Lab mid term

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on what plate does gram negative organism grow on?

Levine Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB)

is a differential medium used to detect the presence of fluorescein-producing Pseudomonas species.


what color is a strong lactose fermenter

Metallic green

is a simple broth that contains peptone, buffers, and glucose. Following growth of the organism

Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer broth

what pH indicator turns yellow at neutral pH and red acidic pH, is added to the broth


stain the background, but not the cells. The unstained cells can be visualized as a silhouette against a dark background. The background should appear grey-black; the capsule colorless, and the cells gray to red in color. Note the size of the capsule relative to the size of the bacterium.

Negative Stain

determined by detecting the production of indole using Kovac's reagent

Tryptophan digestion

mutagenic (causes DNA mutations) but at high levels or for extended periods of time it can be microbicidal (kill microbes). helpful for sterilization and disinfection purposes, but its use is limited because it does not penetrate deeply into proteinaceous matter (such as blood or sputum) and it does not pass through glass or plastic.

Ultraviolet radiation

purpose: tool in the diagnosis of diseases caused by these bacteria. Mycobacterium and Nocardiaare resistant to the dye and can only be visualized by

acid-fast stain

what stain is -Mycobacterium sp. (fuchsia) and non- acid-fast bacterium Staphylococcus sp. (blue/purple).

acid-fast stain

able to survive but not multiply in acid


Many fungi and some bacteria grow optimally in acidic environments


Solutes that decrease the pH of a solution


what is pink on top of thioglycollate agar deep


final electron acceptor but some microbes can respire anaerobically by using alternative final electron acceptors such as nitrate (NO3-), ferric iron (Fe3+), sulfate (SO42-), or carbonate (CO32-).

aerobic respiration

useful for growing microbes with low or zero oxygen requirements (anaerobes) deeply within the agar.

agar deep

Petri plate containing nutrient agar that provides the largest surface area for growth of microorganisms.

agar plate

test tube of nutrient agar that was allowed to solidify at an angle creating a larger flat surface for growth at the top of the agar.

agar slant

Third step: dissolves the outer membrane of gram-negative cells causing them to lose the violet crystals but has no effect on the gram-positive cells.

alcohol, decolorize

solutions with low [H+] and high [OH-] have high pH

alkaline or basic.

Microbes that prefer to grow at high pH


why streak plate is important?

allow bacteria and fungi to grow on a semi-solid surface to produce discrete colonies and helps identify organism

Microorganisms that can grow in the absence of oxygen


Color description: Thioglycollate agar deep


1. Clean the microscope slide with a Kimwipe®. Label the frosted edge of the slide with the name of the organism and your name or initials using a pencil or sharpie pen. 2. Light the Bunsen burner. 3. Place several drops of water onto the slide using the glass dropper bottle. 4. Hold the inoculation loop in your dominant hand like you would hold a pencil. Flame the inoculation loop by holding it in the flame until the wire turns red. Wait for it to cool slightly. 5. Using the sterile inoculation loop obtain ONE isolated colony from the agar plate and transfer the bacteria onto the water on the slide. Spread the bacteria around the entire slide. 6. Allow the smear on the slide to briefly air dry on the bench, don't wait more than 2 or 3 minutes for this. If they are not totally dry after 2-3 minutes, just go on to the next step. 7. Heat-fix the cells onto the slide by setting the slide with the bacteria side facing up on the slide warmer (set at 65-75°C) for 5 minutes. Heat fixing causes the cells to stick to the slide (so that they do not get washed off during staining), kills the cells and makes them more permeable to the dye. But be careful because overheating them causes them to distort and lyse. 8. Allow the slide to cool before going on to the staining procedure.

bacteria smear

What type is Spirllium: spiral shaped bacteria stained pink?

bacterial morphological

increase the pH of a solution


In Simmons citrate agar slant the pH indicator bromothymol blue- high pH color


In an Acid-fast stain, what is staphylococcus epidermis color and shape?

blue and spherical

used when we want large numbers of cells for use in a single application.

broth deep

In a positive catalase test, you will see


The oxygen that is produced by the catalase reacting with added H2O2 is visible as


produces the electron carriers, NADH and FADH2.

citric acid cycle

After Kovacs reagent is added what is a negative test produces


what color indicate gram-negative lactose non-fermenters


converges or focuses the light ray onto a single point on the specimen, have greatly contributed to an increase in the resolving power of modern compound microscopes

condenser lens

first step: basic and is therefore attracted to the cell cytoplasm by virtue of its charge. and is purple,

crystal violet, Primary stain

In Cytochrome Oxidase, what color will the spot be if positive?

