Kyoto Protocol
Kyoto Protocol Principles - to ensure that it was being implemented
- The commitment to reduce greenhouse gases were legally binding - Countries had to prepare policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gases - A fund for climate change would be set up to help minimise the impact on developing countries - Reports and reviews of the protocol would be carried out - A committee would be established to ensure that the Protocol is being complied with
What is it?
An international agreement
How many Countries joined?
As of Spring 2010, there were 84 signatories and 190 parties o the Kyoto Protocol
Countries that weren't included...
Countries like China, India and other developing countries were not included because at the time, they were not considered to be major contributors to the world's greenhouse gas emissions
When did it come into effect?
It came into effect on 16 February 2005
Why was it created?
It was created with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions globally
When was it adopted?
It was originally adopted in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997
What did this Protocol do?
The Protocol sets targets for 37 industrialised countries and the European Community to reduce emissions of the four greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and sulphur hexafluoride). These countries agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to at least five percent below 1990 levels