K12 - US History Unit 1

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Why did thousands of Puritans settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

to escape poor economic conditions in England and avoid persecution

What term did the Mayflower Compact use to describe the colonists?

civil body politic

Which of the following best explains the reason for founding the Jamestown colony?

commercial venture

In which climate zone with a long growing season and wet winters did the Native Americans who lived along the Gulf coast and southeast Atlantic coast live?

humid subtropical

Which colonies had developed slave-based plantation economies by the late 1600s?

southern colonies

What was the primary reason Maryland was founded?

to reward England's Catholic gentry for supporting Charles I

The establishment of _______________ in Virginia resulted in the importation of indentured servants and African slaves to that colony.

tobacco as a major cash crop

Which of the following is NOT a way in which archaeologists have learned about the first Americans?

translating and reading written accounts

Who founded the colony of Maryland?

Cecilius Calvert

Which of the following is a result of the Columbian Exchange?

Diseases killed much of the native population of the Americas.

All faiths were tolerated her?



The first permanent English Settlement.

Which of the following is NOT a major theory that explains how the Americas were originally peopled?

Africans crossed into South America when Africa and South America were one continent.

How did it affect the Native Americans?

50 years of contact with the Europeans leaded to disease that reduced the numbers of most native groups by 90%.

What was the Mayflower Compact?

A brief document composed by 41 men (both Separatists and Strangers help write the document).

Why is our knowledge of ancient Americans limited?

A pandemic destroyed entire villages and cultures.

Why were Europeans anxious to explore the "New World?"

Amazing wealth (gold), power, and knowledge.

What is the Columbia Exchange?

An unprecedented exchange of people, plants, animals, and diseases between the Eastern and Western hemispheres. It was started by the Spanish Empire.

Which of the following Native American civilizations was located in the American Southwest, cultivated corn in irrigated fields, and constructed cliff dwellings?


Manufactured goods, cloth, and furniture were exported from which of the following?


Which Native American culture group lived in the harsh, arid lands of Nevada and Utah and traveled from highland to lowland camps with the changing seasons?

Great Basin

Which Native American culture group hunted bison and used dogs to pull lightweight sleds laden with teepee poles and hide mats?

Great Plains

What was the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

It was a first step towards self government in the English Colonies. It was not a constitution or a plan of government, but it did set a pattern for later developments.

What is the importance in American history of the Mayflower Compact?

It was a step toward self-government in the English colonies.

What is the middle passage?

It was the Body of water (Atlantic Ocean) used to exchange slaves between the British Colonies, West Indies, and Great Britain. By 1750, the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, and British all participated in the transatlantic slave trade.

Pennsylvania was a gift from who?

King Charles II to William Penn

Who sponsored Columbus's to sail to Spain?

King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

Which of the following is an example of conflict between New England colonists and Native Americans?

King Philip's War

What is the name of the 14 month was which devastated both Native American and Colonial populations?

King Philip's War. The Indians lost 60 to 80 percent of their populations. Also, 25% of the New England towns were ruined or severely damaged.

What river drains almost half of the United States and serves as a transportation route between the upper Midwest and the Gulf Coast?

Mississippi River

Which of the following Native American civilizations built elaborate mounds and permanent communities along rivers in the region that includes present-day Ohio and Illinois?


In which region was shipbuilding a significant industry?

New England

In which region were most colonies founded for religious reasons?

New England

Which Native American culture group included the Iroquois Confederacy, where women had a remarkable degree of power?


Where did Walter Raleigh's expedition land?

On Roanoke Island which is off the coast of today's North Carolina

Which Native American culture group hunted whales and held village-wide celebrations called potlatches?

Pacific Coast

What were separatists?

Radical Puritans who wanted to leave the Church of England and create their own congregations.

What colony did Roger Williams found?

Rhode Island

Which colony was founded by Roger Williams for the purpose of separating religion and government?

Rhode Island

Which mountain range extends from New Mexico to British Columbia?

Rocky Mountains

Which Native American culture group harvested the resources of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean and enjoyed warm weather?


Which Native American culture group included direct descendants of the Anasazi, built pueblos, and irrigated their fields?


African slavery began in the Americas in the 1500s when ____________________ began bringing Africans to their colonies in the New World to replace Native American slaves who had died from diseases.

Spain and Portugal

Where did Columbus land in 1492?

The Bahamas

What was the event called when thousands of English Puritans arrived in Massachusetts Bay as the fled persecution in England?

The Great Migration which was led by John Winthrop.

Why did Indians of the Southwest culture group develop irrigation techniques while the Indians of the Columbia Plateau culture group did not?

The Indians of the Southwest lived in an arid region, while the Columbia Plateau region received abundant rainfall.

Where did Columbus believed that he had landed?

The Indies. He called the native people "Indians."

Why did the Spanish start bringing African slaves to their New World colonies in the early 1500s?

The Native American population they had been using for slave labor died off in large numbers due to European diseases.

What happened on Roanoke Island?

The Sandy soil made it hard to farm. This caused them to fail to grow enough food to feed themselves. They raided the fields of the Native Americans. Within a year, the remaining members of the colony gave up and sailed for home.

Which of the following best explains the differences in the shelters used by Native Americans in the Northeast and the Great Plains?

The environment of the Great Plains was vastly different from the environment of the Northeast.

How did the Spanish and Portuguese rulers solve the severe labor shortage?

They forced the native people to work for them. In early 1500s, the Spanish began importing African slaves to their colonies in the Caribbean.

Why were Europeans so interested in exploration in the 1400s and 1500s?

They sought knowledge, power, and riches.

Which of the following best describes religious toleration in Puritan communities in the 1600s?

They were intolerant of other religions and barely tolerated disagreement within their own ranks.

Who founded the colony of Pennsylvania?

William Penn

What motivated European nations to finance voyages of exploration in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?

a desire for riches, knowledge, and power

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