LAL Foreign Words and Phrases

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

mea culpa

I am to blame

veni, vidi, vici

I came, I saw, I conquered

je ne sais quoi

I know not what; an elusive quality

deus ex machina

a contrived device to resolve a situation


a ghostly double or counterpart of a living person

faux pas

a social blunder


an ardent devotee

mano a mano

directly or face to face in a confrontation or conflict

pro bono

done or donated without charge; free


dread and anxiety

coup de grace

finishing blow


forbidden, as by law; prohibited

bona fide

in good faith; genuine

caveat emptor

let the buyer beware

nom de plume

pen name

carpe diem

seize the day

quid pro quo

something for something; an equal exchange

dolce vita

sweet life; the good life percieved as one of physical pleasure and self indulgence

ad nauseam

to a sickening degree

carte blanche

unrestricted power to act on ones own

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