Lab final

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A _____ dissolves into a _____. a.solute; solvent b.solvent; solute c.both d.none of the above


A change in color can indicate a chemical reaction. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


A micrometer is equal to 0.000001 m. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


A volumetric flask contains 25.0 mL of a 14% m/V sugar solution. If 2.5 mL of this solution is added to 22.5 mL of distilled water, what is the % m/V of the new solution. a.1.4 % m/V b.14 % m/V c.7.1 % m/V d.71 % m/V


Compounds can only be separated into their component elements by _____. a.breaking chemical bonds b.removing impurities c.breaking element bonds d. None of the above


Convert 5.00 miles to kilometers. a.8.05 km b.3.11 km c.2.49 km d.1.53 km


In the chemical equation 4Fe+3O2→2Fe2O3 4Fe is considered a _____. a.reactant b.product c.compound d.none of the above


In the chemical reaction 8Fe + S8 yields 8FeS, Fe is a _____, while FeS is a _____. a.reactant; product b.product;reactant c.Both Fe and FeS d.Both Fe and FeS


In the equation C1 x V1 = C2 x V2, C1 represents the _____ of the solution. a.initial concentration b.initial volume concentration volume


Negative exponents indicate numbers less than 1.00 when using scientific notation. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


Scientific notation is a method of writing long numbers in a(n) _____ format. a.condensed b.expanded c.unregulated d.All of the above


The _____ is used to represent the independent variable on a graph. a.x-axis b.y-axis c.z-axis d.all of the above


The definition of % m/V is _____. a.grams solute/mL solution x 100 b.grams solution/mL solute x 100 c.mL solute/grams solution x 100 d.mL solution/grams solute x 100


The final digit in any measurement is the estimated, uncertain digit. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


The goal of solving an equation is to isolate the unknown variable. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


The law of conservation of mass states that the total mass, in a closed system, does not change as the result of reactions between its parts. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


A _____ is composed of visibly distinguishable parts and does not have uniform composition. a.homogeneous mixture b.heterogeneous mixture c.both d.none of the above


Consider a closed system in which aluminum sulfate and sodium hydroxide react to form aluminum hydroxide and sodium sulfate. If aluminum sulfate is the limiting reactant, what other information can be concluded about the substances? a.the reaction rate will decrease b.the sodium hydroxide will be found in excess c.the reverse reaction will be favored d.a single displacement reaction will proceed


Dimensional analysis is a problem-solving technique used for _____. a.writing scientific notation b.converting units c.determining graph axes d.All of the above


How many NaCl are required to balance the equation? NaCl +CuSO4 → Na2SO4 +CuCl2 a.1 b.2 d.3 e.4


If a clear liquid is mixed with a green liquid and no noticeable changes are observed, the most appropriate observation would be _____. reaction occurred b.the result was a green liquid and no observable changes occurred c.the clear reactant turned green d.none of the above


In salt water, water (H2O) is the _____ and salt (NaCl) is the _____. a.solute; solvent b.solvent; solute c.both d.none of the above


In the chemical equation 2Ca+O2→2CaO, if calcium is the limiting reactant, then _____ will be in excess. a.Ca b.O2 c.CaO substances


List the coefficients for the reaction: C10H8 + O2 yields CO2 + H2O. a.1, 8, 6, 2 b.1, 12, 10, 4 c.1, 4, 6, 8 d.1, 10, 12, 8


Observations are a descriptions of what happened and why. a..True b.False c.both d.none of the above


Reference the conversion below to determine how many liters are in 10.0 quarts. 1 gallon = 4.00 quart 1.00 gallon = 3.78541 liters a.9460 L b.9.46 L c.10.6 L d.None of the above


The SI system unit for the amount of a substance is _____. a.grams per liter b.moles c.Avogadro's number d.kilograms


The _____ determines the how many spaces the decimal moves in scientific notation. a.coefficient b.exponent c. logarithm d.All of the above


Two liquids that mix together are _____. a.insoluble b.miscible c.immiscible d. one of the above


What is the volume of an irregularly shaped object that has a mass 3.0 grams and a density of 6.0 g/mL? a.1.0 mL b.0.5 mL c.2.0 mL d.18.0 mL


When H2SO4 is mixed with NaOH, an acid-base neutralization reaction proceeds, and _____ is one of the products. Hint: Write the balanced equation before attempting to select an answer. a.H3O b.Na2SO4 c.Na2S d.NaSO3


