This term is the process of forming a sedimentary rock from the clastic grains. May also be in conjunction with several geochemical processes such as cementation reactions and chemical dissolution.


What is the biological, physical, and chemical changes that take place after sediments are deposited called?


Type of rocks according to their magnetic susceptibility that exhibit a repulsive force to magnetic field


The angle at which a rock layer or fault is inclined from the horizontal.


defined as The angle at which a rock layer or fault is inclined from the horizontal.


A fault in which the movement is parallel to the dip of the fault.

Dip-slip fault

The quantity of water in a stream that passes a given point in a period of time.


A location, such as a spring or a stream, where groundwater flows back to the surface.

Discharge area

A section of a stream that leaves the main flow.


A boundary in which two plates move apart, resulting in upwelling of material from the mantle to create new seafloor.

Divergent plate boundary

There are three types of continental margins. Name 2 for 5 points each.

Divergent, Convergent, Transform

An imaginary line that separates the drainage of two streams, often found along a ridge.


Formation fluid testing involves taking fluid samples from the formation and measuring their pressures. It gives information on the types and properties of fluids in the formation, indicates the presence of hydrocarbons, and provides information on the pressures of the fluids within the formation.

Drillstem testing, wireline formation testing, producton testing

Who drilled the first ever oil well?

Edwin Drake

This type of permeability is a measure of the conductance of a porous medium for one fluid phase when the medium is saturated with more than one fluid. What is the name of this type of permeability?

Effective permeability

Effective permeability is the measure of the ease with which one fluid will flow through a porous medium in the presence of other immiscible fluid(s) occupying same pores and equally Continue reading

Effective permeability (Geology)

A negatively charged subatomic particle that has a negligible mass and is found outside an atom's nucleus.


A substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary chemical or physical means.


The washing out of fine soil components from the A horizon by downward-percolating water.


Spherically shaped, negatively charged zones that surround the nucleus of an atom.

Energy levels, or shells

Which program of SPE educates students aged 10 to 17 years old as well as the teachers about the energy industry? This program also encourages the students to pursue an engineering career to safeguard the future of the oil and natural gas industry?


Who is the Chairman of the Department of Petroleum Engineering of PSU?

Engr. Edel F. Bober

What is the full name of SPE-PSU-SC's adviser?

Engr. Lexyber C. Manalo

ditch, side wall, core sample

Enumerate the 3 types of correlation samples

pore scale displacement, sweep, drainage, commercial cut off

Enumerate the 4 factors that affect secondary recovery to be so low

magnetic, resistivity, seicmic, gravity

Enumerate the 4 types of geophysical surveys

It is the largest interval into which geologic time is divided.


The largest time unit on the geologic time scale next in order of magnitude above era.


Name the four intervals in the geologic time scale for five points each.

Eon, Era, Period, Epoch

It is the location on Earth's surface that lies directly above the focus of an earthquake. What is this called?


A major division on the geologic time scale; eras are divided into shorter units called periods.


The incorporation and transportation of material by a mobile agent, such as water, wind, or ice.


The initial velocity an object needs to escape from the surface of a celestial body.

Escape velocity

A sinuous ridge composed largely of sand


A funnel-shaped inlet of the sea that formed when a rise in sea level or subsidence of land caused the mouth of a river to be flooded. Eukaryotes An organism whose genetic material is enclosed in a nucleus; plants, animals, and fungi are eukaryotes.


Worth 10 points each. The Himalayas mountain range is a famous mountain range that is home to Mount Everest. Himalayas was formed by two subducting lithospheric plates. What are these?

Eurasian and Indian

What are 3 of the different dolomitization models?

Evaporative, Seepage Reflux, Mixing-Zone,Burial,Seawater

Developed by Darwin; offers an explanation why biostratigraphic method worked


A large, dome-shaped structure, usually composed of granite, that is formed by sheeting.

Exfoliation dome

An oil and gas prone type of kerogen with yields of 40 to 60 %


A stage in the value chain where the petroleum geoscientists needs to establish the presence of petroleum source rock, trap, seal and reservoir in the basin


True or false. Pore fluid pressure increases the effective stress, which is the stress at grain contacts in porous rocks.


A portion of a rock unit that possesses a distinctive set of characteristics that distinguishes it from other parts of the same unit.


It is a body of rock with specific characteristics. It is properly defined on the basis of color, bedding, composition, texture, fossils, and sedimentary structures.


This term means the different parts of a rock strata indicating a change in mineral content or deposition mechanics.


What is a map that shows areal variations in facies of a given statigraphic unit?

Facies map

It is any surface or narrow zone with visible shear displacement along the zone.


It it is the process where two adjacent fault segments interfere and connect, forming a hard-linked or soft-linked structure.

Fault Linkage

What are the types of secondary porosity in carbonate rocks?

Fenestral porosity (algal mats), Shelter porosity, intracrystalline porosity, moldic porosity, Vuggy or fracture porosity.

What are the types of secondary porosity in carbonate rocks?

Fenestral porosity (algal mats); shelter porosity; intracrystalline porosity; moldic porosity; vuggy/fracture porosity

Minerals wherein iron or magnesium join together with the silicates


For what invention is the Hughes Tool Company most notably known for?

First rotary drill bit

It is the property of splitting easily into thin layers along closely spaced, parallel surfaces, such as bedding planes in shale.


A crack in rock along which there is a distinct separation.


The Deccan Traps and the Ontong Java Plateau are products of what type of eruption?

Fissure Eruption

It is produced by the action of streams. It is the process of stream flow.


The term given to the layered or banded appearance of minerals due to the metamorphism of rocks


It is the underlaying side of a normal or thrust fault that has a dip between 90 degrees and 180 degrees as measured from the vertical axis.


What is the portion of the shore that lies between the normal high and low water marks; the intertidal zone? - Foreshore


Tool measuring the electron density of a formation. It comprises a gamma ray source and detector

Formation Density Tool

The ratio between the volumes of petroleum at reservoir conditions to that at standard conditons

Formation Volume Factor

It is the analysis of subsurface formation characteristics, such as lithology, porosity, permeability, and saturation by methods such as wireline well logging and core analysis.

Formation evaluation

What do you call to the remains or traces of organisms preserved from the geologic past? - Fossil


What is the definite and determinable order in which fossil organisms occur which enables us to identify many time periods by their fossil content?

Fossil succession

A step in seismic processing in which the signal is changed from the time to the frequency domain

Fourier Transforation

What do you call to any break or rupture in rock along which no appreciable movement has taken place? - Fracture


Failure that tends to occur in high-overpressure situations

Fracture Failure

A term used to describe the first episode of exploration in a basin

Frontier Exploration

What is the mechanical breakup of rock caused by the exp-ion of freezing water in cracks and crevices? - Frost wedging

Frost wedging

What is the vent in a volcanic area from which fumes or gases escape?


What do you to the streams that gain water from the inflow of groundwater through the streambed? - Gaining stream

Gaining stream

This tool provides a picture of the combined gamma ray output of all the radioactive elements in the rock formations.

Gamma Ray tool

It is a logging method that is capable of detecting facies change in the formation.

Gamma ray log

It is a quartz arenite formed by extensive in-situ leaching.


The relationship between reservoir conditions and standard conditions

Gas Expansion Factor

Real gases have a factor that is used to relate the gas to ideal conditions, what is the name of this factor?

Gas deviation, or 'z' factor

What do you call to the span of time since the formation of Earth, about 4.6 billion years? - Geologic time

Geologic time

What is the Largest oil field in the world?


It is an extinct colonial marine invertebrate that left fossils of flattened carbon films in sedimentary rocks that are similar in appearance to pencil marks. These existed from the Cambrian Period to the Mississippian Period. What is this invertebrate called?


What type of sandstone is characterized by being impure or dirty?


It refers to the common or characteristic shape of a crystal or aggregate of crystals.

Habit or crystal shape

One of geophysics method is refraction seismic. This method is application of whose method?


Observance of strict protocol with regards to safety must always be observed, this is commonly referred to as HSE. Define HSE

Health, Safety and Environment

Worth 5 points each. What are the agents of metamorphism.

Heat, pressure, stress and chemically active fluids.

What is the horizontal displacement of a fault and is shown on a map as the width of the fault?


(Also reservoir heterogeneity) Heterogeneity is a term used to describe how rock properties change from one location to another within the same reservoir. The implication of this is that two Continue reading

Heterogeneity (Geology, Shale gas)


How many km is the man made causeway of saudi aramco?

structural trap

How many liters are there in 1 barrel?

Kerogen derived from land plants

Humic Kerogen

Name the hurricane that disrupted Gulf of Mexico production

Hurricane Isaac

what term is used for compounds of frozen water that contain gas molecules. Often considered for future hydrocarbon exploitation potential?


What term is used for a material's partial concentration of hydrogen per unit volume relative to water

Hydrogen Index

Who is the author of the book "History of Standard Oil Company"

Ida Tarbell

discovery well

If an exploration well penetrates oil or gas, it becomes a

What country is the only member of OPEC in Southeast Asia?



Intermediate depth carbonate reservoirs formed along slopes of shelves

What is the meaning of IADC?

International Association of Drilling Contractors

An international treaty that outlines safety standards in construction, equipment and operations at sea

International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea / SOLAS

The most volcanically active body in the solar system


Wireline logging

It is a conventional form of logging that employs a measurement tool suspended on a cable or wire that suspends the tool and carries the data back to the surface.


It is a fold in sedimentary strata that resembles an arch.

Environment of deposition

It is a geographic setting where sediment accumulates. Each site is characterized by a particular combination of geologic processes and environmental conditions.

Gamma ray log

It is a logging method that is capable of detecting facies change in the formation.

Seismic Method

It is a method of data acquisition relying upon changes in the acoustic properties of rock to alter the properties of soundwaves transmitted through the rock.

stratigraphic trap

It is a potential petroleum trap formed by the deposition and diagenesis of the reservoir rock, such as limestone reef, river channel sandstone, an updip pinchout of a sandstone wedge in a shale layer or an oolite shoal.


It is described as a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules and lesser quantities of organic molecules containing sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and some metals.


It is is a gap in the rock record that represents a period during which erosion rather than deposition is occurring

If the size of the grains of a beadpack were double, how much would the permeability change (all else being equal)?

It would be 4 times larger

SPE International reqularly publishes articles and magazines related to the oil and gas industry, one of which is the JPT. What does JPT stand for?

Journal of Petroleum Technology

Enumerate the four (4) magazines published by SPE.

Journal of Petroleum Technology (JPT), The Way Ahead, Oil and Gas Facilities, and HSE Now

It is one of the smallest of Earth's tectonic plates. It is a remnant part of the once-vast Farallon Plate, which is now largely subducted underneath the North American Plate.

Juan de Fuca Plate

For 20 points. What is the chemical compof carnalite?

KCl MgCl2(H20)6

Igneous rock that is ultramafic in composition and fine grained in texture.


high hydrogen content

Large responses of neutron log means?

It is a red, highly leached soil type found in the tropics that is rich in oxides of iron and aluminum.


This is what you call the magma that reaches the Earth's surface. -


A bulbous mass associated with an old-age volcano, produced when thick lava is slowly squeezed from the vent. Lava domes may act as plugs to deflect subsequent gaseous eruptions. -

Lava dome

What do you call a formal statement of the regular manner in which a natural phenomenon occurs under given conditions? -


It is a natural, long, low ridge of sand and silt located along both banks of a river. It is parallel to the river channel. This is deposited by a river during floods when the river rises out of its banks. What is this called?


What North African country ranks 9th in world oil reserves?


These minerals lacks iron and/ or magnesium. They are generally lighter in color and have lower specific gravities than dark silicates. -

Light silicate

These are widespread in plants and are characterized by their aromatic structures. They are high molecular weight structures (polyphenols). The aromatic content of petroleum is derived from this group.


Carbonate sedimentary rock composed of mostly calcite is what?


What is the most abundant chemical sedimentary rock?


These are fatty organic compounds, insoluble in water, found most abundance in algae, pollen, and spores, that are rich in hydrogen and yield high volumes of hydrocarbon molecules on maturation


The process wherein sediments are converted into rock


It is a type of a small load structure that is closely associated with sole marks. These are irregular bulging features on the base of sandstone beds that overlay shales.

Load casts

It is a continuous recording of a geophysical parameter along a borehole.


Fill in the blanks. A period in which the Earth's polarity remains stable is called a ____________.

Magnetic chron

Worth 20 points. She was the one to have made the first scientific map of the Atlantic Ocean floor along with his partner Bruce Heezen. Her works confirmed the presence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge causing a paradigm shift in earth science that led to acceptance of the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift. She was an American geologist and oceanographic cartographer. Who was she?

Marie Tharp

Which highly-acclaimed Hollywood actor played the role of Deepwater Horizon's chief electronics technician Mike Williams?

Mark Wahlberg

What does MSL stand for?

Mean Sea Level

It is the progressive loss of porosity due to imposed stress leading to the reduction of in thickness of the original sedimentary unit

Mechanical Compaction

The major tectonic/Stratigraphic units in a basin


Name the potential which exists at the junction between the non-invaded zone and shale

Membrane/Shale Potential

It is a naturally occurring compound similar to alcohol and phenols in structure but containing a sulfhydryl group. It is one way in which sulfur can occur in petroleum. It gives the petroleum a strong, pungent odor reminiscent of garlic and is used as an odorant in natural gas. This can be removed by washing with caustic soda to convert it to disulfide. What is the name of this compound


What harmless, putrid-smelling organosulfur compound is used to identify if natural gas is leaking since it is naturally odorless?

Mercaptan or Methanethiol

This describes microscale deformation and deformation structures visible under the microscope. This is related to tectonic movement? What is this?


What are the two types of tri-cone roller-cone bits?

Milled tooth and carbide insert

Typical oil-field measurement of reservoir rock permeability, which is one thousandth of a "Darcy", as defined by Darcy's Law.


It is the branch of geology that deals with the identification and classification of minerals.


After the breakup of Standard, what did the standard oil of New York turn into?


What is the name of this ten-point scale of mineral hardness, keyed arbitrarily to the minerals talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite, apatite, orthoclase, quartz, topaz, corundum, and diamond?

Mohs scale

Who is the current president of SPE International?

Nathan Meehan

During the refining of crude oil, the individual products are separated according to volatility and are referred to as "fractions". What is the lightest petroleum fraction?

Natural Gas/Methane

This provides pressure, which pushes oil out of the reservoir when a well is drilled.

Natural gas

Which log provides a good measurement of the Hydrogen in the formation?


Despite being a major oil producer, known for the origin of Vikings, placed...


a log interpretation that displays a dead end of the presence of oil but no water is detected/


It is also known as kerogenshale. It is a fine-grained sedimentary rock that yields oil on heating.

Oil shale

One hour worth of energy from the Sun could power the Earth for how many years?

One (1)

Name 3 of the 4 types of clastic fragments in limestone.

Oolites, Intraclasts, Fossils, and Pellets

It is a naturally occurring concentration of one or more metallic minerals that can be extracted economically.


Name a source of vertical stress.


It is referring to the fabric of a crystalline sedimentary rock in which the constituent crystals are multisized and larger crystals enclose smaller crystals of another mineral. It is also known as poikilocrystallic.


These are sediments deposited on the inside of a migrating meander loop of a stream or distributary.

Point bar

Measures the apparent movement of the poles across the Earth's surface through time

Polar Wander

It is the migration during geologic time of the earth's poles of rotation and magnetic poles.It isalso known as Chandler motion.

Polar wandering

It is the measeure of the ability of aggregates to exhibit skidding.

Polished Stone Value

The percentage of pore volume or void space, or that volume within rock that can contain fluids


What is the total sum of openings or voids that occur within a rock?


ratio of void space in a rock to the total volume of the rock


What is the most common element in sedimentary rocks that influence log response?


What drilling mud contributes to the total gamma ray count rate measured, increasing it considerably?

Potassium chloride-based

Name any 5 geologic periods in order from oldest to most recent.

Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississipian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quarternary


Property of rock to hold fluid

The Shell Group of Companies around the world is managed under the official name Royal Dutch Shell plc. What does "plc" stand for?

Public limited company

Worth 10 points each. It is a common, brass or bronze-yellow mineral composed of Iron. It is a heavy mineral with a density of 5.01 g/cm3. It is often called fool's gold. What is this mineral and what is its chemical formula?

Pyrite, CuFeS2

Jasper is a form of what mineral?


It is a river channel system marked by right-angle bends produced by the presence of joints and fractures in massive rocks.


Fill in the blanks. ____________ is a type of fold with an axial plane essentially in horizontal position.

Recumbent fold

It is the measure of how often a flood of a given magnitude is likely to occur.

Recurrence Interval

The Malampaya gas field is what kind of play?

Reef build up play

Fill in the blanks _______________ Magnetism exists where there is no applied magnetic field, entirely independent of the induction effects of the present Earth's field

Remnant Magnetism

It shows the origins of the three rock types.

Rock cycle

Geochemical prospecting is concerned primarily with the examination of what?

Rocks, water, wand gases

It is an asymmetric fold where the short limbs appear to have been rotated anticlockwise with respect to their long limbs.

S fold

What is the most abundant sedimentary rocks?


delta complex

Sandstone deposition environment that exhibits a cyclic intervals of bell and funnel shaped gamma ray log

distributary channel

Sandstone deposition environment that exhibits a cylindrical shaped gamma ray log

barrier bar

Sandstone deposition environment that exhibits a funnel shaped gamma ray log


Sandstones or carbonates are detected with what gamma ray log response?

Kerogen derived from algae

Sapropelic Kerogen

Which types of rock are of interest in the petroleum industry?


It is an area of the earth's crust that is overlain by a thick sequence of sedimentary rocks. Often, an area where hydrocarbon accumulations are found. What is this called?

Sedimentary basin

what term is used for a depression in the crust of the Earth formed by plate tectonic activity in which sediments accumulate?

Sedimentary basin

The basic unit in sequence stratigraphy


It is a type of stratigraphy developed from seismic stratigraphy.

Sequence Stratigraphy

Name the study of rock relationships within a chronostratigraphic framework of repetitive, genetically-related strata bounded by erosion or non-deposition surfaces or the correlative conformities

Sequence stratigraphy

It is a rock composed largely of a mineral group which comprises of chrysotile and antigorite, commonly derived from alteration of peridotite or sea floor basalt?


In the oil and gas industry, these companies offer specialized services to other, larger companies, what are they called?

Service Company

The Petroleum Engineering Handbook contains how many volumes?

Seven (7)

It is the orogeny that occurred along the eastern edge of the Great Basin in Utah during times intermediate between the Nevadan orogeny to the west and the Laramide orogeny to the east, culminating early in the Late Cretaceous. What is the name of this orogeny?

Sevier orogeny

Which rock has a Photoelectric absorption index of 3.42 barns/electron?



Shale is detected with what gamma ray log response?

What is the difference between Shale and Mudstone?

Shale must exibit the ability to split into thin layers along well-developed, closely spaced planes. If the the rock breaks into chunks or blocks, the name mudstone is applied.

This test involves an exploratory well drilled in search of a new productive reservoir that is unknown, but suspected from data secured from other wells and is shallower than known productive pools.

Shallow pool test

It is the spatial description of open or closed surfaces such as folded layer interfaces or fault surfaces.


