lab final practical chp 10-11

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From which bone does the highlighted muscle originate? A. Ilium B. Ischium C. Femur D. Pubis

In the morning, the neuronal reserves of acetylcholine are larger, allowing for sufficient neurotransmitter release and resulting in effective muscle signaling. As the day progresses and the stores of acetylcholine become depleted, muscle function becomes progressively worse.

Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder that results in the production of antibodies that either block or cause the destruction of the ACh receptor. Why do you think that Tamara's symptoms become worse as the day progresses? A. As the muscle becomes fatigued over the course of the day's activities, the receptors bind less acetylcholine, which results in smaller and smaller action potentials being generated. Smaller action potentials mean weaker contractions, as seen by the increasing muscle weakness. B. In the morning, the neuronal reserves of acetylcholine are larger, allowing for sufficient neurotransmitter release and resulting in effective muscle signaling. As the day progresses and the stores of acetylcholine become depleted, muscle function becomes progressively worse. C. In myasthenia gravis the ACh receptors have a hyperaffinity to acetylcholine. After muscle activity, fatigue and weakness occur as fewer unbound receptors are available to bind acetylcholine. D. In the morning, the reserves of ATP are larger, allowing for sufficient acetylcholine release to overcome the unresponsive receptors. However, as the day progresses and stores of ATP become depleted, muscle function becomes progressively worse.

First rib

On which bone does the highlighted muscle insert? A. Sternum B. Clavicle C. Scapula D. First rib

linea aspera

Onto which structure of the femur does the highlighted muscle have an insertion? A. patellar surface B. lateral epicondyle C. linea aspera D. lateral condyle

Mastoid process

Onto which structure of the temporal bone does the highlighted muscle insert? A. Zygomatic process B. Petrous portion C. Mastoid process D. Styloid process

Acetylcholine is released from the axon terminal and diffuses across the synapse to bind to a receptor in the surface of the motor and plate.

Tamara's muscle weakness and fatigue becomes progressively worse over the course of the day. This is a hallmark sign of myasthenia gravis, an autoimmune disorder that affects the ability of a motor neuron to communicate with a muscle fiber. What synaptic events must happen first for excitation to occur? A. The action potential travels down the T tubules in the sacolemma and triggers the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum B. Sodium ions from the extracellular fluid diffuse into the cytosol of the muscle fiber, triggering the generation of an action potential in the sarcolemma C. Calcium binds to tropomyosin, shifting it from the active site on actin, allowing cross-bridge formation to occur as myosin binds to the active site. D. Acetylcholine is released from the axon terminal and diffuses across the synapse to bind to a receptor in the surface of the motor and plate.


The highlighted muscle acts on which structure of the face? A. eyelid B. nose C. cheek D. lip


The highlighted muscle flexes the interphalangeal joints of digits ________. A. 1-5 B. 2-5 C. 2 and 3 only D. 3 and 4 only

temporal fossa

The highlighted muscle originates from which of the following structures of the cranium? A. posterior cranial fossa B. medial cranial fossa C. temporal fossa D. anterior cranial fossa


The highlighted muscles originate from which of the following bones? A. occipital B. atlas C. temporal D. axis

Acetylcholinesterase is the enzyme that clears acetylcholine from the synapse. Inhibiting this enzyme will enable acetylcholine to be available for a longer period to bind to receptors.

The injection that dramatically improved Tamara's symptoms was Tensilon, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. What is acetylcholinesterase, and why was this injection effective in relieving Tamara's symptoms? A. Acetylcholinesterase is an acetylcholine antagonist that binds to motor end plate receptors and decreases the permeability of the sarcolemma to sodium. Inhibiting acetylcholinesterase increases the influx of sodium, leading to the generation of action potentials and an improvement in muscle function. B. Acetylcholinesterase is a regulatory enzyme that inhibits the ACh receptors on the motor end plate. Inhibiting acetylcholinesterase improves muscle function because the ACh receptors are temporarily more active. C. Acetylcholinesterase is the enzyme that clears acetylcholine from the synapse. Inhibiting this enzyme will enable acetylcholine to be available for a longer period to bind to receptors. D. Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that degrades the ACh receptors. When acetylcholinesterase is inhibited, there are more receptors available for acetylcholine to bind, and muscle function improves.

