KIN 250 Final

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

100 students are in each of the upper and lower groups. of those, 50 students in the upper group and 80 in the lower group got a question correct. what is the level of difficulty?

#total correct/total # test takers (50+80)/200 = 0.65

How do you find the discrimination index?

(Uc-Lc)/number of people in one quartile

In relation to the normal curve, the distance from the mean as specified in standard deviations represent different percentages of the total sample. Specifically, we stated that the curve from 1 standard deviation above and 1 standard deviation below contains (1) ___% of the total sample, 2 standard deviation above and 2 standard deviation below contains (2) ____ % of the total sample, and 3 standard deviation above and 3 standard deviation below contains (3)_____ % of the total sample.

1) 68.26% 2)95.44% 3) 99.74%

which distribution is the most homogenous (similar) given the gollowing: 1) mean=100 and variance=25 2) mean=120 and variance=36 3) mean=90 and variance=49

1) mean=100 and variance=25 25/100=0.25 < 36/120=0.3

In the freakonomics podcast you listened to for lab #1, there were several major findings that were discussed. List and explain at least three things that Kobayashi did differently than previous compeititors that allowed him to be succesful.

1. he redefined the problem and questioned the limits set by society. For example, he did not set the limit at how many hotdogs have previously been eaten. 2. He researched ways to consume the hotdogs in the most efficient manner. He recorded himself eating the hotdogs and comparing his eating habits to other competitor's eating habits. 3. He collected data, readjusted and compared eating strategies; essentially he applied science to an activity that was not considered to be a science.

when using a pie chart if you were to think of it as a closk, at what time would you match with the first entry of your legend? (number only)


Approximately what percentile is associated with a raw score located 1 STD below the mean in a normal distribution?

16% (.13%+2.14%+13.59%)=16%

On a knowledge test, a score of 10 is at the 40th percentile. what does this indicate?

40% of the scores were at or below 10

physical fitness assessments can be done in the lab or out in the field. list two advantages and two disadvantages for both lab-testing and field testing

Advantages for lab-based testing include high validity and objectivity. Disadvantages for lab-based testing include high cost and cannot be performed for large groups. Advantages for field-based testing include low cost and able to perform for a large group of participants. Disadvantages include low validity and high subjectivity when evaluating the subjects.

Dr. Ruben has developed an exercise program that he claims will significantly improve the physical fitness level of your students. What is the first thing you should determine before adopting the program? a. the level of initial fitness necessary for beginning the program b. Ruben's definition of physical fitness c. the equipment necessary for completing the program d. the results of Ruben's program on students similar to your students


Explain the concept of behavioral management. In this explanation, each type of reinforcement and punishment should be included and explained (4 points). Finally, describe how you would use each of the 4 aspects of behavioral management to get someone to begin exercising

Behavioral management is the use of a stimulus to either reinforce a certain behavior or discourage a certain behavior. Reinforcement increases a certain behavior and it exists in two forms--positive and negative. Positive reinforcement is adding a stimulus which adds to a person's well-being. For example, a person could treat themself to a coffee from Starbucks if they exercise early before work. Negative reinforcement mitigates suffering by the removal of a stimulus. For example, a coach may intice an athelete to run an extra lap if bribed with the promise to skip the weight lifting portion of the workout if the athlete finishes the extra lap. Punishment reduces a certain response. Negative punishment reduces a person's well-being in that it removes a stimulus. This could be the removal of certain priviledges, such as keys to the car. Postive punishment is the addition of a stimulus to add in a person's suffering. For example, a coach could punish a team's poor performance by requiring them to run sprints. To get someone to begin exercising using behavioral management, I would use stimuli. If I wanted someone to exercise before work, I would suggest either they sleep in their workout clothes or prepare their gym bag the night before so waking up early is easier. I would also use postive reinforcement through the use of rewards. For example, if the client loses ten pounds he gets to buy a new pair of jeans. I would use negative reinforcement in that if the client works out consecutivly for three days, he gets to take the fourth day off. I would use negative punishment by reminding the client of the weight he needs to lose. I would do this by posting "do you really need to eat that?" sticky notes on his fridge. I would use negative punishment through the use of a promised vacation if the client loses twenty pounds in x amount of time. If he doesn't lose those twenty pounds in the predetermined time he would forfeit his vacation.

which of the following represents the highest level of complexity in the cognitive domain? a. application b. comprehension c. evaluation d. synthesis

C. evaluation

if you score a 550 or above on an ACSM certification exam, you can become a certified personal trainer. if you fall below a score of 550, you fail and must retake the exam. this is an example of a ____ test.