It is where extensive coarse-grained sedimentation occurs in situations where the sea level does not fall below the shelf/slope break

Shelf margin or Shelf Margin Systems Tract (SMST)

It is a common, yellowish-brown, brownish-red, brownish-black, white, or gray mineral composed of FeCO3. It has a specific gravity of 3.8 and is found as beds or nodules in shale. It is readily soluble in hydrochloric acid. Because it contains iron, a sequestering agent is used when acidizing a formation containing this mineral to prevent a gel from forming. What is this mineral called?


It is a pyramid-shaped structure of a silicon ion bonded to four oxygen ions, (SiO4)4-? - silicate tetrahedron

Silicate tetrahedron

Most common rock forming mineral group that contains the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron


All silicate minerals have the same fundamental building block. What is the name for this?

Silicon oxygen tetrahedron

What do you call a tabular or sheetlike igneous intrusion that lies parallel to the grain or layering of country rock? - sill


Worth 10 points. Define law of superposition in sedimentary rocks.

Sir Joggy

It is a metamorphic foliation aligned in a plane perpendicular to the direction of maximum tectonic compressive stress.

Slaty cleavage

_______________ is any type of mass wasting in which the rock or regolith initially moves as coherent blocks over a fracture surface.


It is the distance that rocks on opposite sides of a fault have moved? - slip


What is the steep lee side of a dune that is at the angle of repose for loose sand so that the sand slides or slips?

Slip face

It is a type of mass wasting in which the rock and regolith move as a consolidated unit with a back- ward rotation along a concave fracture?


This refers to the downward sliding of a mass of rock or unconsolidated material moving as a unit along a curved surface.


What is the most common swelling clay?


Give the meaning of SPE

Society of Petroleum Engineers / SPE

This organization aims to collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge concerning the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas resources and related technologies for public benefit

Society of Petroleum Engineers / SPE

Organic matter rich in _________ , such as algae yields oil with associated gas on maturation

Soft and Waxy Tissues

what term is used for the amount of gas dissolved in oil?

Solution Gas Oil Ratio

What is the name for the lowest point of closure on a structural trap which defines the maximum possible size of the trap?

Spill Point

It is a record of the direct current voltage differences between the naturally occurring potential monitored by a movable electrode in the borehole and a fixed potential, located at the surface. This potential results from differences in salinity between the drilling fluid and formation fluids.

Spontaneous potential curve

This area is believed to be rich in oil and natural gas; this is the reason why it has recently been the focal point of international interest due to overlapping territorial claims, the biggest of which being China and the Philippines

Spratly Islands

The day or date where the main drill bit begins drilling into the ground is referred to as?

Spud date/day

In formation evaluation, What does STOOIP stands for?

Standard tank original oil in place

Fill in the blanks. _________________ in deformed rocks reveal how much the rock has been strained, and information about the nature of the deformation can be obtained.

Strain markers

The term used for time-dependent deformation of a rock is _____________.

Strain rate

Identify these deposits that consists of layers formed in lower parts of either funnel-shaped intrusions or sill-like intrusion.

Stratiform Deposits

It is a type of volcanic eruption characterized by fire fountains of lava from a central crater.


It is a branch of geology that revolves on folds, faults and other deformation structures in the lithosphere - how they appear and how and why they formed.

Structural Geology

What traps are formed most commonly by structural uplift and differential compaction?

Structural Traps

For 5 points each, what are the type of traps for oil?

Structural and stratigraphic

what map indicates variations of elevations over the geographic region?

Structural contour map

Up to the 1920s the mapping and identification of likely prospects was based on the visible landscape. What is this type of geology called?

Surface Geology

What do you call to an earthquake wave that travels along the surface of the Earth or along a boundary between layers within the Earth? - Surface wave (L-wave)

Surface wave (L-wave)

What is the portion of a stream's load that is carried for a considerable time in suspension, free from contact with the stream bed? - Suspended load

Suspended load

TRUE OR FALSE: Ductile deformation is a type of deformation that can change the shape and size of the object without fracturing.


TRUE OR FALSE: Granitic magmas may produce explosive clouds of hot ash and gases that evolve into eruption columns.


The drilling mud is at a pressure greater than the fluid pressure in the formation.


True or False. Cataclasis in the fault core reduces grain size and therefore reduces porosity and permeability.


True or False. Cataclastic deformation bands show the most significant permeability reductions.


This form of cross bedding is where the bedding contacts are essentially planar.

Tabular cross lamination

What do you call a rock formed by contact metamorphism of carbonate rocks and it is typically coarse-grained and rich in garnet?


What is the name for a cut off in time that has the effect of eliminating some kinds of noise from seismic data?

Tail mute

from seismic data?What is the name for a cut off in time that has the effect of eliminating some kinds of noise

Tail mute

These are piles of debris that accumulate along the edges of exposed rock formations. They form due to the weathering and erosion of the rock.

Talus slope

These are large ships with hollow cavities in them built for the purpose of transporting oil by sea

Tankers / Oil Tankers

Sandstone containing highly viscous, asphalt-like hydrocarbon compounds is referred to as what?

Tar Sand

What is the small lake at the base of a cirque? - Tarn


This is the study of the large-scale processes that collectively deform Earth's crust. -


One of the two main controls of subsidence that are influenced by extensional and compressional forces acting on the lithosphere


What is the branch of geology that deals with the broad architecture of the outer part of the Earth; specifically the relationships, origins, and histories of major structural and deformational features? - Tectonics


What do you call a mineral's toughness or resistance to breaking or deforming?


It is the type of stress that pulls a body apart.

Tensional stress

It is the four Earth-like planets closest to the sun—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—which are composed primarily of rocky and metallic materials? - Terrestrial planets

Terrestrial planets

These are seafloor sediments derived from terrestrial weathering and erosion. Whatis this sediment called?

Terrigenous sediment

What is the production of oil or gas by artificially augmenting the reservoir energy, as by injection of steam or detergents?

Tertiary recovery

The Eastern Offshore portion of the Wilmington field in Longbeach consists of four man made islands. What companies were the original field contractors of THUMS Longbeach company?

Texaco, Humble Oil (now Exxon), Union Oil, Mobil, and Shell

In which American state can you find the location of the international headquarters of SPE?


The size, shape, and distribution of the particles that collectively constitute a rock. -


For 10 points each. The classification of igneous rocks is based largely on two criteria. Name these criteria.

Texture and composition of magma

What does TASSIC stand for?

Thallium activated single sodium iodide crystal

What was the first major contribution of geology to oil exploration?

The Anticline Theory

What was the main cause of the BP oil spill in 2010?

The BOP failed to correctly seal the well due to an un-centered drillpipe

Who developed the first electrical log

The Schlumberger Brothers

This is another term for the ocean floor.

The abyssal plain


The behavior on a pt diagram where liquid revaporizes at some points


The closest contact of production geologist

fault compartments

The division of reservoir due to fault activities

hydrodynamic trap

The downward flow of water past a tilted anticline causing the hydrodynamic accumulation of hydrocarbons. These are very rare.

gas cap

The gas that exists above the reservoir

top side

The geologic map is seen at what side of a block diagram?


The intersection line of a dipping rock and a horizontal plane


The law simply states that in an undeformed sequence of sedimentary rocks, each bed is older than the one above and younger than the one below.

section line

The line that is drawn across a map that will serve as a guide on where to look for viewing its cross section


The measure of the degree to which fluid can be transmitted

pressure maintenance

The more accurate term used in reservoir management instead of saying secondary recovery

What is the difference between Compaction and Cementation

The most common physical diagenetic change is compaction. while The most important process by which sediments are converted to sedimentary rock is cementation.


The movement of hydrocarbons from a source rock to an area of accumulation.

lithology of the rocks

The only basis for the comparison of intervals in different wells that remains in practice

triple point

The point in pvt diagram where solid, liquid, and gas may co-exist with each other

What is the difference between primary porosity and secondary porosity?

The porosity of the rock resulting from its original deposition. (v) Secondary porosity The porosity resulting from diagenesis.


The process of solid turning directly into gas

Gas to oil ratio

The proportion of gas and oil in the produced fluid at stock tank conditions.

Formation Volume Factor

The ratio between the volumes of petroleum at reservoir conditions to that at standard conditons

What is the term for the equilibrium point between the sublimation line, the melting point line, and the vapor pressure line?

The triple point

Production String

The tubing from the reservoir to the surface

What do you call a well-tested and widely accepted view that explains certain observable facts? -


It is one of the two main controls of subsidence which revolves on the changes in lithospheric heat flow.


What is the permanent magnetism of rocks and minerals that results from cooling through the Curie point?

Thermoremanent magnetism


These are fragments of one rock unit that have been enclosed within another.

effective porosity

These are interconnected pore volume availabe to free fluids

conformable strata

These are layers of rock that have been deposited essentially without interruption,

Neutron Logs

These are logs that determine the hydrogen atom concentration in a formation.

retrograde gas

These gases are aka as condensates

reservoir engr

This engineer studies the consequences of withdrawn fluids druing production

What are the three elements used as the source of natural gamma rays in sedimentary rocks?

Thorium, Uranium, and Potassium

Halite has how many planes of cleavage?

Three (3)

What is the vertical component of a fault's displacement?


The alternating horizontal movement of water associated with the rise and fall of the tide. -

Tidal current

A deltalike feature created when a rapidly moving tidal current emerges from a narrow inlet and slows, depositing its load of sediment. -

Tidal delta

It is a subaqueous delta of sediments, usually sand, that can be located on both the seaward or lagoonal side of a tidal inlet or channel through a barrier island. The sediments are deposited by the reversing tides that flow through the tidal inlet or channel. What is this delta called?

Tidal delta

A marshy or muddy area that is alternately covered and uncovered by the rise and fall of the tide. -

Tidal flat

It is The periodic change in the elevation of the ocean surface. -


It is the cyclic rise and fall of ocean water caused by the gravitational force of the Moon and, to a lesser extent, of the Sun? - Tide


What is the name of the world's first long-distance pipeline?


Is a glacier that flows directly into the sea. - Tidewater glacier

Tidewater glacier

Unsorted sediment deposited directly by a glacier. -


It is a rock formed when glacial till is lithified. -


What is a sedimentary rock formed of lithified till? - Tillite


This is a ridge of sand that connects an island to the mainland or to another island.


It is a type of map that uses contour lines, measuring sea-level are called?

Topographic map

An essentially horizontal sedimentary layer deposited on top of a delta during flood-stage. -

Topset bed

A description of the sealed petroleum-bearing container


A general term that describes a rock formation that allows for the accumulation of hydrocarbons


What is the most common method to calculate a rock volume from an isopach map?

Trapezoidal Rule

This is a form of limestone that is deposited by hot springs or as a cave deposit.


A system of streams in which nearly parallel tributaries occupy valleys cut in folded strata. -

Trellis drainage pattern

It is a drainage pattern characterized by a series of fairly straight parallel streams joined at right angles by tributaries? - Trellis drainage pattern

Trellis drainage pattern

What is the long, narrow depression of the sea floor formed where a subducting plate sinks into the mantle? - Trench


What do you call to a stream that contributes water to another stream? - Tributary


What do you call to the pattern in which water flows in an irregular and chaotic manner? - Turbulent flow

Turbulent flow

nonsealing fault

Type of fault that provides more passageways for fluid to flow and migrate.

dry gas

Type of reservoir gas primarily made of methane

deep reser

Type of reservoir that is generated by severe faulting and has often reduction of porosity and permeability

Chemical sedimentary rock

Type of sedimentary rock consisting of material that was precipitated from water by either inorganic or organic means.

What is a glacially eroded valley with a characteristic U-shaped cross section? - U-shaped valley

U-shaped valley

For a Country Group 2 Professional Membership category, how much annual dues should you pay for your SPE Membership?


Fill in the blank. An_________________ is a buried erosional or non-depositional surface separating two rock masses or strata of different ages, indicating that sediment deposition was not continuous.


It is a gap in the geological record, such as an interruption of deposition of sediments, or a break between eroded igneous and overlying sedimentary strata, usually of long duration? - Unconformity


The surface that represents a break in the rock record, caused by erosion and nondeposition. -



Under e & p companies these are responsible for work in the various subdisciplines.

In the field of structural geolpogy, It is a state of strain in which there is shortening in a direction Z and it is compensated for by identical stretching in all directions perpendicular to Z.

Uniform flattening or axially symmetric flattening

It is the concept that the processes that have shaped Earth in the geologic past are essentially the same as those operating today but with different magnitude.


The smallest group of atoms, ions, or molecules that form the building block of a crystal. -

Unit cell


Unit of used in measuring permeablity

Name the schools that have won Petrobowl for the past 4 years

University of Tulsa (2014), UNAM (2015), Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro (2016), UNAM (2017)

This is The area above the water table where openings in soil, sediment, and rock are not saturated but filled mainly with air. -

Unsaturated zone

Oil and Gas Industry sector that primarily deals with the searching, exploration, drilling, development and production of oil and gas wells?


These are the electrons involved in the bonding process; they occupy the highest principal energy level of an atom. -

Valence electron

Limitation in seismic interpretation creted by lateral variations in the seismic velocity of the overburden. They will disappear if the seismic is properly depth-migrated

Velocity "pull-ups" and "push downs"

This is the surface opening of a conduit or pipe.


These are seismic surveys acquired with standard near-surface sources, but with receivers down a well

Vertical Seismic Profiles (VSP)

This is A term applied to aphanitic igneous rocks that contain many small cavities called vesicles.

Vesicle texture

Spherical or elongated openings on the outer portion of a lava flow that were created by escaping gases.


Fill in the blanks. Rocks that contain voids left by gases that escape as lava solidifies are said to exhibit a __________ texture.


It is the original trade name for a seismic exploration process in which the seismic energy is put into the substance by a hydraulically or electromechanically vibrating truck or an array of vibrator trucks. The frequencies can be scanned from 0.1 to 120 Hz. It was invented and patented by Conoco in the 1950s.


The measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. -


The primary source of this kerogen type is higher plant debris found in coals or coaly sediments. What is this kerogen type called?


When a source rock is examined under a reflectance microscope, the amount of light reflected by this plant organic matter helps define the maturity of the source rock. Name this organic matter.


These are the gaseous components of magma dissolved in the melt. They will readily vaporize at surface pressures.


It Pertains to the activities, structures, or rock types of a volcano. -


What is A streamlined pyroclastic fragment ejected from a volcano while still semimolten.

Volcanic bomb

It is a zone in the upper mantle in which earthquakes occur when a lithospheric plate is subducted.

Wadati-Benioff Zone

What is the phenomenon that occurs from a sudden decrease in salinity of a brine flowing through a sandstone that will cause formation damage by dispersing clay particles?

Water Sensitivity

It involves the physical breakdown (disintegration) and chemical alteration (decomposition) of rock at or near Earth's surface.


This is the breaking down of rocks, soil and minerals as well as artificial materials through contact with the Earth's atmosphere, biota and waters.


What company introduced the gamma ray log?

Well Surveys Inc.

It is a method used for finding strain in two dimensions that is also described as a geometric construction. It is typically demonstrated on fossils with orthogonal lines of symmetry in the undeformed state. This method is called?

Wellman method

Name the premier with professional and educational background in geology of the world's second largest economy, China?

Wen Jiabao

WTI is a grade of crude oil used as a benchmark in oil pricing. It is light because of low density and sweet because of low sulfur content. What does "WTI" stand for?

West Texas Intermediate


What do we call the chemical that is injected to the reservoir that will emulsify itself with the oil and water molecules for easier mobiity for oil recovery?

cross section

What do you call the sides of a block diagram?

caustic flooding

What is the chemical eor method that involves injection of chemicals that will break down heavy hydricarbons into lighter ones and will also act as emulsifiers to easilty recover these heavy hydrocarbons


What is the dip angle of a horizontal rock layer?


Which types of rock are of interest in the petroleum industry?

mixed rock fragments

Why is it difficult for a logging tool to determine the rock types along a falut line?

Name 4 erosional processes that transport and deposit sediments

Wind, water, gravity, ice

Identify the aspect of logging that employs an electrical cable to lower tools into the borehole and is distinct from measurements while drilling and well logging


These are tools that are attached to a "wireline," or steel cable, lowered to the bottom of a well after each major stage of drilling and then hauled back.

Wireline log tools

It is a conventional form of logging that employs a measurement tool suspended on a cable or wire that suspends the tool and carries the data back to the surface.

Wireline logging

It is a tool that is attached to a "wireline" or steel cable, lowered to the bottom of a well after each major stage of drilling and then hauled back.

Wireline logs

Which global organization partnered with oil and gas companies in an advocacy to stop the practice of flaring - the burning off of natural gas as a byproduct at crude oil wells, typically where there is no pipeline to capture the gas - since it wastes a valuable energy resource?

World Bank

oil drive

Write "bonus" on the answer area

The meteorite impact that contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs was the Chicxulub meteorite that hit _________ peninsula in mexico.


Folds whose short limbs appear to have been rotated clockwise with respect to their long limbs.

Z folds

Who is the acting Secretary for the Department of Energy?

Zenaida Monsada


a situation in which younger sedimentary strata overlie older metamorphic or intrusive igneous rocks

the attraction between different moelcules


Name the siliceous rock with alternating bands of chalcedony and variously colored chert


Name one of the two primary sources of organic chemicals in oil and gas

algae and plankton

In structural geology, what is the name for a fold that is convex up and has its oldest beds at its core?


What is the textural term meaning "fine-grained" that applies to igneous rocks.


well that aims to decide whether the hydrocarbon pool will produce profitable amounts of oil and gas

appraisal wells

It is a knife like ridge of rock between two glacially eroded valleys.


sandstone deposition environment that exhibits a funnel shaped gamma ray log

barrier bar

What dark colored extrusive igneous rock underlies ocean basins and is composed chiefly of calcium plagioclase and pyroxene?


why is it difficult for a logging tool to determine the rock types along a falut line?

because of too much mixed type of rock fragments

a mechanism that involves water coming from aquifers causing a pushing pressure directly below the area of the oil reservoir.

bottom water drive

what clastic rock has angular gravel shaped particles?


what type of fluid is believed to be contained when the resistivty log is low?


What is the name for a comparatively impervious stratum immediately overlying an oil- or gas-bearing rock?

cap rock

these are layers of rock that have been deposited essentially without interruption,

conformable strata

For 30 points, or 10 point each, give 3 types of plate boundaries:

convergent, transform, divergent

type of reservoir that is generated by severe faulting and has often reduction of porosity and permeability

deep reser

this is the meaurement of the angle that a rock layer tilits from the horizonal


Mention 2 active wave source that is used in geophysics

electromagnetic, seismic wave

Mention 2 active wave source that use in geophysics!

electromagnetic, seismic wave

It refers to any planar (nearly flat) arrangement of mineral grains or crystals within a rock.


Where can you find the zone of accumulation on a glacier?


The downward flow of water past a tilted anticline causing the hydrodynamic accumulation of hydrocarbons. These are very rare.

hydrodynamic trap

This is a potassic ultrabasic hybrid igneous rock containing large crystals or megacryst of olivine enstatite. Name this igneous rock.


Carbonate sedimentary rock composed of mostly calcite is known as what?


Carbonate sedimentary rock composed of mostly calcite is what


What is the unit used to measure the strength of magnetic field

oersteds (Oe)

what is the common chemical that is added to the water in order to increase its sweep efficiency?


what variable is being measured by the density log?


the behavior on a PT diagram where liquid revaporizes at some points


these gases are AKA as condensates

retrograde gas

Identify the small, nearly parallel sand ridges and troughs that are also formed by moving water or wind.

ripple marks

pore spaces that resulted from post depositional activities

secondary porosity

this is a mechanism when crude oil has dissolved gas on it, the gases aid in helping the oil feel lighter, thus enhancing the mobility of our oil up to the surface for production.

solution gas drive

what do we call the chemical that is injected to the reservoir that will emulsify itself with the oil and water molecules for easier mobiity for oil recovery?