abduction and extension of thumb

What are the actions of the highlighted muscle? A. adduction and flexion of the wrist B. abduction and extension of thumb C. abduction and extension of wrist D. adduction and flexion of thumb

Flexes thigh at the hip

What is an action of the highlighted muscle? A. Abducts thigh at the hip B. Extends thigh at the hip C. Flexes thigh at the hip D. Flexes leg at the knee

Elevation of ribs

What is an action of the highlighted muscle? A. Depression of ribs B. Elevation of ribs C. Thorax expansion D. Compression of intercostal spaces

Extends thigh at hip

What is an action of the highlighted muscle? A. Extends thigh at hip B. Abducts thigh at hip C. Laterally rotates leg at knee D. Extends leg at knee

Depresses hyoid

What is an action of the highlighted muscle? A. Rotates neck B. Elevates hyoid C. Elevates mandible D. Depresses hyoid

depresses rib cage

What is an action of the highlighted muscle? A. compresses abdomen B. laterally rotates scapula C. elevates rib cage D. depresses rib cage

Raises eyebrows

What is the action of the highlighted muscle? A. Opens lips B. Depresses eyebrows C. Closes eyes D. Raises eyebrows

transverse processes of cervical vertebrae.

Where does the highlighted muscle originate? A. transverse processes of cervical vertebrae. B. transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae. C. clavicle. D. ribs 1 and 2


Which bone is elevated by the highlighted muscle? A. Maxilla B. Clavicle C. Hyoid D. Mandible


Which bone is highlighted? A. Mandible B. Sternum C. Clavicle D. Hyoid

Gluteus maximus

Which gluteal muscle is highlighted? A. Gluteus maximus B. Gluteus internus C. Gluteus medius D. Gluteus minimus

Abductor digiti minimi

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Abductor digiti minimi B. Adductor digiti minimi C. Palmaris brevis D. abductor pollicis


Which muscle is highlighted? A. Adductor longus B. Iliopsoas C. Rectus femoris D. Gracilis


Which muscle is highlighted? A. Anterior scalene B. Innermost intercostal C. Pectoralis minor D. Subcostalis

Omohyoid (superior belly)

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Depressor anguli oris B. Sternohyoid C. Omohyoid (superior belly) D. Masseter


Which muscle is highlighted? A. Depressor anguli oris B. Stylohyoid C. Mentalis D. Buccinator

Flexor hallucis longus

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Extensor digitorum longus B. Tibialis posterior C. Fibularis longus D. Flexor hallucis longus

Extensor hallucis longus

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Extensor hallucis longus B. Tibialis anterior C. Tibialis posterior D. Extensor digitorum longus

External oblique

Which muscle is highlighted? A. External oblique B. Serratus anterior C. Internal oblique D. Latissimus dorsi

Fibularis longus

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Fibularis brevis B. Extensor digitorum longus C. Tibialis anterior D. Fibularis longus

Gemellus superior

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Gemellus superior B. Gluteus minimus C. Quadratus femoris D. Obturator internus

Gluteus medius

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Gluteus medius B. Piriformis C. Quadratus femoris D. Gluteus minimus


Which muscle is highlighted? A. Gracilis B. Vastus medialis C. Adductor brevis D. Sartorius

Levator Labii Superioris

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Levator Labii Superioris B. Orbicularis Oris C. Depressor anguli oris D. Masseter

Middle scalene

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Omohyoid B. Posterior scalene C. Levator scapulae D. Middle scalene


Which muscle is highlighted? A. Popliteus B. Semitendinosus C. Biceps femoris D. Semimembranosus


Which muscle is highlighted? A. Quadratus femoris B. Obturator Internus C. Piriformis D. Gluteus medius