Criterion-referenced test

with which type of measurement would you most likely encounter the word "minimum" a. formative b. summative c. norm-referenced d. criterion-referenced

D. criterion-referenced

You are a sport psychologist and have been invited to assess how well an elite developmental camp for high school aged hockey players improves mental toughness. You test all 48 kids at the very beginning of camp and at the very end of camp. Which statistical test will you use to analyze your data?

Dependent t-test

The Taxonomy of Education Objectives is useful in different settings, particularly with regards to learning. Pick two of the stages of learning, define each stage, and explain how one might integrate those stages into a physical education context.

Knowledge is the lowest level of learning. It involves recognition and recall about a certain subject. One can integrate knowledge into physical education by asking questions like, "what are the dimenstions of a college regulation size basketball court?" Application uses the learned knowledge to prove a higher understanding of the subject matter. For example, a PE teacher could ask a student to formulate an exercise routine for an overweight classmate using the knowledge learned during class.

In the affective domain video you watched, six different types of inventories were discussed that are typicaly used. Choose three of those inventory types; describe what they focus on and provide an example of how you might use each inventory in the field.

Of the six inventories we studied, three of them are the Behavioral ratings, Sportsmanship, and leadership inventories. Behavioral inventories focus on measuring behaviors such as acting out, withdrawal, leadership, and sociability. These observations are made over time by an instructor or evaluator and are used to determine whether behavioral intervention is necessary. Sportsmanship inventory uses self report or other report to assess the degree to which an athlete displays good sportsmanship characteristics such as the willingness to sacrifice for the good of the team. This can be used as an indicator whether a person will be a good fit on a team. Leadership inventory uses methods other than self report to gain information. Methods can be questionnaires filled out by group membors asking whether a person will be a good leader. An example would include a soccer team filling out a survery to choose their team captain.

according to ESPN's NFL power rankings, Eric Denver Broncos are currently 2nd. this is an example of which level of measurement?


which of the following scales contain an absolute zero point? a. interval b. ratio c. ordinal d. nominal


which statistical method can be used to determine how leg strength predicts 40-meter dash time?


when conceptualizing research, this two letter word should always be thought of first and drive the research design

Research question

In one of the first lectures we spoke about the conceptualization of research as a four step process. Explain each step of this process and describe a real-world example of what would occur at each stage. (2 points)

The first step is forming a research question. For example, does having an exercise partner increase weight loss? The second step is to collect data. This can be done through fitness tests of a group with a fitness partner and fitness tests of a group without a fitness partner. The NASA bike project is a good real life example of collecting data. The third step is to display the data. This can be done with bar graphs, histograms, pie charts or whatever medium best explains the findings. From the displayed data we must lastly interpret the findings. Interpretation could be whether statistical differences actually exist between the two fitness groups and if a fitness partner does or does not increase weight loss.

In the vidoes we watched for correlation, the author cautions that correlation does not indicate causation. However, he also says that correlation is beneficial in many ways. According to the video, what did the scientists suggest you do when you find a strong relationship between two variables?

Try to disprove or refute the correlation. If the correlation still stands then a strong correlation exists.

questions that ask respondants to rate their attitudes toward a particular idea using a series of bipolar adjectives is an example of which kind of scale? a. semantice differential b. two-point c. rating d. likert

a semantic differential

briefly explain the difference in a test, measurement and evaluation and explain how the three are related

a test is how the data is collected. Measurement is the process of collecting data. evaluation is the interpretation of the collected information; they are related in that a test must be performed in order to collect data through measurements. evaluations can then be drawn from the measurements

which of the following instructional objectives is the most difficult to measure validity? a. affective domain b. cognitive domain c. physical fitness d. psychomotor domain

a. affective domain

list the components of skill-related physical fitness

a. agility b. balance c. coordination d. power e. speed f. reaction speed

list the components of health-related fitness

a. body composition b. muscular endurance c. muscular strength d. cardiovascular fitness e. flexibility

students who play intramural sports or compete on a varsity team are operating at which stage of movement competency? a. higher skill attainment b. fundamental skills c. specialized skills d. body management

a. higher skill attainment

list the components of physiological fitness

a. metabolic b. morphological c. bone integrity

List the secondary risk factors that are modifiable

a. obesity b. type A behavior c. characteristics d. physical activity

which of the following is an example of an evaluation? a. recommending that lucy do more sit-ups b. using a specific tool to assess handwriting ability c. giving a treadmill test instead of a 1.5 mi run test d. reporting group data to the school board e. measuring jame's long jump