Worth 20 points. Define lithification.

the processes by which unconsolidated sediments are transformed into solid sedimentary rocks

this refers to all the porosity of the rock whether effective or not

total porosity

Weatherford is one of the largest international oil and natural gas service companies. The company provides products and services for drilling, evaluation, completion, production and intervention of oil and natural gas wells, along with pipeline construction and commissioning. Headquartered in Switzerland, Weatherford currently operates in more than 100 countries across the globe and employs more than 60,000 people. Name the CEO of this multi-national company.

(Bernard Duroc-Danner)

What does a fracture look like on a acoustic image log?

(Sinus) curve

What is the gamma radiation value of pure calcite in API units?


What percentage of Sodium Chloride is required in a drilling fluid for it to be called a saltwater mud?


How much oil did Libya produce before the start of its revolution?

1.6 million bbl/day

Linking the Mediterranean and Red Seas, how much crude oil and refined products go through the Suez Canal

1.8 million barrels

Shale has approximately what API?


If the prospect is more or less circular, how many degrees apart the ideal outstep directions?


The World Coal Institutes says that at the current coal production of the world, the proven coal reserves are estimated to last for how many years?


This temperature window allows for the creation of crude oil from organic matter in sedimentary rocks. What are these values?


The basic work for flow through porous material was done by Henry Darcy, when was this conducted?


In which decade did Russia become a net oil exporter


Name the decade and state for the first submerged oil well drilled in saltwater in the U.S.

1890s, California

In what year was a major oil discovery made that confirmed the anticline theory?


20. Schlumberger Limited is the world's largest oilfield services company. Schlumberger employs approximately 126,000 people representing more than 140 nationalities working in more than 85 countries. For 10 points, in what was this company founded?


What year was the first horizontal well drilled near Texon, Texas?


What year was the gamma-ray log introduced?


When was Ecopetrol established, what does Ecopetrol stand for and what country is Ecopetrol based in?

1948, Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos, Columbia

For 10 points each, name the year in which Hubbert created and used the models behind peak oil and identify the 5 year range when he predicted US production would peak

1956, 1967-1972

Name the year when the petroleum branch of AIME became its own organization


When was SPE established?


In what year did SPE become a separately incorporated organization from its mother organization?


What year was Saudi Aramco established, succeeding Aramco following a royal decree by King Fahd?


Year of the establishment of PSU's Petroleum Engineering Department


During this year, JPT celebrated its 50th anniversary and BP discovered the Thunder Horse field in the Gulf of Mexico. Name this year that saw the mergers of Total and Petrofina


When someone mentions a 2:1 clay mineral such as smectite, what do the "2" and the "1" represent.

2 is number of tetrahedral sheets, 1 is number of octahedral sheets

What is the typical maximum allowable point of approach for sea vessels when within the vicinity of offshore drilling rigs?

2 nautical miles

Fill in the blank. From 2008 to 2012, the average pump price of one liter of the most commonly sold gasoline gasoline in the Philippines amounts to 1.25 dollars, the pump price in Turkey, on the other hand, is one of the highest in the world at ___ USD/ liter? (5% deviation from the correct answer is allowable)

2.41 to 2.67 (2.54 USD/L)

What is the grain density of quartz in g/cm3?


What is the specific gravity of calcite?


Give the reserve size of Saudi Aramco in bbl of oil

260B bbl of oil

What percentage of SPE is comprised of students?

29% (As of 2012)

During the year 2013, what was the average daily oil consumption of the Philippines?

299.39 thousand bbl/day

In petrophysics, what is Stone's model used to predict?

3-phase relative permeability

In 2014, the Philippines produced a total of 77,261 Gwh of electricity, what percent of this is sourced from fossil fuels, particularly petroleum based fossil fuels?


Total number of SPE student chapters around the world


As of 2018, how many student chapters were registered and recognized by the SPE?


What is the length to width ratio of megasequences?

3:1(3 is to one)

A borehole geometry tool has how many arms?


Worth 20 points. What is the currently accepted half-life value for Uranium-238?

4.5 billion years

The packing model, assuming uniform grain size in sedimentary rocks, considers two ideal geometric arrangements. They are rhombohedral & cubic. What is the porosity of cubic pack?


What is the theoretical maximum porosity in a cubic, rhombohedral, and hexagonal packing?

47.6%, 26.0%, and 39.5% respectively

Worth 20 points. Cubic grain packing has a theoretical maximum porosity of ______ percent.


Fill in the blank. In 2000, the Philippines was able to generate a total of 11.045 billion kilowatthours of geothermal electricity which amounted to ___ percent of the total geothermal electricity generated in Asia including Oceania. (5%deviation from the final answer is allowed)

48.507 -53.62; (51.063%)

How many barrels of oil are there in 1 cubic meter of oil?

6.2898 barrels

In 2011, BP celebrated the anniversary of its...

60th anniversary of BP statistical review

When natural gas is cooled to a temperature of -162°C, it becomes liquid. When it is liquefied, its volume is decreased by how many times?

615 times

What is the size range of the detrital rock Cobble in millimeters?

64-256 mm

In the first days of petroleum exploration, Edwin Drake managed to drill the first ever oil well. At what depth did his well start to produce oil?

69.5 ft

Estimated reserve size of the gas field in Isabela?

71 BCF (billion cubic feet)

During the year 2013, what was the average daily oil consumption of the world?

90 345.27 thousand bbl/day / 90.345 million bbl/day

According to OPEC, what is the 2017 world daily oil demand?

93 million bbl/day

For 30 points, or 5 points each, give 6 rock forming minerals:

: olivine, mica, feldspar, pyroxene, clay minerals, calcite, amphibole, quartz, dolomite

Percentage range of porosity in reservoirs

>0 to <40% Porosity

drill string

A borehole geometry tool has how many arms?

reef / bioherms

A carbonate reservoir environment known formed in shallow areas


A control on porosity that involves the glueing effect of grains


A control on porosity that results into elongation of previously round sized grains by the overburden pressure


A description of the sealed petroleum-bearing container

oil refinery

A factory where crude oil is cleaned and turned into useful oil products

. Give an indication of facies change

A gradual change in the porosity and permeability of a formation.


A large response of density log could mean a high content of what?


A log interpretation that displays a dead end of the presence of oil and water is immediately next to the oil


A log interpretation that displays a dead end of the presence of oil but no water is detected/


A lowresponse of density log could mean a low content of what?

A non-clastic limestone, characterized by loosely consolidated, earthy calcium carbonate and clay containing deposits of shell.

A marl or marlstone

gas drive / gas expansion drive

A mechanism that involves the gas cap being the source of pressure for the pushing of oil into the surface

bottom water drive

A mechanism that involves water coming from aquifers causing a pushing pressure directly below the area of the oil reservoir.

edge water drive

A mechanism that involves water coming from aquifers causing a pushing pressure into the edges of the oil reservoir.

steam flooding

A method of thermal eor where high temperature vapors of water are injected into the reservoir to heat up the oil and lower its viscosity to increase mobility

What is a complex assembly of irregularly shaped minerals with void spaces which are likewise irregularly shaped and distributed?

A porous medium

well sorted

A rock that has same grain sizes is said to be a ___ sorted rock


A rock that has varying grain sizes is said to be a _____ sorted rock


A secondary porosity that resulted from cracking of rock layers

Name 4 conditons allowing the accumulation of hydrocarbons in resevoir worth 5 points each.

A source rock containing the original organic remains. 2. Pressure and temperature conditions suitable to convert the organic remains into oil and gas. 3. A porous, permeable reservoir rock where the hydrocarbon can accumulate. 4. A migration pathway from the source rock to the reservoir rock for the hydrocarbons. 5. A suitable trap to keep the hydrocarbons in the reservoir rock until we wish to exploit it.

What is a semiveriogram?

A statistical tool that measures the spatial correlation or continuity in geophysical data


A subsurface volume of porous and permeable rock that has both storage capacity and the ability to allow fluids to flow through it.


A tabular-shaped intrusive igneous feature that cuts through the surrounding rock.

A sandstone containing highly viscous, asphalt-like hydrocarbon compounds is referred to as what?

A tar Sand

drill stem test

A temporary completion of a well that provides info whether to complete or not the well.

sealing fault

A type of fault that never allows fluid to passs by it anymore

Who first patented Kerosene?

Abraham Gesner

The grinding and scraping of a rock surface by the friction and impact of rock particles carried by water, wind, and ice.


Absolute porosity is a measure of the portions of a rock that are occupied by void spaces. Rocks that have pores within them are called porous rocks. The absolute Continue reading

Absolute porosity (Geology)

It is a very level area of the deep-ocean floor, usually lying at the foot of the continental rise.

Abyssal plain

(Also Abyss) Abyssal plain is a relatively smooth, large and flat area typically found at the end of the continental rise and right before the mid-ocean ridge. Abyssal plains are Continue reading

Abyssal plain (Geology)

Accommodation space is the available space on a surface upon which sediments can be deposited at any given point in time. This surface can be a marine surface or a Continue reading

Accommodation space (Geology)

It is a Zone between two overlapping fault segments where offset is transferred from one fault segment to the other. It is used specifically for the zone connecting two oppositely dipping half-grabens. What is the name for this zone?

Accommodation zone

exploration department

According to the technical wing, aside from the petrophysicists, this is where the prod geo is also in close contact

It is a large wedge-shaped mass of sediment that accumulates in subduction zones.

Accretionary wedge

It is the combination of the contrasts in velocity and density, and is characterized by the reflection coefficient

Acoustic Contrast

What three well logs can be combined to determine the mineral composition of a formation?

Acoustic, neutron, and density

is a porosity log that measures the interval transit time of a compressional wave traveling through one foot of formation

Acoustic/Sonic log

What does a smooth cylindrical gamma ray log response imply in terms of environment of deposition. Worth 5 points each

Aeolian dunes Tidal sands Fluvial Channels

residual oil

After doing water injection and water flooding, what do we call the remaining oil in the reservoir?

It is A smaller earthquake that follows the main earthquake.


Give me atleast three(3) examples of chert

Agate, flint, jasper, arrowhead, Petrified wood

Most common energy source for seismic acquisition in water areas where it discharges a high pressure of air into the water

Air gun

Which is higher in sand with dispersed shale, brine or air permeability?

Air permeability

Worth 20 points. Who was the French geologist who coined the term nuee ardente which is a pyroclastic flow generated by dome collapse? An example of a nuee ardente is the pyroclastic flow generated by the eruption of Mt Pelee that destroyed the city of St. Pierre in 1902.

Alfred Lacroix

The Continental drift hypothesis suggested that all present continents once existed as a single supercontinent. Further, beginning about 200 million years ago, the supercontinent began breaking into smaller continents, which then "drifted" to their present positions. Who formulated the continental drift hypothesis?

Alfred Wegener

This is a group of hydrocarbons formed by saturated compounds such as Methane, Ethane, Propane, and Butane. They are also called paraffins.


Give atleast three(3) examples of Sedimentary Environments

Alluvial Fan, Eolian Dunes, Flluvial System, Lakes, deltas, Shallow-Marine System and Sub-marine fans

It is a stream channel in which the bed and banks are composed largely of unconsolidated sediment (alluvium) that was previously deposited in the valley.

Alluvial channel

It is a fan-shaped deposit of sediment formed when a stream's slope is abruptly reduced.

Alluvial fan

These are unconsolidated sediment deposited by a stream.


In 1957, the SPE is founded as a constituent society of which American organization?

American Institute of Mining Engineers

When SPE was established, it was a constituent society of what organization?

American Institute of Mining Engineers / AIME

In order to compare the quality of crude oil from different sources with relative ease, the API scale was introduced. What is the meaning of API?

American Petroleum Institute

What does API stand for

American petroleum institute

Name the two atributes measured from P waves during seismic acquisition?

Amplitude and Reflection time

It is a type of unconformity in which the older strata dip at an angle different from that of the younger beds. This type of unconformity is called?

Angular unconformity

In structural geology, this volume change involves not only a change in volume, but also a change in shape because its effect on the rock is different in different directions.

Anisotropic volume change.

This type of secondary fault is set with opposite direction with respect to the primary fault.

Anithic or antithetic fault

It is a river channel system where streams follow paths that are segments of circles that ring a dissected dome or basin.


Name the six minerals in the Bowen's reaction coninuous series.

Anorthite, bytonitie

What are the 3 types of structural traps?

Answer. Anticline, fault, salt dome

Name four types of naturally occurring hydrocarbons

Answer. Paraffins, Napthenes (cycloparaffins), Aromatics, Asphalts

Fill in the blanks. The depth at which metamorphism begins depends on pressure and temperature. The pressure is controlled by the (1) _______ whereas the temperature is controlled by the (2) ___________.

Answer: (1) weight of the overlying rocks (2) geothermal gradient

This principle states that each layer of sedimentary rock in a sequence not disturbed is relatively older than the layer above and younger than the layer below. Name this principle.

Answer: Superposition

It is a stream that continued to downcut and maintain its original course as an area along its course was uplifted by faulting or folding.

Antecedent stream

It is a fold in sedimentary strata that resembles an arch.


This is a kind of trap that is formed when strata folds into the shape of an arch which is long and narrow.

Anticline trap

What are the 3 types of structural traps?

Anticline, fault, salt dome

These are faults that dip opposite from the regional sedimentary rock bedding. In reality, the orientation of these faults is independent from the bedding dip and results from adjustment to regional stress relief. What are these faults called?

Antithetic fault

Who is the President and CEO of PNOC?

Antonio Cailao

Name a log that does not work in oil based mud?

Any normal electric log.

It is called the distance between the two walls of a fracture.


It is a texture of igneous rocks in which the crystals are too small for individual minerals to be distinguished without the aid of a microscope.

Aphanitic texture

It is the stage where the internal architecture of the reservoir is revealed


It is a rock or sediment through which groundwater moves easily.


It is an impermeable bed that hinders or prevents groundwater movement.


It is an opening created when cave is eroded all the way through a narrow headland? - Sea Arch


What are the two eons that divide Precambrian?

Archean and Proterozoic

This is a sandstone containing 25% or more of feldspars, usually derived from silicic igneous rocks.


When a sandstone contains appreciable quantities of feldspar (25% or more), the rock is called?


Term used to describe unsaturated hydrocarbon ring compunds


These are unsaturated hydrocarbon ring compounds.


Flow generated when the potentiometric surface lays above the point where a well penetrates a reservoir and exits at the surface. These wells flow without artificial aid.

Artisan flow

What clays are formed "in-place" by the degradation of other minerals, typically feldspars? These often form the matrix of arenaceous sedimentary rocks, binding grains together into consolidated sediments.

Authigenic clay

Worth 20 points. It is an apron of sediment along a mountain front created by the coalescence of alluvial fans.


Name the two companies that merged to create the modern Baker-Hughes

Baker International and Hughes Tool Company

. What US oil rich formation is described as a lookalike of an oreo cookie, representing two layers of black shale that leak oil into a central dolomite layer?

Bakken Shale

Which large US oil rich formation is described to look like an oreo cookie, representing to layers of black shale that leak oil into a central dolomite layer?

Bakken Shale

Which large US oil rich formation is decribed to look like an Oreo cookie, with two layers of black shale that bleed oil into a middle dolomite layer

Bakken shale

In sedimentary Geology what does BIF stand for?

Banded Iron Formation

Which mineral has a Photoelectric absorption index of 266.82 barns/electron?


These are long, narrow sand bodies that can occur within deltas, along delta fronts, and in oceanic and lacustrine environments with no direct connection to deltas. They are more likely to form when there is a steady supply of sand to the coast, the depositional basin has a limited tidal range, and the coastal plain is moderately stable with a low gradient. What is this body of sand called?

Barrier Islands

It is a low, elongate ridge of sand that parallels the coast.

Barrier island

It is a fine-grained igneous rock of mafic composition.


It is a compositional group of igneous rocks indicating that the rock contains substantial dark silicate minerals and calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar.

Basaltic composition

Fill in the blanks. The limiting level below which a stream cannot erode the land is called the__________ of the stream.

Base Level

For 10 points. What does BOSIET stand for?

Basic offshore safety induction emergency training

shallow res

Basic type of reservoir created by folding where there is low internal reservoir pressures

What is an irregular intrusion of an igneous rock into another rock?


It is a large mass of igneous rock that formed when magma was emplaced at depth, crystallized, and subsequently exposed by erosion.


It is a whitish, grayish, brown, yellow, or reddish-brown rock composed of hydrous aluminum oxides and aluminum hydroxides and containing impurities such as free silica,silt,iron hydroxides,and clay minerals. It is the principal commercial source of aluminum.


Where can you find the greatest tidal range on Earth?

Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia

It is a sandbar that completely crosses a bay, sealing it off from the main body of water.

Baymouth bar

It is an accumulation of sediment found along the landward margin of the ocean or a lake.


Worth 20 points. Why is color not a good distiguishing property for minerals?

Because minerals come in different colors that may coincide with other minerals.

These are sediments moved along the bottom of a stream by moving water, or particles moved along the ground surface by wind.

Bed load

It is a nearly flat surface that separates two beds of sedimentary rock. Each of this marks the end of one deposit and the beginning of another having different characteristics.

Bedding plane

Name the drilling mud additive that thickens and increases viscosity of the mud.


Volcanic tuff altered to montmorillonite is called what?


It is the dry, gently sloping zone on the backshore of a beach at the foot of coastal cliffs or dunes.


An important pipeline route for resource-rich Central Asia to Europe, Turkey has one of the world's most promising economies. Name the prime minister of Turkey

Binali Yıldırım

It is a type of chemical sediment that forms when material dissolved in water is precipitated by water-dwelling organisms. Shells are common examples.

Biochemical Sediment

It is the process of breaking down organic wastes with microbes. Bacteria that are naturally present in the environment use microbial enzymes to break down die materials into a soluble form that passes through the cell walls of the bacteria. What is the name of this process?


It is a type of stratigraphy that is based on the observations that fossil assemblages in similar rocks of different ages are dissimilar.


It is described as the post-depositional disturbance of sediments by living organisms.


It is described as a component of organic matter which is composed of compounds that are soluble in organic solvents


Which petroleum product, soluble to carbon bisulfide, was used to coat the Noah's Ark and Moses' basket?


On March 23, 1989, the crude carrier Exxon Valdez struck which reef along the Prince William Sound in Alaska?

Bligh Reef

It is a lava that has a surface of angular blocks associated with material having andesitic and rhyolitic compositions.

Block lava

These are zones of failure of the wall of a well that give the borehole an irregular and typically elongated shape. This is referred as?

Borehole breakouts

It is the prime source of direct temperature measurement in sedimentary basins drilled for oil and gas.


It is a layer of fine sediment deposited beyond the advancing edge of a delta and then buried by continued delta growth.

Bottomset bed

It is a gravity value correction for the attraction of rocks located between the gravity measurement station and the datum elevation, usually sea level.

Bouguer correction

Give 5 classifications of sedimentary rocks according to their diameter

Boulder, Cobble, Pebble, Granule, Sand, Silt, Clay

It is the vertical sedimentary sequence deposited by a complete turbidity current coming to rest. It is divided into units labeled a, b, c, d, and e, that are distinguished by sedimentary structures and grain size. What is this sequence called?