Tensor Fasciae Latae

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Rectus femoris B. Iliopsoas C. Tensor Fasciae Latae D. Vastus lateralis

External oblique

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Rectus sheath B. Internal oblique C. Rectus abdominis D. External oblique


Which muscle is highlighted? A. Semitendinosus B. Gluteus maximus C. Biceps femoris D. Semimembranosus

Innermost intercostal

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Subclavius B. Innermost intercostal C. Internal intercostal D. Splenius cervicis


Which muscle is highlighted? A. Tibialis posterior B. Fibularis longus C. Popliteus D. Plantaris

Vastus intermedius

Which muscle is highlighted? A. Vastus intermedius B. Vastus lateralis C. Vastus medialis D. Tensor fasciae latae

flexor digiti minimi brevis

Which muscle is highlighted? A. abductor digiti minimi B. abductor pollicis brevis C. palmaris longus D. flexor digiti minimi brevis

extensor pollicis brevis

Which muscle is highlighted? A. abductor pollicis longus B. extensor pollicis longus C. extensor pollicis brevis D. extensor digiti minimi


Which muscle is highlighted? A. coracobrachialis B. brachialis C. biceps brachii, long head D. biceps brachii, short head


Which muscle is highlighted? A. deltoid B. platysma C. trapezius D. frontalis

extensor carpi radialis longus

Which muscle is highlighted? A. extensor carpi radialis longus B. extensor carpi ulnaris C. abductor pollicis longus D. anconeus

extensor indicis

Which muscle is highlighted? A. extensor digiti minimi B. extensor digitorum C. extensor indicis D. extensor pollicis longus

extensor digiti minimi

Which muscle is highlighted? A. extensor pollicis brevis B. extensor carpi ulnaris C. extensor digitorum D. extensor digiti minimi

depressor anguli oris

Which muscle is highlighted? A. frontalis B. platysma C. depressor anguli oris D. orbicularis oris

epicranius, occipital belly

Which muscle is highlighted? A. galea aponeurotica B. trapezius C. sternocleidomastoid D. epicranius, occipital belly

adductor brevis

Which muscle is highlighted? A. gracilis B. vastus medialis C. adductor brevis D. adductor longus

internal oblique

Which muscle is highlighted? A. internal oblique B. external oblique C. pectoralis major D. rectus abdominis

teres major

Which muscle is highlighted? A. latissimus dorsi B. teres minor C. triceps brachii D. teres major

anterior scalene

Which muscle is highlighted? A. levator scapulae B. pectoralis minor C. anterior scalene D. sternocleidomastoid

long head of biceps brachii

Which muscle is highlighted? A. long head of biceps brachii B. short head of biceps brachii C. brachialis D. coracobrachialis

1st dorsal interosseous

Which muscle is highlighted? A. lumbrical B. 1st dorsal interosseous C. extensor digitorum D. 2nd dorsal interosseus

zygomaticus major

Which muscle is highlighted? A. masseter B. zygomaticus major C. levator labii superioris D. digastric


Which muscle is highlighted? A. omohyoid B. mylohyoid C. sternohyoid D. sternocleidomastoid


Which muscle is highlighted? A. omohyoid B. sternohyoid C. thyrohyoid D. digastric


Which muscle is highlighted? A. omohyoid B. thyrohyoid C. sternohyoid D. middle scalene

opponens pollicis

Which muscle is highlighted? A. opponens pollicis B. flexor pollicis brevis C. abductor digiti minimi D. opponens digiti minimi

anterior scalene

Which muscle is highlighted? A. posterior scalene B. anterior scalene C. omohyoid D. splenius capitis

flexor carpi ulnaris

Which muscle is highlighted? A. pronator quadratus B. flexor carpi ulnaris C. flexor pollicis longus D. flexor digitorum superficialis

pronator quadratus

Which muscle is highlighted? A. pronator quadratus B. flexor digitorum profundus C. pronator teres D. flexor pollicis longus

biceps femoris, long head

Which muscle is highlighted? A. semitendinosus B. biceps femoris, long head C. semimembranosus D. biceps femoris, short head

posterior scalene

Which muscle is highlighted? A. sternothyroid B. levator scapulae C. anterior scalene D. posterior scalene