a. recommending that lucy do more sit-ups

Trait is to state as: a. stable is to variable b. self-esteem is to self-confidence c. complex is to simple d. environment is to situation

a. stable is to variable

a student researcher collects gender, heights, and weights from subjects to determine difference in lower-body strength. what is or are the dependent variable(s)? a. strength b. height c. weight d. gender e. gender, weight, and height

a. strength

Maureen scored 140 on an achievement test in which the mean was 80 and the STD was 20. what might you predict she would score on another test if the correlation achievement and the other test were .91? a. well above the mean b. slightly above the mean c. right at the mean d. slightly below the mean e. well below the mean

a. well above the mean

which of the following refers to characteristics of human behavior in the affective domain a. values b. feelings c. interests d. emotions

all of these!

assessing progress in the affective domain is diffcult to do, especially when cmopared to physical fitness. why? provide an example of something you imght try to measure in the affectiev domain and an example of something you would measure in the physical fitness domain. then using those examples explain why it is harder to measure the affective domain

assessing progress in the affective domain is difficult because one cannot directly observe or measure a person's thoughts or feelings. The affective domain is subjective, more so than the physical fitness domain. I might try to measure how a participant feels about an exercise program using a questionnaire. in the physical fitness realm I might try to measure cardiorespiratory fitness using a VO2 max test. the results of the VO2 max test are valid, objective numbers. The results can be compared to a normative scale. However, it is harder to measure the affective domain because it consists of subjective responses rather than objective results like the VO2 max test.

the alpha level must be set prior to running a statistical test. when the alpha level is set at .05 and the resulting p-value is p<.05 there is a _____ a. 5% probability that the difference in means was due to the groups truly differing b. 5% probability that the difference was due to chance alone c. 95% probability that the difference was due to the groups truly differing d. 95% probability that the difference was due to chance alone

b. 5% probability that the difference was due to chance alone c. 95% probability that the difference was due to the groups truly differing

Lucy wants to conduct a research study exploring the relationship between physical activity and academic achievement in 5th graders. However, she has limited funding and therefore will not be able to use any objective measure of physical activity. Given that limitation, which of the following measures should she use in her study? a. sensewear armbands b. activity diaries c. pedometers d. heart rate monitors

b. activity diaries

a fitness instructor notifies a client that his percent body fat is above the recommended level for optimal health. of what is this an example? a. measurement b. evaluation c. descriptive statistics d. testing

b. evaluation

generally, the focus of physical education is on building ___ in first and second graders a. specialized skills b. fundamental skills c. body management competence d. higher motor skills

b. fundamental skills

when it comes to measuring various topics within the affective domain, what is the primary disadvantage to using peer-report and observations? a. it is too difficult to seperate affect from cognition b. it can be hard to gauage another person's affect c. these types of questions have not yet been developed d. they rely on rating scales, which are always unreliable

b. it can be hard to gauage another person's affect

which of the following is characteristic of interventions conducted in school settings? a. voluntary participation b. limited resources c. training plans that are specific to each child d. a general focus on fitness

b. limited resources

a volleyball coach allows only those females who are in the top 10th percentile of lower-body power to try out for the team. which type of standard is the coach using? a. percentagely-referenced assessment b. norm-referenced c. criterion-referenced d. affective referenced

b. norm-referenced

A strength and conditioning coach has created a battery of strength tests. She is interested in exploring how well one administration of it before the season starts forecasts future performance. Put another way, she wants to determine the __________ of the test. a. slit half reliability b. predictive validity c. concurrent validity d. construct validity

b. predictive validity

the mean of the first quiz was an 80%, and the STD was 3.2. where does a score of 78% fall?

between -1 and 0 STD of the mean

For this question indicate which of the following statement(s) are true. Students from two different classes performed a 1 minute push-up test. Students in Class A received the following scores: 55, 16, 40, 7, 32. Students in Class B received the following scores: 25, 29, 22, 31, 41. From these two sets of scores, we can infer that _____________. a. the means for both classes are equal b. we should use the mode to compare the two sets of data c. Class A's scores have greater variability d. Class B's scores have greater variabilty

c. Class A's scores have greater variability

A distribution around a given mean and standard deviation that is mesokurtic with no skewness is said to be: a. positivley skewed b. rectangular c. normal d. negatively skewed

c. Normal

which of the following is not a component of health-related fitness? a. muscular endurance b. flexibility c. coordination d. body composition

c. coordination

Means, standard deviations, and frequency counts are examples of _____ statistics a. inferential b. summative c. descriptive d. continuous

c. descriptive

the graduate school at MSU offers wellness seminars once per month, where graduate students can learn about exercise and nutrition. this is an example of which type of intervention strategy? a. behavioral management b. exercise prescription c. health education d. cognitive behavioral