Bouma sequence

Name the schematic description of the order in which a series of minerals form during the cooling and solidification of magma

Bowen's Reaction Series

When the gravel-sized particle in coarse detrital rock are angular. What will be the rock called?


What is described to be the most important type of crude oil used in Europe, extracted from the North Sea, and is also used as a benchmark in oil pricing?

Brent crude

The Anglo-Persian Oil Company still exists today, albeit under a different name. What is APOC known as in the present time?

British Petroleum / BP

This energy company was recently asked to place a sum of $20B in escrow in the United States to cover the long term costs of Deepwater Horizon incident. Name the company.

British Petroleum / BP

What company was responsible for the operation of the rig that blewout in April of 2010?

British Petroleum / BP

The temperature and pressure at which part of a liquid begins to convert to a gas.

Bubble point

It is a folding mechanism that occurs when layers that have higher viscosity than the matrix are compressed parallel to the layering. As stress increases, the layer becomes unstable and buckles through the amplification of minute irregularities along the layer interfaces. This folding mechanism is called?


These are data measured using mercury displacement and Archimedes' principle to determine porosity.

Bulk Volume

It is the major force that cause petroleum to move which is also the density contrast between petroleum and subsurface brine.


With executive order number 3299, the U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar separated the Minerals Management Service into 3 distinct entities. What are their names?

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), and the Office of Natural Resources Revenue

Low-grade metamorphism that occurs in the lowest layers of very thick accumulationsof sedimentary strata.

Burial metamorphism

Pristane is a regular isoprenoid hydrocarbon which is a biomarker, found in crude oil and sediments and derived from chlorophyll, that is used to correlate crude oils and source rocks. What is the chemical formula for this compound.


Mention 3 logs which is used for cement quality analysis!

CBL (Cement Bond Log), VDL (Variable Density Log), CEL (Cement Evaluation Log)

The canadian oil company Nexen announced in July 2012 that they are being acquired by which company?


Name this compound that naturally occurs as limestone which is primarily used today as a bridging material in drill-in, completion and workover fluids. Sized particles of this compound, along with polymers, control fluid loss in brines or drill-in, completion and workover fluids. Name this compound that has a formula CaCO3.

Calcium Carbonate

What precipitate is formed when hydrofluoric acid reacts with calcium carbonate?

Calcium Fluoride (CaF2)

Name the two ions involved in dolomitization.

Calcium and magnesium

Which city will be hosting ATCE in 2019?

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This well log makes a record of the borehole diameter, which is usually constantly changing.

Caliper Log

What well log is used to determine the wellbore radius and may also be used to determine the location of permeable formations along the wellbore?

Caliper log

It is the the huge expansion in biodiversity that occurred at the beginning of the Paleozoic era.

Cambrian explosion

In which country can you find the largest deposit of oil sands in the world?


Cap rock is a rock that forms a laterally continuous impermeable seal above and around a hydrocarbon reservoir such that hydrocarbon fluids become trapped below the rock. Cap rock detection Continue reading

Cap rock (Geology)

It is the normal mode of seal failure under hydrostatic and moderate to overpressure conditions

Capillary Failure

It is a type of seal failure which is the normal mode of seal failure under hydrostatic and moderate over pressure conditions.

Capillary failure

It is a relatively narrow zone at the base of the zone of aeration. Here water rises from the water table in tiny, threadlike openings between grains of soil or sediment.

Capillary fringe

Name the class of sedimentary rocks composed primarily of carbonate minerals.

Carbonate Rock

Archie's equation has two factors based off the formation type, tortuosity factor, n, and cementation exponent, m. When there is no knowledge of the local parameters, values of 1 and 2 can be assumed for n and m, respectively. For what formation lithology are these values correct?

Carbonates (limestone or dolomite)

It is the brittle crushing of grains, accompanied by frictional sliding and rotation. It is derived from a Greek word for crushing.


The fracture and crushing of grains, coupled with frictional sliding along grain contacts and grain rotation, is______________.


The process of breaking down chemical bonds in kerogen and clays within shale to generate liquid hydrocarbons.


What is the process by which kerogen is converted, at elevated temperatures, into petroleum?


Give the 3 stages of hydrocarbon formation.

Catagenesis, diagenesis, metagenesis

One way in which sedimentary rocks are lithified. As material precipitates from water that percolates through the sediment, open spaces are filled and particles are joined into a solid mass.


It is a soft, porous, sedimentary rock that is made up almost entirely of the hard parts of microscopic marine organisms.


Worth 20 points. Define metamorphism.

Change in form

Fill in the blanks. The Principles of Geology: being an attempt to explain the former changes of the Earth's surface, by reference to causes now in operation is a book by the Scottish geologist _________________, first published in 3 volumes in 1830-1833. He popularizd the theory of Uniformitarianism and used this to describe how the Earth's surface was changing over time.

Charles Lyell

Type of Sedimentary rock consisting of material that was precipitated from water by either inorganic or organic means.

Chemical sedimentary rock

The processes by which the internal structure of a mineral is altered by the removal and/or addition of elements.

Chemical weathering

This hard, silicate sedimentary rock is similar to flint but with a less ordered structure. It is a cryptocrystalline form of quartz and is known to be extremely hard on drill bits.


First made using bamboo and used to make evaporated salt brine, the first natural gas pipelines were built in 500 B.C. in which country?


Which country has the largest expected recoverable shale gas resources in the world, with almost double the resources of the United States?


What element when present in significant amounts will cause the neutron tool to overestimate porosity?


It is a type of stratigraphy derived from some combination of seismic stratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and biostratigraphy.


It is a rather small volcano built primarily of ejected lava fragments that consist mostly of pea- to walnut-size lapilli.

Cinder cone

It is an amphitheater-shaped basin at the head of a glaciated valley produced by frost wedging and plucking.


What is the texture of chalk and rock salt is it clastic or nonclastic?

Clastic and Nonclastic respectively

What rock type is made of broken fragments that are cemented together?

Clastic rocks

What kind of sedimentary rocks are composed of lithified clastic sediment named and classified primarily according to the size of the clastic grains?

Clastic/ clastic sedimentary rocks

It it is the tendency of a mineral to break along planes of weak bonding.


Planes along which a rock may break


On the Udden-Wentworth classification of grain size, what lies between pebble and boulder?


Name the last petrobowl champion not coming from Oklahoma and Texas and the years of competition

Colorado School of Mines (2006)

The Chuchupa field is a natural gas field found in the Guajira basin along with two minor gas fields. It was discovered in 1977. The Guajira basin has been a primary source of gas for a certain country since it hosts three dry gas fields which include Chuchupa. In which country can you both find the Chuchupa field and the Guajira basin?


These types of joints form as igneous rocks cool and develop shrinkage fractures.

Columnar Joints

It is a pressure controlled phenomenon in which the centres of the constituent grains of a sediment are brought closer together, usually in the vertical direction.


asphaltenes or resins.

Complex hydrocarbon compounds that are relatively enriched in n, s, and o.

It is a volcano composed of both lava flows and pyroclastic material.

Composite cone

Mount Mayon, Mount Fuji and Mount St. Helens are few examples of a ____________ volcano.

Composite cone; Stratovolcanoes

These are circular faults related to collapse of underlying rocks, for example due to salt collapse and collapse of karst structures.

Concentric faults

What is the name of the fracture that obsidian possesses?


It is a pipelike opening through which magma moves toward Earth's surface. It terminates at a surface opening called a vent.


Fill in the blanks. When water is pumped from a new well, the rate of withdrawal initially exceeds the rate of local groundwater flow.This imbalance in flow rates creates a conical depression in the water table immediately surrounding the well called a _____________.

Cone of depression

It is a cone-shaped depression in the water table immediately surrounding a well.

Cone of depression

layers both above and below.

Confined aquifer

For 2 points each, list 4 factors which controls the rock behavior

Confining pressure, temperature influence, strain rate influence, fluid influence, rock type

These are described as rock layers that were deposited without interruption. What are these layers called?

Conformable layers

It is a sedimentary rock composed of rounded, gravel-size particles.


What is the name of the water trapped within the pores of the rock, during its formation?

Connate Water

In 2011, the oil and gas industry gained two large upstream independent companies while losing two majors. Name the two companies...

Conoco and Marathon

It is a linear zone along which continental lithosphere stretches and pulls apart. Its creation may mark the beginning of a new ocean basin.

Continental rift

It is the boundary between continents and deep ocean basins, steep drop off from shelf to deep ocean floor.

Continental slope

These are mountains formed in part by igneous activity associated with the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a continent. Examples include the Andes and the Cascades.

Continental volcanic arc.

Name 5 broad sedimentary environments or associations.

Continental: alluvial, aeolian, fluvial, lacustrine, Transitional: deltaic, tidal, lagoonal, beach Marine: shallow, deep, reef Other: Evaporite, Glacial"

Name 5 broad sedimentary environments or associations.

Continental: alluvial, aeolian,, fluvial,lacustrine, Transitional: deltaic, tidal, lagoonal, beach Marine: shallow, deep, reef Other: Evaporite, Glacial

Worth 10 points each. What two aspects of Wegener's continental drift hypothesis were objectionable to most Earth's scientist?

Continents do not break through the ocean floor and tidal energy is too weak to cause continents to be displaced.

It is a boundary in which two plates move together, resulting in oceanic lithosphere being thrust beneath an overriding plate, eventually to be reabsorbed into the mantle. It can also involve the of two continental plates to create a mountain system.

Convergent plate boundary

This sedimentary rock is also known as storm surge deposits. What is this called?


It is a structure formed in a warm, shallow, sunlit ocean environment that consists primarily of the calcite-rich remains of corals as well as the limy secretions of algae and the hard parts of many other small organisms.

Coral reef

It provides the basic geological data from which to build a detailed description of a reservoir and is the only material in which high quality petrophysical properties can be measured.


It is the deflective force of Earth's rotation on all free-moving objects, including the atmosphere and the ocean.

Coriolis Effect (Coriolis Force)

core sample

Correlation sample that is very large and expensive

It is the process by which soluble rock is gradually dissolved by flowing water.


Last November 2017, this country achieved an energy milestone by being able to run its entire area using a mixture of renewable sources of energy such as hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, wind, and solar energies for 300 days. Which country is this?

Costa Rica

It is the part of the continental crust that has attained stability; that is, it has not been affected by significant tectonic activity during the Phanerozoic eon. It consists of the shield and the stable platform.


During which period, in the earth's history, did most dinosaurs become extinct?


This is an internal structure of the rock which results from the movement of a very large ripple or wave of sand.

Cross bedding

It is a principle of relative dating which states that a rock or fault is younger than any rock or fault through which it cuts.

Cross-cutting relationship

A mixture of hydrocarbons that existed in the liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remain liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities is known as what?

Crude oil

What is the theoretical maximum porosity in a cubic, rhombohedral and hexagonal packing?

Cubic-47.6%; rhombohedral-26%; hexagonal-39.5%

Fill in the blanks. The temperature wherein the magnetite mineral gets demagnetized is called the ____________.

Curie Point

The temperature above which a material loses its magnetization.

Curie point

A short channel segment created when a river erodes through the narrow neck of land between meanders.


These two Naphtenes are the most abundant found in crude oils

Cyclopentane, Cyclohexane

A region in roughly the lowermost 200 kilometers (125 miles) of the mantle where P waves experience a sharp decrease in velocity.


This concession was signed between William Knox D'Arcy and Mofazzar al-Din, Shah of Persia. This gave D'arcy exclusive rights to search and produce oil in Persia.

D'Arcy Concession

It is the zone of brittle deformation structures around a fault. This has a density of such structures that is higher than the surrounding rocks.

Damage zone 431

A pulitzer prize winning author for his work: "The Prize"

Daniel Yergin

Unit of used in measuring permeablity


Unit of used in measuring permeablity

Darcy (D) or milliDarcies (mD)

Who is the first Canadian to have been elected as the president of SPE?

Darcy Spady (2018)

It is an equation which states that groundwater discharge depends on the hydraulic gradient, hydraulic conductivity, and cross-sectional area of an aquifer.

Darcy's law

A silicate mineral that contains ions of iron and/or magnesium in its structure. Dark silicates are dark in color and have a higher specific gravity than nonferromagnesian silicates.

Dark silicate

An isotope that results from radioactive decay.

Daughter product

Janeen Judah is SPE's president for the year 2017. Who is SPE's first woman president, who served her term in the year 1998?

DeAnn Craig

(Also dead crude) An oil sample is pronounced "dead" when it has lost all its dissolved gases and volatile components. The gaseous components of crude oil are mainly methane, ethane, Continue reading

Dead Oil (Geology)

It is a relatively rapid type of mass wasting that involves a flow of soil and regolith containing a large amount of water.

Debris Flow

A flow of soil and regolith that contains a large amount of water. Most common in semiarid mountainous regions and on the slopes of some volcanoes.

Debris flow

Melting that occurs as rock ascends due to a drop in confining pressure.

Decompression melting

chalk deposits

Deep marine depth carbonate reservoirs formed by chemical precipitation

The portion of seafloor that lies between the continental margin and the oceanic ridge system. This region comprises almost 30 percent of Earth's surface.

Deep-ocean basin

A narrow, elongated depression of the seafloor.

Deep-ocean trench

A cone-shaped deposit at the base of the continental slope. The sediment is transported to the fan by turbidity currents that follow submarine canyons.

Deep-sea fan

A test which involves an exploratory hole located within the productive area of a pool, already partly or wholly developed.

Deeper pool test

On April 20, 2010, this sem-submersible drilling rig experienced a catastrophic blowout that left 11 people dead and caused the largest oil spill in US waters. What was the name of this oil rig?

Deepwater Horizon


Defined as the angle at which a rock layer or fault is inclined from the horizontal.

It is the transformation from an initial to a final geometry by means of rigid body translation, rigid body rotation, strain (distortion) and/or volume change.


What are the main types of depositional environment?

Deltaic (continental), lacustrine (transitional), marine

distinct extensions from the shoreline where rivers enter marine or fresh-water depositional basins and supply sediments faster than the basin processes can redistribute them.


It is a nearly horizontal fault that may extend for hundreds of kilometers below the surface. Such a fault represents a boundary between rocks that exhibit ductile deformation and rocks that exhibit brittle deformation.

Detachment fault

Differentiate Chemical and Detrital Sedimentary Rocks.

Detrital Sedimentary rocks are form from detrital deposition, and chemical sedimentery rocks are formed chemical sediments.

These are rocks that form from the accumulation of materials that originate and are transported as solid particles derived from both mechanical and chemical weathering.

Detrital sedimentary rocks

Location of Saudi Aramco's headquarters

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Name the process of physical, chemical, or biological alteration of sediments during or after they have been deposited.


Name the process of the physical, chemical or biological alteration of sediments into sedimentary rock at relatively low temperatures and presures that can result in changes to the rock's original mineralogy and texture


It is a rigid, fused-ring, cycloalkane hydrocarbon with a 3-D crystal structure of carbon atoms that is the same as a diamond crystal lattice. They occur naturally in deep, high temperature source rocks and reservoirs, dry gases, condensates, and crude oils and have been synthesized. It has a specific gravity of 1.07. It is used for correlation of light oils and condensates that do not contain biomarkers, an indicator of oil maturity, and as a measure of oil-to-gas cracking. What is this hydrocarbon called?


It is a body, usually of salt, magma or water-saturated mud or sand that gravitationally moves upward and intrudes the overburden.


The variation in the rate and degree of weathering caused by such factors as mineral makeup, degree of jointing, and climate.

Differential weathering

A tabular-shaped intrusive igneous feature that cuts through the surrounding rock.


Information about the shape of a borehole is obtained by what kind of tools?

Dipmeter or well imaging tools

Generated by gas (and occasion, oil) in the reservoir that appears on seismic as a flat spot, bright spot, or dim spot

Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator (DHI)

It is a type of unconformity in which the beds above and below are parallel.


Name 5 types of unconformities for 2 points each

Disconformity, non-conformity, angular unconformity, paraconformity, buttress unconformity, blended unconformity, biconformity

A sudden change of depth in one or more of the physical properties of the material making up Earth's interior. The boundary between two dissimilar materials in Earth's interior as determined by the behavior of seismic waves.


A term used to describe plutons that cut across existing rock structures, such as bedding planes.


In terms of spatial distribution in the pore space, what are the three classifications for clays?

Dispersed, Structural, Laminated

Any economic mineral deposit in which the desired mineral occurs as scattered particles in the rock but in sufficient quantity to make the deposit an ore.

Disseminated deposit

A common form of chemical weathering, it is the process of dissolving into a homogeneous solution, as when an acidic solution dissolves limestone.


The portion of a stream's load that is carried in solution.

Dissolved load

This is a type of sedimentary rock similar to limestone but rich in magnesium carbonate. It can also be a reservoir rock for petroleum sources.

Dolomite or CaMg(CO3)2

Arrange the following minerals in order from densest to least dense. Quartz, Dolomite, Calcite

Dolomite, Calcite, Quartz

Process by which limestone transforms into dolomite is called


This is the process whereby limestone becomes dolomite by the substitution of magnesium carbonate for a portion of the calcium carbonate.


A roughly circular upfolded structure.


Bowl-shaped geometry with layers dipping in every direction from a summit.

Dome 433

The concept of peak oil is named after what noted geophysicist?

Dr. M King Hubbert

The concept of peak oil was named after what noted geophysicist

Dr. M King Hubbert

Who is credited for the invention of steam-assisted gravity drainage?

Dr. Roger Butler

The land area that contributes water to a stream.

Drainage basin

The difference in height between the bottom of a cone of depression and the original height of the water table.


What do you call the thick-walled tube usually made of steel, used between the drill pine and the bit in the drill stem to provide weight to the bit?

Drill Collar

A streamlined symmetrical hill composed of glacial till. The steep side of the hill faces the direction from which the ice advanced.


It is a type of glacial deposit characterized by streamlined, asymmetrical hills composed of glacial till, with height ranging from 15 meters to 60 meters and an average of 0.4 to 0.8 kilometer in length.


A climate in which yearly precipitation is less than the potential loss of water by evaporation.

Dry climate

A type of solid-state flow that produces a change in the size and shape of a rock body without fracturing. Occurs at depths where temperatures and confining pressures are high.

Ductile deformation

A hill or ridge of wind-deposited sand.


This is the name for the classification system used for carbonate sedimentary rocks developed in 1946.

Dunham classification, Robert J. Dunham

What are the 3 layers of the earth?

Earth, Crust, Mantle

The downslope movement of water saturated, clay-rich sediment. Most characteristic of humid regions.


Vibration of Earth produced by the rapid release of energy.


The point where earthquake starts to release the elastic strain of surrounding rock.

Earthquake focus

The movement of tidal current away from the shore.

Ebb current

An instrument used to determine the depth of water by measuring the time interval between emission of a sound signal and the return of its echo from the bottom.

Echo sounder

What is the total sum of interconnected openings or voids that occur within a rock?

Effective Porosity

Effective porosity is a measure of that portion of a porous material that is made up of interconnected pores. The emphasis for effective porosity is on "interconnectivity". The pores that Continue reading

Effective porosity (Geology, Formation evaluation)

It is equal to the overburden pressure minus the fluid pressure. What is this pressure called?

Effective pressure

In engineering economics, what is the actual or exact rate of interest on the principal for one year?