deep blue or black

are useful in distinguishing between groups of bacteria


# of viable bacterial cells or colony forming units in the original sample (cfu/ml) = # of colonies on the plate X dilution factor / ml of dilution plated

dilution factor

final stage of respiration, the electrons of NADH and FADH2 are fed into

electron transport chain

what stain is red/ rod and green and sphere

endospore staining

highly resistant to hostile physical and chemical conditions, these are a dormant form of the bacterium that allows it to survive sub-optimal environmental conditions, resistant to heat, radiation, disinfectants, and desiccation, they are difficult to eliminate from medical and pharmaceutical materials and are a frequent cause of contamination.Only a few genera of bacteria such as Bacillus and Clostridiumare capable of forming endospores.


produces ATP from glucose without utilizing O2 through a biochemical pathway known as can be described as anaerobic catabolism of glucose.


Escherichia coli is

gram-negative bacilli, single cells, pink

shorter the wavelength

greater resolution

In Simmons citrate agar slant the pH indicator bromothymol blue- Low pH color


grows optimally in high salt concentrations but a halotolerant organism simply survives those conditions but does not grow in them very well.


microbes that grow in high salt concentrations


solution that has higher solute concentration than the inside of a cell


A solution that has lower solute concentration than the inside of a cell


As the resolution decreases

images blend and the objects are indistinguishable from one another.

spread the cells from the mixed culture over the surface of an agar plate.

inoculation loop

distance between the pupils of the eyes.

interpupillary distance

adjusts the amount light that hits the specimen

iris diaphragm

water concentration is equal inside and outside of the cell and there is no net movement of water


lower the magnification power

larger the working distance

Solutions with a high concentration of H+ ions have low concentration of OH- ions

low pH acidic

specimen is placed to hold the object being viewed

mechanical stage

The material that microbiologists use to grow microorganisms


If the organism produced acids through mixed-acid fermentation of the glucose, the pH indicator will turn

medium red

Microbes that grow best at intermediate temperatures, between 20C and 40C,


microbes that grow best in low concentrations of oxygen


Contains 2 or more different bacteria

mixed culture

Organisms that only grow along the stab line are red pigment only on th stab line


perform a capsule stain

negative stain

Most microbes prefer to grow at pH near neutral


In a negative catalase test, you will see

no bubbles

What happens if the organism does not produce Cytochrome Oxidase? (negative)

no color

mathematical constant that describes the relative efficiency of a lens in bending rays of light.

numerical aperture

lens closest to the specimen

objective lens

killed in the presence of oxygen and can only grow in its absence.

obligate anaerobes

The lens that you look through

ocular lens

f a solution is determined by the concentration of H+ ions and is defined as the negative log to the base 10 of the H+ ion concentration.


keeps an image in focus even when changing from one objective lens to another provided that the object is in the center of the field of view.


1. Malachite green stain is forced into the spore by heating the cells. 2. Vegetative cells are then decolorized with water and stained red/pink with spore safranin counterstain.

perform Endospores stain

organisms that grow optimally at the specific conditions


Neisseria sicca

pink gram-negative

what color indicate lactose fermentation but not as strong

pink, burgundy

Organisms that grow away from the stab, especially those that grow all around the tube, are red pigment NOT isolated to stab line


what is microbial isolation technique that microbes are put into the agar while it is still semi-liquid but not so hot that it kills them.

pour-plate technique

Contains 1 single species of organism

pure culture

contain only one species of microbe

pure culture

In flagella stain, what is peritrichous flagella color and shape?

purple and rode

Bacillus cereus

purple gram-positive

a differential stain which selectively stains external capsules surrounding bacterial cells.

purpose of capsule stain

In an Acid-fast stain, what is mycobacterium segmatis shape and color?

red and rod

What color is the production of acid

red to yellow

After Kovacs reagent is added what is a positive test produces

red, fuchsia

what happens when dye is absorbed into the bacterial cells?

reduced to the insoluble red colored pigment formazan.

used as an indicator of the presence of oxygen.


smallest distance between two nearby objects that can be clearly distinguished and also indicates the diameter of the smallest object that can be clearly seen with that lens system.


resolving power formula

resolving power (RP)= wavelength of light in nm/ 2x numerical aperture

After incubating bacteria in tryptone broth, the reagent is added and if indole is present it reacts to produce a red dye called


used to estimate the number of viable bacterial cells present in the original sample.

serial dilution

bacteria in the original sample are serially diluted by sequentially transferring a constant volume of cells into a constant volume of broth medium. 100ml of cells is then spread onto agar plates and the plates are incubated to allow bacterial colonies to grow.

serial dilution-spread plate technique

two techniques that use agar medium for isolating various species of bacteria from a mixed culture

serial dilutions and streak plate

allow microbiologists to determine cellular morphology (shape), size and cell arrangement.

simple stain

three general types of bacterial staining techniques

simple, differential, structural

The better the resolving power, indicated by

smallest value for RP, the greater the ability of the microscope to produce a very clear image.

useful for determining if the bacteria possess certain important structures such as flagella, capsules and endospores.