c. health education

a test battery contains the following three items: distance runs, skinfolds, and trunk extensions. what does the test battery measure? a. motor fitness b. cardiovascular efficiency c. health-related physical fitness d. muscular endurance

c. health-related physical fitness

when measuring psychomotor skills in schools, discrimination of testing refers to ____ a. a flaw in a testing that has a certain individual score better than others b. the test's reliability and validity in different populations c. how well the test tells the difference in ability levels d. the difficulty level of the given assessment

c. how well the test tells the difference in ability levels

you design a new physcial activity promotion program that primarily focuses on getting people who are already physically active to encourage their sedentary friends to join them in exercising and playing sports. this is an example of which type of intervention? a. individual b. community c. interpersonal d. organizational

c. interpersonal

you want to measure the basic motor skills of young children in the east lansing area schools. which measure will you use? a. sensewear armbands b. FITNESSGRAM c. movement assessment battery for children d. accelerometers

c. movement assessment battery for children this focuses on motor skills

a researcher measures the time in which a child runs a 50 yd dash. this is an example of a a. fundamental skill b. process measurement c. product score d. BOT-2 Measurement

c. product score

what are the relationships among measurement, test, and evaluation? a. they have no relation b. they have specific meaning and are unrelated to each other c. they have distinct meanings and are related to each other d. they have similar meanings

c. they have distinct meanings and are related to each other

A VO2 max test is the gold standard for assessing aerobic fitness, but it is costly to administer. After years of hard work, you discover an easier way to assess aerobic fitness, one that requires no physical exertion at all. In order to ensure you are receiving accurate results from your new assessment, you give both your new test and a VO2 max test to participants during the same session. By doing this, you are hoping to establish __________.

concurrent validity

which of the following best demonstrates the concept of a criterion-referenced standard? a.Christi scored a 95% on the final examination. b.Jessica's score was 3 standard deviations above the mean. c. Scott was able to achieve a VO2max of 65 ml -kg -min on the treadmill. e. Alison's percent body fat is nearer the mean than Jennifer's. d. Elaine could not swim well enough to enter intermediate swimming.


Dr. Ruben has developed an exercise program that he claims will significantly improve the physical fitness level of your students. what is the first thing you should determine before adopting the program? a. the level of initial fitness necessary for beginning the program b. the equipment necessary for completing the program c. the results of Ruben's program on students similar to your students d. Ruben's definition of physical fitness

d. Ruben's definition of physical fitness

If a correlation coefficient of 1.15 is found, this would indicate a. an extremely high inverse relationship b. a negative relationship c. an extremely high positive correlation d. a computational error

d. a computational error -1<r<1

understanding an individual's level of enjoyment in physical activity is a measure in which domain? a. cognitive b. health-related physical fitness c. psychomotor d. affective

d. affective

one popular health behavior model emphasizes getting people to increase the value they place on the benefits of that health behavior in order to improve their confidence that they can change. this is an example of which specific intervention strategy? a. behavioral mgmt b. exercise prescription c. health education d. cognitive behavioral

d. cognitive behavioral

from a test writers viewpoint one pro of multiple choice questions is that they are ______ a. confusing to write b. graded subjectively c. confusing to answer d. graded objectively

d. graded objectively

which of the following is an advantage to using the range as a measure of variability? a. it is only based on two values b. it is sensitive to extreme values c. it tells you which values cluster together d. it is useful for rough estimates

d. it is useful for rough estimates

the number of sit-ups, push-ups or pull ups a person can do until exhaustion measures which aspect of physical fitness? a. muscular strength b. coordination c. flexibility d. muscular endurance

d. muscular endurance

Speedo is currently developing three new types of swimsuits and wants to know which ones lead to improvements, if any. To do this, they randomly assign 200 swimmers to one of four groups: Suit X, Suit Y, Suit Z, or their old suit. Which statistical analysis will they use to analyze their results? a. inde t-test b. correlation c. dependent t-test d. one way ANOVA e. regression

d. one way ANOVA

which of the following will you not encounter when assessing body composition characteristics? a. lean body weight b. body density c. body fatness d. oxygen consumption

d. oxygen consumption

what does the standard deveiation tell us? a. how far away an individual's score is from the mean b. how closely two variables are related c. the value that appears the most in a set of data d. the deviation of the sample's scores, as a whole, from the mean

d. the deviation of the sample's scores, as a whole, from the mean

As a physical therapist, you developed a new kind of rehabilitation protocol for young athletes who are recovering from Tommy John surgery. You are interested in comparing overall pain levels throughout rehab between your new protocol and the standard rehab treatment. To examine this, you conduct an experiment where you randomly assign 40 post-surgery athletes to receive either your new treatment or the standard treatment. To assess pain levels, you use a Faces Pain Scale, which runs from 0 (No Pain) to 10 (Worst Possible Pain). Question: Identify the dependent and independent variables and state the level of measurement (N/O/I/R) for each variable. (4 points)

dep variable: pain level (ratio) inde variable: the 2 groups; the new protocol group and the standard rehab treatment (nominal)

if a woman states that she is considering joining a health club, but currently does not workout, she is in which stage of change? a. pre-contemplation b. action c. preparation d. maintenance e. contemplation

e. contemplation

what is gained by the developmet of field-based techniques for estimating VO2 max? a. validity b. reliability c. objectivity d. relevance e. feasibility

e. feasibility

if an instru ctor leaves the room for 15 minutes during the first administration of an exma, but not during a second administration of that same exam, which would be most directly affected? a. construct validity of the test b. validity of the test c. independence of the test e. objectivity of the test

e. objectivity of the test

True or False: Dan is working on a research project on testing effects of exercise intervention program on weight loss. The hypothesis of this project is individuals who participated in this intervention would have the greater weight loss compared to those who exercise alone. The dependent variable in this project is the exercise intervention.


please explain the difference in a historgram and a bar graph

histogram is where the data bars touch with no spacing in between. Bar graph has spacing in between the bars and doesnt' always give a clear picture of the distribution

a new blood cholesterol drug is in development and is now ready for human testing. a large number of people with high cholesterol are randomly assigned to either receive the new drug, the most comon old drug, or a placebo. drug treatment represents the ____ variable


if a normal dist. of scores has a mean of 47 and STD of 11, what range of values would contain 99.74% of the scores

looking 3 std out-- upper limit: 47 + 11(3)= 80 lower limit: 47 - 11(3)= 14

outliers may affect the ___ of a data set, so when there are outliers, the ____ should be used

mean; median

objective measures of physical activity_______

measure PA directly

what does a correlation do for us?

meausre the relationship between two variables

a dist. that has many more high scores than low scores is:

negatively skewed

choose the correct orderof levels of measurement from simplist (least precise) to most sophisticated (most precise)

nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio

You perform as many push-ups as you can in one minute. Afterwards, your score is compared to everyone else at MSU who also did that. This is an example of a(n) ______ test.


A Nike rep wishes to measure customers' satisfaction with their new Nike running shoes. The rep gives a survey that asks customer to indicate their feelings toward their shoes as either "very dissatisfied," "somewhat dissatisfied," "satisfied," "somewhat satisfied," or "very satisfied." Which level of measurement do these data represent?


lining students up according to height without actually measuring height represents what level of measurement?


which level of measurement features an absolute value of zero that gives meaning to that particular variable?


you run a t-test comparing the nutritional density of kale and Oreos. It shows that the two means are significantly different from each other. what should you do?

reject the null hypothesis

a test must first be ___ in order for it to be___

reliable; valid

a ___ is a smaller subset of the ____you are interested in studying

sample; population

Compared to a normal curve, a leptokurtic curve has a ____ standard deviation


learning effects are a common concern when trying to establish____

test-retest reliability

Explain how deviation, variance, and standard deviation are related

the are all measurements of variability and describe the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the distribution. Standard deviation is the positive square root of the variance. Deviaiton is the distance of a single score from the mean, which can be plugged into the equation for variance, which in turn can be used to find standard deviation

what does a correlation coefficient describe about the relationship between two variables?

the direction and strength

what happens to the mean and the standard deviation of a set of scores if each score is increased by 10?

the mean changes but the standard deviation stays the same

What does "a" represent in the general linear regression eqn? Y=a+bX

the y-intercept when x=0

a study was conducted to examine the relationship between participation in PA and body fat %. using the data, the correlation coeffecient and shared variance were calculated. however, the research assistant only reported the shared variance, which was 0.84. what does this mean?

there is a strong correlation between PA and body fat % SQRT(0.84)=.917

what is one reason for why we calculate the standard scores?

to compare scores with different units

reserachers set small alpha levels (alpha=.05) because they want to avoid which of the following errors?

type I error--rejecting the null when it is actually true

the probability of failing to detect a difference between two scores hwen a difference actuallye xists is a(n)___

type II error

in the grantland article that we read about the broncos and seahawks which of the following was conveyed?

using standard scores, the author compared the broncos offense to other offenses throughout NFL history

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