Effective rate of interest

Rock deformation in which therock will return to nearly its original size and shape when the stress is removed.

Elastic deformation

The sudden release of stored strain in rocks that results in movement along a fault.

Elastic rebound

A coast where land formerly below sea level has been exposed by crustal uplift or a drop in sea level or both.

Emergent coast

It is a geographic setting where sediment accumulates. Each site is characterized by a particular combination of geologic processes and environmental conditions.

Environment of deposition

In 2006, the EPA mandated that diesel fuel refiners in the United States had to reduce the sulfur content of their fuel by 97% because sulfur gas compounds are a major air pollutant. What does "EPA" stand for?

Environmental Protection Agency

A stream that is usually dry because it carries water only in response to specific episodes of rainfall. Most desert streams are of this type. 857

Ephemeral stream

This is the action of surface processes (such as water flow or wind) that remove soil, rock, or dissolved material from one location on the Earth's crust, then transport it away to another location


Buoyant plumes of hot, ash-laden gases that can extend thousands of meters into the atmosphere.

Eruption column

What are 3 different dolomitization models?

Evaporative, Seepage, Reflux, Mixing Zone, Burial, Seawater

A sedimentary rock formed of material deposited from solution by evaporation of the water.


These are formed by the precipitation of salts from highly saline solutions or brines.


A permanent stream that traverses a desert and has its source in well-watered areas outside the desert.

Exotic stream

These are fractures that show extension perpendicular to the walls.

Extension fractures

This is a component of Earth's magnetic field that originates outside the Earth, fluctuating on diurnal, and longer timescales.

External Field

A process such as weathering, mass wasting, or erosion that is powered by the Sun and contributes to the transformation of solid rock into sediment.

External process

Igneous activity that occurs at Earth's surface.


After the breakup of Standard, what did the Standard Oil of New Jersey turn into?


Name four international oil companies that have signed contracts with Kurdistan in defiance with Baghdad

Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Genel Energy (Turkey), DNO (Norway)

On March 24. 1989, Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound was struck by what?

Exxon Valdez

What is the largest oil merger in US history?


The advertising or business slogan "Energy lives here" is associated to which oil and gas company?

ExxonMobil Corporation

True or False. Faults tend to decrease permeability in non-porous rocks, while they commonly increase permeability in porous rocks.


True or False. The ellipticity of the hole indicates the local orientation of the vertical stress axes in the wellbore.


Facies is the sum total of all the characteristics that make one rock unit distinguishable from other rock units around it. Rocks are classified under facies based on observable features Continue reading

Facies (Geology, Reservoir characterization)

The gradual transition from a permeable formation to a non-permeable formation is called

Facies change

TRUE OR FALSE: Composite-coned volcanoes are usually formed by the accumulation of fluid basaltic lavas.

False; Shield Volcanoes

TRUE OR FALSE: Ridge push occurs where cold, dense oceanic lithosphere is subducted and pulls the trailing lithosphere along.

False; Slab Pull

A break in a rock mass along which movement has occurred.


Displacements along dip-slip faults may produce long, low cliffs, called __________.

Fault Scarps

Gradual displacement along a fault. Such activity occurs relatively smoothly and with little noticeable seismic activity.

Fault creep

In a normal faulting regime (with isotropic horizontal stress), which of the following faults is more likely to slip in response to an increase in pressure? Vertical fault, fault dipping 60 degrees, fault dipping 45 degrees?

Fault dipping 60 degrees

A cliff created by movement along afault. It represents the exposed surface of the fault prior to modification by weathering and erosion.

Fault scarp

A mountain that is formed by the displacement of rock along a fault.

Fault-block mountain

What is the chemical formula for magnetite?


This is a silicate mineral, often modified and sometimes part of the movable particles in a formation. Its most common form is potassium.


Paramagnetic materials such as magnetite and ilmenite that contains pronounced magnetic properties


It is basically described as the human race's first significant energy invention.


Multiple Choice. Which of the following is not a type of lake related in some way to glaciers or glaciation? A. kettle lake B. Tarn C.Proglacial lake D. fjord


What do you call to the overflow of a stream channel that occurs when discharge exceeds the channel's capacity and it is the most common and destructive geologic hazard?


It is an erosional structure initiated by current scouring and are formed when the erosional voids are filled with sand and welded to an overlaying sand bed.

Flute marks

What do you call to the process that occurs at Peru- Chile-type subduction zones in which lithosphere is too buoyant to subduct spontaneously but is forced beneath the overriding plate?

Forced subduction

It is a megasequence forming contemporaneously with the flexuring of the lithosphere caused by thrust loading

Foreland Basin Megasequence

What do you call an inclined bed deposited along the front of a delta?

Foreset bed

What do you call small earthquakes that often precede a major earthquake?


This is called the ratio of a phase volume like water, oil, gas, or gas plus oil at reservoir conditions, relative to the volume of a surface phase of water, oil, or gas at standard conditions resulting when the reservoir material is brought to the surface.

Formation volume factor

What is the overlapping ranges of a group of fossils (assemblage) collected from a layer by examining such an assemblage, the age of the sedimentary layer can be established?

Fossil Assemblage

What is the general term for any hydrocarbon that may be used as a fuel, including coal, oil, natural gas, bitumen from tar sands, and shale oil?

Fossil fuel

This term is used to describe the pressure required to induce cracks in a rock at a given depth.

Fracture Gradient

What is the linear zone of irregular topography on the deep-ocean floor that follows tr-form faults and their inactive extensions? - Fracture zone

Fracture zone

Name two characteristics of carbonate reservoirs that differenciate them from sandstone reservoirs. Specifically, their development.

Fractures, diagenesis, and the impact of biology

When a SP log deflects to the right of the shale base line, what is the most possible fluid in the formation?

Fresh water

This log measures the natural radioactivity of the formations in the borehole. It is therefore, useful for identifying lithologies and for correlation purposes.

Gamma Ray log

Which log is the most commonly used measurement?

Gamma Ray log

For 5 points. Name a type of radioactivity well log that records natural radioactivity around the wellbore. Shales generally produce higher levels of gamma radiation and can be detected and studied with the gamma ray tool. See radioactivity well logging.

Gamma ray log

It is a porosity log that measures the electron density of the formation.

Gamma ray log

Name the log which measures the total natural gamma radiation emanating from a formation

Gamma ray log

Gamma ray log is a type of well log used to detect and measure incoming gamma rays naturally emitted by radioactive formations. The gamma ray log is a passive log, Continue reading

Gamma ray log (Formation Evaluation)

Gas hydrate is a crystalline solid physically resembling normal ice but which is actually formed when water molecules surround a gas molecule under a high pressure and low temperature environment. Continue reading

Gas hydrate (Geology, Drilling fluids)

What is the compact chemical structures made of water and natural gas usually methane that occur in permafrost and under the ocean floor at depths greater than 525 meters or 1720 feet?

Gas hydrates or clathrates

The proportion of gas and oil in the produced fluid at stock tank conditions

Gas to Oil Ratio

It is the proportion of gas and oil in the produced fluid at stock tank conditions.

Gas to oil ratio

The proportion of gas and oil in the produced fluid at stock tank conditions.

Gas to oil ratio

The amount of surface gas that can be dissolved in a stock tank oil when brought to a specific pressure and temperature.

Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR)

stratigraphic traps

General type of trap that is formed due to difference of depositon of layers of rocks

structural trap

General type of traps that is formed due to deformation of rock layers

What is the branch of science that examines Earth, its form and composition, and the changes that it has undergone and is undergoing?


Name the man who is referred to as the father of shale gas, due to his exploitation of the barnett shale in the 1990s.

George Mitchell

Biosphere describes the earth realm where life occurs. What describes the entire solid earth realm and is composed of mineral matter?


What is the natural steam used for power generation? - Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy

What is the gradual increase in temperature with depth in the crust in which the average is 30° C per kilometer in the upper crust? - Geothermal gradient

Geothermal gradient

The theory that fossil fuels formed from the fossilized remains of dead plants by exposure to heat and pressure in the Earth's crust over millions of years was first introduced by Georg Agricola in 1556. What is Agricola's nationality?


It is the fountain of hot water ejected periodically from the ground? - Geyser


bed thickness, stratigraphic positioning, lithological similarity

Give 3 criteria not suitable for correlating

either due to change in environment conditions or until they thin out at the edge of the basin of deposition

Give one possible reason of grading of rock layer into another type of sediment

What do you all to the balance, or lack of balance, between ice formation at the upper end of a glacier and ice loss in the zone of wastage? - Glacial budget

Glacial budget

What is the term used for sediments of glacial origin, no matter how, where, or in what shape they were deposited? - Glacial drift

Glacial drift

What do you call to an ice-tr-ported boulder that was not derived from the bedrock near its present site? - Glacial erratic

Glacial erratic

What is the scratches and grooves on bedrock caused by glacial abrasion? - Glacial striations

Glacial striations

It is a mountain valley that has been widened, deepened, and straightened by a glacier? - Glacial trough

Glacial trough

What is a thick mass of ice originating on land from the compaction and recrystallization of snow that shows evidence of past or present flow?


It is the deformation of sediments and bedrock at the toe of an advancing ice sheet. This is called as?


What is the natural glass that is produced when molten lava cools too rapidly to permit recrystallization? - Glass (volcanic)

Glass (volcanic)

The sweet tasting synthetic ingredient used in toothpaste and other products. This is a petrochemical product derived from petroleum


Fill in the blanks. Normal faulting may produce a down-faulted central block called a __________.


These bedding structure are deposited from a current that is progressively losing energy.

Graded beds

For 5 points each, give 2 of the four fundamental components in sedimentary rocks.

Grains, porosity, matrix, cement

These data help define regional tectonic regime and identify causes of Seismic structure, but sometimes yield ambiguous results

Gravimetric data

Which remote sensing data can be used to help define the regional tectonic regime, prioritize areas for seismic work, and identify the causes of seismic structure?

Gravimetric data

Name the survey method that makes use of the earth's gravitational field to determine the presence of gravitational anomalies

Gravity survey

Name at least 2 kinds of non-seismic surveys

Gravity surveys, magnetic surveys, electric surveys, radio-active surveys, geophysical well logging

The only two places on Earth that have continental glaciers today

Greenland and Antartica

The vertical distance from the top of the reservoir to the petroleum-water contact.

Gross Pay

These are larger scale scour marks that occur as isolated ridges on the bottom bedding plane of sandstones. They are usually slightly to moderately sinuous of several meters in length and up to 10 cm deep and wide.

Gutter Casts

In the New York Stock Exchange, what is Halliburton's stock symbol?


What company was also implicated in the Deepwater Horizon fiasco due to the faulty cementing job that was eventually attributed as one of the main causes of the accident?


According to the standard geologic time scale, what epoch are we currently in?"


. It is the overhanging side of a fault that assumes 0 degrees to 90 degrees deviation from vertical.

Hanging wall

For 20 points. Give the meaning of HUET.

Helicopter Underwater Escape Training

The first well to discover the Bakken formation was drilled on a farmer's land in North Dakotal. Name the first and last name of this farmer.

Henry Bakken

French engineer known for his modification of the Prony Equation

Henry Darcy

Forty-four workers were evacuated from a natural gas platform in the Gulf of Mexico on July 23 last year after a blowout occurred. Crew members aboard this jackup rig were preparing the well for production when they hit an unexpected pocket of gas. The rig was named after a character from the Roman Mythology. Name this hero noted for his superhuman strength.

Hercules/ Heracles

He was a Greek historian who described oil seeps in Carthage and the Greek island Zachynthus in his writings. He also gave details of oil extraction from wells near Ardericca in modern Iran. He was born in Halicarnassus, Turkey. Who was this Greek historian?


permeable beds

High sp log response means?

This resistivity-porosity plot can solve for the resistivity of the water formation, transit time and water saturation

Hingle plot

According to the standard geologic timescale, what epoch are we currently in?


What is the term for a formation with constant permeability and no high or low 'streaks'?


It is a large block caught along a fault. These blocks are separated from the foot and hanging walls by faults that may or may not be accompanied by breccia. This term usually refers to such a block caught along a normal fault. What is this called?


This is the term for a section of earth raised between two faults.


strike slip fault

How many recovery stages is the most commont on a life of a well production?

Who invented the first roller cutter bit in 1909 that dramatically improved rotary drilling?

Howard Hughes

This technique used in petroleum reservoirs involves increasing the fluid pressure until the rock fractures. This is called as?

Hydraulic fracturing

A term used to describe chains of hydrogen and carbon


Composed of Hydrogen (H) and Carbon © molecules bonded together


The basic element used to detect the reflected seismic energy in marine seismic acquisition. It is a piezoelectric device that creates an electrical signal in response to pressure changes in water.



If the prospect is more or less circular, how many degrees apart the ideal outstep directions?

Name this type of rock that crystallizes from molten rock or magma with interlocking mineral crystals. It is typically comprised of the minerals quartz, mica, feldspar, amphibole, pyroxene, and olivine.

Igneous rock

Imbibition is a fluid flow process whereby more and more water (wetting phase) occupies the pores of a reservoir rock leading to an increase in water saturation with a subsequent Continue reading

Imbibition (Formation Evaluation, Enhanced oil recovery)

gravity drainage

In this mechanism, the magnetic pull towards the center of the earth causes fluids to move down a sloping reservoir, thus reaching the production pipe and recovering amounts of oil

rock drive

In this mechanism, the overburden pressure felt by the grains of the reservoir causes a slight push of oil into permeable areas, allowing easier mobility of the fluids

In the field of neotectonics, _______________ is a useful remote sensing technique that uses radar satellite images. Beams of radar waves are constantly sent toward the Earth, and an image is generated based on the returned information. This micro sensing technique is called?

InSAR or Interferometric synthetic-aperture radar

What logging method was originally developed to measure formation resistivities in boreholes containing oil-based muds and in air-drilled boreholes because electrode devices could not work in these nonconductive boreholes?

Induction Logging

Which type of log induces a current in the formation through the use of transmitter coils and induced magnetic fields in the formation?

Induction log

Name two types of resistivity logs.

Induction, Lateral

It is the nonfluorescing product of any kerogen type often termed as "dead carbon".


Worst type of kerogen that consists of highly oxidized organic material. This can also be called fossilized coal


In seismic data collection, the lines parallel to the direction of collection are generally called?


Differentiate intergranular porosity and intragranular porosity

Intergranular porosity The porosity due to pore volume between the rock grains. (viii) Intragranular porosity The porosity due to voids within the rock grains.

What country is the most recent contributor to the current free-fall in oil prices? Hint: this country has recently complied with a UN resolution allowing it to start exporting crude oil once again


Name one of the two countries that share the world's largest gas field

Iran / Qatar

This is the best known chronostratigraphic marker which is coincident with the KT event at the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary

Iridum Anomaly

These are contour maps derived from analyzing seismic cross sections shot in a grid pattern, therefore giving 3-dimensional coverage.

Isochron maps

It refers to folds in which two limbs dip at equal angles in the same direction.

Isoclinal Fold

This type of map shows contour points of equal formation thickness. It may also show depth of the zone.

Isopach Map

what map indicates the variation in thickness of the rock over the geographic region?

Isopach map

This is a special group of compounds in the lipid group which are found in chlorophyll and include pristane and phytane.


This type of correction causes gravity anomalies in data where the influence of topography like mountains are considered. What is this called?

Isostatic Corrections


It is a rock or sediment through which groundwater moves easily.

Source rock

It is a sedimentary rock that contains sufficient organic matter such that when it is buried and heated it will produce petroleum.

Coral reef

It is a structure formed in a warm, shallow, sunlit ocean environment that consists primarily of the calcite-rich remains of corals as well as the limy secretions of algae and the hard parts of many other small organisms.


It is a type of rock adjoining a reservoir that restricts leakage of hydrocarbons from a trap after it has accumulated.


It is a type of unconformity in which the beds above and below are parallel.

Angular unconformity

It is a type of unconformity in which the older strata dip at an angle different from that of the younger beds. this type of unconformity is called?

Oil and Gas

It is produced when a source rock containing high organic matter is buried and heated

Formation evaluation

It is the analysis of subsurface formation characteristics, such as lithology, porosity, permeability, and saturation by methods such as wireline well logging and core analysis.


It is the concept that the processes that have shaped earth in the geologic past are essentially the same as those operating today but with different magnitude.

Differentiate roundness and spericity

It is the degree to which a particle approximates the shape of the sphere while roundness is related to the sharpness or curvature of any edges and corners

Pore throat

It is the opening at the side of a rock pore that allows flow of hydrocarbons through the reservoir.


It is the prime source of direct temperature measurement in sedimentary basins drilled for oil and gas.


It is the process of establishing the equivalence of rocks of similar age in different areas.


It is the rock plus void space contained in a trap


It is the stage where the internal architecture of the reservoir is revealed

Pore Spaces

It is where the petroleum usually occurs between the grains or crystals in the rock

Traditionally, the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition is held within the United States only. But in 2010, the ATCE was held outside USA. In which country was the 2010 SPE-ATCE held?

Italy (Florence)

Worth 20 points. Name the person responsible for the concept of uniformitarianism.

James Hutton

With all oil supplies cut off and desperate to fuel its war machine, the fantastic pine root campaign was launched. Guided by the slogan "two hundred pine roots will keep a plane up for an hour" women and children scoured the countryside digging up pine roots and then boiling them and distilling the liquid to produce pine root oil - which at its peak produced 75,000 barrels per month. This effort proved futile however for what Asian country?


Name of John D. Rockefeller's successor

John Archibold

He pioneered the concept of an integrated oil company and is arguably the father of most modern oil companies

John D. Rockefeller

Before becoming a Soviet dictator, this man masterminded protests against the oil industry. What was his original name before adopting the Russian word for steal, Stalin.

Joseph Jugashvili

In 1905, this Russian leader provoked strikes of the oilfield workers in Baku, and later defended these same fields from Germany in World War II. Who was he?

Joseph Stalin

An earthquake in 1975 is believed to have triggered the eruption of Hawaii's Kilauea. What is the name of the earthquake event?

Kalapana Earthquake of 1975

What do you call the soft white plastic clay with a low iron content that is often called China clay?


K-Feldspar was weathered due to carbonic acid. What mineral was produced due to this phenomenon?


This is a group of minerals that is characterized by a two-layer lattice, consisting of one octahedral or gibbsite layer linked to one silica tetrahedral layer. This lattice does not expand with water content. No replacements by iron or magnesium in the gibbsite layer are known. It can sometimes be distinguished as off-white, noncalcareous patches in cuttings and cores. What is this mineral group called?


This is a highly chemically modified carbonate. They usually form cave structures.


Fill in the blank. The naturally occurring, solid, insoluble organic matter that occurs in source rocks and can yield oil upon heating. ___________ is the portion of naturally occurring organic matter that is nonextractable using organic solvents. Typical organic constituents of this material are algae and woody plant material.


It is a component of organic matter which is composed of compounds that are insoluble in organic solvents, and is the most abundant organic component on Earth.


Organic matter that can be described as the source of hydrocarbons


What is the term for disseminated organic matter in sediments that is insoluble in normal petroleum solvents?


Drilled in october 1947, the historic ship shoal block 32 well of SE Louisiana, gives this company the distinction of drilling the first offshore oil well by a mobile rig out of the sight of land. What is this company?

Kerr McGee

It represents the permeability at which gas is compressed by infinite pressure and becomes a near perfect liquid.