_____ are used to illustrate scientific data. a.Unknown variables b.Graphs c.Scientific notations d.All of the above


A _____ reaction occurs when an uncombined element displaces an element in a compound. a.decomposition b.combination c.single displacement d.double displacement


An activity series consists of _____ ordered by _____. a.compounds; activity b.elements; size c.elements; activity d.compounds; size


Convert 15.00F to C. a.1.58 C b.8.33 C c.-9.40 C d.59 C e.-8.7 C


Equations are solved for a(n) _____. a.known variable b.variable notation c.unknown variable d.All of the above


In a chemical reaction, the reactant that is consumed first is referred to as the _____. a.stoichiometry b.smaller reactant c.limiting reactant d.balanced equation e.limiting product


Polar solutes are most likely to dissolve into _____, and _____ are most likely to dissolve into nonpolar solvents. a.nonpolar solutes; polar solvents b.polar solutes; nonpolar solvents c.polar solvents; nonpolar solutes d.nonpolar solvents; polar solvents


Solve the equation 4 + 10 = 2x. a.x = 14 b.x = 28 c.x = 7 d.None of the above


The law of conservation of mass states that _____. a.the total mass, in an open system, does not change as the result of b.reactions between its parts c.the total mass, in a closed system, does not change as the result of reactions between its parts d.particles at rest tend to stay at rest e.the total energy of an isolated system cannot change


When chlorine reacts with sodium iodide to form sodium chloride and iodine, a _____ reaction takes place. a.combination b.decomposition c.single displacement d.double displacement


_____ is NOT necessarily the result of a chemical reaction. a.A hard-boiled egg b.A fire c.Steam d.A rusted shovel


Dimensional analysis utilizes _____ to solve unit conversion problems. a.fraction multiplication b.conversion factors c.unit cancellation d.All of the above


Stoichiometry can be applied to a chemical equation to calculate _____. a.the half-life of an element b.significant digits based on SI units c.activation energy in relation to chemical reactivity d.the proportion of reactants and products


A chemical reaction occurs when the atoms of substances interact with one another, rearranging to form new chemical substances. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


A hydrate is a compound in which water molecules are a part of the crystalline structure a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


A meniscus is the curve that forms between the liquid and the surface of the container as the result of surface tension, cohesion, and adhesion. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


A meniscus is the curve that forms between the liquid and the surface of the container. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


Calculate the moles of anhydrous CuSO4 present in a sample with 0.5 g CuSO4 at a molar mass of 159.61 g/mol. a.0.00313 b.0.00853 c.0.00710 d.0.00626


Calculate the ratio of moles of H2O to moles of anhydrous CuSO4 if there were 0.085 mols of released H2O. (0.00313mols of CuSO4) a.12 b.10 c.27 d.5


Chemists have developed the general rule "like dissolves like" for determining solubility a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


Compounds are pure substances, but are composed of two or more elements bonded together in specific proportions. a.True b.False c.both d.None of the above


During a chemical reaction, _____ will yield _____. a.reactants; products b.products; reactants c.substances d.none of the above


Graduated cylinders and graduated pipets are designed to measure _____ volume(s). a.a range of b.only one c.both d.N.A


If thw ratio of h2o to CuSO4 is 27, what is the empirical formula for hydrated CuSO4? a.CuSO4●27H2O b.CuSO4●12H2O c.CuSO4●10H2O d.CuSO4●H2O


If two liquids are combined and a precipitate forms, it is likely that a chemical reaction has occurred. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


Indicators of chemical reactions include changes in color and the formation of a precipitate or gas. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


One mole of a compound has the mass that is equal to the molecular mass. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


Salt and benzoic acid in an aqueous solution can be separated with ice and filter paper. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


Solubility is described in terms of both concentration and temperature. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


The first step when converting between mass of a compound and moles of a compound is to determine the molar mass of the compound. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


The molar mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) is _____. a.44.0 g/mol b.47.0 g/mol c.43.0 g/mol d.42.5 g/mol


The proportion of reactants to products can be calculated using a balanced chemical equation and stoichiometry. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


The second step in converting between the mass of a compound and moles of a compound is to use the molar mass to convert grams to moles. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


The substances that interact in a reaction are called reactants, while the substances produced from the reaction are called products. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


The y-axis of a graph is used for plotting the dependent variable. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


To calculate the percent of a total mixture, divide the mass of _____ by the mass of _____ and multiply by 100%. substance; the mixture of solids b.the mixture of solids; one substance c.both d.none of the above


