Kinesiology Shoulder and Arms

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

The scapula serves as an attachment site for how many muscles


Origin and insertion of Rhomboid minor

O: Spinous processes of C7-T1 I: Upper portion of medial border of the scapula, across from spine of scapula

What action can you ask your partner to perform in order to contract all fibers of the deltoid


What is the best action to ask your partner to perform to feel the supraspinatus contract

abduct humerus

How can you position the shoulder to bring the belly of the coracobrachialis to a superficial position

abducting the shoulder

The biceps brachii and coracobrachilis muscles share what common attachment site

coracoid process

What bony landmark can be located by sliding off the acromion, inferiorly and laterally, approx. one inch

coracoid process

Which bony landmark are you likely to find along the deltopectoral groove

coracoid process

Between which two bony landmarks can the coracoclavicular ligament be located

coracoid process, clavicle

To feel the acromioclavicular joint space widen slightly and then diminish, ask your partner to perform which two movements

elevation and depression of the scapula

To bring the coracoacromial ligament closer to the surface, ___________ the arm


The four rotator cuff muscles encompass and stabilize which joint


Which joint is formed where the humerus and scapula meet


What bony landmark serves as an attachment site for three of the four rotator cuff muscles

greater tubercle

What should you do if your partner feels a sharp, shooting sensation down her arm while you're palpating in the axilla

immediately release and adjust your position posteriorly and ask for feedback

Which muscle helps to create downward rotation of the scapula

levator scapula

Which head of the biceps brachii passes through the intertubercular groove

long head

To located the sub scapular fossa when your partner is in a sidling position, you slowly sink your thumb onto the fossa's surface. What can your other hand do to help access the fossa

maneuver the arm and scapula in a way that allows the thumb to sink in further

What part of the scapula serves as an attachment site for both the rhomboids and serrates anterior

medial border

What action could you ask your partner to do to gently contract the subscapularis

medially rotate shoulder

Which portion of the latissimus dorsi is easy to grasp


The dense quality of the infraspinatus is due to its

multipennate fibers

Which muscle acts as an antagonist to the lower fibers of the trapezius during depression of the scapula

rhomboid major

The serratus anterior abducts the scapula, making it a direct antagonist to the


A "winged scapula" often indicates a weakness in which muscle

serratus anterior

The anterior surface of the medial border of the scapula serves as an attachment site for which muscle

serratus anterior

Which muscle acts as a synergist with pectoralis minor during abduction of the scapula

serratus anterior

The supraspinatous fossa is located just superior to which landmark

spine of scapula

The levator scapula is situated between which two muscles on the lateral side of the neck

splenius capitis, posterior scalene

When palpating the clavicle, which end will you feel curving inferiorly


The origin of the deltoid is identical to the insertion of which muscle


To locate the superior angle of the scapula, you must palpate deep into which muscle


To locate the supraspinatus belly, you must palpate through which muscle


The rhomboids are deep to the __________ muscle and superficial to the _____________ muscles

trapezius, erector spinae

How can you palpate the infraglenoid tubercle without causing pain

use broad thumbpad

What action could you ask your partner to perform to feel the contraction of the long head of the triceps brachii

Extend shoulder

Origin and insertion of Pectoralis minor

O: 3, 4, 5th ribs I: Medial surface of coracoid process of the scapula

Origin and insertion of Biceps brachii

O: Coracoid process of scapula, supraglenoid tubercle of scapula I: Tuberosity of the radius and aponeurosis of the biceps brachii

Origin and insertion of Coracobrachialis

O: Coracoid process of the scapula I: Medial surface of mid-humeral shaft

Origin and insertion of Trapezius

O: External occipital protuberance, medial portion of superior nuchal line of the occiput, ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of C7 through T12 I: Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula

Origin and insertion of Serratus anterior

O: External surfaces of upper eight or nine ribs I: Anterior surface of medial border of the scapula

Origin and insertion of Subclavius

O: First rib and cartilage I: Inferior surface of middle 1/3 of clavicle

Origin and insertion of Teres Major

O: Inferior angle and lower 1/3 of lateral border of the scapula I: Crest of lesser tubercle of the humerus

Origin and insertion of the Latissimus dorsi

O: Inferior angle of scapula, spinous processes of last 6 thoracic vertebrae, last three or four ribs, thoracolumbar aponeurosis and posterior iliac crest I: Intertubercular groove of humerus

Origin and insertion of Triceps brachii

O: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula, posterior surface of proximal half of the humerus and posterior surface of distal half of the humerus I: Olecranon process of the ulna

Origin and insertion of Infraspinatus

O: Infraspinous fossa of the scapula I: Greater tubercle of the humerus

Origin and insertion of Pectoralis major

O: Medial half of clavicle, sternum and cartilage of first through six ribs I: Crest of greater tubercle of humerus

