Lab 1-2 Reference/Learning Objectives

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Elbow Joint

Articulation of the humerus with the ulna and radius -Uniaxial -Hinge -Diarthrodial -Synovial

In the embryonic development of long bones, __________________ secrete and form a shaft of ________________.

Chondroblasts secrete and form a shaft of Hyaline Cartilage

14) Describe the 5 basic types of fractures (Image)

Closed (Simple) Open (Compound) Greenstick Comminuted Impacted

If the end of a broken bone pieces the skin, the fracture is considered a(n)

Compound Fracture

10) Distinguish between the cranium and the facial skeleton

Cranium -Occipital Bone -Parietal Bones (2) -Temporal Bones (2) -Frontal bone -Sphenoid -Ethmoid Facial Skeleton (14 bones in total) -Zygomatic bone -Maxilla (2) -Mandible -Nasal bones (2) -Palatine Bones (2) -Lacrimal Bones (2) -Inferior nasal conchae (2) -Vomer

The medullary cavity of a long bone is located inside the


Mandible Depression Labeled

Digastric Stylohyoid Mylohyoid

The articular cartilage of a long bone covers the

Distal and Proximal Epiphysis

How do the bones of the radius and ulna attach to each other?

Interosseous Membrane

Which bones compose the nasal septum?

quadrilateral cartilage, perpendicular plate, vomer

The following seven bones for the orbit

sphenoid frontal zygomatic ethmoid lacrimal maxilla palatine

Bell's Palsy

temporary paralysis of the seventh cranial nerve that causes paralysis only on the affected side of the face

Sphenoid Bone Labeled

-Shaped like a butterfly

Place the following steps of bone repair in order (iii,v,ii,i,iv) i. Formation of bony callus ii. Formation of a fibrocartilaginous callus iii. Blood clotting and formation of a fracture hematoma iv. Remodeling of bone at the site v. Removal of dead bone cells by osteoclasts

1. Blood clotting and formation of a fracture hematoma 2. Removal of dead bone cells by osteoclasts 3. Formation of a fibrocartilaginous callus 4. Formation of a bony callus 5. Remodeling of bone at the site

All of the following are long bones, except

A. Humerus B. Rib (flat) C. Phalanges D. Fibula

Which of the following structural elements are unique to compact bone?

A. Lamellae B. Osteons C. Canaliculi D. Osteocytes

Which of the following facial bones is unpaired?

A. Maxilla B. Zygomatic C. Lacrimal D. Vomer

Flat bones lack which of the following?

A. Medullary Cavity B. Spongy bone C. Periosteum D. Bone Marrow

All of the following bones are cranial bones except

A. Occipital B. Maxilla C. Sphenoid D. Temporal

Which of the following is not a bone of the axial skeleton?

A. Occipital B. Vertebra C. Rib D. Clavicle

Long bones are adapted for all of the following, except: -Function

A. Protecting Internal Organs B. Absorbing Stress C. Supporting Body Weight D. Facilitating Movement

Which of the following is not a flat bone?

A. Rib B. Frontal bone C. Scapula D. Vertebrae (Irregular)

Which of the following is not true about the formation of flat bones

A. They develop through endochondral ossification (x) B. Osteoblasts secrete bone matrix (yes) C. Osteoblasts develop into osteocytes and form Trabeculae (yes) D.A layer of compact bone replaces the upper layers of spongy bone (yes)

Which is an example of an irregular bone?

A. Vertebra/Pelvic Bone B. Patella C. Scapula D. Metacarpal

Ischium Labeled

Acetabular Rim Ischial Tuberosity Ramus

Scapula Side 2

Acromion Border

6) Distinguish between the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton

Axial Skeleton -Skull -Larynx -Vertebral Column -Thoracic Cage Appendicular Skeleton -Shoulder Girdle -Pelvic Girdle -Upper and Lower Limbs

5) Organization of the Skeleton

Axial vs. Apendicular

7) Locate and name the major bones of the human skeleton

Basic Human Skeleton

Tarsal Bones Labeled (ankle)

Calcaneus form the heel of the foot

8/9) Define the terms used to describe the skeletal structures and locate examles on the human skeleton

Canal- tubular passage or channel which connects different regions of the body (Carotid canal) Condyle- a rounded protuberance at the end of some bones, forming an articulation with another bone Facet- a small, smooth, flat surface as on a bone or tooth Fissure- a groove or natural division, deep furrow, elongated cleft Foramen- any hole or opening (Foramen Magnum) Fossa- a shallow or depression or hollow (Mandibular Fossa) Margin- the outside limit or edge of something Process- a projection or outgrowth of tissue from a larger body (Zygomatic Process) (Mastoid process)

Humerus labeled

Capitulum Epicondyle Coronoid Fossa

Spine Labeled

Cervical (7) Thoracic (12) Lumber (5)

Occipital Bone Markings Labeled

External occipital protruberance

1) Name the 5 groups of bones based on their shape and provide one example of each

Flat bones- cranial bones, scapulae, sternum, ribs Long Bones- Humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia fibula, metacarpals, metatarsals, phalanges Short Bones- carpals, tarsals Irregular Bones- vertebrae and pelvic bones