Water is released from a hydrate by _____. a.heating the hydrate b.cooling the hydrate c.adding water to the hydrate d.none of the above


____ are created for both known measurements and conversion factors when solving unit conversion problems. a.Fractions b.Integers c.Decimals d. All of the above


_____ is an example of a homogeneous mixture. a.Apple juice b.Oil and vinegar dressing c.both d.none of the above


A _____ is a change in the form or state of a substance. a.chemical change b.physical change c.reaction d.none of the above


A homogeneous mixture is composed of visibly distinguishable parts and does not have uniform composition. A heterogeneous mixture is composed of visibly indistinguishable parts which have a uniform composition. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


A mole is a unit of measure, describing the amount of a chemical substance that contains as many atoms, molecules, or formula units as there are in exactly 12 grams of pure oxygen. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


A sample of solid iron and sand can be most easily separated using a _____. a.piece of tape b.magnet c.bare hand d.none of the above


After heating a sample of hydrated CuSO4, the mass of released H2O was found to be 2.0 g. How many moles of H2O were released if the molar mass of H2O is 18.016 g/mol? a.0.004 b.0.111 c.9.031 d.0.222


Aluminum replacing a less active metal in a compound is classified as a _____ reaction. a.decomposition b.single displacement c.combination d.double displacement e.neutraliztion


Chemical changes always occur very quickly, like explosions. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


Chemical changes include bread molding, putting hydrogen peroxide on a cut, and boiling water. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


Consider two substances: Substance A is soluble in a range of temperatures and Substance B is only soluble in hot water. When temperature is low and the two are mixed together, they will most likely create a _____ mixture; when temperature is high and two are mixed together, they will most likely create a _____ mixture. a.homogeneous; heterogeneous b.heterogeneous; homogeneous c.both d.none of the above


Every measuring device measures length to the same degree of accuracy and precision. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


Significant figures include only the certain digits of a measurement. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


The SI system is derived from the _____. a.United States system b.metric system c.English unit system d.math system


The periodic table is a listing of all _____. a.compounds b.elements d.chemical bonds


The simplest chemical substances are composed of only _____ type(s) of atom. a.0 b.1 c.2 d.3


There are _____ atoms in 12 grams of pure carbon (12C). a.12.022 x 10^23 b.6.022 x 10^23 d.4.023 x 10^23 e.1.00 x 10^23


When both a solute and solvent are solids, they are said to be either miscible or immiscible. a.True b.False c.both d.none of the above


When copper sulfate heptahydrate is heated, how many moles of water are available to be released? a.1 b.7 c.9 d.3


When reading a graduated cylinder made of glass, one must read the volume at eye level from the middle of the meniscus. a.True b.False c.both d.N.A


____ describe(s) why an event occurred. a.An observation b.A conclusion c.both d.none of the above


_____ is a kinetic process defined by rate, and is not specific to concentration. a.Solubility b.Dissolution c.Miscible d.none of the above


. Choose the correct coefficients for the following reaction: _____ H2 + _____ N2 yields 2NH3. a.2; 3 b.3; 2 c.3; 1 d.1; 2


Archimedes' method is used to measure the volume of a(n) _____. a.square b.rectangle c.irregularly shaped object d.all the above


During a chemical reaction, atoms of chemicals _____. a.interact with one another b.rearrange to form new substances c.both interact with one another and rearrange to form new substances d.none of the above


The SI system unit for temperature is _____. a.degrees Celsius b.degrees Fahrenheit c.kelvin d.none of the above


The element oxygen has a molar mass of 15.999 grams, thus one mole of oxygen is equal to _____ g/mol. a.31.998 b.15.999 x 10^23 c.15.999 d.31.998 x 10^23


____ is a combination reaction. a.2NaCl yields 2Na + Cl2 b.Li + NaCl yields LiCl + Na c.2Na + Cl2 yields 2NaCl d.none of the above


Calculate experimental error using the following data: the measured value equals 1.4 cm; the accepted value equals 1.2 cm. a.-14.3% b.14.3% c.-16.7% d.16.7%


One liter is equal to _____. a.1 cm3 b.10 cm3 c.100 cm3 d.1,000 cm3


The International System of Units (SI) is _____. a.a scale of measurement b.the same as U.S. Customary Units c.the same as English units d.a standard system to measure length, temperature, time, amount of substance, and mass


___ is defined as mass per unit of measure. a.Volume b.A kilogram c.Molarity d.Density e.Concentration


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