JROTC Communication Skills

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What is communication?

Communication is a process in which people are able to transfer meaning between themselves. When no meaning is transferred, no communication has taken place.

What is the communication process made up of?

Elements such as communicators(senders), messages, receivers, channels(written word, sound, sight, radio, television), feedback, noise, and setting.

What is feedback?

Feedback allows communicators to find out whether they are "getting through" to the receivers. You get feedback from your instructors, your parents, and your friends.

Effective Communication: Support your ideas

Find facts, figures, statistics, and explanations that give credibility to your ideas. The more you can back up your ideas, the more your audience will understand what you are communicating.

Effective communication: Analyze your purpose and your audience

Make sure you know why you are communicating and to whom you are addressing your ideas. Knowing about the receivers of your communication is called audience analysis

What is noise?

Noise is the interference that keeps the message from being understood. Physical noise keeps a message from being herd. For example, the physical noise of a loud television program may interfere with reading a letter. Psychological noise occurs when the communicators and the receivers are distracted by something. For example, the psychological noise caused by hunger can prevent concentration.

What are nonverbal symbols?

Nonverbal symbols allow is to communicate without using words. An example would be facial expressions and gestures.

What is setting?

Setting is the time, place, and circumstances in which communication takes place. It can also be considered the context and environment in which a situation is set.

What does the communication process allow people to do?

Share information, ideas, and feelings.

Effective Communication: Get feedback

Test your work with one or more people. Testing your communication with others will ensure that you are not the only one that can make sense out of what you are saying.

What are the seven communication skills that help to express feeling, knowledge, and ideas?

The ability to read, listen, think, study, write, remember, and speak.

What is the channel?

The channel is the route traveled by the message as it goes between the communicator and the receivers.

What is the communicator?

The communicator is the originator of the message. Speakers, writers, artists, and architects can all be considered communicators.

What is the message?

The message is made up of ideas, data, and feelings the communicator wants to share. The medium may be a speech, essay, painting, or building.

What is the receiver?

The receiver is the audience for whom the message is intended. The communicator must gain the receiver's attention to have effective communication.

Effective Communication: Conduct the research

Use a variety of resources

Effective Communication: Get organized

Use an outline or notes to organize your ideas into a logical sequence. A logical sequence helps your audience follow along with you

Effective Communication: Draft and edit

Use language to your best advantage. There may be many ways to express the same idea. Look for the best way. If you are unclear about what you are saying, you may be sending mixed messages.

What are verbal symbols?

Verbal symbols utilize the words in a language to stand for a particular thing or idea.

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