Klinkenberg Permeability

Where will this year's Offshore Technology conference be held?

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Name one of the two rigs Shell transported to Alaska in 2012 for Arctic drilling

Kulluk and Noble Discoverer

Worth 10 points each. Name two belts of small icy bodies at the very outer edges of the solar system.

Kulper belt, oort cloud

Name four broad segmentary environments or associations

Lacustrian, Eolian, Fluvial, Deep marine

The amount of time between a rainstorm and the occurrence of flooding. -

Lag time

It is a debris flow on the slopes of a volcano that results when unstable layers of ash and debris become saturated and flow downslope, usually following stream channels.


It refers to the fact that sedimentary beds originate as continuous layers that extend in all directions until they eventually grade into a different type of sediment or until they thin out at the edge of the basin of deposition

Lateral continuity

It is a law in mineralogy which states that the angle between equivalent faces of the same mineral is always the same.

Law of Constancy of Interfacial Angles

It is the depletion of soluble materials from the upper soil by downward-percolating water.


Galena is a primary ore of what metal?


It is a naturally oxidized sub-bituminous coal or lignite. It is rich in humic and fulvic acids and is used as a drilling mud thinner.


In 2011, two major events renewed global energy uncertainty and security in fuel oil prices, name these events

Libya crisis and Deepwater Horizon

It is a type of Kerogen having a high hydrogen to carbon ratio but low oxygen to carbon ratio.


It is a phenomenon wherein unconsolidated materials and sediments become saturated with water due to earthquake vibrations.


The transformation of a stable soil into a fluid that is often unable to support buildings or other structures. -


Crude petroleum is refined into many of our modern necessities. This particular product is a household name and is commonly found in our kitchens, used for cooking

Liquefied Petroleum Gas / LPG

What type of fault is formed when the hanging wall rotates, the fault plane itself is curved and the dip of the fault decreases with depth?

Listric Normal Fault

What is the process of changes that produce rock from sediments?


Sedimentary rocks are formed due to these processes. What are these?

Lithification (compaction) and cementation

A log plot that measures the absorption of low-energy gamma rays by the formation in units of barns/electron

Lithodensity log

A term used to describe a rock using both its lithology and sedimentary structures


It comprises of the entire crust, upper mantle, and outer shell. It is a rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust.


The rigid outer layer of Earth, including the crust and upper mantle. -


It is the product of the density and height of the overlying rock layers, multiplied by g, the acceleration due to gravity.

Lithostatic pressure

. It is the oldest weapon in the stratigraphic armoury and the most maligned.


Oldest weapon in the stratigraphic armory. It relies on the correlations of like lithologies.


Fill in the blanks. To preserve organic matter, the amount of oxygen contents in the bottom waters and interstital waters of the sediment must be ________________.

Low or Zero

low hydrogen content

Low responses of neturon log means?

impermeable shale

Low sp log response means?

Will a SP log spike lower or higher in a reservoir containing hydrocarbons?


Name of the well that started the Texas oil boom

Lucas 1

This man was named as "the oil king of Baku"

Ludwig Nobel

Is the appearance or the quality of light reflected from the surface of a mineral


The appearance or quality of light reflected from the surface of a mineral. -


Name four optical properties of minerals. Worth 5 points each

Luster, Ability to transmit light, streak, color

What is the name of the producing well of the Deepwater Horizon?

Macondo Well

These are fossilized remnants of ancient plants and animals large enough to be seen and identified by the naked eye. On the surface, these are used to determine the age and depositional environment of sedimentary rocks. In the subsurface, these are destroyed by the drill bit, so other fossils are used. These include vertebrates and invertebrates like mollusks, gastropods, brachiopods, cephalopods, and corals. What are these called?


Worth 2 points each. Name the eight most abundant elements in the continental crust from least to most abundant.

Magnesium, Potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, aluminum, silicon, oxygen

These type of data are used mainly to separate basin from non basin areas, define the shape and form of basins, and locate the major tectonic features within a basin

Magnetic Data

It is the proportionality constant when the induced component of rock magnetism is proportional to the Earth's magnetic field

Magnetic Susceptibility

Described as a remote sensing data that may be used to separate basin from nonbasin areas, define the shape and form of a basin, locate the major tectonic features within a basin, and identify the type of structure previously identified on seismic.

Magnetic data

What well log is used to determine both total and effective porosity?

Magnetic resonance imaging tool

This is a type of stratigraphy relying on the magnetic polarity of the Earth's surface.


Often spoken about in Western media in connection to Iran, this man is the sixth and current president of that country

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Name the offshore gas field found in the northern portions of the palawan province


The Asia-Pacific regional Office of SPE is located in which country?

Malaysia (KL)

What is the name of the newly discovered gas well in Isabela?


It is an instrument used to determine the amount of carbonate in a sample. It measures the pressure increase caused by CO2 generation when a rock sample is treated with acid. The general term for the analysis is calcimetry. Whatis the name of the tool or instrument?


cross section maps

Map that illustrate vertical relationships such as depth, thickness, superpostion, and lateral and vertical changes of geologic features.

It is a metamorphic rock formed from limestone or dolomite. It is a light-colored, fine- to coarse-grained rock composed of calcite or dolomite mineral grains.


Who was the founder of Shell?

Marcus Samuel

Refers to the downward movement of weathered rock and soil under the influence of gravity

Mass wasting

The material that is present within the interstitial pore space among framework grains is refered to as what?


It is the chemical alteration of organic matter in sedimentary rocks by time and temperature with burial. It can result in the generation of crude oil and natural gas. What is this process called?


What is the Earth's largest shield volcano?

Mauno loa

Worth 10 points each. Name two fossils that were used as evidence in the continental drift hypothesis.

Mesosaurus, Glossopteris, or Lystrosaurus

The disappearance of the dinosaurs also marks the end of which geological era?


Rocks are classified depending upon how they are formed. In which class would gneiss be found?


It means to "change form". It is a process that leads to changes in the mineralogy.


What is the primary composition of a dry gas?

Methane or CH4

It is a group of common minerals composed of sheets of potassium-aluminum silicates. They occur as thin elastic flakes and are originally formed in igneous and metamorphic rocks but are commonly found as detrital flakes in sandstones. What is this group of mineral called?


There are 4 analysys that has to be done for anlyzing the depositional environment of a Rock, Mention 4 of them!

Micropaleontology analysys, Granulometry analysys, Profile analysys, Petrographic analysys.

It is a yellow or white monoclinic mineral consisting of hydrous sodium sulfate, occurring as a deposit from saline lakes, playas, and springs, and as an efflorescence. Its pure crystals are known as Glauber's salt.


It is a diagram that describes the normal and shear stress acting on planes of all possible orientations through a point in the rock. This is called as?

Mohr Circle

What is the ten point scale of mineral hardness. It has diamond at 10 and talc at 1.

Mohs Scale of Hardness

It is a sedimentary rock deposited in the vicinity of a shoreline between eroding mountains and deepwater flysch deposits. They are relatively thick and are part of the sediments formed during an uplift or orogeny.


Air gun

Most common energy source for seismic acquisition in water areas where it discharges a high pressure of air into the water

Name the potential produced by the movement of charged ions through the mudcake and invaded zone in a permeable formation

Mud cake Potential

Catching and analyzing the mud and the cuttings that come to the surface can tell a great deal about what's going on down hole as the bit drills. What is the name for this analysis?A9

Mud logging

What are the 3 data transmission methods used for MWD?

Mud pulse telemetry, Electromagnetic telemetry, Wired Drill Pipe

It states the body of our solar system evolved from an enormous rotating cloud called the solar nebular cloud.

Nebular theory

This term in structural geology is concerned with recent and ongoing crustal motions and the contemporaneous stress field. This is related to tectonic movement. What is this?


The portio of the net reservoir containing petroleum and from which petroleum will flow

Net Pay

Term used to describe the ratio of the porous and permeabe interval to the nonporous and nopermeable interval

Net to Gross

These are logs that determine the hydrogen atom concentration in a formation.

Neutron Logs

What log is sensitive mainly to the amount of hydrogen atoms in a formation?

Neutron log

Name the gas bearing formation that eventually became the Malampaya field

Nido Limestone

An investor with a Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR) of 20% has been asked to invest in a project that has an expected Rate of Return (ROR) of 15%. Should the investor invest in this project? Why?

No, because the ROR is less than the MARR

On February 28, 2011, this company announced that they have obtained the post-moratorium in the deepwater gulf of mexico.

Noble Energy

This type of unconformity is formed where sedimentary beds overlie an erosional surface carved into igneous or metamorphic rocks?


Enumerate all the North American countries who are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries or OPEC.


What type of faulting regime has Sv at its largest principal stress and Shmin as the smallest?


What are the two types of drag?

Normal drag reverse drag

For 2 points each, name 5 most common oil and gas traps

Normal fault, salt dome, anticlines, pinch-out, reef, thrust fault

What style of faulting may occur when the Vertical Stress is greater than the horizontal stresses?

Normal faulting/ Extensional

a log interpretation that displays a dead end of the presence of oil and water is immediately next to the oil


What is the meaning of OPEC?

Oil Producing and Exporting Countries

Shale, siltstone and marl deposits highly saturated with kerogen

Oil Shales

It is produced when a source rock containing high organic matter is buried and heated

Oil and Gas

What is defined as the zone in the earth where crude oil is generated from organic matter in source rocks?

Oil window

A major oil discovery in what state confirmed the anticline theory?


Identify this solid solution series having two end members, namely: forstetite and fayalite.



One way in which sedimentary rocks are lithified. As material precipitates from water that percolates through the sediment, open spaces are filled and particles are joined into a solid mass.

Which SPE initiative, launched in March 2007, is an online library that allows users to search for and access a broad range of technical literature related to the oil and gas exploration and production industry?

OnePetro or

In geological studies, arkose contains which a mineral which gives it a reddish color. What is this mineral?


Name this ore mineral that is exclusively associated with basic and ultrabasic plutonic rocks.

Orthomagmatic Ores

What Australian firm has successfully started new drillings at the Galoc oil field in Northwest Palawan last June, which also owns 33% working interest in the project?

Otto Energy Ltd.

It is a strain relaxation method where, in principle, a sample which is a core or a block is extracted from a rock unit, measured, and then released so that it can freely expand. This method is called?


When the rate of sediment deposition is greater than the rate of escape of fluids in the reservoir, this will result in an overburden pressure gradient of greater than 1 psi/ft, what type of reservoir is this?


What activity results in the development of a feature called a cone of depression?


Name the two most common elements in the Earth's crust.

Oxygen, Silicon

Name the two most common elements in the Earth's crust?

Oxygen, Silicon

It is a type of earthquake wave that travels by pushing (compressing) and pulling (expanding) in the direction of the wave travel.


Who is responsible for providing the necessary drilling permits and licenses to drill in the Philippines?


Worth 10 points each. Differentiate Pahoehoe and aa lava flows.

Pahoehoe- smooth; aa-jagged

Name one of the two universities in the Philippines that offer a Petroleum Engineering Program

Palawan State University / Batangas State University

What is the study of fossil pollens and spores?


These type of rocks including aluminum compounds are attracted to magnetic fields



Part of pet eng rotational job that involves adaptation of the plans


Part of pet eng rotational job that involves doing of different kinds of reports


Part of pet eng rotational job that involves the drawing of fictional sketch of the field


Part of pet eng rotational job that involves update of the existing picture of oilfield

Mechanism that occurs in continental stretching and thinning

Passive Rifting

The rock strata that contains the oil and gas reservoir

Pay zone

Worth 5 points each. Arrange the following in accordance to which is first in the coalification process. Lignite, bituminous coal, anthracite, peat

Peat, lignite bituminous coal anthracite

As part of a recent push into the Artic, Russia has built and is planning to service the Prirazlomnaya platform. For ten points each, name the sea in which the platform resides and which environmental group recently boarded the platform.

Pechora Sea

These are pseudo-oolites which have bodies but lack internal structures.


The basic unit used in the Geological Time Scale


Name this cryonic soil that remains always frozen that lies below the upper layer of soil in arctic regions.


This is described as permanently forzen soil or earth that often causes drilling problems for industry operations in the arctic


This is the name given to permanently frozen soil or earth that can often cause problems for industry operations.


The ability, or measurement of a rock's ability, to transmit fluids, typically measured in darcies or millidarcies


The capacity of a rock to transmit fluids.


The measure of the degree to which fluid can be transmitted


This is defined as the ability of a rock to transmit fluid through pore spaces.


It is a fossilization process whereby additional minerals are deposited in the pore spaces of originally hard animal parts.


This is a free internet resource from SPE to provide answers to many questions regarding the oil and gas industry from basic petroleum engineering to operational questions.


A competition held annually, usually in conjunction with a larger O&G related event where students compete against one another in a quiz-bowl setting


What do you call the notional unit of currency earned by a country from the export of petroleum?


What is the name of SPE-PSU-SC's event, conducted during Jan 29-30?

Petroglyph 2016

A naturally ocurring substance located in subsurface rocks that is primarily composed of hydrocarbons


It is described as a mixture of hydrocarbon molecules and lesser quantities of organic molecules containing sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen, and some metals.


It is the branch of geology dealing with the origin, occurrence, movement, accumulation, and exploration of hydrocarbon fuels.

Petroleum Geology

Before SPE acquired the publishing rights of the Petroleum Engineering Handbook from McGraw-Hill Publishing, what is the original title of the book, first published in 1962?

Petroleum Production Handbook

In organizational frameworks, what department is charged with the planning and functional supervision of all operations required for the commercial production of hydrocarbons.

Petroleum engineering department

In 2009, SPE completed a merger that resulted in an additional 4500 members worldwide...

Petroleum society of Canada

It is a classification of sandstone in which sandstones are divided into two groups based on texture.

Pettijohn Sandstone Classification

Fill in the blanks. In a rock with a porphyritic texture, the large crystals are referred to as __________.


It is the most commonly used chemical to test whether the sampled cuttings contain cement. What is this chemical called?


Founded on November 9, 1973 as a government owned and controlled corporation founded under Ferdinand Marcos' Martial Law to supply oil to the Philippines, what is this company?

Philippine National Oil Company / PNOC

This resistivity-porosity plot can solve for Archie parameters, formation factor, resistivity index, and water saturation

Pickett Plot

When glaciers spread out as they exit a mountainous area, they resemble alluvial fans but are called?

Piedmont glaciers

Salt domes go through three major stages of development. For 20 points, what are these stages?

Pillow stage, True Piercement stage, Post-diapiric stage.

Salt domes go through three major stages of development. What are these stages?

Pillow stage, diapir stage, post diapir stage

These are small spherical or sub spherical, accretionary bodies, which has over 2.0 mm in diameter?


This term describes the kind of deformation that salt layers exhibit. Rocks that exhibit this kind of deformation do not break or fracture

Plastic Deformation

Name a source of horizontal stress.

Poisson's Ratio Effect or Tectonic Stresses

It is where the petroleum usually occurs between the grains or crystals in the rock

Pore Spaces

It is the pressure in the fluid like water, oil or gas filling the pore space in a porous rock.

Pore pressure

primary porosity

Pore spaces that are present in the sediment by the time of deposition

secondary porosity

Pore spaces that resulted from post depositional activities

vuggy porosity

Pore spaces where the boundaries can cut across grains matrix or cement?

It is the opening at the side of a rock pore that allows flow of hydrocarbons through the reservoir.

Pore throat

Property of rock to hold fluid


The characteristic that allows rock to hold fluid and gas is known as?


Name two elements, for 5 points each, that make up a petroleum trap

Porous reservoir rock; an overlying impermeable rock; a source for the oil and gas

Shales exhibit a _____________response in Spontaeous Potential (SP) Logging.


Rift megasequence that commonly lies with pronounced uncomformity on the pre-rift at the crests of fault blocks

Post rift sequence

Name the geologic periods in order from oldest to most recent.

Precambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, Pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary

These are low permeability rocks that prevent equilibration of pressures between the successive permeable units.

Pressure Seals

Term used to describe Pressure gradients in in excess of hydrostatic

Pressure Transition Zones

What is the difference of primary migration and tertiary migration of petroleum?

Primary, expulsion of petroleum from source rock. Tertiary, leakage and dissipation of the petroleum at the Earth's Surface

department that carries out all operations t o ensure the flow of the hydrocarbons from the reservoir through the well bore to the surface facilities.


The tubing from the reservoir to the surface

Production String

This is a group of diverse minerals that are important components in dark colored igneous rocks. The most common member, augite, is a black, opaque mineral with two directions of cleavage that meet at nearly a 90-degree angle. What is the name of the mineral group to which augite belongs?


Last mineral to form from magma according to Bowen's series of crystallization.


What mineral is the major constituent of sandstone and other clastic sedimentary rocks?


Which mineral has a Photoelectric absorption index of 1.806 barns/electron?


After a series of discoveries by Cairn Energy in the last decade, this block in northwestern India produces 175000 barrels/day, name it.

Rajasthan block


Ratio of void space in a rock to the total volume of the rock

lateral continuity

Refers to the fact that sedimentary beds originate as continuous layers that extend in all directions until they eventually grade into a different type of sediment

It is the most common pressure tool that measure pressure at a number of points from a well and is able to sample the fluid phase.

Repeat Formation Tester

In April 2012, the president of the south american land of Gauchos unveiled plans to seize control of energy company YPF away from this international entity.


It is the rock plus void space contained in a trap


what term is used for a body of rock that has pores to contain oil and gas, and sufficient permeability to allow fluid migration?


It is the rock plus void space contained in a trap.


The percentage of non-wetting phase (usually oil of gas) left in the ground after production.


Most common method using water to characterize reservoirs

Residual Salt Analysis (RSA)

A method of well logging that measures the electrical resistivity of the rock

Resistivity log

If the combination neutron-density log is good for telling oil from gas, how do you tell oil from water?

Resistivity log

What well log can be used to determine both the porosity and lithology of a reservoir?

Resistivity log

Johannes Petreus Kuenen discovered this phenomenon related to condensate reservoir

Retrograde condensation

Worth 10 points each. Differentiate the two types of drag.

Reverse drag and normal drah

It is the rotation of layers in the hanging wall of a fault so that the curvature is inconsistent with sense of offset on the fault. Rollover structures, which are related to fault geometry, are the most common example of these.

Reverse drags 444

What style of faulting may occur when the Horizontal Stress is greater than the vertical stress?

Reverse/Thrust faulting

It is the fine-grained equivalent of granite and, like granite, is composed essentially of the light-colored silicates.


It is the machine used to drill a wellbore. In onshore operations, it includes virtually everything except living quarters. Name it.


What university introduced the petroleum engineering program in PSU?

Robert Gordon University

Name the man who in 1940 drilled the first directional well

Robert Richardson

Is defined as the aggregate of one or more minerals


In geology, this is a transverse earthquake wave that travels through the interior of the earth and is usually the second conspicuous wave to reach a seismograph. Name this wave


Which log distinguishes permeable zones from non-permeable zones and is measured in mV?

SP logs

Name 4 types of well logs.

SP, Gamma Ray, Resistivity, Sonic, Density, Dipmeter, Microlog

As defined by the SPE Constitution, it is the policy-making and governing body of the SPE.

SPE Board of Directors/SPE International Board of Directors

This is a free online member benefit which allows you to assess your current professional capabilities using exploration and production job competency models.

SPE Competency Management Tool

Give at least two (2) student scholarship/fellowship programs offered by SPE.

