Korean 1B - Exam 2 - Units 5.03-6.05 (GRAMMAR)

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First I AV, then I AV

동생에게 전화를 해요

I called my younger sibling

아침을 먹고 학교에 가요

I eat breakfast and then I go to school

어머니께 향수를 드렸습니다

I gave my mother perfume

오전 일곱 시 삼십 분에 일어났어요

I got up at 7:30 AM

월요일부터 금요일까지 일해요.

I work from Monday to Friday.

백화점에 생일 선물을 사러 가요

I'm going to the department store to buy a birthday present

제 방에 책상과 침대가 있어요

In my room, there is a desk and a bed

한국어가 어렵지만 재미있어요

Korean is hard, but it is interesting

N과 N

N and N (when first N ends with consonant)

N와 N

N and N (when first N ends with vowel)

내일 전화해 주세요

Please give me a call tomorrow!

아침에 커피와 빵을 먹었어요

This morning I ate coffee and bread

제가 뭘 도와 드릴까요?

What can I help with?




but, however


counter for animals

counter for books

counter for bottles

counter for clothes

counter for cups

counter for electronics/vehicles


counter for flowers


counter for pairs (e.g. socks, shoes; only for things on your feet)

counter for paper


counter for pen

명 / 분

counter for people


counter for servings (uses sinokorean)

counter for things

맛있는 김밥

delicious gimbap

A부터 B까지

from A to B

장미꽃이 한 송이에 얼마예요?

how much is it per one stem of roses?

AV(으)러 가다 / 오다

indicates the intention of going/coming to a place

indicates the recipient of an action (formal)

에게 / 한테

indicates the recipient of an action (informal)


indicates the time when an action takes place

재미있는 영화

interesting movie

이 사과는 한 개에 오백 원이에요

it is 500 won per one apple

ADJ(으)ㄴ N

modify a noun with an adjective

좋은 닐씨

nice weather

# counter 에

per #

예쁜 꽃

pretty flower

매운 음식

spicy food

단 사탕

sweet candy

제가 먹는 냉면이 맛있어요

the nangmyeon I'm eating is delicious

제가 간 파티가 재미있었어요

the party I went to was fun

제가 입을 치마는 까맣겠어요

the skirt I'll wear will be black


turns a verb into a modifier in future tense


turns a verb into a modifier in past tense


turns a verb into a modifier in present tense

V아/어 주다

used to ask a favor or express intent to give help

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