Kinesiology test 1
Abduction takes place around which axis?
Antagonist muscles are known as primary or prime movers or muscles most involve in a joint action.
Bone size and shape are influenced by both the direction and magnitude of applied forces.
Bones reshape themselves based upon the stresses that are placed upon them.
Diarthrodial joints are also known as synovial joints.
During the process of bone remodeling osteoblasts reabsorb existing bone and osteoblasts form new bone.
Each muscle in the human body may be innervated by a single nerve or multiple nerves.
Eccentric muscle "actions" result from isometric muscle contractions.
Isotonic contractions are described as either concentric or eccentric on basis of whether shortening or lengthening of the muscles occurs.
Joint movement may occur without any muscle contraction.
Excitability, Contractility, Extensibility, Elasticity
List the four properties of muscle tissue.
Arthrodial, Condyloidal, Enarthrodial, Ginglymus, Seller, Trochoidal
List the six types of diarthrodial/synovial joints.
Longitudinal bone growth continues as long as epiphyseal plates are open.
Most outer bone is composed of cortical bone with cancellous bone underneath.
Motion between the articular surfaces of bone is known as?
Ulnar flexion
Movement of the little finger side of the hand toward the forearm in the lateral plane is?
Movements in the transverse plane occur around which axis?
Muscles are usually named due to all of the following except?
Attachment points for other muscles
Muscles provide all of the flollowing except?
Of all the movements possible in the joints of the body, flexion/extension is the most commonly occurring.
One of the functions of articular cartilage is to separate the diaphysis and epiphysis.
Shaking the head "No" occurs in which plane?
Front and back halves
The frontal plane divides the body into?
The medullary canal is located at the ends of long bones.
The pinnate type of muscle fiber arrangement may be classified by the following terms except?
The subconscious mechanism by which the body is able to regulate posture and movement is?
The term "action" refers to a specific movement of a joint that occurs as a result from a concentric muscle contraction.
The term "intrinsic" usually pertains to muscles within or belonging solely to the body part upon which they act.
Roll, spin, and glide
The three specific type of accessory motions are described as?
There are two major types of fiber arrangements which are parallel and pinnate.
What term is used to describe the motion of bringing the dorsum of the foot closer to the anterior of the leg?
When antagonist muscles contract concentrically they perform the opposite joint motion of the agonist muscle.
Superior and medial
Which of the following best describes the anatomical location of the head with respect to the left arm?
Golgi Organ
Which of the following is a proprioceptor associated with muscle tissue?
Causes a joint motion through a specified plane of motion when contracting concentrically
Which of the following is a true statement regarding agonist muscles?
Which of the following is not a classification of neuron type?
Which of the following is not a property of skeletal muscle tissue that allows for force production and movement about joints?
Which of the following is not a shape by which muscles are categorized?
These muscles work against agonist muscles by contracting and preventing movement
Which of the following is not a true statement regarding antagonist muscles?
Commonly described as being a negative type of contraction
Which of the following is not true regarding concentric muscle contractions?
Which of the following is the basic functional unit of the nervous system responsible for generating and transmitting nervous impulses?
Study of motion of human movement
Which of the following is the correct definition of Kinesiology?
Combination of flexion, extension, adduction, and abduction
Which of the following is true regarding circumduction?
Which of the following movements occur at the shoulder joint but not at the knee?
Typically called a positive type of muscle contraction
Which of the foollowing is not true regarding and eccentric muscle action?