Frontal Bone Markings Labeled

Glabella Supraorbital Notch Supraorbital Margin Zygomatic process

Maxilla Labeled

Hard Palate forms the roof of the mouth

Ilium Labeled

Iliac Crest Greater Sciatic Notch

Pelvic Girdle or Hip Bones Labeled

Just like the pectoral girdle attaches the upper limbs to the skeleton, the pelvic girdle attaches the lower limbs to the skeleton. The pelvic girdle consists o the right and left hip bones and the sacrum that connects the hip bones on the posterior side. Male V Shaped: 70 Female U Shaped: 90 Each of the hip bones begin as three separate bones: -Ilium -Ischium -Pubis

The joint between each parietal bone and occipital bone is called the __________________ suture


12) Locate and name the 4 major sutures of the cranium

Lambdoid suture- between the occipital and parietal bones Coronal Suture- between the frontal and parietal bones Sagittal Suture- between the two parietal bones Squamous Suture- between the temporal and parietal

Inner Ear Labeled

Malleus (Hammer), Incus (Anvil), Stapes (Stirrup)

Which bones compose the oral cavity?

Maxillary and mandibular bones

In a long bone, yellow bone marrow is found in the _________________ and red bone marrow is found in the ________________

Medullary Cavity Spongy bone

Mandible Labeled

Mental Foramen (Outside) Mandibular Foramen (Inside)

Hand Bones Labeled

Metacarpals Proximal Phalanges Middle Phalanges Distal Phalanges

Which bones compose the nasal cavity?

Nasal, Maxilla, Sphenoid, Vomer, Palatine, Lacrimal, Ethmoid

Hyoid Bone Labeled

Only bone in the body that does not articulate with another bone! many muscles and ligaments

The cells that build up bone tissue are called


Temporal Lobe Labeled

Petrous Part Carotid Canal Zygomatic process Styloid process Mandibular fossa

Carpus or Carpal bones (Anterior)


Thoracic Cage Labeled

Protects underlying organs such as the heart and lungs Serves as attachment points for respiratory muscles

Ulna Labeled

Radial Notch Trochlear Notch

Osteoporosis results from a higher rate of bone _______________ reabsorption relative to __________________

Reabsorption relative to Deposition

Carpus or Carpal bones (Posterior)

Scaphate Lunate Trapezium Trapezoid Hamate Capitate

Which part of the sphenoid bone houses the pituitary gland?

Sella Turcia

The patella is an example of which bone type?


The carpals of the wrist are examples of which bone type?

Short bone

Why does the thoracic cage need to be slightly flexible?

So that the lungs can expand when we breath and to add flexibility

Neck Extension Labeled

Splenius Capitis Longissimus capitis Splenius Cervices' Trapezius

Moving from deep (inside) to superficial (external layer), the layers covering bone marrow are:

Spongy bone, Compact bone, Periosteum spc

Neck Muscles Labeled

Sternocleidomastoid Scalenes

Radius Labeled

Styloid Process Ulnar notch

Pectoral Girdle with muscles

Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Deltoid (posterior) Deltoid (middle) Deltoid (anterior)

Muscles that aid in Mastication Labeled

Temporalis Medial Pterygoid Lateral Pterygoid Deep Masseter Superficial Masseter

What structure is responsible for articulating with the vertebral column?

The C1 Vertebra articulates with the occipital condyles of the skull

Scapula Side 1

The Scapula articulates with the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint and with the humerus at the glenohumeral (shoulder joint) Coracoid Process Subscapular Notch Subscapular fossa Glenoid Cavity

Which best describes a comminuted fracture?

The bone is crushed into 3 or more pieces

Clavicle Labeled

The clavicle articulates with the manubrium of the sternum at the sernoclavicular joint

Knee (Patella) Labeled

The femur and the tibia compose the knee joint

Lower Limbs Labeled

The lower limb bones supoort the weight of the rest of the body. As a result, they are generally larger and heavier than the bones of the upper limb

Which part of the mandible attaches to the cranium? Where does it articulate?

The mandible attaches to the cranium via the temporomandibular joint

oblique arytenoid labeled

The oblique arytenoid muscle acts to adduct the arytenoid cartilages, bring the arytenoid cartilages closer to the tubercule of epiglottis and it also, through its extended fibers, adducts the aryepiglottic folds.

Subacromial Bursa labeled

The subacromial bursa is the synovial cavity located just below the acromion

Skeletal View of arm

The upper limb consists of the bones of the arm, forearm, wrist, and hand. -Radius -Ulna

4) Distinguish between compact and spongy bone

There are two types of bone tissue: compact and spongy. The names imply that the two types differ in density, or how tightly the tissue is packed together. There are three types of cells that contribute to bone homeostasis. Osteoblasts are bone-forming cell, osteoclasts resorb or break down bone, and osteocytes are mature bone cells. An equilibrium between osteoblasts and osteoclasts maintains bone tissue.

Rib Labeled

True Ribs(1-7) The coastal cartilage of these ribs attaches directly to the sternum

Facial Bones

Vomer Inferior Nasal Concha Maxilla

2) Locate and name the major structures of the long bone (Femur pictured)

Yellow Bone Marrow Epiphysis Periosteum Compact bone

The function of osteoclasts

break down bone matrix

sacrotuberous ligament labeled

connects sacrum to ischial tuberosity

Ethmoid Bone Labeled

ethmoid bone is located anterior to the sphenoid bone between the orbits of the eyes.

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