Origin and insertion of the deltoid

O:Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula I: deltoid tuberosity

The lateral border of the scapula serves as an attachment site for which muscles

Teres major and minor

When palpating the clavicle, the ___________ end rises superiorly while the ______________ end curves inferiorly

acromial, sternal

What attachment site do the trapezius and deltoid muscles have in common


To feel the middle fibers of the trapezius contract, you could ask your partner to perform which action

adduct scapula

The brachial artery can be located on the medial side of the arm between which two muscles

biceps and triceps brachii

The subscapularis tendon can be located between the two tendons of which muscle

biceps brachii

The tendon of which muscle lies within the intertubercle groove

biceps brachii

The brachial artery can be located on the medial side of the arm between which two muscles

biceps brachii and triceps brachii

Which bone of the shoulder region is the last of the skeletal system to completely develop


Between which two bony landmarks can the coracoclavicular ligament be located

clavicle and coracoid process

The pectoralis major is divided into 3 segments

clavicular, sternal, costal

Which structure forms the ligamentous arch that protects the rotator cuff tendons and subacromial bursa from direct trauma

coracoacromial ligament

If you follow the fibers of the infraspinatus laterally, they converge underneath which muscle


To access the supraspinatus tendon, you need to sink your thumb tip through which muscle


Which of the following muscles is completely superficial


Which bony landmark is located on the lateral side of the mid-humeral shaft

deltoid tuberosity

The coracoid process is often located in the ____________ groove


Bilateral contraction of the upper fibers of the trapezius will create what movement of the head and neck


How can you position the arm to bring the subacromial bursa forward


Most of the serratus anterior is deep to the scapula and which two muscles

latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major

When accessing the subscapularis from a side lying position, under what two muscles should you slide your thumb

latissimus dorsi, teres major

To outline the distal tendon of the triceps brachii, which bony landmark do you want to locate

olecranon process

To locate the belly of the coracobrachialis, from which muscle would you slide of the axilla

pectoralis major

Sculpting a circle around the edges of the coracoid process can help you get a better understanding of its

shape and size

To access the medial portion of the sub scapular fossa, how should you position your partner

sidelying, flexing your partner's shoulder

Where is the best resting place for your partner's hand when locating the inferior angle of the scapula

small of the back

Which centrally located structure serves as a "base camp" for finding other bony landmarks of the shoulder

spine of scapula

Which joint is the single attachment between the axial and appendicular skeletons


The subscapularis is sandwiched between which fossa and which muscle

subscapular fossa, serratus anterior

The lesser tubercle serves as an attachment site for which muscle


Origin and insertion of Rhomboid major

O: Spinous processes of T2 to T5 I: Medial border of the scapula between the spine of the scapula and inferior angle

Origin and insertion of Subscapularis

O: Subscapular fossa of the scapula I: Lesser tubercle of the humerus

Origin and insertion of Supraspinatus

O: Supraspinous fossa of the scapula I: Greater tubercle of the humerus

Origin and insertion of Levator scapula

O: Transverse processes of 1-4 cervical vertebrae I: Medial border of scapula, between superior angle and superior portion of spine of scapula

Origin and insertion of Teres minor

O: Upper 2/3 of lateral border of the scapula I: Greater tubercle of the humerus

Palpating laterally along the supraspinous fossa, your fingers will bump into which two bony structures

acromion and clavicle

The actions of the deltoids anterior and posterior fibers make it an ________________ to itself


The thin sheet of fascia extending from a distal biceps brachii tendon is called the

bicipital aponeurosis

The pectoralis minor has the potential to create neurovascular compression on which three vessels

brachial plexus, axillary artery, axillary vein

What would be most likely to cause your partner to feel a sharp, shooting sensation down her arm as you palpate her axilla

compression of brachial plexus

The ligamentous arch that protects the rotator cuff tendons and subacromial bursa from direct trauma is formed by the ________________ ligament


The upper fibers of the trapezius elevate the scapula, so the lower fibers must _________________ the scapula


To feel the acromioclavicular joint space widen slightly and the diminish, you can ask your partner to do which two movements of the scapula

elevate and depress

What movement of the shoulder provides better access to the coracoacromial ligament


The three bones that make up the shoulder complex are the clavicle, scapula and


Which part of the scapula serves as an attachment site for the long head of triceps brachii

infraglenoid tubercle

Which scapular fossa can be isolated by placing your fingers on the spine of the scapula, the medial border and lateral border


Which muscle acts as a synergist with trees minor during lateral rotation of the shoulder


The three scapular fossa contain which three muscles

infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis

One palpatory distinction between the teres major and latissimus doors is that the teres attaches to the ___________ of the scapula

lateral border

In anatomical position, the coracobrachialis is deep to which two muscles

pectoralis major, anterior deltoid

Which of the following acts as an antagonist to the biceps brachii during shoulder flexion

pectorals major (lower fibers)

The rotator cuff muscle not involved with rotation of the shoulder is the


Bother sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular are what type of joints


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