John Tyler

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Election of 1840: He was selected as the running mate of Henry Harrison to appeal to South. Harrison won presidency with broad populist support, but died hours after his inaugural speech. Thus, Tyler assumed presidency. Election of 1844: Tyler voluntarily withdrew. His major bid for reelection was the annexation of Texas which was overridden after his presidency ended.

Brief Background

Established Whig party with Henry Clay and Daniel Webster.

Foreign Affairs

Foreign policies went smoothly. -He established diplomatic relations with China allowing the same trading concessions as Britain. - He extended Monroe Doctrine to Hawaii which allowed for the beginning process of annexation. - The Webster-Ashburton treaty of 1842 established so that lines were divided in Maine so that Britain knew where America ended and British Canada began. -Tyler ended a costly and bloody war against the Seminole Indians.

Important Cabinet

Important Cabinet: Secretary of State Daniel Webster was a key reason for successful foreign policy.


Term: 10th President of the United States (1841-1845)

Domestic Affairs

- Relations with Cabinet (whom he did not change from Harrison's out of respect) and Congress were strained. He continuously vetoed a bill that would resurrect the Bank of the United States. -The result was his entire Cabinet resigning (except for Secretary of State Daniel Webster). -The Whig party also expelled him from his own party. -His old party, the Whigs, began impeachment proceedings even after Tyler signed a tariff bill worded to his liking. They still could not impeach him. -His major goal was the statehood of Texas (whom had been annexed from Mexico for five years). -Mexico threatened war and Americans were uneasy about possibility of balance between number of slave states and non slave states. -Three days before his presidency ended, Tyler got Texas to become a state.

Political Party

Political Party: Whig, Democrat

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