Tibialis posterior

Which muscle tendon is highlighted? A. Tibialis anterior B. Tibialis posterior C. Flexor digitorum longus D. Gastrocnemius

Obliquus capitis inferior

Which muscles are highlighted? A. Levator scapula B. Obliquus capitis superior C. Semispinalis capitis D. Obliquus capitis inferior

Rectus capitis posterior major

Which muscles are highlighted? A. Obiquus capitis superior B. Rectus capitis posterior major C. Rectus capitis posterior minor D. Obliquus capitis inferior

iliocostalis thoracis

Which muscles are highlighted? A. Spinalis thoracis B. Splenius capitis C. longissimus thoracis D. iliocostalis thoracis

extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

Which muscles are highlighted? A. abductor and adductor pollicis longus B. extensor pollicis longus and brevis C. flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus D. extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

levator scapulae

Which muscles are highlighted? A. levator scapulae B. infraspinatus C. teres major D. serratus anterior


Which muscles are highlighted? A. longissimus B. obliquus capitis superior C. spinalis D. splenius capitis

semispinalis cervicis

Which muscles are highlighted? A. semispinalis cervicis B. levator scapula C. obliquus capitis superior D. semispinalis thoracis


Which nerve innervates the highlighted muscle? A. radial B. axillary C. median D. ulnar

During peak activity levels, glycolysis is the only pathway by which ATP can be produced to supply energy to the muscle.

Which of the following is a way that muscle fibers get energy needed for contraction? A. Because energy demands are low in a resting muscle, a resting muscle is able to meet its ATP requirement through glycolysis. B. During moderate exercise, such as jogging on the treadmill, pyruvate and hydrogen ions accumulate causing muscle fatigue. C. During peak activity levels, glycolysis is the only pathway by which ATP can be produced to supply energy to the muscle. D. When a muscle is contracting during peak activity, it quickly uses up stored creatine phosphate which was produced during moderate exercise. E. Aerobic exercise is beneficial to a muscle because it increases the muscle's ability to acquire greater amounts of glucose from the blood for ATP production.

Plantar flexion of the foot

Which of the following is an action of the highlighted muscle? A. Eversion of the foot B. Plantar flexion of the foot C. Dorsiflexion of the foot D. Inversion of the foot

coracoid process of the scapula

Which of the following is an origin of the highlighted muscle? A. medial border of the scapula B. acromion of the scapula C. lateral border of the scapula D. coracoid process of the scapula


Which of the following muscles originates on the highlighted bone? A. pectoralis minor B. trapezius C. serratus anterior D. deltoid


Which structure is highlighted? A. Rectus sheath B. Inquinal ligament C. External oblique aponeurosis D. Umbilicus

bicipital aponeurosis

Which structure is highlighted? A. anconeus muscle B. palmaris longus muscle C. flexor retinaculum D. bicipital aponeurosis

extensor retinaculum

Which structure is highlighted? A. flexor retinaculum B. supinator muscle C. anconeus muscle D. extensor retinaculum

ribs and costal cartilage

Which structure is highlighted? A. internal oblique muscle B. sternum C. ribs and costal cartilage D. external intercostal muscle

iliac crest

Which structure is highlighted? A. medial border of scapula B. iliac crest C. rib D. sacrum

Costal cartilages of ribs 1-5.

Which structures are highlighted? A. External intercostal muscles. B. Internal intercostal muscles. C. Costal cartilages of ribs 1-5. D. Costal cartilages

Spinous processes

Which structures are highlighted? A. Iliac crests B. Spinous processes C. Transverse processes D. Thoracolumbar aponeurosis muscles


Which vein is highlighted? A. subclavian B. superior vena cava C. cephalic D. brachiocephalic

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