SPE Foundation Gus Archie Scholarship, SPE Foundation Nico van Wingen Graduate Fellowship, SPE Star Scholarship and Fellowship, SPE Section Scholarships, Henry Dewitt Smith Fellowship, Imomoh Scholarship

Name the program instituted by the SPE as a way of certifying the technical knowledge of petroleum engineers based on an examination in conjunction with the experience of the applicant.

SPE Petroleum Engineering Certificate

Due to the difficulty of shipping oil in barrels, Marcus Samuel had ordered the construction of dedicated oil tankers for the purpose of shipping oil by sea. Name the first tanker ever to be constructed

SS Murex

These are high intertidal to supratidal flats that provide an environment for gypsum and anhydrite deposition.

Sabka cycles

What is the largest offshore oil field in the world?


A term used to illustrate the form of intracratonic basins


Name the trap shown in the seismic data (PPT). Identify the fluids and their respective depths from the given logs shown in the figure.

Salt dome

Name the trap formed when a thick bed of evaporite minerals found at depth intrudes vertically into surrounding rock strata, forming a diapir

Salt dome trap

A concentration of salt caused by flow of salt into a sink where the salt has not intruded the overburden.

Salt pillow

This deals with the deformation caused by the (mostly) vertical movement of salt through its overburden.

Salt tectonics

What two rock types are the most common reservoir rocks?

Sandstone and Carbonates

meandering channels

Sandstone deposition environment that exhibits a bell shaped gamma ray log

Worth 5 points each. Name all jovian planets in the solar system from the planet closest to farthest from the sun.

Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus

Energy ministers from which two (2) countries spearheaded the establishment of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries or OPEC?

Saudi Arabia and Venezuela

This company has just recently announced intentions to go public through an IPO, in a bid to remedy some of its losses due to the recent oil crash and to prepare for the eventual end of the oil age

Saudi Aramco

What company boasts the highest production rate?

Saudi Aramco

What do you call a line of cliffs created by faulting or by erosion?


What is a strongly foliated metamorphic rock that has a well-developed parallelism of minerals such as micas?


Electrical logs are now an industry standard to measure formation characteristics. Name the brothers who developed the first electrical log.

Schlumberger brothers / Marcel and Conrad Schlumberger

It is a type of rock adjoining a reservoir that restricts leakage of hydrocarbons from a trap after it has accumulated.


what term is used for low-permeable to impermeable rock or immobile fluid, with a capillary entry pressure large enough to dam up or trap hydrocarbons?


What type of porosity is non intergranular such as fractures, vugs, etc. that may contribute sharply to permeability but may not significantly raise the porosity level?

Secondary Porosity

What do you call the production of oil or gas as a result of artificially augmenting the reservoir energy by injection of water or other fluids?

Secondary recovery

What do you call the method used to be applied after substantial depletion of the reservoir? -

Secondary recovery methods

What are the 3 types of rocks?

Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic rocks

What is the analysis that is mostly required for the detailed description of the rock bodies which form hydrocarbon reservoirs?

Sedimentological analysis

Locations where oil and gas find the surface are called?


It is a method of data acquisition relying upon changes in the acoustic properties of rock to alter the properties of soundwaves transmitted through the rock.

Seismic Method

Methodology based on the premise that almost all seismic reflectors are time surfaces

Seismic Stratigraphic Methodology

Name the survey method which involves the generation and propagation of seismic waves down into the earth

Seismic Survey

What is an immobile region of a fault bounded by moving segments?

Seismic gap

It is a device used to construct a topographic profile of the ocean floor and to reveal layering in sediment and rock beneath the sea floor?

Seismic profiler


Shales exhibit a _____________response in spontaeous potential (sp) logging.

Which two (2) companies will be the recipient of the OTC Distinguished Achievement Award in recognition of the successful development of the world's deepest oil and gas project, the Gulf of Mexico Stones field?

Shell and SBM Offshore

What was the founding name of the highly recognizable oil company, Shell?

Shell transport and trading company

This geologic formation is known as the oldest significant oil source rock. It is found in Alaska and preserves fossils dating back to the Triassic period. What is this geologic formation called?

Shublik Formation

What do you call a sedimentary particles that range from 1/256 to 1/16 mil- limeter in size.


It is a rock composed of lithified silt?


It is a circular depression in karst topography caused by the collapse of a cavern roof or by disso-lution of surface rocks.


Give the largest oil company for 2014 (revenue wise)


When using an ultrasonic televiewer image, what mathematical shape describes the image of a fracture that slices the wellbore at an angle?

Sinusoid, Sinusoidal

It is a porosity and permeability tool which works by sending a sound pulse into the formation and measuring the time taken for the sound wave to return to a receiver located further up (or down) the too.

Sonic tool

It is a sedimentary rock that contains sufficient organic matter such that when it is buried and heated it will produce petroleum.

Source rock

Rock where the hydrocarbons originally formed, prior to their migration.

Source rock

The Australian oil company, SANTOS, is an acronym that stands for what?

South Australia Northern Territory Oil Search

What is the world's largest gas field?

South Pars / North Dome Gas-Condensate field

A heterogenous group of nonroutine analytic processes, such as relative permeability determination, core tomography, capillary pressure, and wettability measurement

Special Core Analysis

What is the name of this oilfield, located in Beaumont, Texas, was founded by Anthony Lucas and became USA's first major oil field?

Spindletop Oil Field

Gushers are a common occurrence all around the world. What was the name of the first gusher to be drilled?

Spindletop gusher

This type of log measures the natural battery effect that occurs at the interface where foreign ions from the drilling mud have entered into porous zones.

Spontaneous Potential (SP)

A natural potential difference exists between the borehole and the surface. Name the log used to measure this potential

Spontaneous Potential (SP) log

It is a pillar of rock left when a sea arch collapses or when the inshore portion of a headland erodes faster that the tip? - Sea Stack


It is a conical speleothem formed upward from the floor of a cave by the action of dripping water. It is usually composed of calcium carbonate.


cross cutting

States that geologic features that cut across rocks must form after the rocks they cut through.

Fill in the blanks. Lithification is derived from a Latin terms lithos which means ____________ and fic which means __________.

Stone and making

It is the process in which the rising magma the overlying rocks, producing xenoliths.


What traps are formed by sedimentation and diagenesis. Without the need for structural movement?

Stratigraphic Traps

This kind of trap result when either a nonporous formation is sealed off or when the reservoir rock incurs a change of porosity or permeability.

Stratigraphic trap

It is the study of temporal and spatial relationships between bodies of sedimentary rocks


These basins occur where sections of the crust move laterally with respect to each other.

Strike slip basin

It is a basin that occurs where sections of the crusts move laterally with respect to each other. It is also called a "wrench" basin

Strike- slip basin

Horizontal Stress in one direction is greater than the horizontal stress in the perpendicular direction?

Strike-Slip faulting

What is the name for a type of subsurface map having contours that display the elevation of a particular rock layer such that folds and faults are clearly displayed?

Structure map

Fill in the blanks. ___________ are remnants of voids in carbonate rocks prior to compaction.


These are thin seams of clay and insoluble material which run parallel to bedding in a limestone or sandstone. These are produced from pressure solution along planes as the result of stress. The clay which fills the seams is insoluble residue derived from limestone solution.


It is a component of arcs comprising stacked fragments of oceanic crust and its pelagic cover, together with material derived from arc

Subduction Complex

It is a type of seismic wave having the greatest amplitude.

Surface waves

What is the junction created when two continents or other masses of crust collide and weld into a single mass of continental crust?


These cracks are formed by spontaneous dehydration of gel-like materials in the sediment, even when the sediment is in a wet environment.

Synaresis cracks

What do you call to a fold that arches downward and whose center contains the youngest rocks? - Syncline


These are faults that form along points of weak rock that are secondary to larger faults. They can assume various orientations, dependant on the regional tectonic stress regimes. This may include numerous en-echelon stress relief faults or faults accompanying diapirs.

Synthetic fault

The deeper into the brittle part of the crust, the stronger the rock, and the larger the differential stress required to fracture it.


What do you call an accumulation of loose angular rocks at the base of a cliff that has fallen mainly as a result of frost wedging?

Talus slope

It is an end moraine that forms when a glacier is at its greatest advance? - Terminal moraine

Terminal moraine

The end moraine that marks the farthest advance of a glacier. -

Terminal moraine

It is a flat, benchlike structure produced by a stream, which was left elevated as the stream cut downward. -


A crustal block bounded by faults, whose geologic history is distinct from the histories of adjoining crustal blocks. -


irreducible water sturation

The amount of water is is not removable due to adhesive forces by the rock grains and water


The attraction between different moelcules


The attraction between like molecules


The cheapest type of correlation sample


The table that is being used to correct the apparent dip into true tip

solution gas drive

This is a mechanism when crude oil has dissolved gas on it, the gases aid in helping the oil feel lighter, thus enhancing the mobility of our oil up to the surface for production.


This is defined as a mutual identification of layers


This is the meaurement of the angle that a rock layer tilits from the horizonal

water drive

This is the most common and the most effective drive mechanism of all reservoirs

total porosity

This refers to all the porosity of the rock whether effective or not


This represents a long period during which deposition ceased, erosion removed previously formed rocks, and then deposition resumed.

Gamma Ray tool

This tool provides a picture of the combined gamma ray output of all the radioactive elements in the rock formations.

lithofacies map

This type of map has contours representing the variations in the proportion of sandstone, shale, and other kinds of rocks in the formation

volatile oil

This type of oil is aka high shrinkage crude oil

What are the three elements used as the source of Gamma Rays.

Thorium, Uranium, Potassium

It is a type of reverse fault with a dip of 45º or less over most of its extent? - Thrust fault

Thrust fault

It is a strike-slip fault between two offset segments of a mid-oceanic ridge? - Tr-form fault

Tr-form fault

A boundary between two lithospheric plates where the plates are sliding horizontally past one another. - Tr-form plate boundary

Tr-form plate boundary

What is the direct evaporation from the leaf surfaces of plants? - Tr-piration


What do you call to the relatively long, straight dune that is oriented perpendicular to the prevailing wind? - Tr-verse dune

Tr-verse dune

It is a sedimentary structure consisting of tracks, burrows, or other marks made by an organism?

Trace fossil

What do you call to the sediment tr-port in which particles are dragged or rolled along a stream bed, beach, or desert surface? - Traction


A major strike-slip fault that cut through the lithosphere and accommodates motion between two plates. -

Transform fault

It is a plate boundary in which two plates slide past one another without creating or destroying lithosphere.

Transform fault boundary

It is a series of long ridges oriented at right angles to the prevailing wind; these dunes form where vegetation is sparse and sand is very plentiful.

Transverse dunes

This is the point where three lithospheric plates meet.

Triple junction

What is the lowest part of a wave? - Trough


True or false, then explain why. Diamond, being the hardest known mineral, once hammered, will break into pieces.

True. It will break, but not be scratched.

These are triangular-shaped cliffs produced when spurs of land that extend into a valley are removed by the great erosional force of a valley glacier. -

Truncated spurs

What is the Japanese word for seismic sea w]ave? -


What is the large sea wave produced by a submarine earthquake or a volcano, characterized by long wave- length and great speed? - Tsunami


What is the general term for all consolidated pyroclastic rocks? - Tuff


The discovery of this field, later renamed in his honor, led president Lula da Silva to proclaim it as a second independence of the country, discovered by BG group in 2006


A turbidity current deposit characterized by graded bedding. -


A downslope movement of dense sediment-laden water created when sand and mud on the continental shelf and slope are dislodged and thrown into suspension. -

Turbidity current

It is a relatively dense mass of water and suspended sediments that is moving by gravity down a submarine slope. It can be divided by morphology into a head at the front, a neck, a body, and a tail. The head is thicker and moves slower than the body. What is this current called?

Turbidity current

It is rapidly flowing submarine current laden with suspended sediment that results from mass wasting on the continental shelf or slope? - Turbidity current

Turbidity current

This Erratic movement of water often characterized by swirling, whirlpool-like eddies. Most streamflow is of this type. -

Turbulent flow

How many planes of cleavage does the mineral Feldspar contain?

Two (2)

Algal and amorphous kerogen highly likely to generate oil is what type?

Type I

With a higher proportion of hydrogen relative to oxygen than other types and a Hydrogen:Carbon ratio of about 1.65, name the type of kerogen that has lipids as the dominant compounds, with derivates of waxes, fats, and oils?

Type I

Mixed terrestrial and marine source material that can generate waxy oil is what type?

Type II

The Kimmeridge clay of the North Sea and the Tannezuft shale of Algeria are of this type. The original organic matter of this kerogen consisted of algal detritus, but also contained material derived from zooplankton and phytoplankton.

Type II

Woody terrestrial source material that typically generates gas is what type of kerogen?

Type III

Kerogen containing mostly decomposed organic matter also known as charcoal is what type of kerogen?

Type IV

What is the lowest level to which stream erosion could lower the land. -

Ultimate base level

What is the lowest possible level of down- cutting of a stream, usually sea level? - Ultimate base level

Ultimate base level

A compositional group of igneous rocks containing mostly olivine and pyroxene. -

Ultramafic composition

rock composed mostly of minerals containing iron and magnesium. - Ultramafic rock

Ultramafic rock

In the field of structural geology, it is a state of strain where stretching in X (axis) is compensated for by equal shortening in the plane orthogonal to X.

Uniform extension or axially symmetric extension

This is a relatively narrow body of stratified drift deposited on a valley floor by meltwater streams that issue from the terminus of an alpine glacier.

Valley train

A mineral that fills a fracture or fault in a host rock.

Vein deposit

It is a solid composed of unordered atoms? - Volcanic glass

Volcanic glass

. Define effective porosity

Volume of interconnected pores/total volume of pores

A type of pore that is significantly larger than the typical pore space in the permeable formation

Vuggy pores

A mud supported limestone with more than 10% grains is classified as what?


appraisal wells

Well that aims to decide whether the hydrocarbon pool will produce profitable amounts of oil and gas


What do you call a solid rock or mineral fragments transported and deposited by wind, water, gravity, or ice, precipitated by chemical reactions, or secreted by organisms, and that accumulate as layers in loose, un-consolidated form?

Secondary recovery methods

What do you call the method used to be applied after substantial depletion of the reservoir? -

Secondary recovery

What do you call the production of oil or gas as a result of artificially augmenting the reservoir energy by injection of water or other fluids?


What is the common chemical that is added to the water in order to increase its sweep efficiency?


What property of water is being altered by chemical eor that will increase its sweep efficiency?


What type of fluid is believed to be contained when the resistivty log is high?


What type of fluid is believed to be contained when the resistivty log is low?


What variable is being measured by the density log?

permeability / permeable beds

What varialbe does an sp log measure?

hydrogen content

What varialbe does neutron log measure?

In Jack Hills, Australia, rocks were found to contain the oldest known minerals on Earth which dated to about 4.4 billion years ago. What mineral is this?



_________ is a fine-grained clastic sedimentary rock with finely layered structure composed predominantly of clay minerals.

original horzontality

____________ says that layers of sediment are generally deposited in a horizontal position.

It is a continental sedimentary environment that are localized and their shape approximates a segment of a cone.

alluvial fans,

Name the fine-grained volcanic rock of intermediate composition, consisting largely of plagioclase and one or more mafic minerals.


Name the unconformity in which the beds below the unconformity dip at a different angle than the beds above it.

angular unconformity

An excellent hydrocarbon trap, it consists of an arch-shaped fold in rock in which rock layers are upwardly convex. The oldest rock layers form the core of the fold, and outward from the core progressively younger rocks occur. What is this geological structure called?


Name the fold that is convex upward, or that had such an attitude at some stage of its development.


What is the term for any geological fold that is convex up?


What is the permeable region of rock or soil through which ground water can move?


What sedimentary rock is formed by the cementation of sand-sized grains of feldspar and quartz?


A triangular-shaped rock face that forms when a valley glacier cuts off the lower portion of an arête.


Complex hydrocarbon compounds that are relatively enriched in N, S, and O.

asphaltenes or resins.

Give the range of alkalinity of drilling muds.

at least 9ph

Which large US oil rich formation is described to look like an oreo cookie, representing to layers of black shale that leak oil into a central dolomite layer?"

bakken shale

Meaning of the abbreviation "bbl"


The standard unit of measurement for oil


Carbonization is a common rock alteration of what type of rocks?

basic rocks

what is the name for a large, discordant, intrusive body of igneous rock?


What is the kind of laterite that consists of almost pure aluminum hydroxide?


give 3 criteria not suitable for correlating

bed thickness, stratigraphic positioning, lithological similarity

It is a colloidal clay, composed primarily of montmorillonite, that swells when wet. Because of its gel-forming properties, it is a major component of waterbase drilling muds. What is the name of this clay?


Name the thin zone near the earth's surface that is inhabited by life forms.


It is a constructional type of delta with several sediment lobes protruding into the basin like the Mississippi River Delta.

bird-foot delta

A container, usually made of steel and fitted with a sturdy lock, to store drill bits, especially higher cost PDC and diamond bits. Name this container.

bit box

Name this complex colloidal material containing large complex hydrocarbon molecules, soluble in carbon disulphide.


What type of metamorphism results from deep burial of rocks in a sedimentary basin?

burial metamorphism

Mode of transportation employed to carry workers to and from an offshore drilling rig

by air / Helicopter

is a tool for measuring the diameter and shape of a borehole.

caliper log

A relatively impermeable rock, commonly shale, anhydrite or salt, that forms a barrier or seal above and around reservoir rock so that fluids cannot migrate beyond the reservoir. It is often found atop a salt dome. Name this rock.

cap rock

Since water has a high dielectric constant, and hence capacitance, it can be distinguished from oil or gas. An in situ record of the capability of the fluid passing through a sensor to store electrical charge. Name this kind of log.

capacitance log

what is the chemical eor method that involves injection of chemicals that will break down heavy hydricarbons into lighter ones and will also act as emulsifiers to easilty recover these heavy hydrocarbons

caustic flooding

a control on porosity that involves the glueing effect of grains


deep marine depth carbonate reservoirs formed by chemical precipitation

chalk deposits

What type of weathering occurs when air and water chemically react with rock to alter its composition and mineral content?

chemical weathering

What is the name for rocks or sediments made up primarily of broken fragments of pre-existing rocks or minerals?


For five points each, give four types of sedimentary rocks.

clastic, organic, chemical, bioclastic

On the Udden-Wentworth classification of grain size, rank the following size terms from smallest to largest: sand, pebbles, clay, boulders, silt, cobbles."

clay, silt, sand, pebbles, cobbles, boulders

What sedimentary rock is composed of combustible matter derived from the partial decomposition of plant material?


the attraction between like molecules


What does the acronym CHOPS stand for?

cold heavy oil production with sand.

a control on porosity that results into elongation of previously round sized grains by the overburden pressure


A volcano which is composed of lava flows and pyroclastic material and which is steep-sided and very tall is known as:


Give the four types of metamorphism for 5 points per correct answer,

contact, burial, regional, hydrothermal

What is characterized by the area at the edges of a continent from the shoreline to a depth of 200 m [660 ft], where the continental slope begins?

continental shelf

maps that show a series of lines drawn at regular intervals. The points on each line represent equal values, such as depth or thickness.

contour map / structural

correlation sample that is very large and expensive

core sample

Name the mutual identification of layers or groups of layers penetrated in the various wells in a field.