Where can liquid (broth) be placed in?

test tubes

The production of acid will be indicated by phenol red, a pH indicator which turns yellow under acidic conditions. The production of gas will be determined by looking for gas bubbles inside a small, inverted tube, called a Durham tube that will be at the bottom of the broth

test unknown microbe

the higher the value for NA

the better the resolution.

Microbes that grow best at relatively high temperatures, between 40c and 90C,


determine the oxygen requirement of your microbe

thioglycollate agar deep

why acid-fast bacteria are resistant to gram-staining.

to the presence of large amount of lipoidal material in their cell wall which prevents the penetration of decolorizing solution.

organisms that can survive those specific conditions but do to grow well or do not grow at all in them.

tolerant or duric

how to calculate total magnification

total magnification = ocular lens x objective lens

e semi-solid motility agar medium contains_____, which is colorless in its oxidized form.

triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC)

distance between the specimen and the objective lens when the lens is focused on the object

working distance

If there was no acid production, the medium will remain_____ after adding methyl-red


acid production with gas red to yellow and bubble/air in durham tube


Acid production without gas change of color from red to yellow and no bubble


no acid production, no gas color remains red and no bubbles


what is ml of dilution plated


P2 pipette =

0.2 and 2 microliters

How to perform acid-fast stain?

1) Carbolfuchsin stain 2) Decolorizing agent 3) Counterstain is methylene blue.

Light can be adjusted in three ways

1) rheostat or dimmer switch 2) adjusting the height of the condenser using the condenser height adjustment knob 3) opening and closing the iris diaphragm with the diaphragm adjustment lever.

What does it mean if p2 is set to 152?

1.52 microliters

what is ml in the original culture


p1000 =

100 and 1000 microliters

0.1 ml =

100 microliters

1 millimeter =

1000 microliters

What object does oil immersion use?


What does it mean if p20 is set to 152?

15.2 microliters

What does it mean if p200 is set to 152?

152 microliters


2 and 20 microliters

p200 =

20 and 200 microliters

final ATP yield from the complete aerobic oxidation of a single molecule of glucose is

32 ATP molecules.

What does it mean if p1000 is set to 052?

520 microliters

microorganisms that use oxygen for their respiration.


perform anaerobic metabolism but they are not killed in the presence of oxygen.

Aerotolerant anaerobes

1) protects your cultures from being contaminated with unwanted organisms and 2) protects you and the environment around you from being contaminated with the microbes that you are working with.

Aseptic technique

what reagents are used in Voges-Proskauer

Barritt's A and B

what stain is- Streptococcus pyogenes

Capsule stain

group of microbial cells growing on a solid surface that is visible to the naked eye


The vegetative cells stain red/pink and the spores stain green.

Endospore stain

What bacteria in lab used for EMB, lactose fermenter pink

Enterobacter aerogenes

What bacteria in lab used for EMB, strong lactose fermenter metallic green

Eschericha coli

capable of both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism

Facultative anaerobes

bacteria are motile, motility allows the bacterium the ability to find nutrients or move away from toxic compounds, consist of a single protein filament with a diameter of about 15 nm.


Proteus mirabilis showing the peritrichous positioning of flagella. Stained light purple.

Flagella stain

is a pigment that fluoresces yellow-green when placed under UV light


first biochemical pathway in the oxidation of glucose, is composed of 10 chemical reactions which convert glucose to pyruvate. The reactions of glycolysis do not directly require oxygen, so they are carried out by aerobic and anaerobic organisms.


What do you use to perform flagella stain

Gram idoine, mordant

What stain is pink/rod or spherical bacteria?

Gram stain -gram negative

what stain is purple stained rod/spherical bacteria

Gram stain -gram positive

second step: mordant is a stabilizer that causes the primary dye to form large crystals in the peptidoglycan meshwork of the cell wall. purple

Gram's iodine, mordant

presence of catalase is detected by adding


Where can solid (agar) be placed?

Petri dish or test tubes

what species will grow in fluoresce yellowish grenn


microbes that can grow best at relatively low temperatures, between 0oC and 20oC.


the colorless gram-negative cells are counterstained with a secondary dye_______, order to make them visible once again. basic dye which stains the cells pink, but________ can only stain cells that are not already stained. Therefore, at the end of the gram-staining procedure, gram-positive cells look purple and gram-negative cells look pink.

Safranin, counterstained

two important ways of making microorganisms visible:

Staining and culturing

gram-positive cocci, irregular clusters, violet

Staphylococcus epidermidis

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