Kinesiology 3304 Chapter 1-2

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Which of the following is a true statement about stabilizer muscles?

They are essential in establishing a relatively firm base for the more distal joints to work from when carrying out movements.

Which of the following statements is true of Ruffini's corpuscles?

They are located in deep layers of the skin and the joint capsule.

Which of the following is a true statement about agonist muscles?

They cause a joint motion through a specified plane of motion when contracting concentrically.

Which of the following is not a true statement about antagonist muscles?

They work against agonist muscles by contracting and preventing movement.

Which of the following is a primary purpose of wheels and axles in the musculoskeletal system?

To enhance range of motion

Bones reshape themselves based upon the stresses that are placed upon them.


The fulrum is:

Where the resistance is located

Lowering the arm to the side or the thigh back to the anatomical position is an example of _____.


Abduction takes place around the _____ axis.


Motion between the articular surfaces of bones is known as _____.


What term is used to describe the movement of the ankle that results in the top of the foot moving toward the anterior tibia in the sagittal plane?


Aging causes progressive gain of collagen and increases bone brittleness.


Antagonist muscles are known as prime or primary movers and are most involved in a joint action.


Assuming that the bat speed and pitched ball velocity were the same, the ball hit with the middle of the bat would travel farther than the ball hit with the larger end of the bat.


Both sesamoid and accessory bones occur in same numbers in individuals.


Cancellous bone is stiffer and can withstand greater stress, but less strain, than cortical bone.


Contractility is the ability of muscle to contract and develop tension or internal force in the same direction as a resistive force when stimulated.


During the process of bone remodeling, osteoblasts resorb existing bone and osteoclasts form new bone.


Eccentric muscle contractions are referred to as muscle actions instead of a contraction since the muscle is shortening as opposed to lengthening.


Epiphyseal plates generally close by age 14, but some may be present until age 18.


Generally, parallel muscles will produce a lesser range of movement than similar-size muscles with a pennate arrangement.


It is not possible for a muscle to cause more than one action in an associated joint.


Levers rotate about an axis of rotation as a result of force being applied to them to cause their movement in the same direction as the resistance.


Ligaments and connective tissue provide dynamic stability to joints when actively contracting.


One of the functions of articular cartilage is to separate the diaphysis and epiphysis.


Slight variations in the location of a force and a resistance have no effect in determining the mechanical advantage (MA) and effective force of a muscle.


Synergist muscles are considered to be the primary movers during activities.


The endosteum is located at the ends of long bones.


The more sudden the activation of a myotatic reflex, the less significant the reflexive contraction.


The sartorius is an example of a strap muscle.


The scapula is an example of an irregular bone.


There are approximately 552 skeletal muscles in the human body.


In the human body when the triceps applies a force to the olecranon in extending the non-supported forearm at the elbow, it exemplifies:

first-class levers

The frontal plane divides the body into _____.

front and back halves

If the _____ plane runs from medial to lateral, then its axis must run from front to back.


Each of the following joints allows a slight amount of motion to occur except _____.


An instrument used to measure the change in joint angles is a(n) _____.


Which of the following is the most common form of simple machine found in the human body?


Which of the following is not a characteristic after which muscles are named?


Which of the following is the basic functional unit of the nervous system responsible for generating and transmitting nervous impulses?


Motion of the bones relative to the three cardinal planes resulting from physiological movements is known as _____.

osteokinematic motion

_____ is a useful way to determine muscle action and is done through using the sense of touch to feel or examine a muscle as it contracts.


Which of the following is not a function performed by the skeletal system?

production of heat

Bone is composed of all of the following except _____.


Forward movement of the shoulder girdle in the horizontal plane away from the spine is called _____.


_____ occurs when an antagonistic muscle becomes stretched to the point where it can no longer lengthen and allow movement.

reciprocal innervation

Knee extension occurring from femoral condyles rotating forward on tibia as a person stands from a squatting position is an example of the accessory motion called _____.


If the knee were not able to slide, the femur would _____ when going from flexion to extension on a stationary tibia.

roll off the front of the tibia

The three specific types of accessory motions are _____.

roll, spin, and glide

Elbow extension takes place in the _____ plane.


Which of the following is not a classification of the types of neurons?

sensory neurons

Which of the following terms means related to, or situated to the left or on the left side of, something?


Which of the following is not an example of forces that act individually or in combination to provide mechanical loading that may result in excessive tissue deformation?


Which of the following terms refers to a position of the foot and ankle resulting from a combination of ankle plantar flexion, subtalar inversion, and forefoot adduction?


Abduction is an example of movement in a coronal plane about an anteroposterior axis.


All muscle contractions are classified as either isometric or isotonic.


Bone size and shape are influenced by both the direction and magnitude of forces that are habitually applied to them.


Diagonal abduction is movement by a limb through a diagonal plane away from the midline of the body.


Diarthrodial joints are also known as synovial joints.


Flexion or extension can occur in combination with abduction, adduction, or rotation.


Fusiform muscle fiber arrangement results in a circular pattern.


In the context of first-class levers, the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of a joint axis.


Isokinetic muscle contractions involve a dynamic movement wherein the speed of movement is variable.


Isotonic contractions are classified as concentric or eccentric on the basis of whether shortening or lengthening of the muscle occurs.


Muscles are the main internal source of force that produces or changes movement of a body segment or an entire body.


Overall the human leverage system is built for speed and range of movement at the expense of force generation.


Short force arms and long resistance arms require great muscular strength to produce movement.


The central, fleshy portion of a muscle is called the gaster.


The conscious awareness of the position and movement of the body in space is called kinesthesis.


The hyaline cartilage is quite resilient because it is slightly compressible and elastic.


The peripheral nervous system (PNS) can be divided into sensory and motor divisions.


The term "action" refers to a specific movement of a joint that occurs as a result of a concentric muscle contraction.


The term "intrinsic" usually pertains to muscles within or belonging solely to the body part upon which they act.


The term "isokinetics" describes a type of dynamic exercise that uses concentric and/or eccentric muscle contractions.


The two major types of fiber arrangements are parallel and pennate.


Two different muscles may contract simultaneously at a joint and cause a motion that neither would cause if contracting alone.


Typical bony features include diaphysis, epiphysis, and articular cartilage.


When a muscle is suddenly stretched, resulting in an eccentric contraction that is followed by a concentric contraction of the same muscle, the total force generated in the concentric contraction is greater than that of an isolated concentric contraction.


Movements in the transverse plane occur around the _____ axis.


Which of the following levers would be most effective to use to move a specific object if your only objective was a slight movement of the object?

A second-class lever with a resistance arm of 10 and a force arm of 20

Which of the following levers would be best to use to move a specific object if your only objective was speed of the object's movement?

A third-class lever with a resistance arm of 20 and a force arm of 10

When flexing all of the fingers joints maximally in combination with maximal wrist flexion and no further flexion of any of the involved joints may be reached, the result is _______.

Active insufficiency of the extensor muscles

Which of the following statements accurately represents the relationship between linear and angular motion?

Angular motion of joints produces the linear motion of walking.

Which of the following could be done to reduce the amount of force needed to move a lever?

Apply the force farther from the axis. Move the resistance closer to the axis. Decrease the amount of resistance

Which of the following pairs of variables exhibits an inverse relationship?

Both force and the force arm and resistance and the resistance arm

Which of the following is not true of concentric muscle contractions?

Concentric muscle contractions are commonly described as being a negative type of contraction.

About 50 to 60 percent of the volume of cortical bone is porous.


Which of the following is a proprioceptor associated with muscle tissue?

Golgi tendon organ

Which of the following is an example of a transverse plane movement?

Internal rotation of the right shoulder

Which of the following is not true of an eccentric muscle action?

It is typically called a positive type of muscle contraction.

Which of the following statements is true about an isometric muscle contraction?

It is used to stabilize a body segment.

Which of the following is true of an eccentric muscle action?

It results in the joint angle changing in the direction opposite to that of the resistance or external force.

The arrangement of the musculoskeletal system provides which three types of simple machines in the human body?

Levers, wheels and axles, pulleys

Which of the following is not a true statement of isokinetic exercise?

Muscular contraction occurs only through part of the movement.

Which of the following exemplifies a second-class lever in the human body?

Plantar flexion of the ankle to raise the body on the toes

Which of the following pairs of muscles produces the strongest contractions?

Sphincter and fusiform muscles

Which of the following does not result in the contraction of the muscle fibers in a particular motor unit?

Subthreshold stimulus

In the context of the factors in use of anatomical levers, which of the following statements defines the term force arm?

The perpendicular distance between the location of force application and an axis

Which of the following is the correct definition of kinesiology?

The study of the principles of anatomy, physiology, and mechanics in relation to human movement

Which of the following is a true statement about synergist muscles?

They are also known as guiding muscles.

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