Convergence pressure is found at what region in the phase diagram?

critical point

states that geologic features that cut across rocks must form after the rocks they cut through.

cross cutting

what do you call the sides of a block diagram?

cross section

map that illustrate vertical relationships such as depth, thickness, superpostion, and lateral and vertical changes of geologic features.

cross section maps

What general term for unrefined petroleum or liquid petroleum?

crude oil

Any substance whose atoms are arranged in a regular, periodically repeated pattern is called what?


What do you call to the current caused by the tides? - Tidal current


sandstone deposition environment that exhibits a cyclic intervals of bell and funnel shaped gamma ray log

delta complex


department that carries out all operations t o ensure the flow of the Hydrocarbons from the reservoir through the well bore to the surface facilities.

field engineering

department that constructs and operates the surface facilities: drilling Sites, roads, tanks, pipelines, pump stations, etc.

pet eng

department that is is charged with the planning and functional Supervision of - but generally not the line responsibility for - all operations Required for the commercial production of hydrocarbons.


department that is responsible for the drilling of the wells, in accordance with the general plans developed by the petroleum engineering department."

It is a well that is drilled or completed for the purpose of supporting production from an existing field.

development well

What naturally occuring mineral is known to be the oldest mineral on earth?


if an exploration well penetrates oil or gas, it becomes a

discovery well

sandstone deposition environment that exhibits a cylindrical shaped gamma ray log

distributary channel

correalation sample that is continuously obtained


the cheapest type of correlation sample


enumerate the 3 types of correlation samples

ditch, side wall, core sample

Arrange the following minerals in order from densest to lease dense: quartz, dolomite, calcite

dolomite, calcite, quartz

It is the folding of layers around a fault by means of brittle deformation mechanisms, directly related to the formation and/or growth of the fault.


a temporary completion of a well that provides info whether to complete or not the well.

drill stem tes

department that is responsible for the drilling of the wells, in accordance with the general plans developed by the petroleum engineering department.


type of reservoir gas primarily made of methane

dry gas

What initiative was introduced by SPE in 2005 to connect young professionals with fewer than 5 years in the industry and students with more experienced members?


a mechanism that involves water coming from aquifers causing a pushing pressure into the edges of the oil reservoir.

edge water drive

these are interconnected pore volume availabe to free fluids

effective porosity

give one possible reason of grading of rock layer into another type of sediment

either due to change in environment conditions or until they thin out at the edge of the basin of deposition

A stream system that resembles the pattern of a branching tree. D

endritic pattern

A branch of microeconomics concerned with the systematic analysis of the costs and benefits of engineering projects with the objective of finding the most efficient and effective use of resources. What is it?

engineering economics

For five points per item, give the units used in the geologic timescale.

eons, eras, periods, epochs

Name the process that is responsible for the removal of weathered rock or soil by moving wind, glaciers, or gravity.


part of pet eng rotational job that involves update of the existing picture of oilfield


department that carries out the search for accumulations of oil and gas.


According to the technical wing, Aside from the petrophysicists, this is where the prod geo is also in close contact

exploration department

What department is responsible for carrying out the search for accumulations of oil and gas?

exploration department

Complete the SPE Mission: "To collect, disseminate, and exchange technical knowledge concerning the ________, ________, and ________ of oil and gas resources...".

exploration, development, production

For 10 points per correct answer, give the two types of igneous rock.

extrusive/volcanic, intrusive/plutonic

A lateral change from one depositional environment to another is called a change of ____________.


the division of reservoir due to fault activities

fault compartments

part of pet eng rotational job that involves adaptation of the plans


department that constructs and operates the surface facilities: drilling sites, roads, tanks, pipelines, pump stations, etc.

field engineering

What is the region located between a volcanic arc and an accretionary wedge where shallow-water marine sediments typically accumulate?

forearc basin

What is the name give to the remains or traces of a plant or animal preserved in rock?


Name the stimulation treatment routinely performed on oil and gas wells in low-permeability reservoirs, whereas the specially engineered fluids are pumped at high pressure and rate into the reservoir interval to be treated, causing a vertical fracture to open.

fracking/ hydraulic fracturing

a secondary porosity that resulted from cracking of rock layers


the gas that exists above the reservoir

gas cap

a mechanism that involves the gas cap being the source of pressure for the pushing of oil into the surface

gas drive / gas expansion drive

What do you call a mineral that is prized primarily for its beauty?


the end or foot of a glacier.


Why are greensands green?


in this mechanism, the magnetic pull towards the center of the earth causes fluids to move down a sloping reservoir, thus reaching the production pipe and recovering amounts of oil

gravity drainage

What do you call the thickness of the stratigraphically defined interval in which the potential reservoir beds occur?

gross thickness

Worth 10 points each. What is the difference of gypsum and anhydrite in terms of chemical composition.

gypsum has water, anhydrite does not.

All or nothing question worth 20 points. Name all eons in precambrian time from oldest to latest.

hadean, archean, proterozoic

What's terminology for a part of rock body which located on up side of fault?

hanging wall

large responses of neutron log means?

higg hydrogen content

shale is detected with what gamma ray log response?


a large response of density log could mean a high content of what?


a lowresponse of density log could mean a low content of what?


what type of fluid is believed to be contained when the resistivty log is high?


what varialbe does neutron log measure?

hydrogen content

The solidified lava of a volcano belongs to which rock family?


What rock type forms when magma solidifies?

igneous rock

For 5 points per answer, give the three rock types.

igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic

low sp log response means?

impermeable shale

an example of thermal eor method that involves injection of combustible gas that will be ignited within the reservoir

in situ combustion

these are fragments of one rock unit that have been enclosed within another.


Some rocks contain fossils of specoes that only lived for a relatively hort time on earth. These fossils are called?

index fossils

In a region of metamorphosed rocks, the metamorphic mierals are different in different places because the metamorphic grade changes. The type of minerals that are associated with a particular metamorpihc grade are called?

index minerals

The force that exists between the boundary of 2 immiscible fluids.

interfacial tension

the amount of water is is not removable due to adhesive forces by the rock grains and water

irreducible water sturation

Define Shale

is a sedimentary rock consisting of silt- and clay-size particles

In geological studies, a dome shaped intrusion is called a?


It is a massive igneous body intruded between preexisting strata.


refers to the fact that sedimentary beds originate as continuous layers that extend in all directions until they eventually grade into a different type of sediment

lateral continuity

. This law states that the oldest rocks are on bottom and the youngest rocks are on top.

law of superposition

This type of map has contours representing the variations in the proportion of sandstone, shale, and other kinds of rocks in the formation

lithofacies map

the only basis for the comparison of intervals in different wells that remains in practice

lithology of the rocks

Name the 4 interconnected geospheres for 5 points each.

lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere

It is the simplest general stress model for the interior of the Earth.

lithostatic reference state

It is any type of sediment that is transported and deposited by wind.


sandstones or carbonates are detected with what gamma ray log response?


low responses of neturon log means?

low hydrogen content

Turbidite deposits would most likely be found in which systems tract of the classic sequence stratigraphic model?

lowstand systems tract

It is the way a mineral reflects light on its surface.


enumerate the 4 types of geophysical surveys

magnetic, resistivity, seicmic, gravity

It is a black mineral composed of both ferric and ferrous oxides. It occurs as grains in sandstones, compact aggregates, or well-formed eight-faced crystals in igneous rocks. It is strongly magnetic and is responsible for most rock magnetic properties.


contour map

maps that show a series of lines drawn at regular intervals. The points on each line represent equal values, such as depth or thickness.

In SGR observations, presence of glauconite implies what in terms of environment of deposition?

marine, mainly continental shelf origin

sandstone deposition environment that exhibits a bell shaped gamma ray log

meandering channels

What is used to describe the intensity of metamorphism that affected a rock?

metamorphic grade

Define the rock type that resulted from pre-existing rocks being altered by heating, increased pressure, or tectonic deformation.

metamorphic rock

an eor method that involves the injection of genetically engineered microorganisms into the reservoir

microbial eor / meor

The movement of hydrocarbons from a source rock to an area of accumulation.


What do you call to a mine consisting of subterranean passages that commonly follow ore veins or coal seams? - Underground mine


Fill in the blank. A ______________ is a naturally occurring inorganic solid with a characteristic chemical composition and a crystalline structure.


what is the term used to refer to naturally occurring inorganic solids that have a well-defined chemical composition and in which atoms are arranged in an ordered fashion?


an eor method that involves injection of gases that are capable of mixing themselves with the residual oil in the reservoir

miscible gas eor

Fill in the blank. __________ are polygonal cracks that form when mud shrinks as it dries.

mud cracks

the table that is being used to correct the apparent dip into true tip


a situation in which younger sedimentary strata overlie older metamorphic or intrusive igneous rocks


type of fault that provides more passageways for fluid to flow and migrate.

nonsealing fault

In latin inorganic mean in=______ and organicus= ______

not and life

part of pet eng rotational job that involves doing of different kinds of reports


This is often referred to as "black gold"


This is defined as the exclusive right granted by a host country to explore and develop oil

oil concession

A factory where crude oil is cleaned and turned into useful oil products

oil refinery

Another variety of inorganic limestone is oolitic limestone. It is a rock composed of small spherical grains called


people who maintain liaison with drilling and production departments.

operations engineers

____________ says that layers of sediment are generally deposited in a horizontal position.

original horzontality

The Earth's first atmosphere was produced by a process called?


Give 6 of the 8 most abundant chemical elements in the earth's crust for 5 points each.

oxygen, silicon, aluminium, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium

It is a native bitumen mineral wax that occurs in irregular veins in sedimentary rocks or solidifies from a waxy crude oil during production. It has a microcrystalline structure, is composed of hydrocarbons in the C22 -C50 range with a small liquid component, has a specific gravity of 0.84-0.93, and is soluble in organic solvents. What is this called?

ozocerite or ozokerite

comparisons on the basis of fossil content of the formations is called?


how many km is the man made causeway of saudi aramco?


It is a relatively conformable, genetically related succession of bed or bed sets, bounded by marine-flooding surfaces or their correlative uncomformities.


operations engineers

people who maintain liaison with drilling and production Departments.

. It is a very dark green to black, fine-grained igneous rock composed primarily of pyroxene and calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar, with lesser amounts of olivine and amphibole.


Identify this material aggregate used for insulation boards, plaster and concrete in which special acoustic or thermal insulation properties are required.


what varialbe does an sp log measure?

permeability / permeable beds

high sp log response means?

permeable beds

department that is is charged with the planning and functional supervision of - but generally not the line responsibility for - all operations required for the commercial production of hydrocarbons.

pet eng

This term describes money earnt, particularly dollars, through the sale of petroleum


Name this crude oil that occurs naturally in sedimentary rocks and consists mainly of hydrocarbons.


Identify the continuous measurements of physical parameters in the borehole which reflect characteristics of the formation through which the hole was drilled.

petrophysical logs/ logs

the closest contact of production geologist


A porosity-resistivity crossplot is a convenient method for deriving formation water resistivity. Name one of the two commonly used crossplots.

pickett plot; hingle plot

part of pet eng rotational job that involves the drawing of fictional sketch of the field


It is a dry lakebed in a desert that is called a salt pan.


What is another term for intrusive igneous rock?

plutonic rocks

It is a crescent-shaped accumulation of sand deposited on the inside of a river meander. It is formed by the migration of a river meander toward the outer bank and deposition on the inner bank. It commonly has a fining-upward sediment grain size. What is this called?

point bar

a rock that has varying grain sizes is said to be a _____ sorted rock


enumerate the 4 factors that affect secondary recovery to be so low

pore scale displacement, sweep, drainage, commercial cut off

What term refers to the expression of the volume of void spaces in the rocks?


what term is used for textures of igneous rocks in which large crystals are set in a matrix of relatively finer-grained crystals?


the more accurate term used in reservoir management instead of saying secondary recovery

pressure maintenance

pore spaces that are present in the sediment by the time of deposition

primary porosity

Fill in the blank. An abundant rock-forming mineral composed of silicon and oxygen, also called silica. ________ sand grains are a major constituent of sandstone and other clastic sedimentary rocks.


a carbonate reservoir environment known formed in shallow areas

reef / bioherms

Identify the type of metamorphism that occurs in and near a subduction zone.

regional metamorphism

a subsurface volume of porous and permeable rock that has both storage capacity and the ability to allow fluids to flow through it.


This engineer studies the consequences of withdrawn fluids druing production

reservoir engr

after doing water injection and water flooding, what do we call the remaining oil in the reservoir?

residual oil

Name the missing member of the four main components of petroleum, along with asphaltenes, aromatics and saturates.


It is an erosional feature in glaciers that is created by the glacial process called plucking?

roche moutonnee

It is a mixture of one or more minerals, or organic matter that is naturally occurring.


in this mechanism, the overburden pressure felt by the grains of the reservoir causes a slight push of oil into permeable areas, allowing easier mobility of the fluids

rock drive

Complete the SPE Vision: "Enable the global oil and gas E&P industry to share technical knowledge needed to meet the world's energy needs in a ________ & _________ manner"

safe, environmentally responsible

The process whereby small grains of sediment bounce along the ground driven by the wind is called?


For 10 points. What do you call the abrasive material composed of small quartz grains formed from the disintegration of preexisting rocks.


On the Udden-Wentworth classification of grain size, what lies between silt and pebbles?"


What is the division of Earth history into blocks of time—eons, eras, periods, and epochs and it was created using relative dating principles? - Geologic time scale


a type of fault that never allows fluid to passs by it anymore

sealing fault

It is a submarine mountain, usually of volcanic origin, that rises 1 kilometer or more above the surrounding sea floor? - seamount


the line that is drawn across a map that will serve as a guide on where to look for viewing its cross section

section line

What do you call a solid rock or mineral fragments transported and deposited by wind, water, gravity, or ice, precipitated by chemical reactions, or secreted by organisms, and that accumulate as layers in loose, un- consolidated form? -


A rock formed when sediment is lithified?

sedimentary rock

Name the rocks formed from the accumulation of sediment, which may consist of fragments and mineral grains of varying sizes from pre-existing rocks, remains or products of animals and plants.

sedimentary rock

It is any structure formed in sedimentary rock during deposition or by later sedimentary processes; for example, bedding?

sedimentary structure

What do you call when all elastic waves that travel through rock, produced by an earthquake or explosion?

seismic wave

What do you call the record made by a seismograph?


What is an instrument that records seismic waves?


It is the study of earthquake waves and the interpretation of these data to elucidate the structure of the interior of the Earth?


What is science in geophysics that study about vibration phenomena in earth?


_________ is a fine-grained clastic sedimentary rock with finely layered structure composed predominantly of clay minerals.


basic type of reservoir created by folding where there is low internal reservoir pressures

shallow res

_______________ is a large region of exposed basement rocks that are commonly of Precambrian age.


correlation sample that is small in size but free of conatmination

side wall

On the Udden-Wentworth classification of grain size, what lies between clay and sand?


On the Udden-Wentworth classification of grain size, what lies between clay and sand?"


All or nothing question, worth 20 points. Arrange the following metamorphic rocks from lowest to highest degree of metamorphism. Phyllite, schist, slate, gneiss

slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss

It is a submarine deposit of turbidite and debrite sediments on the middle or base of the basin slope environment. It is part of a lowstand system tract defined in seismic and sequence stratigraphy.

slope fan

Name four geologic elements required for a hydrocarbon accumulation for an oil and gas field to exist

source, seal, trap, reservoir

under e & p companies these are responsible for work in the various subdisciplines.


What is the hypothesis that segments of oceanic crust are separating at the mid-oceanic ridge? - Sea-floor spreading


It is the theoretical maximum deflection of the spontaneous potential tool opposite clean, permeable, and water-bearing sandstones

static SP (spontaneous potential)

a method of thermal eor where high temperature vapors of water are injected into the reservoir to heat up the oil and lower its viscosity to increase mobility

steam flooding

It is a potential petroleum trap formed by the deposition and diagenesis of the reservoir rock, such as limestone reef, river channel sandstone, an updip pinchout of a sandstone wedge in a shale layer or an oolite shoal.

stratigraphic trap

general type of trap that is formed due to difference of depositon of layers of rocks

stratigraphic traps

the intersection line of a dipping rock and a horizontal plane


Fill in the blank. The dipmeter was originally developed for the purpose of measuring __________ dip.

structural dip

how many liters are there in 1 barrel?

structural trap

general type of traps that is formed due to deformation of rock layers

structural traps

the process of solid turning directly into gas


It is a large fan-shaped deposit of sediments located at the base of a submarine canyon on the ocean bottom. These are deposited by turbidity currents, sand flows, and other processes that transport sediments down the submarine canyons. What is this called?

submarine fan, submarine delta, or submarine cone

The law simply states that in an undeformed sequence of sedimentary rocks, each bed is older than the one above and younger than the one below.


What is the hole excavated into the Earth's surface for the purpose of recovering mineral or fuel resources? - surface mine

surface mine

It is all processes that sculpt the Earth's surface, such as erosion, tr-port, and deposition? - surface processes

surface processes

In structural geology, what is the name of a downward-curving fold with layers that dip toward the center of the structure?


This classification of deposits are believed to have formed from parent magma at low temperatures and high in the crust. Name this deposit classification.

telethermal deposit

Type 3 kerogens usually form from what type of organic material and tend to produce what type of hydrovcarbons?

terrestrial plant material, natural gas

What is the sea-floor sediment derived directly from land? - terrigenous sediment

terrigenous sediment

It is a correction applied to gravity data to compensate for attraction of the sun and moon.

tidal correction

Mention 2 corrections in processing gravity data

tidal correction, drift (tool corr.), free air corr., bou guer corr., terrain corr. (altitude corr.)

The underground process of "diagenetic override" leads to a reservoir characterized as?


What is the sediment deposited directly by glacial ice and that has not been resorted by a stream? - till


the geologic map Is seen at what side of a block diagram?

top side

the movement of sediment by flowing water, ice, wind, or gravity? - tr-port


Rocks on opposite sides of the fracture slide horizontally past each other is what type of plate boundary?


the point in pvt diagram where solid, liquid, and gas may co-exist with each other

triple point

intermediate depth carbonate reservoirs formed along slopes of shelves


it is is a gap in the rock record that represents a period during which erosion rather than deposition is occurring


this represents a long period during which deposition ceased, erosion removed previously formed rocks, and then deposition resumed.


The process of abrasion can cause rocks on the desert floor to develop several polished faces so that they look like big gemstones with facets. These rocks are called/


What form of mica loses water and expands up to 20 times in size when it is heated?


what property of water is being altered by chemical eor that will increase its sweep efficiency?


this type of oil is AKA high shrinkage crude oil

volatile oil

pore spaces where the boundaries can cut across grains matrix or cement?

vuggy porosity

this is the most common and the most effective drive mechanism of all reservoirs

water drive

It is the decomposition and disintegration of rocks and minerals at the earth's surface. Name this process.


a rock that has same grain sizes is said to be a ___ sorted rock

well sorted

This is an empty channel that can penetrate several feet into the formation, caused by the nonuniform dissolution of limestone or dolomite by hydrochloric acid. Name this large empty channel that are created during matrix stimulation or acid fracturing of carbonate formations.


It is an elongate erosional remnant of a rock sticking above a desert surface, like an upturned ship hull.


what is the dip angle of a horizontal rock layer?


In the 1998 movie Armageddon, an offshore rig team drills into an asteroid to save the earth. If they used the same well plan as Chevron's Nottinghead 1 discovery well. What would have been